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Republic of the Philippines


Department of Education

Division of Batangas

Batangas Province Science High School

Dacanlao, Calaca, Batangas

Calamansi Peels (Citrus Microcarpa) as

Protective Covering for Metals


Dann Emmanuel L. Pasumbal


Angeline C. Pagkaliwangan

Geralyn A. Alday

S.Y 2018-2019

Corrosion has become a wide problem all around the world. It basically does one

thing, destroy. It only destroys. Once a body or object corrodes, it is destroyed. People have

found a solution for this but this solution is not that affordable. This inspires the researcher to

think of a substitute for coating material on metals.

The researcher decided to use calamansi peels. It is due to its availability and properties .

the calamansi is available throughout the year and everywhere around the Philippines. Mostly

found in the backyard of some household around the country.

The research itself aims to test the product’s significant properties: pH level, viscosity,

color, shelf life, cost and strength under water. Moreover, the new product will then be compared

to an existing one.

The calamansi fruit was peeled and boiled for 45 minutes. And then, it was placed in a

container for it to cool. The product will then be applied to the metal for testing.

After gathering data through a survey of 10 respondents, statistical table and data analysis

were done. It was proven that calamansi peel as coating is more basic than the commercial

product. In terms of viscosity, the new product is more viscous than the commercial product. In

terms of color, the new product and the commercial product are the same in color which is white.

The new product is proven to be cheaper than the commercial product. The commercial product

is also proven to last longer than the new product. Lastly, the new product is proven to be weaker

than the commercial product under water.

Finally, the researcher concluded that the research is not successful. Although, the

research can be improved or enhanced by recommendations and suggestions which means that it

is not yet fully complete.


The researcher exerted time, money and effort to accomplish the whole research.

However, it will not be possible to complete the research without the help of people that the

researcher considered his inspirations. The researcher would like to give his thanks to all the

people that helped finish the research paper.

Above everything else, the researcher wants to thank the Almighty God for giving him

the knowledge, strength, and the quality to finish the research study. It would not be complete

without it.

The researcher would also like to give thanks to his research advisers, Mrs. Angeline C.

Pagkaliwangan, and Mrs. Geralyn A. Alday for their support and guidance as well as giving the

researcher more prior knowledge about the topic.

The researcher also want to thank his parents and family for all the support given, for

their love and guidance. If not for them, this research study and research paper would not be

accomplished and successful.

Moreover, the researcher wants to thank the Batangas Province Science High School

Grade 9 Students for their support. The researcher would also like to thank them because they

served as inspiration and lent a hand on all the processes needed to accomplish and complete this

research study and paper.

Likewise, to every person who did not give up helping the researcher and still helped him

finish this study and paper, physically or morally, it is greatly appreciated.

Table of Contents
Table of Contents....................................................................................................................................iv
Chapter I..................................................................................................................................................1
The Problem............................................................................................................................................1
Background of the Study.........................................................................................................................3
Statement of the Problem.......................................................................................................................5
Significance of the Study.........................................................................................................................7
Scope and Limitations..............................................................................................................................8
Definition of Terms..................................................................................................................................9
Chapter II...............................................................................................................................................10
Review of Related Studies.....................................................................................................................10
Conceptual Literature............................................................................................................................10
Research Literature...............................................................................................................................12
Chapter III..............................................................................................................................................14
Materials and Methods.........................................................................................................................14
Data Analysis.........................................................................................................................................16
Chapter IV..............................................................................................................................................17
Results and Discussions.........................................................................................................................17
Results and Findings..............................................................................................................................17
Chapter V...............................................................................................................................................31
Chapter VI..............................................................................................................................................33
Chapter I

The Problem


These days, people are using more and more metals like steels in construction. The past

generations, people use other materials like wood, stone, and gravel. But as time passed these

materials become weaker and weaker. Now because of the discovery of metals, more and more

people use it now because of its physical properties which are better than that of wood, stone and

gravel. But the properties of metals have its own weaknesses. One of these weaknesses is


Corrosion has become a wide problem all around the world. It basically does one thing,

destroy. It only destroys. Once a body or object corrodes, it is destroyed. It is caused by the flow

of electric current between different parts of metal serving as anodes and cathodes. It occurs

when water and oxygen are present. It is accelerated in the presence of acids and other

electrolytes. When a piece of metal corrodes, the electrolyte helps to provide oxygen to the

anode. As oxygen combines with metals, rust forms. Carbonic acid is essential to the rusting of

iron, and rusting does not occur in its absence.

