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moves while the Sun was in Aries.

It is just as important to know what works

infrequently as it is to know what works most freq uently. The l ater helps. us. to
know when to make a trade. The former lets us know when it may not be as
necessary to make a trading decision.

Not an Moon signs work the same with) n all Sun signs. The Moon in Aries or
Aquarius isnt always the h ighest correlation of lunar signs to 4% or greater reversals
within each Sun sign. It has a higher rate of uency when tl occurs in certain Sun
signs more so than in others. The FAR for the Galactic Trader program aLJows
one to breakdown resu]ts according to any particular planet-i nsign combination. Th
i s was especially important to the goals of this study, wh1ch is to determine which
Sun Moon combinations have the greatest (and the least} correlation to 4% reversals i
n stock indices.

As you wiU see when trying to implement the results of th is study in actual
trad)ng, the various indices wiH not always result in a reversal of 4% or greater during
a particular soJar-l unar combination. In actual practice, the degree of t he reversal for
a solar-l unar combination that most often correlated. with a 4% reversal i n our study
wii l more likely result in a minimum price swing of 2.5% or greater. This is u
nderstandable when you consider that, for this study) we are trying to 1solate those
instance.s iri w h ich the average filcered wave reverses about once every 3 weeks, or
approxi matety every l5 trading days.

We will find multiple: instanct:s of Moon sigs withi n each Sun sign that stand
out in our study. In some Sun .signs (30 calendar days, about 22 trad ing days), tl e
probabil ity of a 4% or greater reversa1 might be limited to on ly one, and m aybe tw o,
Moon signs. But our studies might have .sho'A/Jl perhaps that as many as 3 Moon signs
were m ore likely to coincide w ith such a reversal than the other signs. lri actu al
observat ion, we riote that i n most cases. each of these s1gm. correlates with a .short-
term reversal. Bur not all are as m uch as 4% in reality. Most do, however, currelate
wilh reversa[s of at least 2.5% of th e val ue of the lowest price on the filtered wave.
This is an ohservation t hat has been reported in The MMA Cycles Rep<Jrt. a
flnartdal marke t etter that l write and mai l out (email and/or postal} every 3 wet:ks .
A rough gucs.s s that tlle .s hort- term reversal dates for the U.S. stock m arket (which
is how l refer to these d ates in fhrt MMA Cyt:le. Report) h ave been at least 85%
accllrate 1n iden titying isolated highs and lows from wh ich 2.5% or greater reversals
have commenced . And since these dates cover only a 1-3 day period, this markct-
t1ming tool can be a very valllable adju nct to any short-term trader's de1.:ision· making
considerations. lt provides that necessary '"ed ge'' that every trader seeks. Thus, even
though lhis stlldy measures for a correla t1on lo 4% or greater pr ice swings, 1n actual
practice traders are encouraged to be satisfied with 2.5% or greater price swings as a
minimum target for mak i ng a trade, assuming the proper setu p ts llnfolding.


Inadd ition to using the FAR/or lhe Ga/aerie Trader software program, many
traders may find it just as easy to use an ephemeris in order to determine the
position of tbe planets and the Moon on any given day. The ephemeris I use most

frequen r ly is The American Eghemeri.s, pu blished by ACS Publ icat1ons. 5521 Rllffi
n Rd., San Diego, CA 92123-1314 (USA). I prefer using the 10-year ephemeris, such
as 200 l -20l0, because of

its detailed aspe<:tarian. But whether you use tile ten-year or the century ephemeris,
eac:ti has a section titled ..Moon Phenomena" for every month. J n th.i:s section, the
ephemens provides the exact time in which the Moon enters and lea\tes each sign of
the zodiac.

An ex.ample of thjs ephemeris page. with the corresponding "Moon Phenomena · provided I n the Last chapter of this book, under "IlJustration."


There are several areas uf con<:em that could somewhat i nfl uence or a1ter the
results of thi s study_ The first is tht> determination of the time of day to use in this
study. Since the Moon changes signs approximatel y every 2-112 days, there will be
several instances i n whid that sign change occurs durin.x t he h01m; in wh ich the
market is trading. And there will be several insta n<:cs w hen the high or low of a fi!
tered wave occurs on one of those 'ingress" dates (dates i n whi<:h the Moon
changed signs during r.iarket hours). Since it is nearly im possible to lell the exact
time of the day in which the market made its hi gh or ]ow, it is al o nearly impossible
to determine for <:ertain which Moon sign was in effect in those instances when the
reversa l occurred on such a lunar i ngress date.

Compoundi ng this th eoretica l concern i s the fact that the hours in whic:h the
U.S. stock market traded has changed severnJ times over the past 70 years , and even
the past 10 years . Furt hcnnore, the hou rs of tradi ng will likely change several more
times: in the next IO years, as the con<:ept of "24ahour" trading is current ly under

For mostl y convenient reasons, the time of nooCl (Eastern clock time) was used
in all cases for the USA markets . The Nikkei used noon Japanese standard time_
This is probably not a bad choice: since noon is close to the middle of the trading day
for most financial markets. Since the stock market is open approximately 6-8 hours per
trading day in each country, and sim:e the Moon moves about 1 degree every 2 hours,
usi ng a noon time provi des a Lunar placement that will usually be within 2 degrees of
either the high or low formed on any given day. That means there is probably less
than a 7% probability that the Moon signs bei ng used in th1s study failed to record the
correct high or low in the filtered waves being used. Since this study covers over
15,000 dates 1 and approximately 60 years in the case of the DJIA, it is believed that
these potential discrepancies will be balanced out in the final resuJts. also brings up another c-0ncem. Do Sun·Moon combi nations that correlate
with a 4% or greater reversal change when using different periods of time'.? For
instamx.-:. will one decade produce different results than another? It is possible.
What if the sign containing the further&out planets make a difference'.? Consider the
possibility of, say, Uranus. In Financial Astrology, Uranus is considered to be the
planet of volatility. Larger than. nonnaJ prices swins occur very close in tie to the
periods when different planets are m aspect to Uranus · Uranus spends approhmiately
7 years in each sign. Does the: stock market make greater th3J1 usual price swings:
when the Moon is in a sign that is in the same element or qualjty as Uranus? Does this
then mean that Moon signs correlating wi th .4% or vcnah will shift
approximatc:Jy every 7 years? Maybe. It is a questlon worth designing a study
around, but one that this study does not address.

