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Floor Location

1 Exterior

Main Hall

Ruined Lounge

Ruined Ballroom

Dining Room

Raider Camp


Wine Racks

Private Lounge

Paladin's Lounge

Servant's Hallway

2 2nd Floor Landing



Squire's Hallway

Squire's Rooms

Ruined Hallway


Billiard Room

Collapsing Room

Master's Hallway

Argynvost's Room
Mannfred's Room


Argynvostholdt. This magnificent stone-wrought mansion is a ruin, nearly half collapsed and sagging, it's noble edifice has be
war. A thousand arrows dot the walls and dozens of catapult-stones carve ugly furrows through the mud. Though lichen, mol
of the mansion, it looks as if the battle that claimed it could have been fought yesterday. The whole overgrown clearing has a
seems heavy with the clash of swords and the doomed stoicism of a Dragon's last stand. In the center of the approach, a gia
stares siletly down the single road that leads to the manse. You cannot help but feel as if it were watching

This massive, regal room feels like the tomb of a forgotten king. A grand staircause splits as it leads to the second story. T
supported by pillars carved with images of silver dragons. A tall, faded tapestry depicting a handsome nobleman in silver ar
staircase landing. It is covered in paint, filth and graffiti. Seven sets of double doors radiate out from this foyer. Along the w
depicting various handsome men. Each one has been defaced, vandalized or smashed. Two chaneldiers of wrought iron hang
spiders. Magic lingers in the air here, around the entire mansion - as if some force is determined to prevent this p

Once a beautifully appointed and luxriously furnished lounge, this room has been gutted, eviscerated by Strahd's siege. Most
it's walls either ripped down by hooks and chains, or blasted open by catapulted shells. Mold covers the carpet, and the intric
room shows obvious signs of having been looted - likely in the blazing aftermath of the sie

All that remains of the ballroom is the cracked marble floor and a single large, iron chandelier. The roof and walls have been
wound of collapsed stone and brittle, rotting wood all the way up to the second floor. If there was any more to the house, it's
by nature. Long shadows cling to the corners, under the eaves and between the butresses of crumbling stone. From inside, y
of motion.

The center of this room is dominated by a long, elegant dining table. At one time, this room might have hosted Princes and Ba
marks of having been used by Strahd's soldiers for their victory celebration. The luxurious appointments are nothing more
reclaimed by moisture and the merciless assault of nature. Almost nothing remains except the huge, lacquered table, though
of soldiers celebrating the battle. The air seems thick with the smell of spilled beer, blasting powder and cooking meat, as tho

Signs of recent activity fill the room. Old bottles have been stacked up to be used for target practice, and an ancient dart boa
signs of having been shot at by crossbows, muskets and at least one throwing axe. There is evidence of a controlled fire in the
utensils and basic surival supplies. Three sleeping bags lay unattended, as well as several rucksacks and p
This room was once a proud hall of worship, dedicated to the Silver Flame. The very walls here radiate the lingering word
addressed his Paladins before the final battle. The room has been ransacked by Strahd's Soldiers. The noble stained glass w
books defaced and burned, or ripped up into piles of confetti-like strips that crumble when touched, the whole room havin
desecration. There is a crude drawing on one of the walls, depicting a man mounting a dragon from behind. On closer inspe
appears to be Strahd Von Zarovich.

A pantry used by the cooking staff to store sundries and other semi-perishable goods. Everything here is either sm

A massive sign in the center of the room decrees that this room and everything in it was the sole property of Strahd Von Za
punishable by public flogging and wage garnishment. Strangely enough, the room appears untouched. Strahd must have
following the battle. The wine racks are stocked and neatly organized, in picturesque condition. Though the white wines ha
bottles appear entirely undamaged - and represent a wine making vintage altogther lost to

Though the locks have been smashed, this room was apparently a private get-away for at least two individuals. There is a ba
smashed and destroyed. In the center of the room lays a man wearing homespun leather gear. He is dead, a long gash across

Though this room bares the marks of looting and fighting, it appears that much of the furniture and place settings have been
damage his been repaired, with tables and chairs still rotting and sagged, they have been arranged as if nothing were out o
humanoids, three male and two female, sit slumped in the chairs. An eerie silence pervades th

Unadorned and undecorated, this hidden hallway appears to have been used by servants for service to the va

Unlike many of the rooms downstairs, this landing seems untouched except for the marks of a fire that crept up one wall only
black carbon charring that rolls up to the ceiling.