If one metal part of a building corrodes, everything could be affected by the corrosion.

This can make the whole building collapse or just make the building weaker. This can cause the

wastage in terms of finance and resources. This can be a major problem to the whole world.

Corrosion of metals not just cause some major problems in the field of construction, but

also in terms of health. When a person has or had an open wound, and the corroded metal

touched the open wound, this can cause some major complications. It may even cause the death
of the person that has the open wound. Bad things will happen to the human body if the corroded

is ingested.

In general, corrosion can cause a huge number of deaths to not just human but also other

creatures. There are just many bad things that can be caused by the corrosion of metals. How

worse can this case get? But, people around the world found a solution this corrosion, paint. The

paint prevents corrosion of metals by coating them. But not all people of the world can afford the

paints. That is why the researcher thought of a cheaper substitute for paint.

Calamansi (Citrus Microcarpa) is a small and round citrus fruit found all around the

Philippines. The fruits are used when the color of the skin is still green which is the associated

color for the fruit.

The researcher used the calamansi’s peels as the substitute of paint. It is such a waste of

the fruit is used for it has many functions and benefits.

The calamansi peels have corrosion inhibitors. Corrosion inhibitors are chemical

compounds that are added to metallic materials to reduce their corrosion. They are chemicals

added to the chemical stream to prevent corrosion, or lower the rate of corrosion so that an

equipment will have longer lifetime. So, calamansi peels can be used as substitute for paint. Also

calamansi are available throughout the year, and if trees are not available, markets sell them at a

cheap price affordable to many people.

With this facts and information, the researcher reflected that calamansi peel is a good

material as substitute of paint.

Background of the Study

Corrosion is a wide problem around the world. It only does one thing, destruction. It just

destroys everything. Any corroded material is as good as destroyed. But, people nowadays found

a solution to this. But this solution take so much as a toll from the environment. It gets so much

natural resources from the environment.

On the other hand, calamansi fruits are available all throughout the year. They become

ripe then they fall from the tree. This fallen fruits are a waste. But, these fruits can be useful. We

can gather the fruits and peel them off. This peels can be an ingredient for liquid coatings for


Calamansi as stated are available in the Philippines all throughout the year, it is not

seasonal. Many fruits just fall of and become rotten. People will not have any problems with the

gathering of ingredients because of the abundance of calamansi peels.

In this times, people use paint to prevent the corrosion of metals. They coat the metal so

the rusting process could not start or if it has already started, it can prevent or stop the rusting


In the world today, paper is now a must-have matter a person should have. Paper is a thin

material produced through pressing together of cellulose pulp derived from rags or grasses, but

mostly woods and drying them into flexible sheets. It is a versatile material with many uses,

including writing, packaging, cleaning, decorating, printing, and a number of construction

processes. Therefore, paper is sustainable, renewable, recyclable, and plant-based product that

connects us in so many ways to the important things in life.

Going back to the pineapple leaf fiber problem, it was known for being a recyclable

material. One of it is it can be turned into a decorative paper. With its properties such as high

strength and good elastic possessions. Moreover, pineapple leaf fiber is proven to have high

tensile strength than other natural fibers.

With this rationale, the researcher think of an alternative source in order to create a

decorative paper. And that is the introduction of the use of pineapple leaf fiber (PALF) as a new

raw material.
Statement of the Problem

The study will be conducted to produce a protective coating for metals from calamansi peels.

Therefore, the study aims to answer the following specific questions

1. How can the properties of the product be described in terms of:

1.1 pH level?

1.2 Vicosity?

1.3 Color?

1.4 Shelfife?

1.5 Cost?

2. How can the effectiveness of the product be described in terms of:

2.1 Durability?

2.2 Duration of effects?

3. How can the product be compared to other existing metal coatings

3.1 properties

3.1.1 pH level?

3.1.2 Viscosity?

3.1.3 Color?

3.1.4 Shelflife?

3.1.5 Cost?

3.2 effectiveness

3.2.1 Strength Under Water?


The researcher hypothesized that there is a significant difference between the new

product and the commercial product in terms of pH Level, viscosity, color, shelf life, cost

and strength under water.

