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A Sourcebook for Vampire: The Masquerade


Written by: Felix Kalavera
Cover Art by: Felix Kalavera

This is a work of fiction. Nam
ames, characters, businesses, places, events, locales,
es, and incidents are ei-
ther the products of the auth
uthor’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. er. Any resemblance to
actual persons, living or dead,
ad, or actual events is purely coincidental.

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U 4
Chapter Two: Bluts
tsauger 8


Words from the Author
Isn’t there a Berlin by Night alreaready?
This is a sourcebook for Vampire: re: the Masquerade offering a collection of vampires
es that
t may or may not ap-
pear in your stories or chroniclesles playing
p in Berlin. I am aware that there is an official
offi Berlin by Night sup-
plement book written by Jamess A. A Moore that was released in 1993, however, in contrast to this official
book, this sourcebook does not go into detail about the history or structure of thee city
c and focuses on char-
acters. Kindred of Berlin can be cons
onsidered completely independent and avoids overlaprlaps.

The world ended in 2004 accordin
rding to official canon, this official sourcebook does
oes not follow strict time-
lines and Gehenna still looms on
n tthe horizon.

White Wolf’s fictional universe - “the World of Darkness” has an ever-expandingg and
a very rich lore. This
sourcebook however is “non-canon

One more thing ...

Vampire: the Masquerade is a contro
troversial and uncomfortable storytelling game aboubout personal supernatural
horror. According to the author’s
r’s oopinion, the very real horror of the Third Reich,
h, the
t Nazi regime and the
Holocaust has no place in it. Set
et in Berlin, there are allusions to this particularr tim
time in history but apart
from this, this sourcebook avoidss these
t subject matters completely.

C hapter
ha One

Grey City in a World of Da

Darkness playground for nightly intrigues,
int alliances and
With four million inhabitants, Be Berlin currently conquests. What may seem m stable
s can change the
holds a fluctuating population of approximately
a next night - such is the city,
ity, such is the game its
37 Cainites. Once a Camarilla strongonghold, the city Cainites play.
turned into a war zone at the end of the 20th
The most numerous Clanss are ar the Brujah and the
Century. The Camarilla is wedged ed b between terri-
Malkavians and one can feel it in the atmosphere
tories largely controlled by Anarch archs, preparing
of passionate rebellion, quiet
qu desperation and
itself for an inevitable Sabbat incursio
personal isolation that mak akes Berlin so unique.
Surrounded by the somber forests ests of Branden- Having been the capital of the Margraviate of
burg, which are fiercely protected W Werewolf terri- Brandenburg, the Kingdom om of Prussia, the Wei-
tory, there is no easy escape when en the hammer mar Republic and the Third hird Reich, its immortal
finally falls. Berlin is a powder keg
eg and
a the night inhabitants form an eccentr ntric mixture and a re-
air is ripe with tension and dark fore
orebodings. flection of its fractured histor

The Camarilla is caged in the city’s

ity’s center Mitte Throughout history Berlin hash been a cauldron of
and Tempelhof-Schöneberg, some burr urroughs in the chaos, rebellion and creativi
tivity - a magnetic force
city’s Eastern part are Anarch free ee states includ- for artists and those who seek
se freedom. The city
ing, Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg, Lichtenb
enberg and Mar- has now turned into a populpular tourist destination
zahn-Hellersdorf amongst others. Neu eukölln is undis- famous for its wild nightlife
ife - that’s why its inhabi-
puted Assamite territory. These divisions
div are by tants are young, and so arere its vampires (it is un-
no means temporary or fixed - thee whole
w city is a usual for a European city to have this many Cain-
ites with high generation in ppositions of power.)

State of Affairs mation brokerage, the mightiest
m Clan of the
The following list should give a sup
superficial outline of early 21st Century. In Berli
erlin, they enjoy a grudg-
the power, influence and standing
ing of the correspond- ing respect and are sucked
ked up to from all sides,
ing faction. because of their vast know
nowledge of secrets. It is
inadvisable to get on their
eir bad
b side.
• Assamite - Powerful. The Childhildren of Haqim con-
trol the district of Neukölln uncon
contestedly. They deal • Ravnos - None. Comple
pletely wiped out during
with their affairs internally andd have
h entered an un- the Week of Nightmares.
easy alliance with the local Camararilla, the two organi- • Toreador - Moderately ly influential. Drawn to
zations merely tolerating each other.
ot The Assamites “the place to be right nonow” like moths to a
keep the Sabbat out and protec otect the Masquerade, flame, they enjoy the pulsa
ulsating life of the city in
sometimes serve as contract killers
llers for the Prince - in its youthfulness.
return, they are left alone. Nobody
ody should treat lightly
• Tremere - Weak. Witho thout a single chantry in
in Assamite territory, though.
the city, the Usurpers aren’t
ar as substantial as
• Brujah - Moderately powerfull and
an large in number. they would like to be. The
Th ones present in the
A bulwark for the Anarch Movemement, which operates city lobby for the interests
sts of the Clan and keep
from Friedrichhain-Kreuzberg. close to the Prince.
• Caitiff - Usually drawn into the city by the promise • Tzimisce - Not to be underestimated.
un Despite
of freedom from the Scourge, th they mingle with the not being present in thee city
c except for a single
Anarchs. There are not that many any and the ones who one, the Fiends’ eyes haveave been lying on Berlin
reside in the city are pariahs no on
one wants to associate for quite some time now. w. One
O should not forget
with. that Berlin borders on Eas Eastern Europe - Prague
• Followers of Set - Weak. Asidee ffrom occasional mis- is more or less four hours urs away by car. Poland
sions in order to retrieve artifacts
acts or occult lore, the approximately one hour. r. The Tzimisce are the
Setites rarely show up in the capi
apital of Germany. At- driving force behind thee Sabbat
S scouts infiltrat-
tempts to infiltrate organized crim
rime have been halted ing the city. It’s a tiny step from the front door
by Assamites or Giovanni. of devastatingly powerfull Voivodes
V and the capi-
tal of a traditionally Camararilla-dominated central
• Gangrel - Weak. A few solitaryy lo
loners or drifters who
European country - a choicoice morsel indeed.
pass through the city.
• Ventrue - Surprisinglyy weak.
w Germany is tradi-
• Giovanni - Moderately powerful.
ful. Not to be underes-
tionally a domain of thee Ventrue
V – but Berlin is
timated since the Giovanni have
ave their own related
nothing if not exceptionaonal. In their gerousias,
German family - the Königs. They
ey control parts of the
the Blue Bloods are a little
littl confused about the
“Berlin Situation” - Anarcarchs and Assamites dis-
• Lasombra - Weak. Except for one,
on there are none in respect them, bureaucracy cy does not run smooth-
Berlin since the church isn’tt as
a influential as in ly, the city is broke and worst
wo of all, the Prince is
Southern Germany. largely disinterested in politics.
po However, they
• Malkavian - Powerful. Seeming ingly disorganized, the hold the Camarilla togethgether desperately while
Kooks shape the city and taint its mood. If you mess pretending that they are not
no panicking. Standing
with one of them, it feels like the
he whole
w city is coming your ground and saving face
fac is all that matters to
for you. the Clan right now.
• Nosferatu - Powerful. In the
he age of infor- • The Camarilla - Berlin
n is de facto ruled by the
Camarilla. The Traditions are enfor forced, breach-
es of Masquerade covered up - but ut every night, Whispers in the Dark
the sect loses a little more control. This is a selection of rumours
ru that currently
circle through the city.
• Anarchs - In the 90s a force to b be reckoned with,
they still occasionally bump headss with
w the Prince but •Georg, the current Prince ce of Berlin is losing his
have grown decadent over the lastast decades - all that mind. His absence or final
fina death will create a
posturing and talk of “Carthage of Germany” aside, power vacuum that will plunge
plu the city into even
they have grown content and dangero
gerously overlook the more chaos.
Sabbat in their midst. •The Sabbat is heavily recruiting
re amongst the
• The Sabbat - A pack called “The he Missionary Men” Anarchs via propaganda.
has infiltrated the city, testing thee w
waters. An all-out •Heinrich Karner, former er Sheriff of Berlin has
incursion will surely follow soon. disappeared. Some sayy h he has been killed.
•There is a creature thathat stalks the woods of
THE 90S ARE OVER – Grunewald Forest, in the Western
We part of the city,
N 2018 killing mortals and Cainites
ites alike.
While some things have not cha changed, firstly the •The abandoned children’s n’s hospital in Weissensee
Cainites themselves (being static cre
creatures), the Jyhad is haunted.
and the dread of impending Gehen henna, times clearly •A new narcotic is sold on the streets that turns
have. Almost every mortal carries es a cellphone with its users into ghouls.
him/her that is able to capture momoments in picture or •The Jewish Cemetery in Weissensee
W is one of the
film at a moment’s notice. Moreove over, everything can few Jewish cemeteries that
hat was not destroyed by
be uploaded within seconds into nto the global con- the Nazis because it is prote
rotected by a Golem.
sciousness of the Internet and seenen by millions with- •Don’t ever go to the abandoned
ab amusement
out interference from authorities - needless
n to say the
Just don’t.
park Spreepark after dark.. Ju
protection of the Masquerade has as become the most
pressing issue for the Camarilla in
n re
recent times. Every
breach of Masquerade is now po potentially a global
threat and even the Sabbat is worri
orried about possible
consequences. More than ever, youn oung mortals with a
talent for maneuvering the Internet,
et, video editing and
disinformation are ghouled or embr braced. A breach of
Masquerade that would have been en punished with a
scolding by the Prince in the 90s is aan offense punish-
able by Final Death in 2018.
The world is now connected in a way that breaks
down barriers of language, culture
re aand ethnicity, and
some vampires years have becomee hopeless anachro-
nisms unable understand a world that
tha seems to rapidly
change every night. Many of theseese ancient creatures
long for the nights long past, when
en they ruled openly
and undisputedly.