Perhaps we can get an idea of this possibility from the studies contai ned herein.
As stated before. this study wilJ exami ne the correlations that were present in the
DJlA, NASDAQ Composite and Nikkei. The time frame used for each index is
different, as a result of the data The data source used in this study comes
from Commod i ties Services Incorporated (CSI) out of Boca Raton, Florida. The
database comes from thei r historical files. which goes back to November 2 ) 942. The
NASDAQ Com posite starts on October 11, 1984. The Nikkei starts Septem ber 3. 1986.
So we will ha\le d ifferent time frames for each market being studjed. If the results
show .similarity in each study, then we can conclude that different time frames do not
alter the correlation. However, if they do not show simUarities, it may be due to the
fact that each index measures a different sector of equity investi ng. They represent
different investment vehicles which have different astrological coaelates. Or. it may
mean that this entire study is a result of random factors which have no real direct
relatfonshi p to price reversals at all.

There is also the matter of weekends and hol idays . Due to these occasions, not al!
of the planetary positions will be equal. W hen the Sun is in Capricorn. for exam ple,
there wUl be three holidays in which markets are closed (Ch ristmas, New Year 's Day,
and now Martin Luther King Dy). Thus there will be fewer opportunitieis for market
reversals lO show up when the Sun is in Capricorn. This problem is solved by com
paring mm hs that fit the criteria with che actual n u m ber of instances i n wh ich the
marker was open for trading, per plant!llsign relations:hi p. This latr grou p will be
referred to as the "baseljni;:n study, or the total number of possi bi li ties . By the way, t
ile ba.el inc study clea rly shows fewer trading days when the Sun is i n Capricorn (han
any other sign, during the period of each study.

A final theoretic::aJ concern is the pn:senc::e of double bottoms or tops, or certai n

chart format ions. This can best be ill ustrated by an example. Lel's say on February l ,
the Dow
Jones Industrial Ave rage (DJIA ) fonncd a crest at 1o.ooo_ Our ..:hart of filtered waves
shows the market declining to its next poi nt, which !s a tow on F't:bru ary 20 at 9500.
Ou r program would thus use only the dates of February l and February 20 for t he s.ludy.
Bu t what if I week later. on February 8. t he OJIA camt: within 2 poi nts of the
February l high? Say it touched 9998. Obviously t he biggest pa rt of lhis dedine would
ha..·e taken place from February 8-20. and not February l·20. Should we use February
8, the second point of a double top fonnat1on, instead of f ebruary i? Or should we use
bolh'! ln order to keep the study simp!e. it was de..:idt:d to onJy u s.e lhe d at-es that
fulfilled the exact criterion. J n the example above, on !y the firs.l date, t he dalt: of the
actual nig,h. would be used. The study wou ld not take l n consideration th concepl of
dou ble tops. or bottom - Lt is be]ieved that over a 60-year study (or even 1 6 Ul years,
as in the case of the oth er indices used}, these considerations would balanc::e out. In
any event, ac w orst it may mean leaving out some dates that may deserve consideration.
The final resll lts may lherefore not be complete as there may be addit ional Moon signs
thal m ay ha ve been valid . Lt does not. however,. mean that the dates lhat were u ed are
inval id. There wa still a revers.aJ on whichever date was used in the double top/double
bottom situations _

And finaJl)I lhe audience for this. book ne-cds to be cons.idcrcd _ The rnajOJ jty uf

readers are likely to be traders., not students of stat istjcs or the scient ific method.
Their goal is to succeed at tradi ng and noc to be the recipient of a Nobel Pri ze for

effort In this quest. they seek informat ion they can understand, and Is they can
immed iately use. For most professional traders, the langu age of ademia 1s Jong. past,
buried somewhere deep i n the memory bank, neve r to be used aga in. Th us I hav tried to
wr\te this book in a manner th at will be easi l y u nderstood by traders, not academ ta. At
same time, I have tri ed to report resutts that wl ll 1ruly reflect that which has a higher
nonna.1 probability of occurrence. In this effort, I hope that you -the -w.U
indeed acquire an edge over other traders who are not aware of these simple, but
powerful. gcocosmic correlat lons to potent1ally profitable price .sw i ng:s.


ln order Lo determine what solarlun ar combinations. or planet-sign combinations,

·were trulv of some potential val ue, a system of weighted values had to be created.
There need d t be some way to measure which combinations wou ld be important as
possible market-timi ng signatures for shorMenn trad ing.

The measu rement thosen could not be simple quantities. ln other words, ifthe Moon
was in both Aries and Pisces nine t i mes whi le the Sun MIS i n A r iei; during 4%
reversals, were Lhey equally 1mportanr Not necessarily _ W hat f during the entire 60-year
period of t he study, the Moon was in A r ies 10% more t imes than it in Pisces'? J n
that case, it woul d mean a reversal had a l 0% greater possibility of occurrence when
the Moon was i n Aries than in Pisces. Therefore nine lnstances of reversals with the
Moun in Pisces would be more i m ponant than nine instances of reversals with the Moori
in Aries.

