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The perfect morning

I want you to close your eyes

Find a physical space of calm balance, ease, stillness and peace

even though this is repetitive whenever you want to train your
mind you have to do something multiple times. So, just gently and
softly say to your mind



Remember this is your time, your secret place for calm, balance
for ease, for stillness and for peace (pause………)

Breath in through your nose and then out . Becoming aware of

your natural breathing pattern (pause………)

In and out ,Becoming aware of your natural breathing pattern, no

pressure or force (pause………)

Just calm balance, ease balance , ease , stillness and peace

What we are going to do today is called ‘ morning routine
meditation’ yesterday we went back into the past to heal. we
went back into the past
to transform a moment in our memory and today we go to the
future, to tomorrow morning, to rewire the habits and how we
experiencing the morning.
Visualize yourself lying on your bed and gently calmly waking up.


The first thing I want you to do is place your left palm on your
stomach as you are lying down on your bed, and breathe in
through your nose and breath out.

Breath in calming and relaxing breath and breathing out any

stress. (pause………)

Visualize your bedroom walking, you see what's next to you,

what's around you and before you even get up, just lying on your
back after you breath in and out for 3 times.

I Want u to say ‘i AM grateful for today’ repeat after me ‘ I am

grateful for today’ repeat after me ‘ I am grateful for today’
Repeat again, ‘ I am grateful to be alive’

Now get up feel your feet touch the ground and they touch the
ground remind yourself ‘ today is going to be a best day’
Slowly get up and as you walk and brush the teeth and show
up.make a point that not looking at your phone. We want your
mind to be a place of gratitude and enthusiasm to start a day not
reaction , no responding….. Pause……

Now in a shower allow yourself to feel the water , and feel your
body getting cleansed and your mind being relieved in, cleansed
as well. As the water touches your head and your body feels it
washing away to stress and negativity of deny.

Breath in and out 3 times, inhale calm,stillness ,ease and

breathing out any negative and toxic energy, Do that for 3 times,
Visualize yourself in a shower
( perform Breath in and breathe out 3 times)

Let the body feel washed and cleansed of all of that baggage.

And now before you start your day , find a place in your home , a
place of your choice to seat for a few moment (pause)

Find a place that’s calm, that’s still and sit in this space and make
a commitment to yourself
I have everything I need
Repeat after me
I have everything I need
Repeat after me
I am exactly where I need to be
I am incharge of my life.
See when you say these 3 statements you are no longer a
passenger in your life but you are a driver.

So many of us for so often, all we have done is that, we always

felt we are in the wrong place, we always felt we don’t have what
we need , when you are not grateful for a moment we have not
been able to use that moment because it feels useless.
But, when we realize how powerful the moment is . We have
everything we need right now. We can create the future that we

In your mind right now, you are creating tomorrow morning and
when you visualize in this way , I promise you tomorrow when you
wake up you will have so much more courage to live in this way.

You will have so much more strength to live in this way and if you
can visualize one small thing before you are going to bed

Visualize the mood and the attitude with which you want to wake
up. You set your alarm the night before for the time you want to
wake up tomorrow

You set your mind the night before for the mood you want to wake
up for tomorrow.

We have to program your mind .

Don't leave it a chance
don't leave it a hope
Don’t leave it to luck.

Be intionanal..
Be focused...
Be still..

And when you are ready ,at your own time and own pace when
you are ready, you can gently and softly open your eyes.

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