Chapter Two

Wilhelm - The Steadfast Ti
Tin Soldier
Generation: 10th Politics 4 (Germany), Occu
ccult 1
Clan: Ventrue Disciplines: Dominate 3, Fortitude
F 2, Presence 1
Sire: Erich Backgrounds: Contacts 3, Resources 4, Retainers 2,
Nature: Traditionalist Status 2, Influence 1, Gene
eneration 3, Clan Prestige 2
Demeanor: Stoic Virtues: Conscience 2, Self-Control
Self 1, Courage 3
Embrace: 1915 Morality: Humanity 6
Apparent Age: Twenties Willpower: 5
Physical: Strength 2, Dexterity 2, S Stamina 3
Social: Charisma 1, Manipulation on 2, Appearance 2 Named after the “Kaiser” r” the
t German Emperor like
Mental: Perception 3, Intelligence ce 2, Wits 3 so many boys during hiss era,
er Wilhelm was a bright-
Talents: Alertness 2, Brawl 1, Dod odge 3, Empathy 1, eyed boy from a wealthyy ffamily in a city mad with
Intrigue 2, Leadership 2, Subterfug
rfuge 1 change and expansion.. His H painfully strict father
Skills: Drive 2, Firearms 2, Etiquet
uette 4, Melee 2, installed in him the Pruss
russian virtues of discipline,
Performance 1 (Reciting Poems), ), S
Survival 1, Stealth manhood and patriotism.. When
W the world tumbled
2 into the horror of the First
Fir World War, Wilhelm
Knowledges: Academics 1, Areaa Knowledge
K (Berlin) did what was expected and an soldiered on through
3, Camarilla Lore 2, Clan Knowled ledge 2 (Ventrue), blood-soaked battlefieldsds and unspeakable terror
Finance 2, History 3, Linguisticss 2, Medicine 1, with an unmoving face - teased and bullied by his
fellow soldiers for his oddn
ddness. He did what he had

to do for emperor and country. Wh hen his compan- The world is getting more re confusing every night
ions snuck out to visit a brothel inn a French village, (portable telephones) but duty
du is your highest hon-
he stayed back - brave, virtuous and virgin. Unfor- our. At least that’s what fathe
ther would have said.
tunately something even more terribrrible than a bomb
fell on him that night and turned ned him into an Clan Weakness: Wilhelm can only feed from young
unliving thing that feeds on blood ood. Now he is a women.
soldier in another war - brave, discipl
ciplined, confused, Secret: In a moment of weak
eakness, Wilhelm frenzied
miserable. and savagely slaughtered a group
g of young women.
This era of time makes Wilhelm m so sad that he The only one who knowss th this is Nicolo Giovanni,
thought about walking into the sunl
unlight. Whatever who counts Wilhelm among ng his customers.
happened to his beloved Berlin?? W Where are the
virtues and morals - Punctuality, gal
gallantry, bravery? Ida Graf -The New Fac
Some nights he doesn’t even dare to wander outside Generation: 13th
of his haven - he is sickened by ththe language and Clan: Ventrue
appearance of the youth who enjoy joy a life that was Sire: Marco Daniele
denied to him. His fellow Ventruee respect
r his sense Nature: Futurist
for tradition immensely and value his
hi sense of order Demeanor: Alpha
and his discipline which made him a household Embrace: 1985
name through the decades. He fo fought for Clan Apparent Age: Mid-Twenties ties
Ventrue and Camarilla (emphasiss on the clan) and Physical: Strength 2, Dexteri
terity 3, Stamina 2
is treated with respect - but he knows
kn what the Social: Charisma 3, Manipula
pulation 3, Appearance 4
fledglings are whispering behind his back - he is a Mental: Perception 3, Intellig
elligence 4, Wits 4
bore and a walking anachronism. Talents: Alertness 3, Athletic
etics 2, Empathy 2, Expres-
sion 3, Leadership 4 (Capable
able), Streetwise 1, Diplo-
He is mortal enemies with Ida Graf
raf whom he sees macy 3
as an upstart and competition. Skills: Drive 2, Etiquette 3,, Security
S 1, Bribery 2
Knowledges: Academics 2,, Accounting
A 3, Bureaucracy
Image: Wilhelm is a young man with wi a dull pock- 3, Camarilla Lore 2, Comput puter 3, Economics 4, Fi-
marked face, tired eyes and a twirly
rly moustache
m typi- nance 4, History 3, Linguistic
istics 3, Law 4, Medicine 1,
cal for his time. He has taken on wearing
we suits and Politics 4 (Germany)
speaks with an accent and a vocabula
bulary that is unin- Backgrounds: Allies 1, Contontacts 3, Mentor 3, Re-
tentionally funny because of its outda
tdatedness. sources 4, Retainers 1, Status
tus 2, Influence 1, Genera-
tion 3, Clan Prestige 2
Roleplaying Hints: Respect. Loya oyalty. Discipline.
Disciplines: Dominate 2, Fortitude
For 1 , Presence 1
Dignitas. These are values that can
an and should not
Virtues: Conscience 3, Self-C Control 2, Courage 3
be lost and you will make sure of that. That boy
Morality: Humanity 7
better takes the gum out of his mout
outh when he talks
Willpower: 7
to you, and you don’t care whosee childe
c it is - no
such language in the Elysium. No o lady should be
disrespected in your presence butt you
y are deathly
afraid of authority.

Things are not looking good for Clan Ventrue in Clan Weakness: Ida can
n only
o feed from policemen
Berlin - the “Berlin Situation” has to be dealt with and –women.
and for that reason the Praetorr o of Frankfurt send
Ida to the capital to clean house.. Id
Ida is an ambitious Secret: Ida still watches over
ov her mortal family and
businesswoman and tough negotiator
neg from a friends from the shadows ws something that could be
wealthy family. With a talent for leadership and a used against her. She some
metimes met her best friend
no-nonsense attitude, she madee a name for herself from mortal days and dom ominated her into not talk-
during her life until she was tortorn from it by the ing to anyone about it - this
thi lead to her friend losing
power behind the throne. Even n asa a bloodsucking her mind and ending up p in
i a mental home, some-
creature of the night, Ida enjoyss the
th rush of closing thing that Ida blocks out.
the deal and outsmarting compet petitors. She knows
that she is considered a foolishh fledgling
fl by some, Georg - The Voice from
fro Darkness,
but her young age is her great asse
sset. Ida knows how Prince of Berlin
smartphones and the Internett w work - she knows Generation: 6th
how to dress, how to talk and to act to make the Clan: Ventrue
Clan not seem like a derelict conclave
co of snobby Sire: Unknown
yuppies - exactly why she was givgiven this task. The Nature: Melancholic
other Cainites of Berlin are busin
usiness rivals to her Demeanor: Autocrat
and not enemies - some say this wil
will be her end. The Embrace: 1237
Camarilla of Berlin is a companyany that needs to be Apparent Age: Thirties
updated fast - and Ida wants to o lead
le it into the fu- Virtues: Conscience 1, Self-Control
Self 4, Courage 4
ture - if that means bumping he heads with the old Morality: Path of Honorab
rable Accord 4
monsters in power - so be it. An opportunity to Willpower: 9
bump heads is provided by Wil ilhelm, whom she
despises. Born as the son of a wealt
ealthy craftsman in the Mid-
dle Ages, Georg is possibly
ibly the oldest active Cainite
Image: Ida is a pretty woman withith blonde hair and in Berlin and its undispute
uted figure of authority. His
dimples. Her smile is infectiouss aand absolutely cal- centuries-old understandin
ding of politics and people,
culated. She dresses in a stylee that
th could be de- his connection to the city
ity and
a his unyielding will to
scribed business casual. A small
ll ttattoo of a flower power made him Prince.. A stern man, hard as iron,
covers her elbow. Georg is a creature of tretremendous power that is
used to get his way and nd even the most anarchic
Roleplaying Hints: Fuck those se misogynist dino- young Vampires fear him and call him “Big G”
saurs in power - you’ve dealt with
th them
t all your life. behind his back. However,er, Georg has grown tired of
Fortunately now that you’re dead,ad, they don’t try to unlife itself and his mind
ind is occupied with other
make advances to you. Berlin is aan immense chal- things that exceed the pett
etty nightly politics, like the
lenge and therefore a priceless opp
opportunity to prove study of the Book of Nod No and his secret experi-
your worth. You love every second nd of it and you are ments with blood magic. c. He
H once used to rule the
genuinely fascinated by the obsta
bstacles you have to Camarilla of Berlin (in fact
fac all of Berlin) efficiently,
overcome every night. In private,
te, yyou roll your eyes held up the Traditions and punished transgressions
at your clan elders who send hand-written
ha letters swiftly and with force but he now he has become
and talk about blood purity and knighthood.
kn something that feels out
ut ofo place in the 21st Cen-
tury. The urge to lie dowown in torpor tugs at him
nightly and he neglects his duties ies as Prince. The
Anarch Free State spreads all over er tthe city and un-
beknownst to him, the Sabbat has crept into his
domain. Many think that if Georg rg vvanishes or dies
the Final Death, Berlin will fall.
Recently, Berlin has had its prob
roblems with organised crime
Image: Georg is a handsome man an with dark hair. perpetrated by clan-like family
ily structures. These families
His eyes reveal unending sadnesss an and at times ab- stem from Lebanon, the Palestiestinian territories and other
sent-mindedness. As a symbol of po power he keeps a regions in the Middle East. Thehe district of Neukölln serves
longsword by his side that he defini
finitely knows how as a hotspot for these kind off structures
st that enforce their
to use. His most striking feature thou
hough is his voice - own rules. The Assamites have ve created their own parallel
a bass as deep and dark as the shado
adows that seem to society within a parallel societ
ciety and rule the streets of
forever cloak him. He dresses in expensive grey Neukölln from the shadows.
Raheeq Safar - Relucta
ctant Sheriff
Roleplaying Hints: You have been een the figure of Generation: 8th
authority in Berlin for as long as you can remember Clan: Assamite
- you have smelled the fear of wealth
lthy medieval cler- Sire: Injila
gymen, Napoleon’s military advisor isors, industrialists Nature: Philanthropist
and Nazi generals when you waltzed tzed in the room - Demeanor: Director
and they all pathetically smell the sam
same. This is your Embrace: 1764
domain and everybody knows so. Go Good. Apparent Age: Fourties
Physical: Strength 3, Dexteri
terity 3, Stamina 3
You keep the game of power up out ou of sheer bore- Social: Charisma 4, Manipula
pulation 3, Appearance 3
dom and because it is your nature. re. So far you ha- Mental: Perception 3, Intellig
elligence 3, Wits 3
ven’t come across anybody who posed p a serious Talents: Alertness 3, Athletic
etics 2, Brawl 3, Dodge 4,
threat to you but the more you’ve ve studied the an- Empathy 4, Intimidation 3, Leadership
L 3, Streetwise
cient powers, the more you’ve comeme in contact with 5, Subterfuge 3
something that is calling you fromm tthe dark. Some- Skills: Artistic Expression 4 (Calligraphy),
( Drive 2,
times you make a political decision
n aand you feel like Firearms 3, Etiquette 4, Meleelee 4 (Swords), Survival
your hand is moved by something ng you can’t quite 2
grasp. You try to suppress feelingss o
of being puppet- Knowledges: Academics 3, Area A Knowledge Com-
eered by forces beyond even yourr im imagination but puter 2, Linguistics 3, Occult
cult 3, Science 3
there is a gnawing in your mind ev ever since you’ve Backgrounds: Contacts 3,, Mentor
M 2 (Injila), Re-
brushed the realm of shadows. For the first time sources 4, Generation 5, Stattatus 3
since centuries you feel an unknown
own emotion: fear Disciplines: Auspex 3, Celeri
lerity 3, Presence 2, Quie-
and intense paranoia. tus 2, Obfuscate 3
Virtues: Conscience 3, Self-C Control 3, Courage 2,
Clan Weakness: Georg can onlyy fe
feed from high- Morality: Humanity 8
ranking military men over 40. Willpower: 7