To adjust for th i8 factor, a system of weighted values was establ ished. Firs an
analysis was made of the baseline num bers. Each Moon sign was broken down into a
percentage of occ:urrcnces relative to Lhe tota l n u m ber of days the Sun was in each
sign. For instante, if there are l 2 signs of the zodiac. and the Moon spent an equal
amount of lime i n each .sign. the pcrtcntage of occu rre nce would be 8.33% 1n each
sign (l 00/ l 2 = 8.33%). ln the baseline study, which covers t he tolal number of trading
days present for
{he t ime frame of the entk re study, one would expect the percentage of tjmes the Moon
was in each sign to be about 8.33%_ But Lhat is not always the case, due to the fact that
rhere are weekends and holidays every month. For instance, the Sun was in Aries for
1,250 trad i ng days between 19422002. One would expect that the Moon would be in
each sign approximately 104 of those trading days 104 (!250112 = 104.17). In fac4 the
freque ncy ranged from 86 and 88 trading days when the Moon was in Libra and Scorpio
respectively. to l l S and l l 6 trading days when the Moon was i n Gemi ni and Capricorn
respect ively. Thus the Moon had more possibilities of fulfilling the 4% reversal criterion
when it was i n Gemini and Capricom, than it d id when it transited through Libra or
Scorpio. In fact. 1t had more than a 300/o possibility of meeting the criterion!

Sc the first step in creating a weighted value was to detennine the percentage of
time that the Moon transited through each Moon sign during the course of the study.
This we did simply by taking the total number of times the Moon was in each sign and
dividing it by the num ber of times the Sun was in each sign, as shown by the resu lts of
the baseline study. Thus. for ample, when the Sun was in Aries (1.250 days). lhe
Moon wu in Li bra 86 days and Aq uarius 112 days. The percentage of occurrence for
the Moon in

Libra was. thus 6.88%, and for Aquarius it was 8.96%. This, then became the
denominator for determining our weighted value score.

The numerator was detennined by the results of the study group. or those dates
that fulfilled the 4% or greater reversal criterion. Once aga:in. a perentage of
occurrences (rate of frequency) was determined for each Moon sign, within each
Sun sign. This percentage was determined by d ividing the num ber of instances in
which the Moon sign was present within each Sun sign, by the total number of
jnstances in which 4% reversals occurred in each Sun sign. for example, there were
89 cases of the Sun in Aries from which 4% reversals. either ended or began during
the period of l 942-2002. The Moon was in Aquarius in 12 of those instances. Thus
the percentage of times that the Moon was in Aq uarius white the Sun was in A ries
for our control group was l3.48%. This, then becomes the numerator for our weighted
-value calculation.

The weighted value of each geocosmic combi nation used in this study is detenni
ned by dividing the rate of frequency of occurrence (percentage) in the study groupr
by the rate of.frequency of occurrence (perceniagej in the basel in e group. J n the
example above of the Moon in Aq uarius with the Sun i n Aries. the weighted val ue
would be:

13.48% / 8.96% 150.4.

A weighted value score of 1no would mean the percen tage of times. tJrn.t Lh!!
com bination mec the criterion that defined the study group, was exaccly the same
percentage of times that the combination exi')ted in the baseline study. This was the
nunn. Anything above l 00 means that the combinations in the .study group occu rred
more frequently than the norm. Anything below l 00 mea nt thal th com bi nation
occurred less frequently than the nonn. As traders seek ing a reliable market tim ing
tool, we are most concerned wi th those combinatiorls that occur far more frequen tly
than the norm (well above 100), and far less frequently than lhe nonn (well below HlO).

A weighted value of greater than 120 mea ns that che signat ure occurred 20%
more frequently than would be expccced, or 20% more oflen than the norm . J n the
pan of the study that examines just the potential for a reversal, irrespecti ve of
whether it was from an isolated high or isolated low1 a score of 120 or greater was
com1idered \VOrth payi ng attention to. It would be highHghted in the •·Results"
section of each solar-l u nar combination, or planet-sign com bination. It woul d be
considered worthy of a short-term markeHiming signature and given a one-star {"')
shorHerin reversal indi cator in this study. If it also occurred during a Mercury or
Ven us sign that had a weight t!d value of over 120 during a particular Su n sign,
then it would be gi ven r.vo stars i n The A!AfA. Cycles Reporl.

A weighted val ue of greater tha n 150 means that the signat ure occurred 50%
more frequently than would expected, or 50% more often than the norm. ln the part
of the study that examines just the potential for a reversal, irre$pecti ve of w hecher it
was from an isolated high or isolated low1 a score of 150 or greater was considered to
be of critical importance in this study. That is, it was worth payi ng great attention
to . It would be further highlighl d in rhe ••Results" section of each solar-lunar
combination. or planet sign combination. It would be considered very worthy of a
short-tenn market-L iming
signature and wou ld be consi dered a two-star ( ) short-term tevetsal indicator. If it.a1so
occurred during a Merc:ury or Ven us
sign that had a weighted value of OYer
120 durmg a
particular Sun sign, then it would be
gi ven three stars i n The MMA Cycles

There were some cases where a

weighted value would exceed 200.
This occurred very rarely. lt mea nt
the signatu re occu rred at least 100%
more frequently than ) would be
expected, or twice as frequen,ly as
the norm. A score of 200 or more
was considered to be of extreme
critical importance. It would be
highlighted in the "Resu lts" section
of each solar-lu nar combi nat ion, or
planet-sign combi11 at ion. with three
stars (• ,

Each reversaJ was further

broken down into groups of crests
and troughs jn the studies on the
Dow Jones Jndustrial Averages. rt
wou ld have been done on the
and Nikkei 100. except the amou nt
of da i ly data we had for each was
not su fficient enough to yield an
adeq uace n umber of days for a
reliable study. In the DJIA however,
we had 60 years of da i l y data to
study which d id i n fact yiel d
enough instances to
suggest a potential area of va l ue. rn
the study of 4% or greater reversals,
the FAR
program coul d isoJate those t hat
were cres.c.s from those that were
troughs. Each of those cou ld then be
exami ned to see if certa i n solarlunar
com bi nations occurred much more
or m uch less frequently than the
norm. In chese cases, two criteria
were established before considering
any com binat ion as more l ikely to
be a crest or a trough.

