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Republic of the Philippines Department of Education Division of Muntinlupa City


Southville III, Poblacion, Muntinlupa City
Grade Level GRADE 7 Section Makakalikasan UNIT Second Quarter Pages

Topic Heredity: Inheritance and Variation

Subtopic Asexual and Sexual Reproduction
Teaching Dates & Time December 18, 2021 - 9:00 to 10:00 am

Content Standards The learners demonstrate an understanding of reproduction being both asexual and sexual.

The learners should be able to employ appropriate techniques using the compound microscope
Performance Standards
to gather data about very small objects.

Differentiate asexual from sexual reproduction in terms of:

Learning Competency 1. number of individuals involved, and
2. similarities of offspring to parents.

Code S7LT-IIg-7
At the end of 60 minutes lesson, the learners should be able to:
1. Classify the different organisms that reproduces asexually, sexually, and both.
2. Perform the gamification activity about the reproduction and gene transfer.
Specific Learning Objectives
3. Construct a Venn diagram that represents the characteristics of asexual and sexual
4. Appreciate the importance of reproduction in biodiversity by creating a digital poster.
Science Process Skills Classifying, Communicating, Observing, Defining Operationally
Asexual vs. Sexual Reproduction. (2021, March 6).
Genetic Science Learning Center. (2016, March 1). Sexual vs. Asexual Reproduction.
Khan Academy. (n.d.). Types of Reproduction Review.
For Teachers Use For Students Use
Laptop, PowerPoint Presentation, Audio Smartphone/Laptop/Tablet, Google classroom, Google
Visual Presentation, Google Classroom, forms, Edpuzzle and Canva/PowerPoint/any Editor
Google forms, Edpuzzle, and Activity Rubrics. app.

For Activity Use
Laptop, PowerPoint Presentation, Legend of Smartphone/Laptop/Tablet, Legend of Learning App,
Learning App, Learn genetics website, and and Canva/PowerPoint/any Editor app.
Activity Rubrics.

Concepts: Reproduction is the process by which organisms give rise to offspring. It is one of the defining characteristics of
(Must specifically explain or
discuss the scientific living things. There are two basic types of reproduction: asexual reproduction and sexual reproduction.
concept/s that is introduced
in the lesson with
corresponding equations Asexual reproduction involves a single parent. It results in offspring that are genetically identical to each other
and illustrations as needed)
and to the parent. All prokaryotes and some eukaryotes reproduce this way. There are several different

methods of asexual reproduction. They include binary fission, fragmentation, and budding.

Sexual reproduction involves two parents. In sexual reproduction, parents produce reproductive cells—called
gametes—that unite to form an offspring. The process in which two gametes unite is called fertilization.

Comparing asexual vs. sexual reproduction

Asexual Reproduction Sexual Reproduction
Requires 1 parent Requires 2 parents
Single organism makes an exact copy of Sperm fertilizes egg
Bacteria, some plants and fungi, few Used by animals, flowering plants, some
animals (sponges) fungi
Offspring are identical to parent Offspring are different from parents
Fast and easy, but no genetic variation Provides genetic variation, but time-

Teacher’s Task Students’ Task/Activity Assessment
Daily Routine Laptop, Good Morning Class! Good morning ma’am! ACTIVITY:
(3 mins) PowerPoint  Prayer (Video from
(Please identify the different
parts of your daily routine
Presentation Before we start, let us have Sure ma’am. YouTube)
before proceeding to the , and Audio- our prayer first.  Greetings
visual  Attendance
Presentation Let’s vow our head and feel Checking
the presence of the Lord.  Google Meet
Ground Rules
(Present the video prayer in  Game
the class.)
Once again, have a great day We’re doing good ma’am. GAME: JUMBLED LETTERS
to all of us! How are you today 1. GRNFFPISO
That’s nice to hear. 4. FRTILZEEI
Okay, let’s proceed. May I Class Secretary: I am happy

request to our class secretary to inform you ma’am that we
to kindly report to us the class have a perfect class EXPECTED ANSWERS:
attendees for today. attendance for today. 1. OFFSPRING
Thank you, Ms. Secretary. I’m 3. PARENT
so glad to hear that. 4. FERTILIZE
(Present the Google Meet
ground rules in a PowerPoint

Do you understand all the Yes, ma’am.

google meet rules?

