The Scalp Block For Postoperative Pain Control in Craniosynostosis Surgery: A Case Control Study

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Child's Nervous System


The scalp block for postoperative pain control in craniosynostosis

surgery: a case control study
Rossano Festa 1 & Federica Tosi 1 & Angela Pusateri 1 & Sonia Mensi 1 & Rossella Garra 1 & Aldo Mancino 1 &
Paolo Frassanito 2 & Marco Rossi 1,3

Received: 10 February 2020 / Accepted: 4 May 2020

# Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature 2020

Purpose Postoperative analgesia after corrective surgery of pediatric craniosynostosis is crucial in terms of short- and long-term
outcomes. The objective of this observational study was to evaluate the effectiveness of an analgesic technique based on the scalp
block versus traditional pharmacological approach.
Methods Thirteen patients, aged between 3 months and 2 years, undergoing surgical correction of craniosynostosis, received
scalp nerve block before awakening (scalp block group). This group of patients was compared to a second group of 13 patients,
retrieved from our database, treated with the traditional pharmacological approach (control group). Pain scores, need of rescue
therapy, resumption of oral nutrition, degree of parent satisfaction at discharge, and length of stay in the Pediatric Intensive Care
Unit (PICU) and in the hospital were compared between the two groups.
Results Objective Pain Score values were significantly lower in patients treated with scalp block at 30 min and at 8 h after
extubation. The number of pharmacological interventions for the treatment of pain in PICU was significantly higher in Control
group. Children in Scalp block group started earlier oral feeding than in Control group, both for clear fluids and milk. Length of
stay in PICU was longer in Scalp block group than in Control group, though the difference between the mean data in the two
groups is about 3 . This difference does not seem significant from a clinical standpoint, since it seems more related to logistic
issues (e.g., availability of bed in the Pediatric Neurosurgery Unit, presence of a parent), rather than clinical problems
contraindicating the discharge from PICU. Indeed, the overall hospital length of stay was similar between the two groups.
Conclusion Scalp nerve block was effective for immediate postoperative pain control in patients younger than 2 years who
underwent cranioplasty for craniosynostosis. The best pain control compared to conventional therapy allowed to limit the need
for rescue analgesics in PICU and an earlier recovery time. Identification: NCT04133467

Keywords Craniosynostosis . Local anesthesia . Pain assessment . Personalized medicine . Postoperative pain . Scalp block


Corrective surgery for craniosynostosis in infants includes a

variety of procedures, with different degree of invasiveness,
ranging from less invasive “stripping” procedures to open
* Paolo Frassanito cranial remodeling ones [8, 9, 15, 26]. Several studies on the
anesthesiological management of craniosynostosis have been
published, the majority of them focusing on the perioperative
Anesthesia and Intensive care, Fondazione Policlinico Universitario
Agostino Gemelli IRCSS, Rome, Italy
management of blood loss and avoidance of hemorrhagic
shock. Other anesthetic issues are metabolic and electrolyte
Pediatric Neurosurgery, Fondazione Policlinico Universitario
Agostino Gemelli IRCSS, Largo Agostino Gemelli, 8,
disturbances [11, 25, 29]. On the other hand, the perioperative
00168 Roma, Italy management of pain is frequently under-evaluated, despite the
Dipartimento di Scienze dell’emergenza, anestesiologiche e della
extensive surgical manipulation of cranial structures. On these
rianimazione, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Rome, Italy grounds, literature data concerning assessment and
Childs Nerv Syst

