AISA's The Express: April 2011 (Vol. 1, No. 6)

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“Where the lions roar!

Vol. 1, No. 6
April 2011

AISA’s Japanese Students’ Families Safe Thousands Enjoy

After Devastating Earthquake, Tsunami Largest-Ever AISAFest
School Visits Japanese School, Raises AED 10,000+

(Left) Ms. Apted’s Grade 5 class visited the nearby Japanese School to provide support. (Photo courtesy Ms. Apted.)
(Right) Freshman Takumi Morozumi is one of AISA’s four Japanese students, all of their families are safe.

by Oshba Al Murar AISA has four Japanese students. per cranes for peace and brought
(Grade 12, Cosmopolitan) Freshman Takumi Morozumi flowers, Ms. Apted said.
After a 9.0 earthquake dev- heard about the disaster while at For the 41 Japanese students,
astated Japan on March 11, the the ISAC basketball tournament. no one they knew was killed or
school has raised awareness and Fortunately, his family is from injured, but some students had
money for relief. The handful Tokyo – far from the earthquake missing relatives. Ms. Apted
of Japanese students and their -- and none of his relatives or said, “Grade 5 students showed
relatives are safe, though stu- were injured, he said. real empathy and understanding
dents are concerned about their “But as a Japanese [person], about this terrible situation.”
homeland. I am worried,” said Morozumi. The Japanese food sale on
Japan's worst-ever earthquake “They were prepared for such a March 31, organized by Miha
and resulting tsunami killed near- thing, but did not know it was Emman, the mother of Japanese
ly 10,000 people, with another going to be this big.” student Kaho Emman (Grade 3),
16,000 still missing, according The school quickly reacted to raised AED 10,553 for the Japa-
to the New York Times. Many the disaster. On March 14, Ms. nese Red Cross. Japanese foods
are also concerned about the ef- Apted took her Grade 5 class such as sushi rolls, chirashi rolls,
fects of radiation from damaged to the nearby Japanese School. tempura musubi and soumen
nuclear power plants. AISA students brought flowers, were sold.
Based on passport nationalities, wrote cards and made 1,000 pa-

Threepeat for Girls Varsity B’ball Team

JV Team Takes 2nd at ISAC
by Jessica van der Walt
(Grade 11, Sports Editor)
Threepeat! After overcoming
debilitating injuries to several
players, the girls varsity basket-
ball team clinched their third (Top to Bottom) Senior Paris Patras entertains the crowd. Scenes from
straight ISAC tournament vic- AISAFest. SoccerFest winners. / Photos courtesy Mr. Baron.
tory, winning almost all of their by Tanya Tarazi Dutch café chain Mockamore.
tournament games. The JV team (Grade 11, News!) All the proceeds will be con-
clinched the silver at the ISAC More than 2,000 middle school tributed to the new AISA Foun-
tournament in Kuwait, after and high school students came dation to help fund next year’s
losing in the finals by only a few to the fourth annual and largest- AISAFest and improvements to
points. ever AISAFest, a three-day soc- the school’s facilities.
The varsity team overcame an cer tournament and carnival, on Mr. Holloway and Mr. Syno-
early season injury to guard Tam- March 22 to March 24. ground organized the soccer
sin Nunan (Grade12) early in This year’s AISAFest was tournament SoccerFest, which
the five-month season, winning “twice as big” as last year’s, included Middle School, High
almost all their games. according to Ms. Sabrina Nurse, School and teachers teams.
“The team improved and devel- who organized the event with High School winners were the
oped immensely throughout the Ms. Al Jenaibi and Ms. Sam- girls yellow team and the male
five-month season,” said Coach bola. Not only were there more teacher’s team, while the Middle
Mr. Synoground. people than last year, there were School winners were the girls
Center Nelmari Holloway 29 different games and activi- white team and the boys light
(Grade 12) agreed: “I’m so ties on both sides of the school, blue team.
proud of all we accomplished be- with lower prices in response to “The games were competi-
cause I can truly say that I never people’s wishes. tive yet fun, it definitely showed
expected to win ISAC especially “This year’s AISAFest outdid school spirit,” said Jordan
since we had complications with the rest of them,” said Steffanie Murray (Grade 11). “It was fun
team members not being able to “It was a good season and we Sanders (Grade 11). The most participating.”
“The girls did an amazing job
travel to Oman.” had a lot of fun.” She said this popular games were the rodeo Organizers are expecting even
I’m proud of each and every one
The team fulfilled Mr. Syno- season’s greatest achievements bull, the dunk tank and the giant more improvements for next
of them,” said Tamsin Nunan.
ground’s both of his preseason were to coming second place and slide, she said. year’s AISA Fest, such as pos-
“The team’s hard work and unity
goals: beating the American Brit- playing as team. The parents of Abdulla Al sibly holding the carnival on a
definitely paid off.”
ish Academy-Oman (ABA), and Center Nadia Jacobson (Grade Romaithi (Grade 10), Nasser Al Saturday. “I honestly [do] it for
The JV team nearly beat Qatar
bringing home the third ISAC 10) said, “It was a long, tiring Romaithi (Grade 10) and Saif the kids,” said Ms. Nurse. “Ev-
Academy, but wound up los-
trophy in a row. They also won season but we will miss it now Al Romaithi (Grade 12) were eryone loves AISAFest!”
ing the title game by only a few
the ISAC Sportsmanship Award. that it is over.” the main sponsors, in addition to
points. Co-coach Ms. Levi said,

