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BLUE 2 SEM 1 SESSION 2020/2021


PROGRAM BIO Leap UP FOR Excellence 2 (BLUE 2)

SESSION 2020/2021


For examiner use only

1 /5
2 /9
3 /7
4 / 12
5 /5
6 / 10
7 / 16
8 / 14
9 /2
TOTAL / 80

Anwer all questions given in space provided

BLUE 2 SEM 1 SESSION 2020/2021

1. FIGURE 1 shows a structural formula for molecule A.

a) Condensation of three molecules A will produce a polymer B. Name the [1 mark]
polymer B.
Polypeptide/ Protein / Tripeptide

b) Draw the structure of polymer B as the result of condensation process. [3 marks]

1 mark-
drawing of
consisting 3
molecules of
amino acids.
1 mark-
and removal
of water
1 mark-
peptide bond

c) State one significance of having side chain. [1 mark]

To identify the group of amino acid (and its properties).
BLUE 2 SEM 1 SESSION 2020/2021

2. a) Compare and contrast between prokaryotic cell and eukaryotic [5 marks]

 Both enclosed by plasma membrane
 Both have cytoplasm Max 2
 Both have ribosome marks
 Both contain DNA / genetic materials
 Both can perform cell division

Prokaryotic cell Eukaryotic cell
No distinct nucleus Membrane enclosed nucleus 1/0
No membrane-enclosed Membrane-enclosed 1/0
organelles organelles present
DNA enclosed in nucleus
Genetic materials / DNA is Genetic materials / DNA is
circular & not associated with linear & associated with
histone protein histone protein
Generally smaller in size Generally bigger in size
(1 - 10 m) (10 m - 100 m). 1/0
Cell division by binary fission Cell division by mitosis or
meiosis 1/0

Max 3

b) FIGURE 2 below shows the transport across the membrane:

Na Na K+
Na + +

Na K+ K+
(i) State the type of transport across the membrane shown in the [1 mark]
FIGURE 2 above.
Active transport

(ii) Based on your answer in 2 (b) (i ), explain your reasons. [2 marks]

 The movement of molecules from lower concentration to
higher concentration region / against their concentration
 Require energy (in form of ATP)
BLUE 2 SEM 1 SESSION 2020/2021

(iii Name ONE example of transport as mention in 2 (b) (i) [1 mark]

Sodium – Potassium / Na-K pump

3. FIGURE 3 shows the different stages in mitosis

a) Name the stage for cell Q and R. [2 marks]
Q : Prophase
R : Metaphase

b) Describe the chromosomal behaviour in Q and R. [2 marks]

Q : The chromatin / chromosome condensed / become shorten and
R : Chromosome align at metaphase plate

c) Differentiate between the chromosome behaviour in cell P and Anaphase I. [1 mark]

In cell P, sister chromatid separate and move towards opposite pole
meanwhile in anaphase I, homologous chromosome separate and move
towards opposite pole.

d) One of the functions of mitosis is for ‘maintain the genetic contents’. What [1 mark]
BLUE 2 SEM 1 SESSION 2020/2021

do you understand about this statement?

Mitosis produces 2 diploid daughter cells that have same number of

chromosome as the parent cell.

e) There are 64 chromosomes in each body cell of a horse. [1 mark]

Complete the table below to show the number of chromosomes in the nuclei
of a horse at the end of the various stages in cell division.
Number of chromosomes in one of the nuclei formed at the end of:
Mitosis Meiosis I Meiosis II

64 32 32

4. a) Ahmad is married to Fatimah. They are healthy individuals. However,

Fatimah’s father is a haemophilia patient.
(i) State the genotypes of Ahmad, Fatimah and Fatimah’s father. [3 marks]
Ahmad: XHY
Fatimah: XHXh
Fatimah’s father: XhY

(ii) Draw a genetic diagram to show this marriage. [3 marks]

BLUE 2 SEM 1 SESSION 2020/2021

P: XH Y x XH Xh -------- (1)

G: -------- (1)

F1: XH XH XH Xh XH Y XhY -------- (1)

(iii) Based on question (a) (ii), what are the possibilities of the couple having: [2 marks]
Haemophilic son: 25%
Haemophilic daughter: 0%

b) When a grey body (B) and normal wings (G) Drosophila are crossed with
a black body (b) and vestigial wings (g) Drosophila, 1000 offspring are
produced. The grey body and normal wings are dominant over the black
body and vestigial wings.

