A.Oj. Gabriel R.L. Fagbenle J.M. Jaja: - :jiiir

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.. . ..' ~.
.• - ~
the book explores many topic al issues such as the debate on technology
F)I '~ W O RD transfer versus appropriate technology, applications of.biotechnology nd
modem environmental issues. Through this text, students will be empow-
I I I'wl , II gb mle and Dr. [aj a's the History of Science and ered to engage in meaningful discussions on the ethics of scientific discov-
"' " 'I' tit" is aptly titled. It truly provid es a most com prehen- eries and technological innovations, a discussion that.is a vital prereqw.site
I 111 ' account of th e development of science and technol- to scien tific activity in the third millennium.
II Ihll U h the ages and acro ss civilizations. Such a persp ective as With the exception of the rather brief and qu estionable incursion into
I II I n va luable for most m odem day readers.par ticul arly medieval church politics and the Reformation, which sometimes bother on
III 1\ In" and technology, who frequently lack a sense of history ontoward p ro sely tisation. The History of Science and Technology in PeT8f't!c:ti'vt
'Ill I tly study their disciplines in a vacuum. is a well-researched, timely guide for all of us who wish to understan,d and
I" I" lory a/ Science and Technology in Perspective has many attributes to use nature for the betterment of our communities and the nation large at
11 nd it. first 'of all, it is a veritable source-of "frui tful knowledge" in both now and in the years ahead. I recommend it highly.
II n de fined by the au tho rs, of knowledge that continu ally reveals .-,
11thoMatch, 1998.
I nil 'l ons with new form s of knowledge and leads to the construction of

I n ng ful con texts within which growth and d evelopment of new ideas
, l kc pl ace. As we seek in unive rs ities acro ss the nation to impar t
I m olving skills, it is essential that our students learn to interpret the
Federa~ Universit]rof Technotogy
r ph-tun md to ma ke sense of th e present and the future by making
I (01 It 'l or with the past
It II I cha racteristic of The History of Sciencelind Technology in
Chainnan, Committee 0/
Vice-QUmcelltws yjf
I It I orvatio n of cultural affinity through frequent allusions
II I , I I I I md cus toms both of Nigeria and Africa. Many similar
Iy II I I, ilicnating as they focus exclusi vely on the contribu-
I , " III Af lean civilizations. TheHistory of Scienceand Technol-
III 1'1' • fully combines a full account of thecontnbutions
I 111111 B,lbylon, China-and other Asian countri es with a

1 • I I 1111 11 of the remarkable contribu tions 0'£ sub-Saharan

It Ih "v('lopment of Sd ence and Technology as we know
III III lIy you ng African scientists will be both thrilled and
I I 0\ I II .. uchievem entsof our ancestors inAstronom y,
I III I I' Ill' thetics, vaccination and surgery among oth-

I II" It, IIlI1Jo/Scienceand Technology in Perspect(ile is its

II III Illllh and people that have been significant in
,t III I I 1\' and technology. The book is at once
"I II Ill) logically and thematically integrated to
" " I t II I roncep ts and techniques now taken for
y definitions of science technol-
I I I I II I nd abuses of science and technology,

--- - - - - - -


II, I , off I l'cchnology in Perspective has developed out of the

I 1/. I UI/(1
If II t of the authors to crystallize ideas on issues bordering
II" II I oil 111'11111 c ence and Technology. It is oftenthe case that the terms De~ ~_ .._~_ _•••_••__•••••••••••.....••••.•••••••••••••__••••••••••. il
I I III lid ' I I" hnol ogy' are conceived as being shrouded in mystery that
I' I III' II It bla in the humanities in particular, are held in.a trance by Preface .•••.••...........•......................•......•....................................•.•••.••.•••••.•. iii
I II 11\ ' ,II 11, tudents in the general studies-programme find it difficult to
11111 1" t· with wide coverage that adequately address issues in science and Foreword...•..•. ~ •...••....•.••.•••.........•..•..........•...........~; ......•....••.•.•~ ..•••••.••.••_•• iv
I( ( hnology as well as provid e the fundamental background needed. Bearing
till in mind this text has been so developed and in a language that makes BiogTapfric .................••......,•............................: __...••..•."
it amenable to the above target groups but also to any oilier reader other than
.Content ~ :.. "i
the uni versity student. .
From the historical stance, developments inscience and technology from
the earliest beg innings through the twentieth century in many p~s of the CHAPTER
world h ave been discussed. Contemporary environmental considerations
with regard to science and technology have also been addressed. Whil~ the . ')

authors do not claim a comprehensive documentation, the broad perspec- 1. Basic ~~.pts.of Science and Technology 1 -
.. . ~ . .
tive no doubt covers gaps left by specialised texts . The book is subject to ~':" ....
furthe~ irnprovement until the reading public is sufficiently satisfied. ..2-.~:Historic and Ancient <Civilizations ................................•...._..... 23i
We wis h to thank members of our famili es, friends and students who
encouraged u s to embark on thi s project. To the authors whose works we i 3. Middle Ages or Medieval Period ..................•......•..........................71
have quoted or borrowed from, we remain forever indeb ted . " . !
4. Scientific Revolution , 90
5. Biotechnology 129
6. Technology: Transfer and Use : 143
7. Environmental Issues ~ •.........; 1~

8. Rejerent:es ~ , 174

9. Subject Index , ~ ~· ~~.181- 185

10. Author Index ~ ~..................•........ l~ 191


T h e struggle by ma n to survive in his en v ironment

necessitated the development of a body of knowledge and
skills w hich from man's early beginnings was rudimentary.
Following develop ments through various epochs, science and
technology as organized endeavours which can be used to cater
for a wid er range of human activities oth er than the basic need
for food, h ave become serious areas of study. In ord er to under-
. stand the dynamics and im portance of this twin gem, a less
complicated exp lanatio n of their characteristics has been at-
tempted .

The term "science" has been severally d efined. However, Anya -
(1977) qu oting Kosambi, defined science as th e cognition of
necessity. From this definition the following can be ded uced :
1. that there must be a felt need;
2. that this need m u st be app reci ated in its totality and
3. that human imagination, ingenuity, hard work are in -
volved in the process of satisfying the need;
4. that, finally, material rewards and'; or services whi
enhance humanw elfare will be p rovided. All these
invariably lead to the understanding of the inherent
lem and the desired solution.
BA JC C OM U'/ !. (" ,l ll 'lI N. I I N I' III II NI ' / ' 11, 1
" ", I ' 0' " NI' 111M'/{ /( IN PUJ,. TM
concerning matters of fact or desirable policy, But as a meth: ,<I 101
I ,I ( 69), on,the other hand, defines science as the tackling problems, the scientific method is recognized as b ,jng
t 1 Yof nature and its environment. From this defi- made' up of the process of observation and experimen tation
hvious that the human being iscutious to understand which lead to a rational expl an ation for the nature of things or of
h entire environment in w hich he / she lives. How- processes.
I, . • Sogolo (1985) noted, a mere satisfaction of finding It is necessary to p oin t ou t that the scientific method is not the
, I 1111 d rstand ing, and of knowing is.'itself intrinsic an en=d exclusive preserve of the scientist because other disciplines and
""-...,u ..... which is at present unforgettable. Consequently, su professionals like psy chologists, historians, sociologists, d etec-
k"'('~II!Cltfe sh e r.vant to the individu al is d aily busin , tives, and lawyers adopt this approach. Again it has been argued
.n whi cuts a , ilw\y fa of uman activity. that scien tists sometim es have resorted to subjective judgment
EM .A. Ukoli (1985) recogntzes the difficulty of providing where mere intuition, feelings and taste cometo p lay. Thu s it is
, y or a specific meaning to science.'Rather he opines that) seen that in such "instances, reason based on knowledge is usu-
'I mce would be easily understood by d escribing the activities! ally not enoug h ..
th scien tist engagesin. Despite this problem, science as a l Conclusively, the whole exercise of d efining science has been
oncept has the following attributes. " succinctly put by Anya (1982) who wrote that "the aim of science
1. It offers logical, rigorously tested and consistent explanta- is to observe and compile aseertainable facts lead ing to ~_
tions for the occurrence of various types of natural phe- definitioll 'of. a general prindp~e ,of aecepted generalized valiC!'-
nomena . ity." 'The scientific method; 'he added, "do'es accept that general
principles may undergo amendment andmodificatioa in the
It is opp osed to knowledge-or explanation based on' gues&- light of new .facts. Thus, there cannot be within the scientifi c
work, prej udice, traditional beliefs or d ogma. framework (and by methodological definition) an absolute value.
II rational mode of thought as opposed to magic,
I 1 ploys A final conclusion holds only -iJ:.l so far as no new facts have
"I I utlon and non-verifiable m odes of though t. " emerged to abridge it. '
II , I I,I.lllc tion of the concept of science, will be better
I III II I I. I 11 Hit-ring what scientific atti tud e or scientific
Science andKnotoledge
I II III I The search for knowledge and the truth is basic to the stud y 01
science. The question' of what know ledge is, how to k no
• (1""'1/1, h I tlu«! something, the sources of knowledge; etc., borders on the n III
Ih . ielltllll ill Iltlll III , l o r ulation of hypothesis, col1ec- of epistemology or the theory of knowledge. Epistemo l o, ~ v I
tion of d. t, , , 11. I I , lit tion, interpretation, generali- component of philosophy. '
zation and con elu. ron , 'II I III I II I I i ions are reached on According to J.A.'Akinp eht (1981), ty pes of know k ( "
the basis of interp reti ng I , I ( systematically with their sources, and their methods of acquisitioi I I
collected, applying criti 1 tl '1' ( I thods of as- tion, The characteristic knowledge in m ost religio I

sessment and checking the In) t of v mptions knowledge which 1s receiv 'thro ' g~ fe1'I.l"t1nn
- - - 0--- B ASIC CONCl.'Pl'S_ or Sl IJ Nl I ,-4 N l1 J I ( II N( '11 . 1

and "deductive' processes. Inductive reasoning proce. " ~1I I

v I t n i exemplified by that which the Prop het involves making universal statements, claims or g en era liza uo ru
tn d as the basis of Islam. The Holy Quoran for from p articular exp eriences. For inductive reasoning, observ.
Iniu: this type of know ledge for the benefit of tion through the external senses or empirical experience is cru
oly Bibleis also another source of knowledge cial , How ever, to the philosopher intern'al experien ce (not only
If I v led knowledge. Thus knowledge through rev- ' external" exp erience) is of interest. This refers to feelings and
I lIy omes through some sup ernatural sources. One states in the body. Deductive reasoning refers to the process of
I I II d v ntages of this type of knowledge is that it cannot. arriving at a p articular conclusion or statement from a universal
1'1 111 1 t ltv Iy verified . Again, it is personal to the receiver. The statem ent or generalization .
1 I V r m y not even be a ble to record most ot all that is Conclusively, epistemology derived from tw o Greek words
I d . Closely related to revelation is Faith. Faith lays ere- "ep isteme" (knowledge) and "Logos" (science / study / reason /
to something which one does not blow or understand. It justification) which means the scien ce 01 knowledge enables the
. ouree of knowledge t hrough which, for -example, m an indi vidual understand the origin, nature and scope of knowl-
that a suprem e being, deity,"etc., exists. , edge. Bu ilding upon this, it is p ossible to judge the genuineness
mpirical or scientific knowledge is ob tained through of various forms of knowledge held by the individual or people.
rv tion of the things around us or our environment. How do
ow things around us or understand our environment? Approaches to Scientific Investigation
f what we know 'comes through our serisory organs It is possible to find out how the mind of the scientist functions
h n bit us have primary contact with the external world . through the scientist's app roach to scientificinvestigation. Firstly,
-h I licipation in activities within our environment we it is necessary to recall that th e scientist is curious to explore his
, I t xperiences too. Thus empirical type of knowl- ,physical environment, seek and p rovide explanations fo r phe-
h r cteristic of science-based disciplines is much no m ena that "a re 'not und erstood . Such herculean task would
I I type of knowledge lends itself to verification requ ire hard w ork, drive, initiative, resourcefulness, inge nuity,
I n its truth. " . determination, p erseverance, and adventurous spirit. However,
I 1 '1 of knowledge is derived, by reasoning. It is " he would have been fired by dissatisfaction with existin g .vents
I, 1 v, lion but is rather logical. The body of and prevailing ideas. "
I I justified or rationale. According to S. 1.
One of the app roaches is the ind u ctive or Baconian m ethod
I 111\ ( n be defin ed as a justification or
which according to Ukoli, is the collection or accu mulation I I
I t II «. an act of putting ideas or reasons
data without any preconceived ideas or prejudice and wrlh tl
lugt'll ' I 1111 I II I II I iving at a conclusion. The rational
hope that ultimately, a generalization or hy pothesis w i11
typ of k no ,I " I III king inferences (new knowl-
Induction w hich proceeds from particular instan . ItI
ed ge ) from whoI I II nown . However, the conclusions conclusions has two common forms : ~eneralizati
inferred must lugH.III I II. II I wh at was before.
arguments. In generalizations, adequate num
There are two lyp II I l'IIIIII'~se~ that are useful in
presu med to be typical of a class of object
the process of acquinn ~ I I They are the~t'inductive"
I". " , " 1 " " , NIl I,. II N I "I I ." tNP I"HSf'[. 'nvr i

Ih .uu es conclusions are drawn about the character-

Both approaches are very useful even though the latter approach
III I Ill>. vrva tion for all members of this class of objects.
is believed to have produced some of the best of scientific resul ts.
I q~ 1I1 W ilt is a method of discovery and proof, beginning
Attributes ofa Scientist
," ~ 111Iw u c: use and reasoning toward its probable effects, or
11 glllllll ,.. with a known effect and reasoningtoward its prob- Human kind possesses three qualities that are vital ing redients
II for scientific development. Anya noted that the great pioneers
I It I H " ion and deduction are far from being opposed methods. and initiators of ssien tific revolutions irrespective of the ir other
'I' y, ctually interpenetrate each other continually. Historically, human attributes had integrity of building on the id eas and
III u tion was closely associated with the development of scien- accumulated data of their predecessors. This aspect which the
tific method. Ancient and medieval logicians paid little attention historian engages in, provides the scientist the launch pad upon
t the analysis of induction. But with the rise of the scientific which to build. Science is seen as a collective endeavour, conse-
method during the Renaissance, Sir Francis Bacon became the quently, the ach ievements, worksand ideas of predecessors
philosophical exponent of induction. 'It was in the nineteenth become very relevant.
century that scientists and logicians seriously undertook to A fertile imagination and persistent stamina for hard work are
clarify the m ethodology of induction, beginning with William other attributes. with these the scientist is fired to determine tne
Whewel and John Stuart Mill. Mill's five ~c~nons of causation direction and content of significant developments in science
formed the classic early exp osition of the application of induc- through various stages of human development More succinctly,
tion to scientific meth od. However, later study of logic disre- Ukoli noted that the scientist must have a good curiosity, an
r the former distinction between induction and deduction. inquiring and questioning mind arid great powers of observ a-
I f d, II so-called inductions were regarded basically as deduc- tion (but with the capacity for selecting what .is worth .observ -
I v , III II h deductions are usually based upon principles ing) , The scientist should also show indomitab le perseveran ce, :
l uidu tively from repeated observations or experiences. courage and tenacity of purpose in the face of repeated failur
II t irs to the Aristotelian -or-hypothetico-deductive and frustrations. Most successful scientists, he added, show th
I I h a hypothesis is subjected to rigorous testing by .aforementioned quality attributes.
I h I by deduction the hypothesis is either dis- The good scientist is able to keep abraastwithdevelopmenf ill
I I d or confirmed and accepted . De duction his field or discipline by studyingscientific literature, attend '
I 'I I Ih t there are particular hypothetical conclu- conferences, seminars, workshops, public lectures, fairs, t .
01\ , I I ' I II I h through reasoning are held to be valid
bee u til 11 111 1 general principle orlaw. This general Nature of Scientific Knowledge
law or I III I I widely accepted for the sake of conve-
nience in inv 'I ', III 'I ument, or as what is supposed to Scientific knowledge is both exact and fruitful. It i
have been pr viou I I ,. II hed . A classical example is: ' Ute knowledge is both correct and precise. For ex 1 I , I' I

Major I) I 1I men are mortal hot day 's omeone say, "This is a hot afternoon", th J J
Minor Prom J II n.is a man conveyed knowledge that is true but not pr ci , It tI
Conclusion is ~ortal
J)A ';J< C ON! 'I 1'1'.<; 0 1' St II ,Nc I ,'I N f i 1/ I I/ Nt /I III' 1

I fruitfu l because the knowledge is related to many other it 'ms of

I I II,, ' I -mporature has not been less than WOOF" , then
11111,\ knowledge, such as the atomic weight of uranium.
1111 I I I III \ h dgl' has been conveyed. Another type of precise Thus fruitful knowledge mayor may not be immediately useful,
I I "l III I ' " 1'0 11 Ilarcourt is a large city with a population of but fru itful knowledge that is useless .to one generation often
II • II 11 1111111 " !\ II hough these statements bear numerical specifi - becomes useful and practical in another. Fruitful knowledge is
111111 , II I' not always that precise knowledge is expressed always related in some manner to additional items of knowl-
'I'" 11111 . hvv ly. For example, it will be precise to state whether edge, so that connections can be established with new forms of
Ihl" I' • dick in clock or Geiger Counter or a line of a certain knowledge which ma yor may not be useful. This new form of
I o il HII" Ill, spectrum . Numerical specification therefore, is one of knowledge resulting from connection has its own context which
1111 ways of achieving precision. Fruitful knowledge is one that .can with more connections form a wider context When this is the
I clat .d in some significant way to other items of knowledge..It case, fruitful knowledge is said to have the capacity for growth
I. not merely a series of correct and precise statem ents. For and development into ever widening contexts. Contrariwise,
t' ample, if a person is shown the numeral "2" in isolation, it does knowledge that is not fruitful is so singular and unique that it
lit I I convey fruitful knowledge as in 2 x 2 = 4. The comprehe nsive leads to nothing and is incapable of growth and development.
n.iture of fruitfulness subsumes key concepts of scientificme thod This is because such knowledge is completely severed from any
. practicality, sim plicity, and pred iction. When the se are ex- context of additional knowledge.
pl. in d, th e concep t of fruitfulness will be clearer.
Science is guided by simplicity or the principle of parsimony. For
I',. d it' II knowledge is not synonymous with fruitful knowledge example, the Copernican heliocentric description of the solar
I, I II l tful knowled ge may not necessarily be practical. For
I1 I1 i system, in which the planets revolve around the centre replaced
III I III I' , ,11t'1l one learns the multiplication table, the knowl- the Ptolemaic geocentric description in which the sun revolved
I If I 1111 11 I Ii.· fruitful because it is related or relevant to many around the earth, only because it was simpler. The heliocent ric
II I II I I I 1111 11'1 Ig ' . Bu t the practical value or the usefulness of perspective was less complicated. But sometimes a mere sim pl«
\I It III I I•• Ifl Ill. Y not be considered relevant to the task at explanation may be replaced by a complex one. For example. I hi'
II I cI I II II I 11111111 Moneleev predicted the properties of germa- atom was once "simple" but later became a complex stru rt u... ·
11111 11 1111 I 1.1 11 I ' We S un known at the time, it w as fruitful electron, neuron, proton. Thus the interplay of the simpl e H I d
I I I ell 1111111 lit I practically useful then because germa- complex in scientific method may be reviewed as a man ito: !,III I III
1111 III II eI III II II II I II I ov red. Many years later, this fruitful of the dualistic principle involved in the law of SII rviv I I II II
(bill III I II I I lit 111111 ) nowledge was put to practical use governs all fruitful knowledge.
111 I h O il III " II II II I I II I lor.', which serve as the living cells

II II 1I I I I I I 1111 111111 I II 11t. Th e know led ge required to

I II 1111111 I I II ra or to supply the city of Port Scientific prediction is not mere forecasting or gil It 1
II I I II '1111 I II I I I nd fruitful knowledge. It is rather a- particu lar brand of fruitful knowl cd i;r hll Iflllll

B ASJC C ONaPT5 0 1 ,I l( II N t I 1N I I /, I 11M II f "l, ~

II I 111 .t1" PIOVl to be especially appropriate at a mig ht ru n as follow s:

I I I I! 111·l llll1c dl' Vl'lopment. But a scientific prediction (a) on e of these three keys will unlock the door

I I I I II I I ( l ll H true.
II, t 1111 I '\I' II H'oryofrelativity is scientificbecause, am ong (b) the first and second keys d o no t unlock the door
r Ilun , 1111 I I I 'd iction that light rays bend around the sun (c) the third key/therefore. must unlock the door.
I • • blc , But when the social sciences or behavioural
The deduction of (c) from (a) and (b) wo uld be so convincing .
I con: ide red the view th at prediction is an essentia l
that it would be considered' as waste of time to test the third key.
I ci mtific knowledge does not hold. The social sci-
Thus the correctness of (c) depends absolutely upon the correct-
not predi ct human be haviour as effectively as th~ ness of (a) and secondarily upon the correctness of (b).
1 ciences predict the behaviour of p hysical sys tems. .
Experimental proofs always involve testing procedures and
, scientific knowledge enables the individ ua l to mak e
reading results while logical proo f does not n eed testing. Sup-
ns .
pose that one wishes to know whether Bronzeis an alloy of
coppe r and tin, it would be necessary' to test mixing both ele-
ments before a d ecision could be reached. Such test might be
hieve knowledge that is both exact and fruitful ? performed by collecting.both elements, and mixing them before
major types or means according to Atwell interpreting the results. This procedure is typical of experimen-
): tal proof. Modern scien~e use s both kinds of proof:
hieving correctness, which are logical and.
I roof; Instrumenta tion
Instrumentation refers'to obtaining, precise numerical specific
hi -ving precision, whichis instrumentation; tions by means of measuring instruments. A ruler, tape measur ,
calibrated measuring rod, graduated beaker, etc. provide preci
fruitfulness, which are discovery and and better measurement th an using the "the foot"; "eyes", t
The use of an electron microscope rather than ordi nary hi '
power microscope will give estimate of,the number of g'
the chromosomes of vinegar flies, for example.
Precision is usually determined and iinproved by rn.' ,.nu
there are two'types of proof. They
instruments. With each improvement in instrum en t.
precision, new p ossibilities are opened up for 'furtl
i identifying the correct key to a meritsthroug h the'discovery of still better instru m
out of three ina bunch. Having ever, probabilities and constants are used wh
without success, it -would be vrefinement of instruments is limited.
.n ord er to .identify' it as the
'd U~OCl by logic alone..The proof

I I I " , j I I HI BASIC C ONCEPTS or S,,// No 'I ..IN" / / . IIN,,' I ~ . '

used in applying the results. Marie Curie reported the discov 'ry
\ le for the grow th and development of of radium in 1898. It w as isolat ed in 1902 after its existence had
b use it facilitates obtaining new con - been experimentally proved by instrumentation . It then became
1~ d relations. For exam ple, Copernic us p ossible to infer the atomic weight and its other properties .
t I iotions of the planets can be explained as well Dmitri Mendeleev discovered the law of the periodic ta ble
1\ 1\ tric theory as by using a geocentric theory is (formulating his periodic law for the class ification of the ele-
II. (overy. Again Sir Isaac New ton 's discovered m ents) from which he inferred"ekasilicon" which, with the aid
tric system can be considered as a small sub- of instrumen tati on, was later discovered to be germanium.
e general network of gravitational forces, illus-
ov y. Scientific Method in Practice
u h series of changing contexts resulting from dis-
rl b sketched from Aristotle's conception of man as There are many variations of the scientific method of investiga-
\011 ) animal to the view of Sigm und Freud that h e is a
tion but the general pattern involves asking simple or complex
t (f ubconscious drives. questions based on some definite assumption. The qu estion s
may seek any information about a new or little known phenom- ·
II III ence enon or object.
. involving logical deduction and prediction could From the question it is possible to.kno w what has already been
I ecial kinds oflogical inference. New thon 's law discovered abo u t the subject of concern, whether any studies,
e~en th ose attem p ting to answer different question s, shed ligh t
I ) of vitation for example, asserts that th e gravi-
I I 'WI n tw o masses is directly proportional to on the issue at stake. Failure to ob tain answers to the questions
v r. ly proportional to the di stance between even from special literature, exp eriment is cond ucted or where
\ I 11 f rred th at the force between the earth experiment is not feasible as in determining the orbit of a comet,
I that between the sun and any mass
mere observation is resorted to.
irface of the earth. This would also In using an exp erim ent to elicit objective answers to th e
nd on the earth's surface, the greater question, there is need for a control. Observations are mad e
Ii ft. Once a set of relations is fixed during the experim ent. The experiment may be modified 0
v as a basis for logical inference. different line of experimentation might become .necessa ry. All
things being equal, conclusion would be arrived at.
Conclusion after experiment may be simple or comp le , <J1I II
tative or qu antitative, and may or not include an aH. II t I II
•C'method, particularly since concerning the complete structure of the subject / i. II
following essential ingredi- verified.
mentation, discovery and
flexible way. In actual
et is followed by being
, , N fl " I" M I' f ', ,, IN/ 'll( ,', . IIV lJ BASIC CONCEPTS Of SOrNa: ANn ~ { "

1 II 10 10 II harnessing-nature to human kind's prouduction effort. .'

Technology is relevantto Agriculture, Health, Education, Com- .
II I" IIIUlogy is used to refer to the application and
merce, etc. More specifically, technolo gy facilitates food preser-
I I n 'l which yield s or produces thin gs of industrial
vation and distribution, location of minerals (gold, diamond,
. I v lue to human kind. What this means is that the
copper) and petroleum deposits and the processing of these and
hy whi h scientific knowledge and skills are tra ns-
other raw materials and to initiate new products.
I II) pr ctical use is what could be termed technology.
The production of faster moving vehicles and more reliable
I I 0 10 ~y ffects many areas of human endeavour..Often times
methods of transportation for maximum and profitable use of all
1 I ology' has been used as a synonym of 'technique', yet they
natural i~sources has been possible through technology. Tech-
'. tinct notions or terms. 'Techn ique' refer to a combination
nology has also made possible the harnessing of atoms and
of 0 l rations usable in the prod uction of a given commodity
electrons discovered by Scientists for the prod uction of power
whit 'Technology' is the capacity to create or choose different
used in homes and factories.
I chni ques and to instal, to use and perhaps to pe rfect those'
I hniques. From this perspective, 'technology' refers to a range
Technology Versus Science
)1 n iwledge while 'technique! Refers to a range of processes.
ri, F. (1982) cited twoexamples that explicitly differentiate The role of science in any society is closely associated with the
I 101< Y from technique. He wrote that the use of linotype fundamental application of scientific knowledge to technology.
h n nd photocomposition i n printing are two different The scientist's procedures, methodology and techniques -are
I q II for the production of newspapers which relate to emp loyed daily in industries, agriculture, etc., to solve immedi-
I I I II ( hnology. Again, pressure and solvent exhaustion are ate problems which hitherto were solely carried out by skilled
' "' , II I n-c hniques u sed for the extraction of oils and relate artisans. It is often difficult to demarcate distinctly the lines
I I I 11 11111)' Y, do pted with the transform ation of oily sub- between the areas of the artisan and the scientist because technol -
II , II I -vident that techniques can be substituted for ogy embraces a large zone bordering both areas.
I I I II I chnologies can only improve and d evelop, How can the techniques of the scientist who is interested only
I III t ( I lu ith's (1967) definition oftechnology as 'the in new conceptual schemes and those of the technologist who i
t I I I II , t II II )f scientific or other orga nized knowl- interested in an improved machine or process be distinguish
t ItI II ", id that of Reuber (1973), as 'knowledge It is because of this difficulty that modem science andtechn I
.....'.'.'nlll 1 lit III III I ts' clothe the terms ' technology' and co-operate for the common good. However, there wa
't h 1 IU ' II , '" I I III of an extreme kind. Baransons's when such was not the case. In the mid nineteenth c t
(I 69) d iniuon "I
III II I . of production and the manage-
ment systems s ·t up, () III or ranize and carry out theproduc-
instance, there was this distinction when great scienti t ' I
themselves together and the corresponding ted n I
tion plans', he said, i. I y p ll . I example of super imposing the the same too, Those who engagedin applied scion
terms 'technology' and' t III H) , one upon another. It would down upon by those working in,pule seien c. 1\ I II
appear that technology e.. 'ntl lIy attemp ts to increase .or to of modem living, however, ended such a divi
improve prod uction. Techn I y i also human's capacity of
14 15
B ASIC C ONCEPTS Of Se l ENCL AN D 'I'1:CI lN tJ/ (x .,
, , , ,. I , /I l lll'l i l IN I II H \ / 'I, 11\ /
- - -- - - - - - - - -
Middle Ages and the early modem period, th e uses of m etal were
1I'Idi I 1111',1, lid t'chnologists an integral part ofthe overall not greatly in creased .for many centuries.
I 111111111 1'11 11111',
By th e latter half of the 18th century, many significant develop-
I, III\' " 1.'11•• ' leveloped as a result of man's practical experi- ments were made in metallurgy, particularly iron and steel.
1'111 I I III Ill ' ' Irllggle for existence. Historically, it was only after These developments led to a greatly expanded use of metals and
1.11 " ~,I ,Il I umulation of such experiences th at science ap peared
machines and the system of interchangeable - part manufacture
1111 Ihl' ,,( 1'1\1'. What is being argu ed is that there had been long
an d m odern m ass production technology. Separ ationofscien-
Ill, c111'I'd .rafts an d arts before a knowled ge of science was used tists from technologists is no longer fashionable for as Rose and
II I .' pi, in the practice and existence of the se crafts and arts. Rose wrote but quoted in Ukoli 1985,
lro rn this basic step developed the techniques of analysis
w hich now began to play an im portan t role an d to in flu ence "Science coniinuouslu transforms and informstechnology
invention and technologi cal d evelopm en t. For example, the which in its turn plays no small role in the creation of new
simple balance w as employed in Egypt for m ore than 1,000 years techniques which make it possible to test more elegant scien-
before even th e first kn own for m al th eor y w as pu t in treatise tific hypothesis .. Each scientific advance brought new tech-
form. Thus, early in history, science did not fu nction as a d irect nology, and new technology made'new science completing
infl uence on practical tech nolog ical achiev emen t, bu t rather what in electronic or computer language would be termed as
c cted as a m eans for communicating knowled ge and as a simpli - self-excitatory positivefeedback link".
fier an d gene ralizer of known practice and techniques. Science as , 'H ow ever, in ord er to establish the mild 'd istin ction between
an organized body of study or as a disc ipline (as practiced t od ay ) science and technology here is an example, again by Rose and
was th e contribu tion of the Greeks. But the ancient Babylonians, ,Rose (1978) .as quoted by A. Youdeowei (1985).
Assyrians, Egyptians, Indians, and Chinese, however, had highly , A Dutch sp ecta cle - maker studied the behavour of l~nses and
develop ed technology before the Greek civilizations advanced subsequently developed the law of optics. This was a purely
m ost of its concep ts. scientific study. The Italian Galileo later utilized this knowledg.
, Most of the basic or fundamental technology u pon which to develop the telescope which was sold as a new technology 10
classical and medieval economic life was based had be en in- the merchants of Venice as a device for studying the planets. TI ll'
ven ted or d iscovered in pre-histori c tim es. For exam ple, the use utilization of the laws of optics in the development (II t ill'
of simple tools, fin', agriculture, d omestication of ani mals, p ot - telescope constitute technology.
l ry, wea ving, shi ]» , I Ill' arc h, the pulley, and oth er devices were
From the foregoing it can be understood that science i. It" II
well know n nd w 'I(' lilt' empir ical found ations for the early or fundamental, and the pursuit of knowledgewitho ut (T I di ll
srt cncc < nd tho mOI (' ,I<IVoIIIII'd hchnology. practical application while technology is the transl at i l li l III I I
Milton Cold sll'lI l (11)11 I), dl)', II( 'd lhd I"l'h nology and science tallization of scientific knowledge into product s p, 11111
I lop 'd slowly l, lI ll II" .. II '1111111 till ' d O'H' of the 18th
with the aim of solving practical problems. Morr pn (I , I ltd
1111 11 11I0, l i ud us tr i.rl 111 01.1111\ 'I v d " 011 ,ll lll ll'd (If wood . technology aims at ali increase in returns, d l' p" lI d lllj', 1111 II I
III I II II " nd h ', 111I 111111 . dill 1.1 p.I L .uu ] th ough
ever m ode of p rod uction ad op ted, seien - is ru II It, III I I ' I
I I I II I d nl't', in nu-l, I WOI IIlg h.id 1'('('11 mad!' in th e
" " ' " ,• •• ., t l' M ' 1NII " I II Nl llt " , ) INI'I'/(SPl: 'TIVI :

III III lilly", rtirular application. It would app ear that while other things, electricity powers the motor en gine, tele-
IH understan d nature, technology seeks .to use
, 10 phone red u ces distance and makes for easy contact. Its is
II III H 'I'lu- I. ws of genetics, for example, are scientific findings remarkable to recall the earth-moon telephone conversa-
Will tlu- tTO,'S 's achieved in agriculture, (animal farming and/ tion between President Nixon of United States of America
o ,11111 cross breeding) are technological achievements. and Astronaut Armstrong. The radio and television also
bridge the gap between people of different nations of the
U ofScience and Technology world among other things.
Th by-produ cts of SCIence and technology pervade many as- (v) The discovery of the processes for controlling atomic fu-
I p cts of life and are everywhere around us. The most easily sion and thermonuclear fission led to the production of
identifiable of th ese are the material ones such as hospital, atomic reactor which have created radioactive isotopes
i nd ustrial firms/ transportation and communication system, elec- Radioactive isotopes are useful in the treatment of disease
tricity and agri cultu re just to mention but these. Significant bu t and in both industry and agriculture.
110t easily seen are other manifestations engendered by .the spirit (vi) human kind is no longer restricted to the confines of the
of science such as-values, attitudes, and modes of thought which earth and it s en virons as a result of developments in
underline science. . rocketry and space science. Through this too the mysteries
Iya Abubakar {l969).n oted the following milestones in the of the moon and outer space which seemed like fantasies
history of scien tific development which have also benefited have become realities. Human beings, hitherto terrestrial
human kind: animals have also become extra-terrestrial animals by
(i) the,invention of gunpowder in the Middle Ages increased venturing into outer sp ace
the fire power of war and enhanced the ability of govern-
m ents to exert their authority more effectively; (vii) the construction of tall buildings are the result of the
advances made in geology and soil mechanics, which
(ii ) the discovery of mariner compass enhanced exploration facilitate a knowledge of the sub-soil strata underlying all
which brought about greater contact between different area as accurately as possible. Suitable foundations can lw
na tions and cultures. From such group interaction resulted provided for buildings with the knowledge of the sub -so il
exchange of ideas and scholarship for the benefit of human conditions.
kn owledge.
(viiilconstruction of darns (e.g. Kainji Dam on the River ig r],
(iii) the stearn engine was significant for the commencement of, an engineering feat, has been made possible th n ll t l ~ 1I til
the industrial r volution and automation: The introduc- application of science'and technology, Apart f l'OI II II I I
tion of the fl ilwr y~ f( ilitated transp ortation and the in- ing' electricity, darns provide water for irr i!'.. I II I II II I I I
d ustrial r volu tiou b nll gh t bout increased p rod u ctivity. •. distant places where water is scarce. D 1III I I
lth the dcv 101 t \ III I . I It tty rn the teleph one reservoirs for water supplies to cities in Illl II. v
th It lq;r ph , t \ t d I' ud t I vi ion. Am ong when the sources of raw water su p lv h 1111111 III I

1/1 l l! " '" 0 """ , NIl ' 0 /l1'II >lOC;Y IN P CRSPECn vL
B ASIC CONC fPTS Of S CJf NCI: " N" Ti, 'li Nt/ I " , ;)

I >,11 \ 0 P om ot e deep water fishing and aid navigation

Th e use of sophisticated comp uters and oth er information
lown the river.
handling machines with in-built complex and pervasive opera-
(i ) in r ias in food production, ability to cultivate non-arable tions can facilitate central storage of data and which could be
Ie nd s, prod uction of crop s in areas which are not their accessible to the wider public. Such accessibility will red uce
natural habitat have become possible because 'of applica- privacy particul arly in medical and legal data. Imm unizing
tion of discoveries in,the biological sciences and technol- agents that protect against most bacterial and viral diseases have
ogy. Agriculture is mechanized with the introduction of been developed .
machinery as tractors, planter, sprayers, threshers, etc. The It is plausible that new grounds would be ventured into as
utilization of nitrogenous and phosphatic fertilizers, breed- more sophisticated new machi neries are produced. For example,
ing of cattle, goats, etc., for more milk and meat ate all protein may be prod uced from petroleum to enrich non-.
products of science and technology. proteinous foods while mining of ocean floor for minerals will be
(x) application of medical knowledge and scientific techniques , undertaken .The choice ofthe sex of offspring using nonsurgical
have relieved man of pain by using anesthetics, antibiotics, techniqu es may become possible while chromosome typing
etc., it has produced the artificialkidney and facilitated could be use d to discover human abnormalities in the early
heart transplant. Vaccination has reduced in cidence of stages of concep tion. It is obvious that there is an unending list
epidemic diseases such as measles and small pox. of the influence of science and technology on humankind for
there is no facet that is yet to be affected. The influence becomes
(xi) the tools, machinery and other aids employed in industry more profound as new areas are explored and' as problems
are products of science and technology. . generated are also tackled with more complex innovations.
(xii) science and technology have played a great role in educa-
tion.Educational scientific research is useful in the teach- Abuse of Science and Technology
ing and learning process while technology has provided The negative effects of the application of science and technolo y
more effective media for teaching and learning'. are also many. In fact almost every discoveryin science has it
, From the above it is clear that scientific and' technological goo d as .well as its ,bad effects. For example, war casual It
.d evelopments have profoundly influenced human life. This can increase with th e introd uction .of .gunpowd er, The marir '
be shown in the new opportunities and innovations in human compass gui~ed European pow ers to Africa and Asia th '
medicine inv olving organ transplantation. Consequently, banks playing a powerful role in -colonialism and imperialism Nt I
for natural transplantabl organs "parts" exist. Again, artificial physics an d technology have produced weapons of I \ ,
organs are developed and implan ted. It is common kn owledge struction such as the hydrogen and atomic bom b.' or. II 0

that success,has been record id in imp lanting artificial hearts tionof organs may lead to immoral acts such as III 1 I ,
with power sources which last for (' V P Il five Y rs. ontraceptive . ping or tam pering with fresh corpses mere y fo
d~gs which lower fertility rates ha ve been pr duced and they organs for sale to banks that preserve such I
.help in checking over-population. ,may become an addition to the arsena of bi
· 20
I". II I II I II ' I " l ' 1 j·I ' 1 " " I I/ t ' t , ) IN J JU~ ~/ 'I I ''' \ 1 :,

1'"11 11.1 "II: l'd. For exam ple, contraceptive drugs which
III ' \ ' 1 "'111 II IY ",lll'S can be administered to the masses in the form
I II .H'III ilL, or .idded to' some s tap le foods or water merely to
• It I Itorminate a particul ar group.
(II I'

1'1\1' tI. vvlopm mt of sop his ticated computers and other infor- , PRE-HISTORIC AND ANCIENT
111.111011 h.uidling machines can facilitate computer aided crime.
1111 I. bl'c. use th ese machines are programmed by human
hI, I~lg .• ~Ild skill ed programmers can use them negati vely. Inno-
V.IIIOIlS 111 human reproduction which permit the choice of sexis
IIb;I',t to abuse whe n a socially desirable sex disequilibrium. is
l.rvourcd. It is plausible that the female sex in particular will be
• t 1 disadvantage
C ivilizatio.n' as .the discussion in this section would reveal,
, . . refers to the collective advancement of Human kind. That
is, the things that are most universal in human life. The features
of universal civilization as H.G.I. Evans (1976), identified are
technology; rational politics; economic policy; food, clothing,
housing, working and leisure habits of human beings. While
universalistic civilization is appreciated as arising from funda-
mental needs of human kind for survival, the difference in form
of environmental p eculiarities coloured the processes through
which these were att ained and fulfilled.

