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Generic Spiels for Radyo Laguna English Group

Opening Billboard
1. Station ID
2. Program ID
Introduction of the station, Are you ready for another exciting adventure?
program, and anchor
Buckle up and fasten your seatbelts as we go mile
a minute to a world filled with newer discoveries.

Grammar. Literature. Name it. You can have it.

This is English Adventure. Your class on the


This is Sir Neil. Let’s learn English.

Greetings Hi there everyone. My name is Sir Neil.

Join me for the next 30 minutes of lesson on the


Once again this is Radyo Laguna… English

Reminders to Students Before we start our lesson, please have in mind
before the Lesson the following reminders:

1. Stay in a quiet place where you can clearly

listen to our broadcast.
2. Do your best in every task assigned to you.
Practice excellence all the time.
3. It’s good to have something to fill yourself
up. Make sure you’ve eaten something that
can provide you with much needed energy
in today’s lesson and activities.
4. Have your modules, your pen and paper
within reach. You’ll be using them.
5. To the parents, be with your child and
listen along with them. Help your child by
explaining the lesson and guide them in
doing their activities.
6. Finally, keep safe as always. Always wash
your hands, wear a mask, and practice
social distancing.

If we do this, we’ll make today’s lesson fun,

engaging, and safe.
Presenting Lesson For today we’ve got another topic that is
and Objectives important for you to learn because (state reason)

Our lesson for today is… (state lesson)

And at the end of this broadcast, I want you to

(state objectives)

So, without further ado, let’s get it on and start

Priming Questions
Closing Reminders Another 30 minutes have passed and I thank you
for your time.

Make sure that you continue working on the rest

of the tasks on your modules.

Don’t forget to answer all the rest of the activities

on a separate answer sheet with your name,
section, date, subject, and subject teacher written
on the top most part of your paper.

Have your parents submit your answers sheets on

the prescribed date. Follow your schedule. If it is
possible, do not be late.

Once again, this is (Name of the Radio Teacher)

telling everyone that the joy of discovery is the
single most important thing in life. Let’s find some
beautiful places to get lost to, but more
importantly, let’s discover the beauty in

This is Radyo Laguna, English Adventure.

Until the next time. Bye!

Closing Billboard
Program ID
Station ID
Note: 1. Choose activities that students can do while listening to you. 2. Make
sure that you do not just give them the questions. Explain the correct answer
after each question. 3. What is the most important lesson that they need to
learn? What is the most difficult activity that students will be needing somebody
to guide them along as they are answering? 4. Focus on the Development and
Engagement part.

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