Attachment Lecture 6 Indus Valley Civilization Lyst8867

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Indus Valley Civilization

Lecture: 6
Indus Valley Civilization
• One of the oldest civilizations in the
• Called Harappa civilisation because it was
discovered at Harappa (Pakistan)
• It is also called as the ‘Indus Civilization’
because it is situated in the Indus valley
• Discovered by D R Sahni in 1921 at
Harappa (Evidences already found but
nobody was aware about it)
• First urban revolution in the Indian
• This civilization belongs Bronze Age
• Bronze = Copper + Tin
• Associated with the proto-historical period
because its script could be read until now.
• Meluha is mentioned in the literature of
• Older than chalcolithic culture but more
• West Punjab, East Punjab, Sindh,
Gujrat,Rajsthan, Haryana, Western U.P.,
Baluchistan region related with it.
Harappan Sites
• The question about the origin of the Indus valley civilization is largely
unanswered. Various researches have linked significantly the origin of Indus
Valley civilization to the Neolithic site of Mehrgarh.
• Mehrgarh which lies on the "Kachi Plain" of Baluchistan in Pakistan is a
Neolithic site. Mehrgarh was a centre of transformation from the hunter
gatherer to farming (wheat and barley are found) and herding (cattle, sheep
and goats were reared).
• However, Mehrgarh dates back to 7000 BC and as early as 5000 BC, trade
links with
Arabian Sea coast and with central Asia have been established.
• So in the light of these evidences it has been made clear that Foundation of
Indus valley civilization was laid in the Neolithic period.
1. Native Origin v/s Foreign Origin: McKay, V.
Gordon Childe and Kramer emphasized the
concept of Mesopotamia origins. McKay told
Sumerian people migration was the reason
But Gordon told idea of civilisation came, not
the people
• Meluha is mentioned in the literature of
• Trade links
• Seals found
1. Difference in seal, script and design of tools
between the two civilizations.
2. The Harappan urbanization is far more
systematic than the Mesopotamian civilization.
3. Copper tools were used more in Mesopotamia
than in Harappa.
4. No temple building in Harappa
5. Now this is accepted that it was originated in
indian sub continent by gradual development
process of regional socio- economic factors ( DK
Phases of Harappa Civilization
Pre – Harappa
• 3200/3300 BC - 2600 BC, also known as early
Harappan civilization
• prosperous rural settlements developed in NW
region for example, Mehargarh, Rahman Dheri,
Gumla, Qila Tarakai, Rana Ghundai etc.
• technological development like the use of plow,
the use of potter’s wheel
spinning yarn and textile weaving method was
• It creates surplus production, craft
specialisation, transportation and regional
Indus Valley Civilization

• Mature phase: 2500 BC – 1800 BC

• It extended from Sutkagengor (in
Baluchistan) in the West to
Alamgirpur (Western UP) in the
East; and from Mandu (Jammu) in
the North to Daimabad
(Ahmednagar, Maharashtra) in the
• This phase represents civilization
• It has pictorial script but not read
• Most advanced civilization
Important sites of Indus Valley Civilisation
• Harappa • Rakhigarhi(HN)
• Mohenjo-Daro • Dhaulavira (Guj)
• Chanhudaro • Sutkangdor(port)
• Lothal,(Guj) (port) • Sutakotada (port)
• Kalibangan (Raj), • Mitathal(HN)
• Banwali (HN) • Balakot
• Chanhudaro, • Alamgirpur
• Kot Diji, • Daimabad
• Amri • Ropar
Discovery of Indus Valley Civilisation

Sir John Hubert Marshall

Discovery of Indus Valley Civilisation

R.D. Banerjee E. J. H. MacKay John Marshall

Features of Indus Valley Civilization

• Distinctive town planning

• Uniformity in the construction of cities
• Better management of drainage
• Manholes were built to clean the main
• Single to multi storey houses
• Use of baked bricks
• The construction of roads in grid
• Standard weighing
• Use seals
• Script was used first time
Features of Indus Valley Civilisation
• knowledge of metal casting
• Used the lost wax method in the making of
bronze sculptures
• Lothal and Chanhudaro had Bead making
• Black & Red Pottery
• Vast culture diversity
• Sutkangdor(port) ,Sutakotada & Lothal were
main port.
• Dhaulavira only city which divided into 3 parts
• Silver, gold, copper, tin, bronze but not Iron
• Evidence of water storage at Dhaulavira
• Dockyard at Lothal
Town Planning of Indus Valley Civilisation

Town was divided into two parts:

1. A Citadel ( for ruling class)
2. The Lower Town ( residential area
for common people)
 Roads were based on Grid
 Drainage system was amazing
 Great bath, Granary &
Priest building are centre
of attraction in Citadel part.
Town Planning of Indus Valley Civilization
• Uniformity in the building design,
streets, granaries
• Baked and mud bricks were used
• Dholavira had division in three parts
• Baked bricks in Harappa and
Mohenjodaro but Kalibanga had mud
• Houses had one storey to multi
• Cleanness and sanitation system was
very commendable like covering
drainage and last rites was done out
of residential area
Salient Features of Harappa and Mohen Jo-dero
• Harappa and Mohenjo-Daro are 500 kms apart from each other. These, along
with Dholavira, are called the nucleus cities of the civilization.
• Harappa, the first discovered site of this civilization was on bank of river Ravi,
while Mohenjo-Daro was on banks of Indus River. Each of them has two
prominent mounds where excavations took place.
• Notable findings at Harappa are rows of granaries, Citadels, Furnaces and a
crucible to melt the bronze.
• Notable findings at Mohenjo-Daro are the magnum opus (महान कलाकृति)
Great Bath, uniform buildings and weights, hidden drains and other hallmarks
of the civilization.
• This is the site where most unicorn seals have been found. Mohenjo-Daro is
also sometimes known as largest urban centre of the civilization.
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