Africa -Egypt ,
Civilization in ancient Egyptrecorded significant progress in
science and technology in many areas of human endeavour and
to which Africans can proudly claim antiquity.

Agriculture developed early in Egypt as lower Egyp t w
I favoured by a warm but fairly wet climate of the entire low er Nil-
valley. Here, silt from annual Nile floods increase soil fr-rtilily fll
planting millet, wheat, barley, lentils, beans, onionscu. II Il bl'l ,
cabbage,'grapes, figs, pomegranates, lettuce, etc.
"" /II' / ,"w/,r H. Latimer of his inventto» ojthe first practical electri c Ancient Egyptiansinvented the plough by abo ut lon H, , It I
II" v IIr [ Will Vall Sertima (p 235, 1990)

P Rf - [JI STORJC .'INO ANt /l N t "II 1/ I ./It

incrca: ed farm ing acreage, use d domestic animal to tread the Burial System or Preseroaiion of Corpses:
. ueds into the thi ck mud arid sep arated individual or group
farm.' by buil ding mud walls, of a foot or two high. This was done Ancient Egypt was remarkable for the preservation of corpses,
P rtl to retain w ater-in the soil for the plants and for distinction The artificial preservation of the body was not necessary at the
of farm ar 'as. However, because flooding usually occurred from time'corpses were buried in the ground in what could be referred
July to November and pulled down these mud boundaries, they to as ordinary graves. This was because the curative quality of
h id to be reconstru cted yearly, every November. sand and the hot climate of Egypt enhanced the preservation of
The need for conscious conservation of Nile water to facilitate
corpses for a long time. But with tile construction of the m asaba
more extensive harvests gave rise to irrigation system. Nile and ambitious tombs which removed the bodies from the cura-
water was controlled and made to flow over certain parts of the tive qualities of the hot sand an alternative process was sought.
I nd by construction of dykes, trenches and sinking of wells. This It would be mentioned here that Egypt'seoilcoatains preserva-
wa y req uisite no urishment for plant growth was ensured. With tives such as resin (a type of gum) and,bitumen (a sort of tar)
in proved irrigation system, Flax and Papyrus plants, which which facilitated preservation of corpses. The artificial preserve-
hith rto grew wild were carefully.planted. From 'Flax, linen tionprocess involved firstly, the removal of the brain through the
l tl' i I, an important article of clothing was produce while nose, then other organs through an incision made on the left side,
I' I Y II. W S raw mate rialfor producing paper. near the groin. These parts were stored separately in special jars
( dVe I till' 0 currence of annual flood, people watched anx- . because the Egyp tians could not imagine a body without these
111'1 I Ie H '~Jl, of a rise in Nile river level. From this observation parts. But by the twenty-first dynasty, these parts we re wrapped
tI I I f that floods n ormally occurred a few days after and returned to the ·body~ the heart and the kidneys were not
II I I II II h. d PI eared at dawn d uring summer. removed. The heart was the seat of understanding.The body was
II II ' " , of tlood marked th e beginning of their new the n Veated. with natron, Mri.ch facilitated dehydration but left
I II "" II h Hood ' lculations the Egyptian Sun calen- the sKin supple. The body cavity and skull were most commonly
I ' I IlIlh cd Ihirly days each with extra-days at the stuffed with resin and linen. Other ointments and preservatives
I I I ('II' IIll' inundation began, special stones we used to treat thebody and colour the skin. Artificial eyes
III III. TIll' inundation was marked by w sometimes fixed in the eye sockets before wrapping up the
I I " " I I jni ing . e . y With linen (bandage) produced from flax plant. Nose and
111111,,1 were reared in thefarm .. . " were often plugged. Later foo, they did .subcutaneou
I I I " II h . clivities) The animals pac:kine of ilie.limhs with a malleable substance t~ preserve th
III Illd I 01 II I II II \ O() B. . King Menes outward body better, .. . ,f/;" . ... . '
of Upp« I" , 1'1 " II I I I I , ,I I'l lid un ited both King- A poorperson was merely enclosed in a thick layer of bitu
doms. H c d enuu.«t I tI ll I 1111.1111 ' rlv tlooding and for w~e that of a noble person or pharaoh would be soak
a fairly even di t I Ih" 1 I III I I I I tI ointments and bound in linen'. Corpses of rich perso w
~rated ~ p~us stones and pieces of gold. F
." fashiooed
. .
.~ the.
of the person wasused as COV ...

P RE- H ISTORIC AN D /\Ne ll .NT' l ·' VII II.M I(l N S
I,,, III 'I''', til ' I II NI I 1NP 1 ' 1 tl Nf l/ ( JI,r IN ! JI:NS/'r CTIVL'

found in 1799, near Rosetta, by two French soldiers in Egypt. On

Ihl I \ SO that the depar ted soul could recognize its
th is stone were Hierogl yphics, d emotic scrip t and Gre~k. It
(,1111 ' 0

I ody wh II v 'r it visited . .

recorded honours given by p riests to Pharaoh Ptolemy EpI~ha­
Th P i sts were very important people and they conbibuted nies. This stone was sent to England in 1802, and was d eposited
lot,o g \ographi.cal knowledge. By careful observation they
soon after wards in the British Museum .
tudied the behavi our of stars and the planets, which enabled
t~ m know tha t- th e nile flooded every year at about the same Architecture:
time when ~he stars were in the same place in the sky. Thus they
co~ld predict fl~od or famine and advise people when to plant Egyptian architecture varied from sun-bak~~ mud-brick ho uses
the~r crops. This kn owledge was not from the gods as th e to spaci ous houses and temples. Most exc~tJ.~~ wer~ the pyra-
?rdmary people thought. mids. Poor people lived in brick or mud buildings WIth roofs of
palm leaves. A rich person' s home might c?nsist of a nu mber of
Writing: two-storey buildings. A large house contained as many as sev-
enty rooms. The id ea of bui~ding pyramids probably developed
. The knowledge of writing featured .as early as 3200 Ble. Hi-
from the simplest Egyp tian square stone tombs w~th flat tops.
ero?lyph~cs (priest carving) was .a form of picture writing in These were called mastabas (coined from the Egyp tian word for
whi~ a little picture was drawn to represent an idea or a word. a bench). . , . .
The pictures were inscribed on flakes of limestone rocks solid
Pharaoh (Great HO$e) Zoser at about 3000 BiC. was buned in
rocks and on th e w all of buildmg using sharp pointed instru-
a tomb of six mastabas of decreasing size placed, one on top of the
ments. Other re~ords reveal writing on a baked cla~ sheets of
other, This resulted in a step or traced Pyramid c?n~ct:i0n. This
~ax or lead. ThIS form of writing was:later simplified so that kn owledge influenced the Sakkara or Zakkarah p yramid, ~o~ th
pIctures now rep~esented sounds as well as ideas. Later still of Memphis. The six steps varied from 29 to 38 feet thus gIvmg
many of the pictures represen ted single letter or combinations as a elevation of 200 feet high. .
.of lett~rs: almost like present day use ofalphabets. Hieroglyphics
Later, the steps were filled in to form a continu~u~ slopm 1:
was difficult to read because it contained pictures which we re
words, sounds and letters. surface. Th e sm opth slope (the steps no longe r VISIble) ~a s
coated with w hite limestone, Although many other pyramids
Hieratic script (priest writing) was a simpler form used for
were constructed, the most remarkable were those at Giz~h, no.i r .
accou~~ of every day life. Only few people could afford the time Cairo. The largest of these, known as the ' Great Pyramid ' w . •
for wnting, comp~icated hieroglyphics. However, busy traders
built for 20 ye ars . It w as about 480 feet long. More t!1(l1 ~ l\ II
later produced a SImpler version calledDemotic (popular script).
million huge blocks of lime~!C?t:le ~d granite fr~m q~arn l'~: I II I ",c
The papyrus plant provided ready raw materials for making
eastern hills were used for this Great Pyramid, Kin g till I I I
pa~. The s~ks.were ten into pulp before making baskets, pyramid. The ston es were cut ~ith soft bronze 1<1\1 v I"
c~tame~, building of pIc ur bo ~, fishing boats and fem~ knives had harder inset cutting-edges, These storu
wAichsaiJed ':'0 :theNile. A brush reed dipped in ink (from soot, adversely affected by w eathering. Khufu's pyr, mul I III III II
. . . ~"gum).was.used for writing on p r I papyrus roll. A the h~&he~t buil d ing in the w orld until the lqth t 1111\1 Y I )
.~ sbiM which had three different forms ofwdting was.
. ~ .. AT/lIN,


. an b.~gan to construct skyscrapers', '

w was Khufu's s<?n built the Great Sp~ astatute Egyptian crafts, weaving.pottery.on wheels baked in enclosed
f I<hafra but the body of lion.·lt was carvees
out,ot-· " . furnaces (not open air) objects of coppe r.bronze, gold, silver and
bo~t 187 fe~ long and 66 feet high. 1lletaee.OffldS· ,-,; 'iron depict their scientific ~d technological knowledge. They
i h n WIth human face in a crouched position, waS 14'feet invented glass end made, glassware that was admired and cop~
a ,p yramid was also built behind this objee,t. There ied allover th e ancient world. They we re very good at stone-
ume~able sphinxes pf smaller sizes in Egypt. Inside he carving.The obelisk (pointed column) called Cleopatra's needle
t Pyranud and the sphinx were numerous'dwft IS and now found' on river Thames Embankment, London is a typical
pa8:sa£Ii.'~ . The pyramids attracted 'robbers becausethe Phmohs exainple. 'On' it is carved the story of Pharaoh Thotme's battles.
w buried with valu~ble goods in the pyramids. For example, ~ Mostof the raw materials used for these crafts were imported.
ward Carter, an archaeologist succeeded in' finding out the Wopd came'from Lebanon in Syria, copper and turquoise (pre-
tomb of the boy King, Pharaoh Tutankhamen. This tomb which .cious stone),from Sinai across the Red Sea; gold from Nub's hills
d been shut for about 3,270 years, had 60,000 objects, piled in in Nubia (south of Egypt).
om ~ feet lon~ and 12 feet wide. These object which Egyp-
believed their Pharaoh would need in the next world Many modern scientific and technological advances owe an-
lu ed goldt,ounces, chariots, painted boxes, furniture and cient Egypt a tot, By 700 B.C~ AssYrian~'cbnqueted .Egypt. The
Id tatu~s of the-.I<ing and-his-servants. Ina second room was Persians took over by 525 B.C.; then Alexander the Great (325
King's body,e~Qsed in four gold, coffins, It .was adorned B.C.), ont'o hvhose generals, Ptolemy, founded a new dynasty of
old ~ars,rings and\traFt:le~. ffis fuce ,m~sk~~:ai~ Greek kings, and finally Egypt became a province of Rome in 30
f goldaad decor, t¢'Wlth prea~usstones. By his-side lay B.C.
ge . ,F~ce m , ere used to Olver th~.corPse's.face so' The idea that Egypt would not have existed without the River
h eparted soul would rero~ i~ body when .it ,re-' Nile might be considered a basic truth but then this river im-
posed severe requirements on Egyptians which they became
nowIedg~ of Prr~d design and construction ~ accustomed to only over a long tim e. For according to Mokhtar
Imhotep, an Egyptian noble manwho designed the (1981), Egypt became inescapable to the usefulness of the Nile
,OVt 1un ll d f Pharaoh.~. He waB then 'Oliefofthe Works river only after 700 years of Egyptian civilization. For between
Jpper and,-Iowet Egypt'. ' ' 3300 to - 2400, north-western Africa, and the Sahara had r 1
was ned,for monumental building. Mbch of ,r
tively moist clim atic system and provided .for cattle-rai ir ,
II II 1''ltilC:Jn u from Tura quarries, 'from ''Sout}l.;eaBt' of hunting and fanning. Again, the gain s of living and h vi ' to
. Sand tone was u sed for the temples at Karnak, cope with the demands of this geographical local of Egypt wh I
anite front' Aswan was
used for Khaefre -desired have crystallized into the remarkable civilization of E
ably started with th e search for control of the Nil
sum artar) was used'more as an aid k, correct
~ ~gei1t. , " search stimulated the use of the flood not for agri lit
, , , b t to prevent damage of properties. Thu i
I ", I I/ /' ' f , " , '" /I N' I ' Nil I" lI N rocr IN I'l:RSI'ECn VE

. The Papyrus industry owes its origi~ ~o the 'and~nt Egyptians.

W II lid h.1 -be m built more to protect erosion of villages than for . It was the most practical of all the wr iting mat~~als u~ed from
I I h I II , I • nals would have also been dug to channel water
0 ..
antiquity. Papyrus from wh ich the word 'paper IS denved.was
I W I Y f I () III farms and fields. These experiences in constructing
adopted by the Greeks, the Romans, the Copts, t~~ Byzantines~.
til '" 1.1111:, and canals becam e useful whe n climate changes in the Arabs etc, Apart from making pa~r f?f writing, papyrus
i\ t I It I, II insformed the im mediate neighborhood of the Nile fibres were used for mats, ropes, boat-making, baskets etc. .
v.ilk-y, both in Egypt and in Nubia into a desert. The techniques The search for some raw materials used in build ing temples
II : tI in buil ding dikes, dams and in d iggi ng canals were per-
and palaces as wei! as ores and precious sto~es etc: f~r other
tl 'I d over the centuries. It is very lik ely that the irrigation crafts largely contributed to the.spread of Egyptian technique~ to
iystem which became crucial for agriculture given the change in . Asia and other parts of Africa. Gold was got from the Arabian
climate partly originated from -the dike and canals construction desert and Nubia, Copper was got from the deserts but that of
t ichniques. The Niledid not always favour ad equate irrigation. a
Sinai proved better quality. However, Egypt depended more on
Sometimes flood s destroyed every thing in their'passage and at copper from Asia, Hardstone used by bu~lder~ and sculpt~rs,
other times they w ere too slight to provide adequ ate water. were largely' from Nubian desert and they . include granite,
onsequ ently, the Egyptians stockpiled grains to feed the popu- gn eiss, d iorite and basalt. Li~estone . fro~ Tura (T~ura) and
lation even for the future. Storage was in granaries under th e Silsila sands tone, Sinai turquoise and Nubian cornehans were
control of the central government. From th e surp lus stored, also important for crafts . It would be noted t~a~ gold an~ copper
government officials and th e workers in medium-s ized .estab- working did not .orig inate in Egy pt .but It IS plausible that
li: hm nts (shipyards and weapon factories, spinning mills at- techniques inv olved in working them Improved . .' .
I. ch d to some temples, etc.) were fed . The m'agni£icent stone structures of EgYJ:>t typified In the
TIll' remarkable feature of the civilization of Egypt particularly pyramids reflect a great deal of the lev~l of science ~d technol-
\til ing till' r ign of Pharaohs rests on the legacies bequeathed to ogy of the Pharaonic Egyptians. More Importantly ISth e math-
)1h I I lilt 1I r' and the relevance to the study of this perspective ematical involvement. Lumpkin, B. (1990) ~rote that they ~se~ ,
011 th hi to y of science and techn ology. The Greeks, Romans. the proportionality of correspo~ding ~ngles, a property of S~I­
• III I I I) II III fited from these legacies. For example, the spread lar triangles which is the baSIS of ~ngo~ome~ry for pyramid
of ~ 1 1 , I 1 In ~ t rchniques to w orld civilization can be credited construction . Th is assured smooth or straight SIdes ,0£the pyr~­
to Egyp t. (,I.I was used for heads, and vases of varied shapes. mid an d that th e four sides termin ated- at a ·point. Egyp t
The W I It Ilti tl roughout the Mediterranean area, imitated architectural achievements reflect their contributions to the d
by the Pho 1\11 I ll , 'ported to Rome where its manufacturing velopment of Mathematics, particularly arith~etic~ al~ebr III
techniques WI'I\ lopt ed, and even exported as far as China. geometry. Evidence from Papy.ri d~cumentation md)~ca t tl ,
Whil e it can b l oIl II wi dged that· there were glass-making numeration was based on the decimal system.. The I I II I
industries at othc ( 1'111 .uch as Mesop otamia and the Indus calculation system used a series of rriU1~ipl.ic.ations and d VI I
Valley, the spread all (J.lli this knowledge is what stand Egypt . by two {duplication). In divisions a fraction wa. . tw. Y ilt (I
in great stead . ' .duced whenever the div idend was not exactly divi hi t1

1'I,£ ·/-IISTORI. "N " , IN' /I N ' ( 1\ '11 ' / II . oN'

I I III '( 011 try the y knew how to calculate the area of a f' ,periods of the development of science and technology. 'lh is
,I " I I, the volume ofa cylinder, of a pyramid and of a " phenomenon can be partly explained by the fact that in Athens
Ih (a Greek city state), philosophers and scientists were persecuted
ir to Cheikh Anta Diop (1985), the Egyptians were while in Egypt the development of science, philosophy and arts
I I( c I ulate the surface area of the hemisphere for which w ere encourage d. Conseque ntly most of the philosophers and-
Ih d v loped the formula S = ii R2. This formula, found in th e scientis ts who were persecuted fled from Greece to Egypt for
III Ih -m.iti al p apyrus of Moscow predated Archimedes for- refuge. In fact Diop claims that almost all the scientists who gave
I 1lI1.1 Y about 1,700 years. He concluded th at (i n spite of I, Greece its scienti fic fame trained in Egypt. Among these were
I( 11In~('des,ideas which he strongly arg ues was influenced by Anexagoras, Socra tes, Aristotle and Plato. Be that as it may, th e
II 0 'bgyptIans) the Egyptians passed down to p osterity the Egyp tians bequeathed humankind th e legaci es of thoughts in
II f I Hila of the exact surface areas of the sphere. To ob tain the the fundamental physical quantities, of concepts like d istance,
11 r I, I c reas to th e wh ole sphere, the surface area of the hemi- area, volume, weight and time. As Pappademos, J. (1983), wrote,
"hl'l(' was multiplied by two. The re were also formulae by Europe is indebted to Egypt for the invention of standards, units,
I );" pll,II1S for calculating th e volume of th e cylind er, and the , and methods for accurate measurement of all these quantities.
I I . I rtace of the circle. It must be pointed out tha t Archimede s The Egyp tian calendar represents the most scientific measure-
III I ir' tion from Egyptians work. He furthered his stu dies ment of time ,w hich is what we use today (but with only two
I I I nd it was after th is, th at he returned to Gre ece and ' minor modifications) as a scale of absolute chronology. This
Ie I I Ihl,' body of figures which he arranged andpresented calendar was ba sed on the rising of Sothi s or Sims (the brightest
I I II 11 • y. In fact on his return to Greece, he "invented" the star in the sky) which appeared every 1,460 years. The calendars
II I knowledge and invention that clearly were of , were two. One reflected 365 d ays while the other contained 365
I " [ui ty and used for th e extraction of p ercolated 1/ 4 days. From th eir calcUlations, they were knowledgeable
I II II, mastery of the theory of levers and inclin ed about the leap year an d had created all these by about the fourth
I I I d Ar himedes treatise - On th e Equilibrium of Millennium (4236 B.C.) Again, th e practice of dividing the day
I I I I II ( .ravity of Planes. The Egyptians we re the
I tI into 24 hours and starting the day at midnight was derived from
I I I nornetry, as some problems in th e Rhind
the Egyptians. With Sundials and water clocks Egyp tians mea
II II (RMP). sho w eviden ce of calculations of sured smaller ·interv als of time. It is believed th at they invented
I III , . sine, tangent and contangent. Calcu- the most ancient sundial ab out th e 15th century and the w tt I
l.ruo u " " ,. of elemen tary figures such as rect- clock about 2000B.C. In Europe, the water clock was used ( VPIl
allg l . , I II I old, volume of cube, and para llel pipe . 4. in the times of Galileo, who did use it for one of his expe im 'III
whoso b. . I I I 1I11t. ined in the RMP. The RMPreflects on accelerated motion.
mastery 01 , d~ I II IIII II I nd arithmetic progressions, all of Related to the calculation of time with calendar w
which the Egy, III II development and use of tables of star culminations nli t
It may be sur pr i I I I I I II t Egypt has such remarkable star rising for nocturnal observation ), practice ' 1))1
influence on Europ I II I I in th e ancient and classical which facilitated time measurement. Shado t y t
1 111 II, I I I , • •, ' /t N' I " I' It I " "" Uf lll,) INP, I<l.,/lf Cf/V/ P RE- H ISTORIC ANV A Nt 'II N I l "I\ '1/ II, W , IN

,I Pappadcrnos, 1983 enabled the Egyp tians

III/dlllg 10 through an incision ma de in the side of the body show a good
II tell ot the summer solstice (june 21), shortest shadow knowledge of anatomy. Evidence from Smith Papyrus, Mokhtar
01 \I' (I)( ember 21) longest sha dow; and the dates of the noted, confirm that Egyptian surgeons could stitch up wounds,
•'Ill I uul utumnal equinoxes (March 21 and Sep tember 21),
l set fracture by using wooden or pasteboard splints, drain abscess
.luu I I he dow solstice (December 21); etc. Diop (1985) wrote fill holes in the teeth with a mineral cement, join shaky teeth with
th, I during Alexander the Great's battle ag ainst Persians (who gold wire etc.
III h i (lllg ucred Egypt), an eclipse of the sun caused widespread Given Egypt' s contributions to the development of science and
I)' I J (mong the Greek army. Aristotle, who was the king's tutor technology from the an cient time s to the medieval times it is
I , ild .not explain th e ph enomenon rather it was a priests, an pertinent to wonder why the sciences did not flourish thereafter.
Egyptian astronomer, wh o pro vided scientific explanation to its It would be noted that Egypt's decline in the science, was largely
urrence and restored calm . due to unfavourable political changes which exposed Egypt to
The technological progress achieved by ancient Egyp tians was the rule of Turkish Mamelukes and the Ottoman Empire.During
P rtly due to th eir advances in theoretical physics. However, this period emphasis was on strengthening of feudal structu res
I hnology also stimulated advances in technology. The knowl - not scientific output Already, from North Africa to Spain, Sicily
dgt' of physics also stimulated advances in th e sciences. The and Southern Italy Arabs has spread learning to Europe which
owl >dg,e of p~ysics is evident in the construction of pyramids, now blossomed and overtook other centers from the period of
nd Ob lisk barges of Qu een Hatshepsut (1500 B.c.) which Renaissance. Again, Egypts economy was devastated und er the
. III d Obelisks of 57 meters high each weighing 2400 tons. The feudal rule of Ottoman Turks and the Mamelukes while that of
" 11' w s h uled by abo ut 30 tug boats. Imh otep 's de sign and Europ e progressed through capitalism an d industrialization.
(III II 1II'IIon ()~ the step -pyramid of Sakkara conveys the idea of These factors made for competition, innovations and inventions
,I" I 1IIIIln les such as the lever and inclined plane . which stimulated a great deal of challenges in the sphere of


I" 'I
'Id of medicine and medical technology (he alth is
III "CllIIlO up with techn ology), much is to be learnt
science and technology in Europe. The political clim ate of Eu-
rope favoured scientific.and technological studies, researches
'ItllI " 1\ 1'111 I\gyptian s. From mere embalmment the Egyp- and advancement while that of Egyp t did not. The religious
II, II lu I d 10 111 ummification which entailed a mastery of di fferences between Muslims-who ruled Egyp t and Europe's .
" t II III I III" I Ity. I CS chemistry, surgery and medicine. While
I christians created a yawning gap in relationships between the
III. 1I0l, I 1111 ICI pi in how they arrived at specific kno wl- two groups and did not favour exchange of ideas in scientific and
'dgl' I,ll • ( It I I I " of nowledge, it is plausible that their long technological advancement in later years.The role of slave trade,'
.' pl'r1l'n"p : I ) I II" I I rn good stead. For example, natron, found colonialism, misinformation and racism in later times would not
III th e toadi cl N. 11111 P rt of Egypt contains chemical com- be ignored as factors that retarded scienctific and technolog ic,II
I ? unds of sodium c, Ihon, I >, sodium bicarbonate, salt and so- development.
h rrn sulphate (from. II Iy '" in modem times) which was an
, ' ntial component IHI I III Imment or mummification. For
till ' process the bod~ wa () ( d in natron for seventy days. The
rnovaI of the brain thr u the nostrils and the intes tines
34 35
Pvr-Hisrcs»: ,IN " ANW NT c " VI' rL,\nON

1 111 I II ' I" t, , "

revealed that the ceremony was not to Sirius, the brightest star in
(>ti't" , Iri fill ilvilizations the sky but to its compani on, Siru s B, a very small star which even
medieval science was not kno wledgeable about.
Tit ' It h 1 Ihe t human kind, indeed the development of science
Modern science has confirmed the Dogon's view that Sims B.
.uu h dmology benefited from legacies from Egypt is not in
had an elliptical orbit around Sirius A and that it took 50 years to
oubt but there is abundant evidence of scientific and techno-
complete. But the idea that Sirius B which.the Dogon regard ed as '
I 19i1' I contributions from other African civilizations to diverse
a "dwarf" has an orbit of one year aroundits own axis for which
f. 'pis of human endeavour. Sertima, lV. (1990) vividly accounts
they held a special.celebration (the bado) in honour of that orbit.
for th se in his book entitled Blacks in Science: AncientandModem.
is yet to be confirmed by modem Science. It is worthy to note that.
I lere are some higWights which are very revealing.
the belief by the Dogo n that Sirius B is composed of a me tal
Astronomy brigh ter than iron which all men on ear th wou ld not be able to lift
is confirmed by modern science. The explanation is that Sirius B
I'he discovervof emastronomical observatory on the edgeof iake has a compact nature whose mas s is many times greater than a
,rll ~kan~ in Kenya which d ated 300years before Christ. gave an star w hich appears many times larger. From these findings about
II\SIght into further revelations.that attest to the development of the Dogon which w as stu died by two French anthropologist,
( 11 accurate and complex calendar system based on astronomical Marcel Griaule and Germaine Dieterlen itisclear that the Dogon
oning in eastern Africa. HIS probable that the calendar astronome r-priests developed an ad vanced scientific knowl-
(1. ' on the rising of certain stars and constellations) predated edge of th e heavens which until the 20th century escaped Euro-
f i t. In fact the hugestona pillars at Namo ratunga II, (19 in pean observation. The Dogon would have largely d epend ed on
I I ) w hich w.e~ arrcu.tge9 in rows and set down at angles both observation and intuition. They also drew diagrams of their
th. I I til' t an orden ~d-.precision corroborate evidence of observations. The issue if any controversies arise as to the m ode
u iwl ~' nd practices in asti'ono~~This hunch was however .of inquiry for the Dogon findings, is that there is a very di fferent
ttl oved correct, . approach to science by the Dogon from what the West is con:er-'
• 1)( h( n f Mali" also had an extremely complex knowledge sant with . For the Dogon and m ost other Africans, there IS a, ' I

of trouom v T lu y had a similar concept of the solar system and subtle blend of both the empirical and intuition th at facilitated
the lIllI I 1'1 Ih · ings of Saturn, the moons ofJupiter, the spiral d evelopment of knowledge, without the use of th ose instr -
str u ctu re of Ihe' Milky Way Gala?')', in which planet Earth is ments which are considered necessary. Yet more archaeologi ill
sit ua ted, ,Illd hll h s ems to be th e modern view. To th em a and anthropological inquiry may be needed to establish that the
billion wo Id. I' " III d in space like th e circulation of blood in Dogon did not use any instruments. It is plausible t hat they US('l f
the body. TIll' mou n u y said was barren like dried blood. Even telescopes from.Egypt because of their trade contacts with Pg YI)I
stars which no Oil l' ild see except with the most powerful of Literature reveals that the Russiansfoundcrystal lensc " I' I
telescopes was know these astronomer - priests of theD ogon. fectly spherical and ofgreat precision, inancient Egypt, dill Ill!',
In fact they had th iwledge of a star .within the Sirius star the period Africans dominated. Indeed itis possible to I'I.Il ( Olll'
: s~~tem and ~s necesi itt their performance of a ceremony to lens in front of another to make a basic telescope and u II III n-lv
:SinUS every.sixty ye , w n the Orbits of Jupiter and Saturn
.: converge. However, furth vestigation about this ceremony ·37
P.,{J'-J IJsro/Ot .., Nfl ' \ N t II j I ( /1 11 11 \ III W ',

abdomen. The su rgeon, with his surgery knife stood on her left
(10 n. It is possible to acqui re astronomical know]-
side and muttered an incantation after which he washed his
gl • cute and sustained observations with th e naked ha nds and the patient's abdomen, first with banan a wi ne (an ti-
yt th ogon did. The Chinese report as regards the moons sep tic) and then water. The surgeon quickly cut upwards from
01 luI' t , 2000 years before Galilee was based on a similar just above th e pubis to just bel ow th e umbilicu s severing the
t' pt' i Ill.' ' . They sigh ted them wi th the naked eye. To authenti- w hole abdomi nal wall and uterus so that amniotic fluid escaped.
l.llt' Ihi», China's Institute for th e History of Natural Science of
Some bleeding points in the abd ominal wall we re tou ched with
/ (' /\llt mi ' Sinica condu cted an experiment in 1981 in w hich
redhot irons'. The surgeon completed the uterine incision, the
.11 lout six Chinese astronomers confirmed seeing Jupiter's moons assistant helping by holding up th e sides of the abdominal wall
~i t h (he naked eye. The .Dogo n's kn owled ge of ~he rin~s. of with his hand and hooking two finge rs into the uterus. The child
Sa tu rn, the moons of [upiter and one of the stars In th e Sinu s w as removed, the cord cut, and the child was handed to an
system, which they also showed in the ir drawings in various assis tant. The surgeon th en squ eezed th e uterus until it con-
st: tes of emergence th rough acute and sustained observation tracted, dilated th e cervix from inside with his fingers (to allow
with the naked eye or even telesco pic lens from Egypt before the post - partum blood to escape), removed clots and the p lacenta
l're of medieval and mod ern science and technology in Africa
from the uterus and then sp aring ly used red hot irons to seal the ,
.md b 'yond, is remarkable. bleeding points. The peritoneum, the abd ominal wall, and the
skin were pushed back together and secured with seven sharp
f\ hii( i /It'
spikes . A root paste was applied over the wound anda band age-
I rhan s (. hibited great knowledge of plant science, psycho- of cloth was tightly wrapped around it. After six days all the
111('1 'lI lY, .111 sthetics, vaccination, surgery etc. Among the Con- spikes were removed .
r,oll' (. th( n- is vidence of removing a bullet successfully by This eye-witness account reveals an understanding and use of
u: 1111', t h-phant hairs (both for searching for it and its removal). anesthesia, the imp ortance of an tisepsis and a know ledge of
M.l,'.1i IIlL('OIl, ' in Fast Africa h ave been known to have success- advanced surgical technique.
tull y I (.111 d pl('\Irisy and pneumoritis by partially collapsing The mano of Liberia understood that ascites was due to excess
th o IU Il j', .1I1d dtillillr a hole in to the chest of patients. Performing fluid and tre ated it with diuretic herbal preparations. They also
a cat. .11'( .\11 • I I I It lit in the traditional African setting Was a feat in exhibited an understanding of ba sic public health principles in
the k nowh-dj;« 01 M dicine. This eye -witness account by a develop ing a quarantine system for the treatment of small pox.
missio nar y dod"1 n. me d Felkin, as Finch C.S., (1990) reports is Because of its contagious nature a "sick bush" w as set asid
most th rill ing .1I1d VIndicating. The Cesarean section was per- affected patients. The patients were left ina bush far away
form ed on a h(·.dlh Ie oking primip ara (first pregnancy) of the village and attended to by .only one person . The bu
about twenty ye. . 01 III Banyoro surgeon in Uganda in 1879. was burnt after the person's recovery.'
The lady (laid on .111 in lin d bed) was half-intoxicated w ith During an epidemic of small-p ox, there is evid I
banana win e (anesth . i.r), w r s tied down to the bed with bands knowledge and use of inoculation to combat spre
of bark cloth over 'the th u r.: .iud thighs. Her ankles were held by of a sick person is scratched into the skin of un f (
one m an while another man s tood On her righ t st ead ying he r with the aid of thorns. While some persons di
.Ii 39
PRE ·H!STO/UC ,\NO IlNCIIN I t IVl/fl lIllll N

I 11.111111 1 I ~ained protected against small-pox some them keep records of their business transactions. Howev , he
1111 I P" 1111 , I' n enced a mild non-fatal form of the disease script became useful for other purposes such as for prese vi
,111 'Il .II II I ovided them immunity. This is a clear indication religious doctrines and writing obituaries, just to mention bu
I h I "It . I d vised an efficient vaccination method against these. Inscriptions using the Mande script have been found W I
11 1ll , spread in the Western Sudan in places like Air, Mauritania and
'I h I. \1. '( ofNiger~a exhibita wealth of knowledge of physi- Morocco. There are inscriptions engraved on rocks (obituaries)
(l/of II their test for Impotence. The patient is laid on his back and / or talismanic burial sites. Apart from writing on stone,
· I III or thorn .is lightly rub bed on his thigh to observe th~ wood and dried palm leaves were used. Soot was one of the
movement of hIS scrotum or testicles . If any movement is ob- ingredients for ink.
.' -rved the individual is considered potent. But if there is no The Proto-Mande script is syllabic with about 200 to 350 signs
rnov~ment th~n the individual is considered impotent. Modem and up to 40 variations. Much of the limitation in discussing this
medica l practice would explain this as a test of the cremasteric ancient script arises from the fact that the script was not used by
reflex wh ich pulls the testicles upward (when the inside of the a larger population of the citizenry. The evidence of a Mande
thigh is stimulated) as the crema ster mu scle contracts. This is a writing system presupposes the need for more intensive and
clear testimony of an understanding of the body's physiological extensive research into African civilizations. A lot more is yet to
pro('t's, 'P,', . be revealed beyond what is obtained in Egypt.
1\I, il <111 }H'rb~l medicine is very rema rkable altho ugh there is
110 ( o III P vhvnsive study and docum entation on them. Africans Metallurgy
ln-, h'd .. wider range of ailments than have been discussed and About 2,000 years ago, Africans produced carbon steel in pre-
I IH', ( we-n- c. ricd out in the African way centuries earlier than heated forced-draught furnaces. This evidence found in commu-
their out.u I with the Europeans. nities living around the western shores of Lake Victoria isinfor-
mative of the knowledge and use of a method that was techno
W ritill g SI/ //'111 logically more sophisticated than any developed in Europe until
, Remark. hl fo 1\ f writing were used by ancient civilizations the mid-nineteenth century. A similar furnace used by the Hay
or cultur '. \I( I th Manding and the Akan. The Manding, people in Tanzania (western sho re of Lake Victoria) presen
located in th . h redated the Mandingo by thousands of lucid account of this wi despread technology. Debra Shor '
years. They inv It f rm of writing (script) which was used (1990) accoun t of Peter Schmidt and Donald Avery's findi
by ~ande group li th Vai for developing scripts suited to among the Haya corollate with archeological findings of An
F. N. and Andah, B.W. in West Africa. Thus iron tech
their ,own lang uag . '( th t it is correct to say that the Manding
pr~~Ided the proto , l ' t for that developed by the vai. The
indeed metallurgy, was widespread in Africa.There ar
ongm of the proto-M 1 form of writing can be traced to of furnaces for the metallurgical processes invol
technology. The Haya type reveals a bowl of ab
deman,d s of tra de, for th M nde have an authentic repute for
inches deep dug in the groundand lined with mu t
long-distance trade. What , hould be noted is the role of mer-
chants in the development of . form of writing which enabled
I ,n I ', I. " 1' I, . U NI' N il t i, /I Nti"'. " IN P I.l<SI'n "ll V[
IiNP NI ( IV/II Ii ll 'iN

uu 1I1l11 ause of its refractory material. The shaft, or an opening made at the base of the wall. The difference h 'r i th
01 t i l teet high is made of old, refractory slag (prob- protection wall and an aperture from the pit to ano ther pit 10
I 011 ltl d I om a previously used iron stneltingsite and of separating slag. However, th e clay nozzle attached to the pit
t· ut I iud). At the base of the furnace are eight blow pipes or furnace protected iron smelters from excessive furnace heat. Th '
' I Ulft rc '(i .'l rted) which are tw o feet long. There are also eight clay use d in lining th e pit was a protective device. It also made
111 1 Bows covered with goat skin which are connected to th e
cleaning of the pit less cumbersome.
'/uyt'rt' ' for providi ng air. Firstly, the bottom of th e furnace is
h t with swam p reed s before charcoal (produced over open The Shaft Furnace
ir ) i introduced, for the smelt-charcoal and iron ore are fed in The shaft furnace is also called a cylindrical furnace because it
't hrough the top of the furnace. A temperature exceeding 18000C consists of a cylindrical wall with bellow surrounding it arou nd
(3275°F) is said to have been attained in th e blast zone of the the base. Umu ndu (around Nsukka) in Enugu State of Nigeria
furnace. However, the furnace w as dismantled after th e smelt to has evidence of shaft furn aces of abou t 70cm diameter, 9cm w all
facilitate removal of lumps of steel called bloom, which settles in thickness and about 1.7m high . Amo ng the Idoma (Benue State
the bed of swamp grass charcoal at the bottom of the furnace.The of Nigeria), shaft furn aces feature. These also feature two open-
Haya pre-heated iron ore they mined in pit furnaces densely ings at the base of the furnace through which fire is introduced
packe d with wood probably to attain much higher furnace before smelting and for off-loading the furnace after smelting.
t mperatures. In the pre-heating process in the pit, there is a
Ii ited access to oxygen and a chemical reaction takes place The Dome Furnace
,.h • .,i.."o which carbon penetrates the iron ore and it is deposited
. These chips m elt in the cone furnace giving off carbon The dome furnace as t he name implies is hemispherical arou nd
noxid e carbon infiltrates the slag. The result are crystals of
the combustion chamber but with a little.opening like a chimney
at the top. It is an improved version of the shaft furnace. Some
I g forming bloom-steel. When "carbon from the -
have as many as six large holeswith about two tuyere and
grass is absorbed into the iron, carbon steel
bellows per hole. This type of furnace as found in Nigeria, Si rra
Leone, Ghana, Guinea, Niger, and Burkina Faso to mention but
,tI re is evidence of the pit or bowl furnace, the
......' ....-al furnace and the dome furnace . The pit these had provision for collecting liquid slag through a dr. ill
pipe connecting a .slag pit and th e bowl furnace.
' II ly Egypt accounts and in Lejja (Nsukka in
, JI ) consisted of a shallow pit measuring
between 30 0 \I . am eter and 30-40cm in d ep th . It was
Iron Smelting Process
Usually lined w t I , ected with bellows by a clay nozzle The.lucid account of raw materials and the smelting P (
or 'tuyere' (mad )( I ). The Nupe (Nigeria) forge, though a West Africa leaves no do ubt about human ingenuity, n I
bowl furnace with a ) \ .on chamber (pit) of 90cm deep had standing of science and the necessary technology in ( I
its bellows kept be hin y wall probably to protect-the metallurgical process.Although endowed with a J l I I
smelters from the furnaceh , the'clay nozzlewaspassed through tities of meteoric iron (iron in usable state nil I i II
PRE-HJsrOll~ AND " T
•.....restrial i on in various oxides or ores of
, limonite and Magnetite iron. The first The limitation of discussion on metallurgy to iro
rites and residu al rock while Magnetite iron does not disregard the factthat other Africans produce remarx
. tream sands. Fire wood provided the major able artifacts in bronze, brass and gold. Nigeria, Ghana, Zi
though dried grass was often used to preheat bwe have ample evid ence.
ber.Smelting ofiron or reduction can be achieved
(iron oxide) is heated with burning charcoal WEST ASIA
) d oxygen from the air combines with carbon to f~rm BalJylonia
noxide gas w hich passes through the furnace, rea~ng
iron oxide to facilitate reduction or removal of deposited Between .rivers Tygris and Euphrates situated the fertile plain
which produced the ancient civilization of Babylonia. This lo~­
this process provision of excess charcoal.and.the c~ntrol
upply axe important so that the carbonIl,lOnOX1d~ WJH not tion in West Asia now called Iraq was known as Mesopotamia
v rt d to carbon dioxide (this can occur if there IS excess (the land between the rivers). Bounded by mountains (the Zagros
chain and Kurdistan) on the east and north, by the Syrian and
Iy f oxygen / air). It would be noted thatatthis ~t~<!e the
p rod u ced has not been.melted but has only been.chemically
Arabian deserts on the west and south, many groups of people
lived and contributed to this great ancient civilization. Rivers
small quantities. They adhere to one another or
Tygris and Eu phrates rise in the Armenian mountains and flow
I f ous impurities) and to unburned charcoal. ~en
f 1 ) is heated further and hammered; wrought iron
into the Persian Gulf. The climate is hot and dry in summer, cold
and wet in winter and in the spring the rivers overflow their
II 1) is produced but when it is allowed to '<!p~rb
banks, flooding vast areas of the plain. The major groups who
hI s of carbon it becomes steel and can be hardened
( t .ron is.hard and brittle. . \ contributed to Babylonian civilization include: Sumerians,
Akkadians and Babylonians.
}f t ra ture for iron reduction 'o r sm elting is
The semi-arid climate of Sumeria which could not sustain
WI t 1 \ ortant is that the level of temperature
cultivation of cereals, an orchard or a garden necessitated artifi-
w rkable bloom differs dep'e~aln.g on the
cial irrigatio n by canals. Early, during their settleme t i n '
f - .ed. Whereas some iron on!! re'fbire a .
region (5,000 and 3,500 B.c.), they bull -earth tanks, ch
high t ()Oll or BOOo to 9000, it is possible that natural
(canals) and d itches to control the river. floods whe e
draught tong and regular harmathan winds
wanted it to go. Among the crops they cultivated wer w
could cau r i without a constructed furnace (Andah
barley, vegetables-lettuce, cucumber, onions, elates,
1979). How ve , t I It' point of iron is 1500°(Anozie 1979)
people engaged in fishing as attested by fishbone ,
and would hav I en attained as the spongy mass of
and clay models of boats. The presence of flint ho
iron (the' bloom) w F 1 d after melting.
agriculture, baked-clay sickles, and impres .
Iron implements ·- to f warfare, agriculture, enabled man
wheat an d barley row, date pits confirm the
act upon his environm t f r his adaptational n eed . Ritual
crop. Animal husbandry is reflected by th
objects were also fashioned iron.
oxen clay models.
,. "" I I' " , . , Nit I, " Nl ll l't , \ ' NP IN..'i ""~ ' ''J\"l" P Rc ..H JSTORIC ,I NU l I N' II N I ( "II ' \" " N

