Planning Questionaire

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Rachel Radclyffe

Rowan Haus
SOC 132 Gender
10 October 2021


1. Who do you intend to interview? What is their relation to you?

I intend to interview Gabe Gartland, who is my partner and a recent Davis graduate.
2. When will you conduct your interview?
I plan to conduct my interview next weekend, 10/16 or 10/17.
3. Where will you conduct your interview? (e.g. in-person, Zoom, local coffee shop, etc.)
I will conduct my interview in-person at my home, because it will be easiest option and I
will be able to ensure there is little background noise for the transcription.
4. What software will you use to transcribe your interview? (See Part Two of Project
Guidelines for more details)
I plan to try out Temi to transcribe the interview, as it has a free trial and seems user
5. Please briefly describe how you plan to manage your time this quarter to turn your
assignments in on time and minimize the stress you experience during this class (2-3
sentences). (e.g., you might list some quarterly goals to help keep yourself accountable)
I will manage my time this quarter by regularly checking Canvas and revisiting the
syllabus, as I find the calendar provided by Canvas very useful. I also plan to continue to
list larger due dates on my physical calendar, so I can keep in mind when things are due
and continue to begin assignments ahead of time.
6. Write a hypothesis for your paper in response to the following research question: Is high
school a space that allows/encourages gender diversity or a space that attempts to reinforce
the gender binary through policing? You may conclude that it does some combination of
both. (1-2 sentences)
I hypothesize that high school largely reinforces the gender binary through policing, as
institutional factors such as gendered bathrooms and changing rooms as well as social
factors like homophobic and transphobic students and faculty can heavily suppress
expression of gender diversity. However, high school does can offer opportunities to
connect with other queer students and some LGBTQIA+ spaces such as clubs, so there
are occasional opportunities to allow and encourage gender diversity, but this is
dependent on the experience of the individual.

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