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Final on Mass media

Student: Khabibullayeva Sabohat

Group: 203

Variant 2
1. Writing a film review
2. The Language of radio presenter
3. Planning and writing a blog
4. Planning and writing a true- life story
5. Acknowledging correspondence


1.The film review is a popular way for critics to assess a film’s overall quality and determine
whether or not they think the film is worth recommending.

Although there is not a set formula to follow when writing a film review, the genre does have
certain common elements that most film reviews include.

1) Introduction

- In the opening of your review, provide some basic information about the film. You

may include film’s name, year, director, screenwriter, and major actors.

- Your introduction, which may be longer than one paragraph, should also begin to

evaluate the film, and it should allude to the central concept of the review. A film

review does not have to contain a thesis or main claim, but it should focus on a

central analysis and assessment.

2) Plot Summary

- Remember that many readers of film reviews have not yet seen the film. While you

want to provide some plot summary, keep this brief and avoid specific details that

would spoil the viewing for others.

3) Description

- While the plot summary will give the reader a general sense of what the film is about,

also include a more detailed description of your particular cinematic experience

watching the film. This may include your personal impression of what the film looks,

feels, and sounds like. In other words, what stands out in your mind when you think

about this particular film?

4) Analysis

- In order to explain your impression of the film, consider how well the film utilizes
formal techniques and thematic content. How do the film’s formal techniques (such

as cinematography, editing, mise-en-scène, lighting, diegetic and non-diegetic sound,

genre, or narrative) affect the way the film looks, feels, and sounds to you? How

does the thematic content (such as history, race, gender, sexuality, class, or the

environment) affect your experience and interpretation? Also, do the formal

techniques work to forward the thematic content?

5) Conclusion/Evaluation

- The closing of your film review should remind the reader of your general thoughts

and impressions of the film. You may also implicitly or explicitly state whether or

not you recommend the film. Make sure to remind the reader of why the film is or is

not worth seeing.

2. Radio must be considered mass media, but the presenter must see it as taking to just

one person, and ensuring that whoever that person is, they should be able to

understand what you are talking about.

The presenter guides the listeners through the radio show. The texts that the presenter

reads out on the microphone are often called "links". The presenter does the following:

 Provides an overview and orientation for the listeners.

 Arouses interest in the show's items by using appealing links.
 Accompanies the listeners through the programme, highlighting the central thread. This
includes creating transitions between different parts of the programme.
 Shapes the style and atmosphere of the show with their personality.

The presenter can write down the whole text and mark the most important words with

a highlighter. They can also use a keyword script. In addition to nouns, primarily verbs

and adjectives are suitable as keywords. The presenter should not use any texts from

the Internet or newspapers without rewriting them in their own words. They should also

avoid using words that they are not familiar with. Both come across as unnatural and

often incomprehensible.

Every presenter's script looks somewhat different. All presenters should try out

different forms and find the one that suits them best.

The rate of delivery depends on the style of the station, the material broadcast and the

conversational speed of the presenter. Everyone has their own rate and style, and the

only way to polish it is recording your programmes and analyse and perfect your style. There are
many ways to address the listener: reading out, calling out, telling,
commenting, reciting, stating, quoting, describing, narrating, relaying, reporting,

imparting, informing, explaining, announcing, declaring etc. The presenter has to

consider which attitude to adopt as a speaker.

3. Writing a blog post is a little like driving; you can study the highway code (or
read articles telling you how to write a blog post) for months, but nothing can
prepare you for the real thing like getting behind the wheel and hitting the open
road. Or something.
How to Write a Blog Post in Five Easy Steps :
1. Step 1: Plan your blog post by choosing a topic, creating an outline, conducting
research, and checking facts.
2. Step 2: Craft a headline that is both informative and will capture readers’ attentions.
3. Step 3: Write your post, either writing a draft in a single session or gradually word on
parts of it.
4. Step 4: Use images to enhance your post, improve its flow, add humor, and explain
complex topics.
5. Step 5: Edit your blog post. Make sure to avoid repetition, read your post aloud to
check its flow, have someone else read it and provide feedback, keep sentences and
paragraphs short, don’t be a perfectionist, don’t be afraid to cut out text or adapt
your writing last minute.
4. Writing true-life stories is cathartic. The process is healing, and authors often say they
come out of the experience feeling like they went through an intense therapy session. But
digging deep to produce these nonfiction stories hurts too, especially if you focus on a
traumatic experience. Follow these ten basic tips to speak your truth. Here’s how to write
true-life stories that resonate with your audience.

1. Dig Deep

Find a story worth telling. Readers see your emotion on the page. It’s safe to say that a tear-
jerking moment in a book came from real-life author tears.
2. Remove Yourself

One of the hardest parts of writing a story about yourself is taking an objective look at your
life. To do so, you must altogether remove your ego.

Take yourself out of the equation. Look outward at everyone else, at the bigger picture.
Reflect on the experience, and decide which lessons are fitting for a book.

3. Start Small

Writing a book is a huge undertaking. It can seem daunting.

Begin by free writing for a few minutes each day. Focus on a single memory as a writing
prompt and write without thinking. Consider this a journal exercise if you wish. Try focusing
on a short 24-hour period of your life.
4. Work in the Details

Like the setting of your story, your life’s details affect you in significant and meaningful
ways. We’re not often aware of just how much the little things affect us. But the particulars
build a clear picture for readers.

5. Research, Research, Research

Regardless of how you start writing your story, research is inevitable. Facts can help you get started
if you’re unsure what life story is worth telling or build on memories to create a well-rounded story.
7. Structure the Plot

Retelling true stories are familiar in nonfiction and novels. Both differ in how the story is
told, but they also stick to a time-tested structure. The best stories have a beginning,
middle, and end. You need a problem, solution, and climax.

8. Ask for Permission

Just because it happened doesn’t mean you can publish it. That said, you have a right to
your own life stories.

If you’re writing a true story, you must ask for permission. Fictional narratives based on a
true story may go either way. Writing in fictional characters who resemble real people is a
way around asking for permission, but only if they are not recognizably similar.

9. Pick Your Genre

Real-life stories most commonly fall under the non-fiction genre, including memoirs, essays,
autobiographies, and motivational or self-help books. But you can also construct them into
fiction or creative non-fiction.

10. Edit Ruthlessly

Don’t feel you have to include every character or event. Be selective and edit without
inhibition. Set events in shorts time frames, rearrange the timeline, cut what doesn’t add to
the story. Cut or alter scenes if no one makes a choice, discovers a motivation, suffers, or
learns something. Keep the vital parts of the plot and the characters essential to the story.

5. Acknowledgement is said to be the recognition of the existence of something or some

fact. Letter of acknowledgement vindicates a situation or an action that has taken place, it
usually has a recipient whose effort or work was a favor to the one who is writing
acknowledgement letter. This letter serves two purposes; it is similar to the thank you note,
and the acknowledgement usually signifies something long term, such as a support from a
friend, a favor from a relative, an employee or a business deal, during a time when it was
needed the most..

Template of an acknowledgement letter should carry a formal style, it should be simple

and to the point. An acknowledgement letter should clearly indicate the intent to write that
letter, the subject matter must be precise and unambiguous. A letter of acknowledgement
can be written in the form of a letter, an email or a post card. Such letters may address more
than one recipients. For example: to a donor, for a gift, a project, for thesis, a social event,
to an organization, to an employee or an employer, for a payment, to customers, a business
transaction or a business deal, therefore; letter of acknowledgement can be written
differently, under different topics according to the requirement.

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