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Organizational Behavior - II

OB Movie Project
Submitted by:
Group Number- 2

Premadithya Pinni  - 21A1HP067

Mohammad Ibrahim  - 21A1HP068
Nisha Prajapati  - 21A1HP069
Mayank Sachan  - 21A1HP070
Anjali Khaitan  - 21A1HP071
Ananya Nigam  - 21A1HP072
C. Pravalika Reddy - 21A1HP073
Anirban Thakur - 21A1HP074

Submitted to Prof. (Dr.) Neethu Mohammed

Make a compilation of Movie/Documentary/TV programs clippings to explain a concept such
as “Leadership as portrayed in movies” or write a report with pictures and anecdotes. You
may approach a real-life problem and provide OB-based solutions.

In organizational behavior, Power refers to the capacity that A has to influence the behavior
of B such that B acts in accordance with A's wishes. Power is a capacity or potential. The
most crucial aspect of Power is that it is a function of dependence. The greater the B's
reliance on A, the greater A's Power in the relationship.

Types of Power
1) Formal Power –
based on the individual's position in the organization structure.

a. Coercive Power- The coercive Power depends on the target's fear of negative
results from failing to comply. Coercive Power also comes from withholding
critical information. Employees in an organization who have data or
knowledge that others need can make others dependent on them. At the
organizational level, A can exercise coercive Power over B if A can, suspend,
dismiss, or demote B, assuming B values her job.

Movie clip (The Proposal 2009)- in this clip, Andrew Paxton (Rayan
Reynolds) obliges and fulfills all the orders given by Margaret Tate (Sandra
Bullock), the boss, as she holds the authority to fire anyone in the

b. Reward Power- The opposite of coercive Power is reward power, which

people comply with because it produces positive benefits; someone who can
distribute rewards that others view as valuable has Power over them. These
rewards can be financial such as controlling pay rates, raises, and bonuses, or
non-financial, including recognition, promotions, exciting work assignments,
friendly colleagues, and preferred work shifts or sales territories.

Movie clip (The Big Bang Theory 2007)- in this clip, Penny (Kaley Cuoco)
follows everything Sheldon Cooper (Jim Parsons) says, as she would get
chocolate for doing so.

c. Legitimate Power- Legitimate Power represents the formal authority to control

and use organizational resources based on the person's structural position in the
organization. Legitimate Power is broader than Power to coerce and reward. It
includes employees' acceptance of the authority of a hierarchical place. In general,
when school principals, bank presidents, or army captains speak, teachers, managers,
and first lieutenants usually comply without fear or hope of rewards.

Movie clip (Harry potter and order of the phoenix 2007)- in this clip,
Dolores Umbridge (Imelda Staunton) is able to control the class due to her
position as a defense against the dark arts teacher, even though the concerns
that Harry (Daniel Radcliffe) raised were very relevant.

2) Personal Power –
based on an individual's characteristics and personality.

a. Expert Power- Expert power is influence wielded due to experience,

expertise, special skills, or knowledge. As jobs become more complex, we
become dependent on experts to achieve the goal. Generally, physicians have
the expertise and hence expert Power. Therefore, most of us follow our
doctor's advice. Computer specialists, economists, industrial psychologists, tax
accountants, and other specialists wield Power due to their expertise.

Movie clip (Avengers 2012)- in this clip, Captain America (Chris Evans)
follows Iron man's (Robert Downey Jr) instruction as he is the expert in the
field of science.

b. Referent Power- Referent power is based on identifying a person with desirable

resources or personal traits. If A likes, respects, and admires B, B can exercise Power
over A because A wants to please B. Referent power develops out of admiration of
another and a desire to be like that person. It helps explain, for instance, why
celebrities and sports icons are paid millions of dollars to endorse products in

Movie clip (Bahubali the beginning 2015)- during the war, when the troop's
morale was down, Mahendra Bahubali (Prabhas) was able to motivate the entire army
due to respect, love, and admiration the troops had for him.

References and links-


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