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Trends, Networks and Critical

Thinking in the 21st Century
Quarter 1 – Module 3:
Strategic Analysis and
Intuitive Thinking
Trends, Networks and Critical Thinking in the 21 st Century – Grade 12
Self-Learning Module (SLM)
Quarter 1 – Module 3: Strategic Analysis and Intuitive Thinking
First Edition, 2020

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Borrowed materials (i.e., songs, stories, poems, pictures, photos, brand names,
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Every effort has been exerted to locate and seek permission to use these materials from their
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Development Team of the Module

Writers: Lucille C. Otañes
Editors: Rio S. Moreno, Rodel H. Catubay
Reviewers: Wilma A. Barcelona, Lorilie C. Salinas, Jay Sheen A. Molina
Illustrator: Mark Y. Garcia
Layout Artist: Ian Ceasar B. Sipe
Cover Art Designer: Ian Caesar E. Frondoza
Management Team: Allan G. Farnazo, CESO IV – Regional Director
Fiel Y. Almendra, CESO V – Assistant Regional Director
Ruth L. Estacio, Ph.D CESO VI-Schools Division Superintendent
Assistant Schools Division Superintendent
Gilbert B. Barrera – Chief, CLMD
Arturo D. Tingson Jr. – REPS, LRMS
Peter Van C. Ang-ug – REPS, ADM
Johnny Sumugat – Subject Area Supervisor
Lalaine SJ. Manuntag, Ph.D.- CID Chief
Nelida A. Castillo, Ph.D- Division EPS In Charge of LRMS
Marichu Jean R. Dela Cruz, PSDS- ADM Coordinator
Sally A. Jabido – Subject Area Supervisor

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Trends, Networks and

Critical Thinking in the
21st Century
Quarter 1 – Module 3:
Strategic Analysis and
Intuitive Thinking
Introductory Message
For the facilitator:
Welcome to the Trends, Networks and Critical Thinking in the 21st Century/12 Self-
Learning Module (SLM) on Strategic Analysis and Intuitive Thinking.
This module was collaboratively designed, developed and reviewed by educators both
from public and private institutions to assist you, the teacher or facilitator in helping
the learners meet the standards set by the K to 12 Curriculum while overcoming
their personal, social, and economic constraints in schooling.
This learning resource hopes to engage the learners into guided and independent
learning activities at their own pace and time. Furthermore, this also aims to help
learners acquire the needed 21st century skills while taking into consideration their
needs and circumstances.
In addition to the material in the main text, you will also see this box in the body of
the module:

Notes to the Teacher

This contains helpful tips or strategies that
will help you in guiding the learners.

As a facilitator you are expected to orient the learners on how to use this module.
You also need to keep track of the learners' progress while allowing them to manage
their own learning. Furthermore, you are expected to encourage and assist the
learners as they do the tasks included in the module.

For the learner:
Welcome to the Trends, Networks, and Critical Thinking in the 21st Century/12 Self-
Learning Module (SLM) on Strategic Analysis and Intuitive Thinking!
The hand is one of the most symbolized part of the human body. It is often used to
depict skill, action and purpose. Through our hands we may learn, create and
accomplish. Hence, the hand in this learning resource signifies that you as a learner
is capable and empowered to successfully achieve the relevant competencies and
skills at your own pace and time. Your academic success lies in your own hands!
This module was designed to provide you with fun and meaningful opportunities for
guided and independent learning at your own pace and time. You will be enabled to
process the contents of the learning resource while being an active learner.
This module has the following parts and corresponding icons:

What I Need to Know This will give you an idea of the skills or
competencies you are expected to learn in the

What I Know This part includes an activity that aims to

check what you already know about the
lesson to take. If you get all the answers
correct (100%), you may decide to skip this

What’s In This is a brief drill or review to help you link

the current lesson with the previous one.

What’s New In this portion, the new lesson will be

introduced to you in various ways such as a
story, a song, a poem, a problem opener, an
activity or a situation.

What is It This section provides a brief discussion of the

lesson. This aims to help you discover and
understand new concepts and skills.

What’s More This comprises activities for independent

practice to solidify your understanding and
skills of the topic. You may check the
answers to the exercises using the Answer
Key at the end of the module.

What I Have Learned This includes questions or blank

sentence/paragraph to be filled in to process
what you learned from the lesson.

What I Can Do This section provides an activity which will

help you transfer your new knowledge or skill
into real life situations or concerns.

