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Table of Contents

1. Business Description
2. Needs and Problems
3. Objective
4. Comparison with existing similar businesses
5. USP
6. Phases of Business Development
6.1 Survival Stage
6.2 Profit Stage
6.3 Growth Stage

7. Market analysis
7.1 Market research
7.2 Swot analysis
7.3 Marketing strategy and advertisement

8. Financial analysis
8.1 Startup cost
8.2 Financial planning
1. Business Description
Skyrim is a vegan company aspiring to produce sustainable leather products using mushroom
leather. This business idea arose out of the growing concern of environmental pollution and
cruelty inflicted in animals involved in producing conventional leather. It is a Delhi based
company serving the targeted customers using the online platform. Skyrim’s products would be
in diverse pertaining to mushroom based leather, although at the very initial stage it would sell
wallets and watch straps.
It is quite well known that vegan products are comparatively expensive, so, Skyrim aims to
produce sustainable mushroom leather based products at an affordable price. In order to fulfill
this aim it will produce mushroom leather in its own lab in the long run instead of exporting it
thereby reducing the production cost.

2. Business Needs and Problems

• According to Ministry of Food Processing Industries and Council for Leather Export, the
value of leather export from India-which is one of the largest leather manufactures in the
world -is 10 times greater than the value of its meat export.

• The leather industry’s toll on climate and biodiversity are far worse than commonly
thought. A good amount of CO2 emissions from leather equals 17.0kg of CO2 per square
meter of leather produced. Moreover, in the process of making leather, a huge number of
animals are slaughtered. Our business idea is to produce sustainable leather (using fungi
instead of animal skin) keeping in mind both the wildlife and climate change issues. Not
forgetting the fact that India contributes 13% of world’s leather production, the market
scope of eco-friendly leather is huge in India.

• Turning skin into leather also requires massive amounts of energy and dangerous
chemicals, including mineral salts, formaldehyde, coal-tar derivatives, and various oils,
dyes, and finishes, some of them cyanide-based which harm the environment.
(Source –PETA)

• The popularity of vegan food has been slowly gaining momentum in India. Over the last
few years, not only have people started to appreciate the concept of veganism but have
adopted it in their lives too. As people are exposed to social media and as the world
becomes smaller due to globalization, veganism is increasingly being embraced.
3. Objective

• With the production of biodegradable and sustainable mushroom leather Skyrim’s quest
is to bring about a positive impact both on our customers and the environment.
• Its mission is to disrupt and transform the fashion industry and create a movement to
eliminate animal cruelty and protect the environment.

• The aim is to build a sustainable brand and community that will make a meaningful and
positive impact in the world.

Skyrim’s aim is to save wild life and make a product which is cost efficient and will also change
the life style of the people. Its product will be the substitute of leather.

Prospective Market Growth

This shows that India has huge potential for vegan market.
4. Comparison with existing similar businesses

• Escaro Royale ( Pineapple leaf and cork leather)

• Paio ( plant-based leather)
• Aulive ( Pineapple leaf leather and pleather)

Although the above mentioned companies are vegan communities, none of them are focused
to produce mushroom leather based products. However, Escaro Royale sells mushroom
leather based men footwear by importing the mushroom leather which makes the selling
price to increase. In case of Skyrim, the leather is not imported from anywhere. Rather it is to
be procured from Indian manufacturer at the initial stage and it will then be produced in-
house at the later stage, thereby further reducing the cost of the products.

5. USP

Core Advantage Skyrim Mushroom Competitor (SUEDE

Leather leather)
Strechability More stretchable Less stretchable
Raw Material Availability Easily available Not that easily available
Raw Material Production High production Long and Complex process
Spurn of vegan community Very high demand Very Low demand
Sustainability High Low
Demand for export/Value High Demand Low Demand
Time to grow Very Fast Growth Takes time to produce
6. Phases of Business Development
• Stage 1: Survival Stage
• Stage 2: Profit Stage
• Stage 3: Growth Stage

6.1. Stage 1: Survival Stage

At the survival stage, Skyrim would procure the raw materials from Mycotech, a Delhi based
company and process it through Shiva International Pvt. Ltd. So, it can be inferred that at the
initial phase, Skyrim would be reach and deliver to its customers completely through its website.
It is to be noted here that, Skyrim would mainly target Delhi-based customers at this stage.

Targeting people who are at the age range of 20yrs- 30yrs and also who are:

• people who are environment concern

• people who are cost conscious
• people who are animal lovers
• people who are ready to try new product

6.2. Stage 2: Profit Stage

At this stage Skyrim would increase its customer base by targeting Gurgaon and Mumbai market
too. These cities are Skyrim’s prospective growth markets as people are more aware in these
cities and vegan leather distributors are also available here.

6.3. Stage 3: Growth Stage

In its growth stage, Skyrim is expecting to diversify its business products and increase its profit
and create a brand which will promote sustainable product. In-house lab is also planned at this
phase in order to produce mushroom leather in its own company.
In-house lab:

The above picture shows the in-house lab to grow mushroom in stacks which will be further
processed to make mushroom leather.
7. Marketing Analysis

7.1. Market Research

The above marketing analysis was conducted by us which shows that not much people are aware
of mushroom leather based products, though if they are made aware of this they are willing to
buy it for the betterment of environment.