The researcher also hypothesized that the new product is less basic than the

commercial product. For the viscosity, the researcher theorized that the new product is more

viscous than the commercial product. For the color, the new product is expected to have a

greenish color because it is made from calamansi peels. For the shelf life, the commercial

product is expected to last longer than the new product. For the cost, the new product is

theorized to be cheaper because its ingredients are free and available all throughout the year.

For the strength under water, the new product is theorized to be weaker than the commercial

Significance of the Study

The study was done to test the possibility of calamansi peels as protective covering for

metals. The results of the study is intended to benefit the construction industry, household

people, environment and future researchers.

To the Environment. The study aims to just use calamansi peels and only calamansi

peels. This reduces the usage of natural resources as ingredients for paint which really are so

much for the environment.

To the Construction Industry. Because of the price of paint, and the corrosion of metal,

this study will introduce a new source, cheap, and main ingredient for making paint for the

prevention of corrosion which are calamansi peels.

To the Household People. For household people, this study will introduce them to a new

cheaper way of preventing the corrosion of the metal part of their houses. They can also just pick

calamansi from their backyard if they have calamansi trees planted on it.

To the Future Researchers. This study can help other researchers to create studies

related to calamansi peels as protective covering for metals. This study can also be a reference to

future studies.
Scope and Limitations

The scope of the study includes the procedures to be performed in the study, the materials

to be used to perform the study and the time it will take to perform the study. The researcher first

liquefies the calamansi peels and then applies it to the metal. The researcher focuses on covering

the metal. The materials that the researcher will use are free, easy to get and efficient materials.

The metal is limited because only one type of metal is used which is steel. The researcher

lacks the source of other metals for the research study. The calamansi is limited to just peels

because the fruit would be wasted if it will be used.

Definition of Terms

The research used the following terms selected because of their facts and concepts that

added and contributed a big help in the study.

Calamansi. A small and round citrus fruit found all around the Philippines. The fruits

are used when the color of the skin is still green which is the associated color for the fruit.

Carbonic Acid. Carbonic acid is essential to the rusting of iron, rusting does not occur in

its absence.

Corrosion. Corrosion of steel caused by the flow of electric current between different

parts of metal serving as anodes and cathodes. It occurs when water and oxygen are present. It is

accelerated in the presence of acids and other electrolytes.

Corrosion Inhibitor. Corrosion inhibitors are chemical compounds that are added to

metallic materials to reduce their corrosion. They are chemicals added to the chemical stream to

prevent corrosion, or lower the rate of corrosion so that an equipment will have longer lifetime.

Rusting. An electrochemical process involving an anode, an electrolyte ana cathode.

When a piece of metal corrodes, the electrolyte helps to provide oxygen to the anode. As oxygen

combines with metals, rust forms.

Chapter II

Review of Related Studies

Conceptual Literature

The following are the terms and information are what the researcher thought of as useful and

helpful in adding additional information in the study.

Botany of Calamansi. Kalamansi is a plant that can grow 3 to 5 meters high. Leavelets

have the shape of ellipse to oblong-ellipse growing 4 to 8 cm long. Flowers are auxiliary,

solitary, rarely in pairs, white and short stalked. Fruit is almost a sphere, 2 to 3.5 centimeters in

diameter. The skin color is green when raw and yellow when ripe. It contains a few light orange


Properties of Calamansi. Calmansi are aromatic, antiseptic, antiphlogistic, carminative,

deodorant, refrigerant. Studies also show that Calamansi are antimicrobial, antianxiety,

antidepressant, hepatoprotective, expectorant and antioxidant.

Corrosion Inhibitor. Corrosion Inhibitors are chemical compounds that are added to

metallic materials to reduce their corrosion. They are chemicals added to a chemical stream to

prevent corrosion, or lower the rate of corrosion so that an equipment will have longer lifetime.

Rusting. Corrosion of steel caused by the flow of electric current between different parts

of metal serving as anodes and cathodes. It occurs when water and oxygen are present. It is

accelerated in the presence of acids and other electrolytes.

Rusting. An electrochemical process involving an anode, an electrolyte ana cathode.

When a piece of metal corrodes, the electrolyte helps to provide oxygen to the anode. As oxygen

combines with metals, rust forms.

Distribution of Calamansi. It is widely cultivated in the Philippines and its species,

Citrus Microcarpa is native to the Philippines.

Calamansi. The calamansi is a small round citrus fruit found all around the Philippines.

