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Lembar Jawaban

Research and development

Chapter 1 and 3


Alimin, M.Pd








TABLE OF CONTENTS..........................................................................................................Ii

LIST OF FIGURE....................................................................................................................Iii

LIST OF TABLE......................................................................................................................Iv

CHAPER I INTRODUCTION..................................................................................................1

1.1 Background of The Research...........................................................................................1

1.2 Problem of The Research.................................................................................................3

1.3 Statement of The Objective..............................................................................................3

1.4 Specification of The Study...............................................................................................3

1.5 Significance of The Study................................................................................................4

1.6 Limitation of The Research..............................................................................................4

1.7 Definition of Key Terms..................................................................................................4

CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHOD.....................................................................................6

3.1 Description Of The Setting...............................................................................................6

3.2 Research Design...............................................................................................................6

3.3 The Stages of The Research.............................................................................................7

3.3.1 Need Survey..........................................................................................................7

3.3.2 Developing Reading Material...............................................................................8

3.3.3 Expert and Teachers Validation..........................................................................10

3.3.4 Try-Out................................................................................................................10 Design of The Try-Out..........................................................................10 Subject of The Try-Out.........................................................................11 Instrument For Collecting The Data During The Try-Out.....................11 Data Analysis.........................................................................................12

3.4 Research Procedure.......................................................................................................12

3.5 Schedule Of The Research............................................................................................13


Figure 3.1 Stages in Materials Development Adapted From Hyland (2003)...........................7

Figure 3.2 Stages In Developing Reading Materials.................................................................7


Table 3.1 : Schedule of The Study ( March – July)..................................................................13



This research discusses the background of the research, problem of the research, statement
of the objetives, specification of the product, limitation of the research and definition of key
1.1 Background of the Research
English is an international language that has developed rapidly. Globalization of the
world gives English a very important function in human life, especially for the education
sector. Education has an important role in the development of a country. In many
countries, children are taught and encouraged to learn English. Many countries use
English as the second official language. At the school level, students in junior high
schools need to improve their ability to use English. If they learn English early, they will
get more benefits in the future. For this reason, students should improve their skills in
English. At the university level, students in many countries also study almost all of their
subjects in English in order to more accessible to international students.
In learning English, there are four skills students should be mastered in their studies.
The four skills are: speaking, listening, reading and writing. According to Saricoban
(1999), English can be divided into two skills. There are receptive and productive skills.
Receptive skills are the ability to accept language and translate the meaning to understand
language. Reading and listening are included in receptive skills. Productive skill is the
ability to produce language. Writing and speaking are included in productive skills.
Reading is one of the four basic skills in learning English which plays an important role
in daily communication because reading is the most important thing when someone wants
to learn something especially in learning about language.
Reading is one of the activities to get information from the text. Jo A. Aebersold and
Mary L. Field in his book entitled "From Reader to Reading Teacher" (1997, p.15) said
that reading is defined as an activity between the reader and the text. When the reader
sees the text and can interpret the meaning of the written symbol, it is, therefore, a true
reading activity. In other words, reading is an activity that not only takes words from the
text but requires the reader to interpret what is happening in the text. Reading is also done
by involving the interaction between the reader, the text, and the interaction between the