f pottery and the use of the potter's wheel. Akkade harbour. Another significant achievement in this n'glOn
n i
gh succeede d the use of hoes. In architec- was th e construction of a very large ziggurat during the reign of
I (I temples, later improved with huge pillars and King Ur-Nummu (2113 - 2096 B.C.). The Ziggurat was a py r
w ,t clay nails featured. The oldest wheel, which mid -like temple, with an earth mound in the centre but enclosed
to 3000 B.C. was disco vered from Sumeria. It was by a sloping wall of 200 feet long and 8 feet thick. Three stairways
I pie ces of w ood joined tog ether. Paint ed clay of 100 steps each led to the top . From these stairways, a single
d in the near East show that the spoked wheel was flight step led to the part sacred to Nannar, the Moon god.
i, rly as 2500 by human kind. It was later, by 1500 B.C. The Amorites conquered the Akkadians and built a new capi-
th t gyptians used spoked wheels which made chariots move tal at Babylon. The se Semitic-speaking semi-nomads from the
t t -r, To Sumeria can be credited the first wheeled veh.icles, desert (Amorites) settled down and adapted to the civilization of
v n by oxen along stone paved streets and even ownership of the Babylonian plain . By about 1763B.C Larsa was conquered.
h riots as revealed by grave objects. Sumerian mathematicians and the remainder of Old Babylon shifted further north with
worked out the number of days in a year, divided the day into Hummurabi (sixth member of the first dynasty of Babylon) as the
ho i , minutes, and even seconds . Divisions were based on 12's focalpoint. According to A.K. Grayson (1980), the Old Babylonian
n 60' '. period and especially the Hammurabi Age which is generally
Wr'tmg in picture script Cuineform (from Latin word for regarded as the classical period in Babylonian Civilization wit-
w 'ip" 1 s) the signs of which were incised or impressed on nessed the first flowering of distinctive culturecalled.Babylonian.
w t 'I y t bl ts which were then dried, develop ed. A highly However, this culture was the product of a conglomeration of
d v 10 ' Y t m of numerical denotations feature in this writ.. various ethnic stra ins, viz: Sumero Akkadian civilization of the
I . l'h i w m used for accounting. But before 2750 Phonetic Babylonian plain during the period 3000 B.C. The Babylonian
v lue: f igns developed and their neighbours, such as language, a dial ect of Akkadian, a semitic tongue, was written
th A wed it. with th e cuneiform script which w as originally invented to
Th d towns at Ur (Urim) Kish, Larsa and express Sumerian. In religion, law, science and the arts there was
Nipp . oyal Cemetery at Ur yielded evidence of a clear contin urn from the previous civilization with gradual
gold, p t ark good craftsmanship. Kings and alteration brought about by new political realities. Legal practic
queens w their wealth, servants and attendants. was basically the same, with a few .intrusions such as the I x
In about 2300, h i ns under Sargon I conquered Summer talionis (an eye for an eye, a tooth.for a tooth) which came fro
(Shoomer). Akk I 10 ted where th e Tygris and Euphrates the Amorites.
rivers come togeth 'J gion also witnessed the develop- Hammurabi (Hammurabi) built a new ziggurat in Babyl
ment of great centr trade as well as great southern the legendary 'Tower of Babel' in the Bible. The di I
Mesopotamian capitals. 'I include Kishi, Akkade, Babylon, guages spoken by the builders of the tower of babel f to
Selucia, Ktesiphon and B d. languages and dialects spoken by the different BabyIo n tllIl ,.

In Sargon's period, tra with India, Egypt, Ethiopia, etc., and slaves from other countries.
flourished. Sea-going cargo v 1. from these areas sailed to the After Hammurabi came the Kassite dynasty.11
adapted themselves to Babylonian civiliza tio
P R£- J-J/STOlllC AND A N< u m ( I VlI U AI/ <W '

I,,, I I, II " I til l..,l " Nt I Nil f H II NOI 0( ; ) IN PrI< SI'l:1.n v r

- - - -- - - - - - - - - - - silver bars reckoned byweight w as used.
Ih I I• • t f • Il Obi t called a KUDURRU. This was a:large stone They pioneered the study of arithmetic.The idea that a number
(I l nul, I I tone) upon which were inscribed details regarding changes its value if moved left. The y multiplied by sixty not ten ,
, I' 01 I I d Of grants of tax exemption on land. Many ofthese Because they liked to count in tw elves, today we reckon in dozen,
01 1 I. I 0 l' incised symbols of the deitie s which were invoked divid ed a"day into twenty-four hours and a minute into sixty
III till t t t guard the legal stipulations. In fact, Mesopotamian seconds. Seven was a lucky number probably because they
111 .. pi, C -d such "divine" markers on their frontiers in order to
wo rshipped seven planets. This idea began and influenced the
PI I ve-nt terrestrial en croachment.
custom of having a w eek of seven days. The. Jew s, Saxons and
H. by lonians were we ll kno wn in the practice of astrology for Vikings copied th is seven-day week. .
1,1 0 It 747-734 B.C. th ere was a systematic observation and
Manufacturing woolen cloth an d rugs w as an important in-
-ompilation of astronomical phenomena, a development related dustry. Raw materials were abundant. Bright colours featured in
to the practice of Astro logy which was in vogue. This knowledge th e·garments of rich Babylonians - kings, nobles and priests
p duced among other things th e Babylonian Chronicle ~ries, a while those of the poor an d slaves we re less gay and costly.
1 onide of event s in Babylon . By the 7th and 6th centunes, B.C.
Because Babylonia lacked stones, brick-making thrived. Most of
t practice of astrology permeated society and the activities of the buil dings w ere constructed with sun dried bricks baked in a
( st ologers p roduced detailed records of movements of heav- kiln. Prominen t among these edifices were temples and palaces .
ily bodies They used thi s knowledge to predict when rain, Casting in metals w as also an important industry. Various ar-
i or flood would corne an d calcu lated accurately, the solar . tides of bronz e, iron, gold, and silver w ere produced.
I n. r year. Th e Babylonian calend ar w as ba sed upon the High up th e Tigris Valley, and far to the north of Babylon w ere
y , dividing the year into months, days and h ours. the Assyrian s with their__capital at Assur (Ashur). Avery milita-
, . basically the contribution of astrologers particularly ristic p eople and ancient rivals of Babylonians, shook off the
hn gaged in the observation of the stars and planets, Babylonian yoke by 1600 B.C. with their iron spears, battering-
I II I. laid the foundation of the science of astronomy rams, siege-machines an d horse drawn chariots, they conquered.
I (Ivlli zations dev eloped . They had a knowledge of Babylon under their ruler Sennacherib (7040681 B.C.) and trans-
I III 'I)', 1t planets, disting uished the twelve signs of the
ferre d th e capital to Nineveh, higher-up the Tigris river. By 606
II I I I I I \ I II' t-. () t fixed stars, and measured time by means of
B.C. the Babylonians' assisted by the Medes and Chaldeans
UI I I .Iur tu ~ 111 day and water-clocks by night.
captured an d destroyed Nineveh. But by 539 B.C. this indep en
B 10111 II (1I11t III d most ofthe trade routes leading to the dence gained by Babylonians w as d estroyed by Cyrus, King of
Black .' , Y I • I 1 inc and Egypt. Grain, wool, skins, oil and Persia.
dates; gol I ' ltv', 0l I r, iron, spices, marble, precious stones, Unde r Assy ria, architectu re was influe nced by Assyri n P (
teak and cedar wo w rc all imported . They were among the tice. Assyria had limestone quarries so that stone was II '( d 101
first to use m9ney ternative to trade by barter. Lumpsof foundations and gateways of royal places as w ell a: for , cu l]
silver of a given wets ented the articles to be exchanged. . tures, Assyrians w ere famous for sculptures. For x mph, Oil tlu
For~ple, a sad< of said to beworlhsontanyshekels alab aster slabs of the p alace w alls w ere sculpt I n '. 01 lion nd
(ounces) of silver. In fact, .t for valuable artides that gold or
''''' '' 11''',
". "'IIN
II I "I u t« , ' NIJ I tlItNUI O,. ) lN Pl::RS P£CTlV l:
1',11 llJ!' IDI HI ..\ N It I \ M It N , ( " " I,

. es, etc. Many of these are found in th e

rid , , hunts, br ttles, sIeg '
testify to a rem a rkable know ledge (of engineering, as R.E Will 'l
1\1111 h Mu: oum . , (1980) noted .
T ill' ( 'h. I ll', n King, N ebu ch ad n ezzar II, aft er d estroying There were sp ecialist craftsmen and artisans who showed expe r-
I lilt Vt h I vhui lt Babylon. This period witn essed the wonder of tise in alloyin g of metals, the moulding and hammering of bronze,
I h 1,IIII lII I. ' I lang in g Gardens, ris ing by m eans of terraces toa the manipulation of gold, silve r, ivory and lapislazuli forinlays;the
ht'l ', h i l l! .ibout 300 feet. Bus iness was'well org anized . Business carving of stone, eve n rock crystal, basal tand obsidian. The raw
It ('(Hl l ds were tendered at d receip ts gi ven on clay tabl ets. Let- materials for the se crafts came by.sea transport from neigbouring
I 'I wore en cased in cases of th e sam e material (d ay) and a countries . For exa mple, Crete which stood conveniently on the
f,u lar ~ost~l ~~rvi~e, with relay s of fleet couriers developed. " ancient trade routes betw een Egypt, Palestine, Asia Minor' an d
ft byloni an civilization w as carried bey ond their boundaries.' ' Greece was opportuned to export wool and timber, buy copper
from Cyprus, tin from Greece and Luxury goods like p reciou s
Europe stones from Egypt. Coloured glass was fashioned into jewelry, gold
and ivory statues also featured.
A iarly as 3000 B.C. two ancient civili zations had already been Pottery works were decorated with pictures of octopu ses, plants,
)tl d in Europe in a place called Crete, an Island situated to th e grass and, sometimes, a curling '5' line . Minoans agricultu ral basis
. ruth of Greece. While th eir origin is uncertain, Crete -w as was co mbined with hunting, fishing and stock raising . Minoans
I II ted on the direct route between Egypt and the mainland of possessed large fleets because they had plenty of.wood for ship-
( ~ e. The earliest inh abitan ts were an inve n tive grou p w ho building. Again, this facilitated maritime trade with herneighbours.
w -re not dominated by in flu ences flowing from the vast conti- , 'Cretan writin g featuredf?ictographicor hieroglyphic scripts and
I nts of Asia and Africa. But it provided a 'stop over' opp ortu- Linear sc rip ts. The latter w as d ivided intoIinear A and B. The
r i ty for travellers and v.oyagers from Africa, Asia, and Europe, pictographs were engraved on seals, tablets and ba rs, wi th som e
the by receivi ng, adapting and evolving a blend of culture, This resemblances to the Egyptian hieroglyphic. The linear scripts'w ere
nci nt civilization b eca m e 'known as Min oan civilization be- signs composed of simple straight or curved lines. Linear A r e-
.1lI.' ' some of the Kings of Crete w ere named Minos. ferred to these used bythe ancient Cretans while Linear B.was used
I) laces were di scovered in variou s places in Crete. The palace at Knossos w here about 3000 clay tablets of'this scrip t was foun d
t os os spread over six acres. It had a central courtyard 170 feet in th e ruins of the pal ace and other buildings destroyed at the same
IOIlp, « nd 80 wide with m any passages and rooms as w ell as time. The finds were about ten times m ore than the total of linear
cI inc gc system. Som e rooms w ere used to store grain and oil, A texts so far available. Li near B w as la tte r found 'on the Gr k
II I r. ontained precious jew els and one throne painting show- mainland at Pylos, Mycenae, Tiruns and Theb es. It wou ld b
Ill)' 1. r k hired "Y0men and athletic men featured on the walls. recalled that the earliest known Greeks, called Mycenaean 0
I It uncn, ladies of the cou rt had thick make-up, jewelled qu ered Crete in ab out 1450 B.c. and entered Greece from tI no t I
II Ib III Ih ir hair, and w ore long, gracefu l g ow ns. The m en in about 2000R C. From Crete, they copied the Minoan iv I 7. I in,
I 11 I ort tr ou sers w ith feathers on their heads. The 'This p artly explain s h ow Cretan civilization, th e cr 1 )( ' 1
I I I I II .uul building of complex palac es, of paved roads, pean civilization, entered the mainland of Eu rop .
I Ir i ll. e sy stem s, irrigation channels and hatbours
50 ,51
, ,, " "I I II '. II N, . NI l I ., IIM Jl Ot . r IN 1' T.IB /'I,( ' rJ\/1
t'U · H ,SI'QIUC ,1:-10 II NU I N J I 11'Il J All oIN

figurines. in human (woman )and animal shapes. Gold n

-, seals were also found . The seals bore cult scenes and antJrnw
ificd their palaces with circuit walls; consisting
~atiOQS~gl y~~o~ Minoan work. Gold
) 1 g roughly dressed boulders, with the interstices
II stones and rubble Palace walls were decorated"
~ lQrdeath mas~ ,cups,ett. :Ivory was
used inC81'Vi118 boxes,
plaque&, etc. ' (
t ) paintings (knowledge borrowed from Crete) with
,MycenaeadS cultivated w heat, bade)', millet and peas. Vines
involving warfare and the chase, rather than ladies. This We!e cultivat~ and the wine rna~e from the grapes was sweet..
use they loved fighting and hunting wild animals like ened witl\ honey. They traded with Meditemmean COUl\tria
d wild boar. Their buildings had megaron - a large Their ships brought goods from Syri~ Sicil}', CyplUS and per-
u ish room with anteroom and vestibule and circular fixed in haps.Britain. ' . '
h c ntre of the floor. This hearth was probably for sacrifices. The Dorian tribes conquered Crete. Many Mycenaeans Sed .
rior to the Mycenaean period, the inhabitants ef Greece had and settled in Attica and Asia Minor. These refugees are kaown
buried their dead in pits dug out of the ground or in eists (simple as lonians afterthe Greekdialed they spoke Doriansan4 10Dians
rectangular graves lined with stone slabs). These types of graves grew to be the two most famous Greek laces. The chiefDorian
isted alongside the shaft graves at Mycenae (c 1600 -1500B.C.). -city was Sparta.The most important in loma was Athens.
These consisted of shafts sunk into the ground, the floor was
lined with pebbles, the sides built up, and the tomb closed by a Greek Civilization
roof ( of stone, sometimes decorated with scenes in low relief)
were set ~p over some to the Shaft Graves. After the Shaft Graves Siijdence of Greek civilization in the period teferftd to ~ ~
were mOLOI (round burial chambers). Tholoi were (singular - Archaic Age is derived from oral traditions, Vic or H$ ~m
olos) constnicted by making each course of stones overlap the Olympia and lists of kings or magistrates kept by .~~ dries
ne below, until a slightly pointed dome was produced at the-top. '6wot:ksby Aristotle (political developments) an a~ ~t
A dromos (a long, sloping entrance passage) was made at its and 'local customs). During t!ri9 ~d~ A-rdlWc G~ lp, ~1-,
mouth which had doors. The largest known tholoi were the 5OO B~C:), theCreeb welescatftetOO in smaHJ. seitlemen~ ~illif{)J ~~
"Treasury of ATERUS" at Mycenae. Mycenaean tombs display f()rm anatiori) throughout mainland ~;, A il ~~ .
virtuosity in art and craftsmanship and their very size and (Crete ·inclusive~, in cities on the es" roast of Asia ,
-I ho ration, give a vivid impression of the architectural and ;1iislandS of the eastern Mediterranean such as Lesbos, Chio&,
ngineering expertise at the disposal of the Mycenaeans, espe- .Sames, Rhodes.and cyprus and in colonies establiSiedia §hIt1"
ly in the period after 1400B.C. Mycenaean pottery looked like l"d1td~ern Italy tate in'the agbth century B.C. Althoug
those of mainland Greece but decorated like those of Crete with Greek city state was .autonomous· and , developed in wi
tifs of Minoan "marine" and vegetable styles. There w ere different ways the following activities -wtited them:
" lace-style" jars, "pilgrim flask", false necked jar (stirrup jar),
I II jugs, goblets, large bowls (craters) - decorated with chari- .(1) Jbf! -Greek ~~g~ha4 many,dialecb
. .,form before 700 B.C.
t wi th stylized animal scenes. The Greeks and Cy priots
) ought most of these wares. There were terra-cotta .': ~2) worshi.p ofthe same gods basically in tbe&lI.lru.· ll~ tnll1'J
51 . 53
I III II/ I' '/'1 1' 1 "l /I N l I \NJ t J " II NUl (X;) IN [J CRSPIX nV£
PRE-H IS-rDHH- AN/J AN' /IN ' I 11"11 1/ ~ 11 " "
- - -- - - - - - - - -- _ :. .:. :. . :. :.:.:.:. :.: :. . .:.:.:...:-
W II It 10c.I1 variations in the cult; per~od. By the seventh century Greek pottery featured orient I
(I) II, tlcipation in three pan-Hellenic cult centres - Olympia desl~as a result of the eastern trade. The designs were mainly
(with its Gam es), Delphi, and Delos; Motifs of animal, human-beings th ere w ere monumental seu I p
tureofminiature art in stone, day, ivory, wood and bronz e. Gree k
( ) iliad, Odyssey, and other poems of the 'Epic Cycle'; architects built temples with stone. More rem arka ble is the
giving the Greeks and glimpse of their heroic past; - division of th e temple by columns into a wide central area such
( ) the veneration of pan-Hellenic heroes, espe cially Heracles. as in the Doric Temple. The temple had two narrow side aisles.
As ~. T. Hooker, (1980) wrote, massive flu ted columns sprang
Thus whether they were Dorians (living in the northwest, in the- straight from the floor along all four sides; they supported an
a stal states of the Peloponnese, in Crete, Thera, and Rhodes) architrave, upon which rested a decorative frieze of alternate
A olians (in Boeotia, Thessaly, and Lesbos), or Ionians (in Attica triglyphs and me~opes; at the ends, the frieze as itself sur-
d the southwest of Asia Minor), the above distinguished the mounted by,atrfangular pediment commonly containing sculpted
reeks from non Greek peoples (barbaroi). groups: '
It is believed that the Greeks belong to the Aryan branch of the
ucasian race who wan dered from cen tral Asia into Europe Political Development
b tween 200 and 1200 B.C. and occupied the pe ninsula now
Most Greek poleis (cities/settlement) during this early period
C' lled Greece. They later referred to th emselves as 'Hellenes'
were monarchies, in which the king (basileus) came from one of
(descendants of Hellen ) from the 7th Century B.c. Its plains and
the noble families (Sparta had a different system ). In some cities
valleys during this period were secluded from neighboring ones
the oligarchic element was stronger, in others the monarchic, bu t
by rugged heights, and th e lack of roads made communication
the king was nowhere an absolute ruler. While tyrants seized
between one valley and the other difficult. Because the city-states
power in some cities p olitical rights was spread to ~tizens other
did not grow uniformly in size and importance, Athen s and
Sparta emerged the most powerful with time, sparta was on land than members of noble families. A mercantile 'middle class'
while Athens was a sea-faring state. Athens-with its port at which arose in the 7th century also acquired new rights and
d~tie~ in ~oth political and th e military sphere. Forexample, the
. aeus had a fine navy. Athens and the other Greek sea-faring
tes were among the most important traders in the Mediterra- ~~o~atic cavalry who led retainers into battle was replaced by
and even the Black sea. They traded.oil ~~ wine for grains disciplined ranks of heavy-armed infantry.
whi ch their soil -did favour. They copied the use of silver coins - Developments in Athens and Sparta provide us a picture of the
m the Lydians (in Asia Minor and sometime th eir overlord) Gteek initiative and contribution in the science of government.
who had invented such coins. Thus in this early period the _Athens had begun changes which culminated in the develop-
oks were familiar with com currency. ment of 'Democracy' a Greek word which means 'govemm nt
reeks grew more olives and grapes th an wheat. Th ey by the people'. As ordinary citizens (not slaves) 'wan to
utiful pottery jars to hold Wine and olive.oil for export . participate actively in politics,theldng was now con with
were decorated with geometric designs, in this early supervising state religion. The nobles (often opp ssive) h d