management of postoperative pain in this particular surgical above the eyebrow. The auriculotemporal and great auricular
setting is scarce [28]. nerves were both blocked with LA injected anteriorly and
Assessment of pain in infants is challenging and often re- posteriorly to the ear at the level of the tragus, respectively.
lies on clinical observation. To date, there are no evaluative The zygomaticotemporal nerve was blocked by an injection of
and therapeutic parameters universally accepted in this age LA lateral to the orbit. Finally, the greater, lesser, and third
group [2]. Therefore, a degree of interaction between parents occipital nerves were blocked collectively with a single injec-
on one side and medical and nursing staff on the other be- tion of LA along the superior nuchal line at the midpoint
comes essential, especially considering that these infants are between inion and mastoid process (Fig. 1).
transferred after surgery to the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit
(PICU). Control group
The analgesic drug of choice for postoperative pain treat-
ment is paracetamol, administered either rectally or orally. An A second group of 13 patients (group ST), operated on from
anti-inflammatory agent may be eventually added, even January to December 2015, was retrieved from our database.
though it could increase the risk of postoperative bleeding. All of them have been treated with the traditional pharmaco-
Other studies pointed out a possible role for opioids in con- logical approach intraoperatively, based on intravenous acet-
trolling postoperative pain [13, 30, 31], but over-sedation aminophen according to the body weight, plus intravenous
should be avoided. tramadol 1 mg/kg.
The scalp nerve block (SNB) is a regional anesthetic tech-
nique, performed for several years in children undergoing a Anesthetic management and surgical procedure
variety of procedures, from neurosurgery to eye-nose-throat
surgery [10]. The anesthetic management was the same in both groups,
This observational study sought to evaluate, in patients except for pain control. Inhalation induction was performed
undergoing surgical correction of craniosynostosis, the effec- with a mixture of sevoflurane and oxygen, while for the main-
tiveness of an analgesic technique based on SNB compared to tenance a balanced anesthesia with sevoflurane (MAC 1), ox-
the traditional pharmacological approach, in terms of im- ygen and air associated with intravenous fentanyl adminis-
proved pain relief and outcomes. tered in refracted doses, was chosen.
Concerning the surgical technique, patients with an early
diagnosis of scaphocephaly were operated with the
Materials and methods mininvasive technique conceived and routinely used by our
pediatric neurosurgery staff, which has been described else-
From January to June 2016, we enrolled 13 patients, aged where [15]. Other craniosynostosis type was operated with
from 3 months and 2 years, undergoing surgical correction open cranial vault remodeling surgery [8].
of craniosynostosis. An informed consent was obtained from
both parents. Exclusion criteria were reported allergies to local Postoperative management and pain evaluation
anesthetics and/or analgesics; specific drug therapies (pain
relievers, sedatives, and/or epileptic); denied consent to the At the end of surgery, all the patients enrolled in the study
study; development of postoperative intracranial bleeding were awoken, extubated, and subsequently admitted to the
and/or gastrointestinal bleeding; need of nasogastric tube; PICU. All patients in both groups received fixed doses of
and development of gastrointestinal infections. acetaminophen, 10 mg/kg every 8 h. If there was still pain,
All the 13 patients were subjected to SNB (group SB) with the attending physician was allowed to administer tramadol at
levobupivacaine 0.125% (total dose 2 mg/kg) [19], performed 1 mg/kg every 12 h or ketoprofene 1 mg/kg every 8 h [24].
before awakening, in combination with intraoperative intrave- The evaluation of pain intensity for pediatric surgery in our
nous acetaminophen (15 mg/kg if body weight > 10 kg, institution is traditionally assessed by Objective Pain Score
7 mg/kg if body weight < 10 kg). (OPS) four items [18], with pain scores obtained at fixed times
in the postoperative record chart. OPS includes four pain be-
SNB technique haviors (crying, movement, agitation, and verbalization) and
blood pressure change. For each of these categories, a score
The SNB procedure was performed using the modified from 0 to 2 is assigned, being 4 the threshold to start or adapt a
Pinosky technique [4, 22], with levobupivacaine 0.125%. A pain treatment.
targeted infiltration of 0.75–2 ml of local anesthetic (LA) so- In the present study, OPS was detected at the following
lution was done at multiple sites with a 23G needle. times:
Firstly, the supraorbital and supratrochlear nerves were
blocked at their emergence from the orbit with LA infiltrated & 30 min after extubation (T0),
Childs Nerv Syst

