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& ap si 8 ACTIVITY SHEET BS NURSING / FOURTH YEAR me” Bautista, Gd C- gon \ Session #7 eeaeeReRSe SE a Se ES ico ja LESSON TITLE: QBGYN NURSING Pals 4 Materiats:’ LEARNING OUTCOME: Upon completion of this lesson, the nursing student can Book, pen and notebook, index card/eless lst 4. Review the nursing care of a family experiencing 2 ‘complication of labor or birth 2. Know the difference between the problems of the passenger and the passage for birth; References: References: Pilitteri, A. (2009). 3. Apply the nursing menagement for mothers who are —_‘Matemal & Child Health Nursing: Care of the experiencing @ complication of labor and delivery Childbearing & Childrearing Family (6" Esition). 4. Detect the problems a woman may encounter during the Lippincott Williams & Wilkins postpartum period. aE Ca LESSON PREVIEW/REVIEW (5 mpinutes) MAIN LESSON (55 minutes) |. Nursing care of @ family experiencing a sudden pregnancy complication Bleeding during pregnancy Preterm labor Preterm rupture of membranes Hypertensive disorciers during pregnancy HELLP syndrome Multiple pregnancy Polyhydramnios Oligohydramnios Postterm pregnancy Rh incompatibiity --se-eacce CHECK FOR UNDERSTANDING (25 minutes) You will answer and rationalize this by yourself. This will be recorded as your quiz. One (1) point will be given to correct answer and another one (1) point for the correct ratio. Superimpositions or erasures in you answerfratio is not allowed. You are given 25 minutes for this activity Multiple Choice 1 A22-year old woman named Riza has been brought into the delivery room and was diagnosed to have tachysystole labor. What wou'd be the characteristic of tachysystole labor? a. Infrequent and brief contractions b. e. Pr ase d._ Uterus can be easily indented by the Tingexip answer: _® RATIO Udine Jars Whe task Moe than J rontaction! per 10 min inkvyal i9 2 rometubve inkewal wi “rman dying bor eaMomarthy wi fe WC 3 labour timwlannd aan 10f6 b Melpresentation c. Anoxie 1d. Malposition eotcenal gels: \ ihe ees ‘ANSWER: 0. See A MalgaoTea atc _botensl wut Bt val sod : a ; hypotonic labor. The pas been diagnosed t0 RAVE anes characteristics? BAzB year old woman named Josefine 9 rom pe free would confim the diagnosis with (he presence of yeconds duration "2 Contractions has more than 90 s B Frequency of contractions are less tha 2 minutes factions is ust - ¢. ‘Thenumber of contract a brong and frequent contractions Se aie Tn 5 nc. veaggh 3 wr gow 9 Shem ANSWER ROTC abot xe fviry octve Sraue O aor « thin incecares AM lena necessary fe_Ocritve er a er ee Se a fez would strongly contribute tothe hypotonic I#L0F of the mother? 4. Which of the following cast a. Nuliparity +b. Pay hydeamovar ‘c. Small for gestational age felus d. Grand multiparty - 0 larger Hoan _wivatl ANSWER’ 0 RATIO: Hypulorit Wabor ea) vceur iO a vies that_v over SHAtCBey) bya anlbple gota SO Scar Tp ahi? Wat br fom and qvingesihh '5_ Inorder for the nurse to prevent the occurrence of the folowing medications? of typotonic labor. tne nurse should avoir excessive use of which a, Oxytocin . Metnergine ©. Sedatives z d. Analgesic answer: _D AE hi garattom occu faving He _ovtive prague of_laboe 4 tend te ou BA Mages Opeciaty) ihe Brive iy_cor _Alated fe 9-4 em Latter the administration 6. During hypotonic tabor the is ca pelt ne ie in distress. When the obstetrician nas performed amniotomy, which of ‘a. Observe for the odor of the amniotic fluid b. Determine the amount of amniotic fluid present - c. Observe for the color of the amniotic fluid =~ d._ Check for the presence of biood in the amniotic fluid ANSWER: _U RATIO he BOT ding Met We eve Ghai Ag: Witt ‘pmeioweny PRoe a Yhe_tulod oF amniohe Tat heck 7“ aS nck Fe The Resta 8 elon ha WAL Labor 4 ear tS au mi EEO Rot? of meconium in the amniotic fuid Presénce Fever and chills 4 Distended bladder ‘ feate + chil, body ache + pain AN! RATION, WER, Som agnecal_syrmtoms that can ingicate infeewion include? {Findustion of labor is unsuccessful and ful dilatation has not occurred when the mother has hypotonic labor the 8 nev! step thal the nurse is going to expect for the obstetrician to de is 2 Prep the mother for caesarean section Use assistive tools such as forceps © Help the mother in the labor through vacuum extraction 6. Perform an episiotomy answer, & ‘ : ‘ 110 _ Wepping Ie motncy for cacsovtar section 