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Facts recorded in public documents

Any document, which is prepared by the public officer in execution of his/her official duty is regarded
as public document and it may be given in evidence to prove the court in such document.As per the
Section 13 of Evidence Act 2031, any books or judgment of the court published by the government is
regarded as authentic document and they may be govern evidence in any court proceeding .

Facts recorded in book of account

Any books of account, which is regularly kept may be taken as a evidence. As per the Section 14 of
Evidence Act 2031”any books of account regularly kept or prepared by any office or authority may be
taken as evidence’.The principle is that such account is less likely fabricated and if any false entry is
made that can easily be detected.

Facts published in Books and Articles

Any books written by experts which are offered for public sale may form a source of information in court
proceedings, anything stated in such books may be given in evidence without calling the author as
witness. As for example, The Medical Jurisprudence, written by Dr. Modi.

Any statement which is designed to provide information to particular profession and which is offered for
public sale may be given in evidence in any court proceedings. According to Section 16 of Evidence Act
2031, such statements are taken in evidence on the ground that are designed for professional activities
and are less likely to be false. So whether a doctor was qualified person at a given time, statements
published by medical council may be given in evidence.

Statement given by Witness in other case

Any witness, who made any statement on previous occasion before any court and if such statement is
relevant in subsequent trial, they may be given in evidence under the Section 17 of Evidence Act 2031.

As per the Section 33 of Evidence Act 1872 of India has made similar provision but it has made
additional requirement that in order to be admissible of such statement such witness must be
subjected to cross-examination on previous litigation.

Documents prepared at the time of investigation

Documents prepared by the authorities during the time of investigation of any crime are relevant. As per
the Section 18 of Evidence Act 2031, documents prepared in the course of investigation are relevant
only if the witness making such statement come to the court to testify himself/herself. However, in the
following two situation the court may take recognize of such statement without coming the witness as
its preliminary hearing whether to grant bail on the accused or not.It is Postmortem Report and the
opinion of the expert has conformity with other circumstance evidence. The same holds good if the
opponent party does not challenge the opinion of the doctors.If it is Syracuse Report , the witness
need not to come to testify at preliminary hearing in the court.
Certificate, Report and special Kinds of Statistics

According to Section 19 of Evidence Act 2031,any persons or organizations authorized to provide

credential or certificates , such documents shall be regarded as genuine and may be given evidence
in court proceedings. So a typing certificate provided by a typing institute may be given in evidence
without calling the proprietor as witness to prove that the person in question has such qualification.

Similarly as per the Section 20 of Evidence ACT 2031,any inquiry report prepared by anybody who is
authorized to make such inquiry by law may be given in evidence in court proceeding. Such report
must be duly presented and recorded in the office.

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