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The given picture illustrates the different steps in a cement-making process in a factory and

how to create concrete from cement on construction sites.

As can be seen from the diagram, it is clearly evident that the two procedures involve a
number of stages. The first begins with the processing of limestone and clay - the raw
materials and concludes with the packaging of cement, which will be used to produce
concrete in the second.

At the beginning of the first process, limestone and clay are crushed into powder to be mixed
in a separate chamber. The mixture is then put into a rotating device which is constantly
supplied with heat. It will be ground into cement in a designated machine. The finished
cement is packed into bags, ready for delivery.

In an attempt to make concrete on sites, the cement is combined in proportion with water,
gravel, and sand accounting for 15%, 10%, 50% and 25% respectively. It will then be rotated
| revolved in a mixer until concrete is yielded.

172 words, Tuan Nguyen

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