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Lớp tiếng Anh cô Quỳnh

1. Reading
Week 16
1.1 Read the text below and answer these questions.
- What do people eat on Thanksgiving? ________
special food
- Why do they eat this food? ________

On Thanksgiving, families prepare and eat special food together. They usually
have roast turkey and pumpkin pie. The food is important because it reminds
people about the first Thanksgiving celebration, in 1621.

1.2 Read Constance Hopkin’s diary and answer the questions.

1. How many people are on the Mayflower?

2. How long is the journey from Plymouth, England, to Provincetown, America?
3. Why do the settlers sleep on the ship when they are in Provincetown?
4. Why is 3 January 1621 a bad day?
5. Why does Constance's father want to talk to Samoset?
6. How long is the celebration of the harvest in October 1621?

The Diary of Constance Hopkins, aged 14

6 September 1620: Plymouth, England

Yesterday was my last day in England. It was difficult to say goodbye to all my
friends. They were very sad. Today, I am writing my diary on our ship! The
Mayflower is sailing from Plymouth, in England, to America. There are 102 people
on board.

1 November 1620 The Mayflower

It was very windy last night and l couldn't sleep. Many people were ill. This morning
it's raining and the ship is moving up and down in the water. This is a dangerous

journey to our new home. I'm lucky because I'm well, but I'm also hungry, tired and
2 November 1620: Provincetown, America
We are safe and we are now in America! Our ship is in a town called Provincetown.
We don't have a house and we are sleeping on the ship, vie weren't rich in England,
but we weren't poor. Now we have nothing! But 1 am happy to be in America. This
is the beginning of a new and exciting life!
3 January 1621: Plymouth Colony
Plymouth Colony is now our new home. We want to build houses for everyone. We
are all hard-working people. No one is lazy. But it is difficult to build houses in this
terrible weather and we have only got seven houses for eighty people. It wasn't a
good day today. It was very cold in the morning and there was a lot of snow.
16 March 1621: Plymouth Colony
There was a Wampanoag Indian in our village today, called Samoset. We were all
amazed because he could speak English. My father and other men are talking to him
now. They want advice about the land. Our harvest this year is very important. We
need food and we need more houses for everyone. I am hoping for a good harvest in
the autumn.
15 October 1621: Plymouth Colony
We are tired but happy today because our harvest was good and we have food. My
mother and father are making a big fire at the moment. The Wampanoag Indians are
preparing food with us and we are all celebrating our new home and our good harvest
18, October 1621: Plymouth Colony
Yesterday was the final day of our celebration and we were all very happy. There
are now fifty-three people in our village. The Wampanoag Indians are our friends
and we have got warm, safe houses and food for our families.

1.3 Find five pairs of opposite adjectives in the diary.

1. well - ________ 2. poor -________ 3. sad -________

4. lazy - ________ 5. safe – ________

1.4 Use adjectives from exercise 4 to complete these sentences. Sometimes

more than one adjective is possible.

1. No one in the Plymouth Colony is _______.We don't have many things and we
are often hungry.
2. We get_______ because we are cold or because we don't have very much food.
3. We are_______people. We get up early and we work all day.
4. Life here is sometimes_______. Not all of the Native Americans are friendly
and other settlers want to fight with us.
5. Today, it's very stormy and windy outside, but we are _______ in our warm

1.5 Find and complete these sentences from the diary.

1. It_______very windy last night and I _______sleep.
2. We_______rich in England, but we_______poor.
3. It_______ a goodday today. It_______. very cold.
4. We all amazed because he _______ speak English.

2. Study the fact file. Are the sentences True or False?

Transatlantic crossings!

1838 Great Western, one of the world’s first steamships, crosses the
Atlantic. I can carry 200 people.
1901 Marcony sends the first radio signal across the Atlantic.
1926 Telephone engineers make a telephone call between the UK and the
1939 One of the first passenger aeroplanes files from the USA to Europe.
1962 A satellite sends the first television image from the USA to Europe.

1. In 1930, Europeans could make telephone calls to the USA.

2. In 1900, people couldn’t travel across the Atlantic by ship.
3. Before 1901, people couldn’t send radio signals across the Atlantic.
4. People couldn’t fly to the USA before the 1930s.
5. After 1962, Europeans could watch TV images from the USA.
6. People could communicate quickly across the Atlantic before 1900.

3. Choose the correct words to complete the text.

School (1) was / were/ wasn’t very different in the 19th century to today. Of
course, they (2) couldn’t / wasn’t/ weren’t full of computers like they are today.
Probably the most important gadget for a 19th century school child (3) was/ were/
wasn’t a slate – a blackboard the children (4) were/ weren’t/ could write on.

It (5) was / could/ were impossible for some children to go to school. Why?
Money. Poor families (6) weren’t /couldn’t/ wasn’t send their children to school.
Instead these poor children (7) weren’t/ were/ could workers in factories, farms or
rich people’s houses.

