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1. What is the current situation of E-commerce in Bangladesh?

E-commerce is one of Bangladesh's fastest growing industries in the country. It has shown
signs of exponential growth from 20016 where it was a 4 billion BDT industry to 2017 where
reached 17 billion dollars. This shows that in just one year the industry grew by 70%. Future
projections have shown that this amount could rise to 70 billion BDT by 2021 [ CITATION Bra
\l 1033 ].

This was achieved through Bangladesh's tremendous efforts to boost internet penetration. The
nation focused on developing the online infrastructure and making internet easier and cheaper
to the general public. As such, more and more people had access to the internet. This helped
the country nourish the industry as entrepreneurs saw a growing and potentially lucrative
market [ CITATION Tho18 \l 1033 ].

This gave birth to a plethora of online services like Pathao, Daraz and that have
now taken a major part in the national economy. E-commerce websites are emerging fast and
competing heavily with each other. As such, the current situation is very promising.

2. Go through a website based in Bangladesh. Discuss the services and products it

is offering.

One such website based in Bangladesh is Founded in 2013, it grew in

popularity as an extremely convenient tool for online grocery shopping in Bangladesh. They
mainly deal in online shopping for fruits, vegetables, meat, dairy and other grocery products.
Aside from that, they also sell cosmetic products such as fair and lovely, Lever Ayush,
Lifebuoy and so on.

They are well regarded for the easy to use interface, fast and fresh delivery due to their
strategically placed warehousing network, and a wide variety of options presented to the

3. Based on the website you choose, suggest any dimension that could be added or
While has a great range of services, there are still some sectors it could improve

 Its interface could be improved greatly. It is, at its core, incredibly easy to use, but it
lacks a modern approach to its implementation. It sticks to a basic design and has not
yet improved upon it. While it is easy to navigate, the website hardly does anything to
encourage more navigation.
For example, Daraz has implemented its mascot within the app. The mascot drops by
and asks you to interact with the website and your searches to receive offers and other
benefits. Chaldal could do something similar to make browsing their website more
fun and immersive.
 Chaldal's services covers a wide portion of Dhaka, but not all of it. They need to take
steps to expand their field of operations if they want a better hold of the market
against future competitors. They can achieve this by placing more mini-warehouses
across Dhaka, but that is also very costly. They also run the risk of experiencing
limitations due to stocking perishable goods. That is why, they should implement a
kind of E-retail system like Walmart.
This can be achieved if they were to monitor the kind of products sold different
regions. They will also need to keep track of the volume of sales to properly calculate
just how much stock of each product is needed at any given time in which region.
Once they implement this system properly, they will be able to keep a larger number
of warehouses throughout Dhaka without incurring much costs in transportation or
worrying about over or understocking on different goods.
 could also attain a fast and automatic ordering system. This can be
possible if they implement an audio system like Alexa does with Amazon. Someone
could easily use the app to order whatever groceries they want with ease. Moreover,
they could use this to schedule when to place an order to get a regular stream of
groceries to your doorstep with complete ease.

4. What are the latest technologies that you suggest to implement in Bangladesh e-
commerce scenario?
While Bangladesh has taken a lot of massive steps in catching up to the world in terms of E-
commerce technology, they still lack in some areas. Here are some new tech they can
implement to take the industry to new heights.

 Artificial Intelligence

Yes, websites like Daraz and Pickaboo uses big data to keep track of the kind of products
you are interested in to recommend you later. However, this only works at a surface level.
They merely show you the products that the consumer browsed previously. Aside from
that, their recommendation system is highly inaccurate; causing them to lose consumer

This can be countered by implementing a smarter self-learning artificial intelligence

system that can keep better track of each individual consumer and recommend them with
the most accuracy. Websites like Amazon, YouTube and Facebook use this technology
with great effect as a tool to both increase customer conversion and also keep the website

 Augmented Reality

As of now, Augmented Reality is an incredibly underutilized technology in the entire

industry. Company’s like Niantic have used this to amass immense profit, but others have
not utilized this technology yet as well, Bangladesh included. AR allows consumers be
more engaged with the product. They feel more involved and feel like they are a part of
something bigger. Although it has not been implemented as much as it could, companies
that have has experienced massive spikes in consumer satisfaction and conversion. The
use could be as simple as an app pointing at the products you want to buy that shows its
price and other relevant information on the screen in real-time, to a game that involves the
consumers [ CITATION Rah18 \l 1033 ].

 Blockchain

The use of Blockchain has the power to enhance any business to great lengths.
Blockchain is a distributed ledger that combines stored transactional data into blocks and
links it to previous data into a chain. This lets Blockchain be completely secure and
unalterable. It lets you keep 100% accurate track of the flow of money. This allows you to
make and receive payments with secure cryptocurrencies and keep track of all
transactions. Supply chain management becomes easier as well due the security offered
nullifies the need for bureaucratic paperwork that comes with supply chain. All in all, it
will make the industry hyper-efficient and enable Bangladeshi e-commerce brands to
conduct faster and more efficient transactions [ CITATION Bra19 \l 1033 ].

Works Cited

Bidlack, B. (2019, 5 14). 3 Immediate Blockchain Uses for Ecommerce Companies.

Retrieved from PracticalEcommerce:

Brain Station 23. (2018). E-Commerce Scenario in Bangladesh From 2006 to 2018.
Retrieved from

Karim, T., & Qi, X. (2018, 10 29). E-commerce Development in Bangladesh. International
Business Research, 11(11), 201-211.

Sharma, R. (2018, 6 12). Real Deals: How Augmented Reality is Revolutionizing E-

commerce. Retrieved from TechGenix :

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