To be considered specificaHy a
crest signat u re, there had 10 be 1) at
least twice as mauy im:ta11ct!s of er esls than
trou gh s, am.I 2 ) a wei gh ted val ue u f greater
Uum l 50, w1c.l preferably, greatcrthan 200.

To be considered specifically a tr-0ugh

signat u re, there to be 1) at least twice as
many i nstances of troughs than rests, and 2) a
weighted val ue of greater 1han l 50i and
preferably, greater than 200 _

rf eithe r of these sj(Uations existed, then

it was outJi ned in the Traders Advi.mry
section. If a crest signature was present, and
prices in that stock index were rising into
that specific 1-3 day per iod , ttaders would
be advised to look for a selling (shorting)
opportunity. lf a trough signat ure was present,
and prices in stock jndex were faJ ling
into that specific 1-3 day per iod, traders wou
ld be advised to look for a buying (go long)

In add ition to geocosmic combjnations

that stood out as most likely to correspond
with a 4% reversa l, combinations that were
frasf likely to correspond to reversals were
alS:o ientified. If one knows when a m arket is
not likely to reverse substantiaUy, then one
can eLther stay with a profitable position a
lready held, or not i n itiate a new position
based on the be lief thal a new isolated high or
Low of note is forming.

In tes o.f weighted val ues, a score cf 83

or Jower means there is approximately a
200 les:s hkchhood than e orm of a 4% r
greater reversal occurring during that
particular solar-lunar combmatlon, or planet-
m-sign combination. A score of 66.7 or
lower means there is a 50% less likeiihood of
a reversal occurring. And a score of 50 or
lower means the probability of a reversal
occurring d uring that particular geooo.smic
combi nat ion is less than half the ex.pee.led
norm _ Any score less than 83 would be

tqtilightod in the overall reversals section with a (#) symbol. It would be considered
-worth. paying attention to. A score of 66.7 or les5 would be considered critiUy
important. Any score less than 50 would be considered to be at a level of extreme
cnt1cal importance, and wouJd be highlighted with f\!VO (##) symbols. It would
mean the probability of either a crest or trough occurring at this time is very low.
dependi ng on 'Whether it was a crest or trough study 1hat produced a weighted value
of less. than 50. In those ran= cues where there were no historicaJ cases of a crest or
trough from which a 4% or greater resulted, the signarure would be highJighted wzth
th ree (###} symbols.


"'"'* Extreme critical importance. Weighted vahte 200. Most rel iable reversal.
+• CriticaJ importance. Weighted val ue is 150 or more. Very reliable reversal.
• Worth considering. Weighted value is 120 or more . Better than average
probabiJ ity of coincidi ng with a reversal.

# Worth cons.idering. Wei ghted value less than 83. Low volati l ity.
## Extreme critical importance. Weighted value is SO or less. Very low volatility.
### Wetghted vaJ ue is 0. No in.stances of reversals histor1cally with
lhis combination.

For the record , a core Qf 50.1-66.7 ii> i;;on5idered Cr itical in irnpo11a m.:e. Th ii;; is
less volatil ity than a score of 66.7-83.0, but not a1:0 im porta nt in terms of low volatil
ity as a score of 0-50.


The stud ies in volved in t his book center around tl)c placement of the Sun in
each sign of the tropical zodiac. Each chapter is tl)erefi.>re t itled acrnrd i ng, to
the Sun· placement in sign of the zod iac 's s.i gns. Thus, Cbapter Threc is
titled; "Sun in A ries
Results." The results of both the study group {the pfa11etary d istribution or lhose dates
that correspond to the reversals in the 4% filtered wa ves) an<i the baseli ne grou p (the
planetary d istribution of all the tradi ng d ates used in the study ) are given for each
Sun s.tgn. This fonnat is followed for each of the three indices (DJ J I\ . N ASDAQ. and
N ikk ei ).

Since Mercury and Ven us never travel more than 0111: and hvo signs respectively
away from the Sun in astrology (geocentric. not heliocentric, approach), the first part
each chapter examines their rate of frequency . That ii>, the weighted va!ue of each
sign placement of Mercury and Ven us, relative lo each Stin sign, was determi ned.
Cases [n which the rate of occurrence wa.s weli above norma l (i .e. above 120 or l
50) or well lx!to w normal (i.e. below 83 or 66.7) were noted. This is especially
interesti11g if the "'above or below normal" instances occurred with either panet behi
nd. or alu:ad, of t he Sun in lhe zodiac. If it is behind the Sun in the zod iac. then it
would mean that the planet was a morning star. is, it would rise i n the east,
before daybreak, before dawn . If ahead of the Sun i n the zodiact then it me.ant that
p1anet was an evening star. That is, it would appear as a star in the western sky

shortly after the sun set. Mercury or V fmus, !l:fi; 01
morning or evening star, wdl be seen 1n these studies to be im portant as a rnarket-timing
indicator in some Sun signs. but not all.

ln some cases, the Mercury or Venus sign placement may have a stronger. than
expected correlation to a rest as opposed to a trough, or .vi ce-versa. Thes wi ll be
pointed out at the end of the section on ' two planets in chapter. if sh
a situation exists. Ho wever these correlations to trou ghs or crests reported only
in the DJ IA studies, due to the' much more Hmited amount of hjstorical data available
i n the NASDAQ an d Ni kkei stud ies. Reader of VoJ u me 3 shou ld also note th at
I opted to examjne this relationsh i p of Mercury to the Sun, by sign, rather than each
of the aspects between Mercury and the other pla nets. as discused i n the previous
volu me. I <:hoose to do this because there were very few i nstances of Mercu ry in
any a:spect to other planets th at d emonst rated a strong correlation to pri mary
cycles, which was the basis for the studies i n Volu me 3.