Assessment This is a task which aims to evaluate your
level of mastery in achieving the learning

Additional Activities In this portion, another activity will be given

to you to enrich your knowledge or skill of the
lesson learned. This also tends retention of
learned concepts.

Answer Key This contains answers to all activities in the


At the end of this module you will also find:

References This is a list of all sources used in developing

this module.

The following are some reminders in using this module:

1. Use the module with care. Do not put unnecessary mark/s on any part of the
module. Use a separate sheet of paper in answering the exercises.
2. Don’t forget to answer What I Know before moving on to the other activities
included in the module.
3. Read the instruction carefully before doing each task.
4. Observe honesty and integrity in doing the tasks and checking your answers.
5. Finish the task at hand before proceeding to the next.
6. Return this module to your teacher/facilitator once you are through with it.
If you encounter any difficulty in answering the tasks in this module, do not
hesitate to consult your teacher or facilitator. Always bear in mind that you are
not alone.
We hope that through this material, you will experience meaningful learning and
gain deep understanding of the relevant competencies. You can do it!

What I Need to Know

Hello dear students! Job well done in the previous module. Are you ready for the next

Our world is full of problems that people think what would be the solutions on these
problems. Being a strategic thinker or an intuitive thinker helps to create solutions
for achieving goals and solve problems in our home, school, government, community
and other institutions. Let’s help our government to have a better community.

The module is divided into four lessons, namely:

 Lesson 1 – Strategic Analysis and Intuitive Thinking
 Lesson 2 – Key Components of Strategic Analysis
 Lesson 3- Apply Strategic Analysis
 Lesson 4- Creative Solutions using Intuitive Thinking

After going through this module, you are expected to:

1. Explain strategic analysis and intuitive thinking
 Define strategic analysis and intuitive thinking
 Differentiate the key components in strategic analysis and intuitive
2. Apply strategic analysis
3. Apply intuitive thinking in solving a problem in the community using a map
of social network.

What I Know

Choose the letter of the best answer. Write the chosen letter on a separate sheet of

_____1. It is a quick and ready insight.

a. Strategic thinking
b. Intuitive thinking
c. Critical thinking
d. Rational thinking
_____2. It is a process of conducting research to examine and identify problems in a
certain community.
a. Strategic thinking
b. Intuitive thinking
c. Critical thinking
d. Rational thinking
_____3. It examines and understands the environment without logical reasoning.
a. Strategic analysis
b. Intuitive thinking
c. Critical thinking
d. Rational thinking
_____4. It uses abstract and criteria in a certain situation.
a. PEST analysis
b. Intuitive thinking
c. Strategic analysis
d. SWOT analysis
_____5. Which of the following is one of the components of intuitive thinking?
a. rational
b. gut feeling
c. strategic planning
d. tool analysis
_____6. The use of different tools for analyzing a certain community/organization.
a. tool analysis
b. values
c. strategic planning
d. goals
_____7. A tool analysis that analyzes the strength, weaknesses, opportunities and
threats of an organization?
a. PEST analysis
b. SWOT analysis
c. Critical analysis
d. Strategic analysis

_____8. In PEST analysis, it deals about the rules and regulations imposed by the
a. Economic
b. Political
c. Technological
d. Cultural
_____9. In SWOT analysis, it’s your organization’s assets or your competitors don’t
a. Weaknesses
b. Opportunities
c. Threats
d. Strength
_____10. A set of social actors in social structure that interact each other.
a. Socialization
b. Social actors
c. Social networks
d. Social organizations
_____11. Which of the following institutions deals about the everyday living like the
practices and even beliefs in certain community?
a. Politics
b. Economic
c. Cultural
d. Family
_____12. The common between strategic thinking and intuitive thinking is______
a. Both has a quick insight
b. Both uses lot of time
c. Both uses logical reasoning
d. Both can create solutions
_____13. How intuitive thinking can be used to create solution in a certain
a. It creates solution because of the years of trained experiences that helps
to understand a situation.
b. It solves problems through using logic and abstract to formulate strategy.
c. Tt creates solution through step-by-step process in making a strategy.
d. With the use of intuition, it creates solution through using tool analysis.
_____14. Why tool analyses like PEST analysis is used in strategic
a. It is used to examine and understand a situation to identify problems in
different aspects of a certain community.
b. It used to prove that strategic analysis is the best in all problem solving.
c. It used to understand a situation with the use of senses and insights in
creating solutions.
d. It helps to understand a situation by knowing the strength and
weaknesses or an organization/community.
_____15. How social networks help to create solution in a certain community?
a. Social networks examine a situation to create solutions.
b. Social networks help to understand community because of the people.
c. Social networks examine community by giving ideas
d. Social networks help in identifying problems by examining interrelated
institutions to create solutions.