Fig. 1 Scalp nerve block using the Pinoski technique—supratrochlear lesser occipital nerve block (e), greater occipital nerve block (f), third
and supraorbital nerve block (a), auriculotemporal nerve block (b), occipital nerve block (g)
greater auricular nerve block (c), zygomaticotemporal nerve block (d),

& 2 h after extubation (T1), The resumption of nutrition, the length of stay in PICU, and
& 4 h after extubation (T2), the length of stay in hospital were analyzed with the
& 8 h after extubation (T3), Kolmogorov-Smirnov test; OPS variations between the two
& at discharge to the Pediatric Neurosurgery Unit (T4). groups (expressed as median and interquartile ranges) were
compared with the Mann Whitney test.
In the Pediatric Neurosurgery Unit, OPS was assessed by The Mann Whitney test was used to assess differences in
the nurse at the beginning of each round, namely three times the approval ratings expressed by family members at dis-
per day, until the fifth day of hospitalization. charge, between the two groups.
Postoperative administrations of an analgesic medication All tests are double-tail with a significance of 5%.
for pain relief (paracetamol, tramadol, morphine) were decid- We calculate that a sample size of 13 patients in each group
ed by the medical staff according to patient need and subse- would have 80% power at a 5% significant level to detect a
quently recorded. difference in OPS at extubation of 2 among groups, assuming
Other evaluated outcomes were: that in our database OPS was 4 (IQR 3–6) in patients treated
with standard therapy.
– The timing to resume the oral nutrition and
– The degree of parent satisfaction at discharge using the
Quality of care Questionnaire by Arnetz and Arnetz [3, Results
32], which is always collected as institutional policy.
The two groups were homogeneous for gender (group ST 6
females and 7 males vs group SB 5 females and 8 males) and
other demographic data. Moreover, type of craniosynostosis,
Statistical analysis type of surgical procedure, and duration of surgery showed no
significant differences between the two groups. In particular, 7
The data was processed with GraphPad Prism 7.0 for MacOs. out of 13 patients underwent mininvasive procedure for
Childs Nerv Syst

scaphocephaly in group SB and 6 out of 13 in group ST Table 2 Pain scores in PICU

