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Republic of the Philippines

Region I
Schools Division of Ilocos Sur


Philosophical Reflection on a Concrete Situation
from a Holistic Perspective


Do a philosophical reflection on a concrete situation
from a holistic perspective.

Name of Teacher –Writer: MRS. CHERRYL C. MIJARES, TII


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This Self-Learning Kit (SLK) is all about philosophizing and insight. The
definition of philosophizing and insight, and then proceed to a discussion regarding
philosophical reflection are included in this module.
This kit helps improve the analysis and critical thinking skills of the learners.
Further, it provides activities connected to oneself and to the world. It aims not only to
teach philosophical reflection to learners but also to use it in their everyday life.
Before you start reading the lessons and answering the given tests, you
should work with the Pre-test first. It is a simple self-audit test provided at the start of
the lesson to determine how much you know about the contents of this learning kit.
Be honest in taking the test to determine how much knowledge you already
know about the topics.
Read carefully the indicated lessons. As you go along this learning kit, you
will encounter activities designed to help you assess your understanding of the
topics. Try to do independently the activities given. Write your answers in your
notebook. This will tell you understood the explanation. In case you find difficulty in
answering the tests, I suggest that you read the topics covered once more. You can
also remedy the situations by asking your teacher or call a friend.
Answers to the activities are given in a separate sheet, be sure not to
look at the answers before performing the activity or else the material will be useless.

Do a philosophical reflection on a concrete situation from a

holistic perspective. (PPT11/12-Ib-1.3)

At the end of the lesson, you are expected to:

1.understand the meaning and process of doing
2.realize the value of experiences in a philosophical way
3. write a reflection paper from a concrete situation
applying the holistic perspective.

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Before we continue our lesson, answer first the given
activity to understand the next lesson.
Please do the Self-Audit activity.

Determine or formulate the principle (a broader perspective) of the metaphorical
idioms or salawikain. Follow the example.

Example: Salawikain –Huwag mamangka sa dalawang ilog.

Principle – One cannot be in two places at the same time.

1. Buntot mo, hila mo.

2. Ang taong nagigipit, kahit sa Bombay ay kumakapit.

3. Matalino man ang matsing, naiisahan din.

4. Hangga’t makitid ang kumot magtiis mamaluktot.

5. Lahat ng gubat ay may ahas.

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Insight is the understanding of specific cause and effect in a specific context. The
term insight can have several related meanings:
 a piece of information
 the act or result of understanding the inner nature of things or of things
 an introspection
 the power of acute observation and deduction, penetration, discernment,
perception called intellection or “noesis”
 an understanding of cause and effect based on identification of relationships
and behaviors within a model, context, or scenario
 an insight that manifests itself suddenly, such as understanding how to solve
a difficult problem. It is also known as epiphany
“Doing with Insight” or “Insight Method” is expounded by Roque Ferriorls (Dy, 2001. It
starts from (1) getting an insight just as Literature experts get from or infuse into the story or
poem the “lesson” and jokers drive their “joke” or wit in the delivery of their story. It is the
process of abstracting or thinking of an insight. An insight is also a philosophy, proposition, a
concluding statement supported by evidences. From the insight, a moral principle (rule) can
also be lifted as a guide.
Philosophizing continues by asking (2) what to do with the insight. Ferriorls defined
insight as “seeing not without the eyes but with the powers of thinking.” Insight (in-sight)
comes from two words-in (mind) and sight (senses), so that insight is a sight from within.
Philosophizing deals with a subject matter using a particular method of response.
Speculate or theorize about fundamental or serious issues especially in tedious or pompous
way. It explains or argue (a point or idea) in terms of one’s philosophical theories.
Philosophical reflection is the careful examination of life situations. This involves the
weighing of several alternatives and using specific standards to evaluate one’s action. A
man reflects philosophically when he is able to build on previous actions, events or

Can you now differentiate philosophizing and insight?

Here are some of examples for you to better understand it.


1. They have answers which remain unanswered, therefore disputable
Example: What does freedom mean?
2. They cannot be settled by science or common sense.
Example: Are lovers really blind?
3. They are of perennial intellectual interest.
Example: Why does man exist? What does freedom mean when we have no choice
4. For philosophizing is a searching for meaning.
Example: Why is the moon round?


1. Conceptual idea or knowledge means a kind of idea or learning one derives from
sharing of minds and experiences or from reading printed materials. It may come as
a form of information which consequently becomes an idea.

