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(Diptera: Tendipedidae)

By La Verne L. Curry*


A discussion of the environmental requirements At present, little is known of the ecological re-
of many organisms will include habitats ranging quirements of fresh water tendipedids. Considerable
from stock-watering tanks to vernal ponds. Like- effort has been expended to obtain data from occasion-
wise, the fauna found in the variety of habitats is al studies. Early investigations were general, and data
diverse. Probably one of the most rewarding experi- pertaining to tendipedids were incidental to the overall
ences of the biologist is to glean general knowledge project, whether it was in fisheries, lake systems,
from the samples after the organisms have been or pollution (Hankinson, 1908; Malloc h, 1915;
identified. Baker, 1918; Richardson, 1928). Later, Brundin
(1949) investigated the relationship of tendipedids with
There is a pressing need today for information-
respect to lake typology, and Thienemann (1954)
physical, chemical, biological-regarding all phases
recorded considerable information about tendipedids
of aquatic life. A deluge of wastes is entering waters,
throughout the world.
and the effects upon the biomass are little known.
Many examples can be cited, but a case in point is
In recent years, the problem of tendipedid identifi-
that of the Clear Lake gnat in California (Kipling,
cation has been given much-needed attention. A
1950; Lindquist and Roth, 1950; Walker, 1951). In
revision of the family has been made by Townes
the treatment of this lake, the tendipedids were
(1945) and Johannsen, et al. (1952). Information is
virtually eliminated during the first season, but
now available for the biologist of pollution on the
appeared again, resulting in additional treatment pro-
Ethiopian and Australian fauna (Freeman, 1955, 1956,
grams. Cost of the original project was $42,000, and
1957, 1958, 1961). With the continued interest in
the cost for each retreatment program, even higher.
public health problems by the World Health Organi-
Today biologists are investigating the plausibility zation, this information will find an appropriate use.
of applying natural controls in conjunction with arti-
ficial methods. For example, comparisons are being Problems in nomenclature have posed a problem
made with the use of carp. (CyPrinus carpio Linne, for water pollution biologists. Since investiga-
goldfish (Carassius auratus Linne) , catfish (Icta- tions are carried on in different biogeographical
lurus punctatus Rafinesque) , and exotic fish, such as regions and two diametrically opposed taxonomic
Tilapia mossambica Peters, as predators on tendi- systems are used, the problem is more acute.
pedids (Bay and Anderson, 1960). Results of these Additional keys have been published for many of the
tests are being compared with the effectiveness of immature stages and for adult tendipedids since
larvicides. the work of Johannsen (1937a, 1937b). These include
information on the biology of the tendipedid species
It is apparent that the biologist must be aware of in the Philadelphia area (Roback, 1957) and Michigan
environmental limitations when applying biological (Curry, 1958).
controls. In many cases, however, our present
knowledge is still incomplete regarding the problem The nomenclature employed in this paper is based
species itself. The purpose of this paper is to pre- upon that of Townes (1945) and Johannsen, et al.
sent physical, chemical, and biological data regard- (1952). For convenience in using European litera-
ing the fresh-water tendipedid fauna. Some of the ture, a synonymy checklist is derived for the
information is derived from the literature, since Nearctic forms of the genus Tendipes when known
the data obtained from field studies in Michigan fell (Table 1). This list is based, in part, upon the
within the arbitrary limits established in this paper. nomenclature employed by Edwards (1929).

* Professor Biology, Flead Dept. Biology, Central Michigan University, Mt. Pleasant, Michigan.



Allochironomus Kieffer = Tanytarsus (Stictochironornus) Kieffer
annularis Macquart = riparius (Meigen, Tandipes (T)
anomalus Kieffer = riparius (Meigen), Tendipes (T)
anonymous Williston, Chironomus = attenuatus (Walker), Tendipes (T)
anthracinus?, Tendipes = anthracinus (Zetterstedt), Tendipes (T)
anthracinus Zetterstedt, Chironomus = anthracinus (Zetterstedt), Tendipes (T)
atritibia Malloch, Chironomus (C) = atritibia (Malloch), Tendipes (T)
attenuatus Walker, Chironomus attenuatus (Walker), Tendipes (T)
bathophilus Kieffer, Chironomus = anthracinus (Zetterstedt, Tendipes (T)
brevitibialis (Goetghebuer), Chironomus = lobiger (Kieffer), Tendipes (L)
brevitibialis (Kieffer), Chironomus =-- lobiger (Kieffer), Tendipes (L)
brevitibialis (Zetterstedt), Chironomus --= nervosus (Staeger), Tendipes (L)
Brunieria Kieffer = Tany tarsus (Stictochironomus) Kieffer
brunneipennis Johannsen, Chironomus = brwzneipennis (Johannsen), Tendipes (E)
catifornicus (Johannsen), Chironomus = califorrticus (Johannsen), Tendipes (L)
Camptochironomus Kieffer = Tendipes (Tendipes) Meigen
camptolabis Kieffer, Cladopelma = Harnischia (Cladopelma) Kieffer
cayugae Johannsen, Chironomus = attenuants (Walker), Tendipes (T)
Chironomus Meigen = Tendipes Meigen
cingulatus Meigen, Chironomus = stigmaterus (Say), Tendipes (T)
Cladopelma Kieffer = Harnischia (cladopelma)
Cladotendipes Lenz
Clinochironomus Kieffer = Tendipes Meigen
conformis Malloch, Chironomus pilicornis (Fabricius), Tendipes (T)
crassicaudatus Beyer?, Tendipes = crassicaudatus Malloch, Tendipes (T)
cristatus? Fabricius, Chironomus = attenuatus (Walker) Tendipes (T)
cri status Fabricius?, Chironomus = attenuatus (Walker) Tendipes (T)
curtibarba Kieffer --riparius (Meigen), Tendipes (T)
curtiforceps Kieffer = riparius (Meigen), Tendipes (T)
decorus Johannsen, Chironomus = attenuatus (Walker) Tendipes (T)
decorus Johannsen, Chironomus (C) attenuatus (Walker), Tendipes (T)
decorus Johannsen, Tendipes = attenuatus (Walker) Tendipes (T)
decumbens Malloch, Chironomus (C) = decumbens (Malloch, Tendipes (T)
dichromocerus Kieffer ?=riparius (Meigen), Tendipes (T)
distans Kieffer? = riparius (Meigen), Tendipes (T)
distinguendus Kieffer, Chironomus = attenuatus (Walker), Tendipes (T)
dolens Walker?,Chironomus (C) = pilicornis (Fabricius), Tendipes (T)
Dolichopelma Kieffer =Lauterborniella Bause
dorsalis (? not Meigen),Chironomus = riparius (Meigen), Tendipes (T)
dorsalis Meigen, Chironomus --= dorsalis (Meigen), Tendipes (E)
dorsalis Meigen, Chironomus --= riparius (Meigen), Tendipes (T)
dorsalis Meigen, Tendipes = dorsalis (Meigen) Tendipes (E)
dux Johannsen, Chironomus = dux (Johannsen), Tendipes (K)
dux Johannsen, Cladopelma = dux (Johannsen, TendiPes (K)
falciformis Kieffer, Chironomus nervosus (Staeger),Tendipes (L)
fasciventris Malloch, Chironomus = staegeri (Lundbeck)Tendipes (T)
fasciventris Malloch?, Chironomus (C) = staegeri (Lundbeck), Tendipes (T)
ferrugineo -vittatus Zetterstedt, Chironomus = ferrugineo -vittatus (Zetterstedt), Tendipes (T)
ferrugineo-vittatus Johannsen, Chironomus = plumosus (Linnaeus), Tendipes (T)
fulvipilus Rempel, Chironomus = fulviPilus (Rempel), Tendipes? (T)
fumidus (Johannsen),Chironomus = fumidus (Johannsen), Tendipes (L)
fumidus Johannsen, Chironomus (L) neomodestus (Malloch), Tendipes (L)
futilis (Walker),Chironomus -- nervosus (Staeger), Tendipes (L)
glaucurus Wiedemann,Chironomus = stigmaterus (Say), Tendipes (T)
goetghebueri Kieffer, Chironomus = nervosus (Staeger), Tendipes (L)
Goetghebueria Kieffer = Teny tarsus Wulp
gregarius Kieffer,Chironomus = riparius (Meigen), Tendipes (T)
grisescens Goetghebuer,Chironomus = riparius (Meigen), Tendipes (T)
helochares Kieffer, Chironomus = riparius (Meigen), Tendipes (T)
hyperboreus Staeger,Chironomus = anthracinus (Zetterstedt), Tendipes (T)
hyperboreus Staeger, Chironomus = hyperboreus (Staeger), Tendipes (T)
hyperboreus Staeger, Chironomus (C) = anthracinus (Zetterstedt), Tendipes (T)
hyperboreus Staeger, Chironomus (C) = hyperboreus (Staeger), Tendipes (T)
hyperboreus Staeger, Tendipes (T) = hyperboreus (Staeger), Tendipes (T)
hyperboreus variety meridionalis Johannsen, Chironomus = anthracinus (Zetterstedt), Tendipes (T)
A Survey of Environmental Requirements for the Midge 129


