Ibanez SarahJane Act3

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Sarah Jane D.

Ibanez 12/16/2021

Sarah Jane D. Ibanez 12/16/2021


Being imaginative in creating different outputs will always give you a lot of
advantages. Based on my experiences,when you are sharing ideas with others
and trying to collect ideas that were given by others,a change and improvement
of your perspectives will be attained. Based on my observations, I can say that I
belong to Creative/Diverger Learners. I am a type of person who always wants
to have a unique output in a creative way. I always try to consider other’s point
of view in order to broaden my perspective in doing certain activities. It opens
my mind in creating new ideas, processes information, and builds the greatest
accomplishment I can. As long as I can, I make every plan and take the best
decisions in order to attain the satisfaction I want because usually it bothers
me when I am not satisfied with the output I’ve accomplished. I am not a perfect
person, but I always want to make the best way I could have in a most artistic


As a learner, when it comes to environmental stimuli, I prefer to study in a

relaxing environment while playing chill music. I’m not into noisy surroundings
because I cannot focus on what I am doing. In order for me to not fall asleep easily,
I usually play music while studying because it makes my mind to remain active. I
am not into dark environment when it comes to studying because I can easily fall
asleep, so I usually study with lights on. I hate very cold seasons because I cannot
focus properly on what I am studying. I have allergic rhinitis and it always irritates
my nose when I am in a cold environment. In addition, when it comes to sitting
style, my chair is usually lower than my table because it feels uncomfortable for
me when I am higher than my table.

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