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Example: Ordinarily in some meetings or seminar articles or bible passages are read
for the participants to get a striking idea in relation to what they heard or
derived from the passage.
2. Perceptual kind refers to knowledge derived through the senses. In certain cases,
during mental exercises, reflection is done with certain instrumental music or an
episode presented.
3. Intuition refers to the learning or knowledge one obtained through feelings
independent of the cause.
Example: One feels he is being cheated by his spouse without any basis but one
simply derived unfounded such from feeling.


1. Reasons tell the truth and objectivity of the matter appealing to one’s common sense
or judgement.
Example: A father is a male parent.
2. Experience refers to the information or knowledge gained through perception or
awareness of mental lives.
Example: One gets hurt being rejected or turned down.
3. Memory pertains to mental activity of restored ideas.
Example: A girl remembers an early childhood memory of a pet.

Now, it’s your time to have your practice exercises. Are

you ready? Answer the succeeding activities based on how you
understand the topic.

A. Directions: Create at least 3 questions applying the given topic.

1. Philosophizing

2. Insight

B. Direction: Write P if the sentence is Philosophizing and write I if it is Insight.

_______1. Why are you laughing all by yourself?
_______2. Why do birds fly?
_______3. A child dislikes to swim because he had an early experience of drowning.
_______4. The blind cannot see.
_______5. A child had a vivid memory of her dead mother.
_______6. What is the difference between living and being alive?
_______7. Meeting a friend's parents can help you to understand why they do some of the
things they do

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_______8. Why are you crying, Mama?
_______9. Is democracy suitable for all countries?
_______10. One gets hurts being rejected.

And yes, philosophizing and insight are related to

philosophical reflection on a concrete situation from a holistic
Insight is the understanding of specific cause and effect in a
specific context
Philosophizing deals with a subject matter using a particular
method of response.
Philosophical reflection is the careful examination of life
situations. This involves the weighing of several alternatives and
using specific standards to evaluate one’s action.

Now, it’s your time to reflect.

Reflect on what you have learned after taking up this
lesson by completing the chart below.

Your output will be evaluated based on the following rubrics: Content- 5pts.; Organization –
5pts; Grammar – 5pts.

What were your thoughts, or ideas about

philosophical reflection prior to the
discussion of the lesson?

What new or additional ideas did you

learn after taking up this module?

Essay: On the space provided for, do a philosophical reflection on why people say: “Libre
ang mangarap kaya mangarap ka na” and how can this make them holistic. There should be
an introduction, body and conclusion. Be sure that your answer corresponds to 30 points.

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Directions: Choose the letter of the correct answer on the space provided for.

___ 1. A philosophy, proposition, a concluding statement supported by evidences.

A. Fact
B. Insight
C. Philosophizing
D. Poem
___ 2. Deals with a subject matter using a particular method of response.
A. Fact
B. Insight
C. Philosophizing
D. Poem
___ 3. It refers to the understanding of specific cause and effect in a specific context.
A. Fact
B. Insight
C. Philosophizing
D. Poem
___ 4. He defined insight as “seeing not without the eyes but with the powers of thinking.”
A. Raymond Ferriorls
B. Rey Ferriorls
C. Ricky Ferriorls
D. Roque Ferriorls
___ 5. It refers to the learning or knowledge one obtained through feelings independent of
the cause.
A. Conceptual idea
B. Experience
C. Intuition
D. Perceptual

___ 6. A kind of idea or learning one derives from sharing of minds and experiences or from
reading printed materials.
A. Conceptual idea
B. Experience
C. Intuition
D. Perceptual
___ 7. It is a careful examination of life situations. This involves the weighing of several
alternatives and using specific standards to evaluate one’s action.
A. Communication
B. Decoding
C. Philosophical reflection
D. Transmission

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___ 8. The following are several related meanings of insight except one.
A a drama
B. an introspection
C. piece of information
D. the act or result of understanding the inner nature of things or of things

___ 9. Which of the following question is example of philosophizing?

A. How old are you?
B. When is your birthday?
C. Who is your favorite artist?
D. What does freedom mean when we have no choice sometimes?

___10. It refers to knowledge derived through the senses.

A. Conceptual idea
B. Intuition
C. Perceptual kind
D. Thinking


Directions: Match column A with correct answer on column B, write only the letter of
the correct answer on the space provided for.
_____ 1. refers to the information or knowledge a. memory
gained through perception or awareness b. experience
of mental lives
_____ 2. pertains to mental activity of restored ideas c. philosophizing
_____ 3. process of abstracting or thinking of an
insight d. insight
_____ 4. an understanding of cause and e. insight method
effect based on identification of f. senses
relationships and behaviors within a g. mind
model, context, or scenario
_____ 5. speculate or theorize about fundamental
or serious issues especially in tedious or
pompous way
_____ 6. in
_____ 7. sight

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