hyperboreus variety Staeger, Chironomus = staegeri (Lundbeck), Tendipes (T)
imperator Walley, Chironomus = plumosus (Linnaeus), Tendipes (T)
incognitzis (Malloch), Chironomus = fumidus (Johannsen), Tendipes (L)
indistunctus Malloch, Chironomus = nervosus (Staeger), Tendipes (L)
indivisus Kieffer = riparius (Meigen), Tendipes (T)
interruptus Kieffer = riparius (Meigen), Tendipes (T)
iththybrota Kieffer = riparius (Meigen), Tendipes (T)
Limnotendipes Lenz = Tendipes (Limnochirononzus) Kieffer
lobiger Kieffer Chironomus = lobiger (Kieffer), Tendipes (L)
lobiger variety miriforceps (Kieffer), Tendipes (L) - lobiger (Kieffer), Tendipes (L)
longipes Staeger, Chironomus = dorsalis (Meigen), Tendipes (E)
lucifer Johannsen, Chironomus = nervosus (Staeger), Tendipes (L)
lucifer Johannsen, Chironomus (C) (Limnochirononzus group) = nervosus (Staeger), Tendipes (L)
maturus Johannsen, Chironomus = attenuatus (Walker), Tendipes (T)
meridionalis Johannsen?, Chironomus = anthracinus (Zetterstedt),Tendipes (T)
militaris Johannsen, Chironomus = riparius (Meigen), Tendipes (T)
miriforcips (Kieffer), Chironomus = lobiger (Kieffer), Tendipes (T)
miriforcips (Goetghebuer), Chironomus = lobiger (Kieffer),Tendipes (T)
modestus Say, Chironomus (Limnochironomus) = modestus (Say), Tendipes (L)
modestus (Say), Cladopelma = modestus (Say), Tendipes (L)
modestus variety a, Chironomus = nervosus (Staeger), Tendipes (L)
moerens Walker?, Chironomus (C) = pilicornis (Fabricius), Tendipes (T)
neomodestus Malloch, Chironomus --neomodestus (Malloch), Tendipes (T)
nervosus Staeger, Chironomus =nervosus (Staeger), Tendipes (T)
nervosus Staeger, Chironomus (L) = nervosus (Staeger), Tendipes (L)
niger Meigen, Chironomus (C) = pilicornis (Fabricius), Tendipes (T)
niveipennis Fabricius, Chironomus = pilicornis Fabricius), Tendipes (T)
obscuratus Malloch, Chironomus = dux (Johannsen), Tendipes (K)
paganus Meigen, Chironomus = paganus (Meigen), Tendipes (E)
paganus Meigen, Tendipes (Phytotendipes) = paganus (Meigen), Tendipes (E)
Phytochironomus Kieffer = Glyptotendipes (Glyptodentipes)Kieffer
Phytotendipes Goetghebuer = Glyptotendipes (Phytotendipes) Goetghebuer
pilicornis ?, Chironomus (C) = pilicornis (Fabricius), Tendipes (T)
pilicornis Fabricius, Chironomus = pilicornis (Fabricius), Tendipes (T)
plumosa Linnaeus, Tipula = plumosus (Linnaeus), Tendipes (T)
plumosus Linnaeus, Chironomus = plumosus (Linnaeus), Tendipes (T)
plumosus Linnaeus, Tendipes = plumosus (Linnaeus), Tendipes (T)
plumosus variety ferrugineo -vittatus Johannsen = ferrugineo -vittatus (Zetterstedt), Tendipes (T)
plumosus variety ferrugineo-vittatus Johannsen, Chironomus = plumosus (Linnaeus), Tendipes (T)
Polaris Kirby?,Chironomus = hyperboreus (Staeger), Tendipes (T)
Polaris Kirby, Tendipes (T) = hyperboreus (Staeger), Tendipes (T)
Prochironomus Kieffer = Tany tarsus Wulp
Pro tanytarsus KIEFFER = Tany tarsus (genus)
restrictus Kieffer ? =riparius (Meigen), Tendipes (T)
rhyparobius Kieffer = riparius (Meigen), Tendipes (7)
riparius Kieffer?, Tendipes = riparius (Meigen), Tendipes (7')
riparius Kruseman nec. Meigen= riparius (Meigen), Tendipes (T)
riparius Meigen, Chironomus = riparius (Meigen), Tendipes (T)
riparius Meigen, Chironomus = staegeri (Lundbeck), Tendipes (T)
saxonicus Kieffer= riparius (Meigen), Tendipes (T)
serus Malloch, Chironomus = riparius (Meigen), Tendipes (T)
serus? Johannsen, Chironomus (C) = riparius (Meigen), Tendipes (T)
simi/is Johannsen,Chironomus = attenuatus (Walker), Tendipes (T)
staegeri Lundbeck,Chironomus = staegeri (Lundbeck), Tendipes (7')
staegeri Lundbeck?,
Chironomus (C) = staegeri ( Lundbeck), Tendipes (T)
staegeri? Chironomus = atritibia Malloch), Tendipes (T)
Stictotendipes Lenz = Tendipes (Tendipes) Meigen
stigmaterus Say, Chironomus = stigmaterus (Say), Tendipes (T)
stigmaterus? Say, Chironomus = stigmaterus (Say), Tendipes (T)
stricticornis Kieffer = riparius (Meigen), Tendipes (T)
subacutus Kieffer = riparius Meigen), Tendipes (7')
subproductus Kieffer =riparius (Meigen), Tendipes (T)
subrectus Kieffer -riparius (Meigen) Tendipes (T)
subriParius Kieffer = riparius (Meigen), Tendipes (T)
Syntendipes Lenz = Tendipes (Tendipes) Meigen


