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JPII 8 (1) (2019) 75-80

Jurnal Pendidikan IPA Indonesia



M. Fadiana*1, S. M. Amin2, A. Lukito3, A. Wardhono4, S. Aishah5

Department of Mathematic Education, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education,

Universitas PGRI Ronggolawe Tuban

Department of Mathematic, Faculty of Math and Science, Universitas Negeri Surabaya
Department of Defence Science, Faculty of Defence Science and Technology,
National Defence University of Malaysia

DOI: 10.15294/jpii.v0i0.11644

Accepted: October 2nd, 2018. Approved: March 25th, 2018. Published: March 28th, 2019


The objective of this research was to quantify the logical thinking capacity of seventh grade students in Tuban,
East Java, Indonesia. This research was conducting using the quantitative descriptive method and 119 students
in the seventh grade of secondary school in Tuban during the Academic Year 2016/2017. The data was collected
by using Logical Thinking Test (LTT) which comprises of six different kind of reasonings; namely conservational
reasoning, proportional reasoning, controlling variables, combinatorial reasoning, probabilistic reasoning, and
correlational reasoning (source). Based on LTT, scores are categorized into three levels; concrete operational lev-
els, transitional levels, and formal operational levels (source). The results of the research display that (88.21%) of
the seventh grade are classified at the concrete operational level, (10.08%) at the transitional level, and (1.68%) at
the formal operational level. After conducting this research, teachers are now able to design teaching tactics and
have a better understanding of secondary school student’s cognitive development and behavior.

© 2019 Science Education Study Program FMIPA UNNES Semarang

Keywords: logical thinking, concrete operational, formal operational

INTRODUCTION principles or rules by making confidentgenerali-

zations or ideas (Yaman, 2005; Fero et al., 2009;
Logistical thinking is a though process Şengül & Üner, 2010). Logical thinking is one
using logic, rationality and reason (source). Lo- of the ways used in acquiring advanced mental
gic is defined as the discipline that examines the activities (source). This ability is an application
assembly of information and differentiates it bet- level activity that depends on the knowledge and
ween right and wrong reasoning (source). Logic understanding levels of the objective’s cognitive
can also be identified as the tool of correct thin- stage (source). Also, Logical thinking is used in
king, the key to the processes of mental reserva- evaluating ideas, experiences, and information.
tion and complex problem-solving (source). This Our logic produces results relate to the topic we
means it have the capability to solve problems by are interested in, and then it converts these to me-
using mental operations or one’s ability to range mory.
Piaget, a Swiss psychologist who is known
*Correspondence Address for this work on child’s development, defines lo-
76 M. Fadiana, S. M. Amin, A. Lukito, S. Aishah, A. Wardhono / JPII 8 (1) (2019) 75-80

gical thinking as an ability that is observed in the important factors in determining the qualifica-
concrete and abstract operations stage (source). tions of students in learning programs (Othman
When students are in the concrete operations sta- et al., 2010). Program development specialist
ge, they can use logical thinking abilities in sol- have an important role to play by making special
ving concrete problems (source). In the abstract efforts to have a better understanding of the world
operations stage, students obtain the level of for children and offer academic experience based
adults in terms of rational thinking. According on the children’s curiosity and demand (Simatwa,
to Demirel & Coşkun (2010) and Lee & Bednarz 2010). Assessment of the logical thinking capa-
(2012)’s study, logical thinking includes effec- bility can also be used as a basis for measuring
tive use of numbers, finding scientific solutions the mastery of science materials (Fah, 2009). The
to problems, differentiating among concepts, mastery of science materials can be predicted
classification, generalizing, calculations, and based on logical thinking ability. This opinion is
providing hypotheses. Roadrangka states three in line with the results of Oliva’s research (2003),
developmental stages by utilizing the logical thin- students with high logical thinking ability can
king levels including concrete, transitional, and change their alternative conceptions more easily.
formal (Roadrangka, 1995). It can also be refer- Moreover, logical reasoning of learners makes a
red to as providing us with information about an thinking style impact on the ability to solve Phy-
individual’s cognitive development level (source). sics problems (Bancong, 2013; Etzler & Madden,
The important question to ask is “Why 2014; Rakhmawan & Vitasari, 2016).
is logical thinking important in science lear- However, the researcher often encounterst-
ning?” After several research studies, data shows hat teachers rarely measure students’ logical thin-
that there is a significant relationship between king skills before designing learning strategies to
abstract thinking and scientific process skills and be undertaken. Therefore, the ability of logical
success in chemistry (Oloyede, 2012). Students thinking level of seventh grade students is exa-
using abstract thinking tend to be more success- mined. This study is very important in relations
ful compared to those who do not because low- to defining logical thinking levels of students.
level reasoning will bring low-level performance This is useful for education experts and program
(Oloyede, 2012; Piaget & Inhelder 2013). Scien- development specialists because it affects various
ce requires the skills of collecting and analyzing characteristics such as; the acquisition of scien-
data to solve problems, to formulate hypotheses, tific concepts, three-dimensional thinking, and
to control variables and to define them operatio- scientific process skills (source). The researcher
nally (source). Such processes require a high level motivation for the study was to inspire and assist
of logical thinking ability. Proportional reasoning teachers in design learning strategies in the clas-
is important in the quantitative aspect of che- sroom. The researcher aims to answer the follo-
mistry, specially to understand the origin and use wing research question: What is the fundamental
of many useful relationships in chemistry, such difference found between the formal operational
as the development and interpretation of tabula- students, transitional students, and concrete ope-
tion and graph data (Ruiz & Lupiáñez, 2009). rational students?
In addition, correlational reasoning plays an
important role in the formulation of hypotheses METHODS
and data interpretations that needed to consider
relationships between variables. The controlling This study uses the quantitative approach
variable has an important role in planning, imple- with non-experimental research designs in the
mentation, and interpretation (source). form of surveys (Creswell, 2009). This survey
Before designing the learning process in method is used to obtain data in certain places
the classroom, the teacher should know the level where the datataken consists of natural data wit-
of the students’ logical thinking abilities (Gómez, hout treatment as well as experiments (Sugiyo-
2007). It is necessary for teachers to be able to no, 2008).The sample that was used in this study
design a learning strategy in accordance with the was of 119 students (61 male and 58 female stu-
level of logical thinking ability of their students. dents) from a private junior high school in Tuban,
As Othman et al. (2010) stated, many people fail East Java, Indonesia during the academic year
to realize that logical thinking is among the most 2016/2017.
M. Fadiana, S. M. Amin, A. Lukito, S. Aishah, A. Wardhono / JPII 8 (1) (2019) 75-80

