ENG 301 Course Syllabus Semester 2 2021

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ENG301 - Academic Writing

2020/2021 - Semester 2
Instructor: Nawwaf Alhazmi
Office: Aljabriah 1 Room 83
Office hours: Online Meeting by appointment only/send an Email
Email: hazmin@rcyci.edu.sa

Course Description

ENG 301 – Academic Writing is a 3-credit hour English for Academic Purposes (EAP) course designed for
students in the Bachelor of Science Degree Program. The course introduces students to the most
common academic texts that they may encounter in their academic journey at the college and beyond. In
addition, the course also focuses on developing critical thinking skills through reading-writing integrated
activities, which is essential in academic contexts. Throughout the semester, students will write and
respond to a range of paragraphs for different purposes. The course uses a variety of teaching strategies
that emphasize the student-centered approach to learning. As a culminating project, students are to
work collaboratively to write an essay incorporating all the skills learned in class.

Course Goals

By the end of the course, students are expected to improve their ability to write descriptive, opinion,
comparison and contrast, problem and solution paragraphs, and write an outline of an essay and its
introductory and concluding paragraphs.

Course Learning Outcomes

Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:

1. Identify the parts of a paragraph: topic sentence, supporting sentences, and
concluding sentence

2. Write descriptive paragraphs

3. Write comparison and contrast paragraphs

4. Write problem and solution paragraphs

5. Critique an academic paragraph based on the quality of its contents and text
organization (paragraph unity and coherence) in writing

6. Write essay outlines: introduction, body, and conclusion

7. Write introductions and conclusions for Essays

Recommended Course Textbooks

Oshima, A. & Hogue, A. (2006). Writing academic English, fourth edition.   White Plains, N.Y:

Pearson Longman.
Zemach, D. E. & Rumisek, L. A. (2015). Academic writing: From paragraph
to essay. Oxford: Macmillan Education.

Mode of Instruction
The course mode of instruction will be 100% online for the first 10 weeks. We will be using
Blackboard for sharing course materials and submitting assignments and projects. For class lectures,
we will use Google Meet to conduct online live classes. The live classes will be conducted according
to the specified times in your course schedule. Attendance will be taken every time we meet and the
links for classes will be shared via Google calendar for the whole semester sent every. Please note
that the mode of instruction can be changed to face to face based on the instructions given by the
administration of the education division at the Royal Commission for Jubail and Yanbu.
Contacting Course Instructor
For questions regarding the course or any related issues, I will be available via email. If your inquiry
requires that we discuss it face to face, we can schedule an online appointment using google meet
or any other possible online platform.

Course Assessment

The summative assessments for this course are as follows:

Evaluation Methods Schedule Percentage

1. Assignment 1: Descriptive Paragraphs W5 15%

2. Assignment 2: Comparison & Contrast Paragraphs W8 15%

3. Assignment 3: Problem and Solution Paragraphs W10 15%

4. Assignment 4: Read & Respond W12 15%

5. Collaborative Learning Project W15 30%

6. Portoflio Finals Week 10%

Total: 100%

1. Assignment 1: Descriptive Paragraphs (15 %)

The first assignment will assess the production skill of students (the application of what students have
learnt in the class). Students are required to write two 200-250-word descriptive paragraphs on
academic topics following correct paragraph structure. The description can be organized spatially;
chronologically; or in order of importance. The paragraph should describe a place, a process/procedure,
or an object. The class teacher would upload the sample and rubrics on Blackboard in Week # 4. The
Assignment will be due during Week # 5.

2. Assignment 2: Comparison & Contrast Paragraphs (15%)

In assignment 2, students will write two comparison and contrast paragraphs on academic topics
following the correct paragraph structure. Each paragraph will consist of 200-250 words. Students are
expected to focus on similarities and/or differences by using appropriate signal words. The class teacher
would upload the sample and rubrics on Blackboard in Week # 6. The assignment will be due during
Week # 8.

3. Assignment 3: Problem and Solution Paragraphs (15 %)
In assignment 3, students are expected to write problem and solution paragraphs on a given academic
topic following correct paragraph structure. Specifically, students will write a 100-125-word problem
paragraph followed by a 100-125-word solution paragraph. The class instructor would upload the sample
and rubrics on Blackboard in Week # 8. The assignment will be due during Week # 8.

4. Assignment 4: Read & Respond Tasks (15%)

This assignment aims at building logical argument skill, encourage creativeness and critical thinking
among students. It focuses on the close connection among reading, research and writing. The rationale
behind this assignment is to expose students to rich and authentic reading materials and provide them
an opportunity to apply their knowledge while responding to the assigned text. These materials may
include a passage from some newspaper or an essay on some scientific topic. Teacher will help students
in choosing the text. Students will read the material and concentrate on its writing techniques,
organizational pattern and logic behind the arguments expressed in the in the essay, use of signal words,
topic sentences, transition between paragraphs, and its concluding paragraph.

