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The Problem and Its Background


The study will assess the impact of the new normal setting

to every students. The study will identify how the students

handle the new normal setting. The study will focus on the

students with part time job. Furthermore, the new normal setting

is a huge struggle for every students how much more if they have

a part time jobs. This study is the way to share the opinions of

each student with part time jobs their different strategies of

how they will use their time wisely while working and studying.

The study will show every different ways of how they will cope up

their expenses in studying and to their parents which is also

relying on them.
Conceptual Framework
Input Process Output

 Demographic of  Questionnaire  To understand

the respondents: the behavior of
 Name every student
 Age working through
 Gender this kind of
 Course and Year pandemic in
 School order to know
 Statement of the the strength and
Problem weaknesses of
 The impact of the every students.
new normal  Identify and
setting as recommend
perceived among solutions for the
college students. problem
 Having a part encountered
time job affect between online
the educational classes and
achievement of working.
college student in  Conclusion for
the new normal the subject
setting. matter of this

Statement of the Problem

The study aims to assess the impact of the normal setting

Among College student with part time job affecting their time

management and other variables that can influence a student’s


1. What is the part-time job profile of the respondents in terms

of the following:

1.1. Job description;

1.2. Position;

1.3. Employer;

1.4. Salary/Income;

1.5. Benefits;

1.6. Travel distance; and

1.7. Job schedule?

2. What is the respondent’s primary reason of seeking part- time


3. What is the impact of the new normal setting among the

respondents with part- time jobs?

4. Based on findings, what time management plan maybe proposed?


This study hypothesizes that the new normal setting has

impact for the time management plan among college students with

part time jobs.

Scope and Limitation of the Study

The scope of the study covers the students who has part time

job during New Normal Setting that struggling on time management

between their studies and part time job.

On the other hand, this study is limited by the effects of

COVID 19 into students that has part time jobs or none working


Significance of the Study

Cognizant of growing problems in time management in studies

and part time jobs, this study will be significant to the


Students. This study serve as their guide and reference to

know the problems that they can encounter in their study while

being a part time job student and what solution needed to apply

to overcome it.
Administrator and Staffs. This study will help them to

organize and plan time schedule on their students that has part

time job.

Professors. This study aid their class meetings with no

students has being absent because they have part time jobs.

Future Researchers. This study will be a useful reference

for the researchers who would plan to make any related study on

our topic.

Definition of Terms

Breadwinner- is a colloquial term for the primary or sole income

earner in a household.

COVID- 19- is a disease caused by a new strain of coronavirus.

'CO' stands for corona, 'VI' for virus, and 'D' for disease.

Formerly, this disease was referred to as '2019 novel

coronavirus' or '2019-nCoV.

New Normal- a new way of living and going about our lives, work

and interactions with other people.

Pandemic- is defined as “an epidemic occurring worldwide, or over

a very wide area, crossing international boundaries and usually

affecting a large number of people”.

Part timer- a person who works, attends school, etc., less than

full time.

Time Management-  is the process of organizing and planning how

to divide your time between specific activities.

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