The fruits are used when the color of the skin is still green which is the associated color for the


Calamansi. Calamansi is scientifically known as Citrofortunella Microcarpa and belongs

to the Rutaceae family. It is ana intergenetic hybrid between the genes of a citrus an Kumquat.

Calamansi is widely cultivated in different countries of the world such as the Philippines,

Malaysia, Indonesia and Southern China. The fruit is available the whole year and is mostly seen

in its unripe green state. It can grow up to 25-35 mm in diameter. The pulp of the fruit is orange

in color. Each fruit bears 8-12 seed each. It has a very high Vitamin C content. It has a very thin

orange peel when it ripens.

Kalamansi. Kalamansi is a small tree with many small leaves, white and fragrant flowers.

The green and circular fruit of this tree is commonly known and is popular as condiments, sauces

and drinks. It is widely cultivated and native in the Philippines.

Kalamansi. Kalamansi is similar to a lemon which is a natural skin bleaching agent so it

is also effective in the whitening of skin. Kalamansi is very rich in Vitamin C which is an

antioxidant. Kalamansi has different antibacterial properties so it can also be used as a deodorant

because it can kill the bacterids in our attempt that causes bad smell.
Carbonic Acid. “carbonic acid is essential to the rusting of iron, and that rusting does not

occur in its absence”

Research Literature

The following are studies that are related in the researcher’s study. The researcher based

his study on these studies.

Comparative Antimicrobial Activity/Citrus Peels. A study was conducted to compare the

antimicrobial properties of methanol extracts of five types of citrus peels, citrus aurantifoilia, c.

reticulata, c. microcarpa, c. limon, and c. sinensis against bacterial strains including

Streptococcus pyogenes, s. aureus, e. coli, and p. aeruginosa. At 20 mg/ml, three of the citrus

peels which are Citrus Microcarpa, C. reticulata and C. sinensis showed better inhibition than C.

aurantifolia and C. limon against S. aureus and E. coli. Citrus peel extracts are better to be

antifungal than antibacterial.

Potential Blood Sugar Lowering/Fruit Peels. Study showed calamansi peel extract has

potential for lowering blood sugar in Streptozotocin induced in diabetic albino rats.

Hepatoprotective. Kalamansi peel extract showed hepatoprotective activity against

Acetaminophen- induced liver disease in male SD rats, compared to commercially available

silymarin preparations.

Antimicrobial. A study was conducted to see the antibacterial activity of 9 tropical plants

against 12 clinical and infectious bacterial strains. The bacterial strains include Vibrio Cholera,
Escherichia coli, Vibrio parahemolytics, salmonella and streptococcus sp. Amongst all of the

plants that showed activity, calamansi was one of active.

Potential Hemostatic/Extracted Pectin/Peels. The study shows the production of

potential hemostatic agents from calamansi peels blended with polyethylene oxide. Results show

the polyethylene oxide blends have hemostatic properties.

Cococnut Oil and Calamansi Peeling as an Agent for Hair Oil. The study was done to

know if coconut oil and calamansi peelings are feasible as agent for hair oil. The proponents

conducted that the product differed to a commercially available one through fragrance.

Citrus Fruits as an Antibacterial Hand Sanitizer. The study was conducted to create a

cheap but at the same time, quality hand sanitizer. This is done to help people who cannot buy an

expensive hand sanitizer. The study was a success because of the presence of ethyl alcohol which

made it more disinfectant.

Hypoglycemic Effect of the Mixture of Garlic, Onion, Honey, and Calamansi. The

researchers conducted this study to help people who suffer from diabetes. The significance os to

know the effects of the mixture garlic, onion, honey and calamnsi on diabetes. The study proved

that the mixture was effective in regulating blood sugar level and it is as effective as Metformin

tablet, an anti-diabetic medicine.

A Study on the Effectiveness of Calamansi and Honey Extract as Natural Hair

Removing Wax. The proponents of the study wants to know if the calamansi and honey when

combined can be an alternative treatment for hair growth in the form of natural hair removing

wax. the proponents concluded that the combination of calamansi and honey are a good

alternative for hair treatment.

The Feasibility of Calamansi Extract as an Alternative Air Freshener. The study is

conducted to be able to produce a low-cost, attainable and alternative air freshener. The

proponent wants to know if calamansi extract can be a good air freshener and it is comparable to

a commercially available air freshener. The proponents concluded that calamansi extract as air

freshener is not comparable to a commercially available one.