(Table 1). The two groups of patients received similar Pain evaluation in PICU (median, IQR)
amounts of fentanyl intraoperatively (group ST 26.8 ±
11.4 Jg vs group SB 29.2 ± 8.3 Jg, n.s.). Group ST Group SB p value U value η2 value
Highly statistically significant lower OPS values were ob-
OPS (T0) 4 [3–6] 0 [0–2] < 0.001 15.000 0.545
served in patients treated with SNB at T0 (group SB 0 [CI
OPS (T1) 3 [0–4.5] 0 [1–1.5] 0.11 56.500 0.108
0.07–1.72] vs group ST 4 [CI 3.19–5.58], U = 15.000, η2 =
OPS (T2) 3 [0–4.5] 3 [0–4] 0.85 80.500 0.002
0.545, p < 0.001). Lower OPS was observed also at T3 (group
OPS (T3) 3 [0–5.5] 0 [3–3.5] 0.05 49.000 0.153
SB 0 [CI 0.02–2.60] vs group ST 3 [CI 1.73–4.73], U =
OPS(T4) 3 [0–4] 0 [0–3] 0.19 60.500 0.070
49.000, η2 = 0.153, p = 0.05) (Table 2).
OPS values collected in the Pediatric Neurosurgery Unit T0 30 min after extubation, T1 2 h after extubation, T2 4 h after
did not differ significantly between the two groups, though a extubation, T3 8 h after extubation, T4 discharge from PICU
lower trend was observed in group SB (Table 3).
The number of pharmacological interventions for the treat-
ment of pain in PICU was higher in group ST (4 [CI 2.73–
5.73]) than in group SB (3 [CI 1.55–3.22]) (U = 47.500, η2 = group ST 12.8 h [CI 9.4–16.1]; Z = 2.157, η 2 = 0.204,
0.148, p = 0.05), though this difference did not reach statistical p < 0.01) (Fig. 2).
significance. The need for additional analgesics during hospi- Finally, no differences were found between the two groups
talization in the Pediatric Neurosurgery Unit did not show regarding the parent satisfaction at discharge (Table 4).
significant differences (group ST 6 [CI 5.44–8.10] vs group
SB 5 [CI 4.55–6.37], p = 0.08). In all cases but two, tramadol
1 mg/kg was the chosen analgesic. Discussion
The length of stay (LOS) in PICU showed a weak evidence
of being longer in group SB (21.1 [CI 19.5–22.8]) than in In the last years, the Enhanced Recovery After Surgery
group ST (18.1 [CI 15.8–20.4]), Z = 1.373, η2 = 0.075, p = (ERAS) approach has been proposed. This approach is based
0.04, while the hospital LOS was comparable between the on a combination of evidence-based perioperative items, in-
two groups (group ST 104.1 [CI 94.5–113.6] vs group SB cluding a multimodal, opioid-sparing postoperative analgesia,
(107.5 [CI 87.6–127.5]), Z = 0.588, η2 = 0.014, p = 0.87. aiming to allow a fast recovery and a return to the preoperative
Additionally, no episode of vomiting was detected in group quality of life as early as possible [5, 6]. These aspects are
SB, in comparison with two patients in group ST. Patients in fairly attainable in adult patients undergoing surgery, whereas
group SB demonstrated a strong evidence of an earlier oral it is not always easy to identify appropriate outcome parame-
feeding than in group ST, for both clear fluids (group SB 2.6 h ters to define optimal postoperative recovery for pediatric pa-
[CI 2.1–3.1] vs group ST 8.9 h [CI 4.8–12.9]; Z = 1.961, η2 = tients. Dealing with very young patients, the communication
0.154, p = 0.001) and milk (group SB 3.7 h [CI 2.8–4.6] vs limits are fair, so the detection of pain is usually given through
parental assessment and the use of analgesic drugs is some-
times conditioned by fear, lack of knowledge, and of “evi-
Table 1 Demographic data and types of craniosynostosis dence-based” guidelines [2], with obvious risk of under- as
Group ST (n.13) Group SB (n.13) well as over-treatment of pain.
In infants affected by craniosynostosis, these aspects are
Gestational age (weeks ± SD) 38.5 ± 3.8 39.8 ± 1.0 strikingly evident.
Age (months ± SD) 6 ± 3.4 7.8 ± 7.2 Furthermore, the difficult evaluation of pain in this age
Weight (kg ± SD) 7.6 ± 1.9 8.5 ± 2.5 group may partly explain why literature data on pain care after
Duration of surgery (min ± SD) 119 ± 33 130 ± 59 surgical correction of craniosynostosis are scarce.
Type of craniosynostosis, n (%) In the traditional approach of these patients, after a bal-
Scaphocephaly 6(46.2) 8(61.5) anced anesthesia, the use of acetaminophen with an
Trigonocephaly 3(23) 2(15.4) analgesic/anti-inflammatory agent is usually required. An im-
Right anterior plagiocephaly 2(15.4) 1(7.7) portant issue is to avoid over-sedation after the extubation,
Left anterior plagiocephaly 0(0) 1(7.7) although some studies used the morphine or other strong opi-
Complex craniosynostosis 2(15.4) 1(7.7) oids [24, 30, 31]. A recent retrospective survey of 57 children
Type of corrective surgery, n (%) scheduled for surgical repair of primary craniosynostosis
Mininvasive procedure 6(46.2) 7(53.8) showed that a parent-/nurse-controlled analgesia during the
Open cranial remodeling 7(53.8) 6(46.2) first 24 h with fentanyl and a rectal transition with oxycodone
in the first two postoperative days provided a good pain
Childs Nerv Syst

