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NIM : 1173311059
Study Program : PGSD



Thanks be to God the Almighty One who has given me health and the opportunity
to complete this task well and on time. Critical book is made to fulfill a single task in English.

Next I would like to say many thanks to the lecturer who has provided guidance and
direction so that we can easily complete this task. I also apologize what if there will be errors
in this task.

I have done my best to complete this task well and perfectly, but every human name
will not escape the error, so we apologize if there is anything wrong with this article.

Medan, May 7, 2018



PREFACE .............................................................................................................. i
TABLE OF CONTENTS .................................................................................... ii
1.1 Background ................................................................................................... 1
1.2 Purpose ................................................................................................... 1
1.3 Benefits ................................................................................................... 1
     Lesson 1 How are You ...................................................................................
     Lesson 2 My Classroom ...................................................................................
     Lesson 3 My Family ...................................................................................
     Lesson 4 Number ...................................................................................
     Lessen 5 Clothes ...................................................................................
     Lesson 6 My Bady ...................................................................................
     Lesson 7 Food and Drink...................................................................................
     Lesson 8 My House ...................................................................................
     Appendix 1 ..................................................................................................
     Appendix 2 ..................................................................................................
     Appendix 3 ..................................................................................................
     Bibligraphy .................................................................................................
The advantages of the first book ...................................................................
The weakness of the first book ....................................................................
Advantages of the second book ....................................................................
The second book weakness ...................................................................................
A. Conclusion ..................................................................................................
B. Suggestions ..................................................................................................
BIBLIOGRAPHY ..................................................................................................
A. Background

English or English is an international language that must be known by people

around the world, both students and other communities. English is not only used to
communicate but all the advanced tools now use English in their operation. Therefore the
learner must learn and know English.
And in elementary education (SD) has been studied english which they have learned
even during class II elementary school. However, English language lessons in elementary
school in low-grade students only discussed the initial lesson such as vocabulary, number
recognition, family, food and beverages and others.
This material should be taught in accordance with the applicable curriculum and therefore the
books used in the lesson also fit the curriculum used at the time. Here I will review two books
b. different english but the same class.