Strategic Analysis and
1 Intuitive Thinking

After going through this lesson, you are expected to:

1. Define strategic analysis and intuitive thinking.
2. Explain strategic analysis and intuitive thinking.

What’s In

Hello Philippines and Hello World! How are you today? Take a look around you,
what do you notice? As you observe, people use technology, fun of fashion and
engaging in other activities which they enjoyed a lot. We could not deny the fact that
in today’s generation people engage in different activities that could be a trend or a
Activity: # Post It!

Fill in the box what are the example of trends today.

Trends Today

What’s New

Activity: What’s Your Idea?

In a situation given, write your idea/opinion.

Situation 1: Be an Entrepreneur

If you want to be an entrepreneur, what are the factors that you need to consider
in building a business?

Factors that I considered

Processed Questions:
1. What can you say about the activity?
2. How do you come up with your decision?
3. Why do we need to decide?

What is It

Definition of Strategic Analysis and Intuitive Thinking

Strategic Analysis
 is a process of examining and identifying a problem/threats using rational
thinking, conceptualizing with systematic and step-by-step process.
 Use to analyze an organization to formulate a strategic planning in achieving
 A process of conducting research to identify problems in the environment to
formulate a strategy for creating solutions.

Strategic-analytical thinking involves time, uses abstract and criteria, brain-centered

to see the big picture of the environment to formulate strategy in achieving goal.

Intuitive thinking
 is a “quick and ready insight” (Webster’s New Collegiate Dictionary)
 a kind of thinking that examines and understands a certain problem
without using logical reasoning or rational thinking.
 It referred to as your gut feeling, your instinct, senses and years of
experiences that can help to create solutions in a certain problem in an
organization or in the community.

The following are great quotes from great personalities (

1.Albert Einstein- “There is no logical way to the discovery of these elemental

laws. There is only the way of intuition, which is helped by a feeling for the
order lying behind the appearance.”
2. Alexis Carrel- “All great men are gifted with intuition. They know without
reasoning or analysis what they need to know.”
3.Lao Tzu- “The power of intuitive understanding will protect you from harm
until the end of your days

What’s More

Activity 1.1: IT’S MY STRATEGY
Using your intuitive thinking or strategic thinking, what will you do in the following
1. Surprise quiz
2. Gadget is suddenly lost
3. Meeting the President of the Philippines
4. Lost and Found money
5. Meeting bad guys

What I Have Learned

Activity 1.2: IT’S DRILL TIME!

Fill in the Blanks. Fill in the blanks with necessary information.

________________ is a kind of thinking that conduct research that examines the

situation an organization or community to ____________ in a certain problem while
the _______________ is a kind of thinking that examines the situation through ready
insights. Achieving _______ is important in strategic analysis and intuitive thinking.
Strategic analysis uses ___________, ______________ and __________ to see big
picture of the environment in creating solutions while intuitive thinking uses ______
,____________ and ___________ to examine the environment in solving a problem.

What I Can Do


You are going to make a poem based on the question below.
1. The poem must have a title. You can make your own title.
2. The poem must be composed a minimum of two paragraphs .
1. Are you an intuitive thinker or a strategic thinker?
Are you an intuitive thinker or a strategic thinker?

Rubrics for Poem making

Category Descriptions Points Score

Content It shows the content of the poem 10

Creativity Clear and precise message of the 10

story. Creativity in formulating a

Over-All Clean, organize, attractive and 5

Presentation vibrant appearance

Total 25

Lesson Key Components of
2 Strategic Analysis and
Intuitive Thinking
After going through this lesson, you are expected to:
1. Identify the key components in strategic analysis and intuitive thinking.
2. Differentiate the key components in strategic analysis and intuitive thinking.

What’s In

Activity: See the Difference

Based from the previous lesson, identify the differences of strategic analysis and
intuitive thinking through Venn diagram.

Strategic Intuitive
thinking thinking
(Differences) (Differences)

What’s New

Activity: My Quick and Rational Decision

List down things/activities you do which you think a result of a quick decision or
a rational decision.

