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Secrets and Lies Pt.

He let her cry on his shoulder. She needed to take her pent up anxiety of the past
few days out on someone, and in this case, the victim was him.

After her crying had subsided, he looked down at her. Cupping her cheek into his
hand, he spoke.

"Theresa," Ethan sighed, "I know you're angry at Gwen. I don't blame you,
considering the circumstances...but taking her child away? The only child that she
had, biologically? The same child that up until a few days ago, was led to believe she
was dead?

"That's not the way to go, Theresa. Do you really want to subject Sarah to the same
thing that Jane had to endure all those years ago?

"I don't blame you for being angry with her. She's not my favorite person in this
town, either...but suing for custody of Sarah? That's not the answer, Theresa. You
know it's won't resolve things. The bitterness, the tension; it's not healthy for the
children. If anything, it will just make the situation worse. Gwen will revert back to
her former ways. I'm not saying you are going to be best pals or anything, but do
you really want the fighting to resume?"

Jared started to wake up... he reached for Gwen, and saw her... he saw her kissing
Fox... then he flatlined. Now he is in a coma and Dr Graham isn't even sure that he
is gonna pull through this time. I will not let her do this Ethan... He was going to
Propose!! he asked my permission to use some of our money to buy her the perfect
engagement ring, and she did THIS, RIGHT in front of him. I wont allow her to hurt
Sarah the way she hurt him, the way she hurt me all those years... the way she hurt

"You may loathe Gwen, Theresa..." Ethan sighed before he continued, "But I don't
think she would intentionally hurt Jared. If she really wanted to make him feel pain,
why would she have told him about Sarah being their daughter? It gave him such
great joy, Theresa, to know that they had a child together.

"Don't you think you're putting a little too much stock into this? You may want to
place all the blame on Gwen, but I don't believe for a moment that my brother is an
innocent party in all this.

"Haven't you seen the way he looks at her, the way he smiles at her? Fox is in love
with Gwen, Theresa. While I don't care to understand it, I know him. He doesn't
want to lose; he won't allow himself to lose. Fox can be selfish, to say the least, so I
won't put him above coming in between Gwen & Jared so that he can have her for
himself. It's not unlike him to do so.

"If you want me to file for custody of Sarah, I will, Theresa. However, know this. I
don't agree with it. You & I may hate Gwen for what she's done to us, but I may no
precedent to the fact that I believe Sarah should be with her mother...Gwen."

Theresa could not believe her ears, he was DEFENDING GWEN, AGAIN!!
" So Ethan it was OK for you and Gwen to take MY daughter away, as her father and
her step mother, and for Gwen to even Deny me ACCESS all those years, but for me
to act in Sarah's best interests, instead of having social services take her away... to
have her live in the mansion with Nicki and Marty, the ONLY family she has ever
known... THAT isn't in her best interest? to leave her with Gwen... the woman who
was all but ready to abandon her last night... who TOLD Jared that she should live in
the mansion with he and I... Her FATHER and her STEP MOTHER ... I... I cant believe
we are even having this conversation. All these years... ALL These YEARS Ethan I
thought that when you saw her true colours you would see... you would Finally take
MY side... but she was right, all along she was right... you will never leave her, you
will never stop defending her, and she will always win when it comes to you... well
NO MORE!" she screamed "I will NOT subject myself to playing second fiddle to that
BITCH anymore!!" She pulled away from Ethan and Stormed through Gwen's door...

"AND YOU!!" she bellowed not sure whether she was yelling at Gwen or Fox, when
she realized they had been sleeping all curled up on Gwen's bed, until she had burst
in. "ALL those years Fox, I thought you were my friend, I thought you were Jared's
friend!! you knew she loved him... you knew he loved her!! did you KNOW he was
going to propose?? and that I gave him the money to buy the ring, because I
thought that FINALLY we could all be happy... but no, the two of you had to be
selfish enough to break his heart in his OWN ROOM??" she turned her attention now,
to the vile excuse for a human being that all the men in this town seemed to be
drawn to " HOW does it feel Gwen?" she screeched " to know that the 'Love of your
life' " the words dripped with venom from her lips " that the 'love of your LIFE is in a
coma, perhaps permanently... because he saw YOU kiss another man and lost all will
to live. I hope that you are all happy, I do, because unlike the heartless wonder
here, while MY husband is in a coma, I am going to do everything possible to save
his life, even if it means Fighting with everything Crane that I have... you thought
Alistair was bad? you haven't SEEN bad. Fox, call Anya and arrange to pick up your
things when I am not there, you are no longer welcome in MY home" and she
stormed out... pushing her way past Ethan and down the hall to the Elevator... she
needed to find a new lawyer if Ethan was not going to help her. And she didn't want
him helping her out of some misguided sense of Pity, or worse yet... obligation

"Gwen, Fox. I'm sorry." Ethan apologized before he stormed out to find Theresa.

He dashed to the elevator, pushing it open to reveal Theresa. She was enraged. Not just at him,

"What, pray tell, was that supposed to solve?" He asked. "Yelling at Gwen & Fox? Do you really
think it's going to change things? You need to calm down, Theresa. Your anger, your rage at both
Gwen & Fox isn't going to resolve Jared's situation. Besides, do you really think he'd approve of you
taking Sarah away from Gwen permanently?

"This isn't just about the adults in this anymore, Theresa. It's about Sarah. It's about what's best
for a girl who has been forced to remain in exile from her parents for years. Whether you like it or
not, Gwen is what's best for Sarah. Gwen deserves to be a part of that child's life, regardless of
your feelings for her mother."

Just like I deserved to be a part of MY daughter's life Ethan... but Gwen took her...
YOU TOOK her, and now we find out... that she wasn't even YOURS to take. Do what
you want Ethan, Help me or don't, but I AM doing what is best for that little girl and
if you dont believe me... FIND JANE... ask her about all the talks we have had... ASK
HER about the fact that I had just launched another custody suit at HER request,
because she didnt WANT Gwen as a Mother anymore and wanted to be home with
ME, her MOTHER!!... But Gwen is the Best thing for any child... MINE and HERS is
that what you are saying Ethan? that I am not good enough to be a mother?? Little
Ethan... MY son might disagree with you. But if that is how you feel... then maybe I
am not good enough to be with you Either!" with that she turned her back, indicating
to him that although she had to be in the confines of the elevator with him, that
didnt mean that she had to continue this discussion. He felt she was being
unreasonable... she felt she was justified, and if this to him was unreasonable? he
had seen nothing yet

D@mnit, son of a..." Dr. Phil held his bloody nose, not realizing the camera was on. Security
guards were on the stage, holding various people back, including Nichole.

"Pssst, Phil, we're on." Larry whispered.

"Oh.." Dr. Phil put on a smile. "We're back with the very dysfunctional people of Harmony. We had
a slight confrontation during the commercial break."

"Slight?" Larry smirked. Dr. Phil nudged his side.

"Anyways." Larry got himself together. "Here's what happened during the break." The giant tv
screen in the background began to roll the footage...

"Hey everyone, what has two boobs, loves a duck, and has a forehead you could write a map on?"
Ethan asked in the audience.

"That does it! You're going down pretty boy!" Jared yelled and jumped off of the stage, attacking
Ethan immediately.

"Who said I was talking about you?" Ethan laughed while taking a swing at Jared. Their brawl was
halted by the sound of Jared's shirt ripping. Everyone in the audience gasped in shock.

"He does have manboobs!" Ivy managed to say through the tape around her mouth. Yes, she was
still tied up and gagged.

"Leave me alone!" Jared ran backstage, crying.

"Ethan! Leave Jared alone! He's done nothing to you! I love him! So why don't you just stick your
head where the sun doesn't shine?" Gwen warned.

"Hey! What about me?" Fox asked.

"Umm...I love you too Fox." Gwen said nervously.

"Liar!" Whit was about to attack Gwen but security held her back.

"Ha!" Gwen stuck her tongue out at Whitney.

"That's ok Whit! I've got your back!" Theresa shouted from the audience. She picked up a folded
chair and threw it on the stage towards Gwen. Instead, it hit Dr. Phil.

"Ow!" He screamed. Security let go of Whitney and ran over to help Dr. Phil. Whit saw this as
ample opportunity and leaped into the air. In slow motion she literally flew in the air and landed on
Gwen, attacking on impact. It looked like something out of the Matrix almost. Fox watched in
horror and sighed deeply.

"I hate to see you go like this Gwen..."

"Then do something!" She shouted back.

"Well...I'll try..." Fox was about to try to pull Whitney away but Nichole jumped on his back, her
arms around his neck.

"Oh no you don't daddy!"

"Nichole! Get off of me!" Fox went around in a circle. He stopped when it dawned on him. "I
remembered your name!"

"See that Phil, we're making progress." Larry smiled. Dr. Phil rolled his eyes, still holding his bloody
nose. "Oh go to hell."

The television screen in the background went off and everyone was now seated in a more calm
manner, including Jared although he was crying with tissues in his hands.

"So Fox, you do remember who your daughter is?" Larry asked.

"Yeah. Nichole. Of course." Fox shrugged as if it was nothing new.

"Ok..." Dr. Phil trailed off. "Anyways, we wanted to get to the bottom of the problem here and
decided to look at the true source: Harmony's water supply."

"Yes and after extensive research we have discovered that it is indeed the water in Harmony that
has caused all of your problems." Larry added.

"Even my manboobs?" Jared asked with a glimmer of hope.

"Sorry buddy. The water didn't have a d@mn thing to do with that." Dr. Phil chuckled as Jared
broke down crying again.

"With the help of my good friend and boss Oprah, we are going to give the town of Harmony an
entirely new water system and hope that it solves these problems. That's all for today. See you
next time on Dr. Phil."

"And watch my show too!" Larry Winger chirped in.

Theresa, not everything is as black & white as you'd like to imagine it to be." Ethan
sighed, as she continued to stand still, her back facing him. "I really thought we'd
resolved the issue of Jane's custody battle years ago, when you and I agreed to
share custody of her.

"Not to mention the fact that I didn't know that there was even a remote possibility
that Jane wasn't my child. You never made any mention to the fact that she was my

"I never said that Gwen was the best person to be a mother, Theresa! She's done
some horrible things to us, I admit that. She isn't perfect, and she knows this. You
may think I'm defending her, but I'm not. I'm trying to protect Sarah, a child that for
fifteen years, I was led to believe was my own. Don't you think that Sarah deserves
to make this decision on her own? To take her away from the parents she's just
recently been reunited with...that's cruel, Theresa. Gwen may not be above that sort
of vindictive attitude, but you are. I know you are."

His words stung her worse than any others could "Gwen may not be above that sort
of vindictive attitude, but you are. I know you are." why couldnt he understand that
she wasnt trying to hurt Sarah, on the contrary she was trying to help her... to make
sure that she was raised by Jared, the most loving and wonderfully doting father,
and herself, and Ethan, if they ever mended their fences... not by Gwen, who didnt
have a selfless bone in her body, who put her vindictiveness and hatred for Theresa
ahead of Janes best interests for years. and Fox... A man who's only foray into
parenthood was the threesome that Kay and Miguel included him in. 'come ON you
stupid elevator' she thought 'mental note to self FIRST thing in the morning donate
money to the hospital for new elevators' steeling herself against the tears that were
threatening to fall, Theresa responded in as cold a tone as she could muster.

"Im not doing this to be vindictive, Mr Winthrop. I am doing this for my Husband and
his daughter. And if you as an attorney do not wish to represent me then I will find
someone else who is willing to take the case" Relieved that they had finally reached
the Ground floor... Theresa eagerly waited for the doors to open. "If that is all, then I
wish you a good night" and she started out the door.

Fox, call Anya and arrange to pick up your things when I am not there, you are no longer welcome
in MY home Fox felt the tears well up in his eyes. HIS home. The home where he had spent happy
times with his mother and Julian. Where he has grown up. Where he had spent what he had
thought were happy times with his wife Kay. Where he and Theresa had shared many a discussion
about life and love by the fire as good friends do. There had been the family get togethers (which
were always the talk of Harmony) and the Christmas dinners that they all enjoyed. The laughter
and the love of a he was exiled from.

He felt the sobs started from the pits of his stomach. He tried to take some deep breaths to stop
them. He could not break down...Gwen had been dealt a blow as well...he had to be there for her.
He took he her hand as she still laid against him. He felt comfort in her against him...almost as if
this was the only thing right in his world at the moment.

He felt the river of tears start. He could not control his emotions anymore the harder he tried...the
stronger they came. He had to get away...he could not let Gwen see him like

He got up to try and leave and he felt Gwens arms wrap around his neck. He looked down at her,
tears in his eyes. "Let me go Gwen...I have cost you too much" he said to her huskily. He felt her
arms tighten around his neck and pull him closer "shhh " she soothed him

Then in an instant a waterfall of emotion devoured him. All the hurt from Kay, the hurt from
whitney came pouring forth he confessed all the sins he had done over the past 24 hrs. all
spilled out "and then there are the feelings I have for you Gwen. I love you...I have for years. I
want to make you happy. I love you. I keep trying to push that emotion down but it keeps bubbling
up and getting me into trouble." WIth that he pulled Gwen close and sobbed into her shoulder.

I'm not doing this to be vindictive, Mr Winthrop. I am doing this for my Husband and
his daughter. And if you as an attorney do not wish to represent me then I will find
someone else who is willing to take the case. If that is all, then I wish you a good

"So, that's what it's come down to, is it?" Ethan spoke as he followed her out of the
elevator. "We've been reduced to formalities, have we? This isn't about Jared,
Theresa, and it sure as hell isn't about Sarah's well-being. This is about Gwen, about
wanting her to suffer as much as she's made you've suffer for over the past decade.

"If you would just look at the situation itself and not as penance for what Gwen has would see that the ideal situation is for Sarah to remain in constant
contact with her mother. That will not change, Theresa. You're condemming Sarah to
Hell...the same hell you endured by not having Jane as a permanent fixture in your
life. Do you really want that? Do you really expect me to be forgiving and
understanding about this whole situation when even I can put my resentment for
Gwen aside to realize that her being a constant in her daughter's life is the best
resolve possible?"

"Tell me Ethan... WHEN did I say that Gwen would never see her daughter??
WHEN?? because all I said was I wanted custody papers drawn up... EVEN
TEMPORARY custody papers, so that social services didnt take her away. YOU made
the assumption that I was as cold hearted and vindictive as Gwen... YOU Ethan...
because after all these years of telling me you love me, and that it is my warmth and
my heart and my Passion that keep you coming back to me, you think I am capable
of being JUST LIKE GWEN!!" Theresa noticed that people were staring now, and she
lowered her voice to barely a growl "I would never keep a child away from their
mother, not even a BITCH like Gwen... and if you think that little of me, then that
shows me where your loyalties really lie. Go back you your wife Ethan... and your
cozy little loveless marriage... If Fox will leave your wife's side that is... I have to go
and Find a lawyer who wont send this child to social services out of some misguided
need to protect someone who doesnt need protecting!" and with that she stormed
outside where she could use her phone in peace.

We're not finished," Ethan spoke, following her outside. "Not even close. Do you
really think that social services would take Sarah away, place her in foster care?
She's practically an adult, Theresa. Not to mention the fact that her parents are well
respected member's of Harmony's general society.