What’s Sustainable About MS MUN Brings “Heat” Senior Made Memories Top Student Artists at Girls Varsity Soccer Wins
• • • •
Masdar City? P2 on Climate Change P3 on Ferrari World Trip P4 AISA Art Show P5 Bronze in Europe P6
2 A I S A ’ s V O i C E The Express
April 2011

Students Hope to
by Shaika Al Qassimi Schwartz, who organized the
MS: Sustainability (Grade 11, AISA’v Voice Editor) March 22-23 trip with Ms. Meu-

in Action at
Grade 8 students learned about nier, Mrs. Rasmussen and Mr.

Masdar City
sustainability on a March trip
to Masdar City, the world's first
Inside Masdar City, which Help Campus Staff
zero carbon emission city located
in Khalifa City A.
started construction in 2006, so
far there are only universities and
Nearly 20 Workers
When Masdar City is sched-
uled to be completed in the
hotels. Transportation is by the
groundbreaking personal rapid
Live in Cramped Conditions
2020s, it is supposed to have transit vehicles – or podcars –
zero carbon emissions since the but students were not able to ride by Mona Al Amry (Grade 12) Al Khazraji, and junior Latifa Al
city uses renewable energy, has them. Many students support raising Khumairy. These four students
recycling programs and does not Still, students enjoyed the trip. awareness and funds to aid the are leading a campaign to raise
produce carbon gas, according to "This trip was fun and exciting,” the 18 workers who live in the awareness and funds to provide
their website. said Sara Al Romaithi. “I learned caravans and buildings on school the workers with a better life-
Artist’s rendering of Masdar City. "This trip is important be- that Masdar is a different [kind campus. style, such as buying new furni-
/ Photo courtesy Adrian Smith + cause it helps the kids be aware of] city." Four workers live in the cara- ture and cleaning their homes.
Gordon Gill Architecture. about sustainability," said Ms. van, nine in the two rooms next AISA's parent company
to the mosque, two in the room Educational Services Overseas
next to the science lab, one in Limited (ESOL) is responsible
the carpentry room and one in for housing improvements, AISA
a building near the soccer field, administrators said.
student organizers said. ESOL's website promotes
The workers include five AISA's “modern, fully equipped,
school bus drivers, two security and air-conditioned” classrooms
guards, two maintenance work- and labs, and says “ESOL
ers, two gardeners, two office schools are among the finest
assistants, one plumber, one educational institutions in the
technician, one carpenter, one region.”
uniform shop worker and one Student organizers said tenta-
maintenance supervisor. tive fundraising plans include
The main student organiz- bake sales, donation boxes and
ers are seniors Mona Al Amry, free dress days.
Muzoon Al Hameli and Fatma

Slacking Seniors
Cite ‘Senioritis’

Image courtesy Skreened t-shirt company.

by Fatma Al Khazraji (Grade 12) the only cure is graduation.

“The Express” Masthead Sophomore Alia Youssef’s poem “Sky of Love,” written about her father. / Sitting in class, every senior However, teachers and ad-
Courtesy Abu Dhabi Tempo.
Our Mission: seems to be hard at work. How- ministrators do not accept it as
The Express produces an up-to-
date, fun, fresh, fierce newspaper Construction of Pools ever, the work they are trying
to finish is due next class, and it
an excuse. “It's a choice seniors
make and it's an excuse for be-

