Quest 1: The Second One Will Say: "Yeah! We Wouldn't Want To Hurt Cha!"

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Quest 1

1 The blue forest has been magically enchanted to glow blue, with this comes the attention of some goblins,
kobolds and several other monsters. Do you roll perception?

2 ii.) Yes: You see a pond with someone drinking out of it, they look very hurt and they have cut-marks
everywhere. What do you do?

3 ii.1.) I tend to her wounds. *she is friendly and she removes her hood, it’s a Tabaxi*

4 ii.2.) I attack her. *She battles you till she reaches below 10 Hp, then she surrenders*

5 ii.3) I call out “(Enter text here)” *She responds kindly*

6 ii.4) I do not react and I walk away. *Improvisation*

iii.) No: You do not see anything, but you do see footsteps. What do you do?

iii.1.) I roll perc. To see what they are. *They see that they lead to a woman*

iii.2) I follow them in my battle stance.

iii.3) I have no reaction and I walk away.

2. The woman has been healed/Battled enough and monsters will arrive and yell, “Come with us old woman!”
The second one will say: “Yeah! We wouldn’t want to hurt cha!”

The heroes need to make a choice, Do they…..?

1. Stay and fight

1.1 They fight three knolls (HP 21, 23, 16)

2. Retreat
2.1 The knolls surround them and fight

3. Try and talk

3.1 The knolls don’t want to hear anything and start to fight

After all the knolls have died or have been driven away. The woman will take a sip of the water and she’ll
introduce herself.

???: IM thankful for your help kind adventurers. I’m Grunin Purr. I’m a bard of the College of creation. And
you are?

6.1 *Let the characters introduce themselves and you improv a bit.*
6.2 She spots one or two of the swords and her eyes will open widely as she pulls out a sword of her own.
*Out comes sword of the crystal ball*

6.2.1 The characters will ask questions, so be prepared to answer them all.

Grunin Purr will send them on a quest to the mountains.

6.3 The characters will need to choose one of the following.
6.3.1 They go on the quest and they find the Demon Armour. (Cursed item)

6.3.2 One person dons the armour and they instantly hears a voice. They do not know who this
voice is because I do not disclose that fact. (A very high demon trapped in armour)

6.3.3 You send them on some quests (High two quests if they want to.)

6.4 The end of this storyline.

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