Lasallian Module - Summary of Reflection Questions

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Questions and Reflections on the Life of

St. John Baptist De La Salle

Here’s a summary of the questions shown in the presentation. You may spend a few minutes to
reflect. Afterwards, write your responses on the Discussion section.

1. How can you be an influence to others in becoming a faithful follower of Christ?

2. In this difficult time that we are facing due to the pandemic, how have you shared your
simple blessings to the underprivileged?

3. In your life, is there an instance that you found someone who have assisted you
especially during difficult times? Who and how?

4. Is there something you must sacrifice in order to fulfill your mission or achieve your
dream in life? Expound your response.

5. How do you view life’s adversities? Do you consider it as a failure or an invitation for you
to challenge yourself to become a better person? Expound your response.

6. During the low moments in your life, where and how do you find peace? Do you find
solace in prayer, in quiet moments with God?

7. Allowing God to do his will in your life means you are committing to doing good things,
how do you show this in your everyday dealings? List down your response.

8. Write a simple pledge of commitment on how you can be a model to others as you live
out these Lasallian virtues.

SPS5000 Online Lasallian Module

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