Next, the wt:ighted val ues of each Moon sign. rel ative to that Sun sign. will be l
isted for each index. Those s.ul ar-l unar cum bi na.t ions that have the highesc
correlations to a shorttem1 trad ing reversa l wi II be highlig,hted ;Lnd d isc ussed.
Those t hat have lower than expected correlat tQ tlS to shorl-tcnn trad ing r-e
wi ll also be high lighted an d d i scused.

J n some cases, the Moon sign placement may have a stronger than expected
correlatio11 to a cre:>t as opposed to a trough, or vice-versa. These will be poi nted
out et the end of the st:ctiori on the Moon swdies for t ht: DJJA in each chapter, if
such a situnti on exist.

There m ay also be cases rn \\.'hich crtain patte rns are i n ev idence regard ing th
e Moon sign pl ac.:ement. Fo r i nstance, there may be i n whic h there are
considerably more instances of reversals when t.he Moon waxes. as opposed to whe n
it wanes, for a part ic ular Sun sign . A waxing Moon i s the period of rime between
the New and Fu U Moon. The Moon is growing i n l ight i n the even ing sky. A wan ing
Moon is the period of time between the Full and New Moon. The Moon is decreasing
in l ight i n the night sky. There may a l s.o be cas,es in which reversa l s are st ron ger
around a q uarter phase of the l u nation cycle - the New, Quaner. and Ful l Moo n.s _ In
a slrology, th is w ill show when the Moon is i n the .same qua li ty (card i nal. fixed, or
m utable) as the Sun sign_ Thc may also be cases in which the Mo-on tn the same
e lemen t signs (fire earth, a ir, or water) shows somet h ing i n com mon (higher or
lower than expec ted correl ations to reversaJs). And fi nally, t here may a sector of the
zod iac ( consecut ive signs) i n which the Moon placement has a higher or lower than
expected corretation to short-term t rad ing revers:a.h1, as defined
in this study. If any of these lunar condit ions are present for any Sun sign, then it will
be poi nted oul i n this section of the chapter.

A Traders Advisory wi ll summar ize any find ings that author thinks wHJ be
usefu l for tradng pu rposes in each index. In other words, the highlights of the analysis
from these solarLInar and planetary distributions will be reviewed and briefly
summarized briefly as a trad11 g tool . In cases whe re a s.olarJ u nar combination i
n the DJ IA has a high cQ rrelatton to a crest or trough, and 1.s followed short ly
afterwards wjth the opposite., .a Special Trading Situation wiU be posted to end the

At the end of the Nikkej analysis (which follows the NASDAQ anaJysis). a
special soction will be provided on those combinations that had similar hjgb or low
correlatjons to short-tenn trading reversals in all three indices. If all 3 indices prod
uced a wejghted value score of over 120 wjth the same Sun-Mercury. Sun-Venus,
or Sun-Moon combination, then that combination will be listed as a High Probability
Revena!, wjtb no further commentary. If two of the indices produce a weighted value
of over 120, and the third has a weighted val ue of over 100, that combination wiH also
be Jisted, but the two indices that were above 120 will be poi nted out. IfonJy one of
the in dices has a weighted
value of over 120. but the other two were above mo, it too wiil be 1isted with the
commentary of '"to some extent.9 ' This means t hat combinatjon had a slight correJation
to a short-term trading reversal in an th ree ind ices, to some extent - buc nor to the
extent of
those combinations in which aU three indices had a score of over 120.

The same type of analysis wilJ be provided for th ose cases of combinations that
had weighted value scores of less than 83 in aH, th ree ind i ces, whi ch men there
was a consistency of low volatility. In other words each Sun·Men.:ury. Sun·Venus,
and Sun Moon combinations will be listed f they have a weighted value score of
u nder 83 for all three ind ices. If two of the indices prod uce a weighted val ue of less r
han 83. and the third has a weighted value of less than JOO, that com bination wi l l
also be listed, but the two indices that were less than 83 will be poi nCed out. lf
only on e of the ind ices has a weighted value of less than 83, but the other two were
less th an 100, it too will be listed with the commentary nf "to me extent." This
J!'l'l:ans that com binati on had a slight correlation to low volatil ity i n all three ind
ices, to some extent - but not t o rhe extent or those com bjnations i n which all three
indics had a score of iess tha t1 83.

It is hoped that this format will serve as an eay reference for lhe reader . for the
purpose of usi ng this as an efficient ma rker.timin g tool for success fur trad ing .

With these thoughts i n mind> let's now proceed to the studies and determ ine wh
ich solar-l unar, and pianct-in sign, combinations make good .short-term ma rket-tim
ing indicators.

L Menimar.i. Raymond A .• The Ufrimare Book on Stof.:h Murie.ct Timing, Volumf! /, l)'des and
Patterns iii the Indexes, Seek-lt Pu blicaLio.n s, W. Bloomfidd , Ml. 1997.

2. Merriman, Raymond A., The Ultima/e Bnolc. on Smk Timin_g, Volume J.- Geocosm1;;
Correlaticru to Trading Cycle.t, Scek-lt P ubt kat ions, W _ Bloomfield, M l. 2001 _




Our study begi ns with a general anal ysis of an the planetary signs. Were there
certain sign placements for an y of these :planets t hat had higher (or lower) t han
expected correlation with 4% of greater reverals in the three indices stud ied?