Secret: Georg is slowly losing it - he does not feel in Embraced by Injila centuries
ries ago, Raheeq was origi-
control anymore. nally intended to be a prom
omising soldier and assas-
sin in the cause of Haqim and
an Clan Assamite. Pain-
fully ripped from his mortal life
ife and family, Injila be legendary.
chose him as a companion, adviso
visor, bodyguard and
he still serves her dutifully in protecting
p her do- Image: Raheeq is a slender
der black man with an accu-
main. However, Raheeq is not who he was intended rately trimmed greyingg beard.
b He’s in excellent
to be to the disappointment of his sire. Although he shape and has keen eyes.
s. Raheeq
R loves to change his
is trained in combat and knowss h how to kill swiftly wardrobe and can effortles
tlessly switch from fine suits
with his scimitar, he despises doin
oing it. Raheeq is a to jogging clothing and traditional
trad kaftans.
gentle soul who admires the night
ight’s infinite beauty
and wishes to ease the sufferingg oof mortals around Roleplaying Hints: When en you encounter someone
him, especially the ones of inhababiting his domain. with academic or scientifi
tific knowledge, burn with
Having lost his Muslim faith long
ong ago, confronted admiration and inquisitiv
sitiveness. Soak up all the
with being the spawn and confidan
dant of a demon, his knowledge around you whilewh enjoying the world’s
philanthropy is not based on relig
eligion or penitence beauty. You are fiercely protective
pro of the inhabitants
but on a genuine wish to better the lives of humans, of your domain. Being a retired assassin does not
whom he sees as bumbling childredren in a world they mean do not hack of an n abusive
ab drug dealer’s head
couldn’t possibly understand in its horror. or go on a warpath with h intruders
i albeit these acts
of violence disgust you - you prefer strolling the
In the beginning, Injila sent him mo out to punish and streets at night and being
ng the mysterious force that
kill those who stood in her wayy untilu he started to changes poor people’s lives
live for the better or being
refuse it in a tremendous act of willpower. While the witty old man (Maskk ofo a Thousand Faces) visit-
she still mocks him for his compas passion, she still lets ing evening university lectu
ectures. When fulfilling your
him be, seeing in him a loyal protector
pro and father duty as Sheriff, you workork quietly and efficiently
figure (she is a child after all.) Being
Bei done with the without enjoying the violen
bloody business of killing, Raheeq eq spends his nights
learning - his true passion. Hee is invested in aca- Secret: Injila thinks abou
out killing him - however,
demics, science and theology and loves to debate Raheeq knows this and has been preparing for it.
these topics albeit being overwhelm elmed with the pro-
gress the centuries have made. He loves music, po- Injila - The Little Sister
etry and art and is a master of calli
alligraphy with some Generation: 7th
reknown (of course under a falsee id identity). Clan: Assamite
Sire: Unknown
He still serves as the official repres
resentation of Injila,
Nature: Child
who keeps to the shadows. Those se ““in the know” beg
Demeanor: Tyrant
and plead him to be merciful an and to try ease the
Embrace: Unknown
queen’s temper. Injila and Raheeq eeq have been play-
Apparent Age: Twelve
ing on this good cop/bad cop dynamic
dyn for literally
hundreds of years. Born aeons ago into a hars
harsh life in a caliphate torn
apart by religious conflict,
ict, a girl with an unknown
Currently, things have shifted.. AAfter the apparent
name proved to be naturaturally talented in the dark
murder of the Sheriff, the Camariarilla has stepped to
arts. Cursed with dark dreams
dr of the end of the
him, offering him the position to which he agreed.
world but gifted with stran
trange powers, she was both
Raheeq knows that this task willill bring him wealth
feared and revered. Herr p poor father tried to hide
and secure his position in Berlin
in bbut will ultimately
her when they came to kill her but the night before
mean the separation from his Sire,
ire, whose wrath will
they surrounded his humble home ome with torches, They fear you and they pray
pra in the mosques that
something had taken her. The being
ing had wandered you will not take them and
d you
yo like it that way. This
under the cold starlight through vast
vas deserts just to is your domain and everyon
yone who challenges your
find her and teach her the ways of killing, feeding authority has to die.
and blood magic.
The dreams of fire and bloo lood still haunt you every
Hardened criminals and respected ed heads of clans day and you know that Gehe ehenna is around the cor-
shake from dread when the Little le Sister
S comes to ner, drowning this little wororld in horror - how you
oversee that everything runs smoothothly. Now under are excited for the night it happens.
the name of “Injila” she rules Neu eukölln by having
Secret: Injila knows when the world will end.
ghouled important key figures off theth underworld.
In the last year a US Setite named Christopher
Ch tried
to interfere with her business, trying

him swiftly and keeps him staked

tryi to overtake
drug trafficking and prostitution - she dealt with
ed in her haven,
torturing him.
Berlin is Nosferatu paradise - notn because the clan has a
“Injila” keeps in contact with othe
thers of her Clan high standing, far from it - but because beneath the city
and likes to be taken care of by ththem but usually sprawls a labyrinth of subway tunnels,
tu Second World War
keeps to herself and avoids the Jyha
Jyhad. She is satis- bunkers, nuclear fallout shelters
ers and hidden escape routes
fied with having carved out her own
ow domain that that people used to flee from East-
E to West-Berlin when
nobody dares to challenge and enjo
enjoys walking the the still Wall stood - this is the domain of the Nosferatu
streets at night. People immediately
ely forget that they that stalk the back alleys all over the city, feeding on
have seen her but those “in the know
now” walk past her homeless people, addicts and Graffiti
G artists that venture
with bowed heads and teary eyes. too far into the darkness.

She feels that her childe Raheeq, whwho is the closest

thing to family she still has in this
his world, has be- Michael Reese – Gossi
trayed her. She knows that it is just
st a matter of time Generation: 13th
until she will snuff out his unlife but
bu also feels that Clan: Nosferatu
in the grander scheme of things, all of this is insig- Sire: Rattenharald
nificant - Gehenna is at hand. Nature: Thrill-Seeker
Demeanor: Avant Garde
Image: Injila is a twelve year oldld Arab girl with Embrace: 2006
black hair and eyes like starless space.
spa She usually Apparent Age: Mid-Twenties ties
wears a pair of jeans, a longsleeved
ved shirt and red Physical: Strength 2, Dexteri
terity 2, Stamina 3
Converse sneakers. Although she blends
ble in perfectly Social: Charisma 4 (Witty),), Manipulation
M 4 (Trust-
when walking the busy streets of her neighbour- worthy), Appearance 0
hood, a cold aura of power surround
nds her. Mental: Perception 3, Intellig
elligence 2, Wits 3
Talents: Alertness 3, Brawll 1,
1 Empathy 3, Interroga-
Roleplaying Hints: You are utterlyrly fascinated with tion 4 (Trickery), Intrigue 3, Persuasion
P 3, Street-
this time and this place. Although gh you are still a wise 3, Subterfuge 3
child that wishes for protection, the centuries have Skills: Performance 1, Stealth
alth 2, Survival 1
made you forget concepts like compa passion or mercy. Knowledges: Academics 2,, AreaA Knowledge 3 (Ber-
lin), Camarilla Lore 3, City Secrets
rets 4 (Gossip), chosen as a punishmentt butb because of his knack
Computer 3, Computer Hackingg 2, 2 Investigation 3, for getting scandalous infor
Linguistics 2, Science 2
Backgrounds: Contacts 2, Mentor tor 2 (Rattenharald), Michael now runs a hiddedden website that lists fresh
Retainers 3 (“It Girls”) gossip and scandals involv
olving the rich and famous
Disciplines: Obfuscate 2, Potencece 1 of Berlin without ever naming
nam names. However, he
Virtues: Conscience 2, Self-Controtrol 2, Courage 2 peppers his blog entriess with
w code words that only
Morality: Humanity 6 vampires can understandand and automatically lets
Willpower: 6 them know that the gossip
sip involves Cainites.

Michael came to Berlin for the he wild parties and His website his hugely popopular with mortals and
what began as a holiday trip endedded in him snorting Cainites alike. Michael has several spies working for
and screwing his way through the art scene. Origi- him throughout kindred d and
a mortal society in Ber-
nally a kid from East London, he loved the atmos- lin, a group of three “It
It girls” of moderate fame.
phere of the city. He hung out ut llong enough with Furthermore, he is actively
vely thinking about branch-
the cool people and slept with ith right men and ing out. He still has conta
ntacts to London. Why not
women until he became some sort sor of celebrity that even go to the US?
was always spotted in the right ht clubs and vernis- The Toreador worship him without even knowing
sages. Eternal hipster credibilityy an
and his pretty face who’s behind all of it - and he doubts that they
wasn’t the thing that made him im the highlight of would appreciate his state
ate of being, if revealed. The
every social gathering though - hee was
w known for his higher echelons, cool clubs
ubs, fancy galleries and fash-
juicy gossip. He somehow alway ways had the most ion shows are now foreveever closed for him. Or are
scandalous news and was known n to gleefully share it they? What wouldn’t he give
giv to go back.
with his inner circle of associates.
es. Highly
H manipulat-
ive, Michael knew how to charmi rmingly pry informa- His fellow Nosferatu know
now about his ambitions ...
tion from people - like a spiderr at the center of its and loathe him for them.
web he let intimate details trick ickle down to him,
Image: Michael is a horr orribly gaunt creature with
even employed some pretty girls ls tthat went to after-
rodent-like teeth and strin
tringy hair. He wears dirty
show parties and runways and pr provided him with
clothes but Ray Ban sungl nglasses, they are reminders
of his past life and he prote
rotects them fiercely.
His fifteen minutes ended when en he overdosed on
cocaine in his apartment in Friedredrichshain - at least Roleplaying Hints: You enjoy
en the rush of collecting
that’s what his friends think. In reality,
re he woke up and providing scandals.. In a weird way, in death
screaming staring into a face tha that was nightmare you can do what you love ove the most. You take the
made material. When the creature ture cut its vein with abuse of your clanmatess without
wi retaliating, leading
a glass shard and let its bitter bloo
lood drizzle into his a life of anonymous celebri
ebrity. You know that reveal-
mouth everything turned to ashes. es. ing yourself would be stup
tupid and dangerous consid-
ering what you’re spilling on
o your website but still ...
Now a monstruous dead creature re fforced to live in a maybe the world you were ere taken from would take
derelict war bunker with otherr hhorrible faces that you back?
mocked his despair, he cried blood
ood tears. But as the
nights went by, he realised that
at h
he was not (only) Secret: Michael recently
ly connected the dots and

stumbled upon something that iss wa
way more serious coming home from beingg prisoners
p of war, home-
than his usual petty gossip - somet
ething so serious less and/or starving, the Kindred
K of Berlin were
that his hands shake when he think
inks about it. If it feeding themselves to frenzy
nzy in the post-war era -
turned out to be true, it would mos
ost certainly lead something that angered Hara
arald, who had witnessed
to bloodshed and hysteria. Michael
el hasn’t told any- how those in power survived
ved on the blood of those
one ... yet. beneath them.