B. Purpose

 To fulfill the English course task

 To develop foreign language skills

C. Benefits

 More understanding of teaching materials for elementary school children

 Expand insights on English in SD
A. Book Summary 1

 Lesson 1
How are You
 Listen and repeat
Heru : Hi Ana
Ana : Hello Heru
Heru : How are you
Ana : Fine thank you, and you?
Heru : Fine thank you
 Look and Say
A : good morning
B : good morning
A : how are you
B : fine thank you
 Read and Practice
Roni : how do you do
Rizal : I am fine thank you
Roni : what is your name?
Rizal : my name is Rizal, what is your name?
Roni : my name is roni
Rizal : where do you live?
Roni : I live in east Jakarta, and you?
Rizal : in south Jakarta
 Lesson 2
My classroom
 listen and Repeat
this is my classroom
 door : pintu
 window : jendela
 blackboard : papan tulis
 clock : jam
 desk : meja
 chair : kursi
 chalk : kapur
 look and say
 this is a door
 that is a window
 this is a blackboard
 that is a clook
 this is a chalk
 this is a chair
 Lesson 3
My family
 Look and say
 This is dian
 This is eka
He is dian’s brother
 This is nina
She is dian’s sister
 This is mr hendra
He is dian’s father
 This is mrs nani
She is dian’s mother
 This is mr hasan
He is dian’s uncle
 This is mrs tuti
She is dian’s aunt
 This is hari
He is dian’s cousin
 This is mrs aminah
She is dian’s grenmother
 This is mr wijaya
He is dian’s grandfather
 Lesson 4
 Listen and repeat
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
One two three four five six seven eight nine ten
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20Eleven
twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen
30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Thirty fourty fifty sixty seventy eighty ninety one hundred
 Lesson 5
 Listen and Repeat
 Shirt
 T-shirt
 Blous
 Trousers
 Skirt
 Shorts
 Dress
 Uniforms
 Look and Say
 This is a shirt
 This is a blouse
 This is dress
 Lesson 6
My Body
 My Body
 Head : kepela
 Eye : mata
 Ear : telinga
 Nose : hidung
 Mouth : mulut
 Neck : leher
 Shoulder : bahu
 Chest : dada
 Hand : tangan
 Stomach : perut
 Leg : kaki
 Foot : kaki
 Arm : lengan
 Lesson 7
Food and Drink
 Listen and Repeat
 A glass of milk
 A cap of tea
 A plate of rice
 A bowl of soup
 A bottle of syrup
 A can of coke
 A plate of fried noddles
 Lesson 8
My House
 Listen and Repeat
 Living room
 Bedroom
 Dining room
 Kichen
 Bathroom
 Garden
 Look and Say
 It is a table
 It is a chair
 It is a plate
 It is a spoon
 It is a cup
A. Ringkasan Buku II
Lesson 1
Introduction & Greetings
 Introduction
o Hello ! I’m Anton
o Hello ! I’m Miss Rita. I’m a teacher
 Greetings
o Good morning, Tim !
Good morning, Kevin ! How are You ?
Fine, thanks. How are you ?
Fine, thanks
o Good afternoon, janice !
Good afternoon, Ivan ! How are you ?
Fine, thanks
o Good evening, Mr.Edi !
Good evening, Adi!
o Good night, Alya ! Have a nice dream
Good night, mother !
Thanks, Mam
a (ai) b (bi) c (si) d (di) e (i) f (ef) g(ji) h (eic) i (ai) j (jei) k (kei) l (el) m (em) n (en) o (ow) p
(pi) q (kyuw) r (ar) s (es) t (ti) u (yuw) v (vi) w (dabelyuw) x (eks) y(wai) z (zi)

a (ai) for apple

b (bi) for banana
c (si) for cat
d (di) for dog
e (i) for egg
f (ef) for fan
g(ji) for gun
h (eic) for house
i (ai) for ink
j (jei) for jam
k (kei) for key
l (el) for leeaf
m (em) for map
n (en) for needle
o (ow) for own
p (pi) for paper
q (kyuw) for queen
r (ar) for rose
s (es) for shoe
t (ti) for trumpet
u (yuw) for umbrella
v (vi) for vase
w (dabelyuw) for wallet
x (eks) for xerox
y(wai) for yacht
z (zi) for zebra
Lesson 3 : Colors
My purse is yellow
This apple is red
I have a purple doll
That frog is green
Tono has red shorts
Zebra has black and white skin
These grapes are purple
That rose is pink
It is grey shoe

Lesson 4 : Number
One = 1
Two = 2
Three = 3
Four = 4
Five = 5
Six =6
Seven =7
Eight =8
Nine = 9
Ten = 10
Eleven = 11
Twelve = 12
Thirteen = 13
Fourteen =14
Fifteen = 15
Sixteen = 16
Seventeen = 17
Eighteen =18
Nineteen =19
Twenty = 20

One plus six equals seven

Three plus nine equals twelve
Seven plus eight equals fifteen
Seventeen minus four equalsthirteen
7 – 4 = 13
Eight minus six equals two
8 – 6 =2
Twelve minus nine equals three
12-9= 3

Lesson 5 Clothes
Trousers = Celana panjang
Shirt = Kemeja
Shorts = Celana pendek
Handkerchief = Saputangan
Tie = Dasi
Socks = Kaus kaki
Dress =Dress
Belt = Ikat pinggang

It is a shirt
Ini sebuah kemeja
It is a long dress
Ini sebuah gaun panjang
It is a hat
Ini sebuah topi
It is a pair of trousers
Ini sebuah sepasang celana panjang
It is a tie
Ini sebuah dasi
It is a socks
Ini sebuah kaus kaki
It is a pair of pajamas
Ini sebuah sepasang piyama
It is a vest
Ini sebuah rompi
It is a coat
Ini sebuah jaket