Table 3 Pain scores in Pediatric

Neurosurgery Unit Pain evaluation in Pediatric Neurosurgery Unit (OPS: median, IQR)

Postoperative day Detection Group ST Group SB p value U value η2 value

#1 #1 3 [1–3.5] 1 [0–3] 0.068 48.000 0.284
#2 4 [3–5] 3 [2–3.5] 0.271 62.500 0.101
#3 4 [1.5–4.5] 3 [0–3.5] 0.153 56.500 0.166
#2 #1 4 [2–5] 2 [1–4] 0.069 48.500 0.276
#2 1 [0–5.5] 0 [0–4] 0.364 66.500 0.067
#3 0 [0–4.5] 0 [0–0] 0.135 54.500 0.191
#3 #1 1 [0–3] 0 [0–0] 0.092 51.000 0.239
#2 0 [0–2] 0 [0–0] 0.465 64.000 0.045
#3 0 [0–0] 0 [0–0] 0.190 53.500 0.142
#4 #1 0 [0–0] 0 [0–0] 0.303 40.000 0.087
#2 0 [0–0] 0 [0–0] 0.412 10.000 0.056
#3 0 [0–0] 0 [0–0] 0.927 15.000 < 0.001

control without affecting the recovery time [14]. Other studies This may obviously minimize the stress of the patient,
showed a tendency for opioid avoidance, but nausea and aiming to enhance his recovery after surgery.
vomiting still represent an important challenge in the postop- The SNB is an underutilized technique, which has the ad-
erative care. Intravenous administration of non-narcotic drugs vantages to be easy to perform, minimally invasive, and asso-
seems to be a good choice for an effective full dose delivery ciated to minimal adverse effects [12]. We used the modified
and less vomiting episodes. In our experience, tramadol could “extended” technique, blocking also the third occipital nerve
represent an effective and safe combination for these patients, [3, 22], aiming to offer the most complete pain coverage of the
thanks to its two mechanisms of action, namely serotonin posterior scalp after the surgical correction.
reuptake inhibition and weak J receptors agonism. The block was performed with levobupivacaine without
Accordingly, it was routinely used in combination with acet- epinephrine. Although the procedure is not considered innoc-
aminophen in our traditional approach (control group). uous [1], no complication was observed in our experience.
The present study shows that the implementation of SNB in SNB was performed after surgery and before extubation, in
the anesthetic management of infants undergoing surgery for the operating room. This timing was chosen in order to allow
craniosynostosis may warrant a better pain control in the first better local anesthetic absorption and minor dispersion in the
postoperative hours and subsequently after the discharge from surgical field, thus warranting the longer lasting of pain relief
PICU to the Pediatric Neurosurgery Unit. OPS values, in fact, effect after surgery and minimizing the need for additional
was reduced from the median value of 4, which represent the analgesics. Indeed, a previous literature experience using a
starting point for an analgesic treatment, to a median value of preoperative block in a population of 32 young patients sched-
0 in the experimental group, which corresponds to pain ab- uled for craniosynostosis repair did not allow to avoid mor-
sence. The better pain control was confirmed by a minor need phine requirements in 82% of them at awakening from anes-
for additional analgesics and resulted in an earlier resumption thesia [20]. Similarly, preoperative SNB reduced the intraop-
of oral feeding. erative remifentanil requirement but failed to reduce the use of