reader and the text that has the purpose of getting a message in the text. In short, a good
reader must build interaction with the text by understanding the problems stated in the
Reading is a very important aspect of our lives. Without reading we will never get
information. Susan Lenski and Jill Lewis in their book entitled "Reading success for
struggling adolescence learners" (2008, p.177) reading is beneficial for students to
overcome problems in their work, overcome their problems in the household, help them
become good citizens, and have the ability to overcome their personal lives. It can be
concluded that reading is beneficial for students. to make them more advanced and
knowledgeable. As a consequence, it is important to build students' willingness to read.
However, many students consider reading as not easy to do and difficult to understand the
reading text and know the vocabulary.
The researcher conducts this research based on previous researchers. From the
previous thesis entitled "Developing Reading Materials For Junior High School Students
Based On Content Areas" (AnggitaKasandraLubis, 2016). In this thesis, the writer said
that although the given textbook has a quite good level, students still look difficult when
they find difficult words. Students always ask the teacher to help or find difficult words
in the dictionary. Difficulties also come from unfamiliar sentences. She added that
students liked reading activities that had several pictures in them. From these problems, it
can be said that students have difficulty in recognizing vocabulary and understanding
reading texts, and they are interested in varied learning methods.
The role of the teacher here is very much needed. Jo A. Aebersold and Mary L. Field
in their book "From Reader to Reading Teacher" (1997, p.35) the goals for the course
when the teacher prepares the material in advance and designs a reading course. The
teacher must have methods that make reading activities look interesting so students can
enjoy their reading activities. The teacher also has to give the material not only to rely on
the textbook but to provide the material with other methods.
At present, the curriculum is in force and it is hoped that all schools will use it, the
2013 curriculum. The replacement of the 2006 curriculum (KTSP: Kurikulum Tingkat
SatuanPendidikan) to become the 2013 curriculum is carried out to get a better quality of
Indonesian education, one of which is the use of technology appropriately. Technology in
the 2013 curriculum is felt to be important not only for students but teachers are also
required to be able to optimize the existence of this advanced technology to create a
learning environment that is not boring. The use of computers for teaching purposes in

subjects such as English creates various advantages. The fact that computers are used in
teaching makes us realize that computers are very important in the education sector.
Computer as a tool for teaching and learning activities and simplify the task of teachers in
teaching. For teachers who will be leaders in the learning process, computers can help
them in making interesting media. Teachers are required to know the development of
existing technology so that in its use, technology can be well distributed to students.
Computer-assisted language learning (CALL) is an approach that helps teachers in
teaching. For the first time, CALL is one of application of computer technology for
science. CALL is an innovative approach because someone can learn languages
interactively. Kenning (1983) cited in YakobusDewantoro (2013: 2)said that one of the
uniqueness of computers as a medium for education is the ability to interact with
students. Power points can be a tool for application for CALL. By using PowerPoint in
describing the material it feels good in attracting students' learning interest. In the 2013
curriculum syllabus class 8in the first semester, the reading material are descriptive and
recount text. The teachers can display pictures or videos with the material being taught.
The government hopes that the use of optimal and wise technology can make the 2013
curriculum system useful for all parties.
For all these reasons, researchers designed computer-based research by specifying
students' reading abilities under the title "Developing reading materials using
PowerPoint for eighth-grade students of MTs. Al MunirohUjungpangkah in
academic year 2020/2021 ". Researchers hope that students can make learning to read
more interesting.
1.2 Problem of the Reseach
Based on the background of thr researcher above, the problem in this research "What
is the appropriate reading materials using PowerPoint for eight grade students of MTs. Al
MunirohUjungpangkah in Academic Year 2020/2021 ?"
1.3 Statement of the Objective
From the problem of the research above, statement of the objective for this research is
"To develop the appropriate reading materials using PowerPoint for eight grade students
of MTs. Al MunirohUjungpangkah in Academic Year 2020/2021"
1.4 Specification of the Product
In this research, the reading materials will be develop has some spesification. The
materials are develop based the existing textbook/LKS (suited with curriculum). The
processes of developing materials are intended to fulfill the teachers' and students' need

( suited with textbook/LKS and curriculum), it can be very useful to support the teaching
learning process. The product on this research is PowerPoint as media. The product
comsist of two set of PowerPoint, for the teacher and the students. The content of both set
of PowerPoint are same. The PowerPoint is produced to improve students reading ability.
This product consist of four units. These media consist approximately eighty slides,
consist of intro slide, materials slides and wxercise slides. The teacher PowerPoint cover
the guidelines of how to using the PowerPoint as media. This media will be designed by
using PowerPoint Presentation Slides. This media will be played in the classroom or
computer laboratory.
1.5 Significance of the study
The research is significance on contributing theoritically and practically. Theoritically,
the research contributes to the development of knowledge in language teaching especially
in writing skill. Practically, this research can provide fruotful contribution for students,
English teacher, and future researcher. For the students, this research can improve and
motivate them in teaching-learning activity, especially in reading. For teacher, this
research can support then to develop reading materials in the teaching learning process
based on the learners'need and interest. For future researcher, this researxh will be
encourage to conduct some studies to find new rheories in education.
1.6 Limitation of the Research
In order to avoid a broader discussion of the research, the researcher focus on
developing reading material using PowerPoint for eight grade students of MTs. Al
MunirohUjungpangkah in the first semester in academic year 2020/2021.
1.7 Definition of Key Terms
In avoidance of misunderstanding and misconception on the context of the research,
the researcher defines key terms as follows.
Developing is a process of adding, deleting, simplifying, modifying, and reordering
the materials in order to be better for students' need. (Syarifuddin, 2018,p.18)
Reading is activity of extracting information from a text including picture, diagrams,
graph, and illustration. reading is an activity integrating the text and readers’ background
knowledge to build meaning. (Thompson;1980)
Computer Assisted Language Learning (CALL) is often perceived, somewhat
narrowly, as an approach to language teaching and learning in which the computer is used
as an aid to the presentation, reinforcement and assessment of material to be learned,
usually including a substantial interactive element. (Kenning;1983)