"I never said you were as cold hearted as her! I said that you were above those
pretenses, if you recall. Theresa, I don't want to fight with you. I don't want Gwen &
Jared's personal life to carry over into ours, which is what's happening. I'm not doing
this. If you want to file for custody of Sarah, fine. I can't stop you...but I'm not going
to be around for this. I'm not going to watch a girl who I thought was my own be
saddled with this guilt.

"So, go ahead. Call Woody, call whoever you want...but don't expect me to be here
to watch this. I won't do it. I refuse to."

Watching her stare at him defiantly, Ethan knew he was defending a lost cause.
Glancing at her one final time, he turned back the way he had came, disappearing
into the hospital corridors

Theresa watched him walk away, pushing down the twinge of remorse she felt in her
gut. She was not the heartless conniving bitch he took her for. but he had given her
an idea... "Woody" she said aloud, a man she has not thought of in ages. She picked
up the phone and called information she knew it was late, but she also knew that
this was a man who would do anything at any time, for the right price...

Having gotten the number, and dialled it as quickly as she could, Theresa listened to
the monotonous tones of the phone ringing... on the third ring a Groggy voice


"Woody? Theresa Crane. I need a favour and I need it fast"

"Well Theresa, I am delighted, excited and surpris-ed at your early morning phone
call, but a call from you is always good for business, how can i help my all time
favourite client"

Theresa explained to him everything she needed, and he agreed to have the papers
on Reillys desk by 7 am that morning. relieved Theresa decided to go in and Check
on Jared. Walking into the hospital, she looked around to make sure Ethan wasn't
within hollering distance, she wasnt in the mood for round three. She made her way
down the hall and into Jareds room. sleeping in the chair beside his bed, was her
son. in an instant all her anger melted away, seeing her son keeping vigil at his step
fathers bedside. They may not have always had the best relationship, but she knew
that he cared. She grabbed an extra blanket out of the small cupboard in the corner
of the room, and draped it across her son, kissing his forehead, and whispering to
him, "thank you for being here when I couldn't, I am sure it meant the world to

Pulling up the chair on the other side of the bed, Theresa took Jared's hand and
kissed it.

" Im so sorry Jared, for everything. I am sorry that things didnt work out like you
wanted with Gwen. and I am sorry I wasnt here when you needed me to be. but I
Promise you that I will be there for Sarah. Woody has agreed to help out in filing the
papers, and Reilly is going to enforce them first thing in the morning Reilly is going
to call me and I am to take Sarah and meet him in his chambers, for now it will just
be temporary custody while you and Gwen are in the hospital, nothing harsh, but I
will promise you that if you dont pull through this... I will make everyone who
crossed you pay. You are a good Man Jared, who never did anything to hurt me, you
only wanted what was best for me and my children, and I dragged you into all this
drama that encircles me, some days I hate myself for what my life has become, and
for what I did to you.

"I hope that by reuniting your family, I can take back some of that hurt, and I know
you dont feel you have anything to fight for right now Jared, but I hope you will fight
for me... and if not for me, for your daughters, for Emily, because she loves you so
much, and for Sarah... she deserves to get to know her father. and ... fight for Gwen
too. Just because I want to rip her bleach blonde hair out by its black roots, doesnt
mean that you dont still love her, and I understand that, even with all his faults, and
his inability to see things for what they really are, I still do love Ethan... So Fight for
us Jared, for me, For Emily, For Sarah... and For Gwen, because who knows... if Fate
can bring Ethan back to me... maybe it will bring Gwen back to you..."

She lay her head down on her arm... still holding Jared's hand, and lay there thinking
about how things had gone so wrong in 48 hours.

He watched her from the corner of the waiting room, anticipating her next move. He
knew from the moment she returned, her intention was to check on her husband.

It still annoyed him to the core. While he knew that he & Gwen were over, doubts
about Theresa's marriage to Jared continued to haunt him.

Was he really so wrong to ask her to put Sarah's well being first? Was he really the
cold hearted snake she'd once claimed him to be.

Slowly approaching Jared's room, he trembled. Was it really his place to go barging
in on them?

So Fight for us Jared, for me, For Emily, For Sarah...

Ethan backed away, shock marred on his face. Those words...she wasn't going to get
past this.

Theresa was going to stay with Jared, regardless of their current predicament.

Ethan never heard Theresa finish her monologue. He never heard her confess to
Jared that she was still desperately in love with Ethan.

Instead, Ethan continued along his guided path. A scotch would do him well...

The phone Ringing in Jared's room startled her awake, and she picked it up quickly,
it might be Woody...

"Hello?" she said somewhat Groggily. "Oh Sheridan! I'm sorry i should have called,
you're right, yes ... no... " and she proceeded to tell her sister in law the entire
events of the day, including the part about Jared being in a coma, and the fact that
she blamed Gwen and Fox, and how she and Ethan had fought over it. She told
Sheridan that she was pretty sure that Ethan wanted nothing more to do with her,
and that it was tearing her up inside, but that she had to stick to her guns, that she
wasn't going to let social services take Sarah away, and she CERTAINLY wasn't going
to let Rebecca get her hands on the girl, but that Ethan just didn't understand, and
how he thought that she was out to steal Sarah the way Gwen had stolen Jane.
Tears streamed down her face as she realized that the love of her life, thought her
no better than that low down bitch who had ruined their lives. Hearing the words of
support from her friend made everything seem better. Sheridan convinced Theresa
that she needed to get out of the hospital even just for a few hours, and since the
family had taken the blue note back from Liz, and opened it round the clock, that
seemed the most likely place to meet. Theresa agreed to meet her there, but told
her that she needed to make just two stops before she could.

Hanging up, she felt a surge of hope that maybe all was not lost for her and Ethan,
after all if anyone could make him see the truth it was Sheridan, the two had
remained so close for so long. She leaned down and kissed Jared's Cheek, telling him
she would be back in the morning, and walked across the room to her sleeping son.
Thank goodness she had ensured that the room had at least one of the reclining
chairs. She carefully reclined it, and kissed his forehead, and left the room as quietly
as she could.

Walking down the silent hallway she stopped in Nicki's room. She wanted to check in
and make sure she was OK. The Nurse who had just finished checking her vitals
assured Theresa that she would be fine.

Sitting at her bedside, Theresa brushed aside a lock of the girls hair. It was uncanny
how much she looked like her mother. How could Theresa not have seen it the other
night? she recalled hearing the alarm in the pool house, and seeing Bradley wrestling
with a young girl who was trying frantically to get loose. She couldn't help but

" You my dear are going to be a handful." she whispered

Nichole whimpered in her sleep "Don't touch me... Gwen's butt... Crap.. stink... "
Theresa couldn't fathom what the girl was dreaming about, but if it had to do with
Gwen, she had better wake her, rather than plague the girl with the nightmare... she
Gently touched the Girls shoulder and gave it a gentle nudge, Nicki bolted up and
Hollered " Dad Don't marry that DUCK!!"

Theresa couldn't help herself and started to laugh, she wrapped her arms tightly
around the young girl and settled her back onto her pillow... "Easy now Nicki... you
dont want to strain yourself, we need you out of here as soon as possible"

AND YOU!! ALL those years Fox, I thought you were my friend, I thought you were
Jared's friend!! you knew she loved him... you knew he loved her!! did you KNOW he
was going to propose?? and that I gave him the money to buy the ring, because I
thought that FINALLY we could all be happy... but no, the two of you had to be
selfish enough to break his heart in his OWN ROOM? . . . HOW does it feel Gwen? To
know that the 'Love of your LIFE is in a coma, perhaps permanently... because he
saw YOU kiss another man and lost all will to live. I hope that you are all happy, I
do, because unlike the heartless wonder here, while MY husband is in a coma, I am
going to do everything possible to save his life, even if it means Fighting with
everything Crane that I have... you thought Alistair was bad? you haven't SEEN
bad . . .

Gwen valuted awake at the sound of her door being thrown open. Seeing Theresa
tear into her hospital room with all the righteous indignation of an Ancient Greek
Goddess, Gwen tried to slink back farther into the bedframe. Running into something
hard behind her, she realized that it was Fox. Oh My God . . . this doesn't look good.
But before Gwen could open her mouth, Theresa opened hers and let loose a torrent
of molten hot lava. Like Mount Vesuvius erupting, Theresa railed at both of them.
Clearing her sleep-addled brain, Gwen felt the poison of Theresa's words wash over
her soul. Unable to defend herself, Gwen sat there and took every vile utterance that
Theresa threw at her. Every harsh remark ripped one more gash into Gwen's already
shredded heart and conscience.

Noticing Fox's suddenly still body behind her, Gwen felt her ire raise. After
everything she had done, Gwen was incapable of defending herself. Defending Fox
on the other hand . . . well, that was another matter. This is NOT Fox's fault! He's
been through a lot in the past two days, and he doesn't deserve to be treated like
this. How dare Theresa kick him out of his ancestoral home?! Taking a breath to
begin battle with her nemesis, Gwen was stunned to see Theresa sweep out of her
room as quickly as she had appeared. Feeling the anger whip out of her sails at
Theresa's swift departure, Gwen glanced at Ethan who murmured a quick apology on
his true love's behalf as he took off after her. Watching him go, Gwen once again
found it completely ironic that for once she didn't care that her husband was chasing
after Theresa . . . again.

Letting out a sigh as the adrenaline seeped out of her, Gwen leaned back only to be
reminded of the man behind her once more. Fox seemed frozen, as if he were
reliving moments from his life. Then Fox started taking several deep breaths, as if he
was staving off a panic attack. Gwen felt her heart go out to him. Fox's torment and
guilt over everything that had happened in the last two days was obvious. Feeling
Fox grab her hand, Gwen hoped that she could be the good friend to him that he had
been to her through all this mess. Sensing that Fox was dangerously close to losing
control over his usually guarded emotions, Gwen knew what she had to do. As Fox
tried to get up, to move away from her and hide his hurt, Gwen turned around so
that she was sitting in his lap. Throwing her arms around Fox's neck, Gwen silently
communicated that she wasn't going to leave him alone to his misery.

Let me go Gwen...I have cost you too much . . . Gazing at his anguished filled face
and hearing the emotionally laden words, Gwen almost cried for him. Fox was too
good of a person not to feel incredibly guilty over everything that had happened. And
the fact that he was choosing to take all the responsibility for what happened,
instead of blaming her like everyone else did totally baffled Gwen. Determined not to
let Fox beat himself up for another minute, Gwen tightened her grip and refused to
let him go. This isn't your fault, Fox. It's mine . . . she thought as she consoled him.

Suddenly Fox started talking a mile a minute; He brokenly talked about his failed
marriage to Kay, his sorrow and anger at Whitney and the relationship that never
was . . . and then he said something that Gwen never would have imagined . . . and
then there are the feelings I have for you Gwen. I love you...I have for years. I want
to make you happy. I love you . . . As Fox broke down and sobbed into her shoulder,
Gwen put her body on auto-pilot. Comforting Fox as he let all of his pent-up emotion
out, Gwen's mind raced as she frantically tried to get the pieces to add up.

Fox loves me? He has loved me for years? I don't understand . . . As Gwen
continued to whisper words of reassurance, she struggled to comprehend what was
going on. All right, I know that he kissed me twice today . . . at least I think it was
only twice . . . but before that he has never given me the slightest inclination that he
felt anything for me beyond our friendship . . . right?

Afraid that Fox would sense the change in her demeanor and start torturing himself
all over again, Gwen pushed the thoughts from her mind. Aware of Fox's slowly
diminishing anguish, Gwen wondered what else she could do to help him. Nichole!
That's it! It would do him a world of good to see her. Just the thing to cheer him up
and make him see that all of the things that have changed in the past forty-eight
hours weren't awful. Sitting back slightly to look at his tear-patterned face, Gwen
had the strangest urge to kiss them away. Whoa . . . this is too weird . . . I definitely
need some alone time to figure out what the heck is going on with me. After all, this
morning I was convinced that Jared was the only man for me; And then all of the
sudden Fox shows up at the hospital, he kisses me and now I have the compulsion
to kiss another man's tears away? What in God's name is wrong with me?!

Smiling to hide her inner agony, Gwen said "Fox, I know things seem bleak right
now, especially with what Theresa just said and did. But not everything that has
changed in the past two days was for the worse . . . after all it brought you not one,
but two beautiful daughters. Just like it brought Sarah back to me. Why don't you go
down and spend some time with Nichole? I know it will make you feel better. When I
met her earlier today, she seemed like a fun and energetic young lady. I have no
doubt that she'll be as happy to see you as you are to see her."

Consious that Fox was debating leaving her alone, Gwen moved over to the other
side of the bed and gave him a playful push off. "I mean it. Go and spend some time
with your daughter, Fox. I'm sure she's wondering where you are. I'll be fine, I
promise . . . I'm Gwen Hotchkiss remember? I can handle anything."

Seeing a slight smirk cross Fox's face as he reluctantly agreed and moved toward the
door, Gwen kept the supportive smile on her own face until she heard the door
completely close behind him. Her expression dropping like a ton of bricks, Gwen let
out a sad sigh. What have I done? I'm in love with Jared . . . right? I've been in love
with Jared all these years. How can things change in one day . . . one moment? I am
so confused . . . Mother! That's it! I'll call my mother. Maybe she can help me make
sense of all this . . .

Picking up the hospital telephone, Gwen dialed her mother's cellphone number.
Surprised when Rebecca actually answered it, Gwen asked. "Mother? It's Gwen. Did
you pick up Sarah yet? Where are you guys? Everything is falling apart here at the
hospital . . . "

FOX? Gwen, what on earth are you thinking? Another Crane? While I admire your
chops in being able to seduce two men from your sickbed, honey, please think. It is
too late to pick up Sarah now, and I'm sorry for that. I have um...a couple of
errands to run and I will see you soon and talk some sense into you.

Hearing the phone click, Gwen just stared at it for a minute. Replaying her mother's
words in her mind, Gwen mulled over what Rebecca had said. Seducing two men
from my sick bed? Only my mother would see the disaster of the past twenty four
hours as a romantic opportunity on my part. And as far as Fox is concerned . . .
Gwen sighed as she ran a hand through her incredibly dishevled hair. It wasn't like
she had planned for this to happen. In fact, if anyone had told her all of this
yesterday morning, she would have laughed in their face. Because there was simply
no way that Fox could be in love with her . . . and then there are the feelings I have
for you Gwen. I love you...I have for years. I want to make you happy. I love you.

Hearing Fox's confession ring through her head, Gwen closed her eyes. How did I not
see it? If Fox meant what he said . . . that he's loved me all these years when he
was married to Kay, how did I not take notice of it? Gwen argued with herself. Oh I
don't know . . . maybe because you were so caught up in trying to keep your ill-
fated marriage to Ethan alive that you didn't have the time or energy to notice much
of anything going on around you . . . the other voice argued back.