Quick Decision Rational Decision

Processed Questions:

1.What can you say about the activity?


2. What have you observed on your answer?


3.How do you come up with that decision?


4. When is the time that you need to have a quick decision or a rational decision?

5. Why do we need to decide?


What is It

Key Components of Strategic Analysis

There are lot of factors to be a strategic thinker. Strategic thinking understands and
examines to see the big picture of an organization or a community.

The following are the key components of strategic analysis:

Tools Strategic
analysis Rational Systematic Goals

1.Tool analysis
 Uses to help in the formulation of strategy. The common tool analyses use is
the SWOT analysis and the PEST analysis
2. Rational
 being logical in examining a situation.
3. Systematic
 there is a step-by-step process in identifying problems.
4. Goals
 talks about the purpose of the organization
5. Strategic Planning
 clarifies the ways in which our daily work will help move the goals forward.

Key Components of Intuitive Thinking
Intuitive thinking helps you understand reality because of its components.

Lack of Non-
Quick Insights Gut feel Experiences
Rationalization Sequential

1. Lack of Rationalization- creates solutions without logical reasoning

2. Non-sequential- there is no step-by-step process in planning
3. Insights-uses to understand a person, thing or a situation with the help of
4. Gut feel-a quick reaction without logical rationale.
5. Experiences-can help to understand the situation because trained

What’s More

Activity 1.1: TRUE OR FALSE

Identify if the following statement if true or false. Write your answer in the separate
sheet provided.
__________1. Quick insight is one of the components of strategic analysis.
__________2. Non sequential means a step-by-step process.
__________3. Intuitive thinking means using concepts and abstract in formulating
__________4. Values is important in strategic analysis because it will be the basis of
your practices to strengthen your organization.
__________5. Experiences make a good intuition.
__________6. Using strategic thinking means you are quick to analyze a situation.
__________7. Being logical means you are an intuitive thinker.
__________8. Achieving goal is most important both in strategic and intuitive
__________9. Being trained of your experiences added by your senses are the
components in strategic analysis.
__________10. In intuition, you don’t need to identify problems in creating solutions
because you have senses and experiences.

What I Have Learned



Differentiate the key components in strategic analysis and intuitive thinking.

Strategic Intuitive
Analysis Thinking

What I Can Do

Activity 1.3: Story Time!

Direction: Make a story showing the difference between strategic thinking and
intuitive thinking based on the key concepts.

Rubrics for Story Making

Category Descriptions Points Score

Content It shows the content of the story 10

Creativity Clear and precise message of the 10


Over-All Clean, organize, attractive and 5

Presentation vibrant appearance



3 Applying Strategic Analysis

After going through this lesson, you are expected to:

1. Identify the common tools used in strategic analysis.
2. Discuss the SWOT analysis and PEST analysis
3. Apply strategic analysis

What’s In

Activity: What’s the Difference?

You learned from the previous lesson the key components of strategic analysis and
intuitive thinking, write the difference of strategic analysis and intuitive thinking.

What’s New

Activity: LET’S IDENTIFY THE PROBLEM (Picture Analysis)

The picture depicts about politics. Analyze the given
picture and you are going to identify the
Processed Questions:
1. What can you say about the activity?
2. How did you identify the threats and problems?
3. How and why do these problems occur?
4. As a student, how can you make a solution on these problems?
5. Why do we need to have creative solutions to these problems?

What is It

Applying Strategic Analysis

Strategy is important in solving problem. Being strategic means you are logical.
Applying strategic analysis will help a community or an organization. It takes time
to create solution because of there are steps and processes to be followed.
One of the component of strategic analyses is the use of tool analysis or the
different methods to identify and address the threats and problems. The two common
tool analyses used are the SWOT analysis and the PEST analysis.