(i) A test cross is conducted between a heterozygous and a homozygous [4 marks]

recessive Drosophila. Predict the expected results if the alleles for body
colour and wing shape are not linked. Show a genetic diagram.

P: BbGg x bbgg -------- (1)

BG Bg bG bg bg
G: ------ (1)
BLUE 2 SEM 1 SESSION 2020/2021

F1 genotypes: BbGg Bbgg bbGg bbgg ------ (1)

Genotypic ratio F1: 1 BbGg : 1 Bbgg : 1 bbGg : 1 bbgg----

Phenotypic ratio F1 : 1 grey body, normal wing : 1 grey body, vestigial (1)
wing : 1 black body, normal wing :
1 black body, vestigial wing

5. In a population of 1000 fruit flies, 640 have red eyes while the remainder have
sepia eyes. The sepia eye trait is recessive to red eyes. Assume that the
population is in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium;

a) Calculate the recessive and dominant allele frequencies of the population. [2 marks]

Frequency of homozygous recessive, q2 = 360

= 0.36

Frequency of recessive allele, q = √0.36

= 0.6 (1 mark)
BLUE 2 SEM 1 SESSION 2020/2021

Frequency of dominant allele, p = 1 – q
= 1- 0.6
= 0.4 (1 mark)

b) How many individuals are expected to be heterozygous for red eye colour? [2 marks]

Frequency of heterozygous, 2pq = 2 (0.4) (0.6)

= 0.48 (1 mark)

Number of heterozygous = 2pq x total

= 0.48 x 1000
= 480 (1 mark)

c) The population were left to mate for 10 successive generations. Calculate [1 mark]
the frequency of homozygous dominant individuals.

Frequency of homozygous dominant individuals, p2 = (0.4)2

= 0.16 (1 mark)

6. a) FIGURE 4.1 shows a male sex chromosome.

BLUE 2 SEM 1 SESSION 2020/2021

(i) What is meant by non-disjunction? [1 mark]

The failure of homologous chromosome or sister chromatid to
separate and move towards opposite pole during meiosis I or
meiosis II.

(ii) The cell shown in FIGURE 4.1 goes through meiosis. Draw and label [2 marks]
the genotype for TWO gametes produced if non-disjunction of sex
chromosome only occurs during meiosis I.

(iii) If an individual with genotype 44+XO is married to a normal male, [2 marks]

what is the percentage of the offspring produced will be a girl?
Explain why.
- 0%
- because individual with genotype 44+XO is sterile and
unable to produce egg/ gametes

b) FIGURE 4.2 shows the karyotype of an abnormal individual.

BLUE 2 SEM 1 SESSION 2020/2021

(i) Name the abnormality of the individual. [1 mark]
Klinefelter syndrome
(ii) How does the karyotype differ from a normal person? [1 mark]
Extra chromosome X / 47 chromosomes/ 46+1 chromosomes /
consist of two X chromosomes
(iii) Name the types of chromosomal number alteration in FIGURE 4.2 [2 marks]
and state how it happens.
- Aneuploidy
- Non-disjunction of sex chromosome / sex chromosome fail to
separate during meiosis I / meiosis II
(iv) Give ONE common symptom caused by abnormality in FIGURE 4.2. [1 mark]
Small testes / Sterile (male) / soft voice / long hands and legs /
breast enlargement / low IQ

7. a) FIGURE 5.1 below shows the base sequence in a

part of a foreign DNA and the cut plasmid showing sticky
BLUE 2 SEM 1 SESSION 2020/2021


(i) What is meant by a palindrome? [1 mark]

The same base sequence in opposite direction on double stranded DNA.

(ii) Identify the palindromic base sequence in the DNA donor molecule [1mark]
5’ GAATTC 3’
3’ CTTAAG 5’

(iii) State the function of plasmid shown? [1mark]

Acts as a cloning vector to carry the foreign gene into the host cell (and replicate /
amplify in the host cell).

(iv) What are the characteristics of plasmid? [2 marks]

- Able to accept foreign DNA in MCS (multiple cloning site).

