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"ACERS pack Senior Writers “Anthony James Rosenberg Daniela Aguiar Hughes Marcos Frasson Ruiz Sérgio Luis Monteiro da Silva Director of Education Marcelo Augustus de Souza Barros ‘Managing Editor Carina Nogueira Cerboncini Editor Maria Rita Corréa Vieira Editorial Ass ‘Ana Carolina Alburquerque de Lima Danielle Carvalho Grazyna Anna Bonomi Proofreaders ‘Ana Lucia de Mello Lemos Carrie! Elcio Camilo Alves de Souza Enrique Luis Melone Susan Banman Sileci Series Design Design Divertido, Graphic Design ajardo Ranzini Design lustrations Marcos Guilherme Photographs Shutterstock and Thinkstock ‘Audio| Spectrum Estudio Printing Supervisor Arthur Costa de Souza luetion For New CNA Expansion 2 every efforc has been made to trace all the copyright holders, buf any have been inadvertently overlooked, the publishers will be pleased to make the necessary amendments at the frse opportunity. All rights reserved No part ofthis book may be reproduced, stored ina retrieval system, or vansmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwese, without the prior permission in writing ofthe publishers Astedition — tscprine Printed by Pancrom Dados Internecionais de Catalogecto aa Publicacta (CIP) CNA Inglés Definitivo © Copyright Editora CNA - 2015, Todos 0s dtetos reservados 8 fa CNA Cultural Norte Americano S/A. CCNPI n° 58.062:779/000-50 Rua Coronel Oscar Porto, 800 - Paraiso (04003-004 - Sao Paulo/SP wwwieracombr Edi ecoececooe ce eeeeoeos ee COCCOC COCO EL € pe ee ee PPODOPIPFIIDRAPADIIDIIADIIPADIDIIADIDIDIIDD CNA EXPANSION is a two-level English course for basic learners. The aim of the course is to make English enjoyable and tension-free. It is intended as a practical and natural approach to teaching English to basic learners and emphasizes listening and speaking skils. CNA EXPANSION is based on a sec of principles which underlie its structure and activites. In @ nutshell chese principles are: AA view of language which proposes that language is a means of communication and that co communicate is 10 interpret, express, and negotiate meaning: and that in order to be able to communicate properly in a foreign language, speakers should reach communicative competence (Savignon, 1991). A view of teaching which is organized around che steps of engaging students in the task by providing them with the language items to be worked on, studying that language in @ way that students become familar with it, and activating their knowledge by experimenting with what they have learned (Harmer, 2008). ‘A view of learning which advocates that knowledge is constructed by means of interaction with the other participants in the learning process (ie. students, eacher, materials, context) and therefore that students are co-responsible for their learning (Vygotsky, 1978). A view of culture that not only encourages students to bring to class their cultural background and share it with their classmates, but also promotes the exploration and discovery of other culeural contexts. ‘A view of social responsibility which is coherent with the educational belief that a language course should go beyond teaching the foreign language only and that the teaching/learning process is also a means to offer students a chance to reflect and act on their role as citizens oftheir communities and the world. A view of the teacher's role which is based on the belief that teachers play a key role in the success of the teaching/learning process and therefore they should take it into their hands to make informed decisions concerning the best way to make use of the material and other resources available. ciassiessons | 3 @( Student's Learning Pack Class Lessons Audio Files (online Information Gap Activities Grammar Tips Web Lessons CNANET Class Less The Class Lessons are made up of eight lessons uihich manly focus on the development of speaking listening, and reading skill, supported by activities that specifically focus on linguistic input (grammar vocabulary, functions, and pronunciation). The book starts with a special unit ~ the Starter Unit ~ which will provide students with useful language co be used throughout the course. Units 4 and 8 are dedicated to review material studied in the previous units Audio Files The Audio Files forthe istening comprehension activites inthe Clas Lessons are available on CNA NET and can be downloaded fo further practice ‘The Audio Scripts can be found at the end of the Teacher’ Pack D4] cuaexpansion2 Teacher's Pack Cass Lessons Audio Files (CD) Activity Book rmation Gap Activities Grammar Tips Resource Pack Audio Seripes x a - a a ° © a a a a « a © a. a a a a a a a a ® ® a a oe Activity Book © _ The Activity Book offers students stimulating and varied practice ofthe materia scudied in cass. Grammar Tips Each unit has a set of grammar tips wich more detailed explanations of the grammar items studied, in each unit. Activities and their answer keys are also. available for those students who want extra practice. Teacher's Pack ‘The Teacher's Pack contains detailed suggestions Con how to teach the course, answer keys t0 the class lessons activities, transcripts of the listening comprehension activities and reduced pages of the Class Lessons. Resource Pack Flaschards, cue cards, and supplementary materials are available in the Resource Pack. These materials ‘are meant to add diversity and to enrich the lessons. Web Lessons ‘The Web Lessons are online