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A portion of rice spit from a person’s mouth revealed whether he or

    she was lying. Spitting out dry rice indicated the dry mouth of a
    liar.This form of lie detection originated in
      A. India                                                       
      B. China                                                      
      C. England
      D. Africa                                                                                               
2. During the Middle Ages, torture was used as a means of forcing a
    person to tell the truth.This was prevalent in what continent?
      A. Asia                                            
      B. Africa                                            
      C. South America
      D. Europe                                                                                                  
3. In the early 1700s, He was the first to move away from torture by
    suggesting that deception could be evaluated by monitoring the
    heart rate.
      A. Ceasar Lombroso                                  
      B. Daniel DeFoe  
      C. William Marston
      D. Ken Adler                                        
4. In 1764,  He wrote of torture, “By this method, the robust will
    escape, and the feeble be condemned.
      A. Cesare Lombroso                                    
      B. Daniel DeFoe 
      C. Cesare Beccaria
      D. William Marston                                        
5. He became the first person to use science as a method of detecting
      A. Cesare Lombroso                                   
      B. Daniel DeFoe   
      C. Cesare Beccaria
      D. William Marston                                     
6. The Father of Modern Criminology Cesare Lombroso, became the
    first person to use science as a method of detecting deception in
    the year
      A. 1895                                                       
      B. 1925
      C. 1896
      D. 1926                                                                    
7. He  developed a method of measuring the amount of sweat a
    suspect produced during interrogation. This was determined by the
    electrical conductibility of the suspect’s skin.
      A. B. Sticker                                                
      B. C. Lombroso  
      C. D. Sticker
      D. C. Beccaria                                       
8. The first “polygraph” machine was actually a copy machine invented  in
      A. 1801                                                        
      B. 1803  
      C. 1802
      D. 1804                                                   
9. In the early 1900s, He invented what he called the “ink polygraph”.
    This was used to monitor cardiovascular responses by measuring
    pulse and blood pressure.
      A. Ken Adler                                     
      B. Vittorio Benussi   
      C. James MacKenzie
      D. Cesare Lombroso                       
10.In 1914, He used pneumatic tubing to study an individual’s
    breathing rates. The device wrapped around the person’s chest and
    measured depth and rate of breath.
      A. Vittorio Benussi                      
      B. Ken Adler  
      C. James MacKenzie
      D. Cesare Lombroso                       
11. 1st polygraph can be used for criminal investigation
2nd insane person is suitable to become a subject for lie detector test
A. Both statement are correct
B. Both statement are incorrect
C. The 1st is correct and the 2nd statement is incorrect
D. The 1st statement is incorrect and 2nd statement is correct
12. 1st jokes are example of red lie
2nd usually when a person lies, there is no physiological reaction that occurs in his body
A. Both statement are correct
B. Both statement are incorrect
C. The 1st is correct and the 2nd statement is incorrect
D. The 1st statement is incorrect and 2nd statement is correct
13. This section records the normal respiratory action or movement of the subject and changes on
the chart.
A. Cardio section
B. Pnuemo section
C. Galvo section
D. Pen section
14. What is the second important component of polygraph?
A. Pnuemograph
B. Cardiosphymograph
C. Kymograph
D. Galvanograph
15. Cardiosphymograph tracing or blood pressure amplitude responses normally found at the;
A. Center portion of the chart
B. Middle portion
C. Bottom portion
D. Upper portion
16. He is the father of polygraph.
A. Dr. Hans gross
B. Col. Calvin H. Goddard
C. Cessare Lombroso
D. Dr. William Marston
17. 1st illegal recruiters are professional liars
2nd dryness of the mouth is a symptom of guilt
A. Both statement are correct
B. Both statement are incorrect
C. The 1st is correct and the 2nd statement is incorrect
D. The 1st statement is incorrect and 2nd statement is correct
18. Which of the following is the most essential element of detecting deception as pertain to
A. Fear of detection
B. Qualified examiner
C. Examination room
D. Good examiner
19. A method of gathering and knowing from the subject about the crime in dispute, through the
aids of machine, drugs or any substances.
A. Narco-analysis
B. Lie detector test
C. Scientific method of detecting deception
D. none of the above
20. There is a danger in using irrelevant questions, there for the examiner must be careful in
using such questions because,
A. Some irrelevant questions may under certain circumstances becomes relevant to your
B. Some irrelevant questions may cause responses
C. Some irrelevant questions may cause confusions
D. None of the above
21. A segment within tracing that shows physiological changes the parasympathetic division of
our automatic nervous system has become active following the stress area on the polygraph chart
indicating a physiological return to the subject exhibited average emotional level
A. Relief tracing segment
B. Average tracing segment
C. Distortion tracing segment
D. Reaction tracing segment
22. A test in which there is a deliberate intent on the part of the subject to make it appear that his
answer is a lie.
A. Card test
B. Yes test
C. Silent answer test
D. Peak of tension test
23. A stage of polygraph examination that bear from the instrument is deactivated until the
examiner’s diagnostic opinion is reported to proper authorities.