Rattenharald - Eyes of the City

Ci Barred forever from humani anity, Harald watched the
Generation: 10th (trough Diablerie) misery around him fascinate atedly and became a local
Clan: Nosferatu legend among children and nd soldiers - some sort of
Sire: Sergeij “bogeyman” stalking thee b bombed-out streets at
Nature: Loner night. Harald quickly underderstood the inner machi-
Demeanor: Capitalist nations of power - and thathat his most effective tool
Embrace: 1946 for survival in these instable
le times
t was the brokering
Apparent Age: Indeterminable of information.
Physical: Strength 3, Dexterity 3, Sta
Stamina 4
He ghouls swarms of rats,, ravens
ra and pidgeons and
sees the lives in the city unfold
unf through their eyes
Social: Charisma 3, Manipulation 2, Appearance 0
every night, which gave himim the name “Rattenhar-
Mental: Perception 4 (Attentive), Int
Intelligence 3,
ald” (Rat Harald) among Cainites
Ca - something that
Wits 3
delights him.
Talents: Alertness 3, Brawl 2, Dodge
dge 3, Empathy 3,
Expression 1, Intimidation 4 (“Don’tn’t fuck with When something is goingg on in Berlin, Rattenhar-
me”), Leadership 2, Streetwise 5 , Subterfuge
Su 3 ald knows it. He is the first
st person
p to talk to, when
Skills: Animal Ken 3, Crafts 2 (Repai
epair), Drive 2, information is required, how
owever, the price is always
Firearms 2, Melee 1, high - usually a favour. Hee is a cold-hearted capital-
Security 3, Stealth 4 (Shadowing),, Survival
Su 4 (Street ist when it comes to his busi
usiness and he controls it
Life) masterfully.
Knowledges: Academics 1, Compute uter 1, Investiga-
tion 3, Occult 2, Politics 3 The upper echelons of Cainite
Ca society in Berlin
Backgrounds: Allies 2, Contacts 4, Domain
D scoff at his unconcealed hate
ate for those “at the top”,
2, Retainers 3, Status 3, Influence 2, Clan Prestige 3 they do have to grudgingly gly accept that he is the
(Nosferatu), Generation 3 biggest figure of authority in Berlin after the Prince
Disciplines: Animalism 4, Obfuscateate 3, Potence 3, himself. Recently he sired a yyoung Englishman that
Auspex 1 is adapted at gathering inform
formation, broadening his
Virtues: Conscience 1, Self-Controlol 3,
3 Courage 4 empire in the shadows.
Morality: Humanity 5 Image: A shuffling, limping ing, creeping monstrosity
Willpower: 7 hidden underneath a black ack hood with a crooked
Coming home from the war and em embraced in the smile on its lips and a voice
ce like
li sandpaper.
chaos following it, Harald learnedd to survive in the Roleplaying Hints: You saw aw this city be destroyed -
rubble and debris of a city destroyed
yed by bombs and you saw it be rebuilt. You see
se details of the lives of
artillery. With thousands of peoplele wandering aim- those who live in it. Berlin
in iis your reality entertain-
lessly through Europe, expelled frofrom the East or ment show and every night ht holds another interest-
ing turn of events. Make no mi mistake, you know Appearance 3
what’s going on and may those se slimey aristocrats Mental: Perception 3, Intel
ntelligence 3, Wits 3
detest you, if they want to play the
th game, they end Talents: Alertness 2, Braw
rawl 2, Dodge 1, Empathy 3,
up at your doorstep. Fuck them. m. They have to pay Intimidation 2, Leadership
ship 4, Streetwise 4, Subter-
for it like the rest of us wretched
hed creatures in the fuge 4
rubble. Skills: Crafts 3 (Carpentr
ntry), Drive 2, Etiquette 1,
Firearms 1, Melee 1, Performance
Pe 3 (Speeches),
Secret: Rattenharald detests those
tho corrupted by Security 2, Stealth 1, Surviv
rvival 1
power and most of all despisess b bullies - he enjoys Knowledges: Academics cs 1,
1 Computer 2, Law 1,
tormenting them either by me messing with their Linguistics 1 (English), Politics
Poli 3, Science 1
heads, straight out scaring themem or killing them, Disciplines: Potence 2, Presence
Pre 2
when he feels like it and it doesn
esn’t raise suspicion. Backgrounds: Allies 2,, Contacts
C 3, Resources 2,
This could be considered a breachach of the Masquer- Influence 2, Herd 1
ade - fortunately for Rattenharald
ld nobody
n knows - at Virtues: Conscience 1,, Self-Control
Se 2, Courage 2
least that’s what he thinks. Morality: Humanity 5
Willpower: 6

Brujah Maximilian is the head o

giving passionate speeches
of the Anarchs in Berlin,
hes about the dream of re-
building Carthage, a utopia
utop where the “free un-
Berlin has always been a Brujah town. tow Passionate rebel-
dead” are coexisting withith mortals without having
lion has been and still is the driving ing force behind Ger-
to do the bidding of a sect or an elder, right in the
many’s capital. A wild history of mov ovements and protests
midst of the capital of Germany,
Ge the only place in
shapes the city until this night. Thee rroaring 20s with all
Europe where it could be b possible, according to
their opposing political ideologies, th the socialist worker’s
him. One third commun munist general, one social
movements, the Third Reich, the G GDR, the students’
worker and one countercu rculture veteran, he is highly
protests - possibilities to no end forr clashing
cl with or sup-
respected among his peer eers and many truly see in
porting the powers that be. Berlin as a sanctuary for re-
him the one that will lead the way - a partner in
bels, punks, agitators and squatters althrough
alt the 80s and
crime of natural charisma, a, empathy and revolution-
90s was Brujah paradise and although ugh the fires of revolu-
ary spirit, so it seems.
tion have calmed down a bit - Berlin lin is still the spot for
those who want to be different. While preaching about the importance of accepting
Caitiff, he sends them on missions to certain Final
Maximilian - Baron of Ber
erlin Death, while ranting abouout the “fascist oppressors”
Generation: 12th of the Camarilla, he is busy
bus closing back door deals
Clan: Brujah in the Elysiums, and while
ile urging to view women as
Sire: Red Jonathan equals in revolutionaryy duty,
d he secretly keeps a
Nature: Rake harem of supermodel bloolood dolls for his debauched
Demeanor: Autocrat entertainment. It is uncle
clear if Maximilian started
Embrace: 1979 with the heart at the right
ght place and was corrupted
Apparent Age: Early-Thirties or if he has been a manip
anipulative fraud all his life
Physical: Strength 2, Dexterity 2, S
Stamina 2 even until after death. He truly regards himself as
Social: Charisma 4, Manipulationion 4 (“One of us”), better and more importa rtant than all of his loyal

comrades, who to him are just toolsols to gather more Appearance 4 (Seductive)
power. Moreover, he cleverly setss them
th up against Mental: Perception 3, Intellig
elligence 3, Wits 3
the Camarilla while he wears hiss “k “kind-hearted re- Talents: Alertness 3, Athletic
etics 1, Brawl 2, Empathy
bel” costume that so far nobody hasha seen through, 4 (Wants and needs), Intimid
midation 2, Leadership 2,
not even his childe Jenni - at times,
s, hhe even believes Streetwise 3, Subterfuge 3
it himself, he is that damn good. od. His staggering Skills: Drive 2, Larceny 2, Performance
Per 2, Stealth 1,
arrogance could make him careless ess but so far, he’s Survival 2
just enjoying the rush of being in pow
power. Knowledges: Academics 1,, Computer
C 2, Linguistics
1, Politics 1
Image: Maximilian is a wiry, veryy skskinny man with Backgrounds: Allies 2, Cont
ontacts 3, Domain
intense pale blue eyes, close-cropped
ed sandy hair and 1, Resources 1, Retainers 2, Status
S 2, Influence 1,
a three-day beard. He wears simplele and
a cheap cloth- Prestige 1 (Anarchs)
ing - usually olive green t-shirts and
an ripped black Disciplines: Potence 1, Prese
esence 2
jeans. Virtues: Conscience 1, Self-C Control 1, Courage 3
Morality: Humanity 5
Roleplaying Hints: Underline that at tthe high ideal of Willpower: 6
Carthage is not a pipe dream and nd together we all
can make it real. Show your face at the parties and Embraced by the most beau eautiful man she had ever
have a word with every comradee th that fights for a seen in the midst of total al liberation and chaos,
better world. Speak with intensity
ty aand passion but Jenni continued in unlife what
w she started in life -
show your soft spot for the underdo
rdogs, be it ghouls, rebelling against authority,
ty, shock the public and
Caitiff or others while being absolu
olutely aware that party all night. She is the patron
pa saint of Kreuzberg,
you are at the same time involved ed with Giovanni ruling the counterculture (or(o what’s left of it) and
human traffickers. When alone in n your
y haven, you regularly clashing with those
se in power.
sometimes ask yourself how big of a piece of shit
you are, justifying your behaviour with
wi the stupidity The young and angry are drawn
dr to her - she pulls
of your followers or the fact thatt you
y have to sur- the strings behind major far-left
far protests (especially
vive somehow and actually providee o opportunities of on May Day) and entertains
ns a herd of young women
positive change - deep in your coldld ddead heart, you and men who are desperatel
ately in love with her. She
know that you truly do not care. ghouls pretty girls and boys
oys for entertainment and
Secrets: A lot. Image: Jenni is a beautiful ul and
a charismatic subcul-
tural butterfly, effortlesslyy changing
ch from punk to
Jenni - Mother of the Revolu
goth to skinhead appearance nce or whatever else suits
Generation: 13th
her for the night. She is the archetypal Brujah cov-
Clan: Brujah
ered in tattoos and studded d leather.
Sire: Maximilian
Nature: Bon Vivant Roleplaying Hints: You love lov giving the Camarilla
Demeanor: Rebel the finger, you love the feeli
eeling of rebellion and sex
Embrace: 1983 and drugs and most of all: ll: you love the attention
Apparent Age: 23 whether it’s bad or good.. Unlife
U is a huge punk
Physical: Strength 2, Dexterity 2, Sta
Stamina 3 rock concert and you are the th honorary guest. The
Social: Charisma 3, Manipulation 4 ((Charming), sell-outs at the top despisee yo
you and the young mor-
tals worship the ground you walk alk on and you live Morality: Humanity 5
for every second of it. People who wh question your Willpower: 6
political authenticity, motivess o or character are
quickly removed from your circle,le, beaten
b up by your Very much a child of his is ttime, Johann is a relict of
thugs or have unfortunate “accid ccidents” which you the 17 Century and has as been deeply involved in
blame on the authorities. If you’re
’re not the center of the art, culture and archit
chitecture of the “Baroque”
attention, you go ballistic Brujah
h st
style. period since his mortal days.
da As the son of a noble
family, he enjoyed many ny privileges and could im-
Derangement: Narcissism merse himself in the finer er arts. His ambition was to
be acutely aware of hiss own o mortality (“memento
Secret: Moni didn’t overdose - Jenni
Jen left her blood- mori”) at all times to enjoy
enjo his life to the fullest.
less body in an alley when the you
young girl started to Surrounded by pestilence ce and famine but enjoying
see her for what she really is. the riches robbed from starving
sta peasants, he spent
his life mostly partying, which
wh did not stop when he
was seduced by another noble
no art connoisseur made