Before we start our lesson for

today, let’s play a game. The Yes ma’am. I played it
game entitled JUMBLED before.
LETTERS. A series of letters
are jumbled and you need to
find the hidden word. I guess
most of you are familiar with
this game, right?

Okay that’s good to hear. Are Yes ma’am.

you now ready to play our

(Present the game in a

PowerPoint Presentation.)

Good job everyone!

Elicit Laptop and The name of our first activity is ACTIVITY 1: PARENT/S
(3 mins) PowerPoint PARENT/S INVOLVED. In this INVOLVED
(The activities in this section
will evoke or draw out prior
Presentation activity, you will just simply
concepts or prior need to tell the number of Organism Number 1: CATS
experiences from the
students) parents involved in the
reproduction of the
various organisms that will
flash on the screen. Just click
the raise hand button on your
screen, if you want to answer.
Organism Number 2:
Do you understand the Yes ma’am, we already STARFISH
instruction? understand.

Okay. Let’s start our first


(Show the pictures of different

organisms one at a time, Organism Number 3:
facilitate the activity and HUMANS
correct their answers if they
get it wrong.)

Very good class! All of you did

a great job.

Have you already understood

the number of parent/s needed Yes ma’am. Organism Number 4:
to reproduce an offspring in a GUMAMELA
different organism?

If that so, let’s proceed to our

next activity.

Organism Number 5: YEAST

Organism Number 6:

1. 2 parents
2. 1 parent

3. 2 parents
4. 2 parents
5. 1 parent
6. 1 parent
Engage: Laptop, and Our next activity is entitled ACTIVITY NAME: HOW I
(The activities in this section
will stimulate their thinking
genetics just need to classify an
and help them access and website organism if it reproduces
connect prior knowledge as
a jumpstart to the present (https://learn asexually, sexually or both
lesson) .genetics.uta ways. I’ll just choose five organisms to maximize our
nt/basics/rep time. 1. Salmonella
roduction/). 2. Starfish
(Present the screen with the (Students are expected to 3. Red Kangaroo
learn genetics website then let classify the different 4. Leopard Frog
the students classify the organisms.) 5. Baker’s Yeast
various organisms presented.)
(After the students (Students will answer the 1. Asexual
accomplished the activity, ask guided questions based from Reproduction
them the guided questions.) what they know.) 2. Both
3. Sexual
4. Sexual
5. Asexual

1. Why do you think
that the organism
that reproduces
sexually requires
two parents, while
the organism that
asexually requires
only one parent?
Why do you think
these happen?
2. Do these organisms
look the same like
their parents?

1. Because the
organisms that
reproduces sexually
do have 2 sexes,
while the organisms
reproduce asexually
only have one.
2. The offspring of the
organism that
asexually, are
identical to its
parent. While the
offspring of
organisms that

reproduces sexually
are not identical to
its parents.
Explore: Laptop, In this activity, I will group of ACTIVITY NAME: OSCAR’S
(15 mins) PowerPoint boys and the group of girls. WORLD – REPRODUCTION
(In this section students will
be given time to think, plan,
investigate, and organize , Rubrics Each group will require at least
collected information; or the
performance of the planned/ and Legends one member who has laptop GUIDED QUESTIONS:
prepared activities from the of Learning and stable internet connection. 1. What type of
students’ manual with data
gathering with Guide App I want you to open the link that offspring that
Questions*). Structured (https://app.l I sent in our group chat and asexual
egendsoflear finish the gamified activity. reproduction produces?
n/YXNzaWd Stay focused on your activity, 2. Why do binary
ubWVudC0x listen attentively, and answer fission classified as
MDgwNDQ4 the guided questions as asexual
). presented in the screen. reproduction?
(The students are expected 3. What is
After you accomplished the to participate and collaborate fragmentation? Give
guided questions, you have to with their groupmates.) an example of
present your work to the class. organism that can
reproduce via
This is the rubrics that I will fragmentation.
going to use to grade your 4. What happens
work. during budding?
5. Explain the process
(Present the rubrics in the of fertilization. What
screen.) is the effect of
(The students will present
sexual reproduction
their work to the class after
in the genetic
they accomplished the task.) material of an
6. What have you
noticed in the
organisms that
reproduces both
ways (asexual and