But regardless of how Fox feels, it shouldn't change anything. I'm in love with Jared.
I have been in love with Jared all this time. And that shouldn't change just because
Fox kissed me . . . so then why do I feel like everything's changed? Why is my future
not obvious anymore? And what about those dreams I've been having? Am I losing
my mind? Gwen glanced around her darkened room and debated whether or not to
go to sleep. By the time I get to sleep, Mother will probably be here and besides with
the strange dreams I've been having lately, maybe it's best if I stay up for a while.
Turning her head to gaze out the window, Gwen caught a faint glimpse of a twinkle
outside. Deciding she was tired of being a complete invalid, Gwen forced her unused
muscles to work and gingerly stood up by her bed. Taking a moment to gain her
balance and equilibrium, Gwen shifted her legs to try and get some more feeling in
them. Shuffling slowly over to the window, Gwen opened it up and let the cool
Autumn breeze waft over her.
Staring out at the clear night sky that hovered above the deserted hospital courtyard
overlooking her room, Gwen wondered how in the span of a few hours things which
were once crystal clear could become so blurry. Wishing that somehow she could get
some guidance . . . some sign to show her which part of her mind/heart to listen
to . . . Gwen furiously shook her head. God I do need help . . . I'm starting to sound
like Theresa

Fox ran his hand through his grossly desheveled hair and thought wow I must look
like something the cat dragged in He tried to straighten his crumpled shirt and
smooth out his equally crumpled pants. He decided it was no use. He walked across
the room promising himself when he explained ot Nicki what was going on he would
go home and change and maybe grab a few winks in a bed....

Home...where was that exactly? Not at the mansion. Not anymore anyways. He
made a mental note to call the Harmony Inn and the B&B to see if they had
vacancies for him The B&B he thought to himself sadly at least that feels like a home

He had realized through this that he really needed to find a place to call home. A real
home. WIth a fence and a front yard. Not something that was under Theresa's
control. He needed a place where he could live with Nichole...if she chose to live with
him. She would probably choose Theresa based on all the things that she would have
there plus the fact that the kids she grew up with. That would leave him alone during
the week but that was ok. HE could find something to do he was sure. Work will
become my saving grace during those times he thought to himself sadly.

He looked at his daughter and smiled to her brightly. "Honey we have to talk" he
said to her seriously "its about you, me, your aunt Theresa and where we live 'he
started. WIth that he began to tell Nichole the whole story as to why he will be living
at the B&B.
Let me get this straight...Aunt Theresa put you out because you like Gwen? First of
all, I knew it! Dude, I totally called you out on liking Gwen..." Nicki shook her head.
"You were in such denial. Anyway, don't worry about the being put out crap. I'm sure
we'll find somewhere to stay." By the expression on his face, Nichole knew he was
taken back by her words. We. Not him but we.

"I know you didn't think I was going to stay with Aunt Theresa? I mean unless you
want me to. But if you don't want me to stay with her, I'm going with you. We're in
this together dude. Like peanut butter and jelly...Ham and cheese...Coke and rum.
Not that I know anything about that but I've heard of it...Umm...Cher and Sonny?
Nah, I'm too short to be Cher and you're too tall to be Sonny and they got a
divorce...Ok, how about pancakes and syrup? Yeah, that works. We're all we've got
dad. Well there's Jane and Miles too but you get my point. It's better than nothing.
You don't see peanut butter turning it's back on jelly do you?" Nichole motioned him
over towards her. Once he was close enough, Nicki wrapped her arms around his
neck and planted a big kiss on his cheek. "I love you dad. No matter if we're staying
in the mansion or a cardboard box."
Gwen had been staring out at the starfilled sky for what had seemed like an eternity,
searching for an answer about her confusing emotions. . . I don't understand what
Theresa sees in this . . . I still have NO clue what to do. Oh well, so much for
fate . . . Stretching her stiff muscles, Gwen wondered what on earth she was going
to do now. Maybe I can call down and find out about Jared, I'm sure Fox is busy
taking care of Nichole. Besides, he looked exhausted . . . I can't ask him to run all
over trying to find out about Jared for me.

Slowly walking over to the phone, Gwen dialed the nurses desk and asked for Kathy,
the nurse who Theresa had assigned to give Gwen hourly updates on Jared's
condition. "Hi, it's Gwen Win...Hotchkiss. I'm just calling to check on Jared Casey's
condition. Is there any change? Is he going to be all right?"

There was a pause on the other end of the line and then Kathy started talking in a
hesistant voice. I'm sorry Ms. Winthrop, but I can't give you that information . . .

Gwen stared at the phone in confusion. "I don't understand . . . I thought you were
supposed to give me updates on Mr. Casey's condition whenever I asked for it. Why
can't you tell me now?"

The silence grew even more uncomfortable as the nurse replied in a sympathetic
voice. "I know I was supposed to report to you Mrs. Winthrop. But Dr. Graham, who
is in charge of Mr. Casey's case, has insisted that all information regarding his
condition be classified confidential. Immediate family only...I'm sorry Ms. Winthrop."

The blood draining out of her face, Gwen's guilt consumed her. "Is he dead? Please,
just tell me if he's okay..." The nurse sighed and answered. "I can tell you that Mr.
Casey is stabilized for the moment...but beyond that I'm afraid I can't give you any
more information." There was another pause and then the nurse added, " I also have
to inform you Ms. Winthrop that Mr. Casey is allowed to have no visitors until futher
notice excepting his wife and children of course. I'm very sorry, Goodnight Ms.
Winthrop . . . "

Feeling her eyes start to water, Gwen hung up the phone and looked at the bed.
Although she was beaten up and emotionally exhausted, Gwen still couldn't make
herself get back into it. Never one to just lie around, Gwen wandered back over to
the window. Staring out at the vast stillness, Gwen wondered if anything would ever
make sense again. Hearing a noise in the courtyard below, Gwen looked down and
saw someone walking in the shadows. Having the strangest sense of Dejavu, Gwen
peered through the darkness to make out who it was.

Without warning the person stopped, almost as if they had realized they were being
watched. Aware of a shiver creeping over her body, Gwen watched transfixed as the
person moved out of the shadows and stood below her window. His blond hair
shining in the moonlight, Gwen felt her breath catch as Fox glanced up at her. Aware
of those stubborn tears pricking the back of her eyelids, Gwen blinked several times
to keep them from falling. She knew that if Fox saw them, he would stop what he
was doing and come back up to make sure she was alright. From what Gwen could
tell, Fox had been heading out to the parking lot. He looks dead on his feet . . . she
thought to herself. He needs to get some sleep, he doesn't need to be picking up the
pieces of your life. Since when do you need to lean on anyone?

Gwen thought about that for a moment. It was true that she had had Ethan to
support her all these years, but most of that was on the surface. Deep down she had
always felt alone, probably because she knew that emotionally she and Ethan just
weren't there for each other. But at least Ethan had Theresa to comfort him all this
time. Whereas Gwen had just pushed those feelings of self-doubt and despair inside
and covered them up with a cold demeanor and a haughty attitude. Unfortunately
the catastrophic events over the past forty-eight hours had destroyed all those self-
imposed defenses and Gwen had no idea how to begin reconstructing them.

Returning Fox's gaze, Gwen gave him what she hoped was her most convincing smile
and softly waved goodnight. I have taken up enough of his time . . . He has his own
family to think about now. I've gotten along all these years without having anyone to
lean on, I can do it now. But seeing Fox's reassuring eyes staring back up at her, all
Gwen wanted to do was cry out for him not to leave. To come back, hold her and tell
her that even though everything seemed like total chaos now, it would be all right . .
. somehow, someway it would all work out for the best in the end. Biting her lower
lip to keep the errant words from escaping of their own will, Gwen forced her smile
to remain in place.

Seeing Fox give her one last quizzical look, as if he were waiting for her to say
something, Gwen drew blood in an effort to keep the words from spilling out. Finally,
Fox waved back, gave her one last tired smile, and turned to continue toward the
parking lot. Gwen released the hold she had on her emotions as she focused on Fox
descending into the shadows once more. Unable to hold the tears of guilt,
frustration, and . . . what was that . . . could it be . . . longing?, Gwen felt fat tears
pour down her cheeks once more.

Returning her gaze to the empty room, Gwen decided that no matter how tired she
was she couldn't sleep in that bed tonight. Shuffling the few steps to the reclining
lounger in her hospital room, Gwen used every ounce of strength she had in her
surgery-weakened body to scoot it over to the window. Grabbing a blanket and
pillow off the bed, Gwen curled up in the over-stuffed chair and put her legs up.
Noticing that the sky was starting to lighten, Gwen thought to herself how long this
day had been. How much had happened and changed in the past twenty four hours,
let alone everything that happened the day before. Blowing her nose lightly, Gwen
turned on her side toward the window and away from the door. Hoping that the
dawn would bring a better day, Gwen allowed the oblivion of sleep to take over . . .

Whitney sent the driver on his way. "No need to wait for me I will be staying for a

She made her way first to Nichole's room. She looked at her beautiful daughter lying
there "I'm so sorry darling. I will never leave you again. What could have possessed
me to leave you to begin with? I don't even know you yet I have loved you your
whole life. You know, I love your Dad with all of my heart. I am staying Nicki, I will
fight for what you and Miles should have and that is a family."

She turned around and made a mental promise to her daughter 'The person
responsible for this will pay, I promise. And she is about to meet the piper right now

With that she made her way to room 229.

Walking into the room she noticed immediately that Gwen was in the lounging chair.
She looked at the woman who had made her best friends life a living hell for many
years with disgust. "Not my family! Its what you do best, isn't it Gwennie?
Destroying the people you claim to love. Well, I have a bit of news for you dear, Fox
is off limits. So, any ideas you may be entertaining, forget them. Concentrate on
your latest victim, you know the one I speak of. Yet, another man that has become
part of your vegetable garden." Bending a little lower and getting right next to
Gwen's ear she whispered "You see Gwen, it's best you stick to eating your veggies
and not trying to produce them. It's not working out for you! Leave Fox alone. I am
back and he is mine. The best thing for you to do is learning to tend to your
vegetable garden!" With that she left the room and made her way to Miles' room.
She had to leave asap, entertaining thoughts of sexual reassignment making its way
into Gwen's chart kept coming forth.

She walked into Miles' room, gave hime a kiss and whispered "Mommy's here! I am
never leaving you again. For now though I need to go sit with your sister! I love

She walked back into Nichole's room and lay on the cot she had asked the nurse to
bring in. She got as close as she could do her daughters hospital bed and fell asleep
holding Nichole's hand.

Pain. coursing through every inch of his body, he felt pain. Surprisingly the pain was
a good feeling, pain meant he wasnt dead. 'why did i worry about being dead?' he
wondered but the answer would not come. He tried to will his eyes open but they
were so heavy, his nose was itchy. but when he tried to raise his arms they wouldnt
move. he started to panic, Why do i hurt? why cant i move? Why cant i Open my

"BP is Rising, and so is brain wave activity, he's coming out of the coma, . Shhhh Mr
Casey calm down please calm down, take a few deep breaths, and try to control your
anxiety. If you can calm down we can remove the restraints, and we can give you
some medication for the pain. I need 25 of morphine please" she hollered to
someone other than him " Mr Casey i am going to remove the restraints now, but
you have to stay calm. " he felt something loosening from around his wrists, and
then felt her gently peel the tape from his eyes. " We had to put the tape there, so
that your eyes didnt dry out from being open too long Mr Casey. You didnt need a
ventilator because you were breathing on your own, but you were in a coma, we
dont know why, and we dont know how you came out of it either, but we sure are
glad. we didnt know how long you would be under. "

"what hap.."

"Shhhh dont try to talk Mr Casey, in good time someone will explain everything to

Jared nodded slowly. He felt as if his whole body was moving in slow motion. He
couldnt wait to see Tess ,he slowly turned his head, and saw Ethan Martin, his step
son sitting vigil by his bedside. a feeling of love and warmth for the boy flooded him,
he had always loved Ethan like his own, especially since Julian hadn't bothered to
give him the time of day, not since Theresa had won the custody suit. He had
immediately filed for legal adoption, amking them a family, Officially on their
wedding day. their wedding, God he loved that thought, he was married to the most
beautiful woman in the world, and she had looked like an angel that day, and she
had grown more and more enchanting by the moment ever since, no one in his past
could even remotely compare to the love he had for Tess. But where was Tess? He
started to panic again, what if she was hurt? or worse? What had happened to him,
why was he here? and where was his wife? he wanted to ask all these questions but
he didnt have the strength. "Tess..." he said and he fell back asleep

Fox strolled through the crisp August air breathing it in as he walked through the
court yard of the hospital to his car. His body was yearning…no begging for a bed to
fall into. His body was completely exhausted but his mind would not slow down.

He looked up at the sky I wonder if wishing on a star would help he thought to

himself. He remembered being at boarding school and wishing on many stars that
his parents would come and get him. Alas it never happened but he still remembers
good times in the home that he now is no longer allowed to reside in.

He stepped out further from the shadows so that he was now in the moonlight. He
looked around at the garden that was basking in the light of the moon. He suddenly
felt that there was someone watching him. He looked up and saw Gwen in her
window. Standing there looking so frail, so weak so alone. He chuckled to himself
when he thought back to the old Shakespearean play Romeo and Juliet. Two lovers
torn apart due to family discord. This situation he was in with Gwen was not much
different. He was being turfed from his family home due to being in love with Gwen.

He saw Gwen wave and smile at him. He knew instantly that she was hurting and all
alone in that room. He wanted so desperately to go in there to be with her. To lay
with her. To hold her. To make all her feelings of sadness and worthlessness
disappear. He almost turned to walk back into the hospital. A voice at the back of his
head reminded him that he needed to shower and rest or he was soon going to be no
good to anyone. He looked at her worriedly “I will call her when I get settled at the
B&B He took one glance around him and walked to where his car was.

He reached into his pocket and pulled out his key chain. He inlocked the door and sat
down in the lush leather interior. He turned on the ignition and headed out of the
parking lot. Yawning deeply he flipped on the radio to help him stay awake and pull
his thoughts away from the hospital and his daughter and Gwen.

If I don’t need you then why am I crying on my bed?

If I don’t need you then why does your name resound in my head?
If you’re not for me then why does this distance maim my life?
If you’re not for me then why do I dream of you as my wife?
I don’t know why you’re so far away
But I know that this much is true
We’ll make it through
And I hope you are the one I share my life with
And I wish that you could be the one I die with
And I pray in you’re the one I build my home with
I hope I love you all my life

He heard this lyrics floating through his car and his thoughts were catapulted back to
Gwen. She looked so lonely so scared. It reminded him of when he first realized he
had feelings for Gwen.

When they all thought that Sarah had died he remembered that Gwen and Ethan
were on the outs at that time. He realized then what a special lady Gwen was. She
and Fox had had many late night discussions when neither of them could sleep about
Theresa and Ethan, Whitney and Chad and although it was never directly said, about
not being the first person in their signifigant others mind.

He realized then how Ethans actions were slowly killing Gwen. He became angry that
his brother would treat someone like Gwen that way. No one deserves that
treatment no matter what they have done in the past. Everyone deserves to be loved
for who they are. Everyone makes mistakes and they will be punished accordingly. It
was not up to him to judge her on her past indescretions As he comforted Gwen he
realized that his feelings had turned to more than friendship. He was truly attracted
to the woman he saw inside. The one that he saw was hurting and vunerable. She
had built a house of hopes and dreams with Ethan and she had no idea how to
survive without that.