The distribution of th e Sun. Moon. an d other planets during 4% or greater filtered

waves in the DHA is shown in the tables on rhe top of the net page. The baseJi ne
distributi on of planets d nring the time band of th is study is shown beneath it. This
represents a t ime peri{J d from Novem bc.r 10, l 9'12 - May 13, 2002.

The baseline group shows 14,950 trad ing days in effect between November 10, 1942
and May 13, 2002. Of thesej 1039 contained a high or low from which prices reversed
at least 4% (filtered wave). The rate of frequen'y of a 4% or greater reversal was
thus 6.95% or approximately Cm(:e every 14-15 trad ing days (approximately once
every 3-4 weeks). This falls. within the objective of this study. which is 10 identify
those dates in
which a 4% or greater reversal occursJ on average, once every J weeks.

Anything above 100 in these studies. wi ll im ply the signature bas a higher than
average correJation to a 4%1 or greater reversal Anything above 120 is considered worth
considering, and above l 50 i considered crUical. A nything above 200 is 1;;onsidcred to
be at an extreme critical level. Traders would be encouraged to look for greater price
swings than usual to commence during these periods. Anything below 100 means the
signature has a less than average eorrelation to a 4% or greater reversal. Anything below
83 is wonh considering. and below 66.7 is considered crtcfcal. Any value below 50 is
considered to be at an extreme critical leveJ of non-volatility. It suggests the market will
mostly trade within a srnaLJ tradi ng range, or trend without many significant corrections
du r ing the time in wh ich this signature is in effect.


For this part of the study, we simply took the percentage of times that the Sun was in
each sign during the baseline group. We then took the percentage of times the Sun was in
each sign dudng the study. of the 4% or greater reversal dates. We then divided the study
group percent by the blthne group pet¢ent to get a weighted value.
Planets In Signs

Ar Ta Ga Ca Le VI LI SC Sa Cp Aq Pt
SU 89 86 79 74 73 100 106 1 19 ae 66 75 88
MO 103 84 83 79 92 71 93 81 79 84 104 86
ME 69 64 76 67 77 83 118 134 78 74 95 104
VE 105 61 93 87 87 go 74 116 91 77 ee 70
MA 71 82 87 77 89 93 123 117 so 86 64 60
JU 115 71 87 1 74 57 81 97 66 67 68 133
SA 84 173 100 105 69 60 BO 89 91 80 62 66
UR 65 50 71 59 143 128 159 114 250
NE 1 125 148 314 272 179
PL 129 167 286 204 253


Planets in Signs
Ar Ta Ge le caVI Li Sc Sa Cp Aq Pi
SU 1250 1311 1261 1311 1236
1262 1263 1228 12.07 1145 1236 1240
MO 12551250 1244 1258 1251
1248 1220 1238 1237 1254 1256 1239
ME 1196 1146 1119 1148 1205 1269 1314 1347
131 1 1339 1317 12.37
w 1537 1109 1369 1215 1195 1445 l<J27 1459 1042 1167 1326 1059
MA 1035 1128 1329 1443 1497 1499 1401 1360 1203 1077 986 992
JU 1196 10n 1134 1355 1257 1330 1355 1350 1295 1183 1179 1239
SA 11 1162 1287 1092 1161 1192 1247 1340 1319 "'1401 1347 1258
UR 1599 1696 1614 1598 1606 1651 1734 1822 1630 .
NE 72 3405 3445 3521 3505 1002 -
PL 3587 3619 3051 2903 1690 .

The weighted vaJ ues of each Sun sign are as follows:

Sun in Aries 102.6

Sun in Taurus 94. 1
Sun in Gemini 90.0
S12n in Cancer 84.4
Sun in Leo 80.2#
Sun in Virgo 116.3
Sun ia Libra 120.9*
Sun in Seo rplo 139.S*
Sun in Sagittarius 102.6
Su.a in Capricorn 82.9#
Sun in Aq uarius 87.4
Sun in Pistes 99.9

From the results of the Sun signs, we can concl ude that there is a seasonal tend
ency for 4% or greater reversals to occur when the Sun is 1n the sector of the zod iac

Vjrgo through Scorpio (August-November). The weighted vaJue scores of Vl rzo,
Ull'*' and Seorpio are 116.3, 120.9, and 139.5, respect ive1y. Bot h Libra and Scorpio
an abaw the worth considering level of imponance of 120.

Conversely, 4% trading reversals in r he DflA are less 1ikely to occur when the
Sun is in the signs of Leo and Capricorn. These two signs had a weighted va lue score
of only
80.2 and 82.9 respectively, which is below the worth consideri ng level of 83.0 for low
volatility. The Sun in Cancer has a weighted value of only 84.4, which ss also close to
the worth consjdering level of 83.

ThJJs we can conclude that 4% or greater re versals in the DJ/A are more Ukely
to occur when the Sun transits through the .signs of Virgo, Libra. and Scorpio
(greater volatility). These same types of rt?ver.rals are feast likely lo unfold (low
voiatiUty) when the Sun tram·il.s through the signs of Cancer. Leo, and CClpricorn.


For tltis part of the study, we simply took the percenrage of t imes that the Moon was
in each sign during the ba.s-el ine group. We rhen took th e percentage of t imes the
Moon was i n each sign during the study of the 4% or greater reversal dates. We lhen
divided the study grou p percent by the bas.dine group percent ta get a weighted value.

