Kata Pengantar Bhs Inggris Makalah

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Praise and Gratitude The author prays to the presence of God Almighty because of the abundance of His
Grace and Grace so that the author can compile this paper on time. This paper discusses the material in

In the preparation of this paper, the author faced many challenges and obstacles but with the help of
various parties these challenges could be overcome. Therefore, the authors would like to thank
profusely to all those who have helped in the preparation of this paper, hopefully their help gets a
worthy reply from God Almighty.

The author realizes that this paper is still far from perfect, both in terms of form and material.
Constructive criticism from readers is very much expected for the improvement of the next paper.

Finally, hopefully this paper can provide benefits to all of us




English serves as a self-development tool for students in the fields of science, technology, art, and
education. English has an important role because so many scientific texts are written in English. In the
education curriculum in Indonesia, English is a subject that is taught from elementary school to
university level. English is one of the subjects included in the national exam.

Learning English includes four language skills, namely: listening (listening skills), speaking (speaking
skills), reading (reading skills) and writing (writing skills). These skills are presented in an integrated
manner as far as possible, however the emphasis is on reading skills. Other language elements such as
vocabulary, grammar, pronunciation and spelling can be taught to support the development of the four
language skills, not for the sake of mastering the elements of the language itself and reading
comprehension skills play an important role in developing reading skills.

B. Problem Formulation

What is law as custom?

What is the rule of law as a system?

What is legal objective and subjective?


B. Suggestions

The author realizes that in this writing there are still many shortcomings. Therefore, the authors expect
constructive criticism and suggestions for the improvement of the writing of this paper.




From this explanation, we conclude several things that are related to each other on the subject matter
of "What should language students learn". They have to learn about how to pronounce the language
which they can learn by listening to native people who use their language (mother tongue) when they
say the words. That way, they will more easily understand the spoken language as well as the meaning
contained in it.

In addition, students also have to learn about grammar and vocabulary. Vocabulary is important in
communication. Not only in English, but also in all languages. With whom and in what situations (formal
or informal) the use of language also needs to be considered.

The preparation of the syllabus is based on the main things, namely what students need and what the
syllabus needs. The two are closely related. Because if there is no syllabus, students do not know what
they should do, so also when there is a syllabus but there are no students, the planned target will not be
achieved. The syllabus serves to measure the extent to which students are able to understand the
material to be delivered, in this case focusing on language skills.

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