He pulled into the B&B and parked his car. He opened his door and stepped out into
the twilight. The sun was about to rise and he was no closer to sleeping then he had
been when he first woke that morning. He walked into the B&B and greeted the
young woman behind the desk. She handed him a key and led him to his room.
There he was greeted by his personal items all packed up for him in 3 large
suitcases. He walked over and opened the first one sifting through his clothes in
search of some pajamas.

He pulled out a pair of blue pajama bottoms and out of the pocket fell a silver charm
bracelet with 6 small charms on it. He had held this bracelet so often he knew every
contour every groove. He knew which charms fit where and how. He remembered
the day he found this bracelet too.

Fox had been walking through Harmony park enjoying the evening air and the
children frolicking on the equipment. He and Kay had had a bit of a falling out and he
was feeling a little put out at the time. He sat down on the park bench and watched
the water flowing over the fountain and let himself get lost in thoughts of nothing.
He had not realized so much time had passed. He looked around and everyone was
gone. Everyone but a blond woman sitting in the benches in front of him. He looked
and saw it was Gwen. She looked distraught. Horrified is more accurate he had
thought to himself. He stood up and stretched his legs. He noticed that she did not
even notice him. Did not even look up till he walked over to him and he had said her
name softly. She looked at him, her eyes haunted with grief. He sat down beside
her, took her hand and said nothing. He had learned in their friendship that if Gwen
wanted to talk she would talk. If not he would just be there for support and comfort.
Sometimes that is all a friend needs to do. Not looking at all at him. She had said in
a low voice that she had done something horrific. Inexcusable. That if anyone ever
found out what she had done she would never be forgiven. She would lose everyone
close to her. She couldn’t ever risk that. She loved Ethan and Jane far too much she
would never lose another child. She couldn’t handle that.

Fox came back from his reverie and looked at the bracelet that was in his hand, He
put it on his night side table and headed into the bathroom for a shower.
While he waited for the water to warm up his mind wandered to that fateful night
once again.
Fox took her by the shoulders and gently turned her so that she was facing him. He
looked deep into her blue orbes There he saw sadness and regret. He said to her
softly but sternly. I will NEVER turn my back on you Gwen. Never. We are friends
and I do not take that lightly. With that he leaned back against the bench and put
his arm lightly across Gwens shoulders. He heard her ask him softly Why Fox? Why
are you being so kind and considerate when for all you know I committed a horrific
crime and here you are being kind and thoughtful to me. Fox pulled her close to him
and said to her that no matter what she has done the fact that she is regretful and
remorseful shows him that she realizes that she was wrong. He draped his arm
around her to pull her in close. She leaned against him and he felt her start to sob.
He stroked her blonde locks and held her close to him. He felt her lean against his
chest and let out the regret and disappointment in herself out. He held her close for
as long as she wanted just stroking her hair and murmuring reassurances. When she
was done, he dried her tears and told her everything would be alright, he was there
now. She shook her head sadly and said nothing. He stood by the bench and
watched her leave. She turned around once to give a small wave and left. After she
had left, Fox turned around and saw something glittering in the moonlight. He
reached down and found the bracelet that had been on Gwens wrist. He put it in his
pocket and walked for home

He stepped out of the bathroom in his pajama bottoms. He saw the bed had been
turned down revealing the crisp white linens under the hunter green comforter. He
smiled as he slid into it. How many times he has done this very thing, slipped into
bed with this bracelet close to him. He had tried on numerous occasions to return it.
She had never asked him about it. So he kept it vowing to return it to her at some
point. He yawned as he noticed the sun was starting to stream into his window. He
looked at the clock on his bedside table and saw it was 6am. He reached over for the
phone and dialed a number. “Hello. This is Mr. Crane I would like to be connected to
Ms. Hotchkiss’s room”

Man, it's hot in here . . . Gwen thought to herself as she looked around the crowded
ballroom. Smoothing out the layers of her emerald dress, Gwen could feel dozens of
eyes looking at her. Putting that icy demeanor up, Gwen raised her head and glanced
around the ballroom with a cool smile firmly in place. It seemed as if everyone in
Harmony was there . . . and nary a friendly face among them. The expressions
staring back at her ranged from disgust to outright hatred. Refusing to allow her
facade to chip, Gwen returned their condemning looks with her head high. You don't
need them Gwen. You don't need anyone . . .

The music ended and as people turned to applaud the musicians, Gwen saw her
chance and ducked out the glass doors. Breathing in the fresh air, Gwen wandered
over to the edge of the terrace. Putting her hands on the railing, Gwen looked out
over the peaceful victorian garden and let her thoughts drift. "It didn't have to be
like this . . . " came the quiet voice behind her.

Whirling around, Gwen saw Jared standing there. His face and voice a mixture of
sadness, anger, and hurt Jared continued, "We were going to have a chance to end
this, Gwen. A chance to help heal all of the hurt that everyone has endured for the
past 15 years. Things could have been so different..." Taking a step toward him,
Gwen pleaded. "Jared, let me explain..."

Throwing his hands out to impede her progress, Jared argued. "No, Gwen. You've
made your choice. And it wasn't me...again. I just hope you're ready for the day
when Fox decides that you aren't worth all this trouble and heads back to Whitney,
the woman he really loves. Because this time, I won't be there to pick up the
pieces. I've let you hurt me enough for one lifetime."

Tears glistening in her eyes, Gwen begged. "Jared, listen to me. I do love you! I
have loved you for years! Nothing's changed!" Dropping his hands, Jared took the
final step between them. Reaching out to cup her cheek, Jared wiped an errant tear
with his fingertip. "I think you really believe that Gwen. But deep down, we both
know that's not true. If it was, if I was the only man in your heart, you would have
never let Fox kiss you. You are not that kind of woman. Removing his hand from her
face and shoving them in his pockets, Jared sighed before continuing. "Looking back
on it... I can see how it happened. I haven't been able to be around you since I
married Theresa. I was determined to be a good and faithful husband and you were
too much of a temptation. I knew that you and Fox were friends...I guess I just
didn't realize how close you two had gotten. Maybe if I had..." Jared broke off as he
ran his hand through his hair. "I guess I thought that you were waiting for me all
this I was for you. But instead you were falling in love with Fox all these
years . . . " Jared finished as he turned to walk away.

"That's not how it happened!" Gwen shouted, taking a step after him. "Actually...that
is exactly how it happened..." came another voice from the other side of the terrace.
Spinning around, Gwen saw Fox quietly standing a few feet away. Stunned, Gwen
stared at him for a minute before snapping her head back only to find Jared had
disappeared. Returning her attention to Fox, Gwen watched him slowly walk toward

I know that it's not what either of us intended, Gwen. But over the years our
friendship has turned into something more. And now that our marriages are over, we
can finally have a chance to be happy. Truly happy. But you have to acknowledge
your have to deal with them. I've been waiting for years for you to
realize what's happened between us." Grabbing her hands, Fox looked at her with a
sense of urgency. And now I need you admit them to yourself...before its too late...

"What are you talking about?" Gwen asked, a hint of fear in her own voice at losing
something she never knew she had. "What do you mean before its too late?"

"He's talking about me..." Gwen turned in the direction of the sound and was
shocked to see Whitney standing there. Dressed in a violet gown, Whitney put her
hands on her hips as she sauntered over to Gwen. "Cause if you think I'm going to
let you come in and destroy MY family, you've got another thing coming."

Gwen looked over to Fox for support, only to find he had vanished into the night. The
spacious terrace suddenly seemed cramped and Gwen moved back toward the raling
to put some space between her and Whitney. "I didn't destroy your family!" Gwen
shouted back. "You did that all on your own. It's not MY fault that Fox doesn't trust
you...YOU were the one that lied to him repeatedly." Whitney threw her head back
and laughed, "That's rich! Coming from the woman who lies constantly! Please...the
bottom line is that I'm back and Fox loves me. Yes, he's angry with me right now
and probably hurt as well but he'll come around. Why? Because he's going to realize
what everyone else in this town already knows..." Whitney paused for a minute as
she leaned in close to Gwen. "You're not worth never were. Now listen
closely because I'm only going to say this one more time. Stay away from
Fox...he's mine. We are going to be a family with our daughter. And maybe one day,
we'll have some more know Fox has always wanted a big family. And
that's definitely something you can't give him..." she finished with a smirk.

Ignoring the jab of pain at that last remark, Gwen stood up and fought back. "And
what if I don't want to leave Fox alone? What if he doesn't want to leave me alone?
You have been gone for twelve years, Whitney. A lot changes in that time. Feelings
change, people can't just snap your fingers and have everything back
to the way it used to be before you left. When you could have had Fox back in an
instant by simply batting your eyelashes. Fox has been through a lot...where have
you been? Cause I've been right here when Fox has needed me. So why should I just
give him up now?"

"Because if you don't...I'll make you pay. I'm going to get my family back, no matter
what." came the deadly serious reply. Gulping back the thread of fear that raced
through her body at Whitney's last words, Gwen smirked. "You can't hurt me. Just go
away and leave me alone. Fox will decide what he wants. Now if you'll excuse me..."
Gwen finished as she started to move back to the ballroom.

Feeling an arm grab her and pull her back, Gwen saw Whitney's black eyes coldly
staring at her. "Don't say I didn't warn you..." And with that, Whitney pushed Gwen
sending her careening over the terrace railing.


Gwen shot up in her chair. Her eyes wide with fear, Gwen hastily searched the room
but it was empty. It was all a dream. Whitney wasn't here... Gwen told herself as she
tried to get her rapid breathing under control. Jumping at a sudden ringing sound,
Gwen scolded herself when her brain finally recognized that it was just the phone.
Tenatively unfolding herself from the chair, Gwen winced at the pain. Hobbling over
to the bed, Gwen sat down on the side before warily picking up the receiver. "Hello?
Fox smiled as he heard her voice in his ear "Hey Gwen" he said to her stilfling a
yawn "How are you doing hun?"
He listened as she breathed a sigh of relief trying unsuccessfully to hide it from him.
He heard the panic seeping away from her voice. " everything ok? Do you
want to talk about it? Did something happen there since I left" he asked her

Hey Gwen . . . How are you doing hun? Gwen felt a ridiculous urge to cry at the
sound of Fox's voice on the other end of the phone. Still agitated from the
nightmare, Gwen took a couple of deep breaths in an attempt to get her frazzled
nerves under control. Try as she might, she kept looking around the room to make
sure that it was empty. Like a little kid afraid of the bogeyman, she chided herself.

Hearing Fox's concerned voice at the end of the line, she knew she hadn't been able
to hide her apprehension. everything ok? Do you want to talk about it? Did
something happen there since I left . . . For a moment, Gwen wanted to just blurt
out everything that had happened . . . or that she had dreamed happened, but
quickly reconsidered. Tell me you're not going to worry Fox over a dream! she told
herself. You are fine, nothing has happened. No one was here . . . it was just a
dream. Now don't worry Fox, he has enough to deal with right now. He doesn't need
to have to worry about you as well.

Trying to put on her most convincing facade, Gwen answered. "I'm fine, Fox . . .
really. I just had a nightmare. You know how those dreams are, they seem so real."
Chuckling half-heartedly to prove her point, Gwen instantly had a flashback of
something...someone was in her room, leaning over her while she slept...telling her
she had better stay away from Fox if she knew what was good for her... Whitney!
"Oh My God..." Gwen gasped before she realized that words were actually coming
out of her mouth. That can't be true, Gwen told herself. Whitney hasn't been here
since you were admitted. You're just imagining things again. Must be the painkillers .
. . Hearing Fox's alarmed voice come over the other end, Gwen hastily covered up
her words. "I'm sorry Fox. I thought I saw a spider on the wall, but it was only my
imagination. I'm fine, don't worry about me. How are you? You sound exhausted..."
I'm sorry Fox. I thought I saw a spider on the wall, but it was only my imagination.
I'm fine, don't worry about me. How are you? You sound exhausted..." To tired to
argue with her Fox accepted that excuse although something did not sit right with
him "Ya. I am exhausted Gwen. I think I will call Nichole and then head off to bed"
he said to her. "I will be by later on today and don't argue cause you know I will just
show up" he teased her "talk to you later on"

Ya. I am exhausted Gwen. I think I will call Nichole and then head off to bed . . .
Hearing Fox accept her excuse, Gwen breathed a sigh of relief. She didn't like
keeping things from Fox, but then again since it was all in her imagination she wasn't
really hiding anything...right? Sweeping her legs onto the bed, Gwen relaxed against
the hard hospital matress as she heard Fox's reassuring voice continue.

I will be by later on today and don't argue cause you know I will just show up . . .
talk to you later on . . . Gwen smiled at how well Fox knew her. She would have
definitely argued that he didn't need to bother coming to see her again. After all, it's
not like she could do anything or go anywhere. Whispering "Sweet Dreams..." as Fox
hung up the phone, Gwen couldn't help but notice how she immediately felt more
alone. This is ludicrous! You have always been strong enough to stand on your own.
Nothing has changed simply because Fox kissed you... Unwilling to deal with the part
of her that immediately started to argue with those thoughts, Gwen decided to try to
sleep one more time.

Settling herself in the white sheets, Gwen tried to her close eyes but everytime she
did she saw Whitney's face hovering over her. Not my family! Its what you do best,
isn't it Gwennie? Destroying the people you claim to love. Well, I have a bit of news
for you dear, Fox is off limits. So, any ideas you may be entertaining, forget them . .
. Hearing the door to her room open, Gwen sat up and yelped as the nurse walked

" Mrs. Wint...I mean, Ms. Hotchkiss are you okay? Why are screaming?
Embarrassment coloring her cheeks, Gwen stammered. "I'm sorry, you startled me.
I'm fine, just a little on edge this morning."

The nurse came closer and and started talking as she recorded Gwen's vitals. "You
know it's not good for you to be so run down, Ms. Hotchkiss. If you keep going like
this, you could develop complications and then you'll be in here even longer. Is that
what you want?"

Shaking her head, Gwen replied. "No, of course not."

"Well then, the first thing you need to do is get some rest." Leaving the room briefly,
the nurse returned with two cups. Handing Gwen the first one, she explained. "This
has all your meds in it, plus something extra to help you sleep." Gwen looked
dubiously at the various colored pills, but remembering the nurse's warning
swallowed it without complaint. As the nurse finished taking all of her vitals, Gwen
felt the powerful sedative kick in. Yawning as her eyes started to blink rapidly in an
attempt to stay awake, the nurse pulled a blanket up over Gwen's shoulders and
smiled. "There you go. I'm sure you'll feel better after you get some rest...

And with that the nurse quietly left the room, making sure to close the window, pull
the shades, and turn off all the lights. As Gwen felt sleep ovewhelm her, a part of her
tried to fight off the ever-beckoning darkness. Now listen closely because I'm only
going to say this one more time. Stay away from Fox...he's mine. We are going to
be a family with our daughter. Yes, he's angry with me right now and probably hurt
as well but he'll come around. Why? Because he's going to realize what everyone
else in this town already knows... You're not worth never were ... Hearing
Whitney's confident voice resound in her head, Gwen worked to stem the sense of
panic building within her. Using her last bit of strength, she scanned the room one
more time wishing she had a lock on her door. Laying back down, Gwen felt her
eyelids droop again. Powerless to stop the strong medication from working, Gwen
had no choice but to be pulled once more into her dreams.