Chapter III


Materials and Methods

The materials that are going to be used to conduct the study are calamansi peels, stove,

water, casserole and a glass container.

First, calamansi was gathered on trees planted on the backyard of the researcher. Then,

the fruit was peeled and the peels and the fruit were separated and casted aside. The fruit was put

into a glass so it can be drunk and used again. The peels were put into the casserole.

Then, 3L of hot water will be poured into the casserole. The casserole will then be put in

on the stove so it can be boiled. Then, using the stove, the water will be boiled with the peels.

After 45 minutes, the liquid that was boiled is put on another container. The product took only

about one hour to complete.

Treatments and General Procedures

A. Test for the pH level

The pH level will be tested using the pH meter. The product will be placed into the pH

meter to determine the pH level. The process will be repeated 5 times to increase the reliability

of data. Then, using the measures of central tendencies, the pH level will be known. It will then

be compared to the pH level of commercially available products.

B. Test for the Viscosity

The product will be poured in the top of a glass. The product will be allowed to flow for 1

second. The distance will be recorded once 1 second passes. The data will be tallied to know the

viscosity of the product. The procedure will be repeated 5 times to increase the reliability of data.

The mean will be computed. It will then be compared to commercially available products.

C. Test for the Colour

Respondents will be gathered and asked. There will be a total of 5 respondents. Each

respondent will be asked what is the colour of the product with the following as answers, 1- dark

green, 2- green, 3- white, 4- yellow. The data will be tallied to know the colour. It will then be

compared to the colour of commercially available products.

D. Test for the Cost

The cost will be known by adding up all the expenses throughout the experiment. Labour

cost will not be included because the experiment did not require professionals to conduct. The

sum of the expenses will be compared to the cost of commercially available products.

E. Test for the Shelf life

The product will be placed in a glass container and in a dry place. It will be observed

every passing day for a week. It will be observed whether any changes to the properties and
effectiveness will occur. The same method will be done to a commercially available product.

Then, both results will be compared.

F. Test for the Strength under Water

The strength under water can be determined by placing the metal applied with the product

under running water. The procedure should be done for 15-30 minutes. The metal should be

observed whether the coating will wear off easily. The strength under water will then be

compared to the strength under water of commercially available products.

Data Analysis

The researcher used T-test to analyze the data. There was a given formula to get the

averages of the experimental and the commercial product. After getting the averages, the

researcher compared the averages and deduced on the data. The results helped the researcher to

conclude if the product is effective.

Chapter IV

Results and Discussions

Results and Findings

Table 1.1

The pH Level of Calamansi Peel Coating

Trials pH Level
1 7.5
2 7
3 6.5
4 7.5
5 7
Mean 7.1

The table 1.1 shows the result of 5 tests regarding the pH Level of the Calamansi Peel as

Coating. The measure of acidity is 1-6 for acidic and 8-12 for basic. 2 of the tests show that the

product is neutral, the other 2 show that the product is basic and the remaining test shows that the

product is acidic. The computed mean is 7.1 which means that the product is basic.

Table 1.2

The Viscosity of the Calamansi Peel as Coating

Trials Distance
1 3 cm
2 4 cm
3 4.5 cm
4 4 cm
5 3 cm
Mean 3.7 cm

The table 1.2 shows the results of the 5 tests for viscosity. 2 of the tests show that the

distance travelled by the product in 1 second is 4 cm, the other 2 shows that the distance

travelled by the product is 3 cm, and the remaining test show that the distance travelled by the

product is 4.5 cm. the computed mean is 4.5 which means that the viscosity is 3.7 cm/s.

Table 1.3

The Color of the Calamansi peel as Coating

Respondents Ratings
A 5
B 5
C 5
D 5
E 5
Mean 5

1 2 3 4 5

The table 1.4 shows the observations of 5 respondents namely Respondent A, Respondent

B, Respondent C, Respondent D, and Respondent E. the given color scheme is 1 for Dark Green,
2 for Green, 3 for Yellow, 4 for Light Yellow, and 5 for White. 100% of the respondents picked

5. The computed mean is 5 which means that the product is White.

Table 1.4

The Cost of the Calamansi Peel as Coating

Ingredients Amount Price

Calamansi Peels 50 g 0
Grand Total 0

The table 1.4 shows the ingredients needed and their costs. The total cost for the product

is 0, since the calamansi peels can be gathered from calamansi fruits which are available all

throughout the year in the Philippines.