tenellus Zetterstedt, Chironomus = neomodestus (Ma lloch), Tendipes (L)

tentans Fabricius, Chironomus = plumosus (Linnaeus), Tendipes (T)
tentans Fabricius, Chironomus = tentans (Fabricius), Tendipes (T)
tentans Kruseman?, Tendipes (Camptochironomus) = tentans (Fabricius), Tendipes (T)
tentans varietyPallidivittatus Malloch, Chironomus = tentans (Fabricius), Tendipes (T)
thummi Kieffer, Chironomus = riparius (Meigen), Tendipes (T)
thurnmi Kieffer, Tendipes = riparius (Meigen), Tendipes (T)
tristis Wiedemann, Chironomus (C) = pilicornis (Fabricius), Tendipes (7')
tritomus Kieffer, Chironomus = nervosus (Staeger), Tendipes (L)
tuxis Curran, Chironomus = tuxis (Curran), Tendipes (T)
tuxis Curran?, Chironomus (C) = tuxis (Curran), Tendipes (7,
?tuxis Curran, Tendipes (T) = tuxis (Curran), Tendipes (7)
utahensis Malloch, Chironomus = utahensis (Malloch), Tendipes (T)
viridicollis Wulp Chironomus = atroviridis Townes, Tendipes (C)
viridicollis Wulp, ?Chironomus = atroviridis Townes, Tendipes (C)
viridicollis ?Wulp, Chironomus = riparius (Meigen), Tendipes (T)
(near)viridicoIlisWulp, Chironomus = atroviridis Townes, Tendipes (C)
"viridicollis" Wulp,Chironomus (E) = atroviridis Townes, Tendipes (C)
viridipes Macquart = riparius (Meigen), Tendipes (T)
The following names have no synonymy.
aethiops Townes, Tendipes (L)
atrella Townes, Tendipes (T)
biseta Townes, Tendipes (T)
botarus Townes, Tendipes (L)
carus Townes, Tendipes (T)
Chaetolabis Townes
chelonia Townes, Tendipes (E)
Einfeldia Kieffer
Kiefferulus Goetghebuer
leucoscelis, Townes, Tendipes (L)
miller Townes, Tendipes (L)
ochreatus Townes, Tendipes (C)
pungens Townes, Tendipes (1)
tendipediformis Goetghebuer, Tendipes (K)
tub erculatus Townes, Tendipes (T)

ENVIRONMENTAL REQUIREMENTS The field work conducted in the Central Michigan

Evidence has been introduced describing types of area did not involve grossly polluted streams. In an
environmental se le ctio n by the f resh-water tendipedids. attempt to determine the maximum-minimum require-
ments of tendipedids, the literature was used exten-
These data have been applied in developing a lake
"typology" (Brundin, 1949; Thienemann, 1954) that has sively. Unfortunately, only a small portion of it was
found some application in the United States. Richard- useful because the forms were not classified as to
son (1928) proposed a classification, based on tolerance genus or species. The maximum-minimum levels of
to pollution, of tendipedids found in the middle the environmental conditions found in this study are as
Illinois River. Later work by Paine and Gaufin (1956)
questioned the use of tendipedid larvae as indicator
Temperature. In general, the temperature re-
organisms because of their adaptability to environ-
mental conditions. quirements of the tendipedids are within the limits
established by the Aquatic Life Advisory Committee
This adaptability is illustrated by their morphology (1956) in that "aquatic organisms in the temperate
and physiology. The larval adaptations were used by zone are adapted to seasonal fluctuations of tem-
Leathers (1922) to classify the members of the family °
perature between 0 and 32 °C (32 ° to about 90 F)"
into six groups (1) burrowers, (2) attached tubes, (3) (Table 2). One species,Pelopia, is able to live under
tubes of mud, (4) leaf-eating, (5) alga-eating, and (6) an extreme temperature of 39.59°C (103 ° F). The upper
free-living larvae. With respect to their physiology, limit, in general, for the majority of species in the
tendipeded larvae have been collected in habitats rang- subfamilies Pelopiinae, Diamesinae, Hydrobaeninae
ing from hot springs (Brues, 1928) to salt-water rock °
and Tendipedinae is between 30 to 33 °C (86 to 93.2 F).
pools (Palmen, 1956; Lindeberg, 1958). In addition, Larvae of Cricotopus trifasciatus (Panzer),C. bicinctus
field and laboratory work has been conducted on (Meigen), as well as representatives of Pentaneura
selective larvicides, based on tendipedid biology, in and Cryptochironomus are reported in waters having
Wisconsin and New York (Dicke, 1957; Bay, 1960). °
temperatures of 34 C (93.2 °F). Immature forms of
It is not unusual then to find the larval forms existing Pentaneura monilis (Linnaeus) have been found in
° °
in a great variety of environmental conditions. waters having temperatures of 35 C (95 F). In
A Survey of Environmental Requirements for the Midge 131