Nears Completion
that will be liked by many, cussed was assigned two weeks ago. ing lazy,” said Mr. Waldman,
by some, read by all! Why are they doing it at the Humanities teacher. Director Dr.
last minute? “Seniors are loaded Jones emphasized the impact on
Staff Advisers
by Sheikha Al Meraikhi For the rest of this school year, with work, university applica- grades. “Grades will affect where
Mr. Baron, Mr. Kandil
(Grade 11) only Elementary School students tions, candidate weeks and se- you go to university and that will
AISA’s Voice
Construction is finishing up on can swim in the pool as an after- mester two is the busiest semes- affect your life,” he said.
Editor: Shaika Al Qassimi ter,” said Mariam Al Mannaie. Motivating seniors for the last
the two long-awaited new pools school activity.
Mona Al Amry Many seniors also claim few months is the biggest chal-
behind the new
Fatma Al Khazraji to have the “disease” called lenge. Mr. Waldman said that
gym, and are
Sheikha Al Meraikhi “senioritis.” Symptoms include: teachers could be more exciting
scheduled to
Arts & Culture laziness and an over-excessive in class. But with graduation in
be fully open
Editor: Maitha Al Mansoori wearing of Juicy sweatpants and sight, it is an uphill battle for
by next year,.
Hana Al Ameri sweatshirts, according to Urban teachers.
One pool is for
Rawdha Al Mansouri Dictionary. It also includes a lack One phrase by Muzoon Al
the Pre-K and
Menat El Abd of studying, repeated absences, Hameli seems to be catching on:
Cosmopolitan and daily detentions. For many, “Due tomorrow? Do tomorrow.”
students, and
Editor: Farah Al Suwaidi
is half-a-meter
Hanna Al Hassen
Admin Corner: Keep Working
deep. The
Shamma Al Khouri
other pool is
Hard in the Home Stretch
Oshba Al Murar
for Elementary
Editor: Rana Alsaadi
and Secondary The new pool behind the new gym now has water in it.
Alyazia Al Hamed
Schools, which is by Mr. Godley ending the year on a good note.
/ Photo courtesy Dr. Jones.
Farida Nassar
1.2-2 meters deep. Secondary School Principal We have done a lot, but there is
Tanya Tarazi
Construction on the pools But next year swimming is It is amazing to me that April is a lot left to do and in order for us
started at the end of the summer scheduled to be part of P.E. here already! What an outstand- to truly enjoy our vacation, it has
Editor: Jessica van der Walt
vacation, and is now completed. classes and the school could have ing three quarters we have had to be well earned. So when you
Ameilia Fox
Heaters and chillers are being a swimming team. this year. find yourself daydreaming and
Paula Fronda
installed. Changing rooms and “Swimming is an important As I reflect back on the great drifting off, remind yourself that
Aria Pavlic
walls, which still need to be con- skill to have,” said Director Dr. things that have happened so far, there is not that much time left in
Copyright © 2011 AISA structed, will protect the privacy Jones. “Some students are lucky it is hard not to start dreaming our school year.
No portion of this newspaper or related of girls. to have swimming pools in their of summer and the long hot days Work hard, enjoy it and live in
online content may be reproduced for homes but others don’t.” that I will spend in Iowa with my the moment. After all, it is the
public or comercial purposes without family. STOP! We can’t fall in to best way to set things up for a
prior written permission. Note: Shaika Al Qassimi (Grade 11) is the the trap of finishing early and not great summer vacation.
new editor of AISA’s Voice.
N E W S !
The Express
April 2011

Popular Abu Dhabi Youth Rock Band Wins 2nd at Yas Rock Factory
on guitar, along with his friends Musician's Institute. Osprey will have to
Mannan Ibrahim (vocals), Palash find a replacement guitarist.
(vocals) and Joe (drums/master beat- Trottier said he will keep in touch with
ing/backing vocals). the bandmates. “It would be a shame to
Trottier, who has been playing the lose the band and our friendship.”
guitar since a child (and was profiled Stay tuned to see a reunion tour when
in February's Express), enjoys being Trottier returns to Abu Dhabi.
a member of Osprey. “We really
have fun every time we meet up,” he
said. “We all share the same passion
for music.” Students
Osprey practices once a week, and
when there is an upcoming show, Learn
they practice three times a week with
practices lasting up to eight hours.
‘Green’ Audits
by Farida Nassar (Grade 11) But their success may be short-lived, by Alyazia Economics teacher Mr. McK-
Osprey – Philippe Trottier’s melodic as Trottier is graduating and will Al Hamed enzie, whose students partici-
metal core band – won second place and be moving to California in (Grade 11) pated in the seminar, said:
5,000 AED in The Battle of the Bands at the fall to go to the Many people are "Most of the students who
Yas Island on March 10. oblivious about the issue participated were interested in
Though the winning band received AED of "climate change" and its business, and have future plans
long-term effects. When people in studying business.”
20,000 and a slot at the 2011 Yasalam con- pollute the environment, it puts Students had two assign-
cert series, Osprey members said they were our lives at risk. ments. The first involved stu-
still pleased with the outcome. Above: Osprey, the For this reason, Emirati dents in groups of three to write
metalcore band fea-
Instead of them begging to play at turing senior Philippe Trot-
consulting company Tatweer down questions that they would
events, Trottier said: “[O]ur repu- trained nearly 45 juniors and to ask Quality, Health, Safety
tier (second from left), with their
seniors in a pilot project on the and Environment Manager of an
tation has grown significantly check for AED 5,000 after coming in
basics of environmental issues ISO 14001 certified company.
second place at the Yas Rock Factory. /
where people hosting gigs Photo courtesy Philippe Trottier. for businesses in late February. The second was to give a
now contact us to play.” This project, Coding Green 15-minute presentation to
The band members Gene, included a three-hour students from Grades 3-8 on
are AISA senior seminar spread over three days environmental issues.
from February 21-23. Junior Amira Anthonijsz said
Philippe Trottier Students from the IB program it was an interesting experience.
and business classes learned “It makes us more aware of
about environmental auditing pollution and its dangers to the
programs called ISO 14001 and environment.”
ISO 19011.