The instrument that was used in this rese- vels if they score 8-12. Based on the LTT that has
arch is Logical Thinking Test (LTT) which was been completed by the students, the writers ob-
revised from the Group Assessment of Logical tain data, as shown in Table 1
Thinking (GALT). GALT was created to measu-
Table 1. Logical Thinking Ability Levels of
re six different kind of reasonings; namely con-
Seventh Grade Student at a Private Junior High
servational reasoning, proportional reasoning,
School In Tuban, East Java, Indonesia
controlling variables, combinatorial reasoning,
probabilistic reasoning, and correlational rea- Level of Logical Number of Percentage
soning (Roadrangka et al., 1983). The test was Thinking Student
formed to uses multiple answers while an ima- Formal 2 1.68 %
ge is inserted for each item to help visualize the Operational
problem (source). In order to acquire a valid and
reliable research instrument, the researcher tested Transitional 12 10.08 %
cogency and consistency of LTT. LTT has been Concrete 105 88.24 %
validated by experts who are English Linguists, Operational
psychologists, science teachers, ad mathematics
teachers. Efforts were made to confirm the con- Based on Table 1, (1.68%) of the seventh
tent face validity of the adapted and translated students were at theformal operational level,
version of the instrument. When the results were (10.08%) were at the transitional level and the
translated into Indonesian (the national language remaining (88.21%) were at theconcrete operatio-
called Bahasa Indonesia) so that the respondents nal level. The results of this study are consistent
could then understand the items and choose the
with the results of research from previous resear-
best results. LTT also administered a reliabili-
chers. Bitner (1991) found thatseventh Grade stu-
ty test. The coefficient of reliability (KR-20) of
the LTT is 0.83. Thus, the selection of question dents (n = 156), (5%) were at formal operational
originating from a valid and reliable instrument levels, 33% were at transitional levels, and 62%
resulted in the measurement of students’ logical were at concrete operational levels. On the other
thinking ability to be valid and reliable. hand, Promo and Fahey (1982) reported the re-
The research sample was given LTT to be sults of their research, indicatingthat (3.5%) of
completed in 50 minutes. Students answer LTT seventhgrade students are at the formal operatio-
on the answer sheet provided. Each type of ope- nal levels. Similar results were also distint in the
rations is represented by each of the two questi- literature (Biber et al., 2013; Bulut et al., 2009;
ons, in which five types of reasonings in the form Şenlik, Balkan,& Aycan, 2011).
of multiple choices are accompanied by reasons. Based on the measurement of students’ lo-
As for the type of combinatorial reasoning, par- gical thinking ability classified according to the
ticipants must explain each possible answer. The
gender division of male and female, the results
answer for the item of LTT number 1-10 is cor-
are presented as shown in Figure 1.
rect if both the answer and reason are correct.
For items number 11 and 12 (combinatorial rea-
soning), the students are required to write down
the answers. The answer in the minimum score is
0. Next, the score is classified as follows; scores
0-4 are ground in concrete operational levels, 5-7
scores are grouped in transitional levels, and 8-12
are formal operational levels.