or immortal. Through hiss cunning
Johann has established himself
of everything “culture” in Berlin
and intelligence,
as the driving factor
and now holds the
honourable title of Keepe eper of Elysium. Since the
Johann Waikel - Keeper of Elysium Museumsinsel and all of its five museums are consid-
Generation: 9th ered Elysium, Johann is an authority and a powerful
Clan: Toreador player when it comes to th the Jyhad. Usually, Johann
Sire: Kaspar Weiß oversees that gatherings run smoothly while present-
Nature: Bon Vivant ing himself as a flamboyanyant host. Through the cen-
Demeanor: Fop turies, he has fulfilled the
th role of the archetypal
Embrace: 1624 Toreador - foppish and decadent,
dec which is only half
Apparent Age: Fourties the truth since Johann can ca be a very cold thinker
Physical: Strength 2, Dexterity 2, S Stamina 2 and schemer, a very dang angerous creature, who has
Social: Charisma 4, Manipulation on 4, Appearance 1 gotten rid of countless adversaries
ad but is nonethe-
Mental: Perception 2, Intelligence ce 3, Wits 3 less a fraud when it comes es to art. His death robbed
Talents: Alertness 2, Artistic Expre
pression 2, Empathy him of the spark of life fe aand his artwork is just a
2, Intimidation 3, Intrigue 3, Stree
reetwise 1, Subter- cheap imitation of true mortal
m inspiration and tal-
fuge 4 ent. Dismayed by that,, he h has slipped into deca-
Skills: Animal Ken 1, Etiquette 4, Performance
P 4 dence and debauchery, beingbe mainly a provider of
(Acting) disturbing Cainite entertain
Knowledges: Academics 3, Archite hitecture 3, Linguis-
tics 2, Occult 1, Politics 3, Art Hist
istory 5 Image: Johann is a plum
lump and broad-shouldered
Backgrounds: Allies 2, Contactss 2, Fame (Art man who likes to appear
ar in
i the clothes of a noble-
Scene) 1, Resources 5, Retainerss 1, Status 3, Gen- man of the 17 Century ry iincluding a massive pow-
eration 3 dered wig and make-up,, which
w seems ludicrous to
Disciplines: Auspex 3, Celerity 1, Presence
P 4, many but is part of the persona
pe he wants to show.
Dominate 2 When a modern style is appropriate,
a he is a bald
Virtues: Conscience 2, Self-Contro trol 3, Courage 2

man with black-rimmed glasses,, wearing
w tasteful tean 2, Animalism 3, Domin inate 3
suits. Virtues: Conviction 3, Instin
stinct 2, Courage 3
Morality: Path of Lilith 4
Roleplaying hints: When acting th the fop, you are Willpower: 7
flamboyant to the point of caricature
ture, in private you
are two steps ahead of potential adv
adversaries. When Jimena’s life and unlife alwa
lways has been an unend-
you wander the empty halls of mus useums at night, ing series of travel and secrecy.
secr Embraced in the
you are desperately looking for a spa
spark of real crea- kingdom of Castilia and soon so leaving Iberia with
tivity within you, knowing you are a dead thing her sire, she journeyed throu
rough the nights in search
trapped in a danse macabre for all eternity which for spiritual fulfilment. She
he found
f it in the Path of
makes you jealous of mortals to the point of frenzy Lilith, when she finally shed
she her human morality
and even more debauched when fattening
fat yourself after countless black nightsts of
o pleasure and torture.
on peasant blood - something you’ve
you done even Pain is her instrument off spiritual
s enlightenment
before you became a vampire. and she’s always on the look
ookout for new sensations
and extraordinary individuals
uals that are maybe worthy
Jimena Almanzar aka Ther
heresa - Secret of being converted. Jimenaa is an intensely private
Lilin individual and shuns thee spotlight or politics -
Generation: 8th mostly out of self-protection
tion - her religious affilia-
Clan: Toreador tion makes her a target forr the
t Camarilla as well as
Sire: Ayaan the Seventh Son the Sabbat Inquisition, that
that’s why she adopted a
Nature: Guru second personality - thatt of a sweet and naive
Demeanor: Explorer Toreador neonate named Theresa.
Embrace: 1432
She has a small cult of mortalmo followers that she
Apparent Age: Mid-Twenties
usually plucks from Berlin’s in’s sprawling BDSM and
Physical: Strength 3, Dexterity 2, Sta
Stamina 3
fetish scene - she fulfills byy n
no means the cliché of a
Social: Charisma 5, Manipulation n 4 (Enlightened
whip-swinging dominatrix - Jimena is a cold alien
Teacher), Appearance 3
creature that is full of religio
ligious fervor for the dark
Mental: Perception 2, Intelligence 2, Wits 3
mother and driven by a high igher purpose. Her unlife
Talents: Alertness 3, Artistic Expresssion 3, Athletics
is dedicated to Lilith and finding
fi her beloved sire
3, Brawl 1, Dodge 1, Empathy 4 (H (Hidden desires),
who left her on a North Afric frican beach thousands of
Leadership 1, Streetwise 3, Subterfurfuge 4 (Alternate
nights ago.
Skills: Drive 2, Herbalism 3, Melee
lee 2, Performance
Image: Jimena is a short and muscular woman with
3 (Dancing), Stealth 3, Survival 3, To
Torture 4
a shaved head and amberr eyes
ey that burn with pur-
Knowledges: Academics 3 (Ancient ent History), Com-
puter 2, Investigation 3, Linguistiistics 4 (German,
English, Spanish, Hebrew, Arabic,, A Aramaic, French,
Roleplaying Hints: You will wi never grow tired of
Russian, Turkish) , Medicine 2, Oc Occult 4 (Lilith),
unlife with its myriad off sensations,
se colours and
Politics 1, Science 1
smells. The dark mother’s ’s glory
g manifests itself in
Backgrounds: Alternate Identity 3, Allies 1, Con-
pain and blessed be thosee who w withstand your tor-
tacts 1, Resources 2, Retainers 1, Herd
H 2, Genera-
ment. You push yourself to the limit and you are
tion 5
enjoying it - it all serves thee ultimate
u goal. On lonely
Disciplines: Auspex 3, Potence 3,, P Presence 4, Pro-
nights you miss Ayaan and feel
el aashamed for your puter 2, Linguistics 1, Scien
cience 1
oh-so human sentiment. Disciplines: Animalism 2, Protean
P 1
Virtues: Conscience 2,, Self-Control
Se 2, Courage 1
When you have to deal with oth other Cainites, you Morality: Humanity 7
pretend to be an inexperienced fled
fledgling. Willpower: 2
Secret: Jimena is well-connected
d tto other Lilins all
over the world and works actively
ly aagainst the Cama- Frederick Lehmann wass a young y lively man growing
rilla, as well as the Sabbat. up in West Berlin in a n newly reunited Germany
until he was taken from m his life and fell into an
endless nightmare of bloodood and darkness, when his
Sire turned him into a C Cainite and quickly aban-
doned him. Left to fend for fo himself, he managed to
stay alive ... so far. Whethe
ther his Sire is still watching
Brandenburg is Werewolf country and nd not even the tough- him and seeing if he iss “worthy”
“w or just does not
est Outlanders survive for long in thee fforests that surround care about him at all is something
som he still asks him-
Berlin. A few have therefore settleded permanently in the self nightly. He is a neona
onate through and through,
city and mingle with the Anarchs or keep to themselves. still figuring things outt and
an manoeuvring uneasily
Rumours of a creature roaming thee Grunewald
G flare up through the endless night.
ght. Since he is prey for the
from time to time but nobody is sure re what exactly stalks bigger badder monsters out ou there, he is constantly
these woods. on the checking for escapeape routes and treading very
lightly indeed. A very unp npleasant streak in his per-
Frederick “Bat Boy” Lehm
hmann - sonality makes him suck up to the ones he perceives
Sycophant as stronger which makess him h wear his “lackey” cos-
Generation: 13th tume when dealing more ore powerful Cainites in ex-
Clan: Caitiff (Gangrel) change for protection or simply so that he is not
Sire: Unknown maimed or killed. The Camarilla
Ca in Berlin actively
Nature: Survivor hunts Cainites who have ve b been sired without agree-
Demeanor: Lackey ment, the Sabbat would bullybu him to final death, so
Embrace: 1997 he sometimes tries to mingle
min with the Anarchs in
Apparent Age: 19 Kreuzberg who see him as a a nuisance. He usually
Physical: Strength 2, Dexterity 4 (R
(Reflexes), Stamina hangs out with other Caitiaitiff who are equally hated.
3 Tragically, Frederick or “B “Bat Boy” as local Kindred
Social: Charisma 2, Manipulati lation 4 (“I’m pa- call him, is a capable surv
urvivor whose talent at stay-
thetic”), Appearance 2 ing alive is remarkable - his
hi negative self-image does
Mental: Perception 3, Intelligence
nce 2, Wits 4 (Sens- him more harm than good. goo He spends the nights
ing danger) roaming Berlin’s many parks pa in the Anarch free
Talents: Alertness 5 (Noises), Br Brawl 2, Dodge 4 state usually feeding on homeless
ho people. The Beast
(Run and hide), Empathy 3, Stre Streetwise 2, Subter- left a mark on him when en he frenzied out of sheer
fuge 3, Swimming 2 hunger - he has two large arge batlike ears (hence his
Skills: Climbing 3, Intrigue 2, Sec
Security 3, Melee 1, nickname) that grant him hi supernatural hearing
Pickpocket 2, Stealth 3, Survival 3 ability. Frederick has a good
goo understanding of what
Knowledges: Academics 1, City ity Secrets 3, Com- is going on in the city and d sometimes spies for other

