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Half Yearly Exam

Grade-V Total Marks- 80 General Instructions:

a) All questions are compulsory, unless specified otherwise in the question. b) The

question paper consists of 33 questions divided into two sections A & B. c) Section A

comprises 21 questions of a total of 40 marks. Section B comprises of 4 questions of

5 marks each,4 questions of 2 marks each, 4 questions of 3 marks each. Section-A

I. Read the passage and answer the questions that follow. (10 × 1 = 10) Ray and His Kite

Ray was a silly boy. Yding a fairy tale or dreaming daydreams better. There was one
activity that he liked as well as his companions; that was flying a kite.
One day when he wou will think so too when you have read this story. Ray liked to play
with the boys at school well enough; but he liked to be alone under the shade of some
tree reaas flying his kite, he said to himself, “I wonder if anybody ever tried to fly a kite
at night. It seems to me it would be nice. But then, if it is dark, the kite cannot be seen.
What if I should fasten a light to it, though? That would make it show. I'll try it tonight.”
As soon as it was dark, without saying a word to anybody, he took his kite and lantern
and went to a large, open lot a distance from his home. “Well,” thought he, “this is
strange. How lonely and still it seems without any other boys around! I am going to fly
my kite anyway.” So, he tied the lantern, which was made of tin punched full of small
holes, to the tail of his kite. Then he pitched the kite, and, after several attempts,
succeeded in making it rise. Up it went, higher and higher, as Ray let out the string.
When the string was all unwound, he tied it to a fence, and then he stood and gazed
at his kite as it floated high up in the air. While Ray was enjoying his kite, some people
who were out on the street in the village saw a strange light in the sky. They gathered
in groups to watch it. Now it was still for a few seconds; then it seemed to be jumping
up and down; then it made long sweeps back and forth through the air.
“What can it be?” asked one person. “How strange,” said another. “It cannot be a
comet because comets have tails,” said a third. “Perhaps it's a big firefly,” said another.
At last some of the men decided to find out what this strange light was—whether it was
a hobgoblin dancing in the air, or something dropping from the sky.
So off they started to get as close to it as they could. While this was taking place, Ray,
who had gotten tired of standing and was sitting on a fence behind a tree. He could see
the men as they approached, but they did not see him. When they were directly under
the light, and saw what it was, they looked at each other and said while laughing, “This
is some boy's trick, and it has fooled us nicely. Let us keep the secret and have our share
of the joke.” Then they laughed again and went back to the village. Some of the people
there had not yet found out what that strange light was. When the men had gone, Ray
thought it was time for him to go, so he wound up his string, picked up his kite and
lantern, and went home. His mother had been wondering where he was. When she
heard what he had been doing, she hardly knew whether to laugh or scold, but I think
she laughed and told him that it was time for him to go to bed.

Pick the correct answer:

1. What is the one activity that Ray liked?

a. To sing
b. To dance
c. To fly a kite
d. To play piano

2. When did Ray decide to fly his kite?

a. Morning
b. Afternoon
c. Night
d. After school

3. Where did Ray go to fly his kite?

a. On his terrace
b. open lot a distance from his home
c. Play ground
d. To his friends house

4. What was the lantern made of?

a. It was made of tin
b. It was made of plastic
c. It was made of wood
d. It was made of paper
5. Where did Ray tie the string of his kite?
a. to his cycle
b. to a fence
c. to a bench
d. to a chair

Fill in the blanks.

6. Some villagers saw ________ light in the sky.

7. When the villagers left Ray realised ___________
8. Ray Picked up his _________, and went home.
9. When Ray reached home his mother told him it was time to __________.
10. Villagers were ________ with Ray’s trick.

II. Reference to the context: (5 x 1 =5) a. Read the lines from the story, ‘The Letter Box’, and
answer the question. ‘But the villagers love him,’ replied the priests. ‘Let him work in the
village for some more time.’

11. Who does ‘him’ refer to?

12. Why were the priests discussing ‘him’?
13. Why do you think the villagers loved ‘him’?
b. Read the lines from the poem, ‘Gecko’, and answer the questions.
‘Please: this tail maneuver don’t repeat – It makes you look incomplete! ‘
14. What is the meaning of the highlighted word?
15 What does the phrase ' you look incomplete! ' tells us?