She was whistling...Gwen couldn't believe it, but she was actually whistling along
with the radio as she smoothly drove her car along Harmony’s streets. This morning
she had woken up to the bright sunshine with an epiphany. After all the confusion,
heartache, and pain of the past she finally realized what she wanted. What she
needed in her life, or rather who she needed in her life. And she couldn't wait to tell
him. Fox . . . Gwen thought to herself as she pulled onto his street. Noticing Fox’s
car in the driveway, Gwen's heart skipped a beat. He's here! she thought excitedly.
She had been in such a hurry to tell him the good news, she hadn't even called to
make sure Fox was home. Parking her car, Gwen quickly jumped out and hurried to
the front door.

Noticing it was open, Gwen cautiously knocked as she stepped inside. "Fox? Fox, it's
me Gwen. I need to talk to you. It's important . . ." she called out as she stepped
into the foyer. Hearing voices down the hallway, Gwen turned and followed the
sound. A sense of dread combined with her joy and excitement as she slowly moved
down the plush walkway. I hope he’s all right . . . Gwen thought to herself nervously.
Approaching the master bedroom, Gwen smiled as she heard a low, sexy laugh.
Fox . . . Quickly straightening her clothing and running a hand through her hand,
Gwen lightly knocked on the door. Surprised when it fell open, Gwen started talking
as she entered the room. "Fox? It's Gwen. I'm so glad you're here. I can’t wait to tell
you . . . " Gwen stopped in mid-sentence as her eyes took in the scene before her.
There was Fox, clothed in a robe and he was kissing and clinging to a scantily clad
woman with lush ebony hair. Whitney . . . Gwen's mind processed as she felt all the
color drain from her face. The pair were so caught up in their rapture, it took several
seconds before either of them realized that they were no longer alone.

As Whitney broke free from Fox's embrace, she turned to look at Gwen with a smug
expression. "Oh look dear, we have company, " she informed Fox who was still
nuzzling on her ear. Fox glanced up and a look of confusion crossed his face for an
instant but it was quickly replaced with a polite smile. "Oh...Hi Gwen. What are you
doing here?"

Leave. Leave now, Gwen. Make an excuse, turn around and leave, Gwen's mind
screamed. But somehow her feet wouldn't obey. No! You are not just letting Fox go.
He told you he loves you. Maybe he just needs to hear that you return his feelings.
So, you are not running away. You are going to tell him how you feel. Fox deserves
to know! the other part of her mind argued. Lost in confusion, Gwen heard Whitney's
sarcastic inquiry. "Well Gwen? Can we help you with something? In case you couldn't
tell, we were kinda busy before you showed up. Could whatever this is wait?"

Seeing the other woman's superior expression, Gwen gritted her teeth. "I'm sorry for
disturbing you. The front door was open. And actually…No, it can't wait." Gwen
answered taking a small measure of satisfaction in Whitney's face as she realized she
wasn't getting rid of Gwen that easily. Redirecting her gaze at Fox, Gwen felt her
heart warm as she spoke. "Fox, can I talk to you? It's important."

Whitney wrapped her arms tighter around Fox's waist as she answered for him.
"Anything you can say to Fox, you can say in front of me. We don't have secrets
from each other anymore. We made that promise when we reunited last
night...didn't we honey?" she purred.

"Re...Reunited?" Gwen stammered. Trying to stem the rising panic, Gwen took a
deep breath. "Fox, I really need to tell you something. It's private . . ." she finished,
giving Whitney a hard look.

Fox looked from Gwen's beseeching face to Whitney's seductive one. Leaning down
to kiss Whitney's forehead, Fox answered without looking at Gwen. "Whitney's right,
Gwen. Whatever you need to tell me, you can say in front of her. I would just tell her
all about it later anyway. We promised never to keep secrets from each other again."
Reaching his hand out, Gwen watched in horror as he adoringly stroked Whitney's
face. "I'm so glad you came back to Harmony. I'm so glad you didn't let me give up
on us. I love you more than life itself, Whitney Russell."

As Fox brought Whitney's lips up to meet his, Gwen couldn't stop from blurting out.
"But you said you loved me!" Color flushing her cheeks as two sets of eyes rested on
her quizzically, Gwen forced herself to continue. "Fox, you said that you . . . I
thought that we . . . "

Fox whispered something in Whitney's ear, and she reluctantly released him.
Casually striding over to Gwen, Fox asked. "Are you talking about that time in the
hospital? Well, I won't deny that I care about you. And who knows? If Whitney
hadn't come back to town, we might have been happy. But Gwen, you have to
realize that Whitney is the love of my life. She always has been. It's true I was hurt
and angry with her, but she's helped me see past that to the undeniable fact that I
love her more than anything in this world." Seeing Gwen's look of distress, Fox
smiled kindly. "I'm sorry Gwen. But if you think about it, it wouldn't have worked out
for us anyway. You would have done something to destroy us in the
always do. Luckily, Whitney helped me see that before I got in too deep."

Pulling him closer to her, Gwen fervently whispered. "No! It wasn't going to be like
that this time. That's what I was coming to tell you. Fox... I love you. I know now
what I want. You...only you. Please say I'm not too late." Feeling Fox take her hand,
Gwen's shattered heart had a brief glimpse of hope. "I have waited so long to hear
you say those words Gwen. Thank you for that." But then Fox released her hand and
Gwen's heart plummeted. "But if it's a choice between you and Whitney..." Fox
paused to look back at Whitney who was smiling invitingly, "it has to be Whitney.
She's the mother of my daughter and more importantly my true love." Fox crept
back over to Whitney and Gwen blinked back the tears as she saw him tenderly kiss
her. Giving Gwen one last look, Fox offered. "Don't worry Gwen, maybe Jared will
take you back . . ."

"Don't count on it!" came a loud proclamation behind. Gwen spun around to see
Jared's resolute face staring at her. "I warned you this would happen," Jared started
in before Gwen could say anything. "I told you that Fox would eventually decide you
weren't worth all the trouble and go back to Whitney. And I also meant it when I said
that I would not be there to pick up the pieces this time." Giving Gwen an 'I told you
so' look, Jared decreed. "You're on your own from now on Gwen. Good luck!" And
with that, Jared vanished into thin air.

Hearing a malicious laugh, Gwen turned around to find Theresa standing to the right
of Fox and Whitney. "How does it feel, Gwen? To have everything you want ripped
from you? To feel deserted and alone when you need someone to lean on? Hurts,
doesn't it? Hehehehe, it's no more than you deserve."

Her eyes popping from her head, Gwen asked. "Theresa?! What are you doing here?"

"Congratulating Fox on coming to his senses!" Theresa quipped, walking over and
giving Fox and Whitney a big hug. "I'm so glad that you saw Gwen for what she
really is." Theresa gushed to Fox. "It’s going to be wonderful to have you, Whitney
and Nichole back at the mansion. Oh, and you guys simply must let me pay for your
wedding. I can't wait!"

Giving her a warm smile in return, Fox answered. "Thank Whitney. She came back
and made me see that I was projecting my feelings for her onto Gwen. That I had
been using Gwen as a substitute for her all this time."

Whitney beamed in return. "I'm so glad that you finally see what everyone else
already knows..." she flicked her eyes to Gwen as she finished "that she is simply
isn’t worth it."

Theresa rubbed her hands together and looked back at Gwen's distraught face.
"Well, now that everything's settled, the only other thing to do is take care of you."

"Take care of me?" Gwen’s voice wobbled as she tried to keep her swirling emotions
under control. There was no way she was crying in front of these people. She
refused to break down and let them see how much they had hurt her. Especially
Fox..."What are you talking about Theresa? Nevermind, I've heard enough for one
day. I'm leaving!" Gwen finished and started to turn toward the door when a pair
arms grabbed her from each side.

"Oh no you're not!" Theresa blithely answered. "Did you actually think that you
weren't going to have to pay for all of your crimes? All those horrible things you've
done to me and my family? Those secrets that were exposed by J.T.? I haven't
forgotten how you sadistically and deliberately destroyed my life, Gwen. And if you
think you're going to get off 'Scot-free'...think again."

Gwen looked on either side of her to see Jared had grabbed one of her arms and
Ethan had a firm grip on the other. As Gwen turned to Jared, he spoke. "Don't even
think about it, Gwen. You lost my support when you treated me like yesterday's
garbage. I loved you and you trampled on my heart not once, but twice. You deserve
everything you get" Jared finished, his voice cold as stone. Gwen hesitantly looked at
Ethan, who responded. "Oh please, Gwen. With everything you have done to can't possibly expect me to defend or help you. I'm totally on Theresa's
side. There are consequences for your actions...and now you have to face them."

"What are you going to do to me?" Gwen asked, her voice laced with fear.

Giving her a look of complete satisfaction, Theresa answered. "We've all talked about
it. And we've come to the conclusion that we should finally do what someone should
have done years ago." Nodding to Jared and Ethan, Gwen felt a gag being placed
over her mouth. Shocked, she didn't even have time to struggle as her hands were
tied behind her back and her feet bound together. Feeling Jared and Ethan lift her off
the ground, Gwen’s eyes bulged in fright as Whitney pronounced. "We're going to
take care of you permanently. Toss her off a building, Boys. At least twelve stories
high...that should do the job."

Screaming through the gag, Gwen eyes caught Fox's gaze. Silently begging him to
help her, Gwen's breath caught as she thought she saw a flicker of recognition in his
love-sick expression. As she watched, Fox leaned down and whispered in Whitney's
ear. Seeing Whitney's petulant face, Gwen's heart leapt. I knew it! He's not going to
let them do this to me. He cares too much for me to let this happen . . . Gwen
thought happily as she saw Whitney consent to whatever Fox had said.

"Wait guys..." Whitney spoke up. "Fox thinks we are being too hard on Gwen."
Whitney trailed her fingers up Fox's handsome face as she cooed. "He's such a
wonderful man. Always feeling for others...even those who don'tdeserve it." she
finished spitefully, looking at Gwen. "But I could never deny him anything. So...only
a six story building, ok? Let it never said that I am not benevolent!" Whitney
finished, dissolving in a fit of laughter. As Fox and Theresa joined in, Gwen felt the
room start to spin. Hearing the trio’s demented laughter resound in her mind,
Gwen’s eyes rolled back in her head as she fainted into unconsciousness . . .

Rebecca tiptoed into her daughter's hospital room. She had been at the Blue Note,
looking to drown her sorrows, but one drink of her soon-to-be ex-son-in-law's poison
had played havoc on her stomach. It was too late to pick up Sarah, but perhaps she
could talk some sense into Gwen.

As she approached the bed, she was startled to see her daughter thrashing under
the blankets. Gwen was talking but it sounded muffled, like someone had gagged
her. The only thing Rebecca could make out was "Nooooooo!"

Rethinking her earlier resolve not to wake Gwen, Rebecca shook her shoulder gently.
"Gwen! Gwennie! Wake up, honey! Wake up!"

Gwen! Gwennie! Wake up, honey! Wake up

Gwen heard a voice calling out to her through the darkness. But as she began to
regain consiousness, the fear and panic returned. Thinking she was still in her
dream, Gwen eyes popped open as she shot up in her bed and screamed, "NOO!"

Feeling someone grab her hand, Gwen tried to focus on the voice that was talking to
her. Fighting through the blind terror, Gwen finally recognized that she was no
longer in Fox's bedroom. She was in a hospital room, and the person holding her
hand wasn't Jared or Ethan ready to throw her off a was Rebecca. Gwen
had never been happier to see her mother in her life.

Taking a deep breath, Gwen squeezed her mother's hand tightly and attempted to
control her nightmare induced terror. It wasn't wasn't real.... she kept
silently repeating to herself. The effects the sedative were still coursing through
Gwen's system so clear thought was difficult. Seeing Rebecca's concern-filled
expression, Gwen started to explain what had scared her.

"Mother...I'm so glad you're here. I was having the craziest nightmare. Fox had gone
back to Whitney and Theresa was having me thrown off a building by Jared and
Ethan. It was awful. I felt so alone..." Shuddering at the crystal clear memory Fox
kissing Whitney in her dream, Gwen felt her eyes start to water involuntarily.
Blinking the unshed tears away, Gwen tried to focus on her mother's face. "What
time is it? Did you have a chance to go and pick up Sarah yet?"

"Gwen, honey," began Rebecca, "do you have any idea what time it is? All good little
girls should be in bed, Gwennie. Which I suppose is why *I* am not!" Rebecca began
to giggle gleefully until Gwen's look of consternation silenced her.

"Gwennie, it was just a dream. But perhaps you should take this as a sign, because
frankly the thought of my daughter involved with yet another Crane, yet another
man who has a history with Theresa, and another man who has a child with Theresa
is nothing short of terrifying. Theresa and Whitney will never allow this, and you're
not in any shape for another battle for a man, you barely survived this last bout!"

Gwen, honey do you have any idea what time it is? All good little girls should be in
bed, Gwennie. Which I suppose is why *I* am not! Gwennie, it was just a dream.
But perhaps you should take this as a sign, because frankly the thought of my
daughter involved with yet another Crane, yet another man who has a history with
Theresa, and another man who has a child with Theresa is nothing short of
terrifying. Theresa and Whitney will never allow this, and you're not in any shape for
another battle for a man, you barely survived this last bout!

Gwen stared at her mother through her drugged-haze. "If I knew what time it was, I
wouldn't have asked you mother. The last thing I remember is that the nurse came
in around 5:00 a.m. to take my vitals and gave me a my medication and a sedative."

Scanning the darkened room to make sure her nightmare had actually disappeared,
Gwen mulled over the rest of what her mother had said. Maybe she's right... Gwen
thought to herself. All the craziness of the past couple of conflicting
feelings, the confusion about what I really want...maybe that's clouded my

Searching her mother's face and demeanor for a hidden agenda, Gwen couldn't find
one. Rebecca seemed genuinely concerned for Gwen's wellbeing. And she was
convinced that Gwen getting involved with Fox was tantamount to disaster. Well, if
your dream is right, it would be... Gwen reasoned silently. Fox seems to genuinely
care for me now...but what if Whitney came back to town? What if Fox has been so
lonely in his marriage to Kay, knowing that she wasn't fully committed to him and
that Whitney wasn't in town, that he transferred those unresolved feelings to our
friendship? And if Whitney came back today...after he gets over the hurt and
mistrust, Fox would realize it and go back to her. And where would that leave you,
Gwen? Alone...again... But then she saw flashes in her mind of how wonderful Fox
had been to her over the years. How he had defended her, protected her, sheltered
her...and then glimpses of Fox kissing her, cherishing her...telling her how he loved
her. How he had always loved her. Was it all a dream? Gwen thought. Which feelings
are real? I am sooo confused...

Releasing her mother's hand and folding her arms in front of her chest, Gwen
thought about how to answer her mother's question. "I understand your concern,
Mother. And you make some really good points. But I think Fox really does care for
me. He has been such a good friend over the years, you know that. And he has been
a lifeline these past twenty-four hours. I don't know what I would have done without
him." Confused beyond belief, Gwen grabbed both of her mother's hands this time.
Looking at her mother with a pleading and trusting expression, Gwen asked for her
advice. "Would it really be such a bad thing...Fox and me?"