nature of the perce ptible universe and the way in wh ich the
taken pver. Military duties and judicial functi~ns (hitherto car- universe is to be related to a supreme being (not the place of
ried O\.1t by the King) were exercised by nobles, Command er-in- human being in the universe). Thales, astronomer, and math-
Olief (plemarch~) and an archon respectively. These function- ematician propounded the view that the universe is fashioned
aries (king inclusive) came from a few noble families and were and from which it takes its life-giving force . Anaximander, an
elected annually later in the 7th century six other magistrates, astronomer, taught that the primal'stuff' from which every
who repl'9Sented some interestof the non-aristocratic classes thing had evolved w as the boundless' out of which the elem ents
~~~. the other gov ernment functionaries. 'Each magistrate of our world have been produced by the interaction of opposites.
joined the'Council of the Areopagus which formed the executive An aximenes, held the same view of the primal stuff as being
bOdy of the polis at the end of this tenure of office. Though infinite but identified it as air, which produces everything else by _
Athenians attributed their first written law code to Dracon k620 becoming either d enser or more rarefied. These thinkers were
B.C.), justlfittle of this is known excep t for the articles dealing dogmatic in their teaching, each thinking that he had arrived at
with homicid e. However, Solon (archon 594 B.C.) continued a the ultimate truth about the constitution of matter. Heraclitus of
thorou~ go~g political refonn which tried to rectify prevailing Ehpehesus in the 6th century B.C. believed in a constantly
economic evils, whereby th e rich op pressed their dependants changing universe and an underlying principle (logos, fire)
and debtors, by political means. As Hooker, (1980) noted, Eco- which maintained a balance between opposing forces in the
nomic resources replaced social status as the test of a man 's w orld . Pythagoras of Samos believed in the tran smigratio n of
eligibility for magistracies, and even citizens without property souls an d the belief th at a definite relationship subsists be tween
acquired the right of electing magistrates, of sitting in the assem- objects and numbers. He believed th at numbers were the purest '
bly (ekklesia), and of being empanneled as jurors. The ekklesia
merely voted on issues presented to it by the magistrates and so
of ideas, in which everything else could be expressed . He de vel-
oped the Pythagoras theorem. .
h~d no so~e~i.gn voice in th e state. But in contrast with Sparta Classical Greece featu res relations wi th Persia, riva lry be-
was significant progress in the art of governance. tween Athens and Sparta and the Achievem ent of Athens. Th e I
parta featured two hereditary kin gs (not absolute) who en - Greeks were att acked by Persians (also to Aryan stock) of the
joyed more ~uence than the Athenian king. He was assisted by Oriental world. But in 490 B.C. the Greeks defeated th e Persians
a council (gerousia), consisting of the kings ex-official and ~8 . at Marathon . Ten years later in 480 B.C. the Persians burnt
elders elected for life: the assembly of citizens and five ephors Athens. A combined force of Spartans and Atheniansfinally
elected annually. The Ep ho rs exercised execu tive powers and defeated Persia.
presented proposals to the assembly, , . i . Between Athens an d sparta w as th e qu est for supr~ma cy.
While this section does not reflect on the de tails therein, w hat is
hllosophy ,, of interest is the adventure, experiment and enterprise of Athens ,
Sparta was conservative, militaristic and retained her cu'f iollsly
thinkers at Miletus initiated the entire history of philoso-, . egalitarian, p rivilege-rid de n system . .
eculation as these terms are understood in the 'west- In Athens, Solon in 594 B.C has put forward the p rinciple th.it
wo":ld. PromineDt among ·th~·thinkerS :·in 6th-czentutj'B.C.
, . der, these nu!n were concerned With the
. 56
1/11 /I,,, oI' , " N' I Nil I I , I/NU /()(, Y IN I'I:K5 PI:~TIVI: P RE- HIsTORIC liND AN, /I NI l "'/I I 1/1 ' 'N

l J w It above any individual or collection of individu-

l J Democritus which described the world in terms of irreducibk
J w () Ight be granted or take upon themselves the right to particles of matter form ing chance conjunction to produ ( till'
I I I p t It. By the mid 5th century every Athenian male citizen physical world of experience. These forms of speculative think
dt c me responsibility as any other for the management of ing according to John Gould (1980) was characteristic of th
II, o i ty. A cou ncil (boule), chosen annually by lot from the period 5$0 and 400 B.C. the last few decades of the 5th century
wh I citizen body and in the law courts whose juri es were also he noted featured a shift of interest, away from Cosmological
hosen by lot was evolved and added to the existing system . Speculation to human experience and human society itself, its
'hief executive powe r, civil as well as military m ove from. origins, forms and values. This age featured sophists, "who we re
I archons to a body of ten generals (strategoi) chosen from the teachers of skills and techniques ofpersuasion, masters of public
traditional ruling families. The individual's performance greatly argument anddebate. These sophists were professional teachers
influence the peoples choice during elections. of th e leisured class in cities such as Athe ns. Protagoras, for
During the later part of the 5th century B.C., the study of example, did no t hold the view that it was p ossible to posses
History and other reputable stu dies tod ay (economics and psy- absolute knowledge of-the wo rld or of divinity: He believed that
chology excluded) developed. Hippocrates and others created man was the measure of all things and -that man had the cap acity
the study of medicine, prognostic, diagnostic, curative, and laid to solve almost all the problems that experience presents to
down principles of medical practice. In Athens, Socrates, Plat o, human kind .
Aristotle contributed greatly to the discipline, Philosophy. Gould, aptly discussed the shortcoming of Greek sp eculation.
He noted that despite the variety of their intellectual endeavour
The Era of Philosophical Speculation about man's experience, issues relating to techn ological devel-
opment were disregarded . What could be reg arded, as techno-
"Scientific questioning of the world of human exp erience had logical skills we!e the design of build ing (temples ) not for
begun in the 6th Century B.c. This lessened th e influence of human use but for divinity. Human problems in the areas of
traditional modes of understanding of issues. There were ap - transportation and agriculture among others were sta te respon-
proaches to scientific ques tioning. One approach rejected the sibilities and not ad dressed as issues relating to the universe,
evidence of the senses but relied on a model of reality, perfect hu man kind, and gods.
without variation, unchanging, which derived, not from obser- Greek thought could be best described in t he following terms:
vation but from an a-priori logic of predication . Ano th er ap- realistic; an unwavering reg ard for fact, absence of escapism or
proach combined theories of the basis of physical reality and the sentim ent ality; a passion for accuracy and precision of state-
powers that control it" with the pursuit of spiritual salvation ment.
through mystical beliefs and rituals of purity. Thus Philosophi-
cal /truth' was treated as a secretrevelation, not to be divulged to Writing
the uninitiated .The third approach attempted, by inference from
observed phenomena and by argument from analogy/ to reduce Writing in Greece began probably in the mid eight century B. '.,
alty to
its ultimate constituents and "its origins in time; if havirtgbeen borrowed from the Pho enicians.TheGreeks adapted
this writing to suit their own language. "Today, the world alpha-
h d ultimate development in the highly a-priori atomism of
58 59
'" III /l IR t til" ~\.'I ENC£ AND TrC HNOLOGI IN fJ f R.'I'L\' f/lT
Pottery was an important trade commodity. TI ll' • 1I Il 'I
h t was derived from alpha and beta, the Greek names forA and terracotta from clay of Attica which turned orange an I d
B. The Greek D is delta from which the word delta, meaning a colour when baked also featured black patterns and figur ,
I( ce where rivers join to make a triangle with the sea. Greek . when the red background wa s painted . In the Golden Ag "
I tters are used as symbol s in mathematics. These include sigma pottery wore .glossy black colour with red figures. Pots of differ-
0:); Pi ( Jt), , etc. The Greeks like the Phoenicians had twenty- entshapes and sizes and for different purposes were produced.
four letters but the Greeks added vowels to their letters. It will be recalled that Pythagoras laid down various rules in
The Greek calendar was a lunar one with the year divided into' geometry. He too declared the world to be round when many
a series of religious festivals. Usually, there were twelve months thought it was flat. Aristarches was the first man to suggest that
of thirty days, but if a month had twenty-nine day s the news was th e earth and plants moved around the sun, instead of the other
announced by a town crier. But individual towns had different way round. Archimedes of Syracuse, a Greek scientist, realized
calendars. as he sat in his bath that a body placed in water displaces the same
Succeeding the classical period of Greece is what could be volume of water as itself.
referred to as the Golden Age. Pericles rul ed Athens after th e By 338 B.C. Philip of Macedon conquered ~reece. His son
Persian wars which devastated Athens. The glory of Athens had . Alexander succeeded him . He conquered Persia, and Egypt
to be restored and this was a challenge to Pericles (460-429 B.C.). (here he established the city of Alexandria). Egyptians welcomed
Assisted by architects, sculptors, painters, poets, dramatists, him because they wer e tired ofPersian:oppressive rule. Alexander
historian. philosophers, scientists, and skilled craftsmen of vari- carried on his conquest into India but died in Babylon while
ous kinds, numerous marbl e buildings and statues were con- retreating. His generals divided the Macedonian empire into
structed. In far t this period was also styled "The Age of Marble". three. Antipater took Greece, Seleucus took Babylonia and
The most remarkable of these buildings was the Parthenon, built Ptolemy took Egypt. Through Alexander's exploits. Greek ideas
on the Acropolis, a limestone plateau about two hundred feet and language spread beyond Greece.
above the lev el of the plain. The- Persians had destroyed th e
earlier temples there of which the Athenians were so proud. The Rome
Parthenon (Temple of the Maiden) was erected in honour of the
Rome is situated halfway down the west coast of Italy, about
goddess Athene, after whom the city was named. Pericles was in,
fifteen miles from the sea. Rome before the Republic -was estab-
charge of the new building but he was assisted by architects -
lished was inhabited (c 753 B.C.) by the Indo-European - speak-
Ictinus and Callicrates, and a sculptor, Phidias. This construction
ing pe ople from the Danube basin. Archaeological evidenc
lasted four years. This wonderful temple to Athene was 228 feet
shows that these people were animal rearers.There were peasant
long, 101 feet wide and 65 feet high with 58 main columns and
farmers on the bank of river Tiber, they grew com, olives, gr
over SQO carved figure s. All its lines appear to be straightbut in
etc. They were called Latins, which means "men of t.\ wi
fact all were curved. Bronze and marble statues were erected . A
plain" . Rome had big salt beds around the Tiber whi h th Y
huge gold and ivory statue of Athena also stood ana high point
mined and traded.
that sailors, miles out at sea could see the sun reflecting on her
I h lmet and know that they were nearly home.

with the Latin peoples and by 507 B.e. ended Etrus can hege-
Their political system, during this period had the Senate, an
mony an d established a republic.
dvisory b dy chosen by the King from the heads of the principal
f. m ilic ~ the t had settled in Rome. They weilded both political
md ligrous power. Th eir status was hereditary: the descen-
Republican Rome
d. It. of "Fathers" appointed by the kings were known as Power during the republican period shifted to the patricians who
I) I ci ns and formed a separate class within Roman society.The monopolized religious authority, and the annual dual magis-
1'1 LJ did not belong to thi s elite class. The plebians included tracy (consulship ). A large group of the citizenry - land owner,
1'00 pe sant labourers, rich merchants and artisans, artisans, peasants, etc., was excluded from any real say in gov-
, I,: 'h et!'nic unit had a curia (ward or parish). Curiae (wards or ernment. As the economy dwindled and many people seceded,
p. ishes) were established as new groups joined Rome.Thus the the plebia ns set up their own official, tribunes and their own
( 'uriate Assembly had voting units and was concerned with assembly at which plebian matters were decided. A commission
I \Inily matters such as wills and adaption and bestowal of of Ten was set up because of the friction between plebians and
pi('nary power (imperium). Contact with Estruscans influenced patrician. They codified and published th e Twelve bronze tables
Romans. As city dwellers an d fine craftsm en, they provided in 451 B.e. which set out for the first time for all to see the rights
ngineers who drained.the central area of Rome . Estruscans had and privileges of all Roman citizens under the law.
nowledge of constructing subterranean water tunnels. With The Romans built good roads using a peculiar method. Firstly
I his knowledge, they constructed the main drain which made it a deep trench was dug in the soil and filled with foundations of
possible for separate communities of Rome to unite in a common mainly layers of stones, crushed rubble and concrete. The surface
market plac e with common temples and place of assembly. The was made of paving stones, carefully fitted together. Drainage
Forum which previously served as burial ground now housed ditches were cut along the roadside, while in the towns, a kerb
public buildings su ch as the Palace (Regia). 'Roman artifacts, separated the highway from the pedestrians foot-path. The
pottery and social organization was influenced by Etruscan highways had milestone at intervals marking distances to Rome
ideas. and nearest towns. Greek sculpture, painting and literature was
Citizens were now classified on the basis of their wealth other copied by Romans. They also learned Greek as a secon d Ian",
I h n curae membershi p of classic conferred political rights on guage.
I lu- ind ividual as well as qualified one for citizenship. A new Rome conquered Car thage, Macedonia, Greece, Asia Minor,
• . ernbly was created and it becam e the main body for public etc. to become an empire. During Julius Caesar 's brief rule the"
L cussion of issues, for law making and for the election of Roman calendar changed . Its twelve months, measured by the
III gistrates. This assembly did not take cognizance of distinc- moon and making 355 days in a year no w ,changed as Caesar
lion between partricians and plebians rather every male had a ordered that the Egyptian solar (sun) calendar of 365 days with
y in the affairs of th e State. Greek vases were found in Rome a leap year every fourth year be used. He renamed'the seventh
I I ring this period that Etruscans ruled . The presence of Greek month Julius (nowJuly) alter his own name. The next ruler of
111 r was probably derived from the Etru scans who imbibed Rome, Augustus, called the eighth month August.
(,I ulture. Rome conquered many of her neighbours, allied

62 63
·1' 1(1.· / /ISHl RIC AN D I\1)ICIEN T C n7L.fLA rJONS
I I , LlI o uz " bon , leather, stone, jade, wood, silk and wool
Roman baths were recreati on centres whe re people of all t / r lies.

classes could bathe, exercise and chat. There were hot, cold and
thur Cotterell (1980), vividly des cribe Shang's ~arly archi-
war baths as wellas massage rooms where bath ers had their
l re of which the major method of wall construction was
bodies oiled and massaged by specially trained slaves. After this,
l ed earth. Dry earth was rammed into woodenshuttering
they could relax in lounges, libraries or restaurants. Aqueducts
II 'I it became solid, The shuttering waul be ata hi$herJevel.
(canals) which carried water from hillsid es into the city where it
boo or another wooden materialmight be placed between
fed public tap s and fountains or was piped directly into the h layer to absorb moisture; The walls id not bear weights
homes of the rich were built. Amphitheaters (oval shaped arena
eaves were generously employed. Palatial buildings were
/ with seats rising all round), colosseum (opened massive enter-
cted on stamped earthen terraces. Stope pillar bases were
taining arena), and ordinary swimming pool were features of the 1 ced on the earth foundation. Th e pillars, cross-beams and
Roman empire. .dge-poles were made of wood. Finely plastered earthen walls
After two centuries of peace, prosp erity and strong govern- urrounded the structure. The roof composed of a mixture of
ment Rome collaps ed but with the eastern part, Byzantium still rass, thatch, rushes and bamboo.
"alive but also fell to the Turks by 1453 A.D. Homes of ordinary people were semi suq~erranean buildings,
with floors as much as .9 feet (2.7 ill) below ground level. This
Ancient China
mderground location was to avert destruction of the dust laden
Chinese civilization began in three valleys of Yellow, Yang tze winds blowing off the Gobi.desert, They were about 14 feet (4;3
and Huai rivers. Shang China or the people of Shang; located m) wide, with earthen walls and stone based centre columns as
around the tributary of Yellow river developed a civilization that well as subsidiary: posts thatsupported overhanging thatched
featured a palace erected on an earthen platform, houses, storage roofs. There were earthen 'steps to th ese buildings. The other
pits, wells, kilns and a cemetery. Bronze vessels used for ceremo- underground structures were workshops, storage pits for grains
nial rites of an cestor worship, city walls and bronze foundries. and archives for bones with Inscriptions and tortoise shells.
There were oracle bones with inscriptions showing primitive The Chou people 'overthrew-the last Shang ruler but. Shang
Chinese writing and advent of literacy. Numerous human skulls civilization influenced those that developed in 9'e HU4Ji river
even those of animals reflect human and animal sacrifice in this valley, on the northern baakof the Yangtze. rive~ and in the
; .
early period, 1766-1Q.27 BiC. that is, from about the seventeenth Shantung Peninsula. The Chou people worked Withbroqze but
century, B.C. then'vesselwere less fine than those of Shang. ·WIth construction
Deep channels were constructed to conduct the streams to the of canals and .imp rovedirrigation system agricultural output
sea, irrigation and flood control activities were also quite promi- improved . Found ries of cast-iron or possibly steel weapons
nent. Conseque ntly, farmers benefited as they recorded surplu s facilitated manufacturing of weapons for the various conquests
harvest of crops, millet, w heat and rice . Oxen, sheep, horses, between lO2? B.C: and 256 :B~C~~ the· pe~od ()t the' Chou dynasty
goats, do gs, chicken and pigs we re reared while hunti ng and (the longest in Chinese history). . ..,
fishing activities were also undertaken. Handicrafts comprised With .irOn· technology improved agricultural tools were pro-
duced to ease the burden ofthe nungIpeasan farmers). The
" ...:.'

China and were found at Pan -p'o site in Shensi. Homutu culture
cr?ssbow c~e into lise and influenced the social structure. With (Homutu site in Chekiang province) revealed paddy rice cultiva-
this technical ac~i~vement the feud al levies fired these weapons
tion, domestication of animals such as cattle, d ogs, pigs and
from the d efensIvr walL. T~us the ordinary people could over- sheep, hunting and fishing. Ploughs made of animal bones-were
throw,the ~obles with this weapon. The 'Kung (artisans) worked found. This culture dated c 3000 B.C. '
on found ries ~d w orkshop while the Shang (Merchants), taking
advantage of Im p roved communication' facilities -roa ds and Bronze Age
I :
canal~ p lies! their tr~de in the Kingd om . They exchanged' iron,
~a1t, fish, lacquer, silk, w ood, precious stones, bro nze vessels, The late neolithic period between the late 4thfU\d early 3rd 'F

cl~th. and musical ins trumen ts. Coin currency was in use as the millenia B.C. had a culture, around the Yellow river which .
min ting of coins in copper and go ld dendmi nations featured featured black and white pottery made on the potter's wheel.
before the w arring states period (722-'481 BLC.). Bronze vessels, pottery moulds for casting bronze,bronze foundry
. From 221 B.C. ~e~dalism ended and Prince Cheng became the confirm that this age was entered not later than about 1700 B.C.
first Emper~r umtl1~g all the'pe opl e with a cen tralized political Bronze objects were mainly for ceremonial purposes.. Proto-
system. Ancient Chmese civilization flow ered within the frame- porcelain wares made of kaolin clay with yellowish-green glaze
w ork of a unified empire. Apart from earlier mentioned develop - on the surface about the mouth and translucent deep green glaze -
ments ~uch as roads, writing, currency, etc., the Grea t Wall on the inner and other surfaces were found . At Anyang were '
starte~ in 214 B.C. and introduction of treasury notes made from inscribed bronze vessels, bronze seals, bronz e mirrors, etc.
the skin of a white stag we re unique/
Oracle Bones
Early Science A n4 Technology Oracle bones at Anyang were carapaces of tortoises and should er
As early as 1.7 million year~ ago man lived in Chin a in the'Yu nan blades of oxen used for divination. They contain the oldest
, province. At this site, the presence o~ ashes and charred bones known Chinese written records - epigraphic evid ence. Oracle
" suggest that man used fire. Other finds corrob orate this evidenc e bones show the use of luni-solar calendar, with each year consist-
but included charred .stones, stone tools- h ammers an d flin t ing of 12 lunar months of either 29 or 30 days' each .an d a 13th
scraper.' lunar month added about once in every 2 or 3 y~ars: They also
The~e is e~idence of farming, stone axes an d sp ad es for tilling u sed a deean .of 10 days. A cydeof 10 ordinals, ca-lled the
the ~oI1, an im al husbandry - pigs an d cu ltivation of mullet. II celestial stem". Another cycle of 12 ordinals called the terres- II

Sewmg and ~e~ving were reflecte d in the presen ce of ston e , trial" branches were used for naming days and probably also the
w~orls for sp mmng thread an d bone needles. Stone chisels and months. These two Cycles formed a sexagesimal cycle. The oracle
sto ne edges served as tools for crafts while bone harpoon heads bones also containrecords of eclipses, novae, and names of stars
.~ d bone arrow heads .w ~re fishi~g and hunting tools respec- and constellations that made up a few of the 28 groups of stars
tively. Pottery bore textile imp ressions, and some with Chinese along the Ecliptic the Chinese called "Lunar mainsions" . Gold,
scripts and num erals. All the se belong to the N eolithic Age in jade, pottery, shell objects, wooden artifact, etc., w ere,fou n d


THE HISTORY Of SCIENCE AND TECH NOLOGY IN PER SPECTIVE teachings. These schools helped in recording early history of
science and technology in China. For example Confucious (551-
alongside oracle bones,
479 B'C)' edited'the'I Ching (Book of Changes) which embodies
Astronomy a system of 64 hexagrams, believed by some pe ople to hold the
secrets of not only the future of human affairs but also the riddles
From records kept bet-reen 72.2 B.C. (Spring and Autumn An-
of the universe. Mo-tzu in his book, discussed the focus and the
nals) are records of so\~r a~d lunar eclipses, come ts and meteor
image produced by concave as well ~.s convex mirrors, th e
streams.This record ll1~ntioneda comet in 613 B.C. which can be
inverted image.produced by a pin hole,.abd the balance. Chinese
regarded as the earliest sighting of Halley 's comet. Ho Peng Yoke
(1980) stated that the arliest records onthe shadow measure':' theory of five elements (fire, water;-wood, .metal and earth)
unlike the elements of modernchemists suggest motion rather
ments of the sun usi~& the gnomon at the winter solstices were
than rest. The Greeks on the other hand had fire, air, earth and
found in 655 and 522 B,~. Iil the 5th century B.c. the Chinese had
knowledge of and us~~ Quarter -Remainder Calendar which water.
was based on the equi~~ent of 365 days to one tropical year and
237 lunatioris to 19 tropical years. Mathematics
Chinese also plac~d.!he meridian passages of certaierstars in By the evidence on oracle bones; the Chineseused decimal place
relation to the seaso ns·'.t and
the fixing of the intercalary lunar value system.They held that in the.ratio 3 : 4.: 5' the square on the
month before th e Hsig dynasty. The early Chinese star cata- longest side equal the sum of the squ ares on the other t wo sides.
logues, star map.jrositions of stars in terms of polar distances This special case of the Pythagoras theorem is attributed to a
and distances from the determinant stars of the 28 lunar man- mathematician named ShanzKaO,m ·t;h~ eleventhcentury, Re.'
. sions d~te about 4th century B.C. Bone, and bamboo counting rodswere.used for calculatioa s., ~
A bronze sundial, water clocks sunspots; nova, the pr ession of Rules for the.area of rectangle,trapeziums, triangles, circles, arcs
th~~~quinpx.e s were all known to theChinese. and annuli, percentages and proportions, partnership problems .
""'''-,' ? ' " -'~~' .
iH~::' jron Age and rules of three; finding the sides of figures given the areas and
single sides, using square roots and cube roots, finding volumes . : ,
Objects of Iron discovered in Ancient China include a double- of solid figures, like prisms, cylinders, pyramids, circular cones, :" .
edged steel sword dating back to the late Spring and Autumn frustums of a cone,' tetrahedron's, wedges, etc., pu rsuit and
period (770-476B.,C.) This is the period China is believed to have allegation; a Chinese algebraic invention known as the "rule of
entered th e Iron Age . Two weapons with iron plates from a false position", used mainly for solving the equation ax = b;
meteoric source, other iron implements, iron mines and industry simultaneous linear equations involving both positive and nega-
of cast iron were discovered.Chinese cast iron differed from cast tive numbers, and prop erties of theright-ang led triangle ex-, .
irontechnology in Europe . pressed'algebraically are recorded in an influential early Chinese . v:
mathematical work, the Chiu Chang Suan Shu (Nine Chapters of ..
The "Hundred Schools" of Philosophical Teachings the Mathematical Art) . Other works dealt With measurement of
. . Chinese Scholars refer to the period between the sixth and the heights and distances, magic squares"MCi.thmeticaI series, 'differ-
fourth centuries RC. as the "hundred schools" of philosophical I 69
1'11/: I {IS"'()~ Y () 1 S n l:NU : AN /) 'j'c:cm! OW (;Y IN P ERSPfCHV1:

ent forms ot the abacus, very large numbers, divination methods,

and the magn etic compass.
M edicine
In Chinese herbal m edicine, gold and silver needles used for MIDDLE AGES OR MEDIEVAL ~ERIOD
acup\lDcture characterized their medical knowledge even before
113 B~. As Yoke, wrote, tw o medical treatises, one on fever and T he medieval period, 4th ., 1450 (mid 15th century):refers to
the other on dietetics were wr itten by Chang Chi (Chang Chung- .1 that period between the Dark Ages and the Renaissance . It
Ching) towards the end of the second century A.D. By the early would be recalled that learning, the spirit of inquiry and knowl-
third century A.D., general anes thesia was administered bythe edge about ancientcivilizations were dormant for about three
use of wipe called ma-fei-san, which is now supposed to contain centu ries (500-800), while the Dark Ag~s lasted. It was during the
Indian Hemp , Pulse-reading was an important technique used later middle Ages that man began to take interest in affairs such
by Chinese physicians for diagnosis. There were also medical as learning, commercer discovery,. etc. l\\That then was the Med i-
. :/
books oninfectious diseases, giving prescriptions for the treat- eval Period like?
ment of various typesof sicknesse s, including eye trouble and T he Medieval Period was dominated essentially by religion so
beri -beri. that the Church held man literally from the cradle tothe grave.
the world was indeed a, microcosm of the eternal macrocosm of
the universe which was also graded hierarchically, For example;
omnipoten t and om niscient, God th e He avenly Father sat.en-
throned over all, in equal majesty at his right hand was ChristHis
Son, and below were the heavenly spirits or intelligences, ser-
aphs, cherubs and thrones, principalities, archangels and angels
(which as the lowliest qf celestial beings moved the sphere of the
Moon, the least perfect of the heavens). Again, deriving from
Dante's poem, the Divihe Comedy, wri tten at the start of the 14th
century, the Earth wasconceived as being enclosed within the
spheres of the Moon, Mecury, Venus, the Sun, Mars, Jupiter and
Saturn. Next was the sphere of the Pixed stars, then the nint h, the
sphere of the Firs t MoverIl'rimum Mobile), which imp arted
.m otion to othersalthough it had no star attached to it. Each of
these traRspar~t, cry stalline globes (the univ erse was repre-
Illu strat ion f rom Dr. R. W. Felkin 's descript ion of 'h e caesa rean section. Edi nburg sented as a series of ten translucent ar- d concentric globes or
.~ Med ic al Journal , 1884. Courtesy of Ivan Vall Sertima (p 152, 1990)
spheres) was moved by intelligences or spirits; the ninth which

Till: II/STORYOF SC/E:NCE: AND '{ [ , '1I
, '
I<X;l IN I'I:RSI'I"<TIl'l:

.moved more rapidly than the rest, as indeed fitting for the sphere knew that life on earth wasapreliminary to an eternal existence,.
-nearest to He aven, was impelled by th e highest of celestial withp~~tofY~ ,cuni4. .w~ ·hQ~ between -the abode of.bliss;
beings. The Em pyrean Heaven constituted th e ten th and fina l Reuen. . . d .the .~s,ofthe d~ed 'jn Hell.
sky, and, being the home of God and His saints, was immobile, .!6edieV'CJI· man.~gine4:·witdtes weavmg .rid. . an
etern al-and infinite..Th is wa s the goal of all human efforts and ·broomsticks to.local .covensj.he kriew th at comets and shoeting
;" di~ine movemen t. In the cen tre of th is system the unmoving stars portend ed the fate of nations"His christian counterpart was
Ear th w as, pl aced, at the heart 'o f w hich lay the holy city of , also superstitious. .The reverence.which he paid to the saints 'and
Jerusalem. Beneath the Earth,'Dan te visualized the abod e of the to the Blessed VIrgin Marybecame uncritical worship, some-
imperfect spirits, Purga tory, and the home of the damned, Hell. times superseding thepraise .d ue.to God the Father and Christ
I ,
~owever, it is to be noted that the above d etailed cosmology the Son , Both Emperor and Pope ow ed their-authority directly to
which w as accepted in the Mid dle' ag ~s wa s more from the God; and. in som e sense. tfteir,pow.er was a mirror of His.
hyp otheses of Aristotle (Greek Philosop her)and the Alexandrian . Medieval society was so patterned 'and graded from labouring
geographer, Ptolemy than Christia n theology. But in the course serf to' mighty prince fhat it w as thought a disturbance of the
of time it became Christian, a Christian Philosophy of life which divinely appointed order for a man to seek to rise out of. that
everyone accep ted implicitly. In his Summa Theologica, Thomas grade.of society to which .God had been pleased to call.him,
Aquinas, th e Dominican Friar attemp ted tQ resolve the tension except through.the appointed channel of the Church. All author-
b~tween th e conflictin g claims of reason (or p hilosophy) and ity was thus divinely ordered . Ideally the Emperor represented
i;r • the temporal power an d the Pope moral and spiritual power, but
faith (or th e? logr). In thi s exposition or philosophy, nothing
compared WIth hfe . God, the first Mover unmoved ,' out . 'of his from the late eleventh century, there was a clash between.the two
sublime l? ve cr~ated the un iverse, the world and man. Although authorities which ~~ in the long run to exhaust the Empire and
man fell m to sin, God ou t of his unlimited love sent His Son to lead to the moraldegeneration of thePapacity. The kings and
Christ who redeemed mankind . The Church, which H~ estab- princes of EUJ?9pe received their commission to .rule at ·their.
lished and end ow ed with a he ad in the perspn ofPeter. who~e coronation or enthronement. All were committed to serve God's
authority was tra nsferred from age to age th rough successive Holy Church arid to provide good government for His children.
P?pes, was there to guid e man, by its teaching and worship, to Medieval life was rooted in the land where a Lord was served
~lS eternal ho me; it was there to help him through the ministra- by labourers, varying in status, and bound to the soil. European
t~on of the sacram ents, throu gh the H oly MflSS and the Confes- society, was predominately rural but was' also, continuously
sional, through the gift of grace, to de feat sin and so to earn God's changing. In spite of th e gradual changes, the society possessed
all-loving reward . ' . ,' a sort of economic stability. Lack of communications forced it to
This briefly cons tituted the foundation of -existence which no be more or less self-sufficient. As a feudal society.feudal obliga-
medieval man was likely to question. He might indeed criticize tions and ancient custom gave th e peasant some prescriptive
an d condemn the activities of God 's appointed representatives, rights an d imposed many burdens and services upon him. The
the Pope and the Holy Roman Emperor. He might grumble at the exis~i class structure was not threatened by the movement of
d em ands which the Church constantly made upon him ; but he serfs ~~ yilleins to the towns but it was the ri~ of industry and

72 73
r: M IDDLE A GES O/{ M J1)11. \ ',1/, I' I:I< JOI)
the development of trade and commerce, especially inthe cloth- of this period, People believedthat a misgoverned life m,ght lead
ing'towns of Italy and the Netherlands, that threatened to over them to the long-enduring fires of Hell yet i~ did not \P~e v e n t
throw Europes stratified society. Indeed the Church, particularly inj ustice and vicious living. The Pope, the Vicar of CHp st, f~ r
in the early Middle Ages distrusted the businessman, whom it example; used the powers of excommunicati\~m to further ~lS
condemned without much qualification. Given the tenancious family ambitiohs or to consolidate territorial po:wer. The confhct
hold of the Church over society, who in the Middle Ages would between the Pope and the Emperor had led to a deterioration in
not.intheory (but not in practical terms ) have preferred tempo- . th e prestige of both . Trade and commerce continued to grow
rary poverty to eternal damnation ? despite the Church's distrust of trade. In fact monasteries had
Such was the setting of the medieval world a small world borrowed funds at interest from wealthy Jews to build their fine
bounded by unexplored seas and continents flowing around the abbey Churches. European states were much rent by war; En-
Mediterranean . Peasants were not affected by stories about gland versus France, the Turks against the Eastem.frontiers.of
eastern lands. They Were glued to their lord' s lands often raft by Europe, the w ar of the crusade s, etc. There w as truly ~piritual
famine and plague. Towns were little more than large 'villages, and political debility. Frustrated.people became more interested
centre of local market orannuakfair, However, some towns were in mysticism, and irrational faith which in its utter simplicity and
magnificen t with uni versities o( fine repute, as at Paris, and were promised ecstasy contrasted with the complexities .Q£fn.tit~$
splendid with gabled houses and towered cathedrals. Ina place scho lastic discussion of Thomas Aquinas..Indeed peopJe we~
like this were the elements of a polite society, and the seeds.both fru strated 'with the teachings of the Church and o f the schools.
of future industry and large scale finance. According to Green, There was now a renewal of interest in black magicandwitch-
V.H.H. (1964), it was a partly static and yet a variegated commu- craft; it is not without significance that it was Renaissance Italy
nity; .a wo rl d of baronial castles an d church spires; of great which saw' witchcraft accepted as a reality by a papalbull,
cathedrals served to impress the worshipper with the substantial Summis desiderantes of Pope Innocent VII (1481).
superiority of the Church; a world of basic poverty and great The emergence of a rich merchant class brought about changes
wealth, of gargantuan banque ts and grating hunger, of unre- in Land-holding, and the investment of capital in sea wall, dikes,
strained passion and unexpected mercy; a mixed world of bar- and pumps worked by windmills began changing the.hithert o
ons and prices, bishops, monks and friars, of merchants and cloth rural economic frame- work of society. Commercial de velop-
weavers/ of peasants tilling the soil, of ugliness and yet glittering ment of Europe> and the increasing sophistication of.business
with a strange beauty, in fine a "fair felde ful of foIke" living enterprise waxed strong. Florence, Venice could boast of wealthy
within an ordered universe in which man's final beatitude was merchants and clothiers controlling an industrial prole tariat; a
asserted to be the 'contemplation oftruth'. complex system of international credit and exchange.and even
to some extent a division of labour and some form of specializa-
The Decline of the Middle Ages tion. Increasing wealth gave rise to investments in land , in
The pronounced gap between the ideas that people accepted in shipping and in new industrial projects. ,
the Middle Ages and what they actually did signalled the decay Man's release from the religious sanctions which had hitherto
governed his behaviour appeared also in politics where practice . _ j
74 ,75
T HE liJsTOIlY OF ~ AN v 1 t:L-HNOLO<. ;1 IN I-'f K<Pf, ' UI'I'
, 1 . c;;

and to-a less extent ideas we re preparing the way for the rise 0 f It is the contrast between the Dark Ages . (500':'800) when
the,national. state. The d ecline 'in im perial arid Pap al prestige
civilization made no progress in Europe and the rebirth of
p,r0v ided an opportu nity for the na tional monarch . Another
'learning, commerce.and discovery, that-marked the great di~r- '
blow to politics in m edievalChristen d om came from w ritings of
-ence between these periods. Renaissance, here would be d lS- .
p eople like, Ma rsilio of Pad ua, who in his book DEFENSO R
cussed as it applied to the revival of classical learning, scienc ,
RACIS, written in the 14th century asserted that law derive
and technology in Europe. On a wider context as Green (1964) ,
ultim ately from the people or r~her from the more in fluential :
(valen tior) of them. .
wrote, Renaissance was used to d escribe the revival of ancient
learning w hich b egan in Italy, to the reformation ofr~!!~_~~ .
The glorious culture of Greece and Rome was succeeded by the
which,'starting in Cerrnanyinaugurated areligious revolutiea,
Dark Ag es, a period of European history extendi ng from the
as well as to the reception of Roman' Law which also began in
decline of the Roman Empire. It lasted between the fourth or fifth
Germany and later sp read throughout Europ e. It should be
cen tury and th e 9th and 11th centuries. During th is period the
noted that the Renaissance started as a minority movement ofa
light of civilization was dimmed or extinguished across those
few scholars and artists who were patronized by princes and rich
gloomy cen turies. It w as how ever, succeeded by th e Middl e
merchants. aut by means of the printing press their view 'Spread
Ages, during which Europe an life was more or less d ominated
through out Europe. A study of events during the Renaissance is
by the [udaeo-Christian tradition. Thistradition which the cul-
necessary because those ev ents contributed in shaping the
ture of Greece an d Rome excluded, was essentially irrelevant to
modern world .
human progress in the arts and sciences. The Middle Ages, mid-
_The Renaissance movement in Italy made much impact on art
fourth to mid fifteen centu ries later gave way to the Renaissance,
and literature than on metaphysical speculation and science
which w as specifically a rebirth of the Craeco-Rom an spirit of
(except ill the realms of-optics and p ersp ective): Many ~reek
scientific curiosity and virtuosity, and of humanism in arts.
scholars who settled in Italy after the capture of Constantinople
The Renaissance (1453) went away With their documents which contained thoughts
of the classical period. They set up schools and taught in both
The Renaissance made man the m easure of things and allowed Latin and Greek, that the ancient ideas or knowledge of the
for his full development, not beyond the w orld (sp iritua l wo rld) classical period influenced events of this period. However, it has
as theologians taught in th e medieval times, bu t with in the been argued that Renaissance in Italy developed from ideas that
w orld . The Renaissance movem ent effected a ch ange in man 's existed and were common in Italian cities. These w ere id eas,
attitud e.tow ards the problem of human existence. Renaissance particularly in Law and med icine, an d they were more advanced
implies re-birth and rene wal. It wo uld be recalled that during the in Italy than ,else where in Europe. Italy housed learned .m en,
earlier centuries of the Middle A~s, the peoples of Europe were lawyers rather th an theologian s, who h ad for long be~n inter-
m ainly interested in tighting and religion. Th ere was little ested in the literature of ancient Rome and who to a great extent
.freed om of thought, for m en 's minds w ere subject to the author- were free from the dominant theological outlook of medieval
ity of the Church . Thus the majority of th e p eople w ere , ~ot learning. Cultu ral activities in Italy w ere not dominated by
familiar with the learning and culture of Gree<:e and Rome. religion, they were secular so that though there was a strong
;\ (/DOLE : ll;ES OR M EDIEVA L ! 'fR/O/)

continuity with the past, there was also a fresh attitude towards sion of culture and spread of learning of humanism from books.
every human endeavour, literature, art and problems of living. A German, John Gu tenberg of Mainze in 1450 developed print-
Humanists, rich urban patrons of art and literature stirred ing on movable type which facilitated learning. The ~ ermans s~t
events during the renaissance period in Italy. Leonard d(li~nci up printing - p ress in Italy and' in Sorbonne at Pan s (~470), 111
\'lA52-1452), Michelangelo (1475 - 1564), Titan (1477 - 1576) and London (1477) and Madrid (1499). It was from Italy (Vemce more
'Raphael (1483 - 1520) were famous artists in Italy. Brunelleschi, precisely) that Greek and Latin classics spread to Germany,
an architect designed the dome of the Cathedral and the famous England, etc. Books were cheap an d many people.could a~ford
Church of Sun Spirito while Leon Alberti planned the Palazzo them. More importantly there ar.ose a new rea ding public of
Rucellai for a rich merchant. Donatello, a sculptor was from informed people with an informed public opini on.
Florence in Italy, Lucadella Robbia worked with marble and From our discussion so far, the d emise of th e classical peri od
terracotta. . I during which man laid the foundation of science and technology
By tq~ early sixteenth century, Rome became the centre of gave way to the Dark Age, and w as followed by th e Middle Ages
Renaissance, Here Michelangelo who had worked for forty years, when little learning and little ad vancement in science and
on the tomb of Pop e Julius II de signed the dome of St. Peter's technology w ere recorded. The Medieval period (Midd le Ages)
Basilica Cathedral. Michelangelo and Raphael were also great was characterized by the domination of religion, feudalism, the
~ artists in Rome during the Renaissance. Michelangelo also ex- institution of chivalry. Chivalry (cavalry) had a -number of rules
cetled in poetry and sculpture in stone and marble. for th e gui dance 'o,f th e livery perfect gentle Knight" . The n oble
The Renaissance period witnessed many geographical discov- class who engaged in fighting an d h untirig enjoyed chivalry
eries by early explorers, many of whom were Italians. For ex- while the common people were engaged in manual w ork. Dur-
ample, Christopher Colu mbus was a Genoese and Cabot a ing the Middle Ages children of noble families were groomed in
Venetian. The exploration of new seas and strang e lands re- this regard and Knighted later as ad ults. Theyvowed to defend
quired enquiring spirit which these explorers exhibited. Their the Christian faith, to be brave in war an d fight for their overlord,
new discoveries were received with a feeling of enthusiasm and to be courte ous to women, to assist the poor and ne edy and to
.genuine delight - a characteristic of the Italian Renaissance and lead a pure and noble life (Gu est, 1972). The war of the Crusades
of the times. Indeed the Renaissance, from the fourteenth to the (1096 -1292) between Christians and Muslim s for religious su-
. lat~~,teenth centuries produced the growth of a more secular premacy amo~g othe rs also feature during the Middle.Ag~s. The
spirit-and a renewed interest in classical civilization,'of the pre- above feat ures - religion, chivalry, feu d alism , and fighting or
Christian world. Crusad es prevented progress in science an d tech nology. flu t
Schools and universities were established and they generated with the gro wth of towns, development a m erch ant class, till'
both new culture, new attitude to life and new scholarship, new bourgeois ie, decay of feudalism, bi th of nation states, m.in
text books and new -methods of teaching. People not only learnt became interested in learn:ing, commerce and discovery d II n 1\1~
about classical authors of Greece and Rome but manners and the later Middle Ages. Ren aissance w as born, to usher III tlu
physical training so that an all round education was provided. modern world. . , .
The invention of the printing press encouraged a wider diffu- The rev ival ofleaming (l5th and 16th centurics):c l1h·d l l \ I

78 79

sance, recorded.a measure of progress in science and technology. ores or salts. He left evidence of a systematic approach to this
There \yas m ternationafrsm in 'learning firstly, w ith Arabs/ Is- science and w as not influenced by alchemical superstitions. The
lamic~vilization ~1n fhe Middls Ages .'to revival of classical Arabs made pap er in Baghdad for the first time in 793 but this
'knowledge and an improvement upon all these-id eas. The invert-: was made possible by their capture of Chinese paper makers
-tiari"Oi'.prin tirrg and spread (of knowledge through cheap book _. when they invad ed China in 751. It was at the battle of Samark and
and the development of a readhng culture and inforined public . that these Chinese we re captured.
o pi ion. ell ushered in t he modern world of scientific enqu iry Arabs di scov ered Indian mathematics when the y invaded
. cpld · technolo~al ad vancement. . . India. Indian mathematics used the now universally used num-
..... ... . - .._. -" .
~ '''''';':a:=~ .< .l>;* .:. - ' "
-~ ' . ' -" . -" --
ber system, the zero symbol and de cimals. Al-Khwarizrni (780 -
Contributions ofArabs (700 - 1,000 A. D .) c850), an Arab mathematician published his treatise (in 830 A. D.)
on Al-jabr wa 'l muquabala, from which the word algebra is
Rome lost control of Western Europe by about (476 A.D.) the fifth derived . This was a combination of Greek and Indian mathemat-
century A.D. But the Eastern Roman Empire with its capital at ics. He also contributed to the development of quadratic equa-
Byzantium (later Constan tinople) con tinued until A. D. i 453 tions. Latin translations of his works on mathematics was stud-
when it was captured by the Turks. The Arabs cap tured many ied in medieval Euro pe.
parts of the Mid d le East an d N orth Afr ica, Spain and. even Astronom y was ano ther area in which the Arabs developed.
France. It could be said that the rise of Islam transformed the The trigonom etrical tables they developed were used to calcu-
course of European science and p hilosophy because the Arabs late exact prayer tim es or hours and to navigate the Indian
were eirs to the Hellenic Greeks and acknowledged their role as Ocean. With Ara b presence in Cordo ba in Spain, it became th e
custodians of thatculture, Wha t is being explain ed 'is that with adv anced intellectua l cen tre in Europe. Here Euclid's book, a
th e collap se of early centres of classical knowledge - Greece, mathem atical text on elements of Geom etry (written by a Greek,
Rom e; etc., in Europe, the Arabs borrowed and spread Greek Euclid at Alexandria Egypt in c300) wa s studied. It was from here
knowledge of science. They also borrowed those of Syria, India that.a cop y of Euclid's book w as tak en to other parts of Eu rope.
and so on. Their conquests and 'extensive travels facilitated -the It served as a mathematical text for feudal Europe for the next
borrow ed knowledge. . four centuries,
The Arabs founded sc~ools such as the Academy of science at . Al-Rhazi (a physician) and Al-Khin di (a scientist) and philoso-
Baghdad . It is believed th at the establishmen t of schools by pher who object ed to alchemical and Aristotelian teachings
Arabs was p urely an imitation of Greek idea of. formal' educa- taugh t new knowl ed ge of the nature of motion and heat and
tion,. .Although the Arabs respected Greek learning .a nd the encouraged the use of experiments for solving scientific prob-
Philosopher, Aristotle some Arab scientists rejected Aristotle.and lems.
argued for a more experimental app roach to science.. FOi' ex- .Arabs contributed to the knowledge of medicine and phar-
ample [abir or Gebir.(C. 721 - 815 A.D.), also known asthe ufather macy by bringing knowledge of Persian and Indian drugs and
of Arabic Chemistry" described the lIUUlufclctUie of.::mtlic :acid.-, . spices such as camphor, cloves. cassi a, nutmeg and senna to
and ho w it ay be used .' extracting silver and gold:'frotn their Europe. •

80 81
Arabs geog rap hers prod u ced maps showi ng seas and land duction of bla st furnaces . Cast iron w as made by m elting and
m asses based on their concept th at th e world is rou nd an d moulding the metal. This was first produced ,il~ Europ~ in lil t'
encircled by th e ocean , 13th century. Higher furnace temperatures facl~ltat~d this tech-
From Chinese the Arabs also brought the knowledge and use nology. Avicenna (Ibn Sina) 980 -1037 and al-Bl,rum" 943 -~0~ 8
of gun- p ow der, magnetic compass, printing with~e-type were great Arab encyclopedists of science, who lived m Persia In
and efficient horse harness. Chinese water clocks, seismograph the early 11th century. While Avicenna vv:rote o~ astronomy,
for detec~irig~rthquakes::-~'ild so""on were brought into Europe. physics and medicine, which he also practised (hIS theory. an~
Despi teothe se.sl&nificant cantribu tion s, Arabs are n ot credited as methods w ere taught in Europe for the next 700 years), Al-Biruni
th e founders' of modern science. It is worthy of note that the wrote on m athemati ~s, astronomy an\~31strolog y, geography and
Arabs translated most of the classical texts in to Arabic thereby history. He was th e "first botanist to anal~s~ ,the, structure of
preserving thelomowledge of the classical era. flowers by m ethods important to plant classification. Alhax:n
Arabic science reached its peak in the 11th century. It was in the
( I. . .
(Ibn al-Haitam) c965 - 1038 wrote Optical Thesaurus, (the optics
12th century (the Middle Ages) that the influence of Arab science of the eye) and this influenced the work of Roger Bacon, an
began to show in Europe with the introduction of Arabic nume r- English Scholar in the 13th Centurr Omar Khayy~m (clO.48 -
als.Arabic numerals were significant because of the impact it had 1122), a Persian poet and mathematician solved CUbl~ equations
on bu siness in powerful business world of Italy where m on ey by geometric methods. While working at the Sultan s court, he
was usedas a medium of exchange. At this tim e the Arab lands reformed the Muslim calendar
and China were yet to develop an economy based on money.
There was also a rapid growth in the silk and glass industries Medieval S cience
of southern Europe, the use of coal an d the development of this
It would be ,recalled that the demise of the Roman Empire in
technology is credited to Chinese expertise, it was through th e
Europe gave rise to th e feudal sy stem ,w i t~ a multitude of
Arabs that the Chinese experts came to Europe. After the visits of
individual strongholds of local military chieftams. Many people
Marco Polo, Europe (Italy) traded extensively with China and
depended on Arabs (Arab Encyclopedists) for knowle.dge, pre-
now directly acquired this desired knowledge. Actual manufac-
cisely old (classical) knowledge wh~ch th,ey looked at m a more
turing of-silk began in south Italy in the 12th century but by the
individual wa y. Leornado Fibonacci of Plsa (elI SO - 1250), Ita~y
13th century water-powered silk sails were already being used in
who lived with his father on the Barbary coast, learned the Arabic
sea travels, The manufacture of standard glass wind ows (12th
language and arithmetic there. He intro,duced Arabic numerals
century ) and coloured glass by the addition of particular metal
into Europe on his return. He wrote the first Western textbook on
salts (those of copper for green; those of gold chloride for re d;
algebra in about 12000.
iron or silver for yellow and cobalt for blue) testified and dem on-
It would be recalled that after the conquest of Egypt by
strated the high-level glass technology found in Europe at this
Alexander the Great of Matedonia'(325 B.C. - 323 B.C. th e city of
time. Coal was used for smelting iron after about 1159. Furnaces
Alexandria was constructed and here, the products an d i eas of
which burned ch arcoal an d prod u ced a' reducing atm osphere
suitable for iron-and steel-m aking we re used before th e intro- people from the city stat~s of N6rfh Africa, Asia Mil~or, ~.reece,
India and China mingled and blendedfor further SCIen tific and
82 83 .
1'111: I " ,<TOR r OF :;,' {I:nfr. AN n T r CIINOi ,O<.:r IN 1' 1"1<" /'/\ : 1"11-'/
lVlwuw A Go> () I< Ivll: fll/Y,'II. 1'1'/<1< >1 '
technological advances. This ferment of ideas and the s~bse­
own (826-901) - the original Greek versions were lost. It w~uld
quent spread was partly influenced by the presence of a great
also be recalled th at Muslim Algebra and the Hin du - Arabic or
museum and library at Alexandria which attracted many sea-
Arabic-H ind u numerals and arithme tic were introduced into
soned scholars (and from which m any generations of Egyp tian
Europe through l-Khowarizrni's (al-Khwarizmi) book Al-jabr toa'l
students trained and benefited).For example, Euclid and Claudius
muuablan from 'w hich the word alg eb r~ was taken. From th e
Ptolem y were Alenxandrian rrtathematician and astronomer
author's name, "algorithm " a ma thematical proce~ure .was also
respectively. With the d ecline of the Greeks, the Romans c on -
d erive d . How ever, the introduction of this Arablc-H1l1~u ~u­
quered Egypt. But the subsequen t collapse of th e Greek an d
merals in Europe w as resisted as laws were passed forbi dding
Roman empires created a vacuum which was filled by Muslim
their use bu t their superiority over the then used Roman n~er­
Arabs until the eve of the Renaissance, a period of almost 1,000
als could not stop their adop tion and use. Al-hazen (AI-1!azt~m)
years. It is in this con text and rega rd that the contri bu tions of
an outstanding mathe matician - physicist who worked .m Egypt
Arabs to the preservation, improvemen t and spread of scientific
was the first of other Muslim m athematicians who pioneered
and technological kn owledge well in to th e medieval period
studies on no n-Euclidean geometry. His work and those of his
must be ap preciated. Arab Muslims do minated Spain and Italy
successors, Omar Khayyam and Nasir Eddin, Inspired Europe-
such that inuch of the intellectual activities in Europe was carried
ans, gave scientific explanation of refrac,tion, reflec~on, fo~s~g
on by Moors from N orth Africa (who were also Mu slims). For
with lenses, the p inh ole camera, sp hencal aberration, an d bin-
example, Moorish mathematicians brought 4,000 years knowl-
ocular vision': He built spherical an d parabolic mirrors and w as
edg e ~f African-Asian math ematics t o Spain an d italy. Having
established other cen tres of learning in Baghdad, Basra, Tunis th e first to calculate the height of the atmosphere using a correct
~nd Cairo, the ~uslims also establish ed a great centre of learning concep tion of air' pressure. His w orks were studied by Rog~r
111 Cordoba, Spain, where a whole series of new inventions (10th
Bacon, Kepler and other stu dents of science in Europe. The .Latin
century) becam e av ailable - steel, silk, porcelain and paper. translation of Alhazen's book, "Op tics" had a profound influ-
Though African papyrus paper was used, pulp paper from china ence on Europeans, science an d included studies of the magnify~
was being used more wid ely. Muslims encouraged the exchange ing po wer of lenses. .
an d spread of knowledge among Egypt, Persia (where they ha d Leon ardo of Pisa (Fibonacci) is said to have copied wholesale,
gre at influences), In dia and China. Thus from abou t the eighth a more advanced form of algebra which was written by al.. Hasi~
century until the fifteenth, Ar-abic was the language of Math- ' Abu Kamil (850-930). In fact his wo rk influencedmathemati-
ematics science an d tech nology. cians for almost 300 years after his death. This reve~s the exte~t
Abou t 773AI-Fazari translated the Indian Siddhanta to Arabic to which the contribu tions of Arabs an d Muslim Africans.domi-
thereby popularizing the Hindu decimal system - the zero is
r nated m ed ieval perio d. As Lum p kin B. (1985) wrot~, K~mi1's
believed to have corne into use later at about 876 A.D. Thabit Ibn w ork inclu d ed the use 'of several variables (Khw arizmi was
Qurra and his scho ol, Lumpkin, B. (1985) wrote, produced restricted to one), a study of equal roots of quadratic equations
excellen t Arabic translations of Euclid, Appolonius, Archimedes, and especially the use of irr ational numbers as terms ~f prop or-
Ptolemy and Theodosius and made important ad ditions of their tions, ro ots and coefficients of equations. Al Battam n (d . 929
A.D.) a greatMuslim astronomer produced data l~ter used br
Copernicus. He refined and extended the data of Ptolemy s
1 111 1 1' >l Ol ll O f 'CIIN CE
•. . AND

Almagest, as well as 1ll1 ki~'=n~~t-;h-~'- -- - - - - - - - - - The 15th century witnessed the creation of Gutenberg 's book
buttons. ' goer Important and original contri -
printing industry in Nuremberg. [ohann Gutenberg c1400 - 68 of
From the foregoing the f ' Strassbourg beg an printing with movable metal typ e, a process
te 'hn ological id d d re was a erment of sCIentific and
which spread toe~~:l e evel?pments in Africa a~d Arab world invented' in Korea in the 15th ceritury, Gutenberg's books were
th e first to be printed in the West (Europe) in this way. Explorers
b Ii zi P ,at a time when Europe was dominated
I re rgions, the dogmatIc teaching of the church and feudal' could travel to all parts of the globe because of the steady
a~;:et~~~kt;:va;ds th; en~ of ,t~is, period the dominant theol~; improvement in sea faring. It wo uld be recalled-that as early as
ism which cons~;:ra~~CIendhficmghuiry, adventure and human- the 13th century stern mounted rudders were first fitted to
an set t e stage that mad E European ship s. However, the Chinese had invented them cen-
over take others even in to the 19th centur europe turies earlier. Navigational charts, were first us ed b y European II!
Roger Bacon (1214 - 91) y: , sailors in the 13th century too. It was intensified efforts upon this
telescop es and' proposed combmatlOns of lenses for
mIcroscopes He g . b ' foundation that launched the Europeans into extensive seafaring
cal explanations of why a 'spher~~=ls~l sktanhfally correct opti~
burni I as 0 water acts as a from th e 15th centu ry. Schools of Navigation were established
rnmg g ass to concentrate the rays of the sun and h where men were trained in mathematics. There were Navigation
lens produces ifi d ' ow a convex
wa s on e of tha Tagl1I e Image of an object beneath it. Bacon schools in Portugal and Spain. Henry the Navigator also taught
- e orerunners of m odern science h ' 11 navigation to people from many other nations.
balanc~ d experiment a~ld theory. This English Sch~l:r :mel~ae~ Textiles industries in the 15th century used alum to fix veg-
~~~;spttOa~orrecdt d~fectIve vision and this probably was the brst etable dyes such as indigo, madder and saffron to cloth . Gig-
pro ucmg spectacles. mills were also in use at this time .
Drift nets about 110 m (360 ft.) long, towed behind fishing
Science and Tec1m olugyin the 15th Century boats, we re in troduced by th e Dutch in 1416 for use in their
Trade and industr ' E h fishing indu stnies, These improved nets also improved and
centu y rn urope ad been retarded in the 14th
, ry,by the occurrence of Black Death, 1348- 52 Thi 1 increased the hauling of herring. Fish processing was by salting; , '
epIdemICalso affected the supply oflabou b th IS P ague/ a process improved by th e Dutch.
~dversely. Labour-intensive industrir-, sU~h ~s e,c~mmon c!ass The Dutch used Archimedes screws to lift water in their dams.
mg suffered great set back f mmmg and fish- I
Hollow-post mills were invented in Holland. They were an
. or over a century This d Ii .
population positively affected labour as the b . " ec me In improved version: of the windmill which was earlier in use. The
labou rers increased and afforded th th argamm~ power of hollow-post mill unlike th e windmill had red uced rotating sail
peasan ts in particular) em e opportul1Ity to (the arms arid ~ 'shaft which passed from th em (rotating sailarms)
end of the 14th escape s~rf?om. Arab science, even by the
, through a hollow post to dri ve machinery in a building below.
wan derin schOl~:~t~ry ~as h~'lUted to the teachings of a few
t echnical treatises on military engineering and ballistics were
tific reaso~ing and ;ed~:~7~~~~~f:~~c~:~~~~ accurate scien- _ written in thi s pe riod especially in Gennan and Italy. Konrad
Kyesser of Germany wrote Bellifortis in 1405. Rifles were first
made c.1475. These were mainly muzzle loaders which used lead

When on All Saints' Eve, in 1517, Martin Lu~er p as!ed on the

Reformation d oor of the Castle Chapel at Wittenberg, mnety-~v~ theses

The second and third decades of the sixteenth century witnessed condemning the sale of indulgen ces an~ the abuses therefrom,
the rise of reformation movement in Europe, which caused a split the muchdesired leadership among the dlscontented and resent":
in the Church, leading ultimately to the developmentof the fui group s hadbeen provided.The first Potestant Church emerged
Protestant Church. Many factors have been attributed to the rise .in Germany under the name: Lutherrans, n~med after Rev. ~r.
of reformation. While changes were desired in religious teach- · Martin Luther. The Reformation did not stop m Germ~y, Martin
ings and practices the gradual change in social Jif€ and outlook .Luther's country. It also spread to England where King He~ry
among Europeans during the later part of the Medieval period Viii, who had disagreement with the Church over hIS mantal.
greatly induced and sustained reformation. . problem s, broke away to form the Chu.rc~ of Engla~d or the
. Firstly, there ,w as general discontent with practices in the , Anglican Church. John Calvin led the religioue rev~lt. ~ Fr~~~,
Church such as abuse and corruption by some officials of the where the Protestants were called Huguenots.In Britain , Ca1~­
Church who sold dispensations . There was spiritual decay as ists who were also called Puritans, .as w ell as th e Meth9dists
some popes wereseen to be unduely interested in their secular founded by Wesley; broke away from the Church.of ~gl~~. .
papal states. Cardinals who elected the pope weke alleged to The development of science and technology du,nng this penod
have compromised their oaths, and so on. The Renaissance spirit are vividly expressed in the scienti fic revolu tion of the 16th
which fostered secular attitudes increased the dislike for adora- century,
tion of Saints and the mediation of priests.
Social and economic changes arising from the collapse of the
_. 2. . .:W!.
• .~ .

feu dal economy, depression experienced during the later Middle , ' . .. '
Ages contributed to the emancipation of peasants from their
hitherto servile condition and status as their prosperity in-
creased with the growing bargaining power of their labour. But
. ..•. .-
rJIJ_ . ..... ..