5. Collaborative Learning Projects (CLP) (20%)

The Collaborative Learning Project is a group activity that is constructed in order to develop among the
students a capacity to work in a team, and also maintain the autonomy of thought. It focuses on positive
interdependence, individual accountability, face-to-face interaction, social integration skills and group
processing. In this assignment, students will collect relevant material, organize and write an essay on
topics of their choice. CL Projects will have two parts. Part (a) will be about writing an outline of an essay
on a topic assigned by the teacher. Part (b) will be about developing a 5-paragraph essay based on the
outline with an introductory and a concluding paragraph, and topic sentences of the body. The Group
Project without Academic Integrity Statement is not acceptable and would not be evaluated.

6. Course Portfolio with Self-Reflection (20%):

Throughout the semester, students will receive feedback when their assignments are evaluated. Students
will use the feedback given by their instructors to write a revised assignment and include both the old and
the revised assignment in the course portfolio. At the end of the semester, students will write a 350-word
essay where they reflect on what they have learned in the course assignments and what they have done to
revise them. More information will be given after the first assignment (during week # 4) to help students
start preparing their portfolio.

Course Grades

At the completion of the course, students receive their grades based on the RCYCI’s course grading
system below:

Grade Point Definition Description

A+ 95-100 Outstanding Complete mastery; beyond course expectation; critical thinking
A 90-94 Excellent Mastery; beyond course expectation; synthesis skills
B+ 85-89 Very Good Mastery; met course expectation; analytical ability
B 80-84 Good Mastery, met course expectation; application of information
C+ 75-79 Satisfactory Relative mastery; met course expectation; limited application skill
C 70-74 Satisfactory Relative mastery; met course expectation; satisfactory knowledge
D+ 65-69 Barely Satisfactory Minimal command; barely met course expectation; limited skills
D 60-64 Weak Minimal command; barely met course expectation

F <60 Fail No mastery; fail to meet course expectation
WF - Withdraw/Fail Withdrawn from the course for academic/non-academic reasons

Student Conduct Policy

Attendance & Make-up Examination

In accordance with YELI attendance policy (YELI.02.21.01), a student will be marked absent for an arrival
at class of over five minutes after the class has started. If the late student wishes, he/she may attend the
class but in the knowledge that he/she will be marked absent. The teacher will take the attendance
during the first five minutes of class and is to make no exceptions to the application of this policy.
Students are allowed to be absent from no more than 15% of his or her classes per course. Those who
have more than 15% of unexcused absences or 25% of excused absences may be withdrawn from the
course and rewarded a grade of ‘WF’ (Withdrawn and Failed) by the Student Affairs Department.

The following will be considered valid excuse for absence:

● Hospitalization (government/RC hospitals)
● Imprisonment and/or police custody
● Family bereavement

In all cases, the valid excuse will be the one accepted by the Student Affairs Department within one week
of the absence. Students with the valid excuse are responsible for making advance arrangements with
faculty members to enable them to meet course requirements (such as make-up exams or assignments).

Dress Code and Other Class Etiquettes

● Each student is required to follow the dress code regulations of Royal Commission Colleges and Institutes,
and the bylaws and regulations of Yanbu English Language Institute.
● Use of cellphone for personal, non-instructional purposes is strictly prohibited in the classrooms.
Cellphones are to be used only in the context of learning, as instructed by the teacher. Penalty may include
taking away the phone for the duration of the class.
● Eating and drinking in class is strictly prohibited.

Academic Integrity and Plagiarism

Each student registered in this course is expected to abide by the regulations and bylaws of the Royal
Commission Colleges and Institutes, and the bylaws and regulations of Yanbu English Language Institute.
Any task submitted by a registered student in this course will be his/her own work; exception is only for
allowed collaboration. Students are encouraged to study together and discuss lessons but not to copy
the work of another student whether completely, partially or by any other known acts of plagiarism. If
any violation occurs, the stated rules on the matter will be applied on both the copier and the copied
● Home assignments, handouts and worksheets will be uploaded on Blackboard (E-learning).
● All home assignments should preferably be typed as specified (double-spaced; Calibri or Times New
Roman; size: 11).
● If you need assistance with anything related to writing, see your teacher during his office hours
● If you have questions or concerns, please speak to your teacher first. If you cannot get an answer
from him, email the course coordinator: hazmin@rcyci.edu.sa