Temperature, ml/per CO2,
Species °
C, pH, liter ppm Authors
min max min max min max
Pentaneura carnea (Fabricius) 0.0 32.8 6.0 to 9.1 1.0 Paine (1956), Roback (1957)
Pentaneura illinoesis (Malloch) 0.0 32.8 7.2 to 9.1 1.0 Paine (1956)
Pentaneura melanops (Wiedemann) 0.0 32.8 7.2 to 9.1 1.0 Paine (1956)
Pentaneura monilis (Linn) 4.4 35.0 6.0 to 8.0 46.0 Brues (1922), Roback (1957)
Pentaneura vitellina (Kieffer) 0.0 32.8 7.2 to 9.1 1.0 Paine (1956)
Penaneura sp. 4.4 34.0 5.2 to 8.5 Jones (1948), Wurtz (1960)
AnatoPynia dyari (Coquillett) 0.0 32.8 6.0 to 9.1 1.0 Paine (1956), Roback (1957)
Anatop.ynia sp. Jones (1949)
Pelopia punctipennis (Meigen) 0.0 32.8 7.2 to 9.1 1.0 Paine (1956)
Pelopia stellata (Coquillett) 0.0 32.8 7.2 to 9.1 1.0 Guyer (1956), Paine (1956)
Pelopia vilipennis (Kieffer) 4.4 30.0 6.8 to 8.5 0.5 61.0
Pelopia sp. 39.5 8.1 Brues (1928)
Procladius bellus Loew 4.4 26.7 7.0 to 8.5 0.0 46.0 Guyer (1956)
Procladius choreus Meigen 4.4 26.7 7.0 to 8.5 0.0 46.0
Procladius culciformis (Linn) 0.0 32.8 6.0 to 9.1 1.0 Paine (1956), Roback (1957)
Procladius sp. 0.0 30.0 6.8 to 9.1 1.0 61.0 Dicke (1957), Jones (1949),
Lindeberg (1958), Paine (1956
Teter (1960)
Clinotanypus caliginosus (Johannsen) 0.0 32.8 7.2 to 9.1 1.0 Paine (1956)
Coelotanypus concinnus (Coquillett) 0.0 32.8 7.2 to 9.1 1.0 Paine (1956)
Prodiamesa olivacea (Meigen) 4.4 to 7.8 Jones (1948)
Diamesa nivoriunda Fitch 0.0 32.8 7.2 to 9.1 1.0 Paine (1956)
Coryn.oneura scutellata (Winnertz) 0.0 32.8 7.2 to 9.1 1.0 Paine (1956)
Corynoneura sp. 0.0 32.8 4,4 to 9.1 1.0 Jones (1948), Paine (1956),
Lindeberg (1958)
Cricotopus absurdus (Johannsen) 0.0 32.8 7.2 to 9.1 1.0 Paine (1956)
Cricotopus bicinctus (Meigen) 0.0 34.0 6.0 to 9.1 1.0 Baker (1918), Roback (1957),
Paine (1956, Wurtz (1960)
Cricotopus exilis (Johannsen) 0.0 32.8 7.2 to 9.1 1.0 Paine (1956)
Cricotopus politus (Coquillett) 0.0 32.8 7.2 to 9.1 1.0 Paine (1956)
Cricotopus tricinctus (Meigen) 0.0 32.8 7.2 to 9.1 1.0 Paine (1956)
Cricotopus trifasciatus (Panzer) 0.0 34.0 6.0 to 9.1 1.0 Paine (1956), Roback (1957),
Wurtz (1960)
Cricotopus sp. 38.8 9.6 Brues (1928), Jones (1948)(194
Hydrobaenus sp. 0.0 34.0 6.8 to 9.1 61.0 Brues (1928), Paine (1956),
Jones (1948) (1949)
Calopsectra dives (Johannsen) 4.4 26.7 7.0 to 8.5 46.0 Teter (1960)
Calopsectra johannsenz (Bause) 0.0 32.8 7.2 to 9.1 1.0 Paine (1956)
Calopsectra neaflavella (Malloch) 0.0 32.0 7.2 to 9.1 1.0 Paine (1956)
Calopsectra nigripilus (Johannsen) 0.0 32.8 7.2 to 9.1 1.0 Paine (1956)
Calopsectra sp. 0.0 30.0 6.8 to 9.1 61.0 Dicke (1957), Paine (1956),
Teter (1960)
Pseudochironomus richardsoni 0.0 32.8 7.2 to 9.1 Paine (1956)
Pseudochironomus sp. 4.4 30.0 6.8 to 8.5 61.0
Lauterborniella gracilenta 4.4 to 7.8 Jones (1948)
Lauterborniella varipennis 4.4 26.7 6.0 to 8.5 46.0
Microtendipes pedellus (DeGeer) 0.0 32.8 6.0 to 9.1 1.0 46.0 Paine (1956), Roback (1957)
Microtendipe s sp. 7.8 Jones (1949)
Paratendipes albimanus (Meigen) 0.0 32.8 5.0 to 9.1 1.0 46.0 Lind eberg (1958), Paine (1956)
Roback (1957)


Temperature, DO, CO2,

Species oc, pH, ml/liter PPm Authors
min max min max min max

Tenclipedinae (Continued)
Paratendipes sp. 38.7 8.1 Brues (1928)
Polypedilum fallax (Johannsen) 0.0 32.8 6.0 to 9.1 1.0 Paine (1956, Roback (1957)
Polypedilum hatterate (Coquillett) 4.4 30.0 5.0 to 8.5 61.0 Roback (1957)
Polypedilum illinoense (Malloch) 0.0 32.8 4.0 to 9.1 1.0 Paine (1956), Roback (1957),
Wurtz (1960)
Polypedilum nubeculosum (Meigen) 4.4 26.7 7.0 to 8.5 46.0 Palmen (1956)
Polypedilum simulans Townes 4.4 40.0 6.8 to 8.5 61.0 Guyer (1956)
Polypedilum sp. 4.4 30.0 6.8 to 8.5 61.0 Teter (1960)
Tanytarsus devinctus (Say) 4.4 26.7 7.0 to 8.5 46.0 Paine (1956), Roback (1957)
Tanytarsus jucundus (Walker) 4.4 26.7 4.0 to 8.5 46.0 Roback (1957)
Tanytarsus nigricans (Johannsen) 0.0 32.8 6.0 to 9.0 1.0 61.0 Paine (1956), Roback (1957)
Tanytarsus varius Townes 0.0 32.8 7.2 to 9.1 1.0 Paine (1956)
Tanytarsus sp. Jones (1949)
Xenochironomus scopula Townes 0.0 32.8 7.0 to 9.1 1.0 Paine (1956)
Crypkwhironomus blarina Townes 4.4 26.7 7.0 to 8.5 46.0 Curry (1958)
CryPtochironomus digitatus 3.0 30.0 8.8 Curry (1958), Guyer (1956),
(Malloch) Lindeberg (1958), Tebo (1955)
Cryptochironomus fulvus (Johannsen) 0.0 32.8 4.0 to 9.1 1.0 46.0 Curry (1958), Paine (1956)3
Roback (1957)
Tendipes anthracinus (Zetterstedt) Lindeberg (1958)
Tendipes atroviridis Townes 4.4 30.0 6.8 to 8.5 61.0 Teter (1960), Roback (1957)
Tendipes attenuatus (Walker) 0.0 32.8 4.0 to 9.1 61.0 Dicke (1957), Paine (1956),
Lindeberg (1958), Palmen
Tendipes dux (Johannsen) 0.0 32.0 6.8 to 9.1 1.0 61.0 Paine (1956)
Tendipes fumidus (Johannsen) 4.4 26.7 5.0 to 9.0 46.0 Roback (1957)
Tendipes milleri Townes 4.4 26.7 7.0 to 8.5 46.0 Roback (1957)
Tendipes modestus (Say) 4.4 26.7 5.0 to 9.0 46.0 Roback (1957)
Tendipes neomodestus (Malloch) 0.0 32.8 7.0 to 9.1 1.0 46.0 Paine (1956), Roback (1957)
Tendipes nervosus (Staeger) 4.4 30.0 6.9 to 8.5 61.0 Guyer (1956), Palmen (1956)
Tendipes ochreatus Townes 4.4 30.0 6.8 to 8.5 61.0
Tendipes paganus (Meigen) 4.4 27.0 7.0 to 8.5 46.0
Tendipes plumosus (Linne) 3.0 30.0 6.8 to 8.8 61.0 Dicke (1957)
Tendipes riparius ( Meigen) 0.0 32.8 5.0 to 9.1 61.0 Paine (1956), Roback (1957),
Wurtz (1960)
Tendipes staegeri (Ltutdbeck) 4.4 30.0 6.0 to 8.5 0.0 61.0 Roback (1957)
Tendipes tendipediformis 4.4 30.0 6.8 to 8.5 0.0 61.0
Tendipes tentans (Fabricius) 4.4 35.0 6.8 to 8.5 0.0 61.0 Brues (1928), (Lindeberg
Tendipes tuxis (Curran) 4.4 27.0 7.0 to 8.5 46.0
Tendipes sp. Jones (1949)
Glyptotendtpes barbipes (Staeger) Lindeberg (1958)
GlyPtotendipes lobiferus (Say) 0.0 32.8 7.0 to 9.1 1.0 46.0 Paine (1956)
GlyPtotendipes paripes (Edwards) 4.4 27.0 5.0 to 8.5 46.0 Guyer (1956), Warnhoff (1957)
G/yptotendipes sp. 0.0 32.8 7.0 to 9.1 1.0 46.0 Dicke (1957),Paine (1956),
Wurtz (1960)
Harnischia tenuicaudata (Malloch) 4.4 30.0 6.0 to 8.5 61.0
addition, larvae of the genera of Pelopia, Cricotopus, (Table 2). Representatives of the genera Pentaneura,
and Parantendipes have been found in waters having Anatopynia, Pelopia, Procladius, Clinotan;pus,Diam-
temperatures of 38 ° to 39.5 °C (100 ° to 103 ° F) (Brues, esa, Corymoneura, Cricotopus, and Hydrobaenus have
1928; Jones, 1948, 1949; Paine and Gaufin, 1956; been collected in habitats having a pH 9.1 (Jones,
Roback 1957; and Wurtz, 1960). The minimal environ- 1948; Paine and Gaufin, 1956; Lindeberg, 1958; Wurtz,
mental temperature reported for larval habitats is at
1960). Several members of the Calopsectrini are
or near 0 C. also reported to inhabit waters having a pH 9.1.
Many members of the tribe Tendipedini have been
Hydrogen ion concentration. Many stream forms found in waters having hydrogen ion concentrations of
are able to endure a pH range of 6.0 to 8.0 or higher this level. Representative genera for these forms are
A Survey of Environmental Requirements for the Midge 133

