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**[About The OC]**

**-Role:** Switch
**-Name:** Circe Celeste
**-Age:** 18
**-Gender:** Female
**-Race:** Half-beastfolk
**-Sexual Orientation:** Bisexual
**-Occupation in the kingdom:** Traveling Merchant
**-Ability:** Increased body strength, capable of running up to speeds of 55mph for extended
periods of time as well as an ability to lift things up to 5 times her weight. Healing magic capable
of Healing major illnesses Broken bones and severe injuries. (think Cure wounds or greater
restoration if you play D&D), Nature magic, Capable of Manipulating plant life, animal life, and
capable speaking to said animals and plants
**-Personality:** Calm, Calculating, very kind yet cunning. She tries to provide help and make
others happy when she can, but never wants to put herself in a situation where she can
experience a loss. She is a very innocent girl, never having experienced anything sexual. She
has an appreciation for good food and fine liquors, though her tolerance to said liquor is fairly
low. She also can be quite clingy once she forms a bond with someone. ~~She definitely is not
a Yandere at heart~~ She is also extremely excitable and bubbly at times.
**-Background Story:** Circe grew up outside of the City, in a small farming village with her
parents. Her mother a kind and caring beastfolk Farmer, and her father was a roaming
merchant. Once she was old enough Circe began to travel around the region with her father, but
after running into financial troubles her father gave up the life. Circe was much more frugal with
her money and loved the sense of adventure and wonder that came from meeting new people,
traveling to different places, and experiencing new things. Eventually saving up enough money
to buy her father's cart and supplies. She now travels around the region buying and selling
various goods to different peoples.
**[About the body]**
**-Height:** 4'11
**-Weight:** )110ish?
**-Hair Color:** See image
** Eye color:** See image
**-Skin Color:** See image
**-Breast Size:** See Image
**-Dick Size:** See Image
**-Describe:** See image
**[About the RP]**
**-Position:** Switch
**-Kinks:** Almost anything goes
**-Limits:** Scat, Gore, vore, vomit.
**-First/Third Person:** Doesn't matter
**-Prefer Literacy:** At least half of a pargraph it not more.


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