activites which provide students with further practice of the contents studied in cass. ® =\=\ | =| e xxxxx | (9\0'910:0) F © CNA EXPANSION 2s organized in thematic Units consisting of activities which have specific characteristics and goals coherent with the broad objectives ofthe unit and the material ‘Speaking ‘These activities aim at providing students with opportunities ro practice the new language items in context. “The activities encompass both more controlled and freer practice. Before students stare interacting, your jobs to set the scene so that they understand the language to be practiced/used and the contex: of production. During interaction, you are not expected to interfere, unless students require your help or there isa communication breakdown, Listening ‘The purpose ofthe listening comprehension activities is to develop students’ strategies and techniques to deal wich the language in its aural form. It is very important to prepare the students for the different tasks through pre-lstening activities such as exploring visual cues, eliciting information related to the topic to be listened to, and making predictions. These will activate cheir previous knowledge and will help them better perform the «ask. leis aso important ro remind students that the objective of the activities isnot to understand each and ‘every word, but rather to listen for the information necessary to do the task Reading The approach to the teaching of reading is similar to that used for the teaching of listening, That i, the main goal of these activities is co develop students’ strategies and techniques to deal with the written language. Pre- reading activities such as exploring visual cues and making predictions ae crucial to ease the students’ way into the text. Bear in mind that the objective of the reading comprehension activities is not to understand each and every word, but rather to find the information necessary co do the tasks that follow the reading passage. Waiting ‘The focus ofthe writing activities is to develop students’ ablities ro produce texts which they ae likely to ‘eed in real if. A process-oriented approach which aims at valuing not only students’ final product but also reflecting on the process of production of the texts is used Vocabulary The focus of these activities is to expand students’ lexical repertoire. Activities in this section lead students to use the words in context so that they serve as tools for the speaking listening, and reading activities. From the start, students should be encouraged to take rsks to develop techniques such as guessing and inferring to deal with the new words Language Awareness ‘These activities are primarily meant to guide students to realize how the target language works Students are stimulated to build hypotheses on how the language works and then experiment with them. As a result, the activities are not only meant to develop students’ understanding of the way the language works, but also to increase their critical and autonomous thinking skil. ) 6 | cunexpansion2 COOCOCCOCOOCOCOOCEOCOCOOCECOOOOCOCOCOEECECOCOOOCOOCE Pronunciation ‘The main goal of these activities is to develop students’ awareness of English sounds and intonation patterns, ‘Therefore, students will be exposed to the phonetical and phonological aspect of the language which are seen ‘as more challenging. The assumption is that, by working on them, students’ speech will become more natural Game Games provide students with natural opportunities for using language for real purposes as well as for enjoyment. Your job during these activites is to guarantee that students understand the rules of the game and the language to be practiced/used. You should also keep control ofthe situation, especially if it involves groups or teamwork Information Gap Activities “These activities have been specially written to provide students with authentic opportunities to communicate. ‘As the name says the activities require chat students interact so that information can be exchanged and the “missing gaps" can be filled. Careful instructions on how to perform these actwities should be given so that the information gap element is not ruined ~ often the activities require that one student should not see his or her partners card ~ and students understand what conversation isto be carried out, Therefore, some language elicitation and modeling may be required, Iti also highly advisable chat you spend a few minutes when the activity is over talking to students about what they found dificult as well as finding out ifanyone wanted to say something but did nox have the necessary language t0 do so. This may also be a good moment to go through mistakes students may have made and carry out remedial work Feedback Time “The focus ofthe Feedback Time is to give students the opportunity to recapitulate che contents studied, Stuclents should be encouraged to go through the unit and produce samples of the material scudied and carry ‘out some self-evaluation of their progress. Tiss an important moment co discuss with the whole group what ‘can be done to develop their command of the content studied and the tools available to do that. What else could you say? “The What else could you say? boxes offer students different language components to express the same ‘communicative functions. Students thus expand and diversify their communicative repertoire, I is important to show students that they can say the same