Gwyneth Maureen Icaro - MODULE 5 - LEARNING TASKS (Repaired)

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Read Module 5 before answering this task.


NAME: Gwyneth Maureen Icaro SECTION: BSCA-1A1

Based on the information provided in the module, name four (4) benefits countries
would get from joining international organizations. Explain each benefit by citing
examples from your research, readings, or observation. (5 points each)

1. Economic Stability
A country with economic stability has access to things that are vital to their
survival, such as cash resources, good housing and food, and a job that pays
a stable, living income. When the economy is stable, people tend to have
steady income and less likely to live in poverty and more likely to be healthy.
Based on the module, the economy is stable when the demand is higher than
the supply because people can afford the things that they need and want.

2. Peace and Security

A peaceful and secure environment is essential since it affects all aspects of
economic and social development in a country. People who feel safe, can do
the things that helps the country to achieve societal growth. One thing that can
be avoided when there is peace and security is that the wars between people
that opposes the government. As human technology has advanced and
warfare has become increasingly destructive, there could be instances that it
can lead into a massive destruction when it takes place, so peace and security
is very important in a country and we can overcome it when we join
international organizations.
3. Self-determination
In every country, we can’t avoid people that argues with the government
because they don’t have the same beliefs and culture. It is called sovereignty
wherein they are forming a country through self determination from an existing
country. In the Philippines, one of the examples of it is the Bangsamoro
wherein they are seeking a higher level of self-determination but the
government still handles them because they are still in our country and they
are still the people of the Philippines.
4. Humanitarianism
When we talk about humanitarianism, it is giving value in human life. The
government provide aid assistance to the ones that has been affected by
natural disasters. One of the examples of humanitarianism is feeding the poor.
Poverty is very unavoidable especially that some people aren’t employed and
their needs cannot be met. In the Philippines, we have here the 4P’s that gives
cash assistance to the families that can’t meet their needs.

NAME: Gwyneth Maureen Icaro SECTION: BSCA-1A1

Briefly define each concept below and give one specific example of each type of foreign
relations or political doctrines. (4 points each)
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1. Isolationism Isolationism is isolating one’s North Korea is an example
country from the affairs of other of Isolationism. It is
nations by declining alliances completely isolated from
and international agreements the rest of the world
while they are seeking to devote wherein their borders were
the entire efforts in its own and completely sealed off.
remaining at peace by avoiding
foreign responsibilities.
2. Unilateralism In unilateralism, country refuses Some of the countries that
to involve other nation in their are example of
foreign affairs. The country acts unilateralism are Myanmar,
on its own and do not support Sri Lanka, Chile, Lebanon,
other country but they conduct Norway, Pakistan, South
foreign affairs individually with Rhodesia, and Syria. All
their own. unilateral trade restrictions
and the global economy
3. Bilateralism Bilateralism is the diplomatic Australia and Canada have
relations of two different a bilateral relationship.
countries that helps each other Both have similar
country by sending governments and share
ambassadors to facilitate similar values as well as
dialogues and cooperation with having the same titular
each other’s economic head of state.
4. Multilateralism Multilateralism refers to the The United Nations
multiple countries that has International Children’s
alliance with common goals and Education Fund (UNICEF)
perspective. They also follow is one of many multilateral
international norms and they organizations that are
agree to have foreign widely known today.
responsibilities with other
countries around the world that
are included in their
5. Supranationalism In supranationalism, a country One of the examples of it is
comes together to create the United Nations (UN)
policies that agrees on the wherein countries have
decision of an international alliances and they have
organization. They also have common goals to achieve.
common goals that is essential
in achieving economic growth.

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