Rebecca started to choke on her water. Beating on her chest with her hand she
started to make this peculiar hacking sound...gwahks, gwahks, gwahks....

Taking another swallow of water, she composed herself. "So bad?" Removing one of
her hands from her daughter, she went for the red button, "I am calling the

Seeing her mother's violent reaction to her question, Gwen's eyes widened in shock.
"So bad? I am calling the nurse....."

Grabbing her mother's hand away from the nurse call button, Gwen gave her mother
a annoyed look as she apologized to the nurse who buzzed in. "Sorry, I accidently
pressed the button. Everything's fine." Sending an reprimanding glance at the
woman who sat at her bedside, Gwen chided. "Mother, this is not a toy. The nurses
have a lot to do, they don't need to be in here catering to your whims. And I don't
need a nurse, I'm doing fine. They even mentioned possibly letting me out

Setting the button out of Rebecca's reach, Gwen turned back to the discussion at
hand. "I know that all of this seems sudden and confusing to you mother. Honestly,
it seems that way to me at times. But when Fox kissed seemed...I felt..."
Gwen broke off in mid-sentence, unable to articulate the strangely powerful feelings
she had about Fox.

Noticing her mother's suddenly green face, Gwen's voice grew anxious. "Are you
okay, mother? Can I get you something? What can I do to help?"

I didn't want the nurse for you, I wanted her for me! It's pitiful enough these rooms
don't have a wetbar even for someone of our social class, but you can't even ring up
room...the nurse to come give you a sedative or something! What I wouldn't give for
one of those magic pills to make this nausea go away. Between your estranged
husband's taste in scotch and your newfound taste in men, I am feeling seriously ill!"

Rebecca paced towards the door and then came back towards the bed, "It's this
whole Fox mess, Gwennie! It means nothing but disaster. Look at Whitney and her
mother, my marriage to Julian ended because of her mother and the fact that Julian
just couldn't get over her. They shared a child together, so do Fox and Whitney. And
it's not as if we can plot behind the scenes while everyone is none the wiser any
longer, honey. They KNOW about us, they know what we Osburn women are capable
of when we want something. And Theresa is no longer a doe-eyed ingenue, she is a
grown up woman just like the rest of us and she isn't part of the penniless unwashed
any longer. She is a Crane, and not only that, she will likely soon be wed to Ethan as
soon as your divorces are final, who is now the head of the Crane Empire once again.
Should she decide to align herself with Whitney, which she will if her childhood best
friend asks for it, there is nothing we can fight back with."

Rebecca flopped down into the chair next to Gwen's bed. "What about Sarah's
father? He might be Theresa's husband, but you seemed to be truly in love with him,
and with him being Sarah's father and all...."

What I wouldn't give for one of those magic pills to make this nausea go away.
Between your estranged husband's taste in scotch and your newfound taste in men,
I am feeling seriously ill! Listening to her mother's sudden vehemence, Gwen had the
childish urge to cover her ears. As if she was trying to block out something that she
knew she wasn't going to like.

It's this whole Fox mess, Gwennie! It means nothing but disaster. Look at Whitney
and her mother, my marriage to Julian ended because of her mother and the fact
that Julian just couldn't get over her. They shared a child together, so do Fox and
Whitney. And it's not as if we can plot behind the scenes while everyone is none the
wiser any longer, honey. They KNOW about us, they know what we Osburn women
are capable of when we want something. And Theresa is no longer a doe-eyed
ingenue, she is a grown up woman just like the rest of us and she isn't part of the
penniless unwashed any longer. She is a Crane, and not only that, she will likely
soon be wed to Ethan as soon as your divorces are final, who is now the head of the
Crane Empire once again. Should she decide to align herself with Whitney, which she
will if her childhood best friend asks for it, there is nothing we can fight back with.

Gwen listened to her mother with a sinking feeling in the pit of her stomach. Rebecca
was making perfect sense. Everything she said was true. If Whitney did come back
and decide she wanted Fox...there would be no way Gwen could fight her and
Theresa. And then there was the nagging fear that even if she did...she would lose.
Because Fox would choose Whitney, the woman he really loved. Maybe it would be
best to just get rid of these feelings for Fox... Gwen thought to herself.

What about Sarah's father? He might be Theresa's husband, but you seemed to be
truly in love with him, and with him being Sarah's father and all.... At the mention of
Jared, Gwen felt an incredible sense of sadness wash over her. Jared... Feeling a dull
throb in her leg, like she was sitting on something, Gwen shifted and looked to see
what the problem was. Moving her robe out from under her, Gwen dug in the bulky
pocket and her breath caught as she fingered the blue velvet box.

Almost in slow-motion, Gwen removed the box and placed it in her lap. Unable to
stop herself from opening it, Gwen felt her eyes water as she looked down at the
sparkling pink gem nestled inside. Her eyes swimming with tears, Gwen replied.
"Jared doesn't want me, mother. And after everything I've done to him, I don't
blame him one bit. I betrayed him...again. And I don't even know why I did it. I love
Jared, I have loved him for years. But if that's true, then why did I kiss Fox? Why do
I have these strange dreams and feelings? What is wrong with me?"

As the tears fell down her cheeks, Gwen quietly asked. "I've made such a mess of
everything and I have no idea how to fix it. What should I do Mother? Help me..."

Gwen, the answer is obvious, at least to me. All these years, you've been second
fiddle to the Nacho Tart, and you've always known it. *I* have always known it.
Those bedside confessions that Ethan made to his son when he was a toddler weren't
always unheard. Then Fox comes along and pays attention to you while Jared is
unable to. Fox is Ethan's brother. In a way, it's almost like having some validation
from Ethan, which you've always wanted. You think that if you become Fox's heart
and soul, his first choice, and I can't believe I'm saying this...his Theresa, it's
showing Ethan that you're as beautiful and desirable as Theresa is. You haven't dealt
with the fallout of your marriage, honey. And while I'm NOT suggesting that try and
go after Ethan, maybe you should just step back for a minute. Wait until Jared can
be on equal footing with Fox as a suitor."

Rebecca sat on the edge of Gwen's bed and put her arms around her.

"What on earth am I going to do about this Fox matter? This is just a catastrophe
waiting to happen," Rebecca mused as she stroked Gwen's hair.

Gwen, the answer is obvious, at least to me. All these years, you've been
second fiddle to the Nacho Tart, and you've always known it. *I* have
always known it. Those bedside confessions that Ethan made to his son
when he was a toddler weren't always unheard. Then Fox comes along and
pays attention to you while Jared is unable to. Fox is Ethan's brother. In a
way, it's almost like having some validation from Ethan, which you've
always wanted. You think that if you become Fox's heart and soul, his first
choice, and I can't believe I'm saying this...his Theresa, it's showing Ethan
that you're as beautiful and desirable as Theresa is. You haven't dealt with
the fallout of your marriage, honey. And while I'm NOT suggesting that try
and go after Ethan, maybe you should just step back for a minute. Wait until
Jared can be on equal footing with Fox as a suitor.

Gwen mind swirled as she sat there in Rebecca's arms, feeling the comfort of her
mother gently stroking her hair. All these years, you've been second fiddle to
the Nacho Tart, and you've always known it. Even though it stung, Gwen
couldn't dispute that statement. She had never been enough for Ethan...she knew it
even before they had been married. Not Desirable enough, not wise enough, not
good enough...she had been completley lacking. Yet she just couldn't give up on that
ideal that had been ingrained in her since childhood. That life that was supposed to
be hers...not Theresa's. Yeah, and how did that work out for you... a voice in her
head jeered.

Then Fox comes along and pays attention to you while Jared is unable to.
Fox is Ethan's brother. In a way, it's almost like having some validation
from Ethan, which you've always wanted. You think that if you become
Fox's heart and soul, his first choice, and I can't believe I'm saying this...his
Theresa, it's showing Ethan that you're as beautiful and desirable as
Theresa is. Taking her mother's advice to heart, Gwen sank into deep thought
about that statment. Is that what I'm doing? she thought silently. Is that what all
these feelings are? Are they just remanents of my failed marriage and unresolved
feelings of not being wanted by Ethan? I don't think so. I wouldn't use Fox or our
friendship that way...right? Gwen argued with herself. But what if Mother's right?
What if I am doing that to him? Gwen thought with a touch of horror at herself.

Then you have got to do the right thing and stop all this with Fox before it starts. He
deserves better than that. He deserves better than you anyway. He'll be better off
rebuilding his family with Whitney. I'm sure she'll see the error of her ways and
come back to town. And this way, Fox won't need to feel guilty about me. He'll be
free to reunite his family and be happy, Gwen thought, ignoring the sharp pain that
ripped through her at the thought of Whitney and Fox together.

You haven't dealt with the fallout of your marriage, honey. And while I'm
NOT suggesting that try and go after Ethan, maybe you should just step
back for a minute. Wait until Jared can be on equal footing with Fox as a
suitor. Gwen had to admit that she hadn't really dealt with the dissillusion of her
marriage. Everything had been so mixed up every since that ill-fated dinner party
that many times she couldn't tell you which way up...much less reflect on things.
Sitting up, Gwen gave her mother a sad smile. "You may be right, Mother. Right
now, I'm so confused I don't know what to do. I'm so lucky to have you here to help
me. But even if you're right about my feelings towards Fox, it doesn't fix the mess
I've made with Jared."

Picking up the blue box, Gwen twirled it gently in her fingers. "Jared saw me,
mother. He saw me with Fox, and he was so upset he dropped the roses he had
brought me along with this box and left without a word. He decided I wasn't worth
the fight, Mother. He simply gave up. And after what happened in Jared's room,
when he flatlined, that doctor of his won't even give me any information about him. I
think Theresa told him not to. She blames me for all of this...and truthfully, she's
probably right. And I won't be surprised if Jared never speaks to me again, if he pulls
through at all. So you see, once again I have completely destroyed my life..." Gwen's
voice broke as she continued. "and hurt the very people I claim to care about. Why
do I do this Mother? What's wrong with me?"

Gwen, honey, your mind is just a jumble. Look at what has happened to you! For
nearly 20 years you've been married to Ethan, and that entire time you've felt that
you must be on guard because of Theresa. You have no idea what it's like not to live
every day fighting that battle. Everything we have fought to keep under wraps has
come to the fore and you feel self-conscious about even holding your head up in
front of the denizens of this town because one thought is going through your mind,
'They know about me now'. You almost died, and had to have major surgery. Above
all, your head is a swirl over the miracle of Sarah being returned. I can feel you
stiffen and panic and I don't even have to see your face. You're thinking that perhaps
you're doing this to Fox on purpose, that you're using him, no? Sometimes our
emotions don't work that way. Sometimes we have emotions we don't even
acknowledge. I wouldn't have admitted it at the time, but these years you've been
married to Ethan, part of my singular motivation for helping you stay that way has
been hating the Tostito chip and not wanting her to win. I didn't want her to have
the satisfaction of you walking away. I admit now it wasn't best for you, but never
did I think, 'To hell with what Gwen needs, let's screw over Theresa's life.'"
Rebecca took the box from Gwen's hands and looked at the stunning pink diamond.
"Pink? You always were a closet frilly girl, darling. You weren't a tomboy, but you
would try so hard for your father to be interested in books and music to get his
attention. But *I* knew better. When you thought no one watched, you were
combing your dolls' hair and having tea parties. Where on earth did Jared have the
money to afford such a ring? You never did take Gemology in college the way I did,
but then you weren't trying to gauge what the men were worth, either." Rebecca
pursed her mouth in a secretive grin at youthful memories.

Rebecca reached over and picked the brush up off the nightstand and started to
brush Gwen's hair slowly. For the first time she noticed a few faint threads of silver
minging with the strands of gold. The price she's paid for happiness and she's never
had one single day of it.

"This situation with Jared, it will blow over. Perhaps if you just explain to him that
you were just lonely and in pain and devastated over his accident, he'll listen to you.
Tell him it was a misunderstanding. These things happen on Days of Our Lives all the
time, and Bo and Hope always get back together. I can't stop you from pursuing a
relationship with Fox, darling, but I have to tell you that my every instinct tells me to
warn you against it. But I strongly encourage you to step back, assess your life,
make some decisions for yourself and for your daughter. Deal with the fallout of your
marriage. I'm going to go and get Sarah now. I've been dreading it as I'm sure I'll
have an uphill battle with Theresa, but this should be your first priority now. Getting
to know Sarah, as it was never your fault she was taken from you. I'm also going to
go get you some makeup. Primp a bit, and do it for yourself, not because Fox might
happen by your room. Is there anything else you need, darling?"

I'm going to go and get Sarah now. I've been dreading it as I'm sure I'll have an
uphill battle with Theresa, but this should be your first priority now. Getting to know
Sarah, as it was never your fault she was taken from you. I'm also going to go get
you some makeup. Primp a bit, and do it for yourself, not because Fox might happen
by your room. Is there anything else you need, darling?

Between the heavy sedatives and everything she and Rebecca had discussed, Gwen's
brain was complete mush. Filing away everything Rebecca had just said, Gwen
decided to sort through it later. "You're right Mother. Sarah should definitely be my
top priority. Thank you so much for going to get her. I can't wait to see her."
Although she may not want to see me Gwen thought to herself.

Giving her mother an grateful smile, Gwen couldn't hide her yawn of exhaustion.
"Actually Mother, I would love some clothes," Gwen replied looking down in distaste
at the worn hospital gown she was wearing. "I would feel so much more like a real
person if I could have some real pj's... and some lotion would be a god-sent."
Noticing her hands, Gwen quipped. "Having major surgery really dries a girl out."

Seeing her mother's still concerned face, Gwen leaned over and gave her a hug.
"Don't worry Mother, 'll be all right. After everything that has happened things can
only get better, right?"

Nothing her daughter's sleepy and exhausted appearance, Rebecca thought, "Good,
she's too damned tired to give Fox another thought. And by the time she wakes up,
I'll have Sarah with me, and that will occupy her thoughts."

"Pajamas, makeup, lotion, and clothes will arrive as soon as I can get Charles to
bring them up. You, young lady, need to go to sleep. You need to be awake and alert
for when Sarah comes! And you must have all your wits about you, and they must
all be focused on Sarah."

Taking appraisal of Gwen's appearance, "Another thing, darling, the first thing I am
doing for you once you leave this place is making a hair appointment for you. You
won't be having two men fight over you for very long once they get a gander at
those silver strands. Ye gods, girl, I thought I raised you better than that! Hair color,
moisturizer, facials, spa visits, and plastic surgery to ward off the ravages of Father

Kissing her daughter on the cheek and tucking her into bed like a child, she said, "I'll
be back, darling, and I love you."

Stepping outside into the hallway, Rebecca fished her phone from her purse.
"Charles? This is Mrs. Crane. I need for you to go by my daughter's and pick up
some things for her. I will call her housekeeper and let her know what the items are,
so everything should be ready by the time you get there. Bring them to the hospital

Clicking her phone shut, Rebecca stood up as if to make herself taller and shuddered
in anticipation. Now to go get my granddaughter, and do something I'd never
thought I'd do. To make nice with the doe-eyed devil in designer clothing and find
out her thoughts on the situation with Fox and my daughter.