1. SWOT Analysis-is a tool analysis used to know the strength, weaknesses

(internal factors), opportunities and threats (external factors) in an
organization to achieve a goal.
Internal factors- are factors within the company, the strength and weakness of
the company/organization.
External factors-are affecting factors outside the company that affects the plan of
the company/organization.
Internal Factors External Factors

 Things your  Things that  Few competitors in  Emerging

company does well company lacks your area competitors
 Qualities that the  Things your  Emerging needs for  Changing
competitors don’t competitors do your products or imposing rules of
have better than you services government
 skilled,  Resource  Press/media coverage  Negative media
knowledgeable staff limitations of your company coverage
 Changing
Example of SWOT analysis for Jollibee
Strengths Opportunities

 Low price  Expands to other countries

 Quality food  Advance in new market
 Filipino taste foods  Advertisement to social media
 Reachable location  Franchising
 Creative in terms of advertising the

Weaknesses Threats

 Fast food can cause obesity  Rivalry with other fast food chain
 Spend a lot of money  The trend of healthy living

2. PEST Analysis- (political, economic, social and technological) is tool used in
an organization that can assess major external factors that influence its
operation in order to achieve goal and be competitive

Political- includes rules, regulations, laws and politics imposed

by the government which affects the organization.

Economic- covers purchasing power, interest rate inflation, employment and

unemployment rates

Socio-Cultural- includes people’s preferences, needs, demographics,

attitudes and cultural backgrounds

Technological-includes those related to technological innovation and

their impacts.

Example of PEST Analysis for Coronavirus

Political  Government is being slow to the response of corona virus
 It may lead to dissatisfaction among citizen to the government
Economic  Unemployment
 Economic output was reduced
 Economic activities were negatively affected
Socio-cultural  Panic
 Racism
 Fear
 Online business or remote work
Technological  Advances in study of virus
 Contact tracing

What’s More

Activity 1.1: LET’S DO IT!

Based on the given situation, identify the Strength, Weaknesses, Opportunities and
Threats (SWOT).
The Grade XII HUMSS students are planning to put up a business. They are planning
to put up a fast food chain in urban areas where there is no fast food chain. They
are intelligent, have skills and teamwork. They have enough finances but don’t know
how to manage. They heard also that the Grade XII-SMAW and ICT are also planning
to put up same business.
Strength Weaknesses

Opportunities Threats

What I Have Learned


Using the Venn diagram, identify the common relationships among the SWOT
analysis and PEST analysis. Write your answer on the blank of Venn Diagram on the
separate sheet.

1. SWOT Analysis
Strengths Opportunities Weaknesses Threats

Weaknesses Threats

Opportunities Threats Strengths Weaknesses

2. PEST Analysis
Political Economic Socio-cultural Technological

What I Can Do

Activity 1.3: LET’S IDENTIFY!

Based from the given picture on the right, identify

the problems using PEST analysis sheet and create
your solution.

PEST Analysis Sheet


1.Based from the result in PEST analysis, what would be the problem?

2.What would be your suggested solutions based from PEST analysis?

Rubrics for Creative Solution

4 3 2 1 0
Meets standards Meets Approaching Minimal No attempt
at a high level standard standards understanding
The student The student The student The student No evidence of
provides correct provides demonstrates demonstrates attempting the
solutions and mostly correct some correct some evidence of task
strategies. solutions and thinking about intuitive
strategies solutions and thinking, but
The student with minor strategies. shows little
explains and errors. understanding.
justifies his/her
The student explains their
thinking thoroughly The student
explains and thinking but it
and clearly. offers little
justifies may be hard to
explanation of
his/her follow.
The student his/her thinking
connects and thinking. or what is
The student
applies the The student demonstrates offered does not
standards in demonstrates partial make sense.
complex ways. mastery of understanding
of the standards The student
the standards
that were that were
explicitly minimal or no
understanding of
taught. taught.
the standards.

Creative Solutions Using
4 Intuitive Thinking
After going through this lesson, you are expected to:
1. Explain social networks.
2. Discuss how social networks used to identify problems in a certain
community using intuitive thinking
3. Apply intuitive thinking in solving a problem in the community using a map
of social networks.

What’s In

Activity: I Recall
Recall your past experiences, when and how did you use strategic thinking?

What’s New

Activity: LET’S THINK!

Cite some rules and regulations in your school.

Processed Questions:
1. What can you say about the activity?
2. How does the school come up to make rules and regulations?
3. Why there should be imposing of rules and regulations?

What is It

Creative solution using Intuitive thinking

Intuitive thinking is the ability to understand the reality without using logical
reasoning. It uses years of experiences and your senses to create solution to a certain
problem in the community.

Intuitive thinking can actually create solution without using tool analysis as
long as there’s a lot of experiences and expertise and at the same time social networks
can be used to create solutions.

