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Organization and Management

Week 3


In this module, you are expected to know the following concepts:

1. Analyze various forces/elements influencing local and international business
environment using PEST and SWOT Analysis

Brief Introduction

Environmental Forces and Environmental Scanning

The environment in which a business operates is a major consideration in determining

an organization’s design structure. Considerations such as uncertainty, procurement, and
competition are linked with the external environment. A company’s strategy and approach to
operations must also be aligned with the limitations of its external environment.

Lesson 4: Business Environment

A. Internal Environment - The factors in internal environment of business are to a certain

extent controllable because the firm can change or modify these factors to improve its
efficiency. However, the firm may not be able to change all the factors (Resources – financial,
physical, mechanical, technological, and human resources).

means the ethical beliefs that guide the organization in achieving its
mission and objectives. It is a widely acknowledged fact that the
Value System
extent to which the value system is shared by all in the organization
is an important factor contributing to its success.
The business domain of the company, direction of development,
business philosophy, business policy etc. are guided by the mission
Mission & and objectives of the company. The objective of all firms is assumed
Objective to be maximization of profit. Mission is defined as the overall purpose
or reason for its existence which guides and influences its business
decision and economic activities.
the composition of the board of directors, the professionalism of
management etc. are important factors influencing business
Organization decisions. The nature of the organizational structure has a significant
Structure influence over the decision-making process in an organization. An
efficient working of a business organization requires that the
organization structure should be conducive for quick decision-making
an important factor for determining the internal environment of any
company. In a closed and threatening type of corporate culture the
business decisions are taken by top level managers while the middle level
Corporate Culture
and lower level managers have no say in business decision-making. This
leads to lack of trust and confidence among subordinate officials of the
company and secrecy pervades throughout the organization

Quality of employees that is of human resources of a firm is an important

factor of internal environment of a firm. The characteristics of the human
Quality Of Human
resources like skill, quality, capability, attitude and commitment of its
employees etc. could contribute to the strength and weaknesses of an
Collectively bargains with the managers for better wages and better
working conditions of the different categories of workers. For the
Labor Unions
smooth working of a business firm good relations between
management and labor unions is required.
such as, plant and equipment and technological capabilities of a firm
Physical Resources determine its competitive strength which is an important factor for
& Technological determining its efficiency and unit cost of production. Research and
Capabilities development capabilities of a company determine its ability to
introduce innovations which enhances productivity of workers.

B. External environment - consists of those factors that affect a business enterprise

from outside. It includes shareholders, competitors, customers, society, government laws
and regulations, policies and technology (Stakeholders, Customers, Suppliers, Pressure
groups, Organization’s investors or owners and Employees).

Micro-environment Macro-environment
includes those players whose decisions and the condition that exist in the economy as a
actions have a direct impact on the company. whole, rather than in a particular sector or
Production and selling of commodities are region. In general, the macro environment
the two important aspects of modern includes trends in the gross domestic
business. Accordingly, the micro- product (GDP, inflation, employment,
environment of business can be divided. spending, and monetary and fiscal policy.
Economic Environment: includes all those
Suppliers Of Inputs: An important factor in
forces which have an economic impact on
the external micro-environment of a firm is
business. Accordingly, total economic
the supplier of its inputs such as raw
environment consists of agriculture,
materials and components. Normally, most
industrial production, infrastructure, and
firms do not depend on a single supplier of
planning, basic economic philosophy, stages
inputs. To reduce risk and uncertainty
of economic development, trade cycles,
business firms prefer to keep multiple
national income, per capita income, savings,
suppliers of inputs.
money supply, price level and population.
Customers: The people who buy and use a
firm’s product and services are an important
part of external micro-environment. Since Political-legal Environment: Business
sales of a product or service is critical for a firms are closely related to the government.
firm's survival and growth, it is necessary to includes the activities of three political
keep the customers satisfied. A concern for institutions, namely, legislature, executive
customers’ satisfaction is essential for the and judiciary which usually play a useful role
success of a business firms. Besides, a in shaping, directing, developing and
business firm has to compete with rival firms controlling business activities.
to attract customers and thereby increase the
demand and market for its product.