Tossing her head as if to steel her resolve, Rebecca clicked down the hall of the
hospital and stepped into the elevator.

Pajamas, makeup, lotion, and clothes will arrive as soon as I can get
Charles to bring them up. You, young lady, need to go to sleep. You need to
be awake and alert for when Sarah comes! And you must have all your wits
about you, and they must all be focused on Sarah. Another thing, darling,
the first thing I am doing for you once you leave this place is making a hair
appointment for you. You won't be having two men fight over you for very
long once they get a gander at those silver strands. Ye gods, girl, I thought
I raised you better than that! Hair color, moisturizer, facials, spa visits, and
plastic surgery to ward off the ravages of Father Time!

Watching Rebecca place a quick peck on her cheek and sashay out of the room,
Gwen couldn't help rolling her eyes a little. That's definitely my,
men and money above all else, she thought with a small smile. Adjusting to the
semi-darkness once again, Gwen was about to close her eyes when she noticed the
velvet box sitting on the edge of her bed.

Pink? You always were a closet frilly girl, darling. Where on earth did Jared
have the money to afford such a ring? You never did take Gemology in
college the way I did, but then you weren't trying to gauge what the men
were worth, either. Rebecca's words echoed through her head as Gwen picked up
the silky jewelry box. Remembering Theresa's vicious comments to Fox about how
she had leant Jared the money for the ring in order to help them all heal...Gwen felt
another wave of sorrow rush over her. Jared...I hurt him so much. Holding the blue
box in her grasp, Gwen heard her mother's voice again. This situation with Jared,
it will blow over. Perhaps if you just explain to him that you were just lonely
and in pain and devastated over his accident, he'll listen to you. Tell him it
was a misunderstanding. These things happen on Days of Our Lives all the
time, and Bo and Hope always get back together... Shaking her head sadly,
Gwen said out loud to herself. "Well, this isn't a soap opera. And even if it were, I'm
not the romantic heroine...that role would definitely belong to Theresa. I'm the
malicious bitch, just ask anyone in Harmony. And everyone knows that the heartless
villianess should always end up alone and miserable in the end. That's how the story
goes..." Sighing, Gwen looked around the deserted room. And I'm well on my way to
acheiving that... she thought silently.

Placing the box on the nightstand next to her bed, Gwen saw a glimpse of white. Oh
yeah...that's Fox's get well letter, Gwen recalled as she touched the edges of the
white envelope. As her fingers encircled the vanilla paper, Gwen had another flash in
her mind. Fox was holding her, tenderly kissing her face, cradling her in his arms as
if she were the most precious thing in his world...but instead of being in a cave they
were in her hospital room. I'm confusing my dreams with reality, Gwen
thought as she tried to clear the images from her mind.

Flipping on the light by her bed, Gwen unfolded the letter and started to read it's

Dearest Gwen,

I am writing you to let you know that I have decided to step aside. I know that you love Jared and that I should have never
stepped in front of a love so true. For that I am terribly sorry.

Gwen I have deep feelings for you. I will not deny that. I am not walking away cause I don't care but because I do. Your happiness
is paramount. You have been through so much you deserve to be with Jared. I want you to find happiness,and I know it will not be
with me. I hope that you are able to patch things up with Jared and that any damage can be reversed. Know that you will be
forever in my heart.

Love always Fox

Blinking through the tears that were streaming down her face, Gwen struggled to get
to the end. He wants me to go back to Jared, she thought in disbelief. First my
mother, and now Fox....well, I guess my dream wasn't a nightmare. It was
premonition. He doesn't want me after all. My mother must have been right. I've
just been pushing my feelings of rejection and lacking onto Fox and seeing things
that weren't there...again. Whatever Fox feels for me, it's not strong enough to try
and make it work. That's why he wrote me this letter. He doesn't think I'm worth the
effort either.

Wiping the drops running down her cheeks, Gwen looked again at the water-soaked
paper. The inky words running and smearing together, Gwen suffered another pang
at her pain and stupidity. I destroyed things with Jared, a man who didn't do
anything but love me, for nothing. It's exactly like I thought in the beginning. The
events of the past two days caused Fox to become overwrought. That's why he
kissed me. Fox doesn't love me... Without warning, Fox's words from last night
flashed through her head... and then there are the feelings I have for you
Gwen. I love you...I have for years. I want to make you happy. I love you.
Bewildered, Gwen tried to find the truth between what Fox had said and what he had
written. He did say those words to me...I know he did... she thought in utter
puzzlement. But wait a minute...he said those things to me after he had just poured
out his heart about how messed up things had been with Kay and Whitney. And
Theresa had kicked him out on top of it. Maybe he thought that I was going to turn
my back on him as that's why he said those things. That's it...he was afraid
of losing our friendship. Well, next time I see him I'll make sure to let him know that
he could never lose a friend. Gwen reasoned to herself, her face crumbling in

Yeah, but you're going to lose him regardless when Whitney comes back to town, the
other side of her brain argued back. Because once he realizes that he loves her and
reunites his family, do you think Whitney is going to let you within one thousand feet
of him ever again? Add that to the fact that Jared will never speak to you again, and
will probably try to get full custody of really are going to be alone Gwen.
Wow, maybe this is a soap opera after all...

Gwen couldn't take it anymore. Sniffing back even more tears, Gwen switched the
light off by her bed. Fox's now tear-stained and crinkled letter still wrapped in her
hand, Gwen laid back on the hospital bed and welcomed the drug-induced lethargy
taking over her body. Anything to escape this pain at losing something she never
knew she had but apparently always wanted...

Whitney walked out of the room and turned for one more glance of her daughter's
crushing on Tommy.

"What's this, oh wow. Right next door to Nicki are we? Oh Gwennie, you will never
know what hit you! But first taking care of my daughter is more important. She
opened the door to Gwen's room, "sleeping are we?" She walked further in and
noticed Gwen holding a piece of paper. She eased it from her hands and read the

'Hmm...Maybe I won't have to get rid of you after all' she thought.

She placed the letter on the nightstand, looked at Gwen. Oh how easy it would be to
just get rid of her. She had thought about it since she had witnessed her kissing Fox.
But Gwen wasn't worth going to prison over. She had other things in mind for Dear
Gwennie! The laugh that escaped Whitney frightened her. "Is this how Theresa felt
when you ruined her life? Well, not me dear, it will be a cold day in hell...And you
may find yourself there sooner rather than later if you don't let Fox go."

Jared it's okay, you have to stay strong". "Don't worry about my mother, she is
fine". "I saw her earlier and all she wants is for you to get better so don't let her
down". "You fight this and get well". "You have everything to live for". "So don't give
up". "Fight, fight your way back to us". Do you hear me, Jared"? "Come back to

Jared heard the words of his step son, and willed his eyes open once again. it meant
to world to him that Ethan Martin had wanted to stay by his bedside. He
remembered back to that first day, at the ice rink, when Ethan as a young boy had
wanted to teach him how to skate. He had been terrible at it, but eventually he had
learned. and then spending time alone with him, playing checkers, and Ethan telling
him that he wanted him as his new daddy. Him, Jared Casey, Not Ethan, the boys
real father... where had that come from? Julian was Ethan's Father... wasnt he? the
thoughts seemed hazy like something fighting to come back, but the attempt
brought on a headache worse than any he had ever experienced.

"" he tried to talk again, the nurse shot him a look that said "oh no you
didnt" but he continued,

"... wa...ter" his throat was dry, and he was getting dizzy from all the energy it took
for simple things.

The Nurse brought him some water, and 2 pills "we can do this the easy way or the
hard way Mr Casey," she said "you can take the pills, or i can give you a shot, either
way you need to relax and get some rest." Jared decided to take the pills, along with
the glass of water the nurse handed him. Soon he found himself asleep, though it
was fitful at best, the sedatives did nothing to stave off the dreams he was having.

They were all in a room, somewhere in the Crane mansion. Someone was screaming that the
doors were locked... There was Theresa but she was with Ethan... talking to Ivy, and Ivy was...
hugging her? Gwen looked Devastated, and worse yet she looked Ill. Fox was sitting with a
young Girl he didnt recognize, but she could have been a young Whitney, she looked shocked
and nervous being in the room but Sheridan seemed to reassure her every few minutes. He
heard snippets of conversations, someone said Ethan Martin wasnt Julians son, but Ethan's, and
he heard Ethan martin call Ivy 'Grandmother'. Then a door opened and out came 2 teenagers, he
heard someone say Marty, and sheridan began to cry... then... Sarah... Gwen and Ethans
daughter? but she was dead... then everyone was looking at him, and he heard JT's words Echo
in his head Good evening ladies and Gents, I expect that Mrs Crane-Casey has made you all
comfortable. and my Humble servants have brought your drinks and snacks for you, Allow me to
introduce them, Martin Lopez-Fitzgerald, and Sarah Casey. I will pause now while you murmur
amongst yourselves..."

Sarah Casey... Sarah Casey... Sarah CASEY HIS daughter?? his daughter with Gwen? he felt
the world spin and thought he was going to faint, everything started to go dark as he saw the floor
spinning to meet him...

Jared sat upright and looked around. for a minute he didnt recognize where he was.
Then he remembered, he was in the hospital, and the sun was starting to peek
through the curtains.

What an odd dream... he thought... but with the thought came a nagging feeling that
something wasnt right. He thought back to the secrets that he had kept in his heart
for 17 years, his love for Gwen the love affair they'd had, and the fact that he had
never given his whole heart to Theresa, although he had loved her as much as life
itself, he had always loved Gwen more. But it just wasnt meant to be. Gwen had
married Ethan... and Even though Jared knew that Theresa would always love Ethan
more, he could live with that... since he had shared the same secret longing, for
Ethan's wife. He had Theresa lived such a wonderful life, with Emily, and Ethan ...
(should he call him Ethan Junior?? dont be silly that had all been a bad dream) and
Jane when she had been with them he looked around and saw that Ethan was no
longer there, but that the blanket was properly folded on the chair, which Jared took
as a sign that he would be returning soon. He wondered where Theresa was, he
couldnt wait to kiss those sweet lips. He hoped that she would be back soon.

He was just closing his eyes again when Dr Graham came into the room.
"Mr Casey! how wonderful to see you awake!" he exclaimed when Jared opened his
eyes "You gave us quite a scare. We werent sure we would be seeing those baby
blues of yours anytime soon."
"Where..." started Jared His throat was dry, and Dr Graham handed him a glass of
water before he could even ask for it. Jared nodded his thanks and took a few sips.

"Where's Tess? is she here? is she ok?" his voice barely a whisper

"Your wife is just fine Jared, I would expect her to be back in a few hours, she called
this morning for an update, and said she had some important errands to run." the Dr
said, "now lets have a look at you so that we can get you transferred out of here and
up to your private room, where the food is good" he finished with a wink.

Fox walked into the crowded emergency room. He looked around for the nurses
station. He saw it and walked over to the nurse behind the counter.

"Hi" he began "I am Nicholas Foxworth Crane. I am here to check up on my step

daughter Maria Lopez-Fitzgerald Crane

The nurse looked at him over her wire rim glasses "We have a Maria Lopez-Fitzgerald
here." she said, distain for him dripping from her voice. Fox was in no mood to chit
chat with someone who didn't want to spare two seconds to tell him how Maria was
doing. "Listen lady...I am doing this as a favour to the girls mother. How is she

The nurse looked again over her glasses and then went to get the file. She returned
a few moments later.

"Maria is in fair and stable condition" she said curtly "The dr is running some tests on
her right now. Her father is with her now"

Oh good Fox thought Miguel is here with Maria. She needs to bond with him and this
is the perfect time He was in no rush to see Miguel. Although he knew this was for
the best, he still was hurt with what had happened at the party. He knew that it was
best that he and Kay end things now. They both loved other people and they both
deserved to be happy with the people they loved with their WHOLE heart.

He picked up his cell phone and dialed Kay's number. After 3 rings her answering
machine picked up

"Hi Kay its Fox. I just checked on Maria. SHe is in stable and fair condition. The dr's
are running some tests on her right now. Miguel is sitting with her now." he paused
for a minute not sure what else to say "Kay, I want you to know I believe that things
worked out for the best. I know that your heart has always belonged to Miguel....and
I was wrong to keep you from him all those years ago. My heart belongs to another
woman as well. So really we were in a marriage of convience. When you get back the
divorce papers will be ready for you to sign. I see no reason to prolong this any
longer." he stopped again "Anyways Kay. I will talk to you later. Bye" he said. He
clicked 'end' on his phone and slipped it into his pocket. He breathed a deep sigh of
relief and headed up to Gwens room
Gwen could feel the wind blowing on her face. Slowly opening her eyes, the first
thing Gwen noticed was that she couldn't move. Her hands were tied behind her
back and her legs were tied together. Attempting to focus, Gwen figured out that she
was on the roof of Harmony Hospital. And that she was tied to one of the giant
columns on the perimeter of the building.

"Oh, look who's finally decided to join us? Everyone, get ready. The fun's about to
begin!" Gwen looked directly in front of her and saw Theresa's smiling face staring at
her. "Did you enjoy your little nap, Gwen?" she asked, walking closer. "We've all
been patiently waiting for you to rise and shine. We would have hated for you to
miss your own death!"

Chuckling at her own joke, Gwen's gaze swept the large rooftop. Astonished, Gwen
saw practically everyone in Harmony had gathered together. And from the looks of
it, they were all celebrating. Celebrating what? Gwen wondered to herself. Collecting
her courage, Gwen stared down her long-time nemisis and asked, "What is this
Theresa? Some kind of joke? Let me go this instance. You have no right to do this to

Theresa's eyes turned cold as she answered, "You did it to me. You and your mother
allowed me confess to a crime you KNEW I didn't committ! You didn't even come
forward at my "execution". If Alistair hadn't rigged it...I would be dead now thanks
to you. So don't you dare tell me what I can and cannot do to you! You deserve
everything you get and then some!"

"I didn't know about Julian being alive, Theresa." Gwen protested. "That was my
mother and Ivy. I swear I didn't know until after you had already been 'executed'."

"And what is that worth exactly? You 'swearing' you 'swore' to love
Jared forever..." Theresa shot back. "How's that working out for you?"

Unable to do anything but tell the truth, Gwen answered. "A part of me will always
love Jared. Just like a part of you will, right?" Sighing frustratedly that she was
justifying anything to this woman, Gwen continued. "But that doesn't change how I
feel about Fox. From the moment he kissed me...everything's different. I can't
explain it, I can't reason it out. But sometimes love doesn't work that way. Love isn't
something you can map out...or just happens. Love isn't always reasonable,
but that doesn't make it any less powerful...or real. If you believe nothing else out of
my mouth Theresa, Believe This: I never wanted to hurt Jared. I honestly meant
everything I said. I wanted to make things work, even after Fox kissed me. But
these feelings won't go away. In fact, they keep getting stronger. And it wouldn't be
fair to Jared to put him through being second best in someone's heart again." Gwen
shot back, with a small measure of satisfaction at Theresa's blush. "He's already
been through that, remember?"

