Espantapaja Fix

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| CoS ! t Yoleanic Island (Boros Guildgate Band — Gare rAd @ or *, fo those in need Ie promises p pro ld threaten Rare nent controls could produce as a srange morning. When ee azoke Site farina i and a significant amount of sin By co: Add to your mana of eny type that land you control reflect the furure that once ws ast that ean nover bed J Ketia Trion enters the battlefield tapped BE Cyclin 9 (3. Discard tis cord: Dro 2 he landscape than Keira here the er ‘rand up and ‘appe eiAdd # or ¢ stares doa ikea sors ofthe watchful nce of leperia and her laeoage, fi #64 6 PRDBEM, ©, Sacrifice The World es bse Boao et — = Yavimaya, Cradle of Growth Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth Tern) ba field tapped ature type with your commander, sry 1 ES) : Add one mana of don't contra to is owner's han your commander’ col bit much, Ire “Dacriet Cane Instant 8) CARD Burgeoning. } f] Search your library for up t0 ewo lWohencver a8 opponent plays «land, basic land cards, reveal those Hf basic land cards andlor Gate cards, Bb ysticaay pute bad card fom Your put one onto the battefield tapped put them onto the baitiefeld tapped, and one the battefe. Pf tnd the other into your hand, then then shuffle your libeary. shuie ‘The first vine showos the others whore to “The shortest path besceen to points is gro All seed share a common bond, calling i the safest. th your library for up to two basic f} land cards, reveal those cards, put one Search your library for up 10 two ‘onto the battlefield tapped and the Forest cards, put tem onto the other into your hand, then shuffle “The land grows only ewhere the harm Be foros’ constant srugale isto hoop will the spreailing flowstone at ba ~Dosan the Falling Leaf : B} You may play an ational land on At the beginning of your upkeep, your commander's color identity ff each of your vars. flip a coin. Ir you lose the fp, Mana Play with the top card of your library Crype deais 3:damage to you, It started as a mere drop of twater The revealed, Witiee Magic Mirror crystallized iio mich HMIMM Vou may play lands from the top of ‘more your library CARDA ‘Avian Changeling ‘Artifact — Equipment oil ‘Creature — Shapeshifter D canoe geen ae IGiangelng (Tha cent coco a Se eee Gea pe a elites) aps Deane cree Bing {Pete you ow then ser our trary types until end of turn, Taday it fle uth the flock. Tomorrne it ah ed ae (: Target creature loses all creature may eae to find thom gone, ite Body i Ee types until end of rurn, fan fama form ‘Changeling (The cont x voy onanine ype q eas ! fee Dart phave Bilas Macao Changeling ee were becieecla cen copy ofan Changeling Outcast an block and ee oa ne cn ce ese at be cae ‘creature you control from the game. When this #4 except it’s an artifact in addition to its pape eo Seo 5B ‘Changing (Tis card etry crate oe ae sa all mes) ‘pe at all times.) Sete ie eae ieee Ae eee Champion a creature (When this comes Erte yo cnt fre he game When oi gad ofan, Axia tis abi a0 more into plas sacifs it tess you romoes {oer ly cad ref i) et denthertreatare yo cone frm te Tags eon sore el ee My sar itis MS ey it bur game. lh ths lees pls that card Sagan that ich ie) ont Ferurns tps.) (Changeling (This card is vary creanure Seton Ez Se Ba Sa cn BS oie, oa ular Cohort Creature - Shapeshifter ze ‘Changeling (This card is every ersarurof = So ioneetal ae!) Changeling Changeling 1: Ghostly Changeling gets +1/+1 fam When Graveshifter enters the BEE || When irregular Cohort enters the until end of turn. battltield, you may return target battlefield, create a 2/2 colok Peas ieee creature card from your graveyard to ‘Shapeshifter creature token with the shape of fancies, or memories, or By your hand. Changeling. ears Morophon, the Boundless Changeling (This card is every Ferrera, daa creauure type at all times.) ‘battlefield, choose a ure type. entol have base power and {®: Moonglove Changeling gains Spel ofthe cine pe you cast cont Siang gun al ceatre open deqdwtouch unl end of tn eee tes went tk tet re (ivhoneror deals damage 0 0 Snlytie tmoune of eoined mana you pe. | Unaae 5 ier ito ereature destroy thar creature) (One creatures you conto the cosen ic sand tans oe pe {({crcature—shapeshifier $4) Creature — Shapeshifter ‘Changeling (This card every ewe fgpe at all mes.) “Tap an untapped creature you coal: Bee a ose Modicust CHangeing gains ving unt Bee a mana Changeling (This card is eve Phi ean a ‘ype at all snes, hangeling (Thi cards ee 7 an opponent erase, you Though they lack re flesh and bone of. ena changelng fy io a lanen?” their oun, changelings imitate either wth Cal, han Sarmer equal ease the top cand of our bray ‘You may cant creature spel ofthe chosen {ype ftom the tp of your brary. Changeling Deathtouch ‘Tap an untapped Wizard you contol: Draw "Choices bbe to hoe ith he acres of sine an densi hte | snd pre te lan ya sin Lady Asai art Sete isha i every onarure te ‘Whenever you or a permanent you contra th ‘spell oc ability an canter that spl oF Ths cal of the sea shaper mary soe fi This spell costs Wk creature type amon fe effect, fmount of mana th than 3 (Changeling (This card is ope) ble strike Changeling (This card