..•. ..
__ c; .~ .
for the princes and nobles who were adversely affe~J>p by the . '; : . ' It ..
depression, black death, ~tc., the wealth of the Ch~.f.l)~ecame a , '
sourc~ of envy. They WIshed their weal;~h,)~,o~'~~lVe been
substituted for that owned by the Church /Thiis the stage for
opposition was set. The middle and working classes who had
emerged since Europe's march toward industrialization also
opposed the privileged position of the Church and government
w hi ch were seen to support one another. Similarly, the mercan-
tile class whose activities, that is, usury bias for high and inter-
ests, the Church discouraged became resentful of Church tea ch-
ing. .Darden ·col~ets computer data d ring a wind tum,d test of.~ uperson(c aircrap . Court~
of Ivan Van Sert;",a (p 2571 990) .; ',. .
-' '.'
uccessor . For him, the earth moved round the sun. The sun not
the Earth was the centre of the universe. Protestants and later
atholics disliked.Copernicus views because they were opposed -
to the teachings of the Bible. · . _
CHAPTER 4 The Danish astronomer Tycho Brahe U546 - 1601) m ade accu-
rate observations of the plarietary movements and stated that a
bright 'new stat' was further away from the earth than the moon ..
This opposed Aristotle's teaching that this kind of change was .-
SCIENTIFIC R EVOLUTION impossible. Five years later he identified the appearqnce of a new
. \ comet which passed through what Ptolemy and Aristotle thought
T he scientific revolution of the sixteenth century was a direct as impenetrable transparent crystal spheres. He calculated that
. aftermath of the intellectual ferment of the Renaissance as there were 777 fixed stars. .
~a (l9~2) wrote. It represen ted a revolu tion in hum an percep- John Kepler (Johannes Kepler, 1571 - 1630f calculated the
tion and Id eas of the n atural world. Indeed the scientific revolu- actual orbits of the planets, which he described .as ellipses and
tion w as one of the general m ovement that transformed the not perfect circles. It is believed that his results established
Middl e A.ges in~o the modem world . During this period people astron omy as an observational science which is free from any
~~d their studie s and investigations on old ideas of the classical religious considerations. He also affirmed the heliocentric theory
pen~d for fresh light and knowledge. It must be stated that some of the universe (Copernicus idea). Galileo (1564 - 1642) also
medieval scholars had scien tific aptitude, (most of them were upheld Copernicus system of the universe. Giordano. Bruno who
more int:rested in ~hilosophical and .logical systems) but they also propagated the copernican system was burned by the inqui-
we.renot ~terested n the description of natural objects, statistics sition as a heretic (propagating this anti-religious id ea). He was
or m practical experiments which characterize m odem science. burrit at the stake. Precisely, Giordano Bruno, thoughco nceived
!i0wever, the advances made in m athematics d ue p artly to Arab of the universe as infinite in time and space also explained that
mfluence or Islamic civilization, and so on became useful tools it w as filled with a multitude of suns each bearing planets,
fo~ scientific revolution which favoured enquiri es into natural everything being in constant motion, -. ., ' ~ / . .
science. OWing thiS perio~ some progress was made in the explanation
MOre significant during this period was the revival of ancient ofthe circulation of-blOod. However, it was-iJ:l the 17th century
Gre~ theory that the universe was infinite by Cardinal Nicholas tnat" a ·mote viVid account was provided by ·WlllWnHarvey.
of Cusa. He also expoused that the earth must have motion. He y~~.s," .~,9k/pe .Fa~ca, which depicted th~;h~an body in ~
wrote,~at the Ea~ and nct fhe heavens revolved.. dai1y. This ~allY, na~~, ~d' $ci~l\tifj.c Way, arid Se~ve~s discovery of the
exposition contradicted both the accepted ideas of Aristotle and ~~p~~c:n¥~t!~n~~~;~e ,~~~4:l'rec.~~~d :liarvtlf.' ~, ~~r~,~,
Ptolemy's views of the uni verse. ·:rt\~.sC1entiac revolution . wiUch.beg~ m ~~ 16th century still.
~opm:mcus' ..vie~s about tQe universe were developed during sUffer~ d oppoeition fro.m'.:theQl¥4, yet advances were re-
this penod. HIS.views al~o contradicted those of Aristotle and corded'.ill the medlcalsdence
.. ..
in particular).
For ex-
Ptolemy and were useful to the study of astronom y by his
labour to prod u ce even simple objects. Human and animal
ample, although the dissection of the human cadaver had been energy or power were used. But this time during the middle of
practiced everi from the 15th century in Europe, it was only in the th e 18th century coal and steam engines provided energy to
16th century that systematic dissections commenced in schools operate the mac ines. By th e early 19th century locomotive
of Padua in Europe. The re was larger-scale iron production and which improved transportation on land.andsteam boats which
mining techn ology. Blast furnaces were now used to produce facilitate d transportation on the sea (rather than the use of sails
large quantities of cast iron used for weaponry. There was mass and rudders) changed people's life greatly. Another~ature of
production of brass objects in Italy, through casting technique. this revolution which is basic to industrialization is the factory
, At this time also the coach was invented in Hungary and system, w hich grew from cottage industry.
'adapted in England. Coins containing a mixture of copper and
- ,g~ld or silver were used in Europe early in the 16th century. For Steam Engine .-.
tl\e production of coins some silver was imported from Peru by In 1705 Thomas New come n invented a crude slow-moving
Spain~ By the 17th century (1600) science was firmly based on the
steam engine. Crude as it was, it w as,useful in the coal mining
experimental method and theology no longer had much influ-
industry. Here it was used to'p ump water out of mines to keep the
:ence on it. mines from flooding. In 1763 [amesWatt, a Scot mechanic while
repairing Newcomen steam engine noted how crude and ineffi~,
Industrial Revolution cient the engine was, carried out a se .es of improvements that
The'early phase of Industrial'Reyolution which commenced in now equipped the steam engine with a practical d evice ,that
Britain was remarkable for developments in the coal mining provided energy tor machines and moved them, By 1769 James
industry, invention of steam engines, production of cheap iron Watt p atented his steam engine. Indeed, i t was.e~cierit, for
DU;lchirtes and iron structures among others. While the focus is factori es were now located in mo re convenient arid desired
noton the factors that contributed to the revolution in industrial locations. Watt's engine used a separate cylinder for condensing
development some clarification is needed to keep one in per- steam and w as the first to produce rotary motion. In 1784 he
spective with the basis of scientific and technological advance- improved upon this engine by inventing the d ouble acting
ment in the eighteenth century. It would be noted that Britain engine.
with,a thriving 'commercial economy, active labour force, im- The significance of the abo ve invention can beappreciated
proy«i agric:ultural sector and colonial influence abroad had set when it is realized that mills and wheels used in factories before
the foundation 'for industrialization. Again, with intensive and the invention of the steam engine were powered by running
exttmsiv~ interest.in science and technology since the 16th cen- water (i.e. before indus trial rev olution) which provid edrhe
,~the invention of steam-powered engines, and other ma- motive force for many processes such as grinding com and
chines in the 18th century was not surprising. spinning yarn. Thus the location of such factories w ere where
The Industrial Revolution refers to the movement whereby the water power ,was readily available. Water driven machinery
~. llUU\ufacture and use of machines changed people's way of life now feature.
:;': ,' and their methods of production of goods. In the classical (an-
',':, dent) and medieval times people spend long hours of manual , ',


ticularly in the cotton or textile industry which witnessed tec~­
Coal Mining andIron Industries nical breakthroughs in weaving, spinning and other processes, It
Coal mining and i~~~ working industries used stearn engi~e~ in
was no longer difficult for British merchants to obtain enough
goods to supply their markets.
their op erati on. There was in creased ou tp ut in coal ~1l1mng Sir Richard Arkwright (1732 -92) a pioneer of the facto ry
because of increase in the need f-or domestic and industrial fuel.
system built his cotto n mill at Cromford Derbyshire. The first
Coal was used as fuei even for generating stearn power. Steam factories were textile industries where mechanization, the use of
power on the other hand was used to pump water out of ~ines
water power and then steam, made concentration of production
by employing steam pumping engines . The c?ncent~atlOn of essential. John Kay invented the flying shuttle (in 1733) which
industries around coal fields rather than on hilly regIOns (for
enabled only one man to work on a wide loom more rapidly than
wind) after the de velopment of efficient stearn pow er can be
two persons could operate it before. This inven tion led to riots
partly explained by the significance of coal as ~ source ~f fuel. because it displaced those who previously had thrown the hand
The iron industry depended on charcoal for Its smelting and
shuttles and enabled a loom to be worked by one weaver alone.
output was lowor small at this time. Indeed in this early .pe~od
Lewis Paul and John Wyatt (1741) invented a.frame for spinning
ironwas scarce and costly becau se of small scale production
cotto n thread with rollers. This invention contributed a lot
caused-by the fact that England 's forests could not supply
toward solving the problem of machine spinning even though it
enough charcoal for smelting ore. It was also often the case th~t
was not commercially practicable.Then in 1764James Hargreaves
steam engines were used to pump water to create the ~raft In
invented the spinning jenny a machinery which increased the
blast furnaces o f iron smelting. However, the Darby family and output ofspun cotton.James Hargreaves contribution was mainly
iron masters had been experimenting' with coal as a fuel for
in improving the spinning wheel. He was both a weaver. an? a
smelting. Three generation s of effort in this regard led to the
carpenter, skills which facilitated the production of the spmmng
success oftransforming coalinto coke.'This discovery by Abraham
jenny which was patented in 1770. This machinery enabled one
Darby, of coke smelting at his Coalbrook dale ~orkS' revol~tion­ workman to run eight spindles instead of one. It was also about
ized the production of cheap iron and e~abled It to be used in ~he this time that Richard Arkwr ight developed a water frame, a
first machine and iron structures.The discovery of coke smelting
machine for spinning with rollers operated by water power; In
process created a new demand for coal and laid th e foundati~n
1779 a spinner, Samuel Crompton, combined Hargreaves jenny
for British coal industry, The next sig~ificant advancement In
and Arkwright's roller frame into a spinning machine, called the
iron production was in the 1780's when Henry Cort d~veloped. 'mule' .This invention was unique during this period in the sense
the processes of puddling and rolling. Through puddlin? there
that it produced thread of greater fineness and strength than the
was success in the production of almost pure malleable Iron.
jenny or the roller frame. Yet the mule being large and heavy had
to be installed in mills (factories) where they could be run by
Factory System water power. Edmund Cartwright further improved we aving
The factory system of manufacture during this period contrib- technology when in 1785 he patented a power loom. Hand looms
uted to the increase of the amount of goods produced and the were not completely replaced until 1850.
decrease in cost. With the use of labour-saving machinery, par-
T Il£ H ,Sn lRl l1F SClENCI: AN D T El HNO LOGt 1N P ERSP£c"nVE
SC1£N n n , ~ I VO W l/ON

Some other machines which contributed to the progress of the of the universe.a vast sphere, the premium mobile rotating dally
textile industry inclu de Thomas Bell's (of Glasgow) cylinder about this fixed centre and carrying with it all the heavenly
printing of cotton goods in 1785, for block printing; Eli Whitney's, bodies: and stars embedded in fixed positions on the surface of
cotton gin, J. M. Jacquard's (1804, Frenchman) loom on which this sphere. This view held sway in Europe until (it dominated
patterns could be woven in fabri cs by mechanical means. This medieval science which was largely spatial) the Copernican
loom was later adapted to the making of lace. system in the 16th and 17th centuries.
With these developments and the harn essing of steam power
to machinery in the cotton (textile) industry, the factory system Corpernicus, Nicolaus (1473 - 1543)
in which the production proce sses were concentrated under one
roof became possible. In fact by the early 19th century cotton was Nicolaus Copernicus was born in Poland. He studied astronomy,
the most industrialized 'sector of the economy as it was almost mathematics, canon law medicine, and law.
entirely mechanized. This mechanized process undermined the Nicolaus' primary interest was in the area of astronomical
rural cottage industries as thi s and other inventions concen- investigations and which he pursued intensively. Sequel to 'his
trated wi thin the town which became the main sources of em- investigations, he produced a treatise, De RevoltitionibusOrbium
ployment. Other developments in transportation, communica- Coelestium (started 1507 and ended in 1530). In this work, which
tion, banking, architecture and so on, were stimulated by the sought to provide a new the ory ofthe universe, he'exp~ained ~
spirit, of thi s period - scientific enquiry an d technological ad- relationship of planets in the solar system to one another, Accord-
vancement. ing to his hypothesis from which the theory, Copernican system
developed, he stated that the sun is the centre of the solar system,
Ptolemy (A D 100 - 170) and that the earth and other planets revolve around it periodi-
cally in orbits:Th e Copernican conception of the solar system is
Ptolemy Latin Claudius Ptolemaeus, a Greek astronomer, math- heliocentric (i.e. Sun centred). .
ematician, and geographer, was born in Ptolemais, Egypt. M0St To Copernicus, the planets, (the earth inclusive) revolve about
of his wo rk in astronomy was' carried out in Alexandria. He the sun in an orderly fashion, each in its own orbit. Thus the earth
catalogued some 1,028 stars, suggested a theory of eccentrics and was declared a sphere that revolves about is axis once a day.
epicycles to describe planetary movements, and discovered an However the earth completes a circular orbit (i.e. moves round
irregularity of the moon 's motion (evection). He rejected the the sun) once a year. The rotation of the earth about its axis
'h eliocentric cosmology attributed to Aristarchus of Samos (and explain the rising and setting of celestial bodies, corresponding
others before Ptolemy) th at the earth is round and revolves to day and night. The Corpernican system was a logical explana-
around the sun, and sup p orted the geocentric cosmology of tion of observ ations that simplified the study of astronomy and
. Hipparchus and others - accord ing to which the sun, moon, led to the development of astronoinicallaws. Copernican system
planets, and stars all revolve around the earth. became the basic explanation of the universe as a result of th
Ptolemaic sys tem, the geocentric theory of the universe was an contributions by Kepler ~. Galileo .
attempt to account for the observed motions of the heavenly
bodies. It postulated that the earth, is spherical and is the centre
._.0._.• •..

Fo~ centuries people thought that the earth was the center of Logic. Although he was to study ~dn~ andp~~hy.in ~
the universe with sun, moon, planets and stars moving around University of Pisa when he was admi~ed m 1581.1 h!s interest was
the earth in an orderly manner. Before Copernicus, men used the soon diverted, however, to mathematics.and physics. By 1585.h e
Ptolemaic theory of the universe to predict astronomical move- could not afford to stay at the University and so returned to
ments: This theory was made increasingly complicated to ac- Florence . He did not, however, abandon research in physics.
count for additional observations of the universe. Because of the At 19 years he made the first of his many .imp ortant discover-
m any inexplicable con tradictions in this theory and others, ies, namely, that the tim e of the swi ng of a pendulum does not,
Copernicus was inspired to bridge / fill the gap. The consequence depend on the leng th of the arc through which it sWings.H~ also
of which is the Cop ernican system . Copern ican 'system was invented a hydrostatic balance. His interest and resear~ in ~e
opposed to the whole medieval concept of astronomy based on fields of dynamics and mechanics made him condemn.Aristotle.s
the geocentric system of the Greek astronomer Ptolemy. Th e assertion that bodies of different weights fall With speeds
heliocentric system proposed by Copernicus was supported by proportional to their weights. His conclusion as to f~ing bo~ies
the Italian astronomer and physicist Galileo Galilei. were based on direct observation and careful expenmentation.
Copernicus De Revolutionibus Orbium Coelestium is gener- His study of the'motions of falling bodies enabled him discover .
ally regard ed as causing a revolution in the develo pment of that the y accelerated constantly toward the ear~..---: . _
science bu t it must be understood that he was greatly influenced Galileo also benefited from the legacy of SCIentific -thought
by the views ofmany ancient philosophers, such as Aristarchus bequeathed to Europeans of the 13th th~ugh the 17th ceri~es
of Heraclides of Pontus, Seleuc us of Seleucia, Demoeritu s and A.D. by the Egyptian, Greek and M~sh~ autho~s of vanous
more ancient astronomers of Egypt, who held the notion that the national ities. For example, at the University of Pisa where he
earth moves and is not the center of the universe. He also found studied and later became a professor (1589-92), Galileo studied
data published by th e great Muslim astronomers such as al _ the works of Euclid, Ptolemy, Archimedes, Pappus, other Greek,
Battani (d. 929 A.D.) useful in the course of his study and Mu slim, and Egyptian scientists. Archimedes. and~hilop?n~s
pred iction of his heliocentric theory. Copernicus did not just were Calileo's heroes and were frequently mentioned ~. Galileo s
repeat the earlier heliocentric theories but he thoroughly studied books. It is plausible that Philoponus' (Alexandrian Egypt ~
the works of the ancient astronomers that were available to him losopher) theory of impetus influenced Calileo's ~echamcs.
and then presented a distinct theory wi th quantitative argu- Philoponus, it would be recalled, showed by expenrr.tent that
ments - a dimension that ga ve his th eory an advantage and Aristotelean dogma (that heavier objects fall more rapidly than
advan cement over the earlier theories. ligh ter objects) was false. This experiment and proof was m~de
known about a thousand years before Galileo. However, Galil~o
Galilei, Galileo, 1564 - 1642 is credited for proving the Aristotelean dog~a false b~ hIS
reputed experiment of dropping two balls of different weights
Galileo was born in ·Pisa to an impoverished Florentine family in from~ the Leaning Tower of Pisa. . .
Italy. He .became a mathematician, physicist, and astronomer. In the field of mechanics Galileo also benefited from ancient
His early education in the school of the monastery of vallombrosa, Greek and Egyptian students of mechanics indirectly as a result
near Florence exposed him to the study of Latin, Greek and
98 99


of his study in the university, of the works of [ordan us, Tartaglia, /' , -

Bradwardine, Baridan etc. who Pappademos (1985) refer to as Introduction

Calileo's European 14th and 15th century precursors. The work
of Jordanus and his followers, for example, was known as the The Renaissance in Europe (14th to the late 16th century) which
Science of Weig hts in th e later Midd le Ag es in Europe . Thi s encou raged the development of a more secular spirit, inquiry
science he also-w rote was influe nced by texts on mechanics into nature, inquiry into the place of man In theuniverse and the
written by Heron an Egyptian , Thus Galileo indirectly benefited quest for new knowledge led to a renewed interest in classical
from Egyp tian scientific thought. How ever, it is known that civilization and an increased respect for literature. From this
Calileo's famou s stud ies of accelerated motion w as derived period too there was a critical examination of ancient /dassical
largely from the theory of proportions developed by Eudoxus, a 'ideas, particularly of Greek science which was Widespread . The
Greek philosopher trained by the Egyptians. It is also evident resu lt of this fresh reappraisal of ancient ideas made people
that Galileo used a water clock, an Egyptian invention in his discard ancient practise of astrology and alchemy. Indeed some
experiments on motion to measure time intervals. scientists and philosophers realized and espoused that nature
Mathematician, physicist, and astronomer Galileo Calilei by shou ld be investigated rationally. The consequence of this ratio-
his investigation of natural law encouraged the scholars who nal approach'to 'scien tific investigation made Copernicus pro-
came afte.rhim in the use of the experimental method in science. pose in 1543 that the Sun, not the Earth was the centre of the
Observation of nature and applied mathematics were for him the universe. Based on this Coperican system, a spate of other ideas
first steps toward scie f 'fie truth. He then made experiments to from precise observations were stimulated. For example, Tycho
verify his observations an d demonstrated them to others. Brahe (1546 - 1601) laid the basis for 17th century discoveries
In the field 'of military engineering and mechanics another with fhe.telescope. Johannes Kepler, Francis Bacon,Gallleo
interest area, he invented a crude thermometer between 1590 G~~f~re other scientists of this period whose contributions
and 1603. This instrument also called thermoscope was merely a had profound consequences on scientific and technological ad-
thermometer without a scale. He also constructed telescopes .vancement.
wi th which he observed the phases of Venu s and the-phenom-
enon of suns pots. From such activities he validated the heliocen- Seventeenth Century
tric theory of the solar system as expounded by Corperni cus. But
later he retracted his belief that the earth moves for the fear of
Isaac Newton (1642-1727)improved upo and expanded Galileo's
demonstration that the movement of objects could be directly,
being declared a heretic. In fact the knowledge that Giordan determined by a combination of experiment and mathematical
Bruno, was burnt at the stake for heresy largely influenced reasoning. Newton, showed that all the then known physical
Galileo from retracting his belief that the earth moves. It would aspects of the universe and nature could be completely described
appear that Europ ean society at this time still held tight to by 'mathematical theory utilizing laws consistent with experi-
elements of religious dogma which necessitated the infliction of ment. Thus Isaac Newton calculated th e speed at which a body
harsh punishments on heretics. Yet Galileo's conclusions based I
on observation an d experimentation . !
TllB H1smay-or 5aE:Na: AND T ECHNOLOGI IN PERSf>/j<;rrW:

projected horizontally from flte top of a .m ountai.n would· l~avl'.

Thomas Savery invented the first practical steam eng ine in
1696 while that of Thomas Newcomen was an atmospheric
the earth and begin revolving around It. He laid the basI~ 01
steam engine.
differential an d integral calculus, elucidated the na~ure of hg~t
and colour and explored the usefulness of ma thematical analysis In medicine William Harvey in 1628discovered the circulation
of blood while Anton Van Leeuwenhoek (1632 - 1723) a Dutch
to physical theories. , . . .. .
biologist discovered protozoa (1677) and bacteria ' (1683). He
.Newton's book, Philosophiae N atu ralis Princ ip ia Mathe~atica
(1687) was one of the most important works of modern SCIence. devised his own microscopes which also facilitated his study of
It was in this book he defined his laws of motion (an im prove-
blood, spermatozoa and other microscopic life forms. .-
ment on Kepler 's and C alileo's work), and he formul at~d the law Nehemiah Grew (1641 -1712) used the microscope to study the
of universal gravit ation. He inv ented calculus, an Import~n.t sex organs of plants, while Robert Hooke (1635 -1703), John Ray
contribution to mathematics. He w rote another book, Optiks (1627 -1705) and others began to reclassify the plant and animal
(1704) and in 1728, the year after his death, .his diagram of the kingdoms thathad begun appearing in botanical encyclopedias
path of an artifi cial satellite was published. . in the sixteenth century. ,
.I n the realm of Op tics, Galileo, had used the telescope earher Robert Boyle (1627 - 91) a British physicist, experimented on
but New ton improving upon it, perfected the first reflecting the physical properties of air and found that gas pressure varies -
telescope in about 1668. This led to further discoveries, as well as inversely with volume. He then formulated his law based on the
the use of the telescope as a celestial measuring instrument of relationship between the pressure and volume of a gas.
great precision. National observatories in Paris and ~t Green- The above remarkable changes and developments in science
wich (1675) owe their foundation to Newton's perfection of the and techn ology during the 17th century we re made possible by
telescope. The Royal Observatory at Greenwich w~s es~ablished rationalism and observation which replaced Superstition and
pri ncipally to compile a new star catalogue for navI?ahonal use. dogma as scientific guidelines. It is not surprising that scientific
It became an important centre for accurate astronomical ~b~erva- . societies were founded and that they began to flourish. 11te
tions. The meridian of zero longitude (standard meridian of Royal Society (1660) in London and the AcadeIIlies des Sciences
longitude is at Greenwich ) still runs through Green~ich; Again, in Paris 1699 are typical examples. .
in this period, Willibrord Snell (1591 - 1626) determmed,the ,law
of refraction of light, while Newton showed that white hght the Eighteenth Century
cou ld be split by a prism into components of every colou r. The 17th Century it would be recalled was a period when the
_Chris'tian Huygens (1629 -95), a Dutch physicist built upon th e truth about the nature of man and his world couldbe discovered
knowledge of refraction of light an d Kepler 's study of lenses to by the use of reason, and when critical interpretation of the
improve telescope and also propounded a wave th~ory .of light Scriptures and an interest in comparative religion brought abou
in 1690. Newton had proposed a particle theory l~ his book a weakening 'of religious orthodoxy, The achievements of the
.Optiks which was published in 1704, Newt?n's particle,the ory 17th Century led to greater developmentsin Scie~ce and tech..
'.of light was upheld for almost a century before Huygens s wave nology in:the 18th century. '/ ,\! '
theory wa~r:evived .
• / .\ ~.: ~ ,; : . ' "0 ' " .

102 103
i' . \
, Tile H ISTORY O F Scitncc ANIl Ffd /NOW (; Y IN l ' r l<.' I'rn W f c SCIENTl flC ReVOLUTION

S~ie~tists and explorers during .the 18th century who had means of experiments he formulated a theory about.the nature of
asslII~date~; t~e d evelopments of the 17th cen tury began to combustion . Lavoisier heated mercury and air in a flask with a
question many 'accep ted views about the universe an d th e ori curved neck, which enabled him to me asure exactly the decrease
gins. Greater kno w ledge of the non-Europ ean world (Which in volume of ga s and gain in weight of mercury during 12 days
~ere tm~nown:)hi~herto ) exci ted Europ eans. They took keen heating. From this experim ent he sh ow ed that th e chan ges could
mterest .in th e wide ran ge of exotic fauna and flor a and its be explained comp letely in terms ofth e active constituent of th e
geography. The stage' was now set for more dis coveries, inven- air discovered by Joseph Pr iestly, to which Lavoisier gave th e
tions and impro vement of existing works, mach ineries, id eas, nam e of oxygen. Hitherto, the nature of combustion had been
and so on . Navigational instruments su ch as the sextant an d the ascribed to the transfer of a substance called phlogiston, the main
m ar~ t~me chronometer facilitated scientific exploration. rhe agent of chemical change som et imes released as fire. Wit
maritime chronometer was developed by John Harr ison, an Lavoisier's experimen t, the idea of phlogiston w as regarded as
Englishman from 1726, to aid navigation. Earlier, the Latitude superfluous and chemistry could develop as a rational science
had been easy to fix for cen tu rie s but it w as difficult to fix based entirely on quantitative measurements. Experiments gave
Longitu d es because they d epen d ed on time . H~rrison 's (1693- rise to theories that w ere then tested by other experim ents.
1776) chronometers had th e compens ating p end ulum so 'th at Joseph Black, (1728 - 99), a Scottish Che mist, d efined th e
they kept.pe~fect timein whatever climate the y were used and so difference between heat and temperature, and di scovered spe-
made fixm g of Lon gitudes easy. This contribution revolution- cific and latent heat. This discovery enabled James Watt to build
ized maritime naviga ion in th e 18th century. Cap tain [a es steam en gine. Black also discovered carbon dioxide in ·1756.
Cook (1728 - 79) com m anded three voy ages of exploration He nry Cav end ish (1731 - 1810), a British scientist discovered
b~tween, 1768 and 1776, us ing these ne w navigation al te ch- hydrogen in 1766 and calculated the Earth's mass.
mques. Edmo~d Halley (1656 - 1742), British Astronom er Royal The found ations of modern geology w ere laid dow n in the
pr?p~sed the Idea that comets orbit th e sun an d using New thn:,$ . 18th century with th e stud y of rocks strata and with atte mpts at
pnncrple, correctly predicted in 1705 the return of the contef'tli1U ge ological dating . Charl es Lyell 's (1797 - 1875), Prin ciples of
IS now called H alley's comet. " Geology advanced the th eory that the processes of geological
Gabriel Fahrenheit, a German physicist (1686 -1736) invettted change were long, slow and uniform, and this w as as true of the
the mercury thermom eter in 1711. rem ote past as of the present. His work formulated an evolu tion-
.William Herschel (173~ - 1822) used an improved tel~seop.et(Q' ary theory of th e earth rejecting earlier writers w ho had tried.for
d~scover the planet Uranus in 1781. During this period, scienttric theological fossil evide nce with literal int erpretations of the Old
~lS 'overy depended a lot upon improvem en ts in instrumenta- Testament.
tion I ,Electricity was di scovered in th is p eriod by Luigi Galvani
In _hemis~, Joseph Priestley is credited with the discovery of (1737 - 98), an Italian in 1771, when he found that two metals in
o 'gen. While An toine Lavoisier (1743 -94)revolutionized chem- contact w ith a frog's body caused it to twitch.Iunknowingly he
istry by eliminating the magical and mystical remnan ts from it had produced current - electricity ). While he d iscovered "gal-
and consequently, laid the foundati ons of modem chemi stry. By vanic" (current) electricity, Alessandro Volta obtained it from his
"Voltai c pile" or battery, which quickly made electrolysis p os-
104 105

ible. Higher pressures (60 - 80 psi instead of the 13.6 psi attained in
Most of these scientific findings stimulated economic activity; Watts~ engines) were only possible through improveme nts made
tr de, ind ustrial processes and affected changes in life generally. from 1775 to 1850 in iron manufacturing technology, Oliver
The in d ustrial revolution, for example, was an 18th century Evans of the USA an d Richa rd Trevithick of Britain being earliest
movement or phenomenon. experimenters betwe en 1800 and 1801. Thermal efficiency had
Thomas Newcomen, an Englishman, invented 'the first indus- imp roved from 0.5% to about 7.5% by the end of the 18th century
trially significant piston and-cylinder steam engine. Thomas due to Watt's contributions >
Savery h ad patented a steam enginein 1698 which had neither
pistons nor cylinder. Thomas Newcomen, Thomas Savery and The Nineteenth Century
John Cawley joined forces and built the first working atmo-
spheric engine at Wolverhampton, England in 1712, improving The early 19th century saw th e development and gradual accep-
on it in later designs by converting from surface condensing to tance into science of the atomic view of matter as opposed to the
internal jet condensation. The Newcomen engine marked the old caloric therory of Antoine Lavoisier and his predecessors in
effective beginning of the utilization of steam power, and the which a tenuous fluid is th ought to flow inside matter. The great
Newcomen engine was used for raising water for a period Isaac Newton's erroneous static mod el of gases propounded in
spanning 75 years especially with improvements on it intro- his bo ok, the Pricipia,was finally overturned in favour of the
duced by John Smeaton (1724 -1792). It Gould pump water to a kine tic model of matter. The Englishman, John Dalton (1766 -
reservoir to power a water wheel supplying rotary motion for 1844) in his great opus ANew System of Chemical Philosophy"

grinding wheels. . laid the gro undwork for the ba sic id eals of the atomic theory of
James Watt later made a scientific and technical revision of the Chemistry. The book was published in two parts in 1808 and
New comen engine; and his patent of 1769 claimed improve-
' The Italian physicist, Amed eo Avogadro (1766 -1856) ex-
ments obtained through insulation; large temperature differ-
pounded the hypothesis that all p ure substances-must have the
ences between the steam cylinder and the separate condenser;
same number Of molecules in one mole, and that at standard
the use of an air pump to dear the condenser and the steam
conditions, this number which is approximately 6.02 x 1023
cylinder; and the use of the 'expansive force of steam. Together
occupies a volume of 22.4 litt ers.
with the industrialist Matthew Boulton of Birmingham, James
There was intense work in Chemistry in this period on the
Watt later developed double-acting reciprocating engines of .
search for regularity among the kn ow n elements of the time.
rating up to 80 horsepower. The real advantage in Watt's work
Alth ou gh many scientists across m any nations contributed sig-
w as the increase in thermal efficiency which reduced the cost of
nificantly to the understanding, it was th e insight of the' Russian
<>peration, resulting in a Wider market for the engine.This indeed
chemist Dmitri Ivanovitch Mendellef (1834 ~1907) and later of the
was a major step in the industrial revolution of the 18th ana 19th German chemist Julius Meyer (1830-1895) that w as the culmina-
'" tion of th e six decades of qu antitative investigations and specu-
lative inductions since Dalton's atomic theoryfirstbecame gen- '
'/ " c. ;

106 107
, /1/ ,,, f(Jln O f SOENer .~ Nl' TI "<'I' ~(1' ,. :, t»: I',.~~ ,., .:,.",'
- - - - - - - - -_._ -- . -- - 1; .r:\1<' CONCf.PTS O F SCIENCE AN D T ECHNOLOGY

Mendellefs papers in 1869 and 1872 led to the arr~ge.R\ent of brothers (George and Robert) on July 25, 1814. As the mills and
th known elements in what is now kn own as the Periodic Table, workshops increased in size and number in the late 19th century,
classification according to their phy sical and chemical charac- the demand for larger engines inc reased. Steamships by the late
t risti cs in rows and colu mns. The arran gemen t thus was able to 1800's were using triple-exp ansion stearn engin es and so did
predict characteristics of elements, even those yet to be di scov- land applications such as electric power stations . .
ered at the time. The steam turbine development of the late 18th century pro-
the kin etic-molecular theory in its earl y beginnings had C<:>l1- vided very serious com pe tition for th e reciprocating steam en-
tribu tions from all are as of science. For exam ple; the English gine of James Watt. Indeed, within two'decades ofits introd uc-
botanist Robert Bro wn w as the first to observe and rep ort the tion, the steam turbine had driven the reciprocating steam en-
irregular and .perp etual dance of plant pollen in 1827. The gine out of existence . Important features'contributing to the huge
phenomen on, now called the Brownian movement, :was later success of the steam turbine include its lig hter weight (and
confirmed as evidence of the bombardment from all SIdes ~f the weight-to-power ratio), its much higher thermal and overall
relatively larger pollen particles by the much smaller but highly efficiency, its higher sp eed find ease of matching the 1000-1500
agitated (as a result of their abs~lute temperat~re) molec~les ~f rpm required by the Thomas Edison 's first large dynamos of the
the surrounding fluid . The kinetic th eory has since found appli- late 1870's; its virtually non-existent vibration com pared .with
cation in isotope separation, electronics, nuclear po wer, etc. the terrible vib ration of the reciprocating engine. Within thirty
The Ind.ust~iai Revolution 'continued into the 19th century years of its exis tence, steam turbines 60.,000 hp in a single unit
with improvements in the stearn and hydrau~ic motive power ' were common place and they quickly became the 'standard unit
sources . Richard Trevithick of Britain and Oliver Evan s of the in the electric power industry. ' .
usA among many others made significa~t contribution~ to the The steam turbine in tum aiso had serious competition' from
develop m ent of the basic James Watt engm.e of,the earlier cen- internal combustions engines, especially the dieselengine 'after
tury, Thermal efficiency of th e steam engme Improved from the discovery of petroleum in large quantities in 1859, for small-
about 0.5% of the 18th centu ry James Watt engine to about 7.5~ and medium-power range applications by the late 19t1i century-
by the' first decade of the 19th century, The res~lting decrease.m to the early 20th century. .
coal cons.umption was so significant that coal mme~ and fa~tones J.J.E. Lenoir of Fran ce produced the first commerciallysignifi-
using the engines placed more orders, thus furthen~g t~e indus- cant internal combustion engine in 1860, using a mixture of gas
trial revolution. There we re also better control devices invented and air in his 3 hp engine. Later, De Rochas's workled to the
iIi this period such as the D-slide valve, the cylindrical valve, ~e development of the four-stroke cycle which forms the basis of
governor for maintaining constant speed, ,and the f~~ous C~rhss gas and oil-engine practice today. De Rochas laid the theoretical
valve 'gear patented .in 1849. Ste~m .engI~es wer~ increasingly basis for the work of the German engineer Nikolaus f:\,()tto, who
used on steamships, in land applications in factones, for pump- patented his famous "silent gas enginerin 1877.
ing water and in ·d redging . · . . The su ccess of th e gas engine sp urred many attempts to use
Develop ments in boiler design ~d co~struction led to the first other fuels beside gas. By 1886 Gottlieb Daimler had succeeded
successful steam locomotive engme trials by the Stephenson in building a gasoline engine operating at 800 rp~ and of a light
.•. •...<
109 ,

weight-to-power ra tio nee ded for road and air transp ortation . "Samuel F. B. Morse's telegraph of 1837 and Alexander Graham
I Iowever, gasoline was at this time still a laboratory material, Bell's telephone of 1875.were significant inventions w hich oper-
and the engine was used only by barges and boats. Development ated successfully on dry cells, accumulators and we t batteries
of oil engines was initiated by Priestman as early as 1884 using that were th e main power sources of the day. The motors and
a fuel with specific gravity of about 0.8 similar to kerosene, and dynamos which were then being produced required much more
it was carried out by sever al inventors, perhaps the most notable power that only the steam and water tu rbines could.provide,
being Rudolf Diesel who patented his oil engine in 1892. That thus providing impetus for their further development.
engine, now named after him (as well as the oil itself), was first Thomas Alv a Edison, after a long series of experiment and
constructed in 1897. trial s, finally succeeded in demonstrating eled ric lighting using
The hydrau lic turbines also saw tremendous improvements carbon filam ents in an evacuated tu be on October 21, 1879, thus .
from the contributions of such practical engineers as Benoit ushering the age of electricity into the life of all mankind. .'
Fourneyron who patented a 50-hp turbine wheel in 1832 with the The theoretical work, experiments an d inventions of many
outer ro tating wheel supporting 30 curved vanes. James B. notable people, am ong them Heinrich Hertz (1886),Jon Ambrose
Franscis in 1855produced the reaction turbine which became the Fleming (1904), James Clark Maxwell, Henry, Kelvin, Kirchoff,
pr edominant American water tu rbine and also now known by Heaviside, and Helmbholtz, all ushered in the success of Marchese
his name, the Franscis turbine. Th e simple imp ulse turbine Guglielmo Marconi who, in 1899, demonstrated the practical
wheel de signed in the 1880's by Lester Allen Pelton and now transmitting radio - the wirel ess. Further developments in cir-
known as the Pelton tu rbine produced higher speeds and consid- cuits, tuning, radio wave detectors, magnetic, electrolytic, .and
erably less splashin g, the feature of which was 'the centr e ridge in crystal detection method s eventu ally l ed to transatlantic radio
each bucket to split the water jet so tha t it would glide smoothly communi cations by the turn of the 20th century in 1901.
over the tw o halves. The wind tunnel played a significan t role in the development
Although Mechanical and Civil engineering dominated tech- of aerodynamics, leading to the supersonic aircraft in bo th .
nology until the last quarter of the 19th century, by the early 20th . military and civil airplanes of the late 20th century. Ludwig
centu ry electronics an d electrical engineering had become the Prandtl .played a leading role in wind tunnel studies of aerody-
leading field of technological advance, due largely to the purely namics of flights.
scien tific groundwork of Benjamin Franklin, Michael Faraday, Otto Lilienthal, a German engineer, had devoted considerable
Ampere, Ohm, Oersted, and Henry, among many others, By 1834 efforts to his flying machine called the hanging glider in which
the first practical electric motor had been constructed by Thomas he had made more than a thousand successful flights before he
Dav enport of Vermont, USA. The first direct current dynamo w as killed in a glider a ccid ent in 1899. The Wright brothers,
had been invented in 1860 by Antonio Pacinotti, and by 1870 . (Wilbur & Orville) succeeded in flying the first heavier-than-air
followed the first commercial dynamo built by Zenobe Theophile machine that was power-driven at Kitty Hawk, North Carolina,
Gramme of Belgium. In 1887, Nikola Tesla of the USA built the in the USA in 1903 afte r a large d ose of enthusiasm, courage, .
polyphase motor which mad e the Widespread use of alternating determination, doggedness and a good understanding .of air-
current possible.