MS Sports Night a Hit

MS Model UN ‘Heats Up’ Debate by Mr. McGrady
On March 10, 60
dodgeball, basketball,
and soccer.
Over Climate Change Middle School students
congregated in the gym
Teams were co-ed
and the Middle School
to get down to some Leadership group was
by Rana Alsaadi dents included serious fun at Co-ed proud to say sportsman-
(Grade 11, News! Editor) Shanzeh Nazar Sports Night. ship and fun ruled the
Countries should set and test (note passer),
their own carbon emissions stan- Quosain Me-
Students participated night.
dards and encourage recycling mon (Chair), in a round robin tour- Thanks to everyone
programs, decided 10 students Mohamed nament of ping pong, who came out to play!
representing global powers at Shaker (USA),
the third annual Middle School
Model United Nations (MUN)
Haider Shaker
Sophomore’s Poem Published
conference on March 21. Faaiz Rehman in AD Tempo Mag
Since the 1920s, MUN and its (Switzerland)
by Mr. Baron liked it and said that I
predecessors have simulated the and Omar
United Nations' General Assem- Khalil (Aus- When sophomore Alia have a lot of talent!”
bly, according to their website. tralia). Youssef found out that Youssef’s English
More than 400,000 middle Ms. Schuler her father was suffer- teacher Ms. Morkin
school, high school and universi- was proud of ing from back problems said she was “very
ty students worldwide participate her students.
that caused nerve dam- proud” of Youssef, and
every year. “The students
“MUN permits students to were well age, she wanted to help had her sign a copy.
practice their public speaking, re- prepared,” she him feel better. “It’s exciting to see a
search, writing and debate skills said. “I espe-
Middle School Model UN participants (from left to right):
Having written po- student be so self-moti-
– skills that are both important cially loved Ms. Schuler, Thussheeta Singh (Grade 8), Yara Aghabi (Grade etry since Grade 3, she vated when it comes to
academically and socially,” said watching them 7), Maya Yang (Grade 8), Haneul Chun (Grade 7). / Photo
quickly typed “Sky of creative writing,” Ms.
Ms. Schuler, a Grade 6 English collaborate and courtesy Mr. Baron.
and Humanities teacher who debate with Love,” reprinted on the Morkin said.
organized the conference, held High school IB egate), Chun won Best Dressed, opposite page, from the The picture is by and
in the Drama room, with IB-2 students.” Singh won the Humanitarian magazine Abu Dhabi of Youssef’s friend Sara
student Shanzeh Nazar. Students enjoyed the experi- Award, and Yang won Best Use
of Parliamentary Procedure.
Tempo’s March 16-31 Mahmoud (Grade 10).
Four middle school students ence. Singh said, “I was inter-
“I love debating,” said Aghabi. issue. This is Youssef’s
participated: Grade 7 students ested about world issues and I
Yara Aghabi (UK) and Haneul love debating.” “I would definitely do this again “My dad was shocked second published poem,
Chun (UAE), and Grade 8 stu- All four Middle School stu- next year and I hope to continue knowing that this the first in AISA’s po-
dents Thussheeta Singh (India) dents received awards. Aghabi doing it in High School.” poem was about him,” etry book.
and Maya Yang (China). IB stu- won the Gavel Award (Best Del- Youssef said. “He really