Giving Gwen a disgusted look, Theresa breezed on. "Anyway, it doesn't matter.
We've all talked about it...and we've decided that we would be doing Harmony, hell
the entire world a favor if we put you out of your misery. Especially now that you
have nothing left..."

"What are you talking about?" Gwen asked fearfully. Flashes passed through Gwen's
mind...Driving to Fox's house, excited to tell him that she loved him. Seeing Fox with
Whitney...Fox kissing Whitney...telling her he loved her. Gwen pleading with Fox to
listen to her, Fox saying it was too late...Gwen, you have to realize that Whitney is
the love of my life. She always has been. It's true I was hurt and angry with her, but
she's helped me see past that to the undeniable fact that I love her more than
anything in this world . . . I'm sorry Gwen. But if you think about it, it wouldn't have
worked out for us anyway. You would have done something to destroy us in the always do. Luckily, Whitney helped me see that before I got in too deep.
Finally being tied up and fainting...

Shutting her eyes to try and block out the traumatic visions, Gwen peeked through
them only to see that nothing had changed. She was still here, about to be thrown
off a building... Wow, maybe this really is a soap opera she ironically thought to
herself. Feeling someone approach her left side, Gwen saw Ethan. His face a look of
resignation, he reiterated his stand. "Don't waste your breath, Gwen. After
everything you've done...this is the only option. You have caused so much pain to so
many people in Harmony. It's time to face the consequences."

"I'll say...if anyone deserves this, it's you Gwen." Gwen heard a voice say from her
right. Flipping her head toward the sound, Gwen looked at Jared's angry face. "After
everything I did for you...I saved your life...and this is how you repay me? Telling
me you love me and then betraying me?! Well, I told you how this would all end...I
was even willing to give you another chance...but No, you had to keep heading down
this destructive path. And now you've lost everything...including your daughter."

"What? Sarah?! Where's Sarah?" Gwen asked anxiously, scanning the crowd of
hostile and unfriendly faces. Jared gave her a look of pure loathing as he answered,
"She didn't want to come. I explained everything you've done, and see never wants
to see you again. Theresa helped me get full and irrecovable custody anyway, so
you'd never see her again even if you weren't dying today. So you have
nothing and no one left, just as it should be."

Gwen's eyes widened as she took in Jared's hateful words. She knew she had hurt
him, but she never imagined he could be this cruel. Physical and emotional pain
coursing through her body, Gwen said softly "I'm so sorry Jared. I never meant to
hurt you. But I can't help the way I feel...I love him."

"Ha! You don't what love is, you harpy!" Gwen heard a cackle, and saw Whitney and
Fox appear from out of the crowd with Fox's arms wrapped around her. "I told you
before, and I'll tell you again...Fox loves me. He has always loved me...and you
were nothing but a poor substitute. Isn't that right honey?" she finished, looking at
Fox lovingly. As Gwen watched in disbelief, Fox leaned down and kissed Whitney
passionately. Whispering in her ear, Fox released her and wandered over to Gwen.

Addressing Theresa, Jared, and Ethan, Fox asked. "Can I talk to her for a minute? It
won't take long."

Giving him a dubious look, Theresa warily agreed. "All right, but make it quick. We
need to get this over with, everyone's waiting." Motioning to Jared and Ethan, the
three of them walked over to Whitney and the rest of the mob.

Reaching around, Fox untied Gwen's hands. "Is that better? I could tell you were

Gwen's heart still did that strange little leap, in spite of what she remembered
happening. Rubbing her wrists, Gwen grimaced. "What does it matter? I'm about to
be thrown off a building. Some ropeburn is the least of my worries."

A indescribable look passed over Fox's face as he lost that love-sick for Whitney
expression. Leaning closer to Gwen, he whispered. "I wish..." Gwen held her breath,
as Fox struggled with the rest of the sentence. "I wish things were different. If only
you had told me how you felt before Whitney came back..."

Seeing the sincerity in his eyes, Gwen felt her own start to water. Willing herself not
to cry, Gwen whispered. "Things can be different. It doesn't have to end this way.
Don't do this...Don't leave me. I love you."

Feeling Fox brush her cheek, Gwen looked up and for an instant she could have
sworn that she saw that same love shining in his eyes back at her. But before Gwen
could blink, it was gone...replaced with that same goofy love-sick expression. As Fox
dropped his hand and stepped back, he said once more. "I'm sorry Gwen. It's just
too late..."

Watching him turn around and walk away from her back to Whitney, Gwen as if her
heart was breaking in a million pieces. Unable to stop the traitorous tears from
falling, Gwen sobbed quietly. "No...don't do this. Please don't leave me...I love you."

Hearing someone applaud, Gwen searched the crowd and saw Theresa sauntering
back toward her. "That was touching, Gwen. But it really doesn't matter now. In a
matter of minutes, you won't feel anything anymore. Nodding to Jared and Ethan,
bone-chilling terror raced through Gwen as she was untied and dragged to the edge
of the building.

"Let's all say 'Bye-Bye' to Gwen on the count of three...ready?" Theresa encouraged
the angry crowd. Giving one last look to the crowd, Gwen spotted Fox tenderly
stroking Whitney's hair as he nuzzled her cheek. As Theresa started her countdown,
Gwen felt herself being tipped over the side of the building. Powerless to fight off
both men, and beyond caring at this point, Gwen barely struggled as she heard
Theresa's racauous voice calling out to everyone.



Fox walked to Gwens room and he noticed that Nichole's room was right next to it. I
will let Nichole rest a little longer and visit with her mom. Then I will go in and talk
to Nica he thought. He knocked lightly on the door and walked in quietly. Gwen was
in a restless sleep it seemed. She had tears coursing down her much so
that the top of her hospital gown was soaked through. He could hear her barely
audiable cries "Fox , help me and NO!" were the only ones he understood. He didn't
know whether to get the doctor or wake her himself. He looked at her so much pain not physical it seemed but emotional and he realized he
could not leave her even for a second to get the doctor.

He sat down on the edge of her bed and touched her shoulder gently. "Gwen Gwen"
he called to her softly. She didn't wake out of this torturous dream she seemed to be
having. He leaned in a bit closer and scooped her up into a hug. "Gwen shhhh its ok.
Everything will be alright. I am here now" he said to her quietly holding her tightly
and stroking her hair "Its ok Gwen..its ok." he repeated over and over until he heard
her breaths slow down. He looked down and saw she was awake.

Gwen Shhhh its ok . . . Everything will be alright. I am here now...

Through the void of her dream-induced distress, Gwen heard someone calling to her.
Suddenly, instead of feeling earth-shattering pain she felt warm. As if she was being
held...comforted. Her mind started to crawl out of the darkness and bring her back
into consiousness. Her eyes fluttering open, Gwen saw a shirt, a man's shirt...Fox
she immediately recognized. Her heart raced as she relived images from her most
recent nightmare. Feeling Fox pull her more tightly into his chest, Gwen forced
herself to relax. Its ok Gwen..It's Okay.. she could her him whisper as he stroked her
hair gently.

Sitting back slightly, Gwen looked up and saw Fox staring down at her. Seeing his
concerned and caring face, Gwen almost burst into tears again. Stopping herself
from throwing her arms around him and begging him not to let her go, Gwen tried to
smile. "Hey you? Long time no see..." she joked badly, hoping to win a smile from

Feeling her heart warm as Fox smiled down at her, Gwen listened while he explained
what was going on. How he had gotten a message from Kay about Maria and rushed
over to make sure she was okay. Giving him a grateful look, Gwen said. "Well,
whatever the reason I'm so glad you're here. I was having the most horrid
nightmare. Theresa was having me thrown off a building and everyone was cheering
her on. And then there was you..."

Seeing Fox's quizzical expression, Gwen was about to explain when she noticed the
letter sitting on her nightstand. A spear of despair ripped through her as she
remember exactly why she had been so upset before she drifted off into this latest
nightmare. He told me to go back to Jared...that he was sorry and wanted me to
make things right with Jared. Gwen's face clouded as she reached for the white
paper and put it in her lap between them.

In a small, pained voice, Gwen started talking. "We need to talk about this letter. In
it, you tell me that you are sorry for everything that has happened in the past two
days and that you wanted me to go back to Jared and make things right with him."
Gathering her courage and taking both of his hands in hers, Gwen looked up at him
and pleaded. "I need to that really what you want? Do you want me to
forget about everything that's happened between us and go back to Jared? Please
Fox...I need you to tell me the truth. It's important...."

Fox looked deep into her blue orbs and he saw confusion and pain. He could feel her
hands trembling slightly under his. He knew he could never lie to her. Not even if he
tried. He looked down at his hands and then back into her eyes.

"Gwen...all I want is for you to be happy." he said " You deserve that after all you
have been through. If I am not that man that makes you happy and Jared is...well
then I hope that you will lead a long and happy life with Jared" he said to her, his
voice beginning to crack.
Fox began to pull his hands away from Gwens but to his surprise he couldn't.
"Gwen?" he asked her his voice cracking once more

Gwen...all I want is for you to be happy. You deserve that after all you have been
through. If I am not that man that makes you happy and Jared is...well then I hope
that you will lead a long and happy life with Jared"

There was so much that Fox wasn't saying. She could feel it. His cracking voice said
so much more than his words. He doesn't want to me go. He thinks that he's doing
what I want. I have to tell him he's not alone in this. And I have to tell him
now...before it's too late. her heart argued. And what if your dream comes true?
What if Whitney does come back and takes him away from you? You could lose
everything...are you willing to risk that? her brain argued back.

Feeling like this was a momentous turning point in her life, Gwen couldn't help but
hesitate a second. After all, perhaps if she had thought more clearly all those years
ago, she wouldn't have let her mother talk her into staying and telling Ethan about
the baby. But then you probably would have been happily married to Jared all this
time. And you wouldn't be here...with Fox. Her heart violently rejecting that
scenario, Gwen felt Fox's hands start to pull away from hers. Imprisoning his hands
with hers, Gwen stared at Fox's confused and pain-filled face. Gwen... she heard him
whisper brokenly.

Right or wrong, you have to tell him. You have to take the leap. He's not going to
again...he thinks that you don't feel the same way. If you want this, you're going to
have to fight for it. Tell him how you feel...and if you're wrong, that he doesn't want
you after all, then at least you won't spend your life wondering about what might
have been. And if you're right...Gwen, this could be your chance to be happy, truly
happy. But you've got to tell him now, before it's too late. Visions of her nightmare
flashed through her mind, Fox telling her how he wished she had told him how she
felt before Whitney came back. Him staring back at her for that instant where she
could have sworn he loved her in return.

Taking a deep breath, Gwen looked up and spoke. "You say you want me to be
happy right? No matter who that want me to be with the man who makes
me happy. The man who makes me feel safe, cherished, and valued. The man who
supports me, defends me, listens to me, cares for me...and is there for me, no
matter what."

Smiling almost shyly, Gwen continued. "Well, I've found that man. And the funny
thing is that I was so busy trying to save my doomed marriage and dealing with all
the weight and guilt of my past crimes to realize it all this time.'s you. You
make me happy. I won't lie to you and say that I don't love Jared...I do. A part of
me will always love Jared. But I'm in love with you. And I have been...I just didn't
realize it until you kissed me."

Noticing that Fox's face had taken on a glassy look and he hadn't said a single word
since she had started talking, Gwen had a pang of fear come over her. Oh My's too late. she thought to herself. You waited to long...he's moved on
already. You're too late... Tears filling her eyes at the thought, Gwen struggled to
swallow as she explained. "But after everything that's happened in the past two
days...I will completely understand if you don't feel the same way. Honestly, I'm
probably not the best person to be around right now anyway. I'm sure Theresa is
nowhere near done with me, now that all my awful choices have been exposed..."
Gwen's throat contracted as tears clogged her throat.

Starting to pull her hands of his grasp, Gwen was stunned when she felt Fox's grip
tighten. The tears starting to trickle down her face, Gwen begged. "Fox...say
something. Whatever it is, I can take it. Just talk to me. What do you want?..."

Fox looked down at her with a stunned expression. But I'm in love with you he heard
Gwen say over and over in his head. He didn't know whether to pinch himself or
scoop her up and twirl her around the room She is in the hospital for a reason goofy.
You don't want her there longer than she needs to be a voice in his head chastised
He heard Gwen's voice asking him "Fox...say something. Whatever it is, I can take
it. Just talk to me. What do you want?..."

He cupped her face in his hands and wiped away the tears that were falling from her
eyes " more tears. No more sadness. I want the woman who makes me
smile. I want the woman who has more courage and strength than I will ever
possess. I want the woman who sees she has made mistakes and is willing to accept
responsibilty for them. Gwen" he said his voice catching a bit " I want the woman
who is in my heart and soul and has been for years. That woman is you. I love you
Gwen." he said looking down at her smiling. Gwen smiles back up at Fox and says "I
love you too" and kisses him tenderly on the lips.

Gwen watched in wonder as Fox cupped her cheeks and started to wipe away her
tears. more tears. No more sadness. I want the woman who makes me
smile. I want the woman who has more courage and strength than I will ever
possess. I want the woman who sees she has made mistakes and is willing to accept
responsibilty for them. Gwen's eyes were as wide as saucers, as she listened to the
tenderness in Fox's voice. Gwen... I want the woman who is in my heart and soul
and has been for years. That woman is you. I love you Gwen...

Pondering if this was yet another dream, Gwen fervently wished that if it was never
to wake up. Fox loves me... she thought to herself in awe. Seeing his smiling
face...that same face that had shown through in her dream for an instant...Gwen
couldn't imagine ever being happier. Returning his smile with her whole heart, Gwen
responded "I love you too..." and leaned in pulling him toward her. Kissing him
tenderly, Gwen finally released her hands to bring them to Fox's face. Feeling Fox
return her kiss, Gwen pulled him closer into her embrace and kissed him

Having the strangest sense of dejavu, that she had already kissed him like
this...Gwen dismissed the thought. She had kissed Fox in the past day, but not like he was the man of her dreams. The man she loved. Almost like...the man
she was destined to spend the rest of her life with...

Momentarily distracted by unexplainable thoughts popping up in her head, Gwen

broke off their kiss. Feeling Fox's arms settle protectively around her, Gwen saw the
love in his eyes staring back at her. Tempted to ask him if they had been here
before...Gwen stopped herself before the words could jump out. There is no way that
really happened. If it did...don't you think you'd remember? she asked herself.
Clearing her head of any lingering thoughts about devaju and embraces that weren't
real, Gwen allowed herself to relax in Fox's arms. Leaning her head against his chest,
Gwen had another flash of a dream...or was it a memory? Not my family! Its what
you do best, isn't it Gwennie? Destroying the people you claim to love. Well, I have a
bit of news for you dear, Fox is off limits. Leave Fox alone. I am back and he is

Feeling the involuntary shiver creep up her spine at the cruelly whispered words,
Gwen felt Fox rub his hands against her back. Sitting back up to look at his suddenly
concerned face, Gwen asked the question she was almost afraid to hear the answer
for. "Fox...what about Whitney? What if Whitney were to come back to town
tomorrow and decide she wanted her family back? Including you...What would that
mean for us? Would you try to make it work?"

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