110 111
SClf:NTlrJ, ' 1~ I: V()1.I IH ON


Tire 'Iioe n tictlt Ceu t u n ]

craft flight dynamics. They-had even built the 12hp 4:-in bore and
stoke, 900 rpm engine of this aeroplane themselves. Two great revolutionary theories changed the face of physics in
Airship development was quite rapidin Germany in the'late '. the early decades of the twentieth century: The Theory of Rela-
1800s with leadership being inspired by Count Von Zeppelin and tivity and the Quantum Theory. The Theory of Relativity was
after whom the airships were named. One of the most successful essentially the creation of Albert Einstein and it came in two
airships ever built was th e 1928 "Graf Zeppelin", a 3.7 milli on . installments: the Special Theory of Relativity, published in 1905,
cubic feet airship powered by five gas engines, each of 530 hp and The General Theory of Relativity, published in 1915.
carried in five separate gondolas suspended from the envelope. The general theory of relativity describes the force of gravity
This airship made a flight of 2t500 miles round the world in and thelarge scale structure of the universe, scales ranging from
three weeks in 1929 carrying twenty passengers and a crew of only a few kilometres to as large as 1024 kilometres.
.forty. A larger airship, the Hindenburg was inregular service on The Quantum Theory, on the other hand, is the result of the
the North Atlantic crossing in 1936. However a series airship creative work of several great scientists starting with Max Planck,
~ho was the first to introduce the idea of .a quantum of energy
disasters between 1920 and 1940 discouraged further develop-
ment of this mode of air travel, especially after the accident (light quantum) into physics at the meeting- of .the German
involving th e largest American airship, the Akron, in which all 74 Physical Society on December 14, 1900. Quantum mechanics
persons on board lost their lives and the cause of th e disaster was deals with phenomena on 'extremely small 'scales, such as a'
millionth of a centimetre. Among the numerous scientists of note
never ascertained .
Towards the Ialtler part of the 19th century, 1870's precisely, in the rapid developments in quantum mechanics are the follow-
agriculture became more mechanized. Seed drills and threshing ing : Danish physicist, Niels Bohr who extended Planck's idea of
machines had some success. Many new types of traction engine quantization of radiant energy to the description of mechanical
or steam ploughing, and so on were produced. energy of electrons within an atom.
Louis Pasteur worked on fermentation, on th e souring of milk, a
Loui s de Broglie, French physicist; in 1925 gave a wave
on putrefaction and then on a disease in silk worms. He proved explanation to the Bohr quantum orbits of the electron. More
~xact n:athematical formulation of wave mechanics was pub-
that all these happened because of th e presence of airborne
micro-organisms. Hi s stu dy of other ani mal di seases enabled lished In 1926 by the Austrian physicists, Erwin Schrodinger.
him d evise a method of immunization by inoculating a toxin to Werner Heisenberg, a German physicist enunciated the uncer-
raise the host's resistance to more virulent types of the organism. tainty principle of quantum .mechanics almost simultaneously in
.Similarly.Claude Bernard studied the chemical'properties of the 1926 In 1929the British physicist, P. A. M. Dirac used his Relativ-
digeetivesystemend the treatmentofinfection (basedonP,asteur's istic Wave Equation to describe the motion of atomic electrons
bacteriological ideas). These ideas and the introduction of anti- and in the process suggesting that there must also exist positively
septics and anaesthetics / oC.-0i1tributed' to advances in surgery and. charged anti-electrons. His prediction was brilliantly verified a
Inunderstanding new ways to combat disease. . .., ". few years later when anti-electrons were found in the cosmic
rays. The theory of anti-particles was later extended to elem en-
tary particles other than electrons, yielding such particles as anti-
SOENTlflC R Evo w n ON

singl~ theory. In attempting to construct such a unified theory in

rotons, anti-nucleus, anti-mesons, etc.
In experimental physics, Ernest Rutherford, a'former stu dent phySICS, several un usual or "unnatural" phenomena continue to
of J.J. Thompson, (who in 1897 had shown by direct experiments be encountered such as singularities, back holes, space-time
the existence of electrons in atoms), proved that the then newly curvatures, renorrnalizations, infinities, imaginary time, etc.
discovered radioactive elements called a (alpha-particl es) were AmOl:g the great physicists of the later half of the centu ry
nothing other than positively charged atoms of helium mov ing working .on the unificatio n problem in physics is Cambridge
with tremendously high velocities neve r before encountered in University physicists Stephen Hawkin.
physics. Furthermore, his experiments on angular dependence The later part of the 19th century and the early years of the 20th
c en ~ury saw rem arkable progress on locomotion through the
of 0._ scattering proved that the positive charge (associated. with
most of the mass) of the atom is not distributed all through its r~pld development of the internal combustion engin e using

body (as.in J.J. Thompson's model of the atom) but is concen- either petrol (spark ignition engine) or diesel oil (compression
trated in a little hard nut- the nucleus. Thus Rutherford's atomi c ignition engine ), with the most significant developments of the
model with its light negatively charged electrons moving through time taking place in Europe. Internal combustion engines soon
free space around a positively charged heavy nucleus in the became the mo tive power for train s, ships, aeroplanes, road
centre somewhat resembled the Solar system. vehicles and agricultural tractors. They also were used for large
Emission of a - particles from unstable heavy atoms of radio- central power station drives for electrical generators for electri-
active elements had earlier be n discovered to be often followed fication of cities and communities the world over.
by the emission of electrons ~(Beta) -particles and high -fre- The advent of the second world war in the late 1930s spurred
quency electromagnetic radiation (gamma) r -rays, similar to the dev.elopnwnt of man's most lethal weapons - nuclear weap-
ordinary X-rays but having much shorter wavelength. H. Geiger ons, especially the Hydrogen Bomb which destroyed the [apa-
(of the Geiger counter fame) and E. Marsden's scattering experi- ne~e cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945, bringing a rather
ments had by 1913 completely verified the main featu res of the quick.and sad end to a horrible war. The after-effects are still felt
theory of the nuclear atom H.G.J. Moseley, working from by survivors who are maim ed by the nuclear radiation. There
Rutherford's laboratory, confirmed that the Bohr th eory was were peaceful uses of nuclear science too - in medicine, agricul-
indeed most successful in explaining the K« line but not the faint ture, isotopic (carbonjdating in history and archaeology; electric
~ line. Hundreds more theoretical and experimental physicists power generation, etc.
contributed immensely to the great developments in twentieth Following the hydrogen bomb have been otherNuclear bombs
century physics, among them The Unknown Postgraduate stu- - the neutron bomb and ~e atomic bomb, both horrific weapons
dents in universities the world over. of man's destructive powers.
The main efforts of the later decades of the twentieth centu ry T he microchip revolutionized electronics - bringing dow n
in physics continue to be devoted to the construction of a costs and size of electronic goods from radios, television sets, to
complete unified the ory of matter in the universe, i.e. the unifi- personal computers etc. Indeed the television set is a mid-20th
cation of the general relativity and quantum theories in one centu ry invention as is the radio transmitter and receiver sets.
A very significant event of the later decades of the 20th century

114 115
SCl EN11flC R £ VOwnON

is the remarkable achievement in space science and technology. The space age was ushered in by Professor Dr. Robert B.
'By the last decade of the century, what began as science fiction by Godd ard of Clark University, USA in the early 1900's, following
Jules Verne in the 19th century hadbecome common-day 20th two patents covering the essentials of rocket prop ulsion issued
centu ry experience: manned and unmanned space crafts to the to him in July 1914. In July 1929, Dr. Goddard launched th e
moon; landing of men on the moon; unmanned space crafts to world 's first successful liqui d - fueled rocket.
both neighbouring and distant planets, with breath taking pic- K.E. Tsiolkosky is regard ed as the father of modern experimen-
tures of the surface of 'such planets regularly beamed back to tal rocketry. In 1876, long before anyone had even flown an
scientists on the earth; artificial satellites launched into geo- airplane, Tsiolkosky concluded that only by the rocket principle
stationary orbits round the earth carrying scientific instruments would ou ter space travel be possible. His th eory of rocket flight
and equipment for all kinds of studies; even unmanned space- came in 1903, his formula showing that the speed tha t any rocket
craft was sent to outside the solar system to probe the possibility can attain d epends upon the weigh t of th e fuel load it can carry.
of life elsewhere in the universe, carrying .recorded greetings in Terrestrial benefits of space exploration include solar photo-
several languages which are continuously played back as the voltaic cells, the microchipfor manufacturing computers, even
spacecraft hurtles through infinite intergalactic space of the comp uter technology itself, fibre op tic telecommunicators, and .
universe! " the whole range ofinformation techn ology products set to be the
On July 4, 1997, an unmanned spacecraft, named the Path- hallmark of the 21st century.
finder, landed safely on Mars and immediately began sending , The above woul d probably not have taken place, or at least not ,
dozens of breathtaking pictures of the red planet back to the earth at th e same pace and manner, had President John F. Kenne dyof
which were beamed to millions of people the world over. This the USA not responded to the launching of the first space vehicle
was ~1 years after the first unmanned satellite, the Viking space- - the Spu tn ik I - by th e then Soviet Union on 4 Oct ober ) ~57 .
craft, landed on Mars in 1976. ' Presid ent Kennedy charged Am erica n scientists through the '
Astronauts in the 20th century have lived in orbiting space- NASA (National Aeronautics andSpace Administration) to land:
craft iri space for up to ayear and they now routinely perform a man on the moon by the end of the decade . And "ind eed on July
complex tasks in space such as repairs of equipment, platforms 20,196 9 astronauts Neil Armstrong and Edward Ald rin landed
and even their spacecraft; manufacturing and production of onthe moon while Michael Collins wasin the command module
pure metals in the air -free.vacu um of the space environment; revolving around the moon. The total flight time of that ap pollo
building space platforms for future use; and installing scientific flight was 8 days 3 hours and 18 seconds and the three astronauts
,instrum ents and equipment in satellite spacecraft already in returned to the earth with 20 kg of samples of moon rocks for
orbit. Supply spacecraft routinely take supplies from the earth to analysis. It must be said howev er that this su ccess w as no t
orbiting satellite spacecraft in the closing years 'of the 20th without cost. Several trials and experiments on spacecraft, rock -
century, the American space shuttle named Columbia ,being ets and space walks prec eded it. On January 27, 1967, an electrical
perhaps the most advanced shuttle technology of the late 20th fire from short-Circuited wiring in a spacecraft being ground -
century. tested at Cape Kennedy started a fire which in the 100% oxygen '
, atmosphere, burned three astronauts in the spacecraft to d eath:

B...~ CONCE PTS Of' St. II NTII II /'1 \.11' " " l IN

become a black hole" from which nothing escapes- neither li ht

Virgil Grissom, Edward White and Chaffee lost their lives in this
nor matter - Or do they shrivel into a white dwarf in their d tl
gic accident. throes?
Space satellites have been launched in the last quarter of the
HST lenses ha ve also caug ht the impact sites of Comet Shoe-
Oth century by several nations - even by those without the
maker - Levy (discovered in March 1993) on Jupiter's sou thern
launching pad technology but with the money to pay launchers
hemisphere. Th e comet was ripped apart in Jupiter's enormous
for such diverse purposes as telecommunications, weather,
gravitational field and several fragments rammed into Jupiter in
geological and hydrological su rveys, defence, etc,'
July 1994. Different galaxies ha ve been discovered during a Deep
Robotics in manufacturing technology followed on the heels of
Field search of the universe and captured on film by HST.
NC (Numerically Controlled) & CNC (Computer Numer ically
ontrolled ) machines to do complex jobs in dangerous environ - Engine Technology
ments and atmospheres in manufacturing.
Th e Hubble Space Telescope, perhaps the climax of the 20th The success of the gas engine of the late 19th century spurred
century astrono my, was launched into orbit around the Earth on many attempts to use other fuels besides gas (coal gas, town gas),
April 25, 1990 at a phen om enal price tag of $3 bn. Although a and by the dawn of the 20th century, Gottlieb Daimler .had been
flawed main mirror needed a Space Shu ttle mission to correct it able to build a gasoline engine that was later to find application
(at another phenomenal pri ce tag of $1.66bn), it is no w hailed as in road, air, and sea transportation. Also, the earlier success of the
the most important development in the noble history of as- steam engine in the 19th century led to attempts to apply its
tronomy since Galileo's invention of the telescope in 1609. principles to a gas turbine in the early 1900's. The first successful
From its vintage po sition 600 kilometres above the turbulent commercial gas turbine unit was built by R. Armengaud and C.
terrestrial atmosphe re, the orbiting observatory has a crystal- Lemale in France in 1903.Since then; thousands of engineers and
clear view across the infinite darkness of space . The Hubble scientists have contributed to the immense development of the
space telescope data have been used by cosmologists to calculate gas turbine which today powers supersonic airplanes across the
the age of the universe by calculating the Hubble Cons tan t, a world's conti nents. Gas turbines also find application in marine
measure of the rate at which the universe is expanding. This and ind us trial environ ments, in power generation as well as in
constant has been found to be less than 70 from the Hubble pipeline movement of crude oil and natural gas.
telescope data-consistent with the age of the universe of about 12
billion years, down from the originally thought age of up to 15 Electrical/Electronics Technology
billion years.
In 1906, Lee De Forest improved Jon Ambrose Fleming's 1904
Astronomers have found the fantastic pictures beamed back
experimental diode - the thermionic electron tube - making
by the HST showing the glorious and turbulent processes in-
possible large amplification of the feeble radio currents, Further
volved in the births and deaths of stars very. exciting. These
developments of the thermionic. valve by Edwin How .
photographs will help astronomers understand the factors that
Armstrong among many others culminated in the superb t
determine the destinies of different celestial bodies. Will they
.dyne circuit in 1919 and by the 1920's public radio broadcasting
emerge from
the glorious blaze of a supernova explosion to

118 119
SCIENT1f1C Rrvoumon

had been mad e possible. The dawn of the electronics age thus Home entertainmen t can also be found on the PC through the
began with further intensive research work on vacuum tubes World - Wide Web (WWW) of the Internet. Social issues also
and circuits leading to the experimental television by 1927. bedevil the Internet - such issue s as the spread of pornographic
The-first practical transistor was devisedin 1948 through the material, hate mail, bank fraud, credit card fraud, etc. Regardless
research of J. Bardeen, William Shockley, and W.H. Brattain, fOT of these however, the Internet has been agreed as a free trade
which they were later awarded the Nobel prize in physics. That zone with little or no government limitations worldwide.
the transistor has truly revolutionized life on earth is not W Voice recognition personal computers are already in an. ad-
doubt, with the advent of integrated circuits, the microchips, vanced stage of development in the last de cade of the century.
personal computers, and the internet, among other 20th century These are but a few of the fascinating developments in technol-
electronic technological wonders. ogy of the late 20th century. The information technology is
Radar, an acronym for "radio detecting and ranging", devel- possible through the Communications Satellite Technology and
oped, independentlyand almost simultaneously in the USA, the d evelopm ent of fibre optics that carry information at thou-
England, Germany and France in the 1930's,has also contributed sands f old The p re-IT age copper cables. Truly tremendous
in no small measure to the great developments in electronics in advances of the late 20th century, many of which are terrestrial
the late 20th century. Radar applications in the military and outer fall-outs of the space technology of the 1960sand 1970s, abound. .
sp~ce flight has led to tremendous and rapid research in electron-
ics circuitory needed for radar, producing .spin offs for the Energy, Ecology, Environment and Sustainable Development
electronic ind ustry in such things as the semiconductor technol- Global w arming, Energy, Environment, Ecology, Sustainable
ogy and the microchip. Radio telescopes-for tracking outer space Development, Ozone Layer Depletion, Environmental Pollu-
flights also developed from the simple radar principles. tion, Energy Depletion, Fossil Fluids, Renewable Energy; Toxic
Wastes, Acid Rain, Recycling; Green Issues; etc. These are late
Computers and TnJormation Technology ~ Cyberspace ~ (Internet) 20th century catching phrases which depict the concern for
A significant .s cientific and technological revolution of the late ,man's d amage of his environment through careless use of sci-
20th century is the development of the personal computer PC .;: ence.
into an information technology vehicle for the 21st century In the last decade of the 20th century man became vitally
Cyberspace. The revolution began with the application of com- aware of the interplay of energy, ecology, environment and
puters in other realms beside that of computation as originally sustainable developm ent. In particular, the disastrous effect of
conceived. On the eye of the 21st century, ordinary communica- man's unbridled use of fossil fuel resources - notably petroleum,
tion is now taking place via computer to computer for Informa- coal and natural gas - on the ecology of the terrestrial globe an d
tion, news, business, scientific and technical literature search its environment became glazing. Such disastrous consequences
and exchange, electronic shopping; billing etc. Ordinary users / are the rapid d epletion of the world reserves of fossil fuels,
subscribers have their electronic mail (e-mail) addresses for environmental pollu tion, acid rain, ozone-layer depletion by
correspondence through the'Internet while advertisements and chl~ fhlOrocarbons (CFCs) and the resulting UV radiation pen-
etration of th e earth's ozone protective belt. The inability of the
I, , 120 121

natural sinks of carbon dioxide - principally vegetation and the

oceans - to cope wi th carbon dioxide release by man's unguarded
use of fossil fuel and deforestation have combined in the phe-
z:yield t~e desired .result of reversing the global w arming trend .
1SSue of toxic wastes - their production, storage, treatment,
sposal, ec onomics, have also taken the attention of consid er- . .
nomenon of global warming - whereby the Earth's atmospheric able part of the last quarter of the 20th century.Toxic wastes and
temperature have steadily increased by as much as 1.4 degrees C effluents from the Chemical industries, the nuclear industries:
in the past twenty odd years. Melting of the ice caps at the polar and the petrochemical industries, have been targets of the "green
regions of th e Earth and the resulting rising levels of the oceans reV~lu tionfl greening the environment" - lithe green party" :'al1 .
_IJ 0

have 'f ollow ed the global warming, threatening the low -lying environmental ~ con scious mov ements the worl d over in the
coastal regions of the world with submergence. closing phase of the 20th century from which Scientific techno-
Deforestation has resulted in terrible environmental damage logical and m oral solutions have been sought with not inconsid-
such 'as erosion and large-scale lan d degradation arid loss of . erable success. Such successes no doubt have been aided by the
agncultural land . Even the very act of prospecting for fossil fuels new .world order o~ the last decade of the, 20th century - the .
in an "environmentally - unfriendly" way has over time contrib- .demise o~ ~mmumsm as ~n.oppos~g ideology to ~emo.cracy' ·~ ;
uted..tp t;be large scale pollution of land areas near oil fields and (and cap italis m) and the dismtegrationof the old communist.' . _,
ocean waters in off-shore drilling operations, and land areas block led by the now dismembered USSR. In the closing decad~s:~ :·' ; . .
around surface seam coal mines. of th e 20th century, the poor third worl d countries became .:'
The Earth's protective ozone layer has been under siege for targ: ts of uns~rupulous businesses of the developed countries; '
several d ecades of the last part of the 20th century from the seekin? dux:np~ng grounds far toxic wastes and some developing "
release of ozone-d epleting refrigerants and halons into the upper countnes d id ind eed exch ange toxic wastes for cash, regardless
atmosphere from air conditioners, refrigerators, fire extinguish- of the dangers posed to their poor defenceless and often unaware
ers, sprays, foam s. citizens.
Global warming potentials for fossil fuel and Ozone-depletion
potentials for refrigerants and halons were established and Genetics and Genetic Engineering
standards set through the Montreal Protocol for phasing out .Genetic engineering has come a long way in the latter part of 20th
CFCs in the refrigeration industry and Introduction of alterna- cen~ry and ~ankfully, in more positive ways for society. than
tive ozone friendly refrigerants in the last decade of the 20th ~ged byIts founders, prin cipally Fran cis Galton, a cousin of
century. Charles Darwin. Galton saw th at Darwin's theory of evolution ,.
Con sid erable efforts have also been spent on reducing carbon impli~ the possibility that man might in part direct his own .
(dioxide) emissions by the industrialized countries of the world evolutionary fortune..He believed that it would be quite practi- .
who also happen to be the greatest consumers of the world's cal t? produce a highly gifted race ofmen by judicious marriages
resources of fossil fuels for their engines of production, - through d uring several consecutive generations and accord ingly en-
setting up carbon targets, introducing energy efficiency mea- dow ed a research fellowship in eugenics in 1904 and in his will
sures at the p roduc tion and end-use levels. Some of these efforts provided funds for a chair of eugenics at the University College,
are gradually filtering to 'th e rest of the world .and hopefully will London University.
-, "-.

122 12.1
- -



These sperm could be made av ailable, perhaps several genera-
. Genetic engineering had its humble beginning from the well tions later, to wo men who desired "to assure themselves of
known clonal reproduction of cuttings from plants. In the la~t superior children. Thus, human beings could then he propa-
.two decad es of the 20th century dramatic strides were taken in gated for diverse "valuable" characteristics of every sort and
. the areas of ar tificial insemination of women, both "in vivo" and imaginations! But where is the control to be placed? Where is the
"in vitro'; fertilization of ovarian eggs . In "in vivo" the eggs are line to be drawn? Who decides what characteristics are "desir-
.artificially fer tilized inside the woman's womb wit~ s~erms able" for society, for individuals? In other words, who plays
from a donor that might not necessarily be the husband s as in ~~e "God"?
case of a husband with an unusually low sperm count In in Even away from hu~'~ n cloning, thatiof lower animalsisno
vitro", the eggs are fertilized in a "test tube," after extrac~on from less problematic. Genetic engineering involves patenting of hu-
the woman's ovary and later re-implanted m the woman s uterus, man, animal, and plant genes, proteins, and cell lines. Entirely
Both methods have scored successes and have also been fraught genetically engineered crops have been patented for several
with social dan gers. Among the successes ar~ ~h.e b~rth of.a b~by years now but transgenic animals are now also being patented .
to a 63 - year old woman through in vivo artificial insenunation A patent was granted in May 1992 for the "oncomou se" -a
in 1997. , transgenic mouse bred to die young from cancer. .
Genetic engineeringb is however fraught with great .SOCIal, . A Scottish biotechnology compariy, based in Edinburgh, PPL
ethical and moral dangers in the realm of human .sp~Clm ens . Therapeutics, recently created the world's firs,t cloned sheep -
There was a 1997 case where medical secrecy was indiscreetly called "Dolly The Sheep" in collaboration with the Roslin Insti-
broken and the fact that a child born to a couple was actually not tute Surrtend, Edinburgh University and expectedly it was cause
from the "father's" sperm in an artificial insemination b~rth for serious ethical concern for mankind. President Clinton 's
caused great stress and loss of self esteem to the wh~~e faml~y ethical issues on Dolly was the first time a United States Presi-
Ano the r 1997 case invol ved a "s u rrogate mother - a third dent ever got involved in such kind of moral, ethical issue ever
par ty woman who had been paid for carrying all il~ vivo artificial since the splitting of the atom. PresidentClinton promptly
insemination pregnancy using the sperm from a childless couple. announced his ban on Federal money being used for research on
Several months into the pregnancy this surrogate moth.er re- human cloning.
neged on her promise to give the baby to the cO : ,~~'!e when ~t was The objective of the biotechnology compfUlY above is to create
born, at first claiming she had lost the pregll.mc), but fm~lly an animal which generates proteins that people with genetic
confessing th e lies she had told. Insuch case, the woman l~l a diseases such as cystic fibrosis lack. Nutritional supplements
childless couple would have been found to be unable to p:ovlde and treatments foJ' some diseases are also envisaged from the
viable eggs and that her uterus was incapable of carrymg an research of the companies. .
externally fertilized egg to full term pregna~lCY. '~he trauma in Dolly the sheep came from the breast cells of its "mother" .
this case for the childless couple can best be imagined. Eve~ so, Before Dolly, several companies had cloned 'animals from un-
there is the mo re bedevilling issue of controls on human clomng. born celle. by implanting the human gene responsible for protein
A nobel prize winner, Herman Muller had pr~posed ~he c~ollec­ production into the chromosome of an animal, biotech compa-
tion, freezing and storing of sperm of men of high att~lI1men~, of nie s have found they can generate significant 'quantities of th
fam ily stocks as free as possible from direct de fective strains. ( 125
, )


is ready to play God .
.proteins from the animal's milk. ,enetyping and DNA-Fingerprints and Legal/Moral
Out of the dozens of such genetically - engineered animals,
It i~ unlikely that, when J.D. Wa~on and EH.C. Crick proposed
only one.may yield a significant amount of the desired protein.
their now famous model of the DNA iri 1953, they had in mind
It is this one that will be eventually cloned into a herd of identical
its .~se in s~ch celebrated cases as the 1996DNA- fingerp rinting
animals-that will yield larger qu antities of protein -rich milk. The
testimony m court of American celebrity O.J. Simpson in Los
same company cloned the world's first tran sgenic bull named
Angeles, .uSA. Or, the use of DNA gene typing in numerous
Herman in 1990 and is at present working on cloning a cow
c~ses of dI~puted pregnancies in which male partners have either
which may result in even better method s of producing new.
been confirm ed as the actual progenitor father or not at all.
proteins. ~NA ?enetic fingerprinting use in crime protection is growing
Great moral issues still have to be resolved though. For ex-
rapidly as the 20th century runs to a close. All of which i&:directly
ample, there-are issues involved in ow ning a stretch of human
traceable to the Watson - Crick model of the DNA which makes
DNA. In April, 1991, a patent was granted to the Howard Florey
it possibl~ to en~isage how genes replicate their precise structure
.Institute of Experimental Physiology and Medicine in Melbourne
wh en their cop~es are synthesized. The nobel winning work of
Australia covering the gene H2 relaxin, the protein that relaxes
Watson and Cr~c~ also ma~es it possible to explain how a gene
.cennective tissue to allow a w oman's pelvic girdle to widen
can carry genetic information written in some chemical code as
during pregnancy an d childbirth. Wh en th e case came to the
well as to envisage how mutational changes in the gene are
appeal court of The European Pat ent Office (EPa )., the decision produced . .
to granta patent was upheld, stating that "DNA is not life". The
Th.e Acquired. I~munity Deficiency Syndrome (ALDS) epi-
European Union (EU) parliament had also ruled in mid 1997that
demic w~ose ongm was shrouded in controversy continues to
patenting of human and animal genes wa s in order.
be, perh,aps even more than cancer, th e most life-threatening
.Unresolved problems include implantation with 'eggs from a
disease of the late 20th century. In May, 1997, President Clinton
differen tracial stock - for example - a black woman wanted'an
of the USA challenged US scientists in a manner reminiscent of
implant egg from a w hite donor wo man . Such eggs mi ght
President John E Kennedy's 1961 space challenge, to find a cure'
conceivably be fertilized with sperm from another racial stock
to the Aid~ virus before the end of the 20th century. He provided
These are complex racial and moral issues that need to be
some considerable sum of money for the research into both Aids
resolved in.this maze of genetic engine ering. and HIV -virus, '
Among thorny social issues in science and technology in the
closing phase of the 20th century are : the right to choose death
Genetics and Race
or m ethod of death -euthan asia in preference to continued
treatm entin cases of "terminal illnesses or even old age;
/I Extre~ists .in the scientific research in gene tics hope to clone
Genetically-cloned humans, on which issue Dr. Ian Wilmot of th e supen or beings to dominate the earth and in the process they go
Roslin Institute, University of Edinburg h, collaborators with all out of their way to denigrate the "undesirables" of the earth
PPL Therapeutics, said ina BBC 6 March 1997 interview that who would be "cloned out" or cloned in to subservient roles"

genetically cloned humans are only one year away! What fright- . for the superior clones. Among such, psychologists predomi-
ening dimensions this could take depends on how far mankind 127
\ )


nate. In their book, "The Bell Curve", American social scientists

Rischard J. Hernstein and Charles Murray, unabashedly claim
that their scientific evidence demonstrates the existence of ga-
metically based differences in intelligence among social classes CHAPTER. 5
and races. The book sold over 400,000 copies in just tw o months
after its publication in early 1995,replete with all crude biological
determinism has always permeated the history of I.Q . (Intelli- , BIO TECHNO LOGY
gence Quotient) testing. People with racist tendencies have often
tried to hide under the scientific cloak but without success. They
B mlcro-orgamsms or cells and tissues of higher organisms to
disregard the Mendelism concept that all races are mixtu res of io t.ech nolog~ refers to any activity employing (parts of )
many types, the di stribution of gene typing among the races
varying in proportion rather than in kind, as evid ence by the supply goods and services. .
distribution of gene typing. The y put 'all the weighting on Some major techniques in Biotechnology include fermen tation
response to intelligence tests which invariably involve environ- an d food processing, microbial inoculation of plan ts, production
ment factors that favour those'culturally mo re fortu nate. Envi- and use of bio fertilizers, biopesticides and of veterinary and
ron mental and social factors are cast aside in favour of computed hu man drugs, pla nt cell an d tissue cultu re; enzyme technology; '
I.Q. scores for whole races. embryo transfer and genetic m od ification such as recombinant
DNA technologies. Biotechnology therefore, involves a wi d e
,"f " ' ',..
'i ' A'
',1 variety 'of technologies. This wide variety has over time been
"nl:~ ,
developed and applied by rural people, scientists and industries.
A general knowledge of science that contribute to m od em
biotechnology, such as microbiology, gen etics and process tech-
nology, can playa great role in understanding and improving the
local biotechnologies. Social sciences can enhance an under-
standing of th e use of the technologies in the specifi-c sociocul-
tural environm en t as well as help in designing methods for
technology development.

. . . ."-;' . . ., 4r4
... "" '.
.. ~ . / ../I' - r t il'
~~_~ " ""'- • , t I JJ.--" , j

.~ ~ Fermentation and Food Processing Biotechnology

. .~ I..)'. .'. ~~ ~.~ I .'
The knowledge of fermentation as a technique in food process-
ing is not new to Human kind. In Nigeria for example, fermen-
771is X-ray Lithographic printer is used to copy colt/plex patterns /01' microelectronic
circu its prC'ci sely milo II (,1)' s!l/ lI i I/C' wofr r. Brian Jackson (p lacing a wafer 011 . th e tation fonns a p art of processing foods such as iru (Yoruba) or
11/(/ ( hi 1/(') is invo lved ill C'xp/of(/!lJry desig» ofa rC'pla('('mellt tool. The new computer aided
dadawa (Hausa) 9f ogiri (Igbo), a spice used for cooking SO '1P, '
.1'.1'.11(' 1/1 "'(JII I(/IIII/ke 1IIfIl'(' fincl v dN l/ilt-(/ p atterus. Courtesy (If ! WIII Vall Sertima (p 276,
etc. The processing of fufu ;(Rro duct of cassava) and ogogo ro
/ <)f)() )

