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Name – Devendra Dhumane

Roll No – 20PGDMHR11

Part 1

Short Term Goals

1. Learn analytics and other tools such as Advance excel, SAP & Tableau.
2. Participate in Corporate and college competitions to learn from actual business cases and scenarios.

3. Get into a reputed organization in Talent Management domain.

Mid Term Goals
1. Get adapted to the organization culture and grow within the organization.
2. Focus on mental and physical health and prioritize it.
3. Learn how financial market operates and start investing.
Long Term Goals
1. Work in different sectors and be an asset for the company.
2. Move to Executive Search Consulting as career option.

3. Travel across all the Indian states and learn about tradition and culture.

Part 2

Companies whose vision and mission, I liked:

 Linkedin - Vision: “create economic opportunity for every member of the global workforce.”
Mission: “The mission of LinkedIn is simple: connect the world’s professionals to make them more
productive and successful.”

Reason – The statements are short and simple and conveys what the company does. It effectively captures
the fundamental function of the company.
 Tesla – Vision: To create the most compelling car company of 21st century by driving the world’s
transition to electric vehicles.”
Mission: “To accelerate the world’s transition to sustainable energy.”

Reason – The statements are truly intertwined and conveys how the company is going to achieve its goal of
being the most compelling car company.

 TCS - Vision: “To be amongst the 5 most admired Information Technology Solution Providers globally
with leadership focus in delivery of products, solutions and services which are globally competitive.”
Mission: “TCS Technology will provide products and services that not only meet but exceed the
expectation of our customers through planned and continuous improvement of our Services, Products,
Processes and People.”

Reason – The statements are customer centric and focus more on service part which is important for a
software company. The vision is aided by the mission statements which clearly defines the companies’

 Jio – vision: “To transform India with the power of digital revolution - to connect everyone and
everything, everywhere – always at the highest quality and the most affordable price.”

Reason – The vison statements provide a clear insight of the long term strategy of the company and is in line
with what the company is doing.

 AIR India – Vision: “To be the leader in Indian aviation and India’s Ambassador to the world.”
Mission: “Leadership - focus on customer, process and people. India’s Ambassador – Be India’s flag
carries and focus on values”

Reason – The vision is clear and reflects what business the company does, the mission statement is divided
into two segments which focus on the two aspects of the vison and convey how the company aims to fulfil
its vison.

Companies whose vision and mission, I didn’t like:

 DCM Shriram – Vision: “Vibrant Growth with trust, energized employees & delighted customers.”

Reason – The vison statements provide no idea of the business and even if the group aims at what the
statement says they don’t have a mission statement as how will the company achieve their vision.

 Airtel – Vision: “Our vision is to enrich the lives of our customers. Our obsession is to win customers
for life through an exceptional experience.”
Mission: “Hunger to win customers for life”

Reason – The vision is clear and conveys the message that the company is customer centric, but the mission
doesn’t convey how the company is going to realise its vision, its just seems as an extension of the vision

 Yes Bank – Vision: “Building the Finest Quality Large Bank of the World in India.”
Mission: “To establish a high-quality, customer-centric, service-driven, private Indian Bank catering to the
‘Future Businesses of India.”

Reason – The vision is clear but the mission statements just elaborates the vison in more concise way, it
does not focus on business aspect and does not convey as how the bank will be customer centric or service
 McDonalds – Vision: “To move with velocity to drive profitable growth and become an even better
McDonald's serving more customers delicious food each day around the world.”
Mission – “Our mission is to make delicious feel-good moments easy for everyone.”
Reason – The mission statement is vague and gives no idea about the business and the plan to realise the

 Sony – Vision: Our vision is to use our passion for technology, content and services to deliver kando, in
ways that only Sony can.
Mission: “our mission is to be a company that inspires and fulfils your curiosity.”

Reason – The concept of kando is not explained and creates confusion, a rather simple word would have
been easy to understand the vision. The mission statement is completely vague and unrelatable to the
business and is not conveying and how the company is going to fulfil customers curiosity.

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