13 tne last option fine the other oh ans RAT are ov Yonge Helpfols § bunng an ultrasonogrenby the physician hi siting coss-leaged. vith feet beside the bottom, What is being presented i hi Frank breech incomplete breech Complete breech 1 Faolling breach ‘as noticed that the baby's hips and knees are flexed so that the baby is newer _ & ee a compicle beech #2 when oN the vabyy't Wace Oe wot eat fe WE bie cama Sail -e WAinch af the folowing conditions must the nurse alert to the obstetrician when performing a devery? @ Cord prolapse Rupture of membranes Crowning of head External rotation of the head jour fetal due to cord compression mut de placed in piorthy nig, this vill « following erocedures early in form which of tus is in a breech presentation, the nurse must abo 1 filgen’'s maneuver - b. Episiotomy x * Extemal cephalic version a Fundal push Wap include external tephalic_verion 1 irae 4c _likaited vaginal binily ov son care proveier and is safe ang (easible AACE HE my, congiions EXCEPT a Adequate cfinical palvimetry Complete or tank seach ¢ eo ee eee oan secon for cephalopelvicdisproperisn 2 yeers 290 @. Fens hae a fexed head ae ; ic disproge chon '0_untecgn ANSWER or sanible ira motity who has a previous Ci for eahatopevic_dvprome a yaaital —etiney because Ane biel ondt_f To covtew. cl in 43. During ultresonography the obstetrician has found out thet the fetus is in e complete bree riveree or 28th week age of gestation The doctor will attempt to perform extemal version at what wel the a. 37 weeks b 32weeks cc. 38 weeks 4 20 weeks > ANSWER. _AL RATIO: 14, Caesarean section wil be per‘ormed if the type of breech presented is. a Complete breech b. Frank breect ¢ Double footing breeci d. None of the above ANSWER: _¢ RATIO A C=WeWon well Gi when ane delivery iu the only Option in sua wother War a small gf nana wnere thie it a (OUbIE fouling oreech, at a very lavae eto F aE 18, ina transverse type of posivon, the presenting part is usually One of the should b. Antilac crest c. Ahand d. Any of the above - ANSWER: ___ RATIO. ins Hig ensue Nic, Me _preentation js wvaly the baat or shuvlder, atia cest. 16. This type of presentation is caused by hyper-extension of the fetal head s¢ that neither the occiput nor the sinciput’s "able on vaginal examination a Sincigut bd. Occiput ¢ Transverse a Face fare prscorations iN fetal head J ece ave wiperexiended caving the vctiovt i seonation We fetal ead 4 vece “are “wiper vind ctipvt fo_come_in vabee “hagk 5 Whe Ro WN Wig a tg ttieal ons 17. Which of the following is true with regards to face chin-anterior position type of maipresention? a. Descent and delivery of the head may occur The fully extended head is blocked by the sacrum which prevents descent and labor is arrested ~ +, Labor progress is slowed with slowed descent of the fetal head 5 4. Fetus lies horizontally in the pelvis so thal the longest fetal axis is perpendicular to that of the mother ANSWER: _B 2 RATIO Face g@ientaton can be delivertd vaginally uniy if the fetus _is_in_meniv® garerioe pasitio® put O_peintiont mania quAcig® ordemtation gn lication fot C-section. 48. Which of the following medical procedures is avoided during a face presentation? ‘a. Augmentation of labor with oxytocin ; Caesarean section Delivery by forceps Vacuum extraction answer: _7 . ; RATIO, TOR Alivecsy “iy aveided dving a fat_yreirntati on 0 awid injuy ' infant 19. When assessing for the well-being of the fetus the nurse must monitor wich of the following if the fetus is malpresented? ‘a. Vital signs of the mother b. Fetal heart beat © Maternal contractions. Maternal respirations ait Wat Neale ohumyy br outed be oly manitor H Me fel in 720. Kiara the mother who is already prolonged in labor says to the nurse, “This is hopeless; | really can't do # ‘anymore. I'm so much frustrated * Which of the following nursing responses is most therapeutic ‘a. “The doctor is doing everything she can in order to help you get past this labor.” b. "Would you opt to be placed in a caesarean section instead? +e. “itmust be hard for you to be experiencing this, But let's think positive and be patient, you can stil do this.” "We'll see other options that we can do in order to augment this labor nal you are experiencing, ANSWER: _C a RATIO:__This_e@sponve thows _svppot to fe mother. cae Help dye mother A deliver er Belay only: & el

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