Pseudo chironomus , Micro tendipe s, Paratendipe s , on populations of two tendipedid forms in Michigan
Polypedilum, Tanytarsus, Tendipes, and Glyptoten- lakes indicate further that the mortality rate is high
dipe s for the species found there. This mortality may run
The species Prodiamesa olivacea (Meigen), a as much as 50 percent. The greatest mortality
apparently is in the first or second instars of larval
stream form, has been found inhabiting water having
a pH 4.4 (Jones, 1948). The species Lauterborniella development.
gracilenta, Polypedilum illinoense (Malloch), Tany- Carbon dioxide. Very few species of the sub-
tar sus jucundus (Walker) ,Cr ypto chilenta , Polypedilum families Pelopiinae, Diamesinae, or Hydrobaeninae
illinoense (Malloch), Tany tarsus jucundus (Walker), are reported inhabiting waters where high concen-
CryPtochironomus fulvus (Johannsen), and Tendipes trations of carbon dioxide are found (Table 2). Larvae
attenuatus (Walker) [.---Tendipes decorus (Johannsen0 of Pentaneura monilis, P. vilipennis, Pelopia bellus
are reported from waters having a pH 4.0. Loew, P. choreus Meigen, and a species of Hydro-
baenus have been found in waters having 46 to 61 ppm
Dissolved oxygen. Frequently this is listed as a
limiting factor in a given environment. A considera-
tion of this ecological requirement should also take Many species of the subfamily Tendipedinae appear
into account factors such as temperature, pollution, to inhabit hydrosols with superimposed waters having
and metabolic activity of the organism. a high concentration of carbon dioxide. The most con-
It appears that very few tendipedids are able to spicuous forms are those of the genus Tendipes. This
genus appears to have the majority of forms adapted
withstand prolonged anaerobic conditions imposed by
in living under these environmental conditions.
some lakes and streams (Table 2). Additional in-
formation is required through the use of bioassays
Ionic concentration. Very little has been recorded
(Aquatic Advisory Committee, 1956). Species of
for a comparative study of tolerance to ionic con-
Pentaneura, Pelopia, Clinotanypus, Coelotanypus,
centrations such as Ca++, PO4E, SO4=, and trace
Corynoneura, and CricotoPus can, however, endure
elements (Table 3). The comparative physiological
a dissolved-oxygen content of 1.1 cm 3 per liter. In
resistance to chloride ions illustrates, however, a
Michigan, Pelopia vilipennis Kieffer was found in-
physiological adaptability attained by a few species to
habiting a hydrosol where the oxygen of the super-
salt water. Palmen (1956) and Lindeberg (1958) have
imposed water was 0.5 cm 3 per liter.
reported the Pro cladius sp., Corynoneura sp, Micro -
Many species of the Tendipedinae are also found to tendipes pedellus, Paratendipes albimanus (Meigen),
inhabit waters with low dissolved-oxygen content. Polypedilum halterale (Coquillett), P. nubeculosum
These forms are found in all the major genera. Only (Meigen), Tendipes anthracinus (Zetterstedt), T. at-
forms such as Tendipes tentans (Fabricius); T. tenuatus, T. nervosus (Staeger), and T. tentans inhabit
staegeri (Lundbeck); T. riParius (Meigen); T.P/umosus brackish water. For a better understanding of the
(L); and T. attenuatus are, however, reported inhabit- adaptability of the organisms, bioassay tests should
ing the anaerobic region of lakes and streams. Studies be run on representative larvae of the various genera,


PO4, Ca++, Mg++, Fe+++, Cl - , SO4--- , NO3 - , CO3', BOD,

PPIrk- PPm, PPnl, PPni, PPm, PPm, PPm, PPm, Authors
total total
max max max max max max max max max

Pentaneura carnae 26.2 43.0 310 Paine (1956),Roback (1957
Pentaneura illinoensis 26.2 43.0 310 82.0 Paine (1956)
Pentaneura melanops 26.2 43.0 310 82.0 Paine (1956)
Pentaneura monilis Brues (1922),Roback (195■
Pentaneura vitellina 26.2 43.0 310 82.0 Paine (1956)
Pentaneura sp. 25.8 5.0 tr a 8.8 9.0 3.04 Jones (1948),Wurtz (1960)
Anatopynia dyari 26.2 43.0 310 82.0 Paine (1956),Roback (1957
AnatoPynia sp. 22.0 4.0 0.0 8.5 1.0 Jones (1949)
Pelopia punctipennis 26.2 43.0 310 82.0 Paine (1956)
Pelopia stellata 26.2 43.0 310 82.0 Guyer (1956), Paine (1956)
Pelopia vilipennis


PO4=, Ca++, Mg++, Fe+++, CI -, SO4, NO3 -, CO3', BOD,
Species PPm/ PPrfl, PPm/ PPril/ ppm, ppm, ppm, Ppm, Authors
total total
max max max max max max max max max