Table 1.5

The Shelf Life of Calamansi peels as Coating for Metals

Product Shelf Life

Calamansi Peel as Coating 7 days

The table 1.5 shows the shelf life of Calamansi Peel as Coating for Metals. As the table

shows, the product won’t last for more than a week.

Table 1.6

The Strength under Water of Calamansi Peel as Coating

Product Strength under Water

Calamansi Peel as Coating Weak
The table 1.6 shows the strength of the product under water. As the table shows, the

product is weak against water.

Table 2.1

The pH Level of Commercial Product

Trials pH Level
1 7.5
2 7.5
3 8
4 7.5
5 8
Mean 7.7

The table 2.1 shows the pH level of the commercial product. 3 of the tests show that the

pH Level of the commercial product is 7.5, 2 of the tests show that the pH Level of the product is

8. The computed mean is 7.7 which means that the commercial product is basic.

Table 2.2

The Viscosity of the Commercial Product

Trials Distance
1 2 cm
2 2.5 cm
3 3
4 2 cm
5 2 cm
Mean 2.3 cm
The table 2.2 shows the viscosity of the commercial product. 3 of the trials show that the

commercial product travelled 2 cm in 1 second, the other trial shows that the commercial product

travelled 3 cm while the remaining trial shows that the commercial product travelled 2.5 cm. the

computed mean is 2.3 which means that the viscosity is 2.3 cm/s.

Table 2.3

The Color of the Commercial Product

Respondents Ratings
A 5
B 5
C 5
D 5
E 5
Mean 5

1 2 3 4 5

The table 2.3 shows the color of the picked commercial

product. All 5 of the respondents namely Respondent A, Respondent B, Respondent C,

Respondent D and Respondent E, answered that the product is 5. The computed mean is 5 which

means that the color of the selected commercial product is white.

Table 2.4

The Cost of the Commercial Product

Product Cost
Commercial Product Php 700

The table 2.4 shows the cost of the commercial product. The cost of the commercial

product is Php 700.

Table 2.5

The Shelf Life of the Commercial Product

Product Shelf Life

Commercial Product 1 Year

The table 2.5 shows the shelf life of the commercial product. As the table shows, the

shelf life of the commercial product is 1 year.

Table 2.6

The Strength Under Water of Commercial Product

Product Strength under Water

Commercial Product Strong

The table 2.6 shows the strength under water of the commercial product. As the table

shows, the commercial product is strong against water.

Analysis of Data

Table 3.1

The pH Level of Calamansi Peel as Protective Coating for Metal

Trials pH Level x 1−x́ ¿¿

1 5 0 0
2 5 0 0
3 5 0 0
4 5 0 0
5 5 0 0
Mean 5
SD 0

Table 3.2

The pH Level of the Commercial Product

Trials pH Level x 1−x́ ¿¿

1 7.5 -0.2 0.04
2 7.5 -0.2 0.04
3 8 0.5 0.25
4 7.5 -0.2 0.04
5 8 0.5 0.25
Mean 7.7
SD 0.39

The commercial product was hypothesized to be more basic than the new product. The

hypothesis was tested using T-test at 5% level of significance and the critical value is 2.015. The

computed T-test value is 15.25. Thus, the alternative hypothesis is accepted.

Table 4.1

The Viscosity of the Calamansi Peel as Coating

Trials Distance x 1−x́ ¿¿

1 3 -0.7 0.49
2 4 0.3 0.09
3 4.5 0.8 0.64
4 4 0.3 0.09
5 3 -0.7 0.49
Mean 3.7
SD 0.67

Table 4.2

The Viscosity of Commercial Product

Trials Distance x 1−x́ ¿¿

1 2 cm -0.3 0.09
2 2.5 cm 0.2 0.04
3 3 cm 0.7 0.49
4 2 cm -0.3 0.09
5 2 cm -0.3 0.09
Mean 2.3
SD 0.45

The new product was hypothesized to be more viscous than the commercial product. The

hypothesis was tested using T-test at 5% level of significance and the critical value is 2.015. The

computed value is 3.88 which leads to the acceptance of the alternative hypothesis.

