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Senior Clinical Fellow

Surgery/Planned Care
About our organisation

Chelsea and Westminster Hospital NHS Foundation Trust provide services from two main hospitals, Chelsea
and Westminster Hospital and West Middlesex University Hospital, and a number of clinics across London and
the South-East.

We have nearly 6,000 members of staff that care for nearly one million people locally, regionally, nationally
and internationally. Both hospitals provide full clinical services, including full maternity, emergency and
children’s, in addition to a range of community-based services across London, such as award-winning sexual
health and HIV clinics.
We are one of the best performing FTs in London for A&E waiting times, and mortality rates are better than
average. Since the Care Quality Commission last inspected our hospitals we have taken on responsibility for a
range of new services. Our new services include:
Cardiac catheter service and a paediatric assessment unit on the West Middlesex site
Surgical assessment unit on the Chelsea site
New sexual health clinic at 10 Hammersmith Broadway
Virtual fracture clinics
Learning disabilities passports
Plans are in place for a £20 million expansion to critical care facilities and refurbishment of the children’s unit
at West Middlesex, both in partnership with the Trust’s dedicated charity CW+.

Our priorities

Deliver high-quality patient-centered care

Patients, their friends, family and carers will be treated with unfailing kindness and respect by every member
of staff in every department and their experience and quality of care will be second to none.
Be the employer of choice
We will provide every member of staff with the support, information, facilities and environment they need to
develop in their roles and careers. We will recruit and retain people we need to deliver high-quality services
to our patients and other service users.
Deliver better care at lower cost
We will look to continuously improve the quality of care and patient experience through the most efficient
use of available resources.

Our staff

Our staff survey results show that our Trust continues to have high levels of job satisfaction. Striving to
improve this even further remains our priority of being an employer of choice. This means not only attracting
staff, but keeping them through investment in learning and development, career progression and attention to
work/life balance.

Senior Clinical Fellow - Surgery/Planned Care - June 2021
Chelsea and Westminster Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
Job title Senior Clinical Fellow Surgery

Division/Directorate Surgery/Planned Care

Responsible to Mr. Nikhil Pawa - Consultant Colorectal and General Surgeon,

Clinical Director for Surgery

Accountable to Mr. Jason Smith - Divisional Medical Director of Planned Care

Type of contract Fixed term 12 months

Sessions Full-time

Location West Middlesex University Hospital, Twickenham Road,

Isleworth, TW7 6AF
(possibility of occasional cross site working if and when

Trust Values
The Trust has launched its values to patients and members of the public to demonstrate the standard of care
and experience they should expect from any of our services.

These values form the mnemonic PROUD:

Putting patients first

Responsive to, and supportive of, patients and staff
Open, welcoming and honest
Unfailingly kind, treating everyone with respect, compassion and dignity
Determined to develop our skills and continuously improve the quality of care

Senior Clinical Fellow - Surgery/Planned Care - June 2021
Chelsea and Westminster Hospital NHS Foundation Trust


The Trust Management structure consists of four Clinical Divisions each managed by a Divisional Director of
Operations and a Divisional Medical Director. This post sits within the Division of Planned Care Surgery.

Surgery Department

The Surgical Division is led by a Director who is a member of the Trust Board, and is supported by a General
Manager, Associate Directors and a Clinical Director.
There are eight operating theatres, shared with specialist surgery and gynaecology, including 24 hour CEPOD
theatre and Trauma theatre. 80% of Elective work is performed in the dedicated Day Surgery Unit.

Consultant staffing with the Surgery Department

Mr. Jason Smith - General and Colorectal Surgery/Divisional Medical Director

Mr. Nikhil Pawa - General and Colorectal Surgery/Clinical Director
Ms. Bubby Thava - General and Colorectal Surgery
Mr. Chris Nicolay - General and Colorectal Surgery
Mr. Valerio Celentano - General and Colorectal Surgery
Mr. Musa Barkeji - General and Breast Surgery
Ms. Dalia Elfadl - Breast Surgery
Ms. Ayesha Khan - Breast Surgery
Mr. Osama Moussa - Emergency General Surgery
Mr. Naim Faikh Gomez - Emergency General Surgery