C O S M O The Express
April 2011

‘Fly Like a G6’

on Coaster at
Ferrari World
Right: Karim Abu Eicha takes over the wheel
from Muzi Fele. Far Right: Seniors jumped
for joy at the world’s-fastest Formula Rossa
roller coaster.
/ Photos courtesy Hanna Al Hassen.

by Hanna Al Hassen (Grade 12) visiting Ferrari history museums. been on. The students were well
Seniors enjoyed their class trip Attendees also ate in restaurants behaved and I’d be proud to take
to Ferrari World, organized by the and hung out. them anywhere with me.”
Senior Committee and held on Almost every senior went on The only negative comments
March 16. Formula Rossa, which accelerates from seniors were about the food
Nearly 100 seniors and teach- up to 240 kmh. “Formula Rossa and that there were only two
ers enjoyed the 20 rides at the was my favorite I went on it more roller coasters. Otherwise, seniors
amusement park, which opened in than five times!” said Ayesha Al enjoyed one of the last big group
November 2010. Braiki. “There weren’t enough activities before graduation.
Though the G-Force ride was crazy games but the group we Hamad Al Fahim said: “I loved
under repairs, they made up for went with made it fun!” that we all got to spend time and
it by riding the world’s fastest Ms. Van Hoogstraten, secretary have fun together.”
roller coaster Formula Rossa, 3D and chaperone, agreed: “It was
movie-rides and a water ride, and magnificent, the best trip I’ve ever

Students Celebrated
NYU AD Exhibits Original Artwork ‘La Francophonie’ on March 20
from First Islamic-Inspired Comic Book
website. tend the field trip but did see Dr.
There Al-Mutawa at a recent lecture at
have been NYU Abu Dhabi, said:
25 issues “The purpose of the trip was to
distrib- demonstrate a working creative
uted in initiative that combines global
North and cultural awareness. I’m real- par/by Kebure Assefa et/and Samuel Jovanovic
America, ly impressed he found a creative (Grade 11 / IB-1 French)
Europe, solution to a tricky situation.” La Francophonie est The “Francophonie” is the
South The popularity of the comic l’ensemble des états dans le union of states around the world
East Asia has inspired a theme park in monde qui font usage du français that use the French language and
and the Kuwait, and upcoming televi- et de ses valeurs universelles. its universal values.
Middle sion series available in North L’OIF (Organisation Interna- The IOF (International Or-
East. America and a comic book mini- tioanle de la Francophonie) a été ganization of “Francophonie”)
In 2010, series which The 99 join forces fondée en 1970 sur la base du was founded in 1970 under the
by Farah Al Suwaidi (Grade 12) U.S. Presi- with the DC Comics' Justice Traité de Niamey (Niger). Niamey Treaty (Niger).
IB students enjoyed a March dent Barack Obama recognized League. Elle agit dans le respect de la The IOF acts with respect of
field trip to NYU Abu Dhabi Dr. Al-Mutawa for his contribu- Members of the school's Man- diversité culturelle et linguis- the cultural and linguistic diver-
to see an exhibit of original tions to improving the dialogue ga Club were inspired. Nahil tique, elle est au service de la sity; and to promote the French
artwork from “The 99,” the first between Muslim societies and Memon (Grade 11) said, “The promotion de la langue française, language, peace and sustainable
group of comic book superhe- the United States. storyline of how it all began was de la paix et du développement development.
roes of an Islamic archetype. “It’s fantastic to have an Arab very interesting.” durable. The OIF consists of 75 member
Created by Kuwaiti clinical and Muslim comic artist who Dorien Van Heerden (Grade Elle consiste en 75 Etats mem- states, where 56 are French
psychologist Dr. Naif Al-Muta- was publicly recognized by 11) agreed: “The paintings of bres, dont 56 états francophones speaking states and 19 are cor-
wa in 2007, “The 99” is based Obama,” said Mr. Mirza, who the comic book characters on et 19 observateurs. respondents around the world.
on Islamic history and traditions supervised the trip with Ms. the wall were extraordinary. The Tous les 20 mars, la francoph- Every 20th of March, “fran-
and teaches positive images Fleming and Mr. Baron. details were just -- wow!” onie est célébrée pour promou- cophonie” is celebrated, within
about Islam, though promotes Secondary School Principal Note: You can download free voir, dans les écoles, le dével- schools, to promote linguistic
universal values, according to its Mr. Godley, who did not at- copies: oppement culturel francophone and cultural development of the
et l’usage du français. French language.