- Able to replicate freely in the host cell since has origin of replication initiation /
ori gene
- Possess selectable genetic marker such as antibiotic resistance gene, amp R gene
(for screening)

(v) Name the source of the DNA cloning vector. [1 mark]

Bacteria / E.coli

(vi) A restriction enzyme will cut the DNA donor molecule and plasmid to [1 mark]
produce restriction fragments. Show the restriction fragments of the
BLUE 2 SEM 1 SESSION 2020/2021

DNA donor molecule.

(vii) Why is it necessary to use the same restriction enzyme to cut both [2 marks]
plasmid and gene of interest in the cutting process
- Restriction enzyme cuts at a specific restriction site/sequence
- Produces complementary sticky ends
- DNA nucleotide with complementary sticky ends are able to anneal / join by
base pairing using hydrogen bond

(viii). Based on base sequence in FIGURE 5.1, draw the recombinant DNA [1 mark]
produced when the restriction fragments insert into the cut bacterial

b) FIGURE 5.2 below shows two processes which occur after the formation of recombinant
BLUE 2 SEM 1 SESSION 2020/2021


(i) State what is represented by the bacteria III. [1 mark]

Bacteria cells that did not take up any plasmids/ non transformed bacteria cells/
bacteria cells without plasmid

(ii. Bacteria I, II and III are cultured in a medium that contains ampicilin and X- [1 mark]
gal. What is the function of ampicilin?
To select the transformed bacteria cells / bacteria cells with plasmid //
To eliminate non-transformed bacteria cells / bacteria cells without plasmid.

(iii) Explain your expected result for bacteria I and II. [2 marks]
Cell I
The bacteria cells with non-recombinant plasmid / DNA which have functional lacZ
able to hydrolyze X-gal and produce a blue colonies.
Cell II
The bacteria cells with recombinant plasmid / DNA which have non-functional lacZ
gene (due to insertion of target gene)//
unable to hydrolyze X-gal and produce a white colonies

(iv) State TWO benefits of insulin produced by genetic engineering. [2 marks]

-The gene used is from human, so insulin produced is similar to the human insulin.
-Non-allergic // harmless to human // no side effect
-Cheaper // can be produced in large amount

8. a) Graph below shows different of hormone levels during pregnancy and

BLUE 2 SEM 1 SESSION 2020/2021


(i) Name hormone P and Q. [2 marks]

Hormone P: Human chorionic gonadotrophin / hCG
Hormone Q: Progesterone

(ii) State the function of hormone Q during pregnancy [1 mark]

To stimulate further thickening and maintain thickening of
endometrium / uterine wall
// inhibit oxytocin to prevent uterus contraction / to prevent premature
birth // to inhibit FSH and LH to prevent development of new follicle

(iii) Explain briefly the relationship between hormone P and luteal progestrone [2 marks]
in the diagram.
- Hormone P maintain the structure of corpus luteum
- which secrete luteal progesterone (and estrogen) during early

(iv) State the effect in the absence of hormone P during early pregnancy. [1 mark]
- lead to miscarriage

(v) Name the homone which replace the function of luteal progestrone. [ 1 mark]
- Hormone Q.
BLUE 2 SEM 1 SESSION 2020/2021

(vi) During final week of pregnancy, hormone R reach its maximum level and it [2 marks]
will leads to secretion of homone S. What is hormone S and state its
- Oxytocin.
- To stimulate uterine contraction for parturition /
birth process / fetus delivery

b) Beginning from the megaspore mother cell in the ovule, explain the [5 marks]
development of the embryo sac.

 The megasporocyte/megaspore mother cell in the embryo sac

undergoes meiosis to form 4 megaspores
 Three haploid megaspore degenerate, only 1 megaspore
 1 surviving megaspore undergoes three times mitosis to form 8
 Three nuclei at chalaza end form 3 antipodal cells
 One nucleus from each both ends move to the centre, forming
polar nuclei
 3 nuclei located near the micropyle :
 One nucleus becomes egg cell
 Two nuclei become 2 synergid cells (for attraction and the
production of signals that guide the pollen tube to the egg).

9. FIGURE 6 shows a growth curve of a grasshopper.




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BLUE 2 SEM 1 SESSION 2020/2021

a) Identify proses X. Explain what happen during X [2 marks]

X: Ecdysis/ moulting
A process of changing the old exoskeleton of arthropods then replaced
with new soft layer and then becomes harden again // the exoskeleton is
shed at intervals, allowing growth



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