But, it was (8) could/ wasn’t/ couldn’t all bad for poor children. Some of them (9)
could / was/ were go to “Dame schools”. These (10) were/ wasn’t/ was schools in
people’s houses. There was usually one teacher, often a woman. It (11) couldn’t/
were/ wasn’t easy for the teacher – her house (12) wasn’t/ couldn’t/ was full of
noisy children!

She (13) was/ couldn’t / wasn’t teach them a lot of things, maybe only the
alphabet and some numbers.

Life (14) couldn’t / could/ was different for rich children. Some children (15) was
/ were/ wasn’t at boarding school. Others (16) could/ wasn’t/ were have their
lessons at home with a tutor.

4. Complete the conversation with was, were, wasn’t or weren’t.

Amy: (1) Were you at home last night?

Jim: No, I (2) ____________. My brother and I (3) ____________ at the cinema.
Amy: There was a great programme about the Titanic. Countess Lucy Noel Martha
(4) ___________ a very rich woman with a lot of money. The man, Thomas
William Jones, was the opposite to her. He (5) ______________ rich at all, but
quite poor. He (6) ______________ a worker on the ship. But they (7) _________
both in the same lifeboat. Lucy and Thomas (8) ______________ very different,
but for the rest of their lives, they (9) ___________ friends.
Jim: It sounds interesting.
Amy: Yes, it (10)______________.


A. Choose A, B, C or D.

1 It’s too hot for trousers. Why don’t you wear ____________ to the beach
A. shorts B. skirt C. tights D. cap
2 This ____________ is too short. I like my knees to be covered.
A. shorts B. skirt C. tights D. cap
3 It’s too cold to wear a skirt without ____________ . I must buy some new
wool ones.
A. shorts B. skirt C. tights D. cap
4 This is a great baseball ____________ . It keeps the sun off my face.
A. shorts B. skirt C. tights D. cap
5 At school we are only allowed to wear ____________ for PE.
A. dress B. trainers C. discount D. dress
6. I bought my wedding ____________ . It’s got short sleeves and is white and
very long.
A. dress B. trainers C. discount D. dress
7 Look, this rucksack only costs £5! It’s a ____________ !
A. dress B. trainers C. discount D. dress
8 I get a 10% ____________ when I use my loyalty card in this shop.
A. dress B. trainers C. discount D. dress
9 We need to dress smartly at work, which means a ____________ and
trousers, or a skirt.
A. bargain B. shoes C. shirt D. dress
10 I don’t like wearing ____________ without any socks.
A. bargain B. shoes C. shirt D. dress
11. In 1997, business visitors to New Zealand ________ an average of almost $260
per day.
A. spent B. were spending C. spend have spent
12. We really ________the game last Sunday.
A. enjoyed B. enjoys C. are enjoying D. enjoy
13. ________ the golf competition?
A. Did Marco win B. Did Marco won
C. Marco won D. Marco did win
14. They _________ play very well yesterday. They lost the match.
A. do not play B. does not play
C. are not playing D. did not play
15. Sandra _________ want to go rowing with me.
A. didn’t B. hadn’t C. don’t D. isn’t
B. Match the opposite adjectives to the words below. Then choose the correct
adjectives to complete the sentences.
16. It’s happy / dangerous to drive when you are tired.

17. Some families are very poor/ lazy. They haven’t got much money and the
children have to work.
18. I am usually ill/ happy when I’m with my friends, because we have a lot of
19. Teachers are safe/ hard-working, because they have to prepare lessons, mark
homework to teach.
20. I don’t feel very rich/ well, so I’m going to bed.

C. Read and decide if it is true or false

21. You should drink eight glasses of water per day. _________
22. You can treat flu with antibiotics. _________
23. Chicken soup can help when you have a cold. _________
24. You shouldn’t drink cold drinks when you have a sore throat. _________
25. It isn’t dangerous to go swimming immediately after a meal. _________