Kindred or pieces together informat
mation from hear- Sire: Peter Schuster
say on the streets. Nature: Visionary
Demeanor: Idealist
Image: Frederick is a wiry ratherr short
sh adolescent Embrace: 1924
with wild brown hair, large eyess an
and batlike ears, Apparent Age: 23
dressed in dirty jeans and a green
n hoodie.
h He usu- Physical: Strength 2, Dexteri
terity 3, Stamina 3
ally hides in trees or stays close to windows and Social: Charisma 5, Manipula
pulation 4, Appearance 4
doors. Mental: Perception 3, Intellig
elligence 3, Wits 3
Roleplaying Hints: Survival is everyt
erything. You need Talents: Alertness 3, Empathathy 2, Expression 2,
to do what you need to do to see another
ano night. If it Leadership 4 (Pragmatic), Streetwise
Str 3, Diplomacy
means crawling before meaner vam ampires, you’ll do 3, Subterfuge 3
it. When they perceive you as a pathe
thetic, maybe they Skills: Diplomacy 3, Drive 2, Etiquette 2, Intrigue
think killing you is not worth theireir time. You are 2, Security 1, Performance 4 (Singing, Dancing)
twitchy and on the constant lookou kout for potential Knowledges: Academics 2,, Camarilla
C Lore 2, City
danger (as you should be). Thee world w you were Secrets 3, Computer 2, Econ onomics 3, History 3,
thrown in is still alien to you and d there are many Linguistics 1, Law1, Politics
cs 3
things you don’t understand. Howe owever, you know Backgrounds: Contacts 4, Mentor
M 4, Resources 4,
one thing for sure: you are at the ver
very bottom of the Retainers 1, Status 2, Influen
uence 3, Generation 3
food chain - better keep a low profile
file and suck up to Disciplines: Dominate 2, Fortitude
For 1 , Presence 3
those that could seriously hurt you. Virtues: Conscience 3, Self-C Control 2, Courage 3
Morality: Humanity 6
Secret: Frederick is surprisingly well--informed about Willpower: 7
the nightly game of power and thee city’s
c secrets. He Derangements: Memory Lap apses, Dependent Per-
told Ruben, an Anarch bully, to meet m him in the sonality Disorder
Grunewald Forest. Unsurprisingly, ly, Ruben did not
return and Frederick discovered a knack for in- The Berlin Anneliese Schus
huster knew and loved is
trigue. dead. Being a young womanan in a city bursting at the
seams with extremes during
ing the Weimar Republic,

she was utterly in love with
wit the avant-garde, the
cabaret and the freedom that
tha made Berlin so com-
pletely unique during thee Golden Twenties and
The second most numerous Clan in BerlinBer after the Bru- even greater was her heartach
tache when she saw every-
jah - and it taints the atmosphere off Germany’s
G capital thing turn to ashes when n the
t Nazis took power.
from sudden outbursts of violence to addicts
ad babbling to When she was embraced,, shesh was a “dancer” in a
themselves in subway stations. Berlin can eat you alive, if now forgotten etablissemen
ment in Friedrichstrasse,
you’re not careful - all the drugs you want,
wan more isolation wading through streets floo
looded with sin and sur-
than you can handle and a general dist istrust to everything rounded by Berliners hungry
gry for life to the point of
around you messes with your mind. Berlierlin is also cynically hysteria.
called “Malk Playground” by Cainites all over Europe.
She is now the second off the
th three most powerful
vampires in Berlin, advisor to Georg, and - some say
Anneliese Schuster - Next in Line
- the next Prince. Anneliese
ese is the driving force be-
Generation: 11th
hind major cultural developm
opments in the city, trying
Clan: Malkavian
to preserve the spark that made de Berlin so unique Demeanor: Alchemist
during her idealised 1920s and fu furiously defending Embrace: 1952
it against all she considers enem
emies to her higher Apparent Age: 60
cause: making Berlin a safe and nd joyful haven for Physical: Strength 1, Dexte
exterity 2, Stamina 2
Kindred and Kine alike and a powerful
po Camarilla Social: Charisma 3, Manip
nipulation 3, Appearance 2
stronghold. She entertains good d connections with
the Toreador, is tuned in with ith the Malkavians Mental: Perception 4, Intel
ntelligence 4, Wits 3
roaming the streets and is respecte
cted by some Brujah Talents: Alertness 4, Empmpathy 3, Expression 2, In-
- Rattenharald is her special conf
onfidant and she is timidation 1, Leadership p 1,
1 Performance 3 (Acting),
eager to know exactly what’s going
ing on in the city. Streetwise 3, Subterfuge 3
Skills: Security 2, Etiquett
ette 2, Stealth 1, Survival 2
Image: Anneliese is a blonde wowoman with a face Knowledges: Academicss 2, 2 Linguistics 1, Medicine
that is attractive but oddly outt of
o time. She still 3, Science 4 (Chemistry)
dresses in the fashion of the 1920s
19 and smokes Backgrounds: Resources es 33, Retainers
cigarettes out of mere habit. 5, Generation 3, Herd 3
Roleplaying Hints: Your ideal al is
i making Berlin Disciplines: Auspex 2, Dem ementation 2, Dominate 1,
what it once was - sometimes you u forget
fo what exactly Obfuscate 1,
that is. You forget a lot. Why you
u eentered the room. Virtues: Conscience 1,, Self-Control
Se 1, Courage 5
The face of someone you saw att th the Elysium. Luck- Morality: Humanity 2
ily, you have a trusted ghoul calle
alled Sebastian who Willpower: 7
guides you and helps you out during
du one of your Disorder: Megalomania
states. When engaged in politicscs aand conversation, In the post war years, Gott
ottfried Stöhr was a success-
you are smart, pragmatic and proprofessional. In your ful chemist despite beingg odd
o and lacking the social
mind, you are perfect for the po position of Prince skills to manoeuvre propeoperly in the world outside
should Georg walk into the sunlig
nlight but you don’t campus or having a meanin ningful relationship. Always
let your guard down, so far you ou are content with the odd man out and being
eing bullied since childhood,
serving the city from the posit osition next to the Gottfried was a twitchy andan unpleasant yet incredi-
throne. bly intelligent man. Conve
nversing through letters with
When you forget something imp mportant, you need a fascinating colleague fro
from abroad about organic
your beloved Sebastian to provide
ide guidance. With- chemistry and learning th that said colleague was in
out him, you are as helpless and vulnerable as a town, Gottfried was quite ite perplexed when he wel-
babe in the woods. Nothing may ay happen to him. comed his esteemed guest est in his flat and found out
Nothing. Bing utterly dependent ent on your ghoul this intellectual genius was
wa a young woman who
lover, you do everything to keepphhim by your side: killed him after a refreshin
hing conversation about the
seducing, loving, threatening and
d abusing
a him. future of humanity. When hen she let her blood drip
into his dying body he sudd
uddenly realized the greatest
Prof. Dr. Gottfried Stöhr - truth ever revealed to him
im - he was Jesus Christ and
destined to ring in the end
en of the world. Through
False Messiah
meticulous research and d testing,
t he developed an
Generation: 11th
opiate that is not onlyy highly
h addictive but also
Clan: Malkavian
laced with his own vitaee and
an lunacy. The drug that
Sire: Unknown
circles the streets and is now named “Dyno” is
Nature: Sociopath
snorted and injected by a growing ng number of ad- Nature: Monster
dicts that are unknowingly blood d bbound to him. Demeanor: Merchant
Slowly and methodically, Gottfrieded is
i spreading his Embrace: 1980
madness, masquerading as an add addicted homeless Apparent Age: Late-Twenties ties
person and personally observing how his invention Physical: Strength 2, Dexteri
terity 2, Stamina 3
is starting to be the next heroine an
and infesting the Social: Charisma 4, Manipulpulation 3, Appearance 3
city. Typical symptoms of a severere DDyno addiction Mental: Perception 3, Intellig
elligence 3, Wits 4
include extremely violent outburs ursts, nightmares, Talents: Alertness 4, Brawlwl 2,
2 Empathy 3, Intimi-
hallucinations and seeing Gottfrieded Stöhr as a mes- dation 4, Leadership 3, Stree
reetwise 4, Subterfuge 3
sianic figure. Gottfried uses Deme mentation on the Skills: Drive 2, Etiquette 4, Firearms
F 2, Melee 1,
drug’s victims to gain further influe
fluence over them. Performance 2 (Mandolin), ), Security
S 3,
Unbeknownst to the authorities, s, the
t underworld Knowledges: Academics 2,, Computer
C 2, Finance 3,
and the local Cainites, he is growi
owing an army of Law 3, Linguistics 3, Politics
ics 2, Science 2
volatile worshippers that think off hhim as the new Disciplines: Dominate 1, Necromancy
Ne 2 (Sepulchre
messiah and would literally die andd kill
k for him. Path), Potence 1
His end goal is to make every huma man being in the Backgrounds: Allies 4, Contontacts 3, Resources 5,
world addicted to his vitae and then
en wipe out all life Retainers 2,Herd 1, Mentor or 2
on earth. If he is ever found out,t, his
h place on the Virtues: Conscience 1, Self-C Control 2, Courage 2
Red List is ensured. Morality: Humanity 4
Willpower: 6
Image: When not wearing his ragge gged homeless cos-
tume, Gottfried is a well-groomed d older
o gentleman When Nicolo was just an n eight
e year old child, he
with a grey beard, usually wearing a felt
f hat. watched the ordinary peoplepeo like zoo animals
through the tinted windows ws on the backseat of his
Roleplaying Hints: You are the lamlamb of God and favourite Bugatti, dressed in a children-sized grey
the blood flowing from your holy oly wounds must suit. What he felt was disgu
sgust and a weird benevo-
drown this world. When conversin rsing with others, lent pity, knowing that hee was
w forever destined to
you are smug and arrogant, when n interacting
i with be superior, simply becausese he
h was a Giovanni. The
your herd of followers you are a go godlike figure of family name ensured a life ife filled with luxury and
bloody salvation. In your dementia
ntia, you seriously largely free of consequences.
ces. When he murdered a
overestimate yourself and your abili
bilities. Everybody gardener just to see whatt it felt like, everyone was
who converses with you instinctively
ely knows that you willing to lie for him and when
wh he walked free, his
are crazy, so you tend to keep to
o yourself
yo working belief that laws were for th those at the bottom re-
on your masterplan most of the time
me. mained unchallenged. When n the masks fell and his
family presented itself as undead
und bloodsucking nec-

