Iso/iec 17025 Quiz

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● This is a quiz for you to test your

knowledge of ISO/IEC 17025.
● It is not really a serious quiz
● Enjoy!!

Motivating Best Practice in Lab QMS 1

ISO/IEC 17025 Quiz
1. This program must be run in MS PowerPoint and requires
2. Click “View” and then “Slide Show”.
3. Click “Continue” at the bottom to advance to the first
4. Click on your answer.
5. Clapping indicates a correctly answered question.
6. Answering correctly advances you to the next question.
7. A buzzer indicates an incorrectly answered question.

Press to start the quiz.

Motivating Best Practice in Lab QMS 2

ISO/IEC 17025 Quiz
ISO/IEC 17025 provides all the requirements
that labs have to meet if they wish to
demonstrate that they operate a quality
system, are technically competent, and are
able to generate technically valid results.

Motivating Best Practice in Lab QMS 3
ISO/IEC 17025 Quiz
4.1 Organization:
Management and technical personnel shall
have the necessary:

B.Authority and resources

Motivating Best Practice in Lab QMS 4

ISO/IEC 17025 Quiz
4.1 Organization:
What is the position title of the person who
must have direct access to the highest level
of management at which decisions are made
on laboratory policies and resources?

A.Vice President
B.Technical Manager
C.Quality Manager
Motivating Best Practice in Lab QMS 5
ISO/IEC 17025 Quiz
4.2 Quality System:
The laboratory’s quality system policies and
objectives shall be defined in a:

A. Quality Manual
B. Quality Policy Statement
C. Standard Operating Procedure

Motivating Best Practice in Lab QMS 6

ISO/IEC 17025 Quiz
4.2 Quality System:
Overall quality system objectives shall be
documented in a:

A. Quality Manual
B.Quality Policy Statement
C.Standard Operating Procedure

Motivating Best Practice in Lab QMS 7

ISO/IEC 17025 Quiz
4.3 Document Control:
Document control means:

A. Ways to reduce paper

B. You give all documentation to your supervisor to
C. Documents are identified, authorized, reviewed

Motivating Best Practice in Lab QMS 8

ISO/IEC 17025 Quiz
4.4 Review of requests, tenders, and contracts:
Requests, tenders, and contracts are reviewed for:

A. Client requirements and lab capability

B. Potential revenue
C. Spelling and grammar

Motivating Best Practice in Lab QMS 9

ISO/IEC 17025 Quiz
4.5 Subcontracting:
A laboratory is responsible to the client for the
work of a subcontractor even when the client
specifies which subcontractor to use:

A. True
B. False

Motivating Best Practice in Lab QMS 10

ISO/IEC 17025 Quiz
4.6 Purchasing:
Suppliers of critical consumables, supplies,
and services which affect quality must be:

B.ISO 9001 registered
C.Evaluated and approved by the lab

Motivating Best Practice in Lab QMS 11

ISO/IEC 17025 Quiz
4.7 Service to client:
The lab shall help clarify the client’s request and
allow the client to:

the lab’s performance in relation to the work perfor
med other client’s samples and reports

C.assist in testing their own samples
Motivating Best Practice in Lab QMS 12
ISO/IEC 17025 Quiz
4.8 Complaints:
Records shall be maintained of all client
complaints and of:

A.How angry the client is/was

investigations and corrective actions taken by the l

C.How loud the client complained

Motivating Best Practice in Lab QMS 13
ISO/IEC 17025 Quiz
4.9 Control of Nonconforming work:
Procedures for nonconforming test work that is halted
(and test reports with held) includes:

A. An
evaluation of the significance of nonconforming work
B. Repeating test conditions over until QC works
C. C.Y.A

Motivating Best Practice in Lab QMS 14

ISO/IEC 17025 Quiz
4.10 Improvement:
Improvements occur through:

A. Brainstorming
B. Use of quality system tools
C. Allocation of blame

Motivating Best Practice in Lab QMS 15

ISO/IEC 17025 Quiz
4.11 Corrective Action:
The procedure for corrective action must start with:

A. Finger-pointing
B. Risk management
C. An
investigation to determine the root cause(s) of the pro

Motivating Best Practice in Lab QMS 16

ISO/IEC 17025 Quiz
4.12 Preventive Action:
Preventive action plans are to be developed for:

A. Nonconformances &/or opportunities for improvement

B. Potential
nonconformances &/or opportunities for improvement
C. Nonconformances &/or potential nonconformances

Motivating Best Practice in Lab QMS 17

ISO/IEC 17025 Quiz
4.13 Control of records:
Records must be:

, readily retrievable, and in a suitable environ
B.Designed for auditors
C.Controlled by IT personnel

Motivating Best Practice in Lab QMS 18

ISO/IEC 17025 Quiz
4.14 Internal Audits:
Internal audits are conducted to verify:

A. Compliance of operations with quality system

B. Compliance
of operations with quality system and ISO/IEC 17025
C. Compliance of operations with ISO/IEC 17025

Motivating Best Practice in Lab QMS 19

ISO/IEC 17025 Quiz
4.15 Management Reviews:
Management reviews ensure:

A. Continuing
suitability and effectiveness of the quality system
B. That there will always be another Dilbert cartoon
C. Employee
requirements are met through 365 degree feedback

Motivating Best Practice in Lab QMS 20

ISO/IEC 17025 Quiz
5.2 Personnel:
Training records are essential to:

A. Writing Job Descriptions

B. Accrediting the analyst
C. Ensure competence and authorize personnel

Motivating Best Practice in Lab QMS 21

ISO/IEC 17025 Quiz
5.3 Accommodation and environment:
Effective separation of incompatible activities
may be achieved through:

A.Physical separation or different time

B.Physical separation or SOPs
C.SOPs or different time

Motivating Best Practice in Lab QMS 22

ISO/IEC 17025 Quiz
5.4 Methods and validation:
Methods must be sufficiently validated in order to:

A. Maximize profits
B. Meet
the needs of the client and appropriate for the test
C. Be easily implemented by the lab

Motivating Best Practice in Lab QMS 23

ISO/IEC 17025 Quiz
5.5 Equipment:
Choose the most correct answer for the following

“Before equipment is placed back in service, lab personnel

A. Ensure
that the function and calibration status are shown to be s

B. Ensure the “Out-of-Service” label is removed

C. Not start new work too close to coffee break
Motivating Best Practice in Lab QMS 24
ISO/IEC 17025 Quiz
5.6 Measurement Traceability:
Measurement standards and instruments must be
traceable to the International System of Units by
means of an unbroken chain of calibrations or
comparisons linking them to:

A. International Laboratory Accreditation Committee

B. National measurement standards
C. Check samples

Motivating Best Practice in Lab QMS 25

ISO/IEC 17025 Quiz
5.7 Sampling:
Sampling conducted outside the control of the
laboratory has little or no affect on the validity
of the final results:


Motivating Best Practice in Lab QMS 26

ISO/IEC 17025 Quiz
5.8 Handling of Test/Calibration Items:
The lab shall have a system for identifying test &/or
calibration items to ensure that items cannot be

A. Physically or when referred to in records

B. With reference standards or reference materials
C. With measurement uncertainty

Motivating Best Practice in Lab QMS 27

ISO/IEC 17025 Quiz
5.9 Assuring Results:
QC data shall be recorded in such a way that:

A. Confidence limits are set at 17-25

B. Trends are detectable
C. Technical staff are reminded of how much work it is
to keep records

Motivating Best Practice in Lab QMS 28

ISO/IEC 17025 Quiz
5.10 Report the Results:
When it is necessary to issue a new test report:

A. It shall be uniquely identified and referenced to the

B. It shall retain the same identity as the original
C. The original is returned to the lab

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Your Score

Perfect Score: Quality Manager

1-2 wrong: CEO

3 or more wrong: Time to take some training

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