Explain: PowerPoint Okay. I will discuss the

(10 mins) Presentation asexual and sexual
(In this section, students will
be involved in an analysis of
, and Video reproduction, in order for you
their exploration. Their Presentation to understand the important
understanding is clarified
and modified because of from scientific concepts of the topic.
reflective activities)/ Analysis YouTube Listen carefully class. Are you
of the gathered data and
results and be able to (https://youtu ready?
answer the Guide questions
leading to the focus concept
.be/i9zj9V8O Yes ma’am!
or topic for the day*. WRk)
(Present the PowerPoint
presentation and discuss

briefly the key points and the
scientific concepts of the

I want you to watch the video

from YouTube then after that I
will ask you what are your
insights or reflection about the
video. I want you to listen
attentively, and understand
what the video is all about. (Students are expected to
share their insights or
(Present the video reflection about the video
presentation and then ask your they watched.)
students their insights or
reflection about it.)

(Process their answers,

correct them if they stated it
wrong and explain to them
what the video is all about.)
Elaborate: PowerPoint I will group the class again into ACTIVITY NAME: ART TIME
(15 mins) Presentation two. The group of girls and the
(This section will give
students the opportunity to
, Rubrics, group of boys. RUBRICS:
expand and and Canva
solidify/concretize their
understanding of the or any editor The group of girls will be going
concept and/or apply it to a app. to construct a Venn diagram
real-world situation)
that will represent the
characteristics of asexual and
sexual reproduction.

On the other hand, the group

of boys will be going to make a
digital poster that will illustrate
the importance of asexual and
sexual reproduction in the

You can use PowerPoint

Presentation, Canva, or any
other editor app. I will give you
10 mins. to finish your work,
and after that you will present
your work to class.

(Present the rubrics in the

PowerPoint Presentation)

This is the rubrics that I will

use to grade your work. Are
you ready?
Yes ma’am! We’re ready.
If that so, you may now start.

(The students will make their

group activity and present it
to the class after they
accomplish their work.)

(Announcement of the scored
points in each group.)

Congratulations everyone! You

all did a great job!
Evaluation: Google Let’s now test your knowledge SHORT QUIZ: MULTIPLE
(5 mins) forms and about asexual and sexual CHOICE (10-item)
(This section will provide
opportunities for concept
Google reproduction.
check test items and answer classroom Instructions: Choose the
key which are aligned to the
learning objectives –content Kindly, open our google Thank you, ma’am. letter of the correct answer.
and performance standards classroom and answer the 10- 1. How many parents are
and address misconceptions
–if any) item questions. Read the required for asexual
questions carefully and answer reproduction?
to the best of your knowledge. (Students will answer the A) one
short quiz.) B) four
Good luck, you may now start. C) two
D) six
(After the students finished the
quiz, present the result of the 2. How many parents are
quiz.) required for sexual
A) one
B) two
C) six
D) four

3. Bacteria reproduce
asexually by a process called
A) splitting in two
B) meiosis
C) replication
D) binary fission

4. What process creates

gametes for sexual
A) independent assortment
B) mitosis
C) meiosis
D) crossing over

5. Which type of reproduction

results in offspring that are
most different from the
parent organisms?
A. Nonsexual
B. Sexual
C. Unisexual
D. Asexual

6. Which of the following

organisms reproduce
A. rats
B. mosquitoes
C. bacteria
D. salmon

7. A piece of a geranium

plant is cut and placed it in a
jar of water in the window.
Several weeks later the piece
has grown into a new plant.
Which of the following is true
about the genetic relationship
between the first plant and
the new one?
A. The two plants are
different genetically.
B. The two plants are slightly
different genetically.
C. The two plants are
genetically identical.
D. There is no way to know
the genetic relationship.

