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Vishwakarma Institute of Information Technology

Department of Computer Engineering
Class: S.Y. List of Assignments Div: A,B,C,D

Course: CSUA22187 IT Workshop(Java)

Sr.No. Assignment
1. Create a file containing hashmap/ hashtable which includes correctly spelled words
.Implement “ispell” Linux utility using above file.
2. Implement chat server using socket programming
3. Use SQL database for student data to perform the following operation through java
using JDBC.
1.Create 2. Insert 3. Delete 4. Update 5. Display 6.Drop

4. Implement Producer/Consumer problem using java threads.

5. Implement assignment 4 using Applet /Swing/AWT for UI.

Dr.L.A.Bewoor Prof.P.R.Rege Prof. A.P.Katade

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