According to PowerPoint is a computer program to present something that is
developed by Microsoft Corporation (Hengky Alexander 2011). PowerPoint is part of
Microsoft office application. For the first time, PowerPoint only used in Xenix operation
system but nowadays the user can use it in windows and Apple Macintosh operation
MTs. Al Muniroh is one of an islamic junior high school at Pendidikan street No.01,
Pendilwesi, Pangkahwetan, Ujungpangkah Gresik.



In this chapter, the researcher discuss the description of the setting, research design,
the stages of the research, need survey, developing materials, expert and teachers validation,
try out, research procedure and schedule of the research.

3.1 The Description of The Setting

The location of this research will be conducted at MTs. Al Muniroh at at Pendidikan
street No.01, Pendilwesi, Pangkahwetan, Ujungpangkah Gresik. This school in a complex
area with MA Al-Muniroh and SMA Al-Muniroh which are still in a foundation. At
MTs. Al Muniroh, there are 6 classes of the eighth grade. The subjects of this research are
students at the eighth graders of class D. There are thirty-two students in this class with
age range 12-13 years old, which has eighteen of female and fourteen of male.
3.2 Research Design
An appropriate design study is needed as a direction to conduct and organize the step
or the procedure of the study. This study attempts to answer two problems. First, it was
conducted to find out how to set reading materials by using PowerPoint. Second, it was
aimed to present the designed material for the students. Based on those problems,
research and development was considered the most appropriate design study. Borg and
Gall, 1983 adapted from (Yakobus D, 2013 : 24) explain that Research and Development
(R & D) is a process used to develop and validate educational products. The goal of R &
D is to take this research knowledge and incorporate it into a product that can be used in
the school.
The process of developing the product in this research follows the steps proposed by
the Hyland's model (2003). Due to problems encountered, a simplified step from Hyland
can facilitate the development process. The development includes the process of
modifying available resources by identifying, adapting, ordering, and modifying products.
The design used by researcher is Hyland model which has seven steps. Those steps are
need survey, materials development, teacher and expert validation, revision I, try out,
revision II, and final project. It can be seen in the diagram below :

Figure 3.1 Stages in Materials Development adapted from Hyland (2003)
3.3 The Stages of The Research
To complete the product in this research, there are some steps. A systematical
procedure will bring a good effect on developing the product itself. The procedure in
developing the product is through some stages consisting of Need Analysis, Developing a
product, Expert and Teacher’s Validation, and Try-Out.
3.3.1 Need Survey
The first step in developing product of reading materials in this research is
need survey. The researcher conducts the need survey for the English teacher and
students of the eighth graders of MTs. Al-Muniroh Ujungpangkah. This step is
used to get information about the students' need in reading, the students' problem
in the class, and the materials students' needed. The result of the need survey is
guide to fulfill the appropriate materials used in teaching English will be
developed into product based on technology, that is PowerPoint presentation slide.
To develop the appropriate materials, the researcher uses three instruments to
collect the data during need survey. The instruments are questionnaire, interview
guide, and field notes. It is distributed to English teachers and students of the
eighth graders. The following paragraph discusses detail information about this

