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Yr/Strand/Section: 12 HUMSS- Levi Celerio

Moderate physical TEACHER: Mrs. Perlita Manocan

activities equivalent to WRITTEN TASK #2: MVPAs

intensity of brisk
walking or bicycling.
MODULE PAGES: 18 and 24
Moderate activity will
increase your heart

Rate and make you Rate such as jogging,

aerobic dance or bicycling
breathe faster and uphill. Vigorous activities
feel warmer. require the highest amount
of oxygen consumption to
VIGOROUS complete the activity.
produces large
increase in
breathing or heart
While doing this activity, I feel When I almost done, mostly of my
thankful and also gain another activities are more vigorous than
knowledge about the differences moderate activities. It is good but I am
between Moderate to Vigorous aware that it has a bad effect to the
activities that we do every day. person like me to do this every day.
Everything that over excessive activities
As I listing my chosen activities I
especially in our body has a bad effect.
was mesmerize and perplexed at the
We must do it twice or thrice a week to
time because why I need to know all of
lessen cramps or aches in our body.
this? It will benefits to me or nothing
else? But the thing was jump out and it So far so good, this activity helps me a
started my thought was going to lot not only to myself but to other
change. people also.


 Washing Dishes Washing Dishes
 Planking Planking
 Push ups Push Ups
 Lunges Lunges
 Sit ups Crunches
 Crunches Sit Ups
 Jumping jacks Jumping jacks
 1 Kilometer running back in 1 Kilometer running
forth back in forth
Hiking and mountaineering have become popular in the recent years involving
persons of different ages from different walks of life. Hiking become popular
because of the adventure and the nature tripping. But aside from being a good
recreational activity, hiking can also improve our fitness level especially the
cardiovascular fitness and also the bone and muscle strength.

Before engaging in an outdoor recreational activity such as hiking and

mountaineering, we must prepare our entire body not only our muscular
strength but primarily our cardiovascular strength. Based on the previous
discussion identify the following Aerobic Activities if they are MILD,

1. Swimming VIGOROUS
2. Walking MILD
3. Hiking VIGOROUS
4. Jogging in Place MODERATE
5. Biking MODERATE

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