Marketing Intermediaries: In the firm's

Technological Environment: exercising
external micro-environment, marketing
considerable influence on business.
intermediaries play an essential role of selling
Technology implies systematic application of
and distributing its products to the
scientific or other organized knowledge to
Competitors: Different firms in an industry
practical tasks or activities. Business makes
compete for sale of their products. Marketing
it possible for technology to reach the people
provides an important link between a
in proper format.
business firm and its ultimate customers.
Competitors: Different firms in an industry Global or International Environment:
compete for sale of their products. This plays an important role in shaping business
competition may be based on pricing of their activity. With the liberalization and
products and non- price competition through globalization of the economy, business
competitive advertising such as sponsoring environment of an economy has become
some events to promote the sale of different totally different wherein it has to bear all
varieties and models of their products. shocks and benefits arising out of global
Because of liberalization and globalization of environment.
the Indian economy since the adoption of
economic reforms there has been a
significant increase in the competitive Demographic Environment: includes the
environment of business firms. Now, Indian size and growth of population, life expectancy
firms must compete not only with each other of the people, rural-urban distribution of
but also with foreign firms whose products population, the technological skills and
can be imported. In America, American firms educational levels of labor force. All these
faced a lot of competition from the Japanese demographic features have an important
firms producing electronic goods and bearing on the functioning of business firms.
Natural Environment: Natural environment
influences business in diverse ways.
Business in modern times is dictated by
nature. The natural environment is the
ultimate source of many inputs such as raw
materials and energy, which firms use in
Publics: Finally, publics are an important
their productive activity. The natural
force in external microenvironment.
environment which includes geographical
Environmentalists, media groups, women’s
and ecological factors such as minerals and
associations, consumer protection groups,
oil reserves, water and forest resources,
local groups, Citizens Association are some
weather and climatic conditions are all highly
important examples of publics which have an
significant for various business activities.
important bearing on the business decisions
Ecological Environment: Due to the efforts
of the firm. The existence of various types of
of environmentalists and international
publics influences the working of business
organizations such as the World Bank the
firms and compels them to be socially
people have now become conscious of the
adverse effects of depletion of exhaustible
natural resources and pollution of
environment by business activity.
Accordingly, laws have been passed for
conservation of natural resources and
prevention of environment pollution. These

laws have imposed additional responsibilities

and costs for business firms.


1. External business environment refers to the factors/elements outside the organization

which may affect, either positively or negatively, the performance of the organization.

2. Internal business environment refers to the factors/elements within the organization which
may affect, either positively or negatively, the performance of the organization

3. The various components of business environment are External environment consists of

those factors that affect a business enterprise from outside. External environment includes
shareholders, competitors, customers, society, government laws and regulations, policies and

4. Micro-environment includes those players whose decisions and actions have a direct impact
on the company. Production and selling of commodities are the two important aspects of
modern business. Accordingly, the micro-environment of business can be divided.

5. Macro-environment is the condition that exist in the economy as a whole, rather than in a
particular sector or region. In general, the macro environment includes trends in the gross
domestic product (GDP, inflation, employment, spending, and monetary and fiscal policy.


Lesson 5: PEST/PESTEL Analysis

PEST Analysis
 Helps you understand the ‘big picture’ of the forces of change that you are
 Helps spot the business or personal opportunities and gives you advanced
warning of significant threats
 Reveals the direction of change within your business environment; work
with change rather than against it.
 Avoid starting projects that are likely to fail
 Objective view of the environment

Variation of PEST Analysis

PESTEL /PESTLE –Legal & Environmental Forces
PESTLIED – International and Demographic Forces
STEEPLE – Ethical Forces
LONG PESTEL – Local, National and Global Forces

Political Forces Economic Forces

*Trade Regulations *Taxation *Interest Rates *Inflation Rate
*Government Stability *Fiscal Policy *Monetary Policy
*Unemployment Worker’s *Income Exchange Rate
*Benefits *Election Practices *Employment
*Consumer Confidence
Election 2019 Personal Income Tax,
ASEAN Integration Corporate Tax,

Corruption & Money Laundering Extended Value Added Tax

Socio-Cultural Forces Technological
*Values * Traditions *Social Media
*Literacy Level *E-commerce
*Consumer Psychology *Technological Infrastructure &
*Lifestyle Patterns *Education Innovation
* Customs * Religion * Language *Machineries & Robotics
Shift to Metrosexuality, Cyber Security
Vanity & Materialism E-Government Portals
Filipino Diaspora Internet Connectivity
Colonial Mentality Technological Readiness
Leisure Relaxation and Fun

Lesson 5: SWOT Analysis

 Framework used to evaluate a company's competitive position

 Helps you distinguish yourself from your competitors
 Can be applied to an entire company or organization, or individual projects within a
single department.
 Used at the organizational level to determine how closely a business is aligned with its
growth trajectories and success benchmarks, but they can also be used to ascertain
how well a particular project is performing according to initial projections

Internal Environment External Environment

*things you do better Interesting Trends that you can adopt
*Advantages that your organization Local Events that you can take
have advantage of
*unique or lowest-cost resources Consumer Behaviors
*Process to improve *Obstacles that you may encounter
*Activities to avoid *Competitor’s Activities
*Factors that lose the sales *Quality Standards within the
*Cash Flow

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