A. Pre-test
B. Instrumentation
C. Post test
D. Diagnostic stage
24. A question about which the subject will not normally lie which does not pertain to the matter
under investigation.
A. Relevant question
B. Irrelevant question
C. Control question
D. General question
25. Which of the following is an example of control question?
A. Did you still anything else?
B. Did you know who still the money?
C. Are you married?
D. Did you still the money?
26. The basis of the polygraph technique which states that the polygraph machine is a scientific
capable of recording various human body changes and vital functioning simultaneously on the
A. Mechanical leg basic premise
B. Motor leg basic premise
C. Physiological basic premise
D. psychological leg basic premise
27. The percentage of the accuracy and reliability of the science of polygraph in the research was
conducted by the U. S. researchers is.
A. Is about 95%
B. Is about 90%
C. Is about 99%
D. Is about 100%
28. The word polygraph was derived from the two Greek words, Poly which means many or
several and graph means?
A. Writing text
B. Writing chart
C. Writing txt message
D. Writing pen
29. Is a term which connotes a certain severe test or undertaking to which a person is subjected
to prove his guilt or innocence in which during the early years involved a certain amount of third
A. Trial by combat
B. Red hot iron ordeal
C. Boiling water
D. Ordeal
30. Is the scientific instrumentation for the purpose of determining deception?
A. Truth serum test
B. Hypnotism
C. Polygraph
D. Word association test
31. A well-known person in the field of criminology an accredited as one of the early person to
conceived the idea of utilizing instrumental test in lie detection.
A. Dr. Hans Gross
B. Cesare Becarria
C. Cesare Lombroso
D. Cesar Lombroso
32. Yes or no answers limits subjects all questions is required;
A. To avoid mistake
B. To avoid destruction of writing chart
C. To avoid distortion of tracing chart
D. To avoid detection
33. Referring to the human body’s response which are more of an automatic and independent of
the will of man.
A. Involuntary response
B. Specific response
C. Voluntary response
D. Semi-voluntary response
34. A polygraph machine is s sensitive equipment that is liken to_____, for the takes a great
interpretation of the result, otherwise the result may be considered valueless.
A. Xerox
B. X-ray
C. Photograph
D. Microscope
35. The Australian authority who stated that “all investigative work is nothing but battle against
A. Cesare Lombroso
B. August Vollmer
C. Cesare Becarria
D. Dr. Hans Gross
36. An ancient method of ordeal practice in Bengal, Indian and other western country in case of
theft committed? In certain tribes. The leader will call everybody and requested them to
submerge their hands up to the elbow and return on the next day to show if their skins were
found blistered, they will be adjudged guilty.
A. Red hot iron ordeal
B. Boiling water ordeal
C. Rice chewing ordeal
D. Trial by combat
37. Which of following is one of the major components of the polygraph machine?
A. Sphygmomanometer
B. Cardiosphygmograph
C. Galvanometer
D. Kymograph
38. He devised an instrument capable of recording changes of blood pressure, pulse beat and
respiration simultaneously.
A. John A. Larson
B. Dr. William Martson
C. Angelo Mosso
D. Sir James Mackenzie
39. Who develop the Zone Comparison test technique, which used in polygraph examination?
A. Cleve Backster
B. Fred Allan Kate
C. Leonard Keeler
D. William Marston
40. The operator of the polygraph machine, aside from the ability, knowledge and skill, in the
utilization of the same, he must further posses the necessary;
A. Vocation
B. Skill
C. Training
D. Knowledge
41. In any interrogation, the belief that man is a fall able human being, should not be overlooked
at therefore polygraph examiner are always subject to_______.
A. Certainly of interpretation
B. Adaptability
C. Precision of diagnosis
D. Errors
42. The most useful in polygraph in the scientific crime investigation is to;
A. Eliminate innocent subjects
B. Discover the truth
C. Detection of crime
D. shed light the investigation
43. This is the nature of the question that established the norms of the subject during the test;
A. Relevant questions
B. Irrelevant question
C. Strong relevant question
D. Weak relevant question
44. The following are the kinds of polygraph machine, except;
A. Kymograph
B. Keeler polygraph
C. Stoelting polyscribe
D. All of these
45. A typical polygraph machine in recording system has how many parts?
A. Five
B. Three
C. Four
D. Eight
46. Kymograph moves at a uniform rate of how many inches per minute?
A. Six to twelve
B. Four to eight
C. Ten to twelve
D. Two to six
47. Its function is to record subject false wave amplitude, relative blood pressure changes and
variation there from;
A. Cardiograph
B. Pnuemograph
C. Galvanograph
D. Cardiosphymograph
48. Its function is to record the skin resistance of the subject;
A. Cardiograph
B. Pnuemograph
C. Galvanograph
D. Cardiosphymograph
49. Of the following, one is among the major section of the polygraph machine;
A. Kymograph
B. Sphygmograph
C. Alarm
D. Cardiosphygmograph
50. The galvanograph tracing on the char paper is located at the;
A. Upper portion
B. Center portion
C. Lower portion
D. Top portion

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