A social network is a set of social actors (such as individual or organization,

institutions) in a social structure that interacts with each other.
In the map of social networks, it helps us to examine and understand
situations which can identify problems/threats in a certain community, since these
networks are interrelated. Institutions like politics, economic, cultural and even
kinship ties help to examine and identify problems in making creative solutions.


Kinship Ties

Sample of Social network (individual or institution)

What’s More

Activity 1.1: LET’S DO IT!

Identify problem/s and threats based from the given

picture on the right using intuitive thinking.

Identified problem/s______________________________________________________________

What I Have Learned


Fill in the blanks with necessary information.

Intuitive thinking is the ability to understand the reality without using

_________. Social network is a set of _______________ in a social structure that
interacts with each other. Institutions like ____________, ____________ and ___________
are part of social networks that can help to identify ____________ in a certain
community. Using social networks can easily see the reality in a community. Being
an intuitive thinker can actually create solutions through _________________,
________________, _____________, __________ to identify problems and threats in a
certain community.

What I Can Do


A. Apply intuitive thinking in solving a problem in the community using social
Problems/Threats Creative Solution/s through
Intuitive Thinking




Kinship Ties

Rubrics for Creative Solution

4 3 2 1 0
Meets standards Meets Approaching Minimal No attempt
at a high level standard standards understanding
The student The student The student The student No evidence of
provides correct provides demonstrates demonstrates attempting the
solutions and mostly some correct some evidence task
strategies. correct thinking about of intuitive
solutions solutions and thinking, but
The student and strategies. shows little
explains and strategies understanding.
justifies his/her with minor Student
thinking errors. explains their The student
thoroughly and thinking but it offers little
clearly. The student may be hard to explanation of
explains and follow. his/her
The student justifies thinking or
connects and his/her The student what is offered
applies the thinking. demonstrates does not make
standards in partial sense.
complex ways. understanding
The student of the The student
demonstrates standards that demonstrates
mastery of were explicitly minimal or no
the taught. understanding
standards of the
that were standards.


Multiple Choice. Write the chosen letter on a separate sheet of paper.

_____1. It examines and understands the environment without logical reasoning.
a. Strategic analysis
b. Intuitive thinking
c. Critical thinking
d. Rational thinking
_____2. It uses abstract and criteria in a certain situation.
a. PEST analysis
b. Intuitive thinking
c. Strategic analysis
d. SWOT analysis
_____3. It is a quick and ready insight.
a. Strategic thinking
b. Intuitive thinking
c. Critical thinking
d. Rational thinking
_____4. It is a process of conducting research to examine and identify problems in a
certain community.
a. Strategic thinking
b. Intuitive thinking
c. Critical thinking
d. Rational thinking
_____5. The use of different tools for analyzing a certain community/organization.
a. tool analysis
b. values
c. strategic planning
d. goals
_____6. In PEST analysis, it deals about the rules and regulations imposed by the
a. Economic
b. Socio-cultural
c. Political
d. Technological
_____7. Which of the following is one the components of intuitive thinking?
a. rational
b. gut feeling
c. strategic planning
d. tool analysis

_____8. In SWOT analysis, it’s your organization’s assets or your competitors don’t
a. Weaknesses
b. Opportunities
c. Threats
d. Strength
_____9. A set of social actors in social structure that interact each other.
a. Socialization
b. Social actors
c. Social networks
d. Social organizations
____10. A tool analysis analyzes the strength, weaknesses, opportunities and
threats of an organization?
a. PEST analysis
b. SWOT analysis
c. Critical analysis
d. Strategic analysis
_____11. The common between strategic thinking and intuitive thinking is______
a. Both uses quick insights
b. Both uses lot of time
c. Both uses logical reasoning
d. Both can create solutions

_____12. Why tool analyses like PEST analysis is used in strategic

a. It is used to examine and understand a situation to identify problems in
different aspects of a certain community.
b. It used to prove that strategic analysis is the best in all problem solving.
c. It used to understand a situation with the use of senses and insights in
creating solutions.
d. It helps to understand a situation by knowing the strength and
weaknesses or an organization/community.
_____13. Which of the following institutions deals about the everyday living like the
practices and even beliefs in certain community?
a. Politics
b. Economic
c. Cultural
d. Family
_____14. How social networks help to create solution in a certain community?
a. Social networks help in identifying problems by examining interrelated
institutions to create solutions.
b. Social networks help to understand community because of the people.
c. Social networks examine community by giving ideas
d. Social networks examine a situation to create solutions
_____15. How intuitive thinking can be used to create solution in a certain
a. With the use of intuition, it creates solution because of PEST analysis and
SWOT analysis.
b. It solves problems through using logic and abstract to formulate strategy.
c. Tt creates solution through step-by-step process in making a strategy.
d. It creates solution because of the years of trained experiences that helps
to understand a situation.