8. The male typically

deposits a spermatophore on
the ground or in the water
and the female picks this up.
The female salamander then
lays its eggs on a stick or
rock near water or on land.
There are several different
species of salamanders with
different colorful patterns.
Which type of reproduction is
taking place?
A. Asexual reproduction with
uniform offspring
B. Sexual reproduction with
diverse offspring
C. Asexual reproduction with
diverse offspring
D. Sexual reproduction with
uniform offspring

9. In order to survive and

reproduce, organisms need
what type of traits?
A. Traits that make them
more attractive
B. Traits like the parents
C. Traits favorable for
D. Traits that makes them
the smartest

10. If organisms cannot

adapt to changing
environment conditions, what
is likely to happen to the
A. They will have to find new
ways to care of offspring
B. They will become extinct
C. They will have to learn to
attract mates from the other

D. They will have to learn to
eat different foods
Extend: Google Okay class. I want you to ASSIGNMENT:
(2 mins) Classroom, check our google classroom, I Questions in the video:
(This section gives situation
that explains the topic in a
Edpuzzle upload there the link of the 1.What is the main purpose
new context, or integrate it app, and Edpuzzle that you will answer of reproduction?
to another discipline/societal
concern) PowerPoint at home. You just need to A. It's because organism
Presentation watch the video and answer produces different and other
. the questions provided there. kind of organisms
Be careful, because I can see B. To make the population
if you finish the video or not. bigger
C. So that organisms will
I’ll give you 1 week to have its genetic variation
accomplish it and submit it on D. To make sure a species
time, I will not accept late can continue
responses. Do you
understand? 2. Identify the sex cells
produced by a male parent
Yes ma’am. that are necessary for sexual
A. sperm cells
Okay. That’s all for today B. zygote
class. Let’s have our closing C. gametes
prayer. D. egg cells

(Present the video of closing 3. What do you called a

prayer.) process by which a parent
cell divided into two or more
daughter cells?
Thank you so much, class. A. Mitosis
Class dismissed. See you next B. Reproduction
week. Take care. C. Offspring
Goodbye ma’am! Thank you D. Fertilization
so much!
4. Asexual reproduction
produced offspring that are
A. identical to the parent.
B. formed by two parents.
C. different from each other.
D. different from the parent.

5. A new yeast cell is

sometimes produced from a
single parent by a process
called budding. The process
of budding is best described
A. asexual reproduction with
genetically different offspring
B. asexual reproduction with
genetically identical offspring
C. sexual reproduction with
genetcially identical offspring
D. sexual reproduction with
genetically different offspring

6. Which process gives rise

to a variety of traits?
A. dynamic equilibrium
B. sexual reproduction
C. cellular respiration
D. asexual reproduction

7. In one celled organism,

cell division is responsible for
A. sexual reproduction
B. asexual reproduction
C. production of sex cells
D. growth and maintenance


A. No. of learners who earned 70% on the

formative assessment.
B. No. of learners who require additional
activities for remediation.
C. Did the remedial lessons work?
D. No. of learners who caught up with the
E. No. of learners who continue to require
Reflection: remediation.
F. Which of my teaching strategies worked
well? Why did these work?
G. What difficulties did I encounter which my
principal or supervisor can help me solve?
H. What innovation or localized materials did
I use/discover which I wish to share with
other teachers?

Diamante, Mary Rose B.

BSED 3D – Science

Mr. Cyrus T. Esguerra, LPT



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