London’s Globe Theatre

Conducts Drama Workshops
by Shamma Al Khouri and producer Chris Stafford different ways of study-
(Grade 11) joined actors to demonstrate ing Shakespeare. Latifa Al
Seniors taking Drama and drama techniques to the 26 Khamairi (Grade 11) said,
juniors taking Public Speak- students. “It was so interesting to see
ing received a worthwhile The seniors are study- how you can change the
workshop on theatre tech- ing the tragedy MacBeth in meaning of a line just by
niques thanks to a visit from Drama, and the theatre group saying it in a different tone.”
London’s famous Globe several scenes from the play. Aya Al Rawahi (Grade 12)
theatre troupe on March 20. Mr. Gallichan said, “These agreed. “ It was fun and use-
The theatre group was in were active, practical work- ful activities and techniques
Abu Dhabi for one week to shops, which were enjoyed they used, it helped us un-
perform the production of by all and gave a new insight derstand Shakespeare.”
Members of the world-renwoned Shakespeare’s Globe theatre group conducted Shakespeare’s MacBeth as into Shakespeare study.” Mr. Gallichan said he
workshops for Drama students. Staff included director Bill Buckfield (second from part of the Abu Dhabi Festi- The 13 girls and 13 boys hopes to involve AISA stu-
left) and producer Chris Stafford (center). / Photo courtesy Mrs. Pittman-Jones. val. Director Bill Buckhurst had a great time learning dents for next year’s visit.
The Express
April 2011 A r t s & C u l t u r e 5
AISA’s Artists on Display at Annual Art Show

by Rawdha Al Mansouri (Grade 11) Marija Milosevic, one of two IB-2 Art students along
Students and staff saw the best work of Abu Dhabi's with Sean Van Hauwaert, displayed her pieces includ-
young artists before they were in museums at the fifth ing charcoal drawings and wire sculptures.
annual AISA Art Show on April 12. Milosevic, who works with the theme of nostalgia,
More than 100 pieces of art were presented, repre- presented pieces that showed her artistic development.
senting every Middle and High School Art class, ac- “I believe my pieces however have more meaning
cording to High School Art teachers Ms. Pegg and Ms. as I interpret them to the people,” she said. “Although
Emerick. IB students' work was in the rooms above the anyone is free to look at them in their own way and
new gym. Larger pieces – including Mr. McGrady's create their interpretation which is the beauty of art."
Middle School Art classes' Space Rocks – were also Steffanie Sanders, an IB-1 Art student, was also ex-
displayed. Smaller pieces spanned the third floor. cited to display her paintings, clay sculptures, collages
and pencil drawings.
(Clockwise from top left) High School Art students attended a field trip to the
RSTW exhibit on Manarat Al Saadiyat on Saadiyat Island. IB-2 Art student
Marija Milosevic and her piece “Two Worlds.” A student stands behind
junior (and Express reporter) Tanya Tarazi’s half-dress, with papier-mâché
organs, which illustrate how corsets damaged women’s bodies. IB-2 Art
student Sean Van Hauwaert organizing his paintings, which take a dark look
at nature. Sophomore Kathrin Harb’s painting “Power of Prayer.”

Author Nick Toczek

Holds Writing Workshops
Author Nick Toczek con-
ducted writing workshops with
Elementary School, Middle
School and Grade 9-10 students
in the library on March 16-17.
Librarian Mrs. Morley said,
“He taught the students that
words are meant to be spoken
and preformed.”
/ Photo courtesy Mrs. Morley.

TSM Rocks Yas Island Ancient Egypt Comes to Life at MS

‘Night at the Museum’
by Menat El Abd (Grade 11) Junior Joumana Asfour said,
Acclaimed rock band Thirty “It was one of the best concerts by Maitha Al Mansoori English and Humanities teach- nice sculptures or artifacts,” said
Seconds To Mars made their I [have] ever been to, however (Grade 11, Arts & Culture Editor) ers Ms. Schuler, Ms. Lawson Mohamed Al Mansoori. “We put
Middle East debut at the Flash the venue was small and it was Sixth grade students brought and Ms. Kelly organized the lots of effort on it.”
Forum on March 11. crowded.” ancient Egyptian culture back exhibition, and were impressed Last year there was a similar
“The American three piece Junior Afi Baaqi, agreed, say- to life at the “A Night at the Mu- by the exhibition. “There was but informal event, without
have been rocking packed arenas ing: “It was crowded, also, the seum” exhibition in mid-March. an overwhelmingly positive primary source artifacts or a
around the world and [brought] venue wasn’t good. But overall Eighty-one students demon- reaction to the night,” said Ms. museum exhibit. Next year's
their ‘This Is Mars’ album tour it was good concert with great strated to staff and parents their Schuler. “It was a lot of fun and museum night is expected to
show to the Capital,” wrote music.” research reports on Ancient I believe students, teachers, and be similar to the success of this
“Time Out Abu Dhabi.” The Students said they liked all of Egypt in the form of a museum parents were all very proud of year's.
concert turned out to be great! their songs, especially “Hurri- exhibition on the school's sec- the hard work displayed.” Ms. Schuler said: “We were
Students said it was one of the cane,” a dark love song. ond floor on March 14. Students Students enjoyed making very happy with the results and
best concerts that Yas Island has made artifacts such as bowls, and presenting the exhibition. I'm sure AISA can look forward
ever presented. small statues, mummies and “I enjoyed it because I saw the to a similar event next year.”
canopic jars.