Table 5.1

The Color of the Calamansi Peel as Coating

Respondents Ratings x 1−x́ ¿¿

A 5 0 0
B 5 0 0
C 5 0 0
D 5 0 0
E 5 0 0
Mean 5
SD 0

Table 5.2

The Color of the Commercial Product

Respondents Ratings x 1−x́ ¿¿
A 5 0 0
B 5 0 0
C 5 0 0
D 5 0 0
E 5 0 0
Mean 5 0 0
SD 0

The new product is hypothesized to have a greenish color. The difference cannot be

computed by T-test. As seen from the tables, they have the same value. Thus, the alternative

hypothesis is rejected.

Table 6.1

The Shelf life of the Calamansi Peel as Coating

Product Shelf Life

Calamansi Peel as Coating 7 days

Table 6.2

The Shelf life of the Commercial Product

Product Shelf Life

Commercial Product 1 year

The difference cannot be computed by T-test. As seen from the two tables, the

commercial product lasts longer than the new product. Thus, the alternative hypothesis is


Table 7.1
The Cost of Calamansi Peel as Coating

Product Cost
Calamansi Peel as Coating 0

Table 7.2

The Cost of the Commercial Product

Product Cost
Commercial Product Php 700

The difference cannot be computed by T-test. As seen from the tables, the new product is

cheaper than the commercial product. Thus, the alternative hypothesis is accepted.

Table 8.1

The Strength Under Water of Calamansi Peel as Coating

Product Strength Under Water

Calamansi Peel as Coating Weak

Table 8.2

The Strength Under Water of Commercial Product

Product Strength Under Water

Commercial Product Strong

The difference cannot be computed using the T-test. As the tables show, the commercial

product is stronger than the new product under water. Thus, the alternative hypothesis is

therefore accepted.
Chapter V


The researcher surveyed 5 respondents in order to make a statistical table. After making

the statistical table of the Calamansi Peel as Coating and the commercial product, the researcher

compared the results, then reached a conclusion.

Based on the statistical analysis, it can be concluded that there is a significant difference

in which one is greater than the other between the Calamansi Peel as Coating and that of

commercial product in terms of it its significant properties: pH Level, viscosity, color, shelf life,

cost,and strength under water.

First, the pH level. The Calamansi Peel as Coating is basic, the same with the commercial

product. There is a slight difference. The difference was caused by the ingredients used. The

calamansi peels are obtained from the calamansi fruit which are acidic.

Second, the viscosity. The viscosity of Calamansi Peel as Coating is 3.7 cm/s while the

viscosity of the commercial product is 2.3 cm/s. there is a difference between the two quantities

because of the ingredients and process of manufacturing. The Calamansi Peel as Coating is

composed mostly of water, while the commercial product is composed of many chemicals.

Moreover, the commercial product underwent many chemical processes while the new product

did not.

Third, for the color property. Based on survey, the Calamansi Peel as Coating is white,

and the same for the commercial product. The new product is the same with the color of the

selected commercial product.

Fourth, the shelf life property. Based on observations, the Calamansi Peel as Coating lasts

for 7 days and the commercial product lasts for 1 year. There is huge difference because the

commercial product underwent many chemical processes.

Fifth, the cost of the prosucts. The Calamansi Peel as Coating is free while the

Commercial product costs Php 700. The huge difference is caused by the ingredients for the

materials and the processes that were done. The ingredients for the Calamansi peel as Coating

were free and available whole throughout the year while the ingredients of the commercial

product are not.

Lastly, the strength under water of the products. The Calamansi Peel as Coating is weak

under water while it is the opposite for the commercial product. The difference is affected by

some factors like the ingredients used for the product.

All in all, the commercial product is better than the new product because the new product

is weak against water which is a major factor or catalyst for rusting or corrosion. On the other

hand, they are both effective because they both possess significant properties: ph Level,

viscosity, color, cost, shelf life, and strength under water.

Chapter VI


Regarding the study, The Calamansi Peels as Protective Coverinig for Metals, the

researcher suggests that some parts and details of the study be improved.

For some methods, the researcher suggests to boil the leaves for about an hour to ensure

its effectiveness and reliability. Moreover, the researcher suggests the future researchers to use

more amount of calamansi peels for a much better product. The calamansi peels must be

carefully removed with precision and it should not have any part of the fruit left to ensure

effectiveness. The product should also be made carefully so any ingredient would not be wasted.

With these recommendations, make sure or try to follow every method to ensure a good

quality product. It will make way for more successful researches or studies related or concerning

this study.


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