Shaped like a giant U, the library's walls are caked in dust and evidence of neglect. The books have all been ransacked or destr
than dust. It's possible that some have survived, but there would be no way of telling without hours of strenuous and tedius s
decorative armor stands sentinel. A strange aura of foreboding fills the room.

A primitive example of indoor plumbing that required the use of prestidigitation and clever teleportation spells to work. Any
only lead to uncomfortable situations. Near the toilet, a small jug sits alone, marked with a tag that reads "Do not
This room is stacked to it's walls with wooden boxes and crates, most of which have been smashed or destroyed. If there is
buried within the rotted timbers and ancient debris.

This simple hallway looks as if it has been well maintained despite the time spend unuse

This room must have been used to house Squires or Acolytes. The furniture appears decidedly below the luxury level of the
meant to imbue in the trainee a sense of austerity and humility. Attached the the room is a well appointed closet that conta
displayed suit of gleaming Scalemail armor. The scales gleam brighter than steel, and radiate the same aura

The hallway sags and groans with each step, the old timbers hating the new weight of your fo

This music room is open to the elements, ending in a twisted, gnarled drop. The ceiling has completely collapsed here, taking
of the room, a pile of old instruments and boxes are piled up, only somewhat assailed by the force

Discarded billiard balls roll across the sagging floor, tumbling off the edge of the collapsing structure toward the ground, landi
is no billiard table, nor any sign of it on the first floor below.

The floor begins to bend and twist wherever you step. Around you, timbers begin to creak and groan. Suddenly, with a sound

This hallway was once luxuriously decorated, the walls lined with fine paintings and alcoves containing the marble busts of he
undergone perhaps the worst amount of vandalism. A two massive words have been carved into the fine wooden walls. "FUC
pornographic things have been written or drawn all over the walls.

Unlike the rest of the mansion, this room is perfectly preserved. The furniture has been maintained and repair, the dust has be
has even been polished to glittering, silvered Shine. The oppulence of the room in unparalleled - clearly the domiscile of a Dra
lone figure sits still upon the bed, his head bowed, his elbows resting against his knees. He is dressed in the armor of a Silver D
and clean, he is obviously dead.
A beautiful bedroom fit for a King or a visiting Prince, this room has received perhaps the worst order of vandalism. Everythin
contents of fine cupboards and armoirs thrown around the room. Above the bed, painted across a large portrait of boy pl
"QUEEN" is written.

Fully Five floor-to-ceiling safes stand open, looted long ago. There is a final safe, which stands alone. Marks on the floor seem
crudely, toward the door. Then the marks seem to show that it was pushed back into place. On the floor, two men in ratty, bl
one of them is headless.

Silver Dragon Statue Detect Magic (disabled illusion of Silver Light)

Bust of Tatyana wearing Shattered on the floor (Wis12 Perception) Inscription: "Armored
Silver Dragon Armor by Moonlight"

Shadow of Argynvost Echoes of War (Invisible / Wis15 Perception)

Giant Spiders (1-3) Evidence of Baba (Int10 anything druidic)

Shadow of Soldiers Soldiers cannot stop (Invisible Wis15 Perception)

1 Wyvern Poison (Con15 7d6 or half) ; Devilish Iconography ;

Explorer's Satchel
Letter from Cult
Ancient Holy Text,
Inspiration to Silver Flame Believers (Int Religion 12)
Argyvost's Letter

Servant Ghost (Ellie) Hiding in Nook (Invisible Wis15 Perception)

Ancient Red Wine 24 x Bottles (7,250 gp)

Dead Raider Killed by Revnants (Int Medicine 12) (dead 2 days)

Revenants (1-3)

Visions Frightened servants, sounds of battle

Tatyana's Animated

Decanter of Endless Water

Boots of Elvenkind DC 12 investigate/etc

Silver Dragon Armor AC +1, Cold/Dragon Breath/Fear Resist, 30 mile dragon sense

Masterwork Violin (500 gp)

Fall Hazard (Dex12 save)

2 Dead Raiders Killed by Mannfred (Int12 Medicine)

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