Student Ambassadors Serve School Check Out the 250+

by Hana Al Ameri (Grade 11) Merrell, the high school guid- Council. “This should be their Arabic Books in the
Arabic Department
Nineteen high school stu- ance counselor. priority," she said.
dents make up the new Student Rabia Omar (Grade 9) said, “I So far, student ambassadors
Ambassadors program, set up joined the ambassadors program like their job. Omar is a “Book
by the high school guidance because I wanted to represent Buddy” for two Elementary
By Khalid Al Mubarak contain 255 books, including
counselor's office to serve as the school and my grade. I like School students, which involves
(Grade 11) fiction, non-fiction, biographies,
role models and representatives to challenge myself and experi- meeting with them one-on-one
Express Contributor translated international books
of the school. ence new things.” to help them with a challeng-
The Arabic Department now and Islamic texts and books.
Ambassadors welcome new Ambassadors must apply to ing book. After nine weeks the
has an Arabic literature section The level of the books ranges
families and students, give cam- the program and maintain a students present on their books.
with more than 250 books. from Grades 6 to 12. The Arabic
pus tours, are "buddies" to new 2.0 GPA. Ms. Merrell said she "Being an ambassador is fun,
It provides students with teachers are very pleased with
students and assist with school would prefer if the Ambassadors we get to help at events and help
the finest in Arabic works and this initiative because it will help
functions like Career Day and are not committed to time- the elementary kids with their
writings. The new section will students in their studies.
college fairs, according to Ms. intensive programs like Student reading," Omar said.
The Express
6 S P O R T April 2011

Girls Varsity Soccer Wins Bronze at Portgual ISA

School Succeeds on First-Ever European Tour
by Aria Pavlic (Grade 11) losing only to Rome (0-4). On the sec- Players said they had fun on the
The Girls Varsity Soccer team girls ond day, AISA played in the semifinals trip. Caitlin Taylor (Grade 12) said:
came in third place at the ISA tourna- against Athens but lost a close match “The highlight of it was playing tackle
ment held in Faro, Portugal in March. 1-0. football barefoot with my feet frozen
The JV team also won third place at the “I know we could have beat them with the team and watching coach jump
ISAC tournament in Dubai in January. but we were really tired from the five in the freezing pool.” Mr. Deschamps
AISA had a hard-fought tournament games we played the other day,” said said, “We didn’t win but we had a great
against the other four teams – all from striker Afi Baaqi (Grade 11). time.”
Europe: Spain, Greece and Italian On the last day, AISA won the bronze Athletic Director Mr. Synoground
teams from Rome and Milan. after thrashing Rome 3-0. AISA also said of the JV girls, “I was so proud of
On the first day, AISA finished second won a bet they had made with Coach [them]. They are very young team and
after three shutouts again Milan (3-0), Mr. Deschamps to jump in a freezing played outstandingly against girls a lot
Spain (1-0) Spain, and Athens (3-0), cold pool at 3:50 a.m. older than them.”

Right: The girls were so excited for their medal that they formed a pyramid.
Team (ABC order): Sarah Al Zaabi (Grade 10), Zein Atout (Grade 12), Afi Baaqi (Grade 11), Lilya Boukornia (Grade 12), Danielle
Cobrand (Co-Captain, Grade 11), Ameilia Fox (Co-Captain, Grade 11), Jamie Jackson (Grade 10), Kairine Maharajh (Grade 11),
Mariam Nabulsi (Grade 11), Claudia Oswald (Grade 11), Aria Pavlic (Grade 11), Caitlin Taylor (Grade 12), Claire Taylor (Grade
10), Xenia Williams (Grade 11).