A) Questionnaire
The first instrument is a questionnaire. There will be two instrument in this
research. The first is questionnaire for the teacher and the second is questionnaire for
the students. The instrument for teacher is different from the instrument for the
The questionnaires for the English teacher contains of some questions are used to
get information related to need for developing the product of reading materials.
Meanwhile, the questionnaire for the students is about the reading activity in the class
and the opinion about the appropriate reading materials for them.
B) Interview
The second instrument to collect the data is interview. The interview will be done
to the English teachers. It is used to get the data semi-structure interview. By using
semi-structure interview, the researcher will get the specific data for the research
because it is possible to add more questions during the interview.
Interview for English teacher conducted to know the students' ability, the students'
problem during teaching reading, the students' respond in the classroom and the
methods that is implemented the teacher in the class, especially in teaching reading.
C) Observation
The last instrument is observation. The researcher uses field notes to write down
the important things that concerns with research process indoor or outdoor to develop
the product. In observation, field notes used to notice basic important things in line
with the reading materials used in teaching English to develop PowerPoint
presentation slide as product of reading materials.
All the data obtained is then collected and will be presented. Data obtained from
teachers and students are presented in different ways. Questionnaires, interviews, and
field notes from the teachers are presented in a descriptive qualitative manner.
Meanwhile, data from students will be presented as a percentage.
3.3.2 Developing Reading Material
In developing products, the first thing to do is identify. To identify the
material, researchers looked at and read books used by English teachers and
students. The researcher identifies topics, reading objectives, indicators and main
activities. In the process of identification, researchers mark material that is
suitable for learning to read.

Retyping is done after identification. Researchers retyping the material that
was marked during the identification process. in this process the researcher
reopened the textbook and painted a number of topics such as city, my family,
holiday, and my experience. All of these topics correspond to reading activities.
After retype, selecting is done with an English teacher. the selection process is
based on the teacher's considerations and suggestions about the product being
developed. The researcher also provides advice that will be approved by the
Compiling is done after selecting. The material will begin to be arranged in
accordance with the advice that has been obtained. The preparation was forwarded
2 times namely the media for students and teachers because the media that would
be given to the teacher had a way of operating the product.
After compiling the product will be designed. designing is done with
PowerPoint templates. Product designed in Microsoft PowerPoint that takes a
long time. The design selection of audio and insert animation is done to motivate
students in learning to read.
Converting is done after designing. Converting to PowerPoint video
presentation is done to make it easier for students to operate it. PowerPoint that
was originally just a slide will be a video presentation.
After converting is done, the product can be placed in every computer in the
computer laboratory and can be used.

Figure 3.2 Stages in Developing Reading Material

3.3.3 Expert and Teachers Validation
After the product is developed, it will be given to experts and teachers to be
validated before the try-out. the researcher will ask the expert from the English
lecture and the English teacher of Mts. Al Muniroh to validate the product to be
the criteria for providing validation forms for experts and teachers are the same
because the products to be given are also the same. There are several aspects that
will be assessed are as follows:1) Style. Design of products that are appropriate to
the topic and can attract students' interest in learning to read. 2) Language.
Reading text according to student level, about vocabulary and grammatical
structure. 3) Content. text is not burden for students. material in the product must
be appropriate and cause students' interest in learning to read.
In the assessment there are 3 aspect that will be validated on the product. they
are good, fair and poor. There will also be a comment column for written
suggestions for improving the product being developed.
Data analysis was performed after all data were obtained from expert and
teacher validation. The data is formed qualitatively and presented descriptively as
an example of the comment column that will be provided.
3.3.4 Try-out
Several points that must be understood during the try-out, namely design of tge
try-out, subject of the try-out, instrument for collecting data during the try-out,
and data analysis technique. Design of The Try-Out
The try-out will be conducted on MTs. Al-Muniroh. The try-out will
be conducted at the Computer Laboratory. This is intended to achieve
better results from the products being developed. In designing the try-out,
the researcher conducts try-out I and try-out II. In the try-out I, the
revised I product will applied by the English teacher in the computer
laboratory. Then, the researcher observes the teaching the teaching-
learning process in the computer laboratory.
After the first try-out, the researcher will give the questionaire for the
teacher and student. After getting data from the questionnaire, the second
revision made.The second revision will be made based on the collected
data of the first try-out. Thus, those feedbacks will be used to revise the