III Grammar:
16. Add a suitable suffix/prefix to the root word to make a new word (4 × 1= 4)

a. ___happy
b. ___complete
c. Spell____
d. Fold____

17. Choose and write the correct verb from the brackets to complete the sentences below. (3
× 1 = 3)

a. The boys _______ going to the playground after class. (is/are)

b. Raj ______ the best student in my class. (is/are)
c. Both the students____________ performed well. (has /have)

18. Identify the participles in the sentences and write who/what they describe. (3 × 1 = 3)

a. The boring movie made the audience leave the cinema hall.
b. The worn clothes are not suitable to donate.
c. The jingling bells woke up the baby.

19. Fill in the blanks

a) Fill in the blanks with correct demonstrative adjectives (3 x 1=3)

a. _______ pasta is my favourite.
b. _______ dog is trained.
c. ________villas are very beautiful.

b) Fill in the blanks with the correct phrases from the brackets. (3 × 1= 3)

(with respect next year behave well)

a. We have to treat our elders .

b. The students were told to _________ .
c. We plan to go for a holiday .

c) Fill in the blanks with suitable subject/object pronouns. (4 × 1 = 4)

a. You can have ice-cream after ________ finish your food. (you / me)
b. __________ prefers to finish homework after class. (He / him)
c. I think___________ enjoys reading books. (me / she)
d. I will tell ______ to be quiet. (they / them)

20. Write sentences for the given pair of words to bring out the difference in their meaning: (2
× 1 = 2)
a. See -
b. Sea -
21. Make sentences to bring out the meanings of these phrasal verbs. (3 × 1 = 3)
a. Note down
b. Turn around
c. Stand up

Section- B
IV Creative Writing:
22. Write a diary entry in 100-120 words to describe this year's virtual Independence Day
(1 x 5= 5)

23. (a) Read the given information about Lijjat papad, an Indian cooperative. Use it to write an
informative paragraph of 80–100 words. (1 x 5= 5)

● Lijjat Papad was born when a group of 7 Gujarati women

● Their first customers were neighbours from surrounding homes.
● It was not all going smoothly during the first years of operation.
● To help boost its sales Lijjat Papad took part in trade fairs and exhibitions which made their
brand popular in India.
● Thanks to its growth and popularity Lijjat Papad started exporting 35% of its Products ●
Today Lijjat Papad is considered as one of the most successful business ventures that is owned
by women for women empowerment.

(b) Look at the picture given below and write 5 to 7 sentences about it.
24. Write a formal letter to the secretary of your colony(apartment) complaining about poor
maintenance of the play area. (1 x 5= 5)

V Answer the following questions in 2 to 3 sentences (4 X 2 =8) 25. In the story 'Hasmina's
Butterfly', what happened to the butterfly finally? 26. According to the poem, ‘Gecko’, a gecko
can stick to different things. Write four such things mentioned in the poem.
27.In the story 'The Letter Box', what news did Maria give the old priest when she burst into
his room?
28.In the story 'Hasmina's Butterfly', why was Hasmina's project appreciated by her teacher?

VI Answer the following questions in 4 to 5 sentences. (Answers may vary) (1M-Spelling and
grammar, 2M-Keywords and Content)
(4 X 3 =12)
29. In the story 'Hasmina's Butterfly', should Hasmina have trapped the butterfly in the jar?
Why or why not? (Give reasons for your answers)
30. According to the poem, ‘Sour Grapes’, was the fox's reaction to failure the right one? Do
humans react the same way?

31.In the story 'The Letter Box', what was the reason the Archbishop gave for testing the old
priest of Santa? What was the test?
32. According to the poem, ‘Gecko’, in what way does Gecko protect itself from predators?

VII Answer the following question (long answer type)

(1 x 5 = 5)
33. In the story 'The Letter Box', in what ways did the priest help the sparrow family?
Recollect and write any incident when you helped others.


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