Badminton Teams Look Boys JV Basketball Wins Silver at ISAC

Varsity Places 4th at ISAC After Challenging Season
Sharp in Early Games
by Ameilia Fox (Grade 11)
The Boys JV Basketball team
took home the silver at the ISAC
Tournament in Kuwait, while
the varsity team had a challeng-
ing but successful season.
After a 12-6 regular season re-
cord, the JV team made it to the
ISAC finals against bitter rival
the Universal American School
in Dubai (UAS), but wound up
losing by one point.
“It's one thing to catch up
JV Team: Ahmad Abu Hijleh (Grade 10), Ali Al Masaood (Grade 10),
from being 12 points down, but
Eddy Dedic (Grade 10), Riad Mawlawi (Grade 9), Takumi Morozumi
to lose by one point sucks,” said (Grade 9), Michael Najjar (Grade 11), Mito Owino (Grade 7), Zaid Sala-
captain Zaid Salamah (Grade mah (Grade 10), Zeid Sharif (Grade 9), Tarak Tarazi (Grade 9), Ahmad
10). “But we've all improved as Yacout (Grade 10), Mohamed Al Shaibani (Grade 10)
players and as a team.”
AISA split the two-game regu-
lar season series with UAS, but
lost twice to them in the round
robin ISAC tournament, and
again in the finals.
Coach Mr. Hansard said,
“They definitely were our most
challenging opponent at the
tourney and throughout the
Half of the starters had re-
turned from last year, and Mr.
Hansard said he expects many
players to form a solid core for Varsity Team: Quosain Memon (Grade 11), Fares Salamah (Grade 11),
by Paula Fronda (Grade 12) Varsity boys’ badminton team the varsity team next year. Kebure Asefa (Grade 11), Mike Al Zoebie (Grade 11), Evan Carstens
After an end to basketball with Economics teacher Mr. Meanwhile, the varsity team (Grade 12), Taymour Bouran (Grade 11), Josh Sanger (Grade 12),
season, comes Badminton McKenzie. improved throughout the season Samuel Jovanovic (Grade 11), Kevin van Hoogstraten (Grade 11)
after only two players returned improve a little.” year, and will focus more on
season. Varsity player Nicole Gurgel
from last year's team. The team Still, the team had an impres- rebounding on free throw and
Though newcomer and suc- (Grade 12) said that everyone
placed a disappointing fourth in sive four-game winning streak, outside shooting.
cessor of last year’s coach, in the badminton team has a lot
the ISAC Tournament in Oman. including a victory over the "Next year the team will ben-
Ms. McLeod is the new head of potential. The season started
Captain Fares Salamah (Grade American Community School, efit from more experience and
coach of the JV and Varsity out with a meet in ACS and
11) said, “I think we were all which was the number one seed more talent coming up from the
Girls badminton team with the will ended with an ISAC tour-
good friends and the chemistry in the ECC Tournament. JV level,” he said. "The team
help of Mr. Berzins. Mr. Crowe nament in Dubai or Abu Dhabi.
was there but we lacked some Coach Mr. Pike said he also needs strong leadership
is now heading the JV and / Photos courtesy Mr. Baron.
skill and I think everyone can expects a stronger team next from the senior class."

Boys Varsity, JV Soccer Teams Win ISAC Gold

-- and Still Want More!
by Paula Fronda (Grade 12) a lot but we all love the game it’s one [great] team,” said
Even after five months of too much for us to stop play- Chris Kuyken (Grade 12).
soccer and winning the ISAC ing any soccer.” “We worked hard for every
Tournament at AISA, the During the season, coaches bit of it.”
Boys Varsity Soccer team still provided them with intramu- The Boys JV team also
wants more. ral games and activities to won the ISAC Tournament
“I love the game, I can’t get keep them prepared. at the Universal American
enough of it,” said captain Players were proud of their School in Dubai in January,
Abdul Quddos Al Aghbari gold medal performance. “It’s as reported in last month's
(Grade 12). “Five months is my first year in AISA, and Express.
Varsity Team (ABC order): Karim Abu Eicha (Grade 12), Pierre Achhab (Grade 12), Abdul Quddos Al Aghbari (Grade
12), Mohamed Al Baijan (Grade 11), Ebrahim Al Harbi (Grade 12), Saif Al Hilali (Grade 12), Ali Al Hosani (Grade 12),
Saad Al Khanbashi (Grade 12), Sultan Al Mansoori (Grade 12), Salem Al Neaimi (Grade 12), Ahmad Hamdan (Grade
11), Sam Jovanovic (Grade 11), Chris Kuyken (Grade 12), Nick Overkamp (Grade 11) and Rami Shoukih (Grade 9).

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