Five Health Facts and Myths

Speaker: Hello, today wе'rе talking about some of the most соmmоn health facts
and myths. ln the studio with mе, I have Dr Рriуа Карооr. Dr Карооr let's start
with wаtеr, You should drink eight glasses of water every day. Тruе оr false?
Dr Kapoor: Well, this one is false. Most people саn get enough liquid frоm tea,
coffee, juice and milk, and also from their food, especialIy fruit and vegetables. In
fact, sometimes it's dangerous to drink а lot of water. The general rule is, drink
water when you feel thirsty.
Speaker: ОК, let's mоvе оn to flu, Саn we treat flu with antibiotics?
Dr Kapoor: No, we can't. Antibiotics аrе for infections. Flu is а virus you can't
treat flu with antibiotics. Of course, sometimes, when you have flu, you also have
оthеr problems, like а chest infection. Then you саn treat the chest infection with
antibiotics. But, please, don't take antibiotics for а cold оr for flu.
Speaker: Right, so now, you say we shouldn't take antibiotics for а cold. But what
about chicken soup? Now this is something that my grаndmоthеr always says:
chicken soup can help when you have а cold. ls that true?
Dr Kapoor: Does уоur grandmother make chicken soup for you when you have а
Speaker: Well, actually, yes, she does!
DrKapoor: So, she's absolutely right! Chicken soup is really good for you. We
don't understand exactly why, but yes, chicken soup has got lots of good
ingredients and саn realIy help with а cough and а sore throat.
Speaker: That's very interesting. My grandmother's always right! So, chicken soup
is also good fоr а sоrе throat. Now, is it true that you shouldn't have cold drinks
when you have а sore throat?
Dr KaBoor: No, this isn't true. You can drink cold drinks, warm drinks, hot drinks
when you have а sore throat.The tеmреrаturе of the drink isn't important. But don't
have а lot оf sweet fizzy drinks.
Speaker: Аrе they bad for sоrе throats?
Dr Kapoor: No, but they're very bad fоr your teeth!
Speaker Ah, yes. Now, finally. ls it dangerous to gо swimming immediately after
а meal?
Dr Kapoor: No, it isn't. It’s quite safe to go swimming аftеr а meal. Of course,
you рrоbаblу don't want to go swimming when you have а full stomach. But it's
not dangerous

D. Complete the sentences with the comparative form of the adjectives below.
fast difficult interesting convenient
heavy wet noisy slow dangerous smart
26. You look _____________________ in that suit than you do in your jeans.
27. Walking alone in the city at night is ______________________ than walking
alone there during the day.
28. The weather in winter is _____________________ than in summer.
29. Mr Jameson’s lessons are _____________________ than Mrs Willows’
lessons. He makes learning fun.
30. When I am walking with my grandma, I have to keep stopping as she is much
_____________________ than me.
31. Living in a city is _____________________ than living in a village because
there are more cars and people in the streets.
32. A motorbike is _____________________ than a bicycle.
33. Learning to write Chinese is _____________________ than learning to write
34. Please can you carry my bag? It’s much _____________________ than yours.
35. Living in a city is _____________________ than living in a village, because
the shops are close by.

E. Complete the sentences with the superlative form of the adjectives below.
cheap old smart good expensive large fast
36. Sally wears ____________ clothes. She always looks fashionable and
37. This is ____________ shop in the town. It’s full of bargains.
38. The ____________ mobile phone costs over $50,000 and is covered with
39. The cheetah is ____________ animal in the world. It runs at over 100 km
per hour.
40. You are ____________ friend I could ever wish for!

F. Read the text. Decide if the sentences are true (T) or false (F).
41. Christopher Columbus had only animals on his ships. ____
42. The cows were ill from malaria. ____
43. The worst disease the animals brought with them was smallpox. ____
44. Native Americans were natural healers. ____
45. The Native Americans knew a lot about medicine. ____
46. Jacques Cartier and his crew were trapped at sea. ____
47. The men on the ship were sick. ____
48. The Native Americans weren’t able to free the ship. ____
49. The men on the ship died. ____
50. Today, Native Americans still use some of the healing practices that were
used over 400 years ago. ____
Early America: The Europeans and the Native Americans
It’s 1482 and Christopher Columbus lands in America on an island in the
Caribbean Sea. He brings many men and animals on his ships. Some of the
animals have serious illnesses, for example, malaria and smallpox. Soon, many of

the Native Americans become very sick. These are diseases that are new in
America and the Native Americans are dying from them because they don't have
the same immunity as the European travellers. This means that they can't fight the
diseases as well as the Europeans can.
By 1600 most of the Native Americans on the island where Christopher Columbus
first landed in 1482 were dead from these diseases. The main reason was that the
animals were ill. The cows had tuberculosis, the pigs had the flu, and the chickens
had malaria. Smallpox was the worst of all the diseases. Native Americans used
natural healing, but this wasn’t enough for such serious illnesses. The Europeans,
on the other hand, were skilled in advanced medicine. They weren’t always
friendly to the Native Americans, but when they could help, it was an advantage
to both sides.
There were times when the Native Americans could help the Europeans, too. For
example, during the winter of 1535 to 1536, the French explorer, Jacques Cartier
and his crew were trapped in the St. Lawrence River near Montreal. Their ships
were frozen in the ice from November to March. The men on the ship were sick
and twenty five of them died. The Native Americans were skilled enough to free
them. They could also use natural medicine to help the sick men. Soon, the
Europeans were feeling better because of help from the Native Americans.
Today’s Native American medicine still includes some of the old healing rituals
and practices, and many Native Americans use herbs and other natural medicines.

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