i every creature ‘ype at all tmes,) (Changetings cannot res the drow of a nea shape, eon if deing 50 eoudd be in Their best eres (Other Vampire ereatures you control get 1/41 “Tap five untapped Varn control: Gain control of target tereature, Te Becomes a addition to its other types Sliver creatures you control have flying and haste, ‘Creature — Sliver JJ All Slivers have “e: Add one mana ff of any color” f “Phe land is weary. Even Skyshroud is El depleted. We must find another source of ‘mana-one that is growing despite our toithering toon.” ‘Frevalie ©: Add X mana of any one color to your mana pool, where X is the number of Allies you control. “Leave nothing or erasure. The land Deckons me, and I cannot vet unl my fet have touched every tu of te” Risen Reef or another El baniefiekd under your ci ep cad of your Hay ‘sland card, you may put fe enc the ff Sawctiela appedItyou don't pur the card No, nor eve ashe. I walked acho ‘Shufrng Hui, behconbor ©: Draw a card for each Ally you control. “Fes alvingNbrary. Hl remembers J) cxeryching our band of explorer has sen, ‘and we can use tht to our adeantage.” ‘Zah Gado, Heltnar expedition leader ‘You may have Spark Double enter the battlefield ass copy ofa creature or Dlaneswalker you control, excep it enters ‘with an addidonal +1/=1 courter on it ies. creature, ie enters with an addons! loyalty counter on tities a planeswalker, fd i ist legendary if that permanent is legendary fe: Add @ to your mana poo! for ead J] Biron the battlefield, i Titania rewards all iho honor the forest fy making them a living pare oft |(Lord of the Unreal ) i Ilusion creatures you control get 41/1 and have hexproot. (They cam’ be the targets of spells or abies sour opponents cons) “The dream docs not ened vi say sa" "Whenever Turntimber Ranger of I] another Aliy enters the battlefield ‘under your control, you may put a J) 2/2 green Wolf creature token onto the batdlefield. Ifyou do, puta +1/+1 ‘counter on Turntimber Ranger. Is permanent entering the bated canes a ayo pt alto cascade Sliver spells you cast have cascade. e_— Human ki First strike Other Knight creatures you control get +1/+1 and are indestructible “Ifyou think you are brave enough 10 tual the path of honor, follow me inzo the dragon's den.” —) [As Arcane Adaptation enters the battlefield, choose a creature type Creatures you control are the chosen | type in addition to their other types. The same is true for creature spells you control and creature eards you fown that aren't on the battlefield |: ¢ (da [{txeaary Geanre— Hunan fosue_@) ‘You may have Sakashina of «Thousand Faces ) ofa Teotsond Faces The zen rue" doent apps et ( YH can hat commande bo spell, At the beginning of your next main phase, add an amount of @ equal to that spel’s converted mana cost, Enthasiasm is na match for preparation. type. The sume is true for creature spells sow control and creature cards you own iat aren't on the bated 3, e: Create a 2/2 blue Shapeshifter creature token with changeling. (Iris tery create ype) All Sliver creatures get +1/41 for teach other Sliver on the battlefield Hitkion within the clicking, chinering stearm isa wnigue mind, sill young, but rowing more dteare as time passe Sorcery __9} ‘Search your library for up to four Minotaur creature different names, put them onto the battlefield, then shu‘lie your library Deathbelloe Canyon schoes eth the roars of minotaurs calling each other «9 Ifan artifact or creature entering the battlefield causes a triggered ability of a permanent you control to trigger, that bility triggers an ‘additional time I who listen hear ther nun song, @ ‘unique melody played just for them The Soy Search your lisrary for an artifact or | crchanimment card and revel that card fool! players. Shuffle your sary and put the rovealed card buck on top oft donot tach simply eval.” ‘Dau, emerson ‘Demons prefer 19 deal with those who mnseloes too ete to be fated Scarch your library for up to X cs and put those cards into your band. ‘Then shuile your library. “Phere ae some sever s0 dark no oman inl should ever contain thom Ire” ras, Overlord of Grist Whenever a nontoks the battlefield unde doesn’t have the sa testure you control or creature cad in your graveyard, draw 8 card Simi’ semgds comes from its divers. Whenever an opponent casts a spell, you may draw 2 card unless that player pays 1 Friends teach what you want to knows Enemies teach what you need t0 or whe the chosen type enters the battlefield Jor atacks, draw a card. Few things are ry “lost” a sea. Reveal the top X cards of your library. You may put any number ‘of permanent cards with converted ‘mana cost X of less from among them onto the battlefield. Then put all cards revealed this way that ‘weren't put onto the battlefield into your graveyard sn hs wag from thei gooey the ‘antl Ther’ sme te dares th ar coi oR i oe oo Titans Contact enters the you draw for eas al you fovea ie At the beginning ‘ou conte Tou or are Dera ith Ubterentnaenes ou win the pane Sh sold Yo oa for dar for pce Gh Skee emeed ma oa fa) (Other Scaecroor erat Jou chat et an ‘Whenever another Scarecrow comes ito play under your control, destoy target,

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