Giovanni romancers, he was neitherr surprised

shocked - pride in the excep
su nor particularly
xceptionality of his family
only intensified. After being
ing embraced, “Nici” had
to work for the first time in his life to gain the re-
Nicolo Giovanni - Human T
Trafficker spect and support of the anzi
nziani and figured out his
Generation: 10th role in the clan. He dabbled
led in all sorts of criminal
Clan: Giovanni activity, getting his handss a little dirty here and
Sire: Donatella Giovanni

there, when he found his calling:
g: modern day slave The Missionary Man are a pack of Sabbat vampires
trade. tasked with scouting Berlin and an causing a little trouble to
see if the city is ready for taking.
ta Their main goal is to
Nicolo is the head of a sickeningly
gly powerful empire
subtly convert the local Caini inites to their cause, hence the
in the dark. Far from only selling
ling abducted, brain-
name. Each of the pack memb embers is young but has made a
washed and abused young men an and women to poli-
name for themselves, is highly hly ambitious, loyal to the sect
ticians, priests and businessmen on a global sale, he
and follows the Path of Huumanity (which makes them
operates in Cainite society as wewell, selling human
blend in better). They are handpicked,
han deliberately chosen
beings for food, slavery or entertain
and bound to each other thro hrough the Vinculum. Kaliope
With an M16 under his bed and dmmore money than and Karolina actively mingle gle with the Anarchs and test
God, he resides in Berlin, his mamain base of opera- the waters, their ductus Alejalejandro remains hidden and is
tion, laughing at the idea of a polic
olice investigation or ready for violence if it all goes
oes down. Each member has an
other potential problems. He belie
elieves himself to be alternate identity and theyy are a never seen in public the
untouchable since he was born, no not realising that he same room at the same time.
is in a freefall to hell. His tempeper tantrums grow
more frequent, his dark impulses es get stronger every
Kaliope - Priest
Generation: 12th
Clan: Tzimisce
Image: Nicolo is an impeccably dressed
dr man with a Sire: Ksawary Gogola
very closely cropped undercut, his hair slicked back. Nature: Celebrant
His heavy-hooded eyes do not be betray emotion but Demeanor: Deviant
he smiles often and warmly. Embrace: 1961
Apparent Age: Mid-Twent enties
Roleplaying Hints: It’s all busines
iness and the money Physical: Strength 3, Dexte
exterity 3, Stamina 3
that’s pouring in is proof to you th
that you’re doing it Social: Charisma 4 (Myster
sterious), Manipulation 3,
right. A close group of very big ig people
p have your Appearance 5 (Unforgettab
business card in their rolodexes,, w
which means noth- Mental: Perception 3, Intel
ntelligence 4 (Analytical),
ing can happen to you. When dealing
dea with people, Wits 3
you do not need to prove yours urself with bullshit Talents: Alertness 3, Athle
hletics 2, Brawl 1, Empathy
mindgames or actually crack some meone’s head open 4 (Emotions), Intimidation
ion 3, Intuition 2, Leader-
(although you can do that withou hout flinching), you ship 1, Persuasion 3, Street
reetwise 1, Subterfuge 3
are charming and laid back. Whe hen things do not Skills: Dancing 1, Drive 2, Firearms 1, Melee 2,
according to plan or slip out of your control you Torture 2
tend to throw temper tantrums thattha leave mutilated Knowledges: Area Knowledwledge 1 (Berlin), Computer
bodies behind... and insulting yo your family’s name 1, Linguistics 2, Medicine
ne 3,
3 Occult 3, Politics 2,
always pushes your buttons. Science 3 (Biology)
Backgrounds: Alternate Identity
Id 2, Contacts
Secret: Two of his most loyal custo
ustomers is Maximil- 2, Generation 1, Herd 1,, Rituals
R 2, Sabbat Status 1,
ian, the Anarch leader and Wilhe
ilhelm, which means Sabbat Lore 2
neither the Anarchs nor the Cam amarilla screws with Disciplines: Animalism 1, Auspex
A 1, Vicissitude 3
him. Virtues: Conscience 1, Self-Control
Self 3, Courage 4
Morality: Humanity 3
Sabbat Pack “Missionaryy Men”
Willpower: 8
Rumours about a new Cainite in Be Berlin are making Roleplaying Hints: You are charming and curious
their rounds and when Kaliopee ffinally enters a when dealing with other vampires
va and you try to
room, conversations quickly die. The
Th local Kindred make them see your argumen ents against local author-
wonder who the woman with the unforgettable ity. Casually drop hints that you look for allies in
appearance and the razor-sharp inte
ntelligence is. Her living “another way” of unlife
unl that is worthy and
calm mystery and cleverness, politen
teness and inquisi- truly free. Because you’re smarter
sm than all of them,
tiveness draw them to her like a Venu
enus flytrap. you can be daring.

Kaliope is known to mingle with the Anarchs, talk- You observe the rites and rit
rituals of your pack with
ing politics and having stimulating ting philosophical care and efficiency. “Truee you”
y is unfeeling and
insights about the state of being a vampire.
v Torea- cruel - what makes you shiv
hiver with anticipation is
dor are mesmerised by her appearan arance and Brujah the thought of Berlin falling
ing to the Sabbat and the
value her passionate ideas about fre freedom and self- inevitable purge that would
ld come
c with it.
reliance. What none of them know ow is that Kaliope
is a weapon that was formed forr one o purpose: to Secret: Jenni, a Brujah Anarnarch is especially fond of
infiltrate the Anarchs and convertt th them to the Sab- Kaliope and wants to get close
clos to her. Kaliope plans
bat. She serves as the pack priest off the Missionary on becoming either Jenni’s i’s mentor, confidant or
Men and is neither a charming re rebel against the lover to gain a little control
trol over Kreuzberg. When
Status Quo nor a delightful new facefac but an utterly the city falls, Kaliope willl torture
to that poor girl for
inhuman predator that could be considered
con one of eternities.
the most dangerous Kindred curren rrently residing in
Berlin. Kaliope wants to watch thee cityc burn and in Alejandro Galvan - Ductus
her mind, the pathetic Anarchs can either be con- Generation: 11th
verted to the noble cause of the SwoSword of Caine or Clan: Lasombra
be put down like the disgracefull shitsh they are. So Sire: Cesaria Murga
far, Kaliope is still scanning her envir
nvironment, scout- Nature: Commando
ing the territory, taking notice where
ere weaknesses lie Demeanor: Predator
and taking her sweet time to get to know the ones Embrace: 1937
in power. Her mission is to lay the ground for an Apparent Age: Mid-Twenties ties
invasion - and she enjoys doing it. Physical: Strength 3, Dexteri
terity 4, Stamina 4
Social: Charisma 3, Manipulapulation 2, Appearance 3
Image: Towering six feet with endlesless legs and close- Mental: Perception 3, Intellig
elligence 2, Wits 3
cropped platinum blonde hair styledstyl into a Mo- Talents: Alertness 3, Athletic
etics 2, Brawl 4 (Punch-
hawk, Kaliope is an androgynous us beauty bearing ing), Intimidation 3, Interrog
rogation 2, Leadership 3,
slight resemblance to Annie Lenno nnox. Her skin is Streetwise 3, Subterfuge 2
flawless, her eyes piercing. She usual
ually wears dresses Skills: Drive 2, Etiquette 2,, Firearms
F 3, Melee 2,
and truly is a sight to behold. Again
gainst all Tzimisce Stealth 2, Survival 1, Gamee Playing
P 2 (Chess), Tor-
stereotypes, there are no tattoos orr p
piercings and no ture 1
obvious signs of Vicissitude adorn orning her body. Knowledges: Academics 1,, Area A Knowledge 1 (Ber-
However, when she is in battle modeode or hungry, she lin), Computer 1, Linguistics
tics 2, Medicine 1, Mili-
unrolls her twelve inch black tongu
ngue that is modi- tary Science 2, Politics 1, Scie
Science 2 (Chemistry)
fied for feeding. Backgrounds: Alternate Iden dentity 2, Clan Prestige 1
(Lasombra), Mentor 3, Gener neration 2, Resources 3,

Sabbat Status 1, Sabbat Lore 2 him. Compassion is so alie
alien to you, you are almost
Disciplines: Dominate 2, Potence
ce 5 ready to leave your human
manity behind forever ... al-
Virtues: Conscience 1, Self-Contro
trol 3, Courage 3 most (were it not for thee fact
f that you secretly keep
Morality: Humanity 4 a picture of your then n infant
i daughter in your
Willpower: 7 pocket - a daughter yourr Sire
Sir does not know exists.)

Alejandro’s universe consists of two parameters: This city is so ripe for picking,
pick you can taste it and
weak and strong. When you aree st strong, good things then you’d be man of the hour. Less people who
happen to you - weakness is mer ercilessly punished. want to fuck with you, more mo people getting fucked
So it was when he was a soldier in the Spanish Civil by you... and that’s whatt it’s
it all about – it’s not that
War, so it is in holy crusade again
gainst the Camarilla. you like it that way, it’s just how the world is.
Having his mother torn apart in front of him and
having been thrown into a society ety of social Darwin- Secret: Bound to Kaliope pe by the Vinculum, Alejan-
ists by her murderer, Alejandro di didn’t break, didn’t dro would take a bullet for her, despite not trusting
crack - he fit right in, much to the
he jjoy of his Sire. He her at all. He fears thatt she
sh will push him aside to
did what he was told and most im importantly kept his gain the laurels, when every
verything works out.
mouth shut. Having quickly learn earned how to navi-
Karolina Behringer
gate himself within the intricatee cuculture of his clan,
Generation: 13th
he is climbing up the ladder. Now ow he is the ductus
Clan: City Gangrel
of the Missionary Men and Berlin lin is a way to prove
Sire: Simon
himself for real. While Kaliope is masterful at feel-
Nature: Child
ing out the situation and playing ing the social butter-
Demeanor: Soldier
fly, Alejandro keeps himself in the background - he
Embrace: 2012
is focused on the practical side of a military invasion
Apparent Age: 17
and serves as general and muscle cle at the same time.
Physical: Strength 2, Dex exterity 4 (Feline Grace),
Alejandro knows that being a du ductus means being
Stamina 3
the baddest Cainite on the block, ck, however, he does
Social: Charisma 2, Man anipulation 4 (Persuasive),
not revel in monstrosity - he calcualculatedly beats the
Appearance 3
unliving shit out of everyone who ho challenges him or
Mental: Perception 3, Intel
ntelligence 2, Wits 2
Kaliope and Karolina. Alejandro ro aavoids social gath-
Talents: Alertness 1, Athle
thletics 1, Brawl 3, Intimida-
erings due to his clan curse (smar artphones really set
tion 2, Persuasion 2, Street
eetwise 3, Subterfuge 3
Clan Lasombra back) and contro trols his pack with
Skills: Drive 2, Larceny 2, SStealth 2, Survival 2
precise effectiveness. When ming ingling with others,
Knowledges: Academicss 1, Area Knowledge 3 (Ber-
he pretends to be an Anarch Bru Brujah Thug named
lin), Computer 2, Invest estigation 1, Linguistics 1
Image: Alejandro is a muscularr mman with a shaved Backgrounds: Alternate Identity
Id 2, Contacts 1
head and a thick Spanish accentent. His face is rug- Disciplines: Celerity 1, Obfuscate
Ob 1, Protean 2
gedly handsome but looks tired.. He
H wears comfort- Virtues: Conscience 1,, Self-Control
Se 2, Courage 3
able black clothing - and brasss kn
knuckles, when he Morality: Humanity 5
has to do his thing. Willpower: 6