Pelopiinae (continued)
PeloPia sp. Brues (1928)
Procladius bellus Loew Guyer (1956)
Procladius choreus Meigen
Procladius culciformis
(Linne) 26.2 43.0 310 82.0 Paine (1956),Roback (195 7)
Procladius sp. 26.2 22.0 4.0 0.0 6.0 1.0 43.0 310 82.0 Dicke (1957),Jones (1949
Lindeberg (1958), Paine
(1956), Teter (1960)
Ciinotanypus caligino- 26.2 43.0 310 82.0 Paine (1956)
sus (Johannsen)
Coelotanypus concinnus 26.2 43.0 310 82.0 Paine (1956)
Prodiamesa olivacea
(Meigen) 23.0 4.5 0.0 12.0 tr Jones (1948)
Syndiamesa sp. 22.0 4.0 0.0 8.5 1.0
Diamesa nivoriunda
Fitch 26.2 43.0 310 82.0 Paine (1956)
Corynoneura scutellata 26.2 43.0 310 82.0 Paine (1956)
Corynoneura sp. 23.0 4.5 0.0 t tr 43.0 310 82.0 Jones (1948), Paine (195E ),
Lindeberg (1958)
Cricotopus absurdus 26.2 43.0 310 82.0 Paine (1956)
Cricotopus bicinctus 26.2 43.0 310 82.0 Baker (1918), Roback
(Meigen) (1957), Paine (1956),
Wurtz (1960)
Cricotopus exilis 26.2 43.0 310 82.0 Paine (1956)
Cricotopus politus 26.2 43.0 310 82.0 Paine (1956)
Cricotopus tricinctus 26.2 43.0 310 82.0 Paine (1956)
Cricotopus trzfasciatus 26.2 43.0 310 82.0 Paine (1956), Roback
(Panzer) (1957), Wurtz (1960)
Cricotopus sp. 25.8 5.0 0.0 12.0 tr 3.04 Brues (1928), Jones
(1948) (1949)
Hydrobaenus sp. 25.8 5.0 0.0 12.0 1.0 43.0 310 82.0 Brues (1928), Paine
(1956), Jones (1948)
Calopsectra dives Teter (1960)
Calopsectra johannseni 26.2 43.0 310 82.0 Paine (1956)
Calopsectra neoflavella 26.2 43.0 310 82.0 Paine (1956)
Calopsectra nigripilus 26.2 43.0 310 82.0 Paine (1956)
Calopsectra sp. 26.2 43.0 310 82.0 Dicke (1957), Paine
(1956), Teter (1960)
Pseudochironomus rich- 26.2 43.0 310 82.0 Paine (1956)
ardsoni (Malloch)
Pseudochironomus sp.
A Survey of Environmental Requirements for the Midge 135


PO4=, Ca++, Mg++, Fe+++, C1-, SO4'; NO3 -, CO3 =, BOD,
Species PPm, PPm, PPm7 PPm, PPm, PPm, PPmy PPmy Authors
total total
max max max max max max max max max
Tendipedinae (continued)
Lauterborniella gracilen a Jones (1948)
Lauterborniella varipenn's
Micro tendipe s pedellus 26.2 b 43.0 310 82.0 Paine (1956),Roback
(DeGeer) (1957)
Micro tendipe s sp. 22.0 4.0 0.0 8.5 1.0 Jones (1949)
Paratendipes albimanus 26.2 43.0 310 82.0 Lindeberg (1958), Paine
(Meigen) (1956), Roback (1957)
Paratendipes sp. Brues (1928)
Polypedilum fallax 26.2 43.0 310 82.0 Paine (1956),Roback
(Johannsen) (1957)
Polypedilum halterale b Roback (1957)
Polypedilum illinoense 26.2 43.0 310 82.0 Paine (1956), Roback
(Malloch) (1957), Wurtz (1960)
Polypedilum nubeculo- b Palmen (1956)
sum (Meigen)
Polypedilum simulans Guyer (1956)
Polypedilum sp. Teter (1960)
Tanytarsus devinctus Paine (1956), Roback
(Say) (1957)
Tanytarsus jucundus Roback (1957)
Tanytarsus nigricans 26.2 43.0 310 82.0. Paine (1956), Roback
(Johannsen) (1957)
Tanytarsus varius 26.2 43.0 310 82.0 Paine (1956)
Tanytarsus sp. 22.0 4.0 0.0 8.5 1.0 Jones (1949)
Xenochironomus scupula 26.2 43.0 310 82.0 Paine (1956)
Cryptochironomus bla- Curry (1958)
rina Townes
Cryptochironomus digi- Curry (1958), Guyer
tatus (Malloc h) (1956), Lindeberg (1958)
Tebo (1955)
Cryptochironomus fulvus 26.2 43.0 310 82.0 Curry (1958), Paine
(Johannsen) (1956), Roback (1957)
Tendipes anthracinus b Lindeberg (1958)
Tendipes atrovirides b Teter (1960), Roback
Townes (1957)
Tendipes attenuatus 26.2 b 43.0 310 82.0 Dicke (1957), Paine (1956 ),
(Walker) Lindeberg (1958), Pal-
men (1956)
Tendipes dux 26.2 43.0 310 82.0 Paine (1956)
Tendipes fumidus Roback (1957)
Tendipes milleri Roback (1957)
Tendipes modestus (Say) Roback (1957)
Tendipes neomodestus 26.2 43.0 310 82.0 Paine (1956), Roback
(Malloch) (1957)
Tendipes nervosus b Guyer (1956),Palmen
(Staeger) (1956)
Tendipes ochreatus


PO4E , Ca++, Mg++, Fe+++, Cl - , SO4-, NO3 -, CO3=, BOD,

Species PPm, PPm, PPm, PPIn, PPm, PPrb, PP1b, PPm, Authors
total total
max max max max max max max max max

Tendipedinae (continued)
Tendipes paganus
Tendipes plumosus Dicke (195'7)
Tendipes riparius
(Meigen) 26.2 43.0 310 82.0 Paine (1956), Roback
(195'7), Wurtz (1960)
Tendipes staegeri Ftoback (1957)
Tendipes tendipedzformis
Tendipes tentans b Brues (1928), Lindeberg
(Fabricius) (1958)
Ten dipes tuxis (Curran)
Tendipes sp. 22.0 4.0 0.0 8.5 1.0 Jones (1959)
Glyptotendipes barbipes b Lindeberg (1958)
Glyptotendipes lobiferus 26.2 43.0 310 82.0 Paine (1956)

Glyptotendipes paripes b Guyer (1956)