'1 2H
H 10 I't'l'11NI H t )("';¥

acids and enzymes. The process can also be use d to decompose

(local gin from ra ffia palm wine) also involve ferr~entation, ":"hat waste m aterials as in compusting and ensiling which u tilize
seems new isthe ability to manipulate the micro-orgarusms n atural microflora . With the use' of mi cro-organisms p reserva-
resp onsible for fermentati on by mutagenesis in order to enhance tion, taste, digestibility and quality of textu re are improved.
p erformance, such as a ',b etter enzymatic activity and ~a~O\lf In Taiwan tetracycline us ed to be produ ced by submerged
production. In 1981, the organisms involved in Iru (a traditional fermentation (it involves microbial grow th through ou t a liqui d
fermented product of th e-seeds of the African locust bean,. (Parka medium in which th e substrate is normally di ssolved or other-
filicoidea) production Were identified. Ten years later, in 1991 wise dispersed. The only av ailable oxygen is that w hich dis-
Cadbury in Nigeria industrially produc~d it as Dawadawa for solved in the m edium . Here microbial grow th is more uniformly
seasoni ng foods. .; ", , distributed), but this process was energy intensive and prod uced
The manipu lati on of J!licro-organisms that cause fermenta- large volumes of waste water.The change in production process .
tion could be achieved by the SOLID ST~TE FERMENTATION by using SSF no t only saved energy costs but resulted in a more
(SOLID SUBSTRATE FERMENTATION) OR SSE SSF has the stable end p roduct. The substrate used was sw eet potatoes
potential to produce valu able biological products su~h as e~­ resid ue, abund antly av ailable in Taiwan. Tile SSt account by
zymes.tadditives, fine pharmaceuticals and agro-chemicals effi- Gerwin Verschullur is similar to substrate culture.
cien tly,' . ' !' •
According to Walter Jaffe / Miguel Rojas (199,3), solid substrate
Solid Stat e Fermentation (SSF) is a collective term for aerobic
culture (SSC) or high density solid systems concerns the con-
processes which involve microbial growth and product forma-
trolled growth of micro-organisms, mainly on the surface of
tion on, or within the particles of a soli~ substrate. SSF can be water insoluble substrates. For exam ple , ethanol, commonly
applied to solid su bstrates of a polymenc nature (e.g "polysac-
found in alco holic beverages and p roduced by bakers yeast
charid es, proteins and lignins) which are insoluble In wa~er. (saccharomyces cerevisia e] is used in Brazil and U.s.A. as a
However, th e required liquid that facilit ates th e fermentation
petrol substitu te. Th e traditional sys tem of Rroducing ethanol
process is 't he w at er absorbed by the substrat~ p art~ c~es . Thus whi ch requires, firstly, an extraction of soluble hexose from the
humid state en hances the grow th and metabol ic activi ty of the
sugar crop (sugar cane sweet sorgh um an d fodder beets) and
micro-organisms. Th e active organisms can be bacteria; yeasts then fermentation of h exose into alcohol.d oes n ot facilitate an
and fun gi. While bacteria and yeasts grow on th e surface of the
op timal separation of the solu ble hexose from fibrous plan t
substrate, fungi p enetrates into the substrates's p articles. It h as
solids. But through SSC it is possible to utilize most of the total
been show n that for this purpose filam entous fun gi have the best
sugar contents of the plant. '99 per cent of the hex ose present in
cap ability to grow in the absence of free w ater. .
the raw m ateri als is us ed up as th e sugar cane is fermented
SSF processes can be eithe r by natural fermentation of ~he
directly. The sugar cane is cut into small chips and fermented by
sub strate as in traditional'food processing (usually found Africa
yeast at the same as the alcohol is extracted.
and South America) or by adding a microbial inoculum (China,
It would be noted thus far, that a better scientific understand -
Jap an, South-East Asia). Fermentation technology, t~ere~ore, can
ing of the occurring processes in SSF I5.SC can be d eveloped
be used in producing microbial insecticides, orgamc a~dulants
through the knowledge of microbiology, biochemistry and bio-
(citric acid ), anti biotics (penicillin), physiologically active sub-
stances (giberellins and other p lant growth hormones), am ino-
130 131
THE HI STORY Of Sarna AND TE CHNOLOGY IN P ERSPECTIVE: according to Visser, B. are:
1. Deliberately construct deletio~ mutants'ins tead of select-
chemical engineering.
ing natural attenuated mutants. Here Recombinant - DNA
Medical Biotechnology techniques allow site directed mutations and / or de letions
in on e- or mo re of the virulence determining genes, that do
Medical Biotechnology refers t o the application of biotechnology not intervene with th e pathogen's immunogenicity. The
to human medicine. Efforts made in this area have contributed d esign of su ch 'attenuated strains results in vaccines that
tremendously to the health an d life expectancy of human kind. are both efficacious and safe.
Yet more efforts are needed in combating such deadly diseases as
malaria, AIDS, di abetes, etc. 2. Development of so -called subunit vaccines. Here, an im-
The hepatitis B vaccine is a typical example of a drug produced munological resp onse can be obtained through th e admin-
through the process of biotechnol ogy. Hepatitis B virus accord- istration of a single antigen of an invading organism, th at
ing to Bert Viser (1993) is the major infective agent of the liver that is a protein or carbohydrate, often located at the surface of
causes either accute or chronic he patitis. the pathogen (agents causing disease). Although subunit
/ The first hepatitis B vaccine he noted was derived from plasma vaccines can be produced using conventional techniques,
ofh~n carriers. Thi~ plasma was used to produce t~e so-called genetic engineering has increased the possibilities of their
hepatitis B surface an tigen (HBsAg) which was seemingly highly p roduction.
immunogenic. Because of th e source of the major ingredient,
A given an tigen can be produced in the natural organism (con-
plasm a, only limited supplies of the vacc ine were produced.
ventional approach) or in heterologus org anism (genetic eng i-
Again extensive tests for safety were requ ired in order to exclude
neering), after which it is p urified from the organism ; Th e
the presence of other living agents. Because of this reason, an "
heterologus organism can bea bacterium, yeast or insect cells
. alternative, biotechnological app roach was followed by donning
grown in vitro. As a result of the an tigen purification process, a
the gene for the hepatitis B surface antigen into yeast. The
subunit vaccine is inherently safer than an inactivated vaccine,
antigen is expressed in yeast and is isolated from the yeast cells
since incomplete inactivation can be excluded. This purification
(sub unit vaccine). This can now be made available safely (with-
out risk for contamination) in unlimited supplies. . process also reduces the presence of contaminating material.
The Hepatitis B vaccine was the first genetically-engineered 3. It is also possible to use pure peptides (short stretches of
vaccine, Following vaccination, Margaret Pinder and Georges E. amino acid residues, forming part of a protein) prod uced
Roelants (1993) wrote that, a degree of protection is induced and by chemical sy nthesis. In ord er to be antigenic, these
so -called memory cells are formed . Wh en a vaccinated indi- peptides should be correctly folded so that the imm un e
vidual is na turally infe cted, i.e. exposed to the whole virus, the system recognizes the proper tertiary structure of the
memory cells recognize the antigen and mo unt a stronger, or molecule. Also, the p eptide must often be coupled to a
rapid immune response to it, thus limiting the infection. Antigen carrier protein in order to be effectively recognized by th e
selection is of par amount importance in vaccine development. host organism . Both requirements and the need for kno wl-
Other biotechnolog ical a pproaches to vaccine development edge on the an tigenicity of th e various peptides that con-

to administer, effective and safe . In this regard, conventional

stitute a protein often form bottle-necks to the application
vaccines leave a lot to be desired. Consequently, biotechnological
of this approach.
approaches, particularly, th e recombinant - DNA techniques,
4. The fourth option involves the use of a live recombinant provide several options to overcome the limitations of the con-
carrier or vector. The process here combines the properties ventional ·v accines. '
of a live attenuated vaccine (possibly a del etion mutant)
and a subunit vaccine. For this purpose the genetic infor- Biogas
mation encoding an antigenic determinant is incorporated
Biogas refers to the Bio-Process Engineering of Methane Produ~­
\ nto the genome of a host organism that is used as a live
tion. Here again a knowledge of micro biology is prominent and
vaccine and from which non-essential; genes, such as those
essential . Biogas, or methane, according to Pandey, Beena and
enco d ing specific virulence factors, may hav e bee n re-
Chaturvedi, Sachin (1993), is produced when organic matter is
mo ved. In particular, several viruses have been considered
decomposed by bacteria in an anaerobic environment (airless or
as carriers or vector vaccines, including vaccinia and other
airtight condition). Biogas utilizes the energetic value of the
po x virus, herpes viruses and ade noviruses. Moreover,
organic materialsIthat produce the gas) or biomass, agricultural
bacteria, e.g. attenuated salmonella strains, might act as
wastes, etc., without destroying their manure value. '.
carriers. Vector vaccine s are considered advantageous be-
The need to generate and utilize biogas necessitated the con-
cause of their potential high level of protection, physical
struction of biogas plant. In a biogas plant complex molecules are
and ge netic stability, and its potential to be used as
broken d own step by step into methane and carbon dioxide
mtitlivability, and its potential to be used as a multivalent
vector (conferrin g simultaneous immunity against several thr?\Jgh t he simultaneous actions of differe~t .kinds of bacter~a.
I '
patho gens). A vacinna vectored rabies vaccine has been
There ate two broad categories of decomposition. They are acid
formation and methane form ation. During acid formation stage,
tested in Iim ited field releases and appeared to be success-
short chain fatty acid s such as acetic acid and formic acid.are
ful in the control of rabies in canine species.
generated . In th e second stage th ese acids are converted into
Conventional vaccines based on the causative organism in either methane and carbondi oxide. ,
an attenuated or inactivated form. The live attenuated vaccine The pH an d temperature are crucial for the effective perfor-
,can be administered in low doses because the agent can replicate mance of the bacterial processes in the rea ctor. A temperature of
,before inactivation by the immune system occurs. Because of its about 35 degrees Celsius is considered to be the optimum, while
close resemblance to a wild-type infection, the immune system below 10 degrees, Celsius bacteria cease to functio n. Carbo~ to
is challenged in a similar way by either a Wild-type or an Nitrogen [C /N ] ratio, retention time, loading rate, total s?hds
attenuated strain live attenuated vaccines are very efficacious concentration and mixing also influence methane production.
but very dangerous. They might even revert to wild-type infec- ,Biogas provides energy for lighting and cooking. It is s~oke­
tiousness. free, and saves cooking time. The digestedslutryfhat IS the
. Inactivated vaccines, on the other hand, are often more stable product left over after extraction ofbiogas, pro~ides asubsti~te
and heat resistant, but are also more expensive. For developing for chemical fertilizer for mushroom production, seed coating
countries, a perfectvaccine should be cheap, heat-resistant, easy


and for fe'r tilisation of fish ponds. Biogasprodu ction in India is

a typical example. In 1981, the Indian Ministry of Non-Conven- Biojertilizers
tional Energy Sou rces started the National Project on Biogas Micro-organisms play an important role in. the production of
Developm ent and popularized the use of biogas pl~ts. I ~ biofertilizers which improves soil fertility. The use of che m ical
Decem ber 1991 biogas was gradually substituted for diesel od fertilizers wh ich contains three major nutrients; nitrogen, phos-
which in turn led to the mo dification of diesel engines, into a dual phorous and potassium seems to be popular. But these minerals
fuel/ biogas engine. Given the advantages of Biogasmore r~­ react wi th the soil and lead to imbalanced plant nutrition, loss of
search was carried out with regard to 'improving the efficiency of soil structurean d soil fertility. This occurs because the read y
m ethane production. supply of these nutrients reduces the naturally occuring bio-
One major way is by physiochemical and micro-biological processes of the in situ decomposition of organic residues into
" methods to enhance the biodegradability of cattle dung and nutrients, consequently, ero ding the biodiversity of soil organ-
Iother feed stocks. This could be carried out by genetic manipu- Isms.
/ . lation to obtain efficient consortia.of organism s, an d the de velop- Bio-nutrition involves the slow release of plant nutrients
ment of low Cost biogas plants particu larly suitable for process- through the break do wn of parent rock and 'org arllc residues; It
ing leafy biom ass, crop resid ues., banana stem, etc. is a self regulating process, adaptedto the crop requirements or
In 1989, several governm ental, non-governmental bodies and the restock of nutrients in th e soil. Biofertilize.r produ ction im-
universities se t up a co-ordinated Project on Micro-biology and plies and involves full exploitation of biological nitrogen fixation
Bio-Process Engineering of methane Production . Their activities (BNF). Research efforts have been made in this area and there are
are: prospects of reducing importation and utilization of chemical
1. Isolation of efficient cellulose degr ad ing enzymes and ferti lizers.
anaerobic bacteria; Rhizobium is one of the most important bacteria that fixes
2. Development of bacterial consortia for the degradation of nitrogen from the atmosphere into ammonia which is a form of
aliphatic acids, aromatic acids and rice straw; nitrogen that can be easily assimilated by plants. Thus Rhizo-
3. Pre-treatment of the organic m atter with fungal cultures; bium inoculants have been developed for crop legumes. Le-
gume~ like common bean (phaseolus vulgaris) have the poten-
4. Attemp t to optimize the mixture of organic -m atter to tial of fixing nitrogen up to the equivalent of 50kg of nitrogen per
improve biogas production; . hectare per year. Rhizobium phaseoli inoculants compete
5. Development of diagnostic kits to monitor cellulolytic and favourably with the nitrogen supplied by chemical fertilizers ;
meth anogenic bacteria activity; Inoculants are sold to farmers. .
6. The application of digested slurry for fish ponds, mush- Biotechnology has been applied to the process of utilizing
room prod uction an d seed coating, beneficial micro-organisms found an.trees for the improvement
of soil fertilizer. In this case, Rhizobium isolates are prod u ced
7. establishment of the National Culture Collection Centre on from a wide spectrum of both indigenous and exotic ni trog en
~ . Methanogens for supplying pure cultures of five species of

m eth ane bacteria.

136 137

. ---


fixing trees for BNF. A combination of rhizobium str ain s is ello, a pest of flowers and grains, among other crops.
match~ ~th specifi~ tree .species and tested for nitrogen-fixing The effectiveness of the biological control ~gents involved in.
potential m order to Identify more trees for Rhizobium strain. biopesticides is well known world wid e. 50nm of them in~hlde
. Myc?~hi.zal inoculation is an other technique used for Beanveria, and Metharhiziu m apart from Trichogramma.
blo~ertilization. Mycorrhizai s ~ fungal strain on plant roots that Beauveria bassiana produced in Cuba is fungus applied-to
~SSISt the plant t.o extract phosphorous and other micro-organ- control cosm opolites sordidllus (banana weevil) in banana and
Ism from the soil. Efforts in Zimbabwe revealed that this ap- plantain. cylasform icarious (sweet potato weevil), Lissorh optrus
proach enhanced the mycorrhizal inoculation and increased the breviros tris in rice an d Diatrea sacharalis (an insect) in sugar '
dry weight of cowpea by 100 percent. . cane. Metharhizium anisophae, is a fungus produced on a static
In T~ania, ~e Food and Agriculture Organization (FAD) of medium. The spores are harvested and app lied for the control of
,~ ~. !he U~te~ Nations supported the search project geared towards C. sordidus, 1. brevirostris, several Moscis sp., P. Xyclostella, D.
Identification of better strains of Rhizobia. A biofertilizer called sacharalis, and Galleria mellonella (greater wax moth) in bee-
Ni~osia was develop ed through inoculation of soya beans with hives
vanous str.ains of Rhizobium. Tests showe d an increase in per- Baccilus th uringiensis - strains of this bacterium are collected
c~t~ge of Infected roots as well increased nodule efficiency (the from endemic populations.in Cuba and. are cultu red on a static
activity of the enzyme nitrogenase per weight of nodule of soya medium made from a rice-based produ ct with th e addition of
bean). The development of Nitrosia on a commercial scale was juices from locally av ailable sources. It is applied to control
c~ed.out brthe.Sokoi~ University of Agriculture. The Uni-
versity m conjunction with theMinistry of Agriculture and some
plutella xylostella (diamon d blackmoth), Erinnys ello, Heliothis
(p od borer) virescens, mocis sp., and several other importa nt
local non-governmental organizations have started extension bepidopteran pests in a wide r:ange of crops .
activities to disseminate the biofertilizer to local farmers. Ventidllium Iecanii - t his 'fungus is being produced specifi-
cally for the control of Benuisia tabaci (sweet potato w hite fly)
Biopesticides attacking a wide range of crops . '
Th~ use of pesticides can be substituted with biopesticides for Agricultural Biotechnology
basic pest management. Biopesticides application isa biological
contr?l system for .plant protection. The biological technique Biotechnological tools, such-as gene transfer or genetic engineer-
~sed in the production of p esticides involves firstly, the produc- ing, somatic hybridization and tissue culture for vegetative and
tion of a n umber of biological con trol' agents called clonal propagation are useful for improving food crops.
entomopathogens (insects attacking disease agents) as well as Success has been recorded.in genetic engineering on 'sw eet
~ne or more ~pecies of the wasp (or any other control agent / potato. Sweet potato with varieties that are resistant to the
msect dependmg on the crops grown in the area).Trichogramma. serious virus disease, feather ymottle virus, which causes huge
These agents were produced by Centres forthe Reproduction of crop losses was developed by scientists at Monsanto (an agro
E~tomophages and Entomopath ogens (CREEs) in Cuba. chemical company) in the USA. They took the gene that makes
Tnchogramma species refer to a wasp for the control of Erinny s the virus protein coat and implanted it into the swee t potato.This
138 139


w~s. achieved by putting the gen e into a bacterium which has the Implications of Biotechnology
ability to tr~nsfer the g.ene.into the plant. With the gene inside th e
pl~t, pro.tem prod uction m the plan t is continu ous and p revents From the brief discussions of biotechnology, there is no gainsay-
~e ~vadI~g feathery m,ottle vi~us from multiplying an d damag- -ing that the efforts in this field in the past 20years when it becam e
mg It. ThIS w ay 200 vrrus-resistant Am erican sweet potatoes an organized study, will become the basis for the revolution in
have been developed . food crop produ ction in the 21st century. Using cell protoplast
Gene tran sfer en.ables direct introduction of des irable genes and tissu e, organ cultures o f p lants to produce high yieldi~g
~om other sources mto p~e-adapted cultivars. Selection of genes varieties (HYV) of crops and fully developing plants from single
IS by. DNA m arkers wh~ ch accelerate conven tional breeding somatic cells, biotechnology is very adaptable for Nigerian crops,
program m es, and !JNA fingerprinting that facilitates improved albeit African crops such as maize, tomato, soya beans, tobacco,
germpl asm collection activiti es and management of gene banks. etc. TIssue cult ure of vegetative and clonal propagation .for
The molecular marker is a stretch of DNA which is located close cassava, potato, cocoa, rubber, avocado, yam tobacco, carrot! etc.,
to a de~ired gene for influencing ano ther gen e towards the are crucial. For example, a single potato will yield in 6 months, 2
g~neration of a.new plan t. Sweet potato germplasm is stored in billion tubers on a 40 hectare plot and yields 100,000 times the
VItro ~ut labOrIOUS to m anage in gene ban ks. Ho wever, tissue normal naturally selected stem. One c.c. of tissue contains mil-
culture.proved a better way of storing disease-free collections as lions of individ u al cells each.potenti ally new plant. The spate of'
well as facilitating eas ier maintena n ce and d istribution of res earch, d evelopment of research institutions, funding as w ell
germp lasm. as extensive and intensive stud ies in m any fields of hum an
Tiss~e. cult ure ha s been used to produce large n umbers of endeavour in Nigeria is obvious. It is necessary to note th at the
adventitious sweet potato plants. It is essen tial to the prod u ction excuse of set back as a resul t of the slave trade across the Atlantic
o f tr,a n sg e n i c pla n ts . It has . also m a d e possible Ocean would not be .vi able for -exp laining . the wide gap or
s? matIembry ogenesis of sweet potato an d prod uction of artifi - differen ce in adopting and developing biotechnology as is the
cial seed s of the ~weet potato cultivar at the University of Florida. case in other cou ntries.
These seeds, VVhIte Star, are encapsulated in gels. From japan and More striking, yet critical to Nigeria's future status and role in
France, sweet p~ta to plants ha ve been regenerated from proto- the w orld, are the achievements in biotechnology which' threaten
plasts. Transgenic sweet potato plants expressing marker genes th e very basis of Nigeria an d even Africa's existence. According
have be~n developed by using .solid bacterium, Agrobacterium to Pius Okigbo (1991), high fructose corn syrup (HFCS) from
tum efacisns as a vector for transformation, starch, produced throu gh immobilized enzymes, substitutes for
Dev elopmen t of sweet potato cultivars resistan t to dis~ases sugar, u p to 66 percent and has been in th e market since 1978.
~as been achieved by transferring cecrop in gene from the giant Aspartame (200times sweeter), acefulsame-K (150 times sweeter),
SIlk moth . The resulting transgenic plan ts demonstra te reistance and intensive sweete n ers from African berries ' (2000 · times
to bacteria and fungi. Th is is very im portant because several sweeter), have all been developed . DNA techniqu es have simi-
fungal bacterial viral dise ses infect the sweet potato crop and larlybeen used to produce single cell proteins (C.S.:P.) from
r duce ~ield . . biom ass and from natural gas with a potential replacem en t of
close to 33 .percent for soya beans for use in animal feeds. A
.... }


substitute for cocoa is being developed from low value vegetable

oil (palm oil) to account·for half the cocoa trade and cocoa butter
made from cell culture.
Th.e.h~:ili secto~ reflects the same trend with the production
of ~ntiblOh<;s, v~ccmes, etc., using'biotechnology. Agai n, m t4fti:.
na.tional~ have virtually a good control of Biotechnology -Sandoz,
Pfizer, CibaGeigy, Upjohn, etc. They control well over 43 percent
of the paten ts. Germplasm tha t contains the genetic code of th e
seeds (th e so urce) was freely collected from the third world
co~ntrie~ fo~ plan t breeding in the d eveloped world .
Bu t Nigeri a has to buy from p rivate companies in Europ e,
seeds of plants developed from gerrnplasm or tissu es taken free
T he use oftechnology, it is well known, permeates virtually
areas of life such as medicine, engineering, manufacture of
consumer goods, computerization of data in public and privat
of charge from our land to grow our stap le foods which th e establishments, investigation of the' outer space, communica-
sellers of the seeds do not eat. Th e same trend is no ted in all tion, etc. It is clear thateven from pre-historic times to the present
de velo ping areas with tropi calforests wherein foreign scientists each group of human kind has developed the type of technology
usually from interna tional pharmaceutical companies have free that has facilitated its adaptation and survival within a given
access to the tropi cal trees an d vegetation for biotechnological geographical location.Through contacts with othergroups, (d ose
uses; a trend that ha s cause d some countries, notably, Brazil, to and distant neighbours) there has been exchange of ideas in
enact la ws restricting such areas thro ugh payment of some terms of techniques employed in production of goods and 8t!I'-
roy al ty t? th e governm ent. O the r coun tries are expected to vices beneficial to humankind. Consequently, the issue of trans-
~ this d evel ?pment with in terest in protecting the genetic fer of technology is not strange. What seems to generate m ch
mate rials of the rich biodiversity of their fropical forests.- controversy and concern is the desire for monopoly of technol-
ogy involved in producing specific goods and services which
overtimehave contributed immensely to the socio-political and
economic domination of one group over the other. What is to be
appreciated is that aspects of technology in areas of interest can
.still be acquired at some level and by varying means if total
- -·or. transfer is not possible.

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Transfer of Technology:
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jJ ", .,r ,. ' Transfer of technology is often misconstrued to mean the acqui-
sition of a superior type of technology or technical know-how by
a less or underdeveloped country from a developed country.
Large Afri can water craft observed by Henry Barth . Camel carrying' boat on the Niger '
at say. Courtesy of Ivan Vall Sertima (p 173, 1990) " . ,


This assum ption seems ridiculous when we realize that even the local initiative in the manufacturing ot equipment an d limit 1m . I
developed countries seek for technology transfer from their employment. India's experience in the est~bl~shmen( or a gI.l. 0

fellow developed countries. For example, Computer technology industry provides a typical example ofthis Issue. As E~a h Ol (l
in the United States is sought for by Britain and some other notes, Indians imported automatic machines for.the glass m .lI o.
Western courttries. Space technology from United States and try but th ey had to depend on foreign exchange for l?roc rmj;
Russia is sought for by other developed countries. Aus tralia is spare parts for the machines and such dependence eve~ tend v(I
seeking nuclear technology'from United States for de veloping its to cripple the ini tiative of local personnel m manufacturmg '.uch
atomic energy power stations, Thus primarily, the basic truth is spare parts. Again, it,was discovered t~at this dependence stifled
that as human beings are confronted with problems beyond their local employment. Fu rther to the issue of what !ype of technol
control, given whatever techniques they have, the need to imi- ogy to be ad op ted is the argument that the adoption of advan ced
tate or adopt strategies and techniques used by others in similar technology en ables only a' few large industries to make hu ' l'
situations becomes obvious. Again, there is also the tendency to profits that m ay not necessarily benefit many sectors of, t ('
imitate the achievements of other human groups. There is no economy even tho ugh such huge profits be plou?hed ~ack in to
doubt that this tends to promote the desire for transfer. However, the business to promote further growth. In adopting an interm '
in a bid to remain unique or to address peculiar local problems diate technology which IS also labour intensive,.it is believ~~ th at
people engage in the process of adapting but not adopting, . there is the opportunity for th e larger,population to p~rhcIp a t
inthe process of d evelopment since more persons are involved
which renders the need for total or absolute transfer unneces
unlike in the ' capital intensive' technology. What seems to be
obvious, the major difference, is the manpower ·inv~lved. In th
Closely related to the issue of transferring technol ogy is that of
case of intermediate technology, there would be less demand for
choice choicebetweenTabour - intensive' and 'c apital - inten-
J - _.

sive' technologies. Labour intensive - technology as Enahoro. : high skilled m anpower while locally produced raw materia~s
(1980) argues would suit countries that have an abundance of
would be use d.Again, productivity would rise gradually and, IS
manpower. This implies that such countries would not adopt believed: spread through other sectors-ofthe economy, From the
labour-saving technology and techniques without adapting in foregoing, the de sit ed form oftechnology determines who trans-
fers it. It could be from one industrialized nation to another or
order tocreate room for absorbing its labour force. Countries that
from an in d ustrialized to an uni nd ustrialized or vice-vers a.
exp erience labour scarcity would rathet adopt 'labour-saving'
technology andtechniques, Capital-intensive technology which Secondly, the pol 'cy option arising from th~ aw areness, of th e
is advanced technology utilizes minimum numbers of highly need for it gradual adoption and'Zor ad aptation without Jeo~ar­
skilled staff. Thus the choice of any form of technology has its dizing the prospects ,of job opportunities for,a larger population
implications for the development of the country under consider- of the citizenry affects choice and .t ransfer of technology.
It is also clear that the adoption of advanced technology means The Transfer Process: '
the importation of the d esired equipment, the spare parts and The '\f~Wsi~ion of.a mach,ine ~Q.es not .onstitute it transfer of the.
dependence on foreign exchange. These factors tend to cripple technology Incorporated mtott. There IS need for a knowledge of

}44 145
I',{.IN'" ~

how to manufacture the necessary equipment, organize them for' not buy junk goods. Thus it is possible to discover asp ects that
production, and for information giving instructions on how to he / she is capable of manufactu ring and really be in a better
use the equipment. Again, the personnel, operators of the equip- position to bargain for the actual needs. But through the indirect
ment need re-training courses aspart of the transfer even though pathway, it is the foreign investor who becomes th e m anager of
the rest of the on-the-job training which they will acquire while the project and bears the financial burden and risks of the deal
using the equipment in question also constitutes part ofthe from the setting up of the production unit to its fun ctioning.
process of.technology transfer. Although the above pathways to technology tr~sfer exist, .th,e
Arghiri, (1982), proffers two methods of transferring technol- suppliers, protectionist tendencies, finance and mh~rent d iffi-
ogy. Firstly,it could be through the direct pathway which implies culties of technological transfer obstruct the adoption of the,
that a country could go to th e source of the technique, buy the direct pathway. Consequently, it is often th e case th~t the ind~ect
goods and services that will make its application possible, and pathway is adopted. Asid e form these factors, foreign (multina-
even the patents which give private rights to it. By the indirect tional) firms seem to have more control and access to technology
pathway a foreign (multina tional) firm, already using the pro- and thi s m akes access through them a dependable alternative
cess in question in its home country could be invited to the and most times imperative. _
country of need in order to establish the production unit for its China and Japan are typical examples of countries that suc-
own account. Through the direct pathway, whether the buyer ceeded in improving their level ot technology. Through impo~..
(receiving country) acquires the technology by direct labour or tion of capital goods, machine tools and turn-key factones;
tur.n-key contract, th e project manager remains the local buyer. China developed advanced technology. Japan, on the other hand
This status does not change because he buys on a tum-key basis, encouraged influx of Western technology, imitated, copied . pla-
(bulk price basis) and so he directly oversees and verifies the giarized and pirated it energetically (Arghiri, 1982)..I n the a~ve
quality of each item at every stage on the basis of a d etailed examples,-both cou ntries did not engage in a mere g~ographi~a1
specification and d escription. If the local buyer does not resort to transfer of technology. They appropriated technolo.gy. By this,
a break- down of technology (that is dealing with several suppli- Chinese and Japanese technicians, skilled workmen, etc., prac-
ers and l or contractors, installers of the desired technology,) he / tised the technology they acquired . They were able to-absorb the
she also takes part in the op eration of bringing togeth er all th e kn owledge and ' know-h ow' involved in the technology ac-
necessary items needed for the whole, and verifies the adequacy quired. -
of each. The local buyer is responsible for the financial burden
The human resources-required for effective transfer of technol-
and risks of th e deal. It is possible .for the buyers to visit th e ogy is crucial bec ause the transfer of technology cannot take
construction site of the un it to be acquired on turn-key basis, to place without the transferee being able to receive and use the '
ascertain whether it is up to the standard fixed by the contracts,
technology. There is need to make available a su fficient number
test th.e ma~erials . before they are used and verify the quality of of people to- master the skills required at all level s, from the
maten~ used: It IS note worthy to indicate that id eally the idea managerial, technical to the craft level. This also implies that any _
of braking down technology enables the buyer to unveil th e
country desiring a particular type of technology must have
secrets concealed in the technology desired so that he I she does
trained staff before importing the foreign technology: In .this
regard, the educational system is expected to reflect aoreference
TrCI INOL OG) : T~t\N" "U .... N I ' I I '

for science and technical subjects to the arts, law and, social and do not pass it on . MNCs are also seen to employ cap it. I
science. Where th e contrary is the case, it does not prepare the intensive technologies which do infact destroy job opportuniti "
country for the challenges in technological transfer and develop- for the receiving countries. This is because host countries, human
ment. Good training in science and techn ology equips the citi- resources, a factor endowment for technology development do
zenry to adapt and innovate wh at becomes indigenous technol - not benefit to the maximum. These arguments arise w hen con-
ogy rather than depending on foreign technology.Japan did not "sider.able adap ation do es not take place. The success recorded
~ansfer Western technology wh olesale, rather it adap ted for- " by Japan, china and Chile show that in adapting technology,
el~n ~echnology to that which pr~viously existed in their country. capable and qualified human resources who are committed to
It IS Important to exp lain tha t "whoever tries to appropriate" the development of technology, are cru cial in the process of
technology produced by others mus t appreciate the fact that its technology transfer. For example, the Japanese are ahea d of he
creator has used directly or indirec tly a whole scientific and Americans in automobile model production, (Not by perfecting
technical infrastructu re such as laboratories, libraries, public it bu t by applying it more extensively than the Americans so that
research organizations, etc. " as Arghiri, argues, it is not American techno logy that has been
As indicated earlier a mu:Itinational corporation (MNC) "o r 'Japanized', butJapanesethat has become ' Americanized'). Chile's
foreig~ firm c~ p articipate in the transfer of technology by local technolog y could not cope with the demands of copper
accepting payment for its technical assistance and its patents 'or mining, precisely that of prospecting for new seams: Conse-
~hrough investing its capital by establishing its own subsidiary quently, North American technology was introduced and it en
111 th e country requesting for such technology (host country). " abled production to be considerably incre ased. Thi s foreign
Celso Furtado (1980), has argued that multinational corpora- technology wa s so well assimilated and mastered that mining
'tions (MNCs) certainly prefer, when they can, to invest din!ctly continued even after the departure of the Americans. There was
rather than to sell technology. He addedthatthis-is-a-truism when " no technical problem at the level of production. This type of graft
~ey find sources of capital "in their host country. Political stabil- . is always a com plete success in technology transfer.
ity of the host country and ava ilability of ma rke t for finished
products are other factors"that make for or mar investment by Appropriate Technology:
Appropriate technology is another philosophy through which tech-
However, the claim that MNCs tran sfer technology has been
nology can be. transferred to a country and even spread to th e
challenged particularly by several critical scholars interested in
rural populace within the country. The term appropriate iechnol-
the political economy of MNCs in Least Develop ed Countries
ogy refers to a form of technology tha t is relevant to a specific
(LDCs). They argue that the MNCs transfer inappropriate, obso-
lete an d overpriced technologies. ph ysical, social and cultural environment. What is considered
appropriate in one environment may be inappropriate to an-
Another argument by Akinsanya (1986) is that MNCs transfer
other. It therefore mean s that there are technologies that are in-
little techn ology because research and development (R and D)
appropriate for some situations, particularly when it is realized
efforts as regards the form of technology is concentrated in the
that different cultural and geographical groups have different
home - States of MN Cs and not available to the transferee. Again;
needs and di fferent technologies appropriate to their own cir-
MNCs endeavour"to retain mo opoly over their own"technology
148 149

~u~stances. The concep t of appropriate technology has often been prod uctivity and in a better form . For exampl e, th~re is till'
hmI.ted .to th e production of less complex forms of equip ment problem of providing electricity in remote areas of Africa and. '
(whIch Increase productivity of goods an d services and remove the national electricity grids are often not able to keep up WIth
drudgery) that wom en can use . Cons equently, intermediate demand, efforts towards rapid development of various alterna
t~chnology ~as been conceived as appropriate technology. Thus we tive and renewable energy technologies commenced during the
find a~proprz~te technology being referred to as interm ediate tech- 1980s for the generation of electricity from sunlight (technic~Il y
nologIe~ which are small, sim pl e an d inexp ensive to produce referred to as photovoltaics or solar energy). Now, solar vaccI~e
and.which c~n be made locally from available raw materials and refrigerators have be en developed and have become useful l~l
deslgn~d to meet local ne eds of rural women, Osuala, (1991). the Expand ed Programme on Immunization (EPI) in most Afn
l?oes this mean that a country which has steel and oth er accesso- can countries to provide the vital cold-chain needed for preserv
~Ies for produci~g a car or equipment for exploiting cru'de oil in ing vaccines in remote areas. Over 800 vaccine fridges have been
ItS own country IS not engaged in the production of approp riate approved by the World Health Organization for use throughout
~echn?lo~y? D~es it mean s tha t because the production process the continent. "Solar Power Pack", a pre-assembled an d pack-
IS ,capItal IntenSIve then the technology, both hardware and soft- aged solar power generator for the operation of radio equip~ent
war~ and soft ware becomes inapprop riate? If a form of technol- r ave also bee n produced. This way, power f~r telecomm~mca
?gy IS d eveloped a,n ? i.t does not serve the purpose for which it nons is available in areas considered inaccessible. In the field of
IS developed then It ISmapp ropriate. Most arguments in favour education, solar power kits -can-be used to operate both radio
of appropriate tech~ologjl proffer high labour intensity, simplicity cassette and 'IV / video players, enabling schools in remote areas
an? ease of operation, low main tenance problems and low cost to receive programmes br oadcast by national educati~~ net-
as ItSstrong po ints. This form of technology often turns out to be works. Water p umping in remote villages can now be facilitated
a red uced version, or inferior version of that available on the by using solar pumping systems . Boreholes can use these solar
world technology ma rket.
pumps whi ch require minimal and basic m aintenance (occa-
Appropria.te technology has often ad op ted a "top-d own" ap - sional cleaning of the solar panels) and will operate for abou t ten
proach W~Ich d oes no t in volve the users in the production years without the need for overhaul. Lighting based on solar
~rocess. It IS.usually design ed for the rural pop ulation..We ~ow power has become possible in very remote are as. Rural schools,
find a situ ation where modern technolog y is de-modernized. It
hospitals and health centres have benefited fr~m low cost.am or-
must be, noted ~hat even in the de-modern ization pro cess, tech- phous solar m odule for lighting an d TV/ VIdeo operation . In
nolo?y IS conSId ered as hardware to be p us hed down to th e
Kenya, over 25,000 rural households receiv e power from the
p as si ve rura l popula ce recip ien ts. Technology includes skills
solar panels..Thi s example meets the dire needfor energy te~h
and k~owl edge about pro duction system, p rocessing steps, raw
nology but the consu mers were not involved in th e p roduction
mate~Ials and product quality. As such, the users should partici- process. NESTEAdvanced Power Systems (NA PS), a su~sidiary
p ate m the yro?uction p:oce~s and / or ad ap t it. Appropriate of the large NESTE Corporation of Finl an d, recogmzed the
technology IS said to p rov.Ide SImple solutions to imp rovemen ts
enormous potential for solar power in Africa an~ dev~loped
?n work tasks perfor~ed m the traditional manner. But then this
these solar systems. Its regional office is established m ~~robl. to
IS the wh ole essence ot an improved technology, that is, increased
offer marketing arid technical support to customers. ThIS impli s

that th e us ers will depend on the manufacturers for maint enance appropriate technology is that of developing .a si~pie hardware
service excep t they adapt this form of technology. What is being using available raw materials, then an appropnate nomencla-
argued is that tech nology sh ould be regarded as appropriate ture is yet to be found and used for such cOflcept. . .
whenit serves the purpose for which it was p ro d uced and that Technology is the bottlomline and should meet the needs of the
the us ers can competently use, maintain and even produce it. If people who desire it. Compl~te dependence on other~ ~or pro-
not, one can refer to that form of technology as being partially duction and management of any form of technology isnot ~e
appropriate, to the degree of its partial acceptability, relevance ideal and this is true whether the acquisition of technology' IS /
and usage. from an industrialized country to another industrialized country
Technology is involved in transplantations of hearts, kidneys; or from an industrialized country to a developing country or
livers and other organs and even the spectacular inventions of vice-versa. What is evident is that there will be continuo~s
artificial organs. Kidney transplant, for example, is ap propriate improvement upon any form of tech.no~ogy give~ the dynamic
technology as it m eets the need of the individ ual who requires it nature of human living and change within the environment from
for a h ealthy living . But th e person who prod uced this form o. .age to age. Even what is regarded as high or complex ~echnologY'
technology and services it is in total coritrol of th e technology. is undergoing transformation through the mechan~sm of pa~­
Another person who benefits from it because it saves th e lives of ents licences and activities of multinational compames. What IS
its citizenry but is not the producer finds this form of technology needed for.a~y country is a critical mass' of qualified scientists,
appropnate to the degree that it saves th e lives of the citizenry
.but not that he/ she can produce, serv ice and use that technology.
If we now accept th at appropriate iechnolocu should be th e d e-

m odernized form of high or comp lex technology probably for
the rural populace, are we to produce an in ferior form of kidney
transp lant technology that will save the life of the rural man or
woman so that the advanced type would save the life of th e
urban man or woman? It therefore means that the tenn appropri-
ate technology should be used with caution. Again, given the
widely used definition of appropriate technology, it would be
'- llt!!
j""'1 ~
'. ' '\

necessary to ask what appropriate technology should be'used for __I[""~ }

L ..
managing coronary heart disease which inv olves the use of
specialized ambulances and hospital units, all kinds of electronic
gadgets and platoons of new professional personnel. What type
of appropriate technology sho uld De used for transplan ting ar tifi-
Sh La tin Mach ine - Jail 'M(/(zeliger built this lasting Muctnne w~lch II'~ a
cial hearts? The heart of the individual who benefits from the oe S I g
breakthrough . shoes
j or mass producing ' . Becaust. , "1'/
' . 'a 'e it h 'i l .' called" .The (~2[
II.' Ie ,.
technology for manag ing he ar t d iseases or hea rt transplant . Machine
Heat! . • (PatenteeISeptc'11/I)1"1 ..'2 , · 189/ . Courrrsv _ oj [mil Van Sc rttma p ..

definitely does not differ from th at of the individual who sh ould 1990)

use w hat is consid ered appropriate technology, If th e issue in

. .
the twenty-first century. The serious nature of issues relating to
th,e-environmen t can even be substantiated by the existence of a
CHAPrER 7 movement, environmen talism, which began in the nineteenth
century, mainly in response to the effects of industrialization.
;d".K.:"~. ""~"'. " ' Environmentalism has broadened its scope to include concerns
ENVIRONMENtAL ISSUES on all aspects of the natural environment: such as land, water,
minerals; aJl living organisms and life processes, the atmo~llere
and elimate, the polar icecaps, remote ocean depths and outer
he environment and its develo:rment is a gl~l and ~ space. Itmust be stated that the broadened scopeofenvironmen-
T -issu e that has generated the mterest of national g(W~
ments, intergovernmental agencies, non-governmental org~l~
taIism does Bo t delimit discussion of environmental issues,
however; the scope is sufficiently broad to serve as a guide.
zation etc. \Vider environmental issues such as global warming, Rodda Annabel's study (1991) in this respect typically presents
deforestation, pollution etc. have prof'!W'd. impli~tions for such useful guide for the discussion that foUows. ;
human existence. It is not surprising that the mcreasmg aware-
._--' ness of environmental problems led to the United NatiollsCon-
ference on the Human Environment in Stockholm (1972) where ' M ' NATURAL ENVIRONMENT \. .
the Action Plan for the Human Environment was adopted. The 'The natural environmen here, refers to ~ the ','fe'uious facets that
1972 Stockh olm conference was mainly to alert peoples o.f the comprise the plan~t earth and its st!lror, 1~d~'i!gs. These can be
world, create awareness about the deterioration of the enViron- . examined frOrit various angles: .
ment and enunciate principles that will ameliorate and reduce 1. The Atmosphere
furth~r degradation of the environment, It is no wonde,rthat the
concept of sustainable development was founded. In this regard, Tile atmosphere consists of the layer of gases that sur-
human activities must be directed in such a way that the n~e.d s . roUfid the earth. ~ ("8%)" Oxygen·(21.%}., Argon
of the present wo uld be satisfied with~ut ertdangerin? the ability ( ·9%)6Carbondioxide, Hydrogen, helJutn and Ozoneare
of futu re generations in meeting their future needs In .the envi- present in pure, dry air. There is a lower part of the
ronment they find themselves. Thus as the present envIro~men­ atmosphere which has contact with the earth's surface. It is
tal resource base is exploited, there is a dire need t~ sustam and the 'troposphere whw-e most phenomena take place. The
even expand such environmental resourc~ ~ase. Thisconference stmt08-ph~, a higher layer, contains a layer of ozone
also initiated the United Nations Environment Programm.e which absorbs harmful ultraviolet radiation from the sun.
(UNEP). In 1992, the United Nations (UN) Conf~rence Env.I ~ The atelO:Jpbere and the upper atmosphere are found
above the Sbatosphere.
ron rnent and Development held in Rio de JenaIro: B~azii. Th,IS
time it was not to create awareness and set out principles ~s III 2. The Hydrospher~
1972, it was to set the agenda for sus tainable development mto
The oceans, lakes, rivers and other bodies of water on earth
(water coversnearly 70 percent of the earth's surface) make

up the hydrosphere. check the accu mulation of greenhouse gases so th at th e occur-

reneeof global w arming will be reduced and cons equentlyits
3. The Geosphere effects. Human activities tend to increase the presence of green-
There is a central core in the earth wruch is surr ounded by house gases which can lead to accumulation. For example
a mantle"and the outer layer of the earth's crust. The earth's carbondioxide which plants use to manufacture carbohydrates
crust and the mantle consist of rigid plates which float over is also produced during the process of decay and burning of coal,
denser material. Internal heat which provides energy for oil and gas. Large scale industrial activities involving burning of
the movement of the plates also cause earth mo veme n ts coal and oil add to the levels of carbondioxide in the atm osp here.
such as folds, faults, earthquakes and volcanic activity. It is Again the destruction of tropical forests - burning of wood and
from these processes that a variety of physical landscapes fewness of growing trees (which would have ab sorbed the
develop . This is the geosp here. carbondioxide for food) in~rease the level of carbo ndioxide.
Methane, a product of biological decay is produced in w ater-
4. The Biosphere logged areas such as rice fields; it is also a product of the digestive
The variou s types of organisms on earth whether foun d a processes of cattle. But from industrial wa ste and burning of coal, .
little above or below the land and/ or in water and air oil and gas (fossil fuels), and the extraction of coal and natural gas
occupy the area (a narrow zone) called the biosphere. the concentration of methane in th e atmosphere increases. Ni-
Human beings are no excep tions. trous oxide also produced through biological activity is further
contributed to the atmosphere through activities involving the
Activities within the natural env ironment have great implica- use of fertilizers, the burning of biomass material (plant and
tions for human welfare all over the world. Subsequent discus- animal matter) and fossil fuels. Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs)
sion will border on key environmental issu es th at pose signifi- which do not occur naturally like the gases earlier mentioned is
can t challenge to human existence. a by-product of the chemical industry. CFCs are used in aerosols,
refrigeration systems, air conditioning, solvents and foam insu-
Global Warming lation. CFCs also deplete the ozone layer. Ozone occurs naturally
There is high probability that global w arming will occur given but has been found to have increased in the troposp here d ue
th at 1°C of global mean temperature above th e present value by mainly to the burning of fossil fuels. Ozone acts as a protective
the year 2025 will develop. By the end of the twenty-first century screen, keeping away the harmful ultraviolet radiation from th e
an in crease of about 3°C is estimated. Globa l w arm ing it is sun.If this depletion is not controlled ultraviolet radiation would"
explained, is caused by an accumulation of g.reenhou se gases lead to an increase in the incidence of skin cancers an d cataracts.
such as carbondioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, chlorofluorocar- Crops, such as peas and beans which are very sensitive to
bons and ozone when greenhouse gases allow inco ming solar ultraviolet radiation will be adversely affected. Photosy nthesis
radiation (which heats the earth) to pass through easily, but trap would be inhibited and this would affect agricultural grow th
some of the heat which is being radiated back from earth into and yield. Fish supplies would be adversely affected as deep
space th ere is a greenho use effect. It is the refore necessar y tc penetration of ultraviolet radiation (it is possible) into water

