Comprehension Questions: (20 PTS.) : The Iliad The Odyssey

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Name: Allison Mae H.

Ronquillo Date:

Comprehension Questions: (20 pts.)

1. Who are the main characters in the story? (Give 2 to 3 main characters only).
2. Pick one character from your answer in No. 1. How would you describe the character in
the story? Justify your answer based on their words or actions done in the story.
3. Why do you think these characters did what they do?
4. If you were that character, will you do the same? Why? If not, what difference would you
5. What is the theme of the story?

The Iliad The Odyssey

1.Achilles was the son of Thetis and Odysseus the king of Ithica and
Peleus and Patroclus Achilles closest Penelope Odysseus’ wife who has
friend. 108 suitors.
2. He is the king of Phthia. Achilles is Odysseus has been gone about 20 years
the greatest of all Greek warriors. afer the Trojan War. When Odysseus
Achilles have guts on his decision and and his men started theri returning home
action. they encouner dangerous obstacles and
he is the only one left because of his
intelligent and cunning qualities.
3. During the war he really did nit When Odysseus got home he planned
want to fight against to Trojans but to kill the suitors of his wife and also to
when he found out that his dearest regain the control of Ithica. Odysseus
friend Patroclus was killed he did not revealed himself and reunites with his
hesitate anymore and killed Hector. family

4. Well yes, because if I were in that Yes I will do the same thing because no
kind of situation it will be hard for me one would want to be seperated from
to take the death of my loves one.I their family. I will also do everything
valued the lives of those who that I can do just to get home.
important to me.

5. Love because I can feel how Loyalty and Vengeance because

Achilles showed his love for Briseis Penelope was still loyal to his husband
and to his late friend Patroclus. Odysseus even though she thought he
Friendship because of the desicion he was dead already.
made to justify the death of his
beloved friend.

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