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1. Are you ready to leave now?

a. He is asking they can already leave.

b. He is hinting that he’s ready to go.

c. He is asking if his friend is already prepared to leave.

2. Have we met before?

a. The girl is familiar to him.

b. He saw the girl somewhere.

c. He is already acquainted with the girl.

3. I don’t believe we’ve met before.

a. She is denying that she had met the guy.

b. It is the first time that she sees the guy.

c. She doesn’t remember the guy.

4. Shall we go inside and buy the tickets?

a. He is suggesting that they should already go inside and buy the tickets.

b. He is asking if they should go inside and buy the tickets.

c. He is inviting everyone to go inside and buy tickets.

5. London is very expensive, isn’t it?

a. London, itself is expensive.

b. The commodities and products in London are expensive.

c. London is a progressive country.

6. I think Bangkok is much better.

a. Bangkok is a much beautiful place than London.

b. Bangkok is a less progressive country.

c. Products of Bangkok are cheaper than London.

7. What activities are you interested in?

a. She’s asking for the tourist’s plan of activities.

b. She’s wants to know the tourist interest.

c. She wants to know the tourist’s preferred activities.

8. I’m interested in shopping and museum.

a. He prefers shopping and museum.

b. He wants to go shopping and to visit a museum.

c. He plans to go shopping and to visit a museum.

9. You know what there’s a student mixer tonight…

a. She wants to befriend the girl.

b. She was just informing the girl..

c. She is inviting the girl.

10. You know what, that’s okay my dad has the whole thing planned. But thank you

any way.

a. She refuses the invitation.

b. She has plan with his dad.

c. She’s not interested about the party.

11. Hey Claire listen…

a. She’s asking for Claire’s permission for tonight.

b. She’s informing about her plan tonight.

c. She is inviting Claire.

12. I would love to but I’m not feeling great.

a. She doesn’t want to go.

b. She refuses the invitation.

c. She wanted to go but she’s not feeling well.

13. I don’t know if I’m in the mood for something fancy. Can we go somewhere like,

more simple??

a. She doesn’t like the place.

b. She is not in the mood.

c. She refuses to go to that place.

14.I’m terrible.

a. She doesn’t like her job anymore.

b. She’s just tired of work.

c. She’s having a hard time.

15. I’m so sorry to hear that…

a. She’s expressing sympathy.

b. She’s apologising to hear her problem.

c. She’s upset about the girl’s problem.

16. Don’t take it too serious.

a. It was just a simple matter.

b. Don’t worry about it too much.

c. Everything will be okay.

17. Excuse me, do you have an extra pen?

a. He is looking for a pen.

b. He is requesting for a pen.

c. He is borrowing a pen.

18. But I really don’t like the job.

a. She didn’t enjoy her past job.

b. She has no passion for her past job.

c. She’s bored on her past job.

19. You made some good friends here.

a. The girl has a lot of friends.

b. The girl is friendly.

c. The girl is nice to her officemates.

20. Hopefully I get a promotion soon.

a. She’s expecting to be promoted soon.

b. She worked so hard for the promotion.

c. She wants to be promoted.

21. Hey!

a. She’s greeting her friend.

b. She tried to catch her friend’s attention.

c. It was just an expression.

22. Fine, if that’s what you want to do.

a. The wife is being sarcastic about her statement.

b. The wife wants her husband to stay.

c. The wife permitted her husband to go.

23. No problem, that’s okay.

a. She was not hurt.

b. She doesn’t care.

c. She’s accepting the apology.

24. Don’t worry I got it.

a. He will be the one to pick up the papers.

b. He offers to help the Bombay.

c. He will be the one to chase the guy.

25. We are really half way…

a. He is just informing that they’re half way of their discussion.

b. They are almost done.

c. The girl missed half of the discussion.

26. What shall we do tonight Chris?

a. He is asking for their plan tonight.

b. He is curious about Chris’ plan tonight.

c. He is interested in Chris’ plan tonight.

27. What do you like to see? Would you like to see Mission Impossible 3?

a. Chris is asking if he wants to watch the movie.

b. Chris is suggesting to watch the movie Mission Impossible 3.

c. Chris wants to watch Mission Impossible 3.

28. Hello! Jane it’s Chris from the airplane.

a. Chris met Jane at the airplane.

b. Chris is calling from the airplane.

c. Chris is on the airplane at the moment.

29. How are you feeling today?

a. He wants to know about Jane’s emotion.

b. He is asking about Jane’s condition.

c. He is asking about Jane’s situation.

30. So, what are you doing today?

a. He is asking if Jane is busy.

b. He wants to know if Jane has an appointment.

c. He wants to know if Jane has plan for the day.

31.I haven’t decided yet.

a. She doesn’t

b. She’s doing nothing for the moment.

c. She doesn’t have any plan yet.

32.Would you like to…

a. He is inviting Jane.

b. He wants to go to the museum.

c. He needs a companion to the museum.

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