156 157

. . de str9Ys living organisms fishes depend on (aquatic food chain). tion of fuel woo d and water shortages..
_ 'Gldbal warming will lead to rise in sea level as ice caps (areas
.' .
·covered by ice) melt. Oceans will expand, coastal lands would be Water
thr eatened. Some areas would experience d esertification as a
Water is found in the hydrosphere and is central to environmen-
· result of changes in the present world pattern of winds and
tal issues. For example, its quantity, quality and distribution
rainfaUwhil e some other areas may experience productive farm-
influences the biodiversity of fauna and flora and largely, human
land . Storms, floods, droughts are other environmental prob-
activities. Water in form of ice, riversand sea erode rocks whose
lems that would be experienced .
fragm ents or fine particles can form fertile land - in the deltas and
A changing climate would definitely alter the ecosystem of the
low-land plains (recall Egypt in ancie . times). Intense rainfall on
agents which carry or cause many di seases such as viruses,
the other hand can cause erosion, landslides and loss of life.
bacteria, parasites, plants, insects or other animals-It is plausible
Waterfalls, rivers and lakes have aesthetic value and commercial
that the boundaries of the tropics may extend into the subtropics
value for tourism. It is no won der ornamental water - pools
and the temperate becom e su btropical as th e clim at e warms
and fountains feature at homes an . commercial places.
(global w arming). Diseases caused by bacteria, viruses and
Other environmental issues involving water re1a!-~ to disposal
parasit es which hitherto flourished in tropical areas - (tetanus
of wastes. Water is a major receiving agent for domestic and
bact erium) will spread. Hepatiti s B, cerebral meningitis, polio-
industrial waste as well 'as for the transportation of harm ful
· myelitis, cholera, bacillary dysentery - all of which flourish in hot
pollutarits. Environmental issues also arise from .man -m~de
humid weather will spread.
schemes intended for managing water for human consumption.
For example irrigation schemes make land pro ductive but the ,'_ ,
D ef orestation
high evaporation rates in hot dry regions contribute to saliniza-
The destruction of forests without reafforestation is of env iron- tion (Salinization arises when land is too salty to support plant
·mental concern because of the implications for human existence. life. This occurs when the delicatebalance of salt in the soil is"
Deforestation d epletes required forest cover that makes arable upset thereby allowing salts to build up in the root zone of crops
land fertile. Soil erosion, landslides, flooding, and accumulation or to form a saline crust on the surface) and ultimately, soil
of carbon dio xide in the atmosphere are some other effects of infertility. Dams often cause flooding and submerging of large
deforestation . The rate of destruction can be reduced and tree acreages of farmland, villages etc. Sometimes, water table is
planting encouraged. lowered and wells dry up. This situation exacerbates existing
difficulty of collecting water for those dependent on this type of
Desertification source. Human needs with regard'to the supply of safe drinking
The reduction to desert-like conditions of thos e lands bord ering water and efficient sanitation can not be under-estimated for its
true deserts is the process of desertification. Deforestation, over implication in health issues etc.'
grazing and poor irrigation can lead to desertification. Desertifi-
cation lead to decline in crop yields, famine, migration; deprecia-

158 159
[ N VIRO N M f NT AI" lssuts
typical exam ples of man-mad e di sasters. Cracks in dams an d
Environmental Disaster unstable w ast > tip s cau sed by human beings can cause disasters.
An environmental hazard is accounted a-disaster when it causes Disasters discus sed above can lead to land degradation result-
'm ass destruction and loss of life. Natural occurrences, phenom- ing from land slides or flood waters. When productive land is
ena and human activities can cause such disasters. Sudden buried under volcanic lava or ash, or contaminated by radiation
changes occurring in the systems and processes within the or chemical pollu tion, the land becomes unproductive. Destruc-
physicalenvironrnent can be categorized as natural disasters. tion of buildings, p ipe lines etc. are even more wide spread.
The disaster may originate in the geosphere, atmosphere, hydro-
sphere, or biosphere. Energy
Earthquakes and volcanoes are forms of natural disasters that Energy sources vary from non-renewable to renewable. Energy
originatein the geosphere (earth's crust). They occur when there generated from coal, oil and natural gas pipelines and (fossil
are disturbances at unstable regions of the plate boundaries. fuels) is non-renew able and the world depends largely on this
Regions bordering the pacific Ocean, Southern Europe, a line form of energy. Nuclear energy is also a non-renewable source.
.across the southern USSR(United Soviet Socialist Republics) and The critical issue in this regard is th at the use of these fuels have
northern Iran often have this experience. Volcanic erruptions is great harmful effects on the environment. Again, the rate.of
violent but short lived while earthquakes occur without warning consumpti on is rap idly diminishing them.
and-they can cause further damage such as tidal waves, mud- Biomass (fuel w ood, agricultur al and ani mal w aste) isamajor
flows, and landslides. ..' source of renewable energy. With deforestation and other human
Disasters originating in the atmosphere occur anywhere and activities w ood is being depleted and this spells crisis in energy
they varyfr om tropical cyclones/hurricanes, extratropicalstorms, production. water, wind, tidal energy, solar power and geother-
tornadoes to thunderstorms. There are also spells of extreme heat mal energy are other forms of renewable energy. Water energy is
or cold that lead to many deaths. But with development in space wi d ely used It was used to drive mill wheels, but now used for' ,
science and technology
these climatic occurrences can be fore- generating electricity (hydropower). '
cast and 'their progress tracked. The process involved in the extraction and tr ansportation of
Flooding or 'd rough t originate in the hydrosphere and have these forms of energy sources have en vironmental consequences.
con siderable impact. They .may result from freak storms, high For example, mining activities destroy large acreages of land
tides, prolonged rain and storm surges as with floods or drought while dust from coal cause bronchial problems, Environment is
caused by low rainfall over a long period. affected during the construction of oil drilling installations and
Disasters of the biosphere are bush and forest fires and plagues pipelines and even during oil drilling and transportation . Deser-
of pest. Famine leading to Joss of life can result from theses types tification can be caused bv extensive an d unlimited collectiori of
of natural disasters. fuel wood. Burning of a~imal and plant waste can adversely
Aside from armed conflict, man-made disasters usually arise affect fer tility of the soil when used as fuel. This is because it is
from harmful substances that are accidentally released. These prevented from decay and acting as fertiliz er. Geothermal plants
include chemicals, oil and radioactivity. The nuclear accident at emit sulphur dioxide w hich has unpleasant smell. Disposal of
Chernoby l and the escape of poisonous gasses at Bh opal are
E N\ "RON,\lENT,~L lssuts
TH E H ISTO RY O F SClLNC E AN D Tr<,/ INowC Y 1~: I'J:I<,' l'rl " I'II '1
through the use of high altitude aircraft, balloons, specialized
nuclear waste is also a major environmental problem. sensors to man ned an d unmanned space platforms such as
Sputnik, VostokVoshod; Apollo, Mercury, Gemni, Tiros and
Military Activity Echo series. The concept of space science and technology some-
times evokes an abstract, unattainable, unbeneficial package to
The use of conventional, chemical, biological and nuclear weap- generality of the citizenry who are barely knowledgeable in this
onry and other activities by thee military during war and peace field. Yet the technology and equipment, :,esulting from space
have environmental consequences. For example, radioactive exploration can be applied to the dail y activities of humans. For
materials which release energy or atomic particles (radiation) example, it is possible to communicate with persons in almost
into the environment may result accidentally from human error any part of the world l'hrough satellite communication networks
or technological failure. Radiation can contaminate air, soil, such as INTELSAT and INTERSPUTNIK. As at 1977, 107 coun-
ground water, vegetation and wildlife. It can cause cancers, tries were utilizing satellite communication services on a full-
genital defects, immune deficiencies making it difficult for white time basis to witness an event as it happens (Abiodun, A.A ,
blood cells to fight diseases.Testing of nuclear weapons contrib- lecture series No . 30). It is evident that most long-distance
u te to the release of radioactive gases into the atmosphere which international communications now use satellite. 'The impact 0~1
d oud s, winds and waterways tr ansport well beyond the initial mass media through television and radio broadcasting.benefit
area of contamination. Related to this is the generation of lethal many. It is also possible to provide for space transmission of
wastes that remain radioactive for th ousand s of years through printed matter as the United States is working on. More ~pe~ifi­
mining of uran ium and the use o-f reactors for producing weap- cally in 1960 when ECHOr, the first balloon communication
ons - grad e uranium or plutonium. Lethal waste is subject to station was launched, 3.5 million international telephone calls '
em issions, leakages and accidents. Lethal waste (highly toxic were recorded as against 32,000 calls in 193(LAgain, in 1%9 when
radio active waste) when dumped .into rivers and seas contami- Apollo 12 landed on the moon , the voice and video comrnunica-
n a te soils and ground water. . tion between the earth and the moon was possible. (Abiodun,'
The budget for military activities and production of weapons NIIA ,lecture series No.3). COMSAT-DOMESTIC (USA), CTS
th ro ugh manufacturing, testing and deployment of weaponry, (Canada)"SYMPHONIE (France and W. Germany) MOLNIYA ,
to peace-time military exercises could be used for the betterment (USSR), PALAPA (Indonesia) and INSAT (India) are some equip-
of the environment than for developing global weapons arsenal, merit that have facilitated domestic communication within indi-
capable of destroying the earth. Widespread temporary and vidual-countries / regions.
-permanent destruction of human and physical environment Navigational communication which ,hitherto "vas ~hrough
through the use of conventional weaponry during wars has been submarine cables, has been replaced by the use of satellites. The
a major environmental issue. United States'in 1976 launched two satellites (Marisat) for navi-
Issues concerning the environment are many, general and g~tional co~munication. Consequently, the United SUlt~S can
specific when considered from different angles. An ov.ervie:v of telephone and have data link 'with ships' (specially equ~pped
some 3f:~e issues ha s been considered to shed the deSIred.hght. with relevant facilities and equipment) at sea anvwhere 111 the
Environrrlental issues will continue to challenge human kind as "",
long as hum an being interact with the environment.
16 L

Gas flarin g prod u ces harmful environm~II/'" ~II NI , I II I

Pacifi~ and Atlantic Ocean s as w ell as the Pe rsian Gulf. Japan
scorch es surrounding soil, and makes vegetatiental Ill', I w h u It
established'the first satellite receiving station for Maritime Com-
~ook p arched. Chemicals such as carbondioxi2on an d f fin l.uul .
~., munication ou tside the United States which communicates with
Ide, mtrogen oxides, water vapour and soot olie, carbon mono
the Ind ian O cean MARIS AT. Satellite an d provided maritime
~ntrappedsand (silica), heavy metals and incor carbon par ticles,
tele p hone an d telex services th ro u ghou t the Indian Ocean. Ger-
m the gas, become, ioruzed.at the high combus~bustiblespres nt
. many has b~nefite d from this facili~. Merchant ships that belong
al~d became chemIcally-reactive tree radicals. tion temperatures
to the Dormer System of the Federal Rep ublic of Germany are
ram ",,-,ater and air, such chemicals form acids a1 1n the presence of
equipped with terminals facilitating instant and permanent
chem~cal compound that build up in the attld other corrosive
liaisons between th e vessels an d lan d .
chemIcal~ can trap heat.radiated from the ,earthmosphere. These
The lau nchi ng of GEOSAT, METEOSAT and COSMOS series
escaped mto space), and with a combination c (that would have
of m eteorological satellites has im mense benefits for th e aviation
flora are damaged, lung illnesses occur, roofil f soot, fauna and
industry. It is no w possible to receive advance w eather inform a-
etc., For example Gas flaring retards flo~erinlg sheets corrode
tion which guide routing and sch eduling of air tr affic. Inform a-
tion conc ern ing the occu rrence of typhoons and hurricanes maize ando~o plants and palm trees. Cass g and fruitirig in '
length and weight, ava decreases in ,
similar to those exp erienced around the Mississipi Coast in 1967
and 1969, the Bay of Bengal in 1970, the eastern shores ofInd ia in Liquid wastE!~, oi,ly waters (water vapours c "
-oond e-n.s a-tes ( lIquHi hy-d-rocarbons) are also m d droplets and .
1977 ~nd the Texas coastline in 1978, can be detected by met eo-
rological satellites. Such prior information can help save human natural gas operations. Oily waters are dispos pr.oduced from '
streams after samplmg while condensates are ed mto drains or
liv es if people are evacuated from ,that vicini ty. How ever, satel-
lite w eather forecasting is beneficial to the World Weather Watch pollu te the enviro~ment. Accidental gas fires, I flared. All these " ~,'
Program m e w hich m onitors an d tra cks typhoons an d hurri- ~ resu lt of mechamcal failures, pollute the air Jeakage of gas as '. .
canes in the seas and oceans as well as deser tification effects of Illness fro~ asphyxia, deaths or suffocation. md contribute to
droughts. ' ~rude. OIl and re~ined Petroleum products .
Video.weather info rm ation of a country 's land can be received sJ:>I11 ~u?ng production, processing, storage, tra which l~ak and ,
,throu gh local Au tom atic Picture Transm ission (APT) stations dISt."nbution f contaminate ground-water wh IC o h 1.
i Insp ortation and
from satellites . WELFAX receiving stations receive both analog majority 0 the citizenry in both urban and rul used by a large
signals and digital data from geostationary and polar orbiting bec~use the hydrocarbon content or crude or re jal areas. This is
satellites. Th e Un ited States ~ GOES (3), Jap an-GMS (I), the easily se~ps i~to the groul1Q. to pollute water. Th?n.ed petroleum
European-Space Age ncy - METEOSAT (1) an d a system of polar- true of Nigerian crude oils which are light and hl s IS particularly
orbiting m eteoro logy satellite operated by the U.s.s.R.- the soluble components than the Venezuelan crude (we more water- '
METEOR satellite series and the U.s .A. - th e NIMBUS an d the groundwater pollution by hydrocarbons have o?ils. Incidents of
TIROS series are five geostationary meteorological satellites in at the S~~rada Industrial Area of Kano city; at C~rred in Kal1?
the Global Observance System (GOS), (Abiodun, A.A.). These ld~rr KaJ~rum, Sarkin Pawa and Sabon Tasha in Jhldunu village,
polar orb iting sa tellites Abiodu n, wrote operat e in sun -sy nchro- Ishiwo, Ijebu-Ode in Ogun State; at Fish -Town (aduna State; at
Funiwa 5 Blow

'1'111' J lisr, '1\) (" SI 11 Nt ' I ANP 1'1t °IlN ( '1.o 0 ) IN P r RSPEl T / Vf
I .,

out) ill Rivers 'late; at Oguta an d Asaga Ohafia in lm o State; at

Malo luku and Shogunle in Lagos State (Ifeadi an d Awa 1987). Chemical and Enuiromnen],
TIll' m .uo r sources of groundwater pollution during the e~plo­
rut io n and the exploitation of crude oils are fro,m un~I~ed The-chemical, lead affects human beings in many ways. '11 ' I I
I'V ipora tio n w aste pits for disposal of effluent:, insufficient
evidence of-adverse effects of on human reproductive 1'1( 1\ I'
::lI r f.l l ' , casing, sub-surface injection for effluent disposal, ~ba~­ such as high rates of infertility, spontaneous abortion, st iII III IIII
dun .c\ well s, rig-blowouts, unplugged and unca~e d seI:ffiIc neonatal de ath an d convulsions in children. Cancer and :-;( 11111'
: hotholes, oil spills from storage facilities and delivery lines. other birth.defects may result from exposure to toxic substaur .- .
Again, during refining and marketing. operations ~rou ndwater A chemical pollutant, methyl mercury caused epidem ics III
can be contaminated through under-sized and unlined effl~en t Minimata and Niigata, Japan, in 1956 and 1964 respectively it S ,I
disposal sys tems and storage facilities that ruptu re and leak mt~ result of seafood peisening. In-Iraq, 1953-a1ld 196B it was through
the ground : Liver damage and skin prob~ems. ha~e been aSSOCI- dressed seeds. In Japan many children developed cerebral palsy
ated with petroleum products pollution in .Nigeria. . . (Minimata di sease r.asa result of that epidemic, In this case,
Apart from cru de oil an d petroleum pro ducts, refinmg efflu- pregnant women who ate the poisoned sea food contaminated
ents, (aqueous and gaseous) cause a lot of d~age to humankind by methyl mercury (chemical waste probably dumped in the sea)
due to th eir hy drocarbon com ponent. Refinery process wat~r, had their unborn -children affected, leaving them unaffected.
(water that has had direct contact with oil in the p rocess umts Pesticides such.as Dichloro-dip henyl -trichloro ethane (D.D.T.),
such as desalter water and the cond ensate from steam injection Dichlor 0 dipheny l ethylen e ,.(D .D .Et Dichloro-diphenyl
into fractionating colu mns); surface wa ter, and washi~g fr0n: the dichloroethane (V .D.D.), Dieldrin, Aldrin, Lind ane etc , have.
storage tanks. (Obuasi, P.A. 1987) where di~charg e~ into a r~ver, adverse effects on the environment. Pests, hum ans, wildlife, soil
pollu te the river and adversely af~ect aquatic o~g amsms. A river, and water are affected. Inhalation or contact with lethal doses of
unlik e the sea has limited capacity for handling hydrocarbon pesticides have resulted in human death. D.D.T. is also a: biocide
imp urities and so is affected adversely. Hydrocarbon vapours (Biocides are chlorinated hydrocarbon pesticides), a vicious
and oxides of sulphur are gaseous effluents that pollute th~ destroyer of an im al an d human life. This is largely because it
atmosphere. Sulphur dioxide and sulp hur trioxide form fuel 0,11 retains its activity over a long period after initial application. In
combine with water vapour to form sulphurous and sulphunc fact its environmen tal half life is between ten and twenty years.
acid vapours an d condense and fall down as "acid rain" to Being extremely mobile. jnuch of it evaporates before reaching
pollu te the environment. the gro und particuhlrly during aerial spraying, and then gets
transported to distant places where the molecules are further
Space Science and Technology spread-faftersetfling do wn) through rain, dust etc. It is a environ-
mental poison as it attacks an d destroys many more than the
The breakthrough in space exploration since the twentieth cen- targetorganism. D.D.T. is imported from the United States,
tury has \ncreased the sophistication iI~ scienc~ and technology where Governmen t does not favour its use, having identified it
, s well as aided human manipulation ot the en vironment.Effor ts is "a chemical of extinction" and had announced plans for a total
in sp ace exploration ha s undergone remarkable improvement phasing out. It has been banned in Canad a, Japan, Nor w ay,
'" r

no us orbit at an altitude lower than the geostationary brbit and

Sweden, and Hungary. In Turkey for example 330 persons died provide data on atmospheric temperatures and moisture (H1
.from eating seed grain treated with hexachloro ben zene, 80 in tent, sea-surface temperature.measurement, clou d cover a nd
Columbia from eating flour contaminated with parathion and 17 height. snow-melt forecasting and calcUiation of surfa~e water
in Mexico from sugar containing parathion (Gabriel, S. W. 1994). boundariesw ater vapoursensing with greater atmosphenc depth,
In fact the organ ophosphate, Parathion, is 300 times more toxic and atmospheric.ozone data. Meteorological and hydrologic al
than D.D.T. so that using it as a pesticide can cause mysterious observations from -balloons, ocean bouys, and fixed gr01!nd-
d eath after merely walking through fields sprayed with Par- based sensor platforms are possiblethrough geostationary satel-
athion. Birth defects, cancers, impotence can also be caused by lites such as the American GOESand the European SpaceAgency' s
exposure to pesticid es, (.' METEOSAT. \. ,,,-,
Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) are harmful to humans. In 'S pace exploration has both beneficial and unbeneficial aspects
1968, PCBs leaked from a heat exchanger and contaminated rice on humans and liis / her activities. Accidents have occurred
. '. " oil. Pregnant Japanese women who ate this rice oil had babi es during which space objects. parts of space crafts or parts of
who suffered retarded growth, nerve and developmental im - rockets used in launching space crafts have re-entered the earth's
. :. pairment. Taiw an experienced mass poisoning in 1979 from atmosphere. For exam ple, COSMOS 954/ a USSR research satel-
-: cooking oil contaminated with :r.C.Bs.
. lite, powered by a nuclear reactor with 45 kg.of enri ch~d Ura-
. , Th e haemoglobin in human blood which transports oxygen t nium 235, in January 1979, disintegrated 'while re-entering the
easily absorbs carbo n monoxide (co) and this adversely affects dense layers or the earth's atmosphere.
distribution of oxygenated blood to the brain, heart and adrenals.
Consequently, br ain damage, weight reduction and perinatal Marine Science and Technology
mortality often occur. Methaemo globinaemia (a reduction in the
oxygen-carrying capacity of the blood) can also be caused by The ocean s, seas, rivers/ lakes, ponds and all forms of water are
nitrite. Bacteria in the mouth and elsewhere can convert nitrate important to the existence of humankin d, They have served as
into nitrite. Nitrate is found in ground water which is used for bridges for communication and intergroup relations, sou~~s of
domestic activi ties and the presence can be increased by the use food, and centres for tourism and aesthetics, among others.
of nitrate fertilizers. Developments over time in the use of modern / sophisticated
vessels on the oceans etc. as well as various human activities not
Natural Gas only reflect advan cement in marine spence and technology but
also form a threat to marine life, and marine environment in its
Natural gas consists of hydrocarbons (methane, ethane, propane
and butane as well as additives like ethylene, butylene etc.) and
From dug-out canoes, timber rafts, calabash vessels, p~pyrus
impurities such as sand, debris, carbondioxide and mercury. Its
boats, the' know ledge of marine science and technology h~s
extraction has contributed to the pollution of the environment
improved and a variety of sophisticated vessels are now aval~­
through activities such as gas flaring / disposal of liquid wastes
able. cargo ships, passenger ferries and ships, fishi ng vessels, oil
(gas con densates), accidental gas fires from system leakages
tankers, tug boats, brages, etc., now ply the rivers, seas and
an d / or explosions.
l Q4 169
E N VIRONM ElVf AI. lssurs
, the seas, not its w astes dumped int o the sea after cleaning. In
oceans of the w orld. Their activities often cause environmental 1915 during the First Wort'd War a Dutchm an remark ed how on
degrad ation and thi s calls for much concern beca~se .about 1 .1 the,beach 18 guillemots, he saw ,s ix gannets, two crows, one
percent of the earth's surface is covered by water which ISa major cutlew and one driver, all bu t five covered with tar (IMO News,
natural resou rce and is essential for life. It is also-note worthy th at N~. 3, 1990) which he guessed was accidentally discharged bya
in some parts of the w orld water covers depths that exc~ed the torpedoed ship carry ing tar. However, w hat was_thought of as
height of Mount Everest by several kilometres. Thus t.l'elffipact .,_ tar w as oil pollu tion. During this period, oil pollution was not
of human actions on the seas, oceans, rivers etc. are-unporta:rtr .' caused only by war then ragging in Europe; ships that used oil as
, and must be considered just as the impact of these forms of water fuel prod uced engine room waste oils which were deposited into
on human beings are consid ered . ) ' . , , th e seas . Oil tankers also producedwastes from cargo . For
. ' _ I ~.... . I J •
Towards the end of th e 19th century, in 1885 precisely, th e example, after unloading cargo, sediments left on th e tank walls
Gluckauf, recognized as the first modern tanker (she carried oil were d ean edoffresulting in an oil/ water mixture which had to
in her tanks rather th an in barrels) w as launched at Newcastle be disposed of before a new cargo could be loaded .Again, the use
upon Tyne in north-east England. Thi~ was.a rem.ar~~ble'dep.ar- " of sea w ater as ballast, a universal shipping practice, naturally
ture from the use of barrels in exporting 011 (majority of which , pollute the seas, having been contaminated by the oil remaining
came fro~ the United States, then the world's leading oil pro- in th e tank. It is usual that when a ship tanker is returning for
ducer) and an improvemen t in ship building technology. Thi.s , loading, ,cargo tanks are filled with water to act as ballast. Ballast
advan cem ent is noteworthy because about 99 p ercent of, 011' ensures that the propeller and rudder of the shiH (acting as
exported from the United States in 1885 wasby 1906 carrie? in weights) are fullyimmersed in water and that the ship has the
bulk by oil tankers. It become s more relev~t no~ that A~can \ correct stability, dn reaching the load}ng port th e'. oil contami-
countries and those of the Arab world dominate oil export in the " ' nat~d ballas t water is discharged into t he sea and often times
world . The inconvenience and hazards that would have chal- , along with any bacteria and other organisms which happen to be
lenged oil exportation withou t the us~ of oil t~ers w~uld have . in it. Inthis waythe m arin e environment is degraded and
been more th an what has been expenenced since the introduc- sometime-s unwanted Aquatic,Organisms and Pathogens that
tion of oil tankers. By 1897 Dr. Rudolf Diesel p roduced a new are harm ful to local m arine life are introduced . For example,
engine in Germany that used oil as a fuel. ~s ~creased ~e spate ' about 35 different species of animal have 'been found,in Ger-
(within 'a few years) of production of marme diesel en~mes and many, most of them are shellfish such as barnacles and mussels.
in 1911 th e first diesel-powered ship crossed th~ Atlantic Ocea~. The diatom Biddulphia sinensis and the mitten crab Eriochoir
By 1927 it is recorded that 28 percent of th e world fleet used oil sin ensis found on .the German coast were both imported from
for power, even though coal w as still used many years l.ater (I~O China. By 1918oil pollution of the seas caused greatconcern and
News, No. 3J 1990). This significan t break through m manne became an international problem. Ftom then till now, itis still a
science and technology had its attend ant pollu~onconsequ~nces. " ' global issue for w hich many agencies at various levels have
Unti11967, pollution ofthe seas was not amaJ~r concern, It~as , ' .worked out strategies to combat. There are many other causes of
believed that the seas were big enough to cope With any pollution marine pollution. The United Nations Environment Programme
caused by human activity. When coal served as fuel for shops, th e e- (UNEP) list ,
the following:
. run-off and land-based discharges,

dusty, smoky, dirty air produced was not regarded as a threat to 171
Ii , '

I: n~t~f~)ources, offshore production, dumping, marine trans~ Chemicals constitu te major pollutants of th e marine environ-
I portatflm and atm osphere. Sew age slud ge, p esticides, w astes ment and they are di scharged into rivers, seas, inland w ater
from land based activities, marine incineration, dumping of low - w ays through various means. For example, fuel oil contains
level and'high-Iev~! ra1io-active wastes am ong others degrad e sulphur whose oxides (sulphur oxides SOx) are omitted into the
i" · .;
.' the marine environmen t. ' ", ' sea from the ships exhaust. Nitrogen Oxides (NOx), chlorinated
, Acci? ents involving oil tankers, vesselscarrying toxic wastes , fluorocarb on s (CFCs) and ha lons (halogenated hydrocarbons)
., :
and ShIpS carrying garbage contribute to the pollution of marine , are chemical pollu tan ts from the ships exhaust an d fire extin-
, ~ I
e~vironment. In 1967 for example" an oil tanker,Torrye Canyon guishing systems used in shi ps respectively that pollute the air.
.. : i
,hit a reef and ran agro und of the coast of England. It was the first Halons help put out fires and are less dangerous to human health
>~~ajor oilpolhltion <;iisastf r.il~ ~~icl) rp~r~,than 14Q,P,DQ tons of , because of th eir low toxicity. But they deplete the earth's Ozone
oil was lost. As a result of th is incident DIaC'k waves of oil.crashed layer and consequently affect human health. Thesame story is
onto holiday beaches, de vastating tourism, sea birds died slowly true for nitrogen oxides . Carbon dioxide (CO) is toxic and can
, and fishermen's liv elihood ' threatened . In 1993 six m ajor oil cause d eath yet it could be used as an alternative to halons. These
pollution inciden ts involved accidents to th e tankers Braer.Taiko pollutants po se significant environmental hazards to the marine
',:Maru, Keumdong No. 5 (barge), Sambo No. 11 (Republic of and coas tal environm ent and to the health and safety ·of the
, Korea), Ryoyo Maru' (Jap an) and the lliad (Greece). The tanker pop ulation .
Braer r~ aground off the Shetland Island 0t:t 5 January, br~ke up Tributyltin (TBT)~ a component 'of anti-fouling paints for paint-
and spilled 84,000 tonnes of crude oil into the sea. Salmon fish ing the hulls of ships and other sea crafts operating in coastal
,' 1.
, ,
farmers and 'shell fishermen ha d to d estroy their e~rliei fish waters has been found hazardous to marine org anisms. Paints
;1 intake due to con tamination by oil. On 31 May Taiko' Maru, a containing TBT were used to preven t the growth of marine life on
coastal tanker collided with an other ship and 520 tonn es of ships hulls, w hich if not prevented or treated have a serious
d" l
heavy fue l oil escaped. About 70 kil om etres of coast, including' impact u pon the ship's speed and its fuel consumption; Al-
tourist beaches andlocal fish~l1g were adversely affected. When though TBT has been found ve.ry effective as an anti-fouling
the barge keu mdongNo. .5 collid ed w ith a freighter off .the agent, scientificstudies show its presence in oysters, fish etc.
southern coast of the Republic of Korea on 27 September, abou t This situation makes fish and sea foods from such p olluted areas'
1,280 tonnes of h eavy fuel oil was spilt. Again, fishing and aqua harmful to humankind teo. Organohalogen compounds; mer-
culture in the areawere ad versely affected . cury; cadmium; high-level and low-level radioactive wastes;
,I Wastes derived from .land-based activities are often d eliber- and materials produced for biological or chemical warfare are
I ately dumped into the s~a. Dredged materials, industrial w astes, . chemical pollu tants.Low-levelradio active wastes include wastes
sewage sludge, garbage etc. make up land-based waste. Path o- from nuclear power production and from the industrial, m edical
gens, increased eutrophication from nutrients contained in wastes and research uses of radioisotopes. Broken machinery and
are hazardous to human health. Some of these substances have ' equipm ent as well as old clothing can be included , Often; the
toxic effects on marine life' whil~ recreation and other activities waste are normally p ut into concrete-filled drums ,t o ensure that
Buffer. they reach the -sea-bed intact at the time .of disposal. Control
me'l-sures .for reducing the pollution of marine environment
( ,' . ,
172 173' ,


I ,

reflect significan t breakthrough in the development of marin e REFERENCES

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18. Enahororj-l, Technology in Ud o-Ak a, U. (ed) (1980) Managemfnt for a
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1 Industry and the Nigerian Environment, Proceedings 1987 Interna-
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1 Corporation and the Federal Ministry of Works and Housing, - Appropriate technology
;1'·.] November 9-12, -Bronze age
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Engine technology
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178 183


Genotyping and DNA fingerprints 127 TE HN O LO GY VERSUS SCIENCE 15-18

Hobble space telescope 118 U NIT ED NATIONS GOVERNMENT PRQGRAME 1:71
Internet 120 138
" Pathfinder (spacecraft) 166
t:" Personal computers 121
I Robotics 118
Space satellites 118
~. The sputnik 117
-Causal arguments 6
-Generalizations 5·6
-Induction and deduction 6
-Characteristics 10
- Instrumentatum 11-12
-Logical reference 12
-Practice 13
- Proof 10-11
- Variations in sequence 12-13
-Coal mining and iron industries 94
-Factory system 94-96
- HistOry of 90-92
-Industrialrevolution 92-93, 108
- Steam engine 93

184 185'
, '


AUTH OR INDEX 25. Cavendish, Henry 105

A 26. Clinton, Presid nt Bill 125
1. Abubakar, Iya 18 27. Cook, Captian James 1/M
2. Ab iodun, A.A. 68 28. Copernicus, Nicolaus 97,98
3. Akinpelu, J.A. 3 29. ~otterell, Art wr 65
4. Akinsanya, A.A. 148 30. CIompton, Sftmuel 95
5. Aldrin. Cd 117
6. Andah, B.W. . 41,44 D
7. Anya~ AO. 1,37,90 31. Daimler, Goltlieb 119
8. AJ'glUri1 E. 14, 146-147 32. Dalton, John 107
9. A1'kwrignt, Sir Richard 95 33. Davenport, Th.omas 110
10. Armstrong, Codwin Howard 119 34. De Broghe, Louis 119
11. Armstrong, N eil 117 35. Diesel, Rudolf 10
'I: 12. Avogadro, Arnedeo 36. De Forest, Lee 119
37. Diesel, Rudolf 10
B 38. Dirac, P.A .M . 113
.~l: 13. Bacon, Roger 86 39. Diop, Ch ei kh Anta 32,34
14. Bacon, Sir Francis 6

15. Bell, Alexander Graham E

16. Ben a rd Clande 112 40. Ed ison, Thomas 109
i: 17. Black Joseph 105 41. Edi son, Thomas A lv a 111
k 18. Bohr, Neils 113 42. Einsten , A lbert 10, 113
19. Boyle, Robert 103 43. Enahoro, H . 144
, 44. Evans, H.G.J.
20. Brahe, Tycho 91, 101 2~\
~ 45. Evans, Oliver 107
21. Brun o, Giord an 100

•" 22. Canyon, Torrye 172 46. .Fahrenheit, Gabriel 10'1

, 23. Cartwright, Ed m u n d 95 47. Fashola, F.B.

.' 24. Cawlay, Jon 106 48. Finch e.s. '~H

186 187
\' "111
" I",.,
73. Herus tein, Rischard . J. I'
49. Fleming, J.0.;.... Am brose 111
74. H ooker, J.T. ) \ 1'1.
5 0. Florey, H oward 126
75. H uygens, Chr istian II ).'
51. Franscis, James B. 110
52. Furtad o, Celso 148
76. Jaffe, Walter II I
G 77. Jenny, H arigreaves 'I I ,

53. Galilei, Galileo 98, 100

54. C alton, Fr ancis- 123
55. Galvani, Luigi 105
78. Kay )o hn tj l,

56. Geoger, H . 114

79. Kennedy John F. 11 7
57. Gramme, Zenobe Theophile 110
80. Kepler, John <) 1
58. Grissom, Virgil 118
59. God d ard, Robert H . 117
60. Gould, Jo hn 59 I
81. Lavo isier, Antoine 1( 1)
6l. Grayson A.K. 47 j
82. Leno ir, J.J.E. 1m
62. Green, V.H .H . 74
83. Lilienthai, O tto 111
63. Grew, Ne hemiah 103 I
1" 84. Lum pkin, B. 3 1, HI)
64. Guest, G. 79
85. Lyell, Ch arlse Ilh

65. Halley, Ed um ud 104
86 . Ma rconi, Marc hese Gu ghlielmo III
66. H argreaves, James 95 '
87. Marsden, II I
67. H arison, John 104
88. Maxwell, James Clark II I
68. H arv ey, William 91, 103
89. Mende llef, dmitr i Ivanovitch l il t
69. Hawkin, Stephen 115
90. Meneleev, Dm itri
70. He isenberg, Werner 113
9l. Meyer, Ju lius III
71. H erschel, William 104
92. Mill.Johnm Stuart
'72. E '__ tz, He inrich 111
93. Mo rse, Sam uel F,B. III
94. Moseley, H .G.Y. II I

' 188 189




95, .Muller,
' .
Herman 124 115. Smeaton, [ohn 106
96. Murray, Charles
128 116. Snell, Willf broard 102
I 117. Stephenson Brothers (Cearge and Robert) J09
'I 97. Newcoznen, Thomas
106 T
:~ I 98. Newton, Isaac
101, 107 118. 1'eata, Nilwla . 110
i:l 119. Ihompson,I.J. 114
0 00, 'Trew"ddJI·Bldtard 107
99. Okigbo, Pius
141 Ul. · T~kosky, K.E- 117
100. Osuala, 1.D.C.
'II 150
101. Otto, Nikolaus A.
109 U

III' p
., !22. Ud oid em .
U1di, ·FM~· .
. > ~~ ~/
102. Pappademos J. 33 ~

103. Pinder, Margaret 132 V
j 104. Planck/ Max 113 124. Van Leeuwenhoek, Anton 103
1. 105. Priestley, Joseph
10'- 125. Verne, Jules 116
106. Ptolemy l.atIft Clawti'lS Ptohimaew.
~,Vf 126. Viser, Bert 132

107. Roelants, Georges E.
II 13.2 127. WheweL William 6
108. Rojas, Mi.gtlel
132 128. White, Edward 118
109. RtttlteIiunt Hmest
114 i29. Whilmot, Dr. Lan 126

S .~
-c , 110. Savery [ames
I 106
I 130. Youdeowei, A. 17
I 111. Schrodinger, Godwin
:\ lH
I 11;l. S~ J. V.
36 Z
113. ~ Debra 41 131. Zeppelin, Count Von 112
114. Simpson, P;J.
:1 121
I Dr. Amakievi Okien Ijeoma Gabriel is a senior lecturer and th e Actin g
i'.j!, .
Director of the Institute of Foundation Studies, Rivers State University of
Science and Technology, Port-Harcourt. She studied for the Bachelors,
Masters and Doctorate d egrees in the University of Ibadan Ibadan, Oyo
State, between 1980 and 1987.
Her major areas of academi c interest are Educational History, Women
Studies and Historical Development of Nigerian Communities, areas which
are also reflected in her articles published in reputable journals.

R~ 'Layi Fagbenle undertook his university educationat the University of

Illinois, Urbana - Champaign, USA (BSME, Ph.D) and Iowa. He worked at
the State University, Ames, Iowa, USA Atomic Ene rgy Commission as a
Postdoctoral Appointee at the Argoure National Laboratory, Argoure,
Illinois. Prof. Fagbenle has taught in several universities in Africa as well as
in the United Kingdom. He has contributedto technical education in Nigeria
through headship of the Mechanical Engineering Department of The Poly-
technic, Ibadan in the seven ties and currently the headship of the Mechanical
Engineering Department at the Uni versity of Ibadan. ,
Prof. Fagbenle has been a consultant to the Uni ted Nations Econoinic
. Commission for Africa on p rogramme development for the professional

Dr . [cnes M. [aja studied History at the University of Lagos, obtained a

Maste~ degree at the University of Benin and a Ph. D in Cultural History at
the University of Port Harcourt.
He has taught West African History at the University of Port Harcourt an d
is currently teaching at the Rivers State University of Science and Technol-
ogy, Port-Harcourt.
He has carried out researches principally in culture history, women
studies, political economy and government in post-independent Nige ria.

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