After the students have completed the LTT,

the answer sheets are scored according to the sco- Figure 1. Logical Thinking Ability When Viewed
ring guidelines. Furthermore, the scores are deri- Based on the Gender of Male and Female of
ved from the three levels. If students attain a sco- Seventh Grade Student at a Private Junior High
re of 0-4, then they are grouped into the category School in Tuban, East Java, Indonesia
of concrete operational levels. If students score
Based on Figure 1, the number of students
5-7, they are grouped into transitional levels, and
who are at the formal operational levelsconsist 2
students are grouped into formal operational le-
78 M. Fadiana, S. M. Amin, A. Lukito, S. Aishah, A. Wardhono / JPII 8 (1) (2019) 75-80

male students only. While at the transitional level gender variable that there was no major difference
there are 9 male and 3 female students. At the (Kincal et al., 2010). However, when it came to
oncrete operational levels there are 50 male stu- the variables of the different type of school such
dents and 55 female students. Based on the results as; academic success, socio-economic backg-
of this study, the proportion of logical thinking round and socio-cultural background that there
ability between male and female students is simi- was a major different between the scores (Kincal
lar. Researchers Yaman, Fah, Kincal and Tuna et al., 2010). After all this research and data, it is
indicated that based on the gender variable, that safe to conclude that the gender variable provides
was no major change in the mean for this variab- a feeble and unreliable measure for any decision
le (Yaman, 2005; Fah, 2009; Kıncal et al., 2010; of logical thinking.
Tuna et al., 2013). As an example, Fah (2009) in However, when viewed per item matter,
his research to investigate the logical thinking abi- male students are superior to female students
lity of Sabah Malaysian students whose popula- when it comes tocorrelational reasoning and
tion is 16 years old, (97.2%) of male respondents probabilistic reasoning. By contrast, female stu-
and (98.7%) of female respondents are classified dents are superior to male students in this type of
as the transitional operational stage. This is con- combinatorial reasoning.The results of the LTT
sistent with the results of researcher Kincal, who analysis by the research subjects for each type of
declared that logical thinking when it came to reasoning are presented in Table 2.
Table 2. Logical Thinking Ability of Seventh Grade Students at a Private Junior High School In
Tuban, East Java, Indonesia for Each Type of Reasoning
Number of
Operation Type of Item Percentage
Theme Students with
No. Operation No.
Correct Answers
1 Conservation 1 Piece of Clay 38 31,9 %
2 Metal Weights 21 17, 6 %
2 Correlational 3 Glass Size 15 12, 6 %
Reasoning 4 Scale 22 18, 5 %
3 Proportional 5 Pendulum Length 20 16, 8 %
Reasoning 6 Ball 25 21 %
4 Control Variable 7 Squares and 13 10, 9 %
Diamonds #1
8 Squares and 20 16, 8 %
Diamonds #2
5 Probabilistic 9 The Mice 8 6,7 %
Reasoning 10 The Fish 6 5%
6 Combinatorial 11 The Dance 86 7, 2 %
Reasoning 12 The Shopping Center 45 37,8 %

Based on Table 2, the result indicates that There is a fundamental difference found
combinatorial reasoning attains the highest ave- in the results of the study between theformal and
rage score, while reasoning reason has the lowest operational level of the students and the level of
average score. Fah showed similar results, namely non-formal operations. In the case of proportio-
that the lowest are probability reasoning scores, nal reasoning, concrete and transitional level ope-
but the highest scores can be found in the cate- rational students tend to use intuitive and additive
gory of combinatorial reasoning (Fah, 2009). reasoning rather than using rational reasoning in
Yenilmez et al., (2005) and Sezen & Bülbül, solving problems. In the problem of controlling
(2011) scored highest in the reasoning of variable variables, students in the categories oftheconcrete
control, while the lowest was found in correlatio- operational levels and transitional levels do not
nal reasoning (Yenilmez, 2005).This difference show an understanding of the relationship bet-
shows that the development of logical thinking ween manipulation and control. In solving pro-
ability of each student isdifferent, and obviously babilisticproblems, students at the concrete ope-
influenced by the environment that shaped it. rational level and transitional level focus only on
M. Fadiana, S. M. Amin, A. Lukito, S. Aishah, A. Wardhono / JPII 8 (1) (2019) 75-80

one or two dimensions of the problem (i.e., geo- gical thinking among male and female students
metric rhombic shape and number of diamonds). is similar. However, there is a difference between
They are unable to observe the characteristics formal operational students and non-operational
of the object and understand the relationship formal students (transitional students and concre-
between these characteristics on the problem of te operational students) when it comes to relative
correlational reasoning. Students who are at the thinking, control factors, probabilistic thinking,
non-formal operational level (concrete and tran- correlational thinking, and combinatorial thin-
sitional operational level) have not been able to king.
show the pattern and cannot solve all combina- It is important to recognize that since ma-
tions in the problem of combinatorial logic. jority of the students that participated in this rese-
Roadrangka stated there is a correlation arch are in the concrete operational period, there
between formal operational reasoning capabilities may have been influence from cultural variables,
and the student’s achievement in biology, physics, educational framework, and reading behaviors.
and chemistry (Roadrangka, 1995). At the for- Also, keeping in mind the grade level impact of
mal operational stage, students scored higher in coherent reasoning which could be from instruc-
science, material science and science tests which tions and instructive dimension are in this man-
was different for those who were a definite ope- ner likewise vital in intelligent reasoning.
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