thing in different ways. However, you should use your discretion as to decide how far to explore and demand the use of such language. For example, if you see that your students already know and can use the target language in the activity, you may decide to explore the ones in the corresponding What else could you say? box. These boxes are useful roo when there’ a litle extra time and you think students would benefit from further practice. I3931399GEO0909000090909999999929999999999 ciasstessons | 7 @ You won’t believe this! Communicative goals + Talking bout pas Talking about postales in the I'm glad we're back to school! ‘Communicative goals Exchanging personal information + Talking about satis and 3 © + Talking sbour possbites in che techniques to improve your Engish + Discussing leaning sys Reviewing language previously dealt with: kes and disks past events, ea future possibilies and condtons, and making comparsons Speaking + Takngabe important iertions Listening + Teling stoves = Kinds of earners Reading Language Awareness as Perec Turning points ‘Communicative goals Talking abou mporcant word facts meaningful acs in your Ife + theimportance of rowing hscory things that could/might have Communicative goals + Aiton class making comments talking abou Language Awareness + Past perfect and time adverbials Speaking Making comments about a par using diferent a + The thie condiional Speaking. Making 2 personal timeline and + Making a to-do list fora party Listening. wi + Whing ashore Pronunciation Should/would/could/ight have ® Game eabalay + Ustening about a party and focus + Words and expressions used what the hostess di and what sh ee Someone ese do it Do it yourself! Communicative goals renga + Talking about things youd Vocabulary + House ices andthe kind of Language Awareness baby's enb + Quizon learning styles a Pronunciation + Contracted words Reading + Bxreme Makeover + Perfect Modal verbs Speaking Writing SES ie + A peronal story Role play on Putting it all together happened + Talergabor cae realife heroes Tages ances fale + kreabasrhypoeea tons Reviewing language previous dak with st pas ‘Busses and decutions and making plans * Practicing language used to talk abou ypothetical uations wile having fun Wishful thinking ‘Communicative goals + Taking aboue things youl ike ro happen + Talkngabout regrets ard ways hings ould have been diferent Itsall in the media Communicative goals Sy ost pilates Reporing what peopled bounce + Discussing got cee: «+ Talking about your favorine actor ‘+ Disagreeing poli Dig bal es and ays to ne singer band + Expressing admizaton for somebody + Taling abou problem community 2d propo * Takrgabout he media and is Talking about Vocabulary edinvrelted words 1 Sangand eqmesions wo rakabout With + would Speaking + Mating wishes and hypotheses + Tang abour inspiring songs Game + Getsing ou of icky stations ways tomake the world Speaking epresing your + Cesta ony Reading “hed Reading The fire of media 1 Aneardesth nedencinvolinga wel-known actor Language Awareness + ect and Reported speech Reading Morag wh fo 5 heprang huss + Pasir Vocabulary ere nen eo a + Language relied o annoying habs + Some word eves and wast help Listening. + Aninteview with asinger Speaking + Quis on soci media adcicton Vocabulary g it all together ‘Communicative goals + Fnding out further information about + Taking about quotes are the authors 1 Taking abou diferent kinds of rt, + Reviewing arquage pres deat wit aking wes and aking about Information Gap Activities Fypothecalsaatons ra Grammar Tips. NCH Ee We SS DS SE 4 Seating mula oe Suavaetee Resource Pack «How much do you now bousome - famous people? Activity Book na eae Audio Script ® When did POP become culture? Communicative goals Talking abour ule and cultura + Taking abou the movie industry mes and gamers, ea eNO influence Language Awareness + Taking about how people behave raking at + Wah + simple past Sine + Comincing peo Wich + pas perfect doings abide agesrg and disagreeing poleey + Abit history of he comics dusty Language Awareness + Comic book halenge + Werds elated to comic bok and ty and comeing omic books ad their poinc of ew — n mes with your Page 111 page page 141 page 149 cLass.essons | 9 ( : SPEAKING rove around incerviewing ocher | Communicative goals dlamates ton ou: poole + Exchanging personal -with the same or similar answers. pred ed Ifnecesary ect the questons to be asked. Tell them they are ot supposed to ak che same classmate more than 2 question in a row Seta sime limit of 10 5 + Discussing learning styles minutes or up tothe moment 5 + Reviewing language someone fils inal the lines with a | previously deal with kes rame. While students rak, move and dsies, past events, around and help if necessary. future possibilies and + When time is up or someone conditions and making are going todo an activity re'gec ‘fishes filling in che chart, check ommpursons touemexhoveraiitebece, thsranswes wth the whole daa ‘Ask students ofilin the You Coad letras colurnn on page in the books, _—_‘that students can share their Seta time limit of2.0r 3minutes __ Preferences and know a ile for this part ofthe activity ine nba ete ‘When students are done, tell them they have t stand up and + Talking about strategies and techniques ta improve: students’ English + Books open, Tall students they ) 10 | cNAexPaNnsion 2 SCHOCOSCCSCOOSCOOSHSCOOSSOCESSCOCOOOCOCCOOCOC COCO

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