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Wellington High School

Te Kura Tuarua o Taraika ki Pukeahu

Learning Profile Term 2 2020

Louis Coronno
9PAB McKelvey B Pancha
The Wellington High School Learning Profile contains three key areas which relate directly to the
Wellington High School Learning Habits.
• A student who prepares for learning will plan, concentrate and listen.
• A student engages in learning when they question, analyse, create and imagine.
• Perseverance is trying different ways, reflecting, making links and revising.
Students may do these consistently, usually, sometimes or seldom.
There is also included a brief descriptor of a student's Academic Progress to date indicating whether
a student is doing well, meeting requirements or causing concern. Please check the portal for more
detailed information on academic progress and results.

Prepares for Engages in Academic Interview

Subject Perseveres
Learning Learning Progress Request

Art Causing
Year 9 Sometimes Sometimes Sometimes Requested
A Gordon

Design & Visual Communication Meeting Welcome but

Year 9 Usually Usually Usually
Requirements not requested
G Donaldson

Digital Technology Welcome but

Year 9 Consistently Consistently Consistently Doing Well
not requested
E Howell

English Causing
Year 9 Seldom Seldom Seldom Requested
C Hill

Mathematics Causing
Year 9 Usually Usually Sometimes Requested
B Pancha

Physical Education Meeting

Year 9 Usually Usually Usually Requested
L Cross

Science Causing
Year 9 Sometimes Seldom Seldom Requested
D Weatherley-Libeau

Social Studies Causing

Year 9 Seldom Seldom Seldom Requested
H Paton-Smith

Te Ao Māori Meeting Welcome but

Year 9 Usually Usually Usually
Requirements not requested
A Reeve, W Chadwick

If a teacher has requested an Interview, this will take place on Wendsday 22 July for Seniors or
Monday 27 July for Juniors.

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