Additional Activities

In your community, threats and problems occur because of many factors. As a

student and a citizen, you are going to identify threats and problems and create
solution in your community using strategic analysis (PEST analysis).

What I Have Learned What I Have Learned
Lesson 1 Lesson 3
Fill in the blanks Possible answers
1. Strategic Analysis Common/Relationship/Connection
2. Intuitive Thinking Strength-Opportunities
3. Create solutions  Both are helpful
4. Goal/s  Positive
5-7 Possible Answers Weaknesses-Threats
 Abstract, criteria, brain-  Both are harmful
centered, logic, lot of time  Negative
8-10 Possible answers Opportunities-Threats
 Years of experiences  Both are external factors
 Quick and ready  Affects the plan of an organization
insights Strength-Weaknesses
 Senses  Both are internal factors
Lesson 4  Control by the organization
1.logic/logical reasoning  Inside of the organization
2.Social actors Political-Economic
3-5. Possible answer
 Economic activities depend on the rules
 Politics/Government, School, and regulations imposed by the
Church, Family government
6.Problems/Threats Socio-Cultural-Technology
7-10 Possible Answers
 Cultural and social activities can be
 Examine social networks, shaped by technology
years of experiences, senses,
 Technology affects the socio-cultural
gut feel
What I Know What's More Assessment
1. B Lesson 2 1. B
2. A 1.1 True or False 2. C
3. B 1. False 3. B
4. C 2. False 4. A
5. B
3. False 5. A
6. A
4. True 6. C
7. B
8. B 5. True 7. B
9. D 6. False 8. D
10.C 7. False 9. C
11.C 8. True 10.B
12.D 9. False 11.D
13.A 10.False 12.A
14.A 13.C
15.D 14.A
Answer Key

Mangiduyos, Gladys P. Trends, Networks, and Critical Thinking in the 21st Century.
Rex Bookstore.

Web Sources

Quizlet. 2020. “Strategic Analysis And Intuitive Thinking Flashcards”. Quizlet.

[Accessed 3 July 2020]. Available at: <

“Philosophy Terms”. 2020. Intuition. [Accessed 3 July 2020]. Available at:

<https://philosophyterms. com/intuition/> [Accessed 3 July 2020]. Available at: <http://training.

hr.ufl.du/ resources/LeadershipToolkit/job_aids/ strategic_thinking.pdf> [Accessed 3 July 2020]. Available at: <>

Maymin, Senia. 2020. "Three Components Of Intuition – Consulting And

Executive Coaching". Senia.Com. [Accessed 2020] ttps://

The Social Network". 2020. En.Wikipedia.Org. [Accessed 2020].

Bush, Thomas. "PEST Analysis Of Coronavirus". PESTLE Analysis, 2020.

[Accessed 2020].

PEST Analysis". Investopedia, 2020. [Accessed 2020].

"How To Do A SWOT Analysis For Your Small Business (With Examples)". 2020.

Program, SHS, Core Subjects, Specialized Subjects, Work Program, Official

Documents, Application Process, and Resources DLP's et al. 2020 "Senior High
School Philippines". Senior High School Philippines.

"Your Rubric". 2020. Rubistar.4Teachers.Org.


Katrinaflores14. 2020. "Swot Analysis Of Jollibee". Slideshare.Net.

“Covid-19 Has Become An Economic Problem". 2020. Manila Bulletin News.

This Self-learning Module (SLM) was developed by DepEd SOCCSKSARGEN with the
primary objective of preparing for and addressing the new normal. Contents of this
module were based on DepEd’s Most Essential Learning Competencies (MELC). This
is a supplementary material to be used by all learners of region XII in all public
schools beginning SY 2020-2021. The process of LR development was observed in
the production of this module. This is version 1.0. We highly encourage feedback,
comments, and recommendation.

For inquiries or feedback, please write or call:

Department of Education – SOCCSKSARGEN

Learning Resource Management System (LRMS)

Regional Center, Brgy. Carpenter Hill, City of Koronadal

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