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1st Achievement Test, S.Y. 2017-2018

NAME: ________________________________________________DATE: ___________________

SECTION: PERMIT NUMBER:______________________ SCORE:

I. Multiple Choice

Write the letter of the correct answer on the space provided.

______ 1. Part of communication process which is a means to convey a message

A. Channel B. Receiver C. Decoding D. Sender

______ 2. A listening type wherein a person listens for openings to take the floor, flaws or weak points of
the speaker.

A. Active Listening B. Public Speaking C. Passive Listening D. Competitive Listening

______ 3. A function of communication in which the purpose is for persons in authority or representing
authority to regulate or direct others under them.

A. Regulation B. Emotional Expression C. Social Interaction D. Information

______ 4. A function of communication in which the purpose is to associate, interact, or form


A. Regulation B. Emotional Expression C. Social Interaction D. Information

______ 5. Part of communication process where you form of symbols that represent ideas or concepts.

A. Receiver B. Encoding C. Feedback D. Message

______ 6. A communication similar to conversation but is more intimate and purposive.

A. Dialogues B. Conversation C. Small Group D. Public Speaking

______ 7. A communication situation made up of three or more people whose aim is to explore a subject
matter/ issue or arrive at a decision.

A. Conversation B. Dialogues C. Public Speaking D. Small Group

______ 8. Part of communication process to which the message is directed to an individual or group.

A. Receiver B. Encoding C. Decoding D. Sender

______ 9. Part of communication process whom an individual or group initiates the communication.

A. Receiver B. Encoding C. Decoding D. Sender

______ 10. A function of communication which is to convey a variety of information regarding a
person’s state of mind and intentions.

A. Regulation B. Emotional Expression C. Social Interaction D. Information

______ 11. Part of communication process where the message is interpreted and a meaning is assigned.

A. Message B. Encoding C. Decoding D. Channel

______ 12. The final link in the communication process. A. Message B. Encoding C. Feedback D.

______ 13. A function of communication which purpose is information dissemination.

A. Motivation B. Public Speaking C. Information D. Social Interaction

______ 14. Part of communication process where information is translated into a message.

A. Receiver B. Encoding C. Decoding D. Sender

______ 15. The most useful and important listening skill. The person is active in checking out his
understanding before responding.

A. Attentive Listening B. Reflective Listening C. Passive Listening D. Combative Listening

______ 16. A function of communication which purpose is to inspire or motivate an audience.

A. Motivation B. Emotional Expression C. Social Interaction D. Information

______ 17. A communication situation wherein the speaker speaks in front of an audience whose purpose
is to convey, persuade, or entertain others.

A. Conversation B. Dialogues C. Public Speaking D. Small Group

______ 18. All but one is an example of Linear Model of Communication.

A. Listening to the song in the radio B. Watching SONA C. Listening to the homily

D. Chatting with friends

______ 19. A communication model which is occurring continuously and simultaneously between or
among people.

A. Transactional Model B. Interactive Model C. Linear Model D. Straight-path Model

______ 20. A communication model where the message generates from two sources: the message from
the sender and the feedback from the receiver.

A. Transactional Model B. Interactive Model C. Linear Model D. Straight-path Model


Write T if the statement is correct and F if it is false.

_____1.Communication is establishing shared understanding.

_____2. Physical noises are noises which come from the environment.

_____3. Sarcasm is an example of psychological noise.

_____4. Mispronouncing words because of physical impairment is a semantic noise.

_____5.Physical and psychological discomfort cannot be considered as noise in the communication


_____6.Cultural insensitivity is a type of psychological noise that interferes with or distorts messages and
causes communication breakdown.

_____7. In order to determine the function of communication, one should know the purpose of

_____8. Stage fright is synonymous to communication apprehension.

_____9. Do not think of the audience or fellow communicators as your enemies.

_____10. Physiological noise is a noise from emotional state, mental state, and the psychological make-
up of a person.

III. Identify the following noise whether it is physical, psychological, physiological or semantic noise.
Write your answers on the space provided.

1. Ambiguous words of the speaker

2. Grumbling of stomach

3. Disliking the speaker

4. Coldness of the room

5. Unclear giving of directions

6. Noise of the children playing

7. Talking to a person with cleft pallet

8. Being unable to talk due to depression

9. Lack of interest in the topic

10. Blowing of horns

IV. Enumeration

5 Ways in Eliminating Communication Apprehension

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