The weighted val ut:s t)f each Moon i;fg.n are as fciUows:

Moon in A ries 118.0

Moon in Ta urus 96.8
Moon in Gemini 95.7
Moon in Can cer 91.2
Moon in Leo 105.2
MC1on in Vi rgo 81.8#
Moon in Libra 109.7
Moon in 94.2
Scorpio 91.9
Moon in 96.3
Sagittarius Moon 119.2
in Caprico rn Moon 99.9
in Aq uarius Moon
in Pis-ees

From the resu lts above, we can observe that there are no Moon signs that reach the
worth considering level of impo11ance at J 20. However, the weighied values of the
Moon in Aries and Aquari us are very close, with scos of 1lS.O and 1i 9.2 respectiVtJ

. . ConvseJy. 4:0 trad in reversals in the DJIA are less likely to occur when the Moon
1s l te sign of Vugo. ThLs lunar placement had a weighted va lue score of only Bl
.I, which 1s beow the worth considering level of 83 for iow volatility.

Thus we can C(mc/ude _thaJ 4% or grea_ter reversals in the DJJA. are 1l'IOll /lhly
to occur when the Moo? through the s•gns of Ari(!S or Aquariu.t (greater
l'Olallllt}?. scvne types oj reversals are least likely to tmfold (low WJlati/ity)
when the Moan
2S '

traft8it8 thro1'gh the sign of Virgo. However, as wm be seen later in this book, we are
PllOltly concerned with Moon signs as they occut within each specific Sun lign.


For this part of the study, we simply took the percentage of times that Mercury was
in each sign during the baseline group. We then took the percentage of times that
Mercury was in each sign during the study of the 411 g or greater reversal dates. We then
divided the study group percent by the baseline group percent to get a weighted value.

The weighted values of each Mercury sign are as follows:

Mereury in Aries 83.l#

Mercury in Tau rus 80.3#
Mercury in Gemini 97.1
Merca.ry in Cancn 84.0
Mercu ry in Leo 91.
Mercury in Virgo 9
Mereury in Libra
Mercury in Scorpio 129.4*
Mercu ry in 143.2
Sagittarius Mercu ry
* 85.6
iP Capricorn Men ury 79.5#
in Aq uarius Mere u ry
in Pisces

From the results above. one can observe that Mercury i n Libra, Scorpio, and Pisces
all exceeded the worth considering level of importa nce at 120. Mercury in Scorpio had a
particularly high score of 143.2. Libra and Pisces sored a fairly high l 29.4 and 121.0
respectively. L1bra and Scorpio are particuJar ly interesting because they follow one
another in the zodiac and occur when the Sun is between Virgo and Sagittari us.

Conversely, 4% trading reversals in the DJlA arc less Likely to occu r when Mercu ry
is in the signs of Caprkorn, Aries, and Taur us. These pl acements had weigh ted va lues
score of 79.5, 83.l , and 80.3, close to the worth consideri11g level of 83 for low volatility.
Aries and Taurus are most interesting because they follow one another in th zod iac and
occur opposite Libra and Scorpio, which were the signs that had the highest correlatioi1 to
4% or greater in the DJ IA.

Thus 4% or greater reversals in the DJ /A arc more likf' ly when Mercur_v

transits through Libra, Scorpio, and Pisces. same types uf reversals are h!ast
likely to unfold when Mercury transits through Aric.s. Taurus. and Capricorn In }act,
volatility appearJ less than expecced when Mercury tramits through 1he fir t six igns
of the zodiac. The weighced value of each is le.n than /00. The volatility is
less 1han expected when Mercury is in any fire or earth sign of ihe zodiac. It tends to be
higher in tM l'"ttwo a;r (Libra and Aquariw) and wate,. (Scorpio wid Pisce.v) signs_


Por this part of the study, we sjmply took lhe percentage cf tims that Venus was
in each sign during the baseline group. We then took the percentage of ttmes thal us
was in each sign during the study of the 4% or greater reversai dates. We then
dlvided the study group percent by r he baseli ne grou p percent to get a weighted val

The weighted valu$ of each Ven u s sign are as follows:

Ven us in A ries 98.2

Ven us in 79.3#
Taurus Ven o 97.3
in Gemini Ven us
in C.aoe r Ven
us in Leo Ven 89.6
us in Virgo Ven 103.8
us in Libra
Ven us iu Scorpio
Ven us in Sagittadus
Veo us tn Capri.corn
Veou!i tn Aquari us
Ven us Ln Pisces

From the results 3.bO\lt, 4."lne can observe that Ven us in the sign of Sagittarius
exceeded the worth consideri ng level of importance at 120. Venus in Scorpio had a
score of 1 14.2, near to the 120 level of worth consider ing. Scorpio and Sagittari
us are particularly i nteresting because they follow one another i n the zodiac. Scorpio
is even more interesting. because it was the highest rated sign for the Sun and Men;ury.

Conversely, 4o/(I rrading reversals i n the DJlA are less Likely to occur when
Venus is in the sign of Tau rus. This placement had a weighted val ue scoTe of 79.3.
just beJow the wonh consideri ng levcJ of 83 for low vofatility. Ta.urns is
inteTesting because it is opposi re Scorpio and Sagittarius. w hich had the highest
correlation to 4% or greateT reversals in the DHA 1t is also interesting hecau it had a
Low correlation to reversals when it contai ned the planet Mercury as well.
Purthcnnore, Venus rules Taurus in astrology1 so it is strong there . But. Taurus is
considered a sign of stability, and hence it makes sense that lhere would be low
volatility with Venus posited therein .

We can conclude that 4% or greate,. .,.eversals in lhe DJ/A are more UkeJy 10 OCClll'
when Venus tran.sil5 through the sign of Sagittarius, crnd to some extent, Scorpio. These
same types of reversals are least likely to unfold (low volatility) when Venu.s tramit.s
chrough lhe sign of Taurus.


For this pan of lhe study. we sim ply took lhe percentage of times that the Mani was
in each sign during the baseline group. We then took the percentage of times the Mars
was in each sign during the study of the 4/g or greater reversal dates. We then divided
the study group percent by the baseJ ine group percent to get a weighted value.