Roleplaying Hints: Keep to yourse

urself and keep your Karolina was a runaway,
y, fleeing from her abusive
mouth shut. When someone chalhallenges you, crush
parents and living on the streetsts of Berlin. Her
young life consisting mostly of fistf
fistfights, break-ins
and shooting up with squatters and
nd other lost kids
was ended when she was “shovelh velheaded” by the
Missionary Men (at that time in a group of four).
Her Sire Simon, a Gangrel, gave ve the blood that
turned her, and clawing her wayy o
grave, mad with hunger and fearr she
out of her own
sh pounced on
The Oth
him, ripping his head off.
Sebastian - Loverboy
Karolina was chosen for variouss reasons,
r she is Nature: Caregiver
adapt at survival, knows the city,y, hhas a way with Demeanor: Lackey
street kids and is fluent in German an - the fact that Apparent Age: 22
she survived the Embrace and killed
illed her own Sire Physical: Strength 2, Dexteri
terity 3, Stamina 2
only solidified that she was the right
ight choice for the Social: Charisma 3, Manipula
pulation 3, Appearance 4
third Missionary Man. Being veryy yyoung, Karolina Mental: Perception 3, Intellig
elligence 2, Wits 3
fulfils her missions dutifully and truly
tru looks up to Talents: Alertness 3, Athletic
etics 2, Empathy 2,
Kaliope and Alejandro, who give her tough love and Streetwise 2, Subterfuge 2
whom she perversely calls “Mommy” my” and “Daddy.” Skills: Drive 2, Etiquette 3,, Stealth
S 1,
She has a way of manipulating youn ung Cainites and Knowledges: Academics 2,, Law L 2, Linguistics 1
subtly converting them, blendingg in perfectly with (German, English), Politicss 2,2 Science 1
Anarchs. Her main motivation is becoming
b “True Backgrounds: Mentor 2 (Ann Anneliese Schuster), Re-
Sabbat” and for that reason, shee is loyal and reli- sources 4
able. Disciplines: Potence 1
Virtues: Conscience 2, Self-C Control 2, Courage 1
Image: Karolina is forever a teenageager with a tough
Morality: Humanity 7
demeanor and a black hoodie. She Sh is lithe and
Willpower: 3
short, her eyes attentive and dark.. Her
H arms are still
covered with needle marks. She som sometimes cannot Sebastian drifted through h his
h life relying on his
resist the urge to claw and feed onn ssmall animals (a handsomeness. Once an aspiringasp attorney and stu-
mark of the Beast). dent of law, part-time mod odel and full-time heart-
breaker he is now the lover er and
a protector of Anne-
Roleplaying Hints: Kaliope and AleAlejandro are your
liese Schuster guiding herr through
th her unlife. His
new adoptive parents and you want ant their approval,
life is a living hell of sleep deprivation
de and fear, first
that’s why you vigorously debatee and a convert, or
and foremost because he is blood b bound to a clini-
silently stalk and spy on the locall A
Anarchs. You do
cally insane vampire who iso isolated him from every-
everything that is expected from you and you relish
one he ever knew and regula ularly hurts him physically
your discipline and loyalty. You li live for the mo-
and psychologically when she sh suffers from hysteric
ments when you can help the pack p with your
attacks of jealousy or fearr of o abandonment. Addi-
knowledge of the city. Whatever er happens when
tionally, he has to take care re of
o his mistress’ memory
your mission is successful, you don’t
n’t know and you
lapses, which means he know nows more about Cainite
don’t think that far ahead becausee fofor the first time
politics and society than is healthy
h for a ghoul. So
you feel that your existence has actua
tual meaning.
far, the monsters that now dominate
do his life see him

as harmless eye candy, not knowin ing what major part
he has to play in the unlife of one
ne of the most influ- Health Levels: OK, OK,, OK,
O OK, -1, -1, -1, -3, -3, -5,
ential vampires of Berlin. Warpedped by the power of Incapacitated
the blood bond, he believes hims imself to be in love
with Anneliese and imagines him imself as her knight Damage: Fists for 7 dice (aggravated
(ag damage)
in shining armour. Unfortunate ately his intake of Grunewald Creature
Malkavian vitae makes him hard rd to be around in Before experiencing hiss last
la frenzy and completely
the world by daylight and recentlytly he has been wak- succumbing to the Beas east, a nameless Gangrel
ing up in cold sweats outside off his
hi bed, first in his drifted through the city ty leaving
l behind a trail of
room, then in his flat and recently
ntly somewhere in a mutilated corpses and even ev sired a childe called
cellar. To make things worse, somsomeone is sending Frederick out of boredom dom. Spiralling downwards
him postcards with threatening messages
me like “YOU and physically changingg every
ev time he frenzied, he
ARE IN OVER YOUR HEAD, D, LITTLE MOR- has long left his humanitynity on the in- and outside
TAL.” So far he hasn’t told her. behind.
What once appeared remo motely human is now a hor-
Image: Sebastian is a male model
del on the verge of a
rible batlike creature that
at stalks the woods at night
nervous breakdown.
to feed and murder. When hen confronted, the creature
Roleplaying Hints: will try to kill its enemy but
bu quickly flee when hurt,
You love her. She only hurts youou because she loves it is extremely susceptible
le to
t Rötschreck. The crea-
you. She needs you. You are tired.
red. So tired. Protect ture will under no circumcumstances attack Frederick
her at all costs. Pop another pill.
ll. Jesus
J ... this head- Lehmann, recognising him im as its childe.
Image: The creature resem
sembles a hunched-over and
The Golem of Weißensee completely hairless crosss between
be a human, a jackal
Being tasked with protecting the he Jewish Cemetery and a bat without wings ngs that is splattered with
and being the sole reason that it has h not been dese- blood.
crated by Nazis or vampires, thee G Golem of Weißen-
see still silently fulfils his dutyty tto this night. To Abilities: Strength 4, Dex
exterity 5, Stamina 4, Per-
some it is just a legend, very few w iin Berlin’s Jewish ception 4, Wits 2, Alertnes
ness 3, Brawl 4, Stealth 3
community know that it is stilll out ou there, however.
When it senses an intruder with th the intention to do Disciplines: Protean 3, Potence
Pot 3, Celerity 2
harm in their heart, it appears rs and destroys the Willpower: 2
trespasser. Destroying the sole pro protector of a sacred
place against evil justifies a loss of h
humanity. Health Levels: OK, -1, -1, -2,
- -2, -5, Incapacitated

Image: The Golem is a toweri ering very roughly Damage: Bite for 5 dice,
ice, Claws for 5 dice (both
formed humanoid figure made of clay. It is covered aggravated damage)
in Hebrew letters and occult cabba
bbalistic symbols. Its
Madhulika – Witnes
ess to the End Times
eyes glow reddish and it is not capa
apable of speech.
Generation: 7th (through
h Diablerie)
Clan: Nagaraja
Abilities: Strength 6, Dexterityy 22, Stamina 5, Per-
Sire: Unknown
ception 4, Wits 3, Alertness 5, Braw
rawl 4, Stealth 4
Nature: Eye of the Storm
Demeanor: Seer of bones and corpses, since
ince her condition forces
Embrace: 1609 Madhulika to consume thee flesh
fl of mortals.
Apparent Age: Thirties
Physical: Strength 2, Dexterity 3, Sta
Stamina 4 Madhulika now spends her er nights conversing with
Social: Charisma 4, Manipulation 3, Appearance 5 the dead, visiting the Shadow
dowlands, gathering occult
Mental: Perception 3, Intelligence 4,, Wits 3 lore and looking down on n the
th city from the top of
Talents: Alertness 4, Athletics 2, Bra
Brawl 2, Dodge 2, the Ferris wheel waiting for the inevitable catastro-
Empathy 3, Expression 3, Intimidatio
ation 2, Street- phe that is about to occur.
wise 1, Subterfuge 4 Her research and investigati
gations of cryptic prophe-
Skills: Animal Ken 1, Drive 2, Firear
earms 2, Melee 4 cies lead her to believe that
at the killing of a specific
(Knives), Stealth 5, Survival 4 mortal will set a chain reacti
action in motion that will
Knowledges: Academics 3, Compute uter 1, Investiga- include “the cub”, “the tower”,
tow “the bread of the
tion 4, Linguistics 3, Medicine 3, Occult
Oc 5, Science messiah” and finally “the awakening of the
2 dreamer” which in turn will ripple throughout the
Backgrounds: Resources 1 planet and make the Red ed Star, Anthelios, burn
Disciplines: Auspex 3, Celerity 3, Dominate
Do 2, Nec- bright in the sky for a second
nd (and final) time.
romancy (Sepulchre Path 3, Vitreus us Path
P 2, Ash
Path 4), Potence 2 Image: Madhulika is beautiautiful Desi woman with
Virtues: Conviction 3, Self-Controlol 2, Courage 2 flowing black locks. Her arms
arm are covered in intri-
Morality: Path of Death and the Sou oul 6 cate tattoos, her teeth sharp
arpened. She can appear
Willpower: 7 like an Indian princess orr like
li a great white shark,
usually she prefers a mixture
re of both.
Wherever Madhulika goes, chaoss an and death follow
in her stride. She is a self-described
ed “student of Ge- Roleplaying Hints: You are a first and foremost a
henna” and a “witness to the end times.”
tim Sensing a searcher of hidden truth and
an a keen observer of
major presence of dark energy conc oncentrated in the your surroundings. More at home in the lands of
city, she now temporarily resides in Berlin to “bear the dead and a harbinger of disaster, you are inhu-
witness” just as she had done all her unlife. She is a manely detached. The few people
pe who interact with
walking ill omen and when her appe ppearance in a city you would describe you as polite
po and intense (that is
signifies coming tragedy, usually ma man-made as well before you eat them.)
as natural (and supernatural) disasters
dis claiming
human lives.

Madhulika has made the abandon oned amusement

park at the shore of the river Spree
ree her haven. Be-
cause she is a master at the morbid
rbid art of Necro-
mancy and summoner of wraiths,, an aura of other-
worldliness and death now surroun
ounds the area. It
used to be a popular dare amongg Berlin
B youths to
break into the park but no one has the courage to
do so anymore, it is severely haunt
unted and ghostly
appearances plague the area and its surroundings.
Furthermore, an intruder would stumble
stum upon piles

This City Will Eat You Alive
Can you smell it in the night air, childe?
This tension.
This sense of foreboding.
You have heard the whispers, I am sure.
I wonder, what do they speak in your ear?

The city is about to fall.

And like the mortals that flock to it in search of youthful rebellion,

we too shall drown in blood.

Kindred of Berlin includes:

• A description of the situation in the city in 2018
• 18 Cainites that stalk its nightly streets

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