Lesson 6 Animals
It is an elephant
It is a lion
It is a tiger
It is a bird
It is a snake
It is a cat
It is a buffallo
It is a goat
It is a dog
It is a cow
It is a rabbit
It is a monkey
It is a giraffe
It is a cook
It is a duck

Lesson 7 Family Members

My Family

This is a picture of my family

There are father, mother, brother and me
We are a happy family
Everyday, we all gather at home.

Roy : “Do you have any brother, Boy ?”

Boy : “Yes, I do. I have one”
Roy ; “ Do you have any sister ?”
Boy : “ No. I don’t
I don’t have any sister”

Lesson 8 House
My House
My house is big.
There are five rooms in my house : a dining room, a living room, a
bedroom, a bathroom, and a kitchen.
In the living room, there are sofas, tables, chairs, and a cupboard.

This is a kitchen
This is a bathroom
This is a dining room
This is a bedroom
This is a living room
A. The advantages of the first Book

 There is a full color image to attract students' attention

 This book is very good in use as a teaching material for grade 2 children
 The material contained in the book is still in line for grade 2 students
 There is an evaluation of the problem that can hone the ability of the child in each

B. The Weakness of the First Book

 The material contained in this book is still too small so in our opinion teachers
who use this book as teaching materials should look for other materials to expand
student knowledge
 In addition we can not find any weakness in this book because we think this book
has been in accordance with the applicable ktsp

C. The Advantages of The Second Book

 There is material to add student insight

 The contents of the book in each chapter so that it can make it easier for students
to find the material
 In the material explanation there is an image that corresponds to the material so
that the 2nd graders do not feel bored by looking at the pictures
 At the beginning of the lesson there is an English-language dialogue that is
compatible with the material to be learned so as not to confuse students about the
 There are questions about inserting sentences with pictures so that it will make it
easier for students to say, write, and remember the words in the picture / sentence
 There are self-directed exercises and tasks that are searched according to the
English material and there are final semester practice questions

D. The Weakness of the Second Book

 The picture on the book is not full color so it does not attract the attention of the
 The cover of this book is not interesting
 There is an English explanation that is difficult for students to understand
A. Conclusion

English is one of the subjects studied in primary school. In both of these books the
material that is taught is still related to the basic material in English. In this book still contains
uncomplicated material, the material in this book covers news, class, family, numbers,
clothes, limbs, food and drink, and my home. So essentially this book contains only about
introduction-introduction course, not containing tensis or any other high lesson in English
Therefore this book is good in use as teaching material for second graders of
elementary school. Which is basically 2nd grade elementary school is still not able to learn
English material is too high, and the science of their knowledge is still little / not much and is
expected this book can hone the ability of second graders elementary school.

B. Suggestions

For teachers: At the time of giving teacher lesson materials more patient and bring
media-related material because it can help in the learning process.
Book Title : Basic English For Elementary School
Author : M. Taufik Al Makmum Suryani, Wirawan Datik Taparen, Amanda
Publisher: Earth Script
Year of Publication : 2007
City of Publication : Jakarta
Prints : First
Number of Pages : 91 pages Book Size: 25 x 17.5 cm

ISBN: 979-010-067-1

Book Title : English Class 2

Author : Reni Aswan
Publisher : CV. Thursina
Year of Publication : 2010
City of Publication : Bandung
Prints : First
Number of Pages : 120 pages
Book Size : 25 x 17.5 cm
ISBN : 978-602-8138-32-1

Makmun, M. Taufik Al. Suryani, dkk. 2007. Basic English For Elementary School. Jakarta.
Bumi Aksara.
Aswan, Reini. 2010. Bahasa Inggris kelas 2. Bandung. CV Thurtsina

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