The weighted values of each Mars sign are as foliows:

Man ID Aries 98.8

MAn ID Taurus 104.6
Man ID Gemini 93.8
Mars in Cancer
Mars in Leo
Man tn Virgo 89.2
Mars in Libra 126.z•
Man in l23.711
Mars in Sagittariu5
t 107.6
Man in Capricorn
Mars in Aquariu5
Mars in Pisces

From the results above, one can observe that Mars i n the signs of Libra and Scorpio
exceeded the worth considering level of importance at 120. Their weighted val ue
scores were 126.2 and 123.7 respective!y, wh ich was above t he 1 20.0 level of
worth consjdering. Mars in CapricorJJ came close to t his score, with a wi:ighted value
of 1 1 5.2 . In fact, Mars i n the consecutive signs of Libra thmugli Capri corn were
all above t he
] 00.0 average. This is interesti ng because this same ge11eral area of the wdiac (arou
nd Scorpio) was the most volatile for t11e Sun, Mc rcur)', ari d V enus also. Libra and
Scorp[o are the ha]fway points of the zod iac _ Perha ps when ptanels. are t n the middle
section of the zod iac, stock markets ten d to be more vol atile and exh i bit more freq ue
n t reversals .

Conversely, 4% trad ing reversals i n the DJ J A are less. likel y to occur when Mars
[s in the sign of Cancer. This placement had a weigh ted vii l uc score of 76. 8. which i_
below the worth consideri ng level of SJ for low volati l ity . Cancer is i nterest ing beca
u.w it [s opposite Capricorn, whi ch had the t hi rd highest correla t i on to 4% or
greater reversals in the DJIA.

We can conclude rhai 4% or greater reversal. · in the DJ/ A are mnrc likev to
occur when Mars transits through the signs of Libra and Sr,:1Jrpio, and w - ome extent.
Capricr:Jrn_ These same types af re ver·al.s are fo,1M likely fo unfnld (/ow vofar iliry)
wflen Mars Iran.sits lhrough the sign of Cancer.


For this part of the study, we simply took the percentage of times t h at the
Jupiter was in each sign during the baseline group. We then took Uu:perce11lagc of
times Jupiter was in each sign d uri ng the study of the 4% or grcaler reversal d ates. We
th en divid ed the study group percent by the baseline grou p percent to get a weighted

The weighted values of each Ju pi ter sign are as fol lows:

Jupiter i• Arin i11; Gemini

Japiter in
Taurus Japiter
1 .41<
3 94.9
8 110.4

Ju pitii::r ill 109.4
Ca..cer Jupite-r in 84.7
Leo Jupiter in 61.7#
Virgo Jupiter in 86.1
Libra Jupiter in I OJA
St;:orpia 73.4#
Jupiter in Sagitta 81.5#
rius Jupiter in 107.4
Capricorn Jupiter in 154.5**
Aqua rius Jupiter in

F rom the results above, on e can observe that there J upi ter i n the signs of Pisces
and Aries {back to back signs, and the last and t1rst sg11s of th e zodiac) were quite
strong. Jupjter jn Pisces had a weigh ted val ue 5':ore of l 54.5, whk h was above the 150
l evel of critical im portance. J upiter i n Aries \vas alsu had a rathe r trong wei gh ted
val ue score of 138..4, wh ich was well il bo ve the worth cu11sjdcring level of
importance of 120. 1t is
i nteresting to note that w hen J upiter transited through any water sign {Cancer, Scorpio, or
Pi sces), the weighted value in each was above l 00.

Reade rs shoul d note that Jupiter takes about 1 yea r to transit th rough each sign.
Since there was only 60 years frivol ved in t hi s study. that means J u piter was in each
sign on only about 5 separate occasiots. Therefore, i f t he re was 1 year in part icular
that was u n usu.allv volalil e, it could distort t he results of this part of the stu dy. Th i s may
have been the case with J upiter in A ries, as reported above_ A rev iew of the i nstances
that ful filled the 4% reversal c rit eria will show that i n the first passage of J u piter in
Aries (1951-52), rhere were nine ca ses; in t he seco-nd passage (i963) there were only
four cases in the th i rd passage (1975-76} there were 30 case.s; in the fourth passage (
1987-88), there 41 case.s and i n the fifth passage ( l999-2 000), there were 3 1 cases.
The first two passages exhibited below no rmal frequency . But the last three passages
exhibited an above normal rate of occurrence. ln the {.:ae of Jupjter i n Pisces, the last
four passages all exhibited above rrnnnal rates of occurrence.

As a side note, it is i nteresting to note that "'hen j ust the Jupiter i n Pisces
i nsta nces are isolated and studied, one finds that the Sun was most often i n V irgo and
Libra (opposjte Pisces). As noted in The Ultimate Book on Stock Marb.t Timing
Volume 3: Geacasmic Correlations to Trading Cycles, the Sun-J u piter opposition has
one of the strnngest correlat jons of all plan etary .signat\lres to pri mary or greater cycles in
lJ.S. stock ind ices.

This study further suggests that 4% trad i n g reversals in the DJIA are less likely to
occ ur when Jupiter is in the signs of Virgo, Sa;gitta rius, and Capricorn. These
placements had weighted value scores of 6 i.7, 73.4, and 81.5 respective1y. Virgo's low
score was well below the critical 66.7 level of importance. Sagittarius and Capricorn's
scores were below the worth consideri ng level of 83 for low volatility. Virgo is
i n restig, because .it is opp?site Pi_sces, the most volatjle J upiter sign in this study.
Sag1ttan us and Capncorn are mterestmg, because they follow one another in the zodiac.
Plus, Jupiter rules Sagittari us. !n fact, Jupiter in Sagittarius is a bit of a surpris for one
wouJd. exct the market. to be much more votat'i le during this passage, as both represent
the principles of expansion and exaggeratio n. It is a]so jnterest•ng to note that Jupiter


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