Social Responsibility

Skyrim’s aim is to contribute to the environment and society in a positive manner. The whole
idea of this company is to reduce the negative impact of society and promote its well being. The
vegan nature of the company makes it its backbone.

Plan for Utilization of Prize Money

The prize money is planned to be used for Research and Development of Skyrim.
7.2. SWOT Analysis


• Eco-friendly product
• Do away with animal slaughtering
• Eliminating harmful chemicals during leather manufacturing
• Affordable pricing


• Market is in nascent stage

• Comparatively new concept
• Little experience of market to study


• Potential customer base

• Climate change is a major issue currently
• Low competition presently
• Huge leather market in India
• Low product development cost


• Less awareness about mushroom leather

• Trend to use imported products
• High rate of taxation by the government

7.3 Marketing strategy

Website B2B sales

Vega community
Phase -1 (6-12 month) Phase -2 (1 years)

Phase -1 (website and Vega community)

• In this phase, we will create our own website within 10 days.
• Our initial target will be Vega community like Vegan India Movement Group.
• We will post our product on their website.
Phase-2 (B2B Sales)
• Inbound marketing
• Market Penetration price strategy.
• Affordable price range.

1. Coupon code
2. Google pay search engine o
3. Amazon flipchart sale offer
4. Pamphlet
5. Rich content bloggers
6. Faison week
7. Vegan community magazine

8. Financial analysis

8.1 Start-up Costs -

Phase -1 Product Testing + website + Rs 50k
Peta certificate

Phase -2 Product modification, Rs 1 lac to Rs1.5 lac

Positioning, Planning

Phase -3 Manufacturing Unit Rs 3 to Rs 3.5

Phase -4 Mushroom leather lab set up

Total Rs-5lac to Rs 6lac

Total cost within 2 years = Rs 4.5lac to Rs 6lac approx.

Product Testing + website + Product modification, Manufacturing Unit

Peta certificate Positioning, Planning
Phase-1 (6-Month) Phase-2 ( 6-12 Month) Phase-3 ( 1

s Mushroom leather lab

set up


8.2. Phase-1 (Product Testing + website +Peta certificate )

• In this phase we are more focuses on customer needs and feedback.
• Quality will be our first priority with affordable price in this mushroom product market.
• Our first priority will be Vegan community customer which are our easy targeted
• We will try to get a Peta certificate in this 6-month.
• We will launch our own website and start our Digital marketing Journey.
• We will purchase Raw material from Mycotech company.
• Third party Manufacturing of our product will be done by Shiva international Ptv.Ltd.
for initial 6–12-month phase 1.

➢ Calculation

Cost of production 100-unit

Raw material 23400

Processing cost 15000 Cost of production of 100 unit=Rs57400+18%+10%
Advertisement 6000
Packaging 5000 =Rs 74505.2
Operating cost 5000
Cost of production of 1 unit = Rs 745.052
Other Expenses 3000
(including tax and profit margin)
Total 57400

Note -:

• Tax -18%
• Profit margin =10%

Raw material
Cost of 1sq sheet mushroom leather =Rs 65 (Quotation given by Mycotech company)
Processing Cost
Cost of processing of 1 unit = Rs 150 per product (Quotation given by Shiva

Phase -2 (Product modifying, Positioning, Planning)

• In this phase, we will evaluate our product and customize our product according to
customer needs.
• We will try to enlarge our customer base and gather their feedback and support and
planning will be
Done accordingly.
• We will Stretch our boundaries and start selling on a local shop, vendors etc.
• Quality will never be compromised.

Phase -3 (Manufacturing unit)

• In this phase we will start establishing our production unit.
• The Tools and machinery required are as follows

1. Leather.
2. Needles and thread.
3. X-acto or sharp knife.
4. Ruler or T-square.
5. Stitching chisel.
6. Leather groover.
7. Medium grit sandpaper.
8. Contact cement – For gluing the ends of the leather.
9. Bone folder – For folding the ends of the leather.
10. Neat’s-foot oil – For softening the leather.
11. Glycerine soap bar – For burnishing the edges of the leather.
12. Gum tragacanth – For burnishing.
13. Pure beeswax – Final step in burnishing.
• Cost of all the tools and machinery are in a range of approx. 2.5lac to 3 lac
including labor cost.

Phase -5 (Mushroom leather lab set up)

• In this phase , we will set up our mushroom leather sheet lab.
• We will take expertise from mycotech company for the mushroom leather
• It is long term goal which needed to be plan systematically.
• Huge investment is to require approx. 10-15lac.

Phase -5 (Growth and Development phase)

• In this phase, our main focuses on market capturing and create a brand
• We will try collaborate with existing company like sparks, so that we can
diversify our business.
• Our mail target will be to stable our company and cross our profit stage.
• We will capture different area in Delhi and Mumbai because Mumbai is a
fashion hub we can increase
customer base as well as profit.

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