product to better for the students' need. The last is try-out II. The second
try-out will be applied based on the second revision of the product. Subject of The Try-Out
The subjects of the try out are an English teacher and students of
MTs. Al-Muniroh English teacher is selected to do
the try-out. The main subject of the try-out are the eighth graders of MTs.
Al-Muniroh Ujungpangkah Gresik in the academic year 2020/2021. One
class is chosen from random sampling to do the try out. It is the seventh
graders of class D. There are thirty-two students in this class with age
range 12-13 years old, which has eighteen of female and fourteen of
male. Instrument for Collecting The Data During The Try-Out
There are three instrument for collecting data during try-out. These are
questionnaire, observation checklist, and field note.
a) Questionnaire
The first instrument is questionnaire. Questionnaire is in the
form of question related to the product. It will be given to the teacher
and students after the try-out are finished. This is intended to find out
their opinion about the product. The questionnaire for the students is
different from teacher. Four aspect of the questions are asked to the
student. 1) Students' interest in PowerPoint presentation media. 2)
Uniqueness in the selection of media, fonts and animations provided
in each slide. 3) Students' opinions about the material presented, about
the ease in understanding the material presented. 4) Ease of running
PowerPoint presentations. For the teachers, the questions deal with the
practicality and effectiveness of the product. The practicality with the
use of the product developed. Whether is good and easy to using
computer or can be used with a cell phone. For its effectiveness, using
the products to support teaching and learning English in the classroom
or out the classroom.
This questionnaire is used to know their need and motivation
toward reading materials have developed. It used to know the students'
opinion of where the easy unit and difficult unit are.
b) observation checklist

A second instrument used to collect the data during the try out
is an observation checklist. It used to get some information about the
teaching-learning activities in the class. This instrument is hold by the
researcher. It consist of implementation of the try-out in the class from
beginning till its end.
c) field note.
The last instrument is field note. Field note is used to write
some findings during the try-out. It can be the phenomenon and to
know the practicallity and effectiveness of the product developed. Data Analysis
In order to understand and present the obtained, the researcher used
data analysis technique. The data obtained from the questionaire,
interview guidlines, observation sheet and field note. All the data are
presented in the form of qualitative way in which the data are presented
3.4 Research Procedure
There are some procedures in conducting this research. The first is rescarch
preparation phase. There are six steps in this phase: 1) Creating the research's title. The
researcher chooses developing reading materials using PowerPoint in the eighth graders
at MTs. Al-Muniroh academic year 2020/2021 as the title. 2) Proposing the research's
title After compiling the title, the researcher submits this title to the supervisor. 3) Asking
for permisson. After the title is accepted by the supervisor, the researcher asks the
permission letter from the university. 4) Giving the permission letter to the school. After
the researcher get the permission letter from university, the researcher submit this
permission letter to the school 5) Drafting the research proposal. 6) Proposing of research
proposals to the supervisor.
The second in implementation research. In this phase, there are four steps: 1) doing
interview. The researcher does the interview with English teacher on the school in order
to know the students' respons or behaviour in the classroom, and the method that is
implemented the teacher in the class, especially teaching reading. 2) collecting data.
After getting the data, the researcher processes those data. Those data is used to guide for
developing writing materials 3) developing materials. The researcher starts to develop
reading material using PowerPoint for eighth graders at MTs. Al-Muniroh
Ujungpangkah. The researcher develops the materials bases on the syllabus and the

students' need and motivation. 4) try out 1. After developing the materials, the researcher
will be tested students with try-out. Try-out is used to measure the effectiveness of
revised materials.
The last phase is writing a research report. In this phase, there are four steps, 1)
creating the result of the research. After doing the research, the researcher starts to create
the result of the research. 2) consulting to the supervisor. After the creating the result of
the research, the researcher consult to the supervisor in order to fix the undergraduate
thesis 3) revising. After getting feedback from the supervisor, the researcher revises the
research before doing teat. 4) Test of undergraduate
3.5 Schedule of The Research
The researcher arranges the schedule in mean of the study implementation timing
guideline. The agenda of the study will be started from finding the title of the study until
proposing and revising the study. The schedule of the study implementation is presented
in the following table :
Table 3.1 : Schedule of The Study ( March – July)

No. Agenda March Aprl May June July
1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4
the title
of the
2. the
3. the
the study


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