Glyptotendipes sp. 26.2 43.0 310 82.0 Dicke (1957), Paine
(1956), Wurtz (1960)
Harnischia tenuicaudata
a tr = trace.
b Six percent sea water.
Field data indicate that some of these larvae have rated as follows: Sand, 1; marl, 6; fine gravel, 9;
made suitable adaptations and have now become sand and silt, 10.5; gravel and sand, 12; gravel and
established in these environments. rubble, 53; aquatic moss on fine gravel, 89; and
Elodea, 452.
Wurtz and Bridges (1961) have reported bioassay
studies conducted on several invertebrate forms, in-
There are many studies in which a decrease in
cluding T. attenautus, using solutions of zinc and
population is illustrated by siltation, sludge, hair and
copper sulfate. At present, the results are incon-
fiber deposits, and scums. No attempt was made,
however, to evaluate numerically the amount of
Biological Oxygen Demand. Unfortunately, there settleable solids with the bottom fauna, other than the
are very few recorded data that can be used for above rating. Studies on T. plumosus and T. atten-
comparative purposes. In many instances, data could uatus populations in two Michigan lakes indicate that
not be used because of incomplete classification of a compact, homogeneous silt is more productive than
the tendipedids (Table 3). Paine and Gaufin (1956) either clay, marl, or sand. In the case of clay,
have reported that many of the genera of the family 8 to 12 inches of turbid water was superimposed over
are able to survive in a BOD of 82.0 ppm. Here, as in the hydrosol.
the case of ionic concentration, bioassays must be
run on selected species as described by Henderson CONCLUSION
This survey of the tendiped fauna of fresh-water
Bottom type and siltation. No report was found lakes and streams indicates that several species are
discussing the various organic or inorganic settleable adaptable to a wide range of habitat requirements.
solids per se. Habitat requirements were listed only The species Tendipes attenuatus, T. riparius, T.
in general terms of environmental conditions (Table staegeri, and a species of Glyptotendipes are fre-
4). The Aquatic Life Advisory Committee (1956) quently found in polluted areas. Of these forms,
established a rating in which organic or inorganic T. attenuatus seems to be the most adaptable. Pos-
settleable solids affected production in different sible reasons that this form is able to endure
ways. The presence of organisms will depend upon these conditions may be: (1) It is adjusted to a wide
the amount of settleable solids in the water. Based range of temperatures; (2) it is adapted to a wide
upon a population rating, the various substrata are range of hydrogen ion concentration; (3) it is
A Survey of Environmental Requirements for the Midge 137

adaptable to anaerobic conditions; (4) it can tolerate mercaptans, and resin acid soaps has been shown to
high tensions of CO2; (5) it has the ability to adapt be detrimental to bottom fauna (Wilson, 1953). Re-
to high ion concentrations as illustrated by salt water search involving bioassays with respect to factors in
habitats; and (6) it is able to adapt to a variety of hydro- the environment will give additional information re-
sols. garding "levels of tolerance." Continued field obser-
vations will supplement the results observed in the
The presence of compounds such as sulfides, laboratory by conditions found in nature.


L e
Depth n
Species Bottom type
meters t t Water Authors
i i
Pentaneura carnea (Fabricius) gravel, sand, 0.3 to 0.6 X F Paine (1956), Roback (1957)
Pentaneura illinoensis (Malloch) limestone 0.3 to 1.8 X CCC Paine (1956)

Pentaneura melanops gravel, sand, 0.3 to 1.8 X AAA Paine (1956)

(Weidemann) limestone
Pentaneura monilis (Linn) marl, plants 5.0 X Brues (1922),Roback (1957)
Pentaneura vitellina (Kieffer) gravel 0.3 to 0.6 X F Paine (1956)
Pentaneura sp. silt, sand, marl, 5.0 X X Jones (1948), Wurtz (1960)
detritus, plants
Anatopynia dyari (Coquillett) shale, gravel, 0.3 to 1.8 X AAA Paine (1956), Roback (1957)
Anatopynia sp. Chara, silt Jones (1949)
Pelopia punctipennis (Meigen) shale, gravel, 0.3 to 0.6 X FF Paine (1956)
Pelopia stellata (Coquillett) shale, gravel, 1.8 X AAA Guyer (1956), Paine (1956)
Pelopia vilipennis (Kieffer) marl, plants 8.2 X
Pelopia sp. Brues (1928)
Procladius bellus Loew pulpy peat, silt 22.0 X Guyer (1956)
Procladius choreus Meigen pulpy peat, silt 22.0 X
Procladius culciformis (Linn) gravel, shale 0.3 to 0.8 X FF Paine (1956), Roback (1957)
Procladius sp. gravel, marl 25.0 X X AAA Dicke (1957), Jones (1949),
Lindeberg (1958), Paine
(1956), Teter (1960)
Clinotanypus caliginosus gravel, sand 0.3 to 0.6 X F Paine (1956)
Coelatanypus concinnus gravel, sand, 0.3 to 1.8 X AA Paine (1956)
(Coquillett) limestone

Prodiamesa olivacea (Meigen) detritus, silt, 0.6 X X F Jones (1948)
Syndiamesa sp.
Diamesa nivoriunda Fitch gravel, sand, 0.3 to 0.6 X F Paine (1956)

Corynoneura scutallata gravel, sand 0.3 to 0.6 X F Paine (1956)
Corynoneura sp, gravel, sand 0.3 to 0.6 X F Jones (1948), Paine (1956),
Lindeberg (1958)
CricotoPus absurdus (Johannsen) limestone 0.3 to 0.6 X F Paine (1956)


L n
o i Water a Authors
Species Bottom type in t t
i i

Hydrobaeninae (continued)
Cricotopus bicinctus (Meigen) gravel, sand 0.3 to 0.6 x C Baker (1918), Roback (1957),
Paine (1956), Wurtz (1960)
Cricotopus exilis (Johannsen) limestone 0.3 to 1.8 x A Paine (1956)
CricotoPus politus (Coquillett) gravel, sand, 0.3 to 1.8 x A Paine (1956)
Cricotopus tricinctus (Meigen) gravel, sand, 0.3 to 1.8 x A Paine (1956)
Cricotopus trifasciatus (Panzer) gravel, sand 0.3 to 0.6 x C Paine (1956), Roback (1957),
Wurtz (1960)
Cricotopus sp. Brues (1928), Jones (1948)
Hydrobaenus sp. gravel, marl, 25.0 X X F Brues (1928), Paine (1956),
plants, sand Jones (1948) (1949)

Calopsectra dives (Johannsen) pulpy peat, silt 10.0 X F Teter (1960)
Calopsectra johannseni (Bause) shale 0.3 to 0.8 x C Paine (1956)
Calopsectra neoflavella (Malloch) gravel, sand, 0.3 to 1.8 x cc Paine (1956)
shale, till
Calopsectra nigripilus gravel, sand, 0.3 to 1.8 X C Paine (1956)
(Johannsen) shale
Calopsectra sp. marl, plants, 25.0 X X C Dicke (1957), Paine (1956),
sand, shale, Teter (1960)
Pseudo chironomus richardsoni sand, till 0.3 to 0.8 X F Paine (1956)
Pseudo chironomus sp. plants, marl, silt, 4.0 X F
pulpy peat
Lauterborniella gracilenta X F Jones (1948)
Lauterborniella varipennis marl, plants X
(Coquillett) limestone
Micro tendipes pedellus (DeGeer) detritus, silt, 10.0 X C Paine (1956), Roback (1957)
marl, plants,
Micro tendipes sp. marl, sand, silt, 10.0 X X F Jones (1949)
detritus, plants
Paraten,dipes albimanus (Meigen) marl, plants, till 10.0 X C Lindeberg (1958), Paine (1956
(1956), Roback (1957)
Paratendipes sp, Brues (1928)
Polypedilum fallax (Johannsen) gravel, till 0.3 to 0.8 x CC Paine (1956), Roback (1957)
Polypedilum halterale (Coquillett plants, marl 4.0 X x F Roback (1957)
Polypedilum illinoense (Malloch) clay,sand,shale, 0.3 to 0.8 x C Paine (1956), Roback (1957),
pulpy peat, Wurtz (1960)