Fig. 2 Recovery of oral feeding

in the two groups (* = statistically
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Table 4 Parent satisfaction at

discharge Arnetz&Arnetz Quality of care questionnaire

Group ST Group SB p value U value η2 value

Information—illness 3 [3–3] 3 [3–3] 0.756 78.000 0.008

Information—routines 4 [2.5–4] 4 [3–4] 0.718 77.000 0.011
Accessibility 0 [0–0] 0 [0–0] 0.976 84.500 < 0.001
Medical treatment 4 [3.5–4] 4 [3–4] 0.833 80.000 0.003
Caring processes 8 [8–8] 8 [8–8] 0.779 78.500 0.007
Staff attitudes 8 [8–8] 8 [8–8] 0.976 84.500 < 0.001
Participation 4 [4–4] 4 [4–4] 0.976 84.500 < 0.001
Staff work environment 7 [7–8] 8 [7–8.5] 0.575 73.000 0.026

longer-acting opiate in craniosynostotic surgery [23]. In a observation by the health caregivers, though it shares the same
more recent study on craniosynostosis surgery, preoperative limitations of the other available methods. In fact, specific
SNB has been compared to local anesthetic infiltration before behaviors in pediatric patients, such as cry and agitation, do
skin incision with no clear superiority of one option over the not necessarily relate to pain, and a physical discomfort can be
other. Moreover, the need for morphine in the early recovery caused by fear or hunger.
period was significant with both options (almost half of the The longer stay in PICU of the patients treated with
patients with local anesthetic infiltration and two thirds of SNB is an unexpected observation and does not seem to
patients with SNB) [7]. fit with the other findings. However, the difference be-
It is worth to note in group SB the quite complete pain tween the mean data in the two groups is about 3 h. This
relief 30 min after the awakening, which lasted for the first 8 difference does not seem significant from a clinical stand-
postoperative hours. Pain scores remained lower in children point, since it seems more related to logistic issues, namely
with SNB during the first 2 postoperative days, although this the availability of bed in the Pediatric Neurosurgery Unit,
difference did not result statistically significant. rather than clinical problems contraindicating the dis-
The better pain relief, the decreased need of analgesics in charge from PICU. Indeed, the overall hospital LOS was
group SB, and the absence of vomiting in the postoperative similar between the two groups.
period could all together explain the faster resumption of oral Further studies with a larger sample would hopefully allow
feeding in these patients, in comparison with the group treated to clarify the impact of SNB on the length of stay of patients
with tramadol. undergoing surgery for craniosynostosis.
Moreover, a good pain control is associated to a reduced Another variable included in the study is the degree of
risk of chronic post-surgical pain in adult patients, according parental satisfaction at discharge, since the satisfaction indica-
to recent literature data [6, 27]. Although we may not roughly tor is nowadays considered an important marker to evaluate
draw similar conclusions in the pediatric patients, this issue the QoL of the surgical patients [21]. The parent wishes for a
deserves further investigations. postoperative course without complications and especially
Pain was assessed by OPS four items, which is validated pain freedom is an important outcome, which should be eval-
for children younger than 12 months [24]. It incorporates four uated along with the surgical outcome of the correction.
pain behaviors (crying, movement, agitation, and verbaliza- Actually, both groups showed similar degrees of parental sat-
tion) and blood pressure change. Previous experiences used isfaction. We hypothesize that this is mainly related to the
other scores, such as the Children Hospital of Eastern Ontario good outcome of surgery and the discharge of patients as
Pain Scale (CHEOPS) [16] or the Face, Legs, Activity, Cry, scheduled at the admission, while the better pain management
Consolability scale (FLACC scale), the latter specific for pain has been probably overlooked by parents.
assessment for children with age ranging from 2 months to The main limitation of the present study is its observational
7 years [17]. It is very difficult to assess pain intensity in very nature. Furthermore, no hemodynamic data were analyzed in
young children, such as those enrolled in the present study, the present study, since SNB was not performed before sur-
because they lack the necessary verbal and cognitive skills. A gery. Moreover, the young age of patients enrolled in the
correct pain assessment mainly relies on observation and par- study may represent a major concern, but at the same time it
ent cooperation. All these aspects may result in under- as well offered us the possibility to evaluate the effectiveness of a
as over-treatment of pain. We chose the OPS scale because it multimodal pain control approach in a challenging and poorly
is easy to detect and is based on direct and objective explored setting, thus strengthening the value of our results.
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