Pacing Schedule

Week Weekly Topic/Objectives Resources Summative
1 Introduction to Academic Writing Writing Academic English
Review key characteristics of well-organized paragraph
Chapter # 1 Paragraph
2 Paragraph Structure Writing Academic English

● Identify the parts of a paragraph Chapter # 1 Paragraph

Identify topic sentence
Chapter # 3 Supporting Details
supporting sentences, and concluding sentence

3 Paragraph Structure Writing Academic English

Unity and Coherence
Chapter # 2
Course Portfolio Instructions Unity and Coherence
Course Portfolio instruction sheet will be available on
4 Descriptive paragraphs Academic Writing: From
● Identify key characteristics of descriptive paragraphs Paragraph To Essay
● Organize and write descriptive paragraphs using
concrete and specific nouns and verbs, descriptive Chapter # 4 Descriptive and
process paragraphs
adjectives and adverbs
● Write 1st draft of descriptive paragraphs following correct
paragraph structure for classroom practice for classroom
● Evaluation Rubric for assignment 1 will be available on
● Assignment 1 sheet will be available on Blackboard

5 Descriptive paragraphs Academic Writing: From Assignment 1:

● Review common errors made in descriptive paragraphs Paragraph To Essay Descriptive
based on teacher’s feedback paragraph
● Write 2nd draft of descriptive paragraphs incorporating Chapter # 4 Descriptive and
process paragraphs
the proposed changes for classroom practice

6 Comparison & contrast paragraphs Academic Writing: From

● Identify key characteristics of comparison & contrast Paragraph To Essay
● Learn application of connecting words Chapter # 6 Comparison/Contrast
Write 1st draft of comparison & contrast paragraphs
following correct paragraph structure for classroom

7 Comparison & contrast paragraphs Academic Writing: From

● Review common errors made in comparison & contrast Paragraph To Essay
paragraphs based on teacher’s feedback
● Write 2nd draft of comparison & contrast paragraphs Chapter # 6 Comparison/Contrast
following correct paragraph structure for classroom
● Evaluation Rubric for assignment 2 will be available on
● Assignment 2 sheet will be available on Blackboard

8 Assignment 2:
contrast paragraphs
9 Problem/solution paragraph Academic Writing: From
Paragraph To Essay
● Identify key characteristics of problem/solution
paragraphs Chapter # 7
● Write about problems and solutions Problem/ Solution Paragraphs
● Use of first conditionals
● Write 1st draft of problem/solution paragraphs following
correct paragraph structure for classroom practice
● Evaluation Rubric for assignment 3 will be available on
● Assignment 3 sheet will be available on Blackboard

10 Problem/solution paragraph Academic Writing: From Assignment 3:

● Review common errors made in problem/solution Paragraph To Essay Problem/solution
paragraphs based on teacher’s feedback Paragraphs
● Write 2nd draft of problem/solution paragraphs Chapter # 7
Problem/ Solution Paragraphs
incorporating the proposed changes for classroom

11 Reading-writing integration: (Critical) Reading Response Materials on E-Learning

● Critique an academic paragraph based on the quality of (Blackboard)
its contents and text organization (paragraph unity and
coherence) in writing
● MCQs/Short questions on the structure, format and
content of the academic paragraph(s).
● Review common errors made in reading response

Group project brainstorm:

● Students form small groups to brainstorm a topic of
● Teacher familiarizes students to assessment rubric
Students plan to select 3 academic topics for teacher’s

12 Reading-writing integration: (Critical) Reading Response Writing Academic English

● Practice
● Teacher assigns the selected reading for the task Chapter # 4
● Evaluation Rubric for assignment 4 will be available on From Paragraph to Essay
Academic Writing: From
● Assignment 4 sheet will be available on Blackboard Paragraph To Essay

Chapter # 9
Identify the Structure of an Essay
● Introduction, body, and conclusion
● Thesis statement
● Introductory paragraph

Group project check-in:

● Students develop thesis statement, write an introductory

paragraph and get teacher’s feedback to be incorporated
in the 2nd draft

13 Identify the parts of an Essay Assignment 4: Read

● Introduction, body, and conclusion Academic Writing: From & Respond Tasks
Paragraph To Essay
● Essay Outlines
Group project check-in: Chapter # 10
The group jointly develops an outline of the Essay. Each
group member writes at least one topic sentence of the
body and gets teacher’s feedback to be incorporated in
the 2nd draft.

14 Identify the Structure of an Essay

● Conclusions for Essay Writing Academic English

Chapter # 4
Group project check-in: From Paragraph to Essay
The students write the conclusion of the essay and get
feedback on their draft.

15 Collaborative Learning Projects Collaborative

Learning Projects

16/17 Course Portfolio is Due during the first week of final exams

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