Polypedilum nub e culo sum marl, plants 5.0 x F Palmen (1956)

Polypedilum simulans Townes marl, plants 10.0 x F Guyer (1956)
Polypedilum sp, marl,silt,plants, 25.0 x F Teter (1960)
fibrous peat
Tany tarsus devinctus (Say) marl, plants 10.0 X X F Paine (1956), Roback (1957)
Tany tarsus jucundus (Walker) marl, plants 22.0 X X F Roback (1957)
Tany tarsus nigricans (Johannsen marl,plants,till, 10.0 X X C Paine (1956), Roback (1957)
A Survey of Environmental Requirements for the Midge 139


o n
Depth t i Water a
Species Bottom type in t Authors
meters c i

Tendipedinae (continued)
Tany tarsus varius Townes sand, till, 00.3 to 0.6 X Paine (1956)
Tany tarsus sp. Jones (1949)
Xenochironomus scopula Townes limestone, till 0.3 to 0.6 X C Paine (1956)
Cryptochironomus blarina marl, clay, silt, 10.0 X F Curry (1958)
Townes pulpy peat,
Cryptochironomus digitatus rocks, sand, silt, 6.0 X F Curry (1958), Guyer (1956),
(Malloch) pulpy peat, Lindeberg (1958), Tebo (1955
Cryptochironomus fulvus marl, plants, 10.0 X F Curry (1958), Paine (1956),
(Johannsen) sand, silt,clay Roback (1957)
Tendipes anthracinus silt, algae 9.0 X F Lindeberg (1958)
Tendipes atroviridis Townes silt, sand, marl, 4.0 X F Teter (1960), Roback (1957)
detritus plants
Tendipes attenuatus (Walker) silt, sand, marl, 22.0 X X AAA Dicke (1957), Paine (1956),
gravel, detritus, Lindeberg (1958), Palmen
plants (1956)
Tendipes dux (Johannsen) gravel, sand, 8.0 X X F Paine (1956)
marl, plants
Tendipes fumidus (Johannsen) marl, plants 5.0 X F Roback (1957)
Tendipes milleri Townes marl, plants 5.0 Roback (1957)
Tendipes modes tus (Say) marl, plants 5.0 Roback (1957)
Tendipes neomodestus (Malloch) marl, plants, sand 5.0 X F Paine (1956), Roback (1957)
gravel, limestone
Tendipes nervosus (Staeger) marl, plants 8.2 X C Guyer (1956), Palmen (1956)
Tendipes ochreatus Townes marl, plants 4.0 X F
Tendipes paganus (Meigen) sand, silt, marl, 10.0 X F
detritus, plants
Tendipes plumosus (Linne) plants, silt, marl, 22.0 X X A Dicke (1957)
pulpy peat, clay
Tendipes riparius (Meigen) gravel, limestone, 8.2 X X CCC Paine (1956), Roback (1957),
marl, plants, silt Wurtz (1960)
Tendipes staegeri (Lundbeck) plants, marl, silt, 8.2 X X CC Roback (1957)
pulpy peat
Tendipes tenclipediformis marl, plants 8.2 X F
Tendipes tentans (Fabricius) silt, plants, marl 8.2 X F Brues (1928), Lindeberg (1958)
Tendipes tuxis (Curran) sand, marl, plants, 5.0
silt, pulpy peat
Tendipes sp. silt, marl, plants, Jones (1949)
pulpy peat
GlyPtotendipes barbipes (Staeger) Lindeberg (1958)
Glyptotendipes lobiferus (Say) marl, plants 5.0 X F Paine (1956)
Glyptotendipes paripes (Edwards) marl, plants, 5.0 X F Guyer (1956), Warnhoff (1957
sand, peat
G/yptotendipes sp. pulpy peat, till, 10.0 X AAF Dicke (1957), Paine (1956),
silt, sand Wurtz (1960)
Harnischia tenuicaudata (Malloch) marl, plants, 10.0
pulpy peat, silt

a Water PRC = P= pollutional 12 = recovery from pollution C = clean

F = few C = common A = abundant


Aquatic Life Advisory Committee. 1956. Aquatic Henderson, C. 1957. Application factors to be Applied
Life Water Quality. Criteria. Sewage and Industrial to Bioassays for the Safe Disposal of Toxic Wastes.
Wastes. 28(5): 6'78-690. Transactions of Seminar on Biological Problems in
Water Pollution: 31-37.
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T. T. Macan*

I have data on the effects of predation in a moor- The stony stream was affected by the overloading
land fishpond and in a small stony stream. The of a septic tank, and a great increase in the number
invertebrate fauna of the fishpond was studied for of planarians is thought to have been connected with
5 years, during which the water was kept free of fish, the increased amount of food contributed by the organic
except for a few eels. Five hundred Salmo trutta matter washed out of it. The total numbers of Poly-
were introduced in the autumn of 1960 and the same cells felina taken in 1950, 1951, and 1952 were
number a year later, which, since the pond is but respectively 2, 2, and 6, per square metre, whereas
about half a hectare (1 acre) in extent, should have comparable collections since the overloading have
produced a considerable predation pressure. Tadpoles yielded up to 1,000 specimens. Certain species of
of Rana and Bufo, which have no reaction that would Ephemeroptera and Plecoptera have gradually become
keep them concealed from predators, disappeared at scarcer and some have disappeared. This is attributed
once; so did the surface-feeding Notonecta. The to predation by the planarian. Had it been owing to
numbers of other animals have so far changed little. pollution, the effect would have been more sudden and
Presumably the trout catch only those specimens would have been manifest sooner. I gave a full account
that wander out of their normal habitat, in which of these results at a symposium on Running Water
some other factor is controlling the density of popula- held in Lucerne last year and organized by Societas
tion. The most abundant animals are the nymphs of Internationalis Limnologiae. It is not necessary to re-
two species of Zygoptera (Odonata) and of LePto- peat the details here. I wish now to consider certain
phlebia spp. (Ephe me ropte ra). One-year dragonfly wider implications of the findings.
nymphs were much more abundant than usual. This
did not, as far as could be seen, lead to increased Predation on insects by other invertebrates maybe
cannibalism by older nymphs nor to the death of a an important factor in the characteristic differences
high proportion of the population from starvation. It between the littoral faunas of productive and un-
was observed, however, that, at the end of the second productive lakes. Table 1 presents data about those
summer, when normally all nymphs are nearly full- groups that are well represented by species that can
grown, only a proportion had reached this length and be identified in two lakes: Esrom, a rich lowland
the rest had grown very little. This suggests that lake in Denmark, and Windermere, which lies in the
the size of the population is limited by the number of poorer soils of the English Lake District. There are
territories in which nymphs can procure enough to about 10 times more animals per square metre in
eat to grow at the usual rate. That is not, however, Esrom than in Windermere, but the point to be under-
the line I wish to follow today. lined in the present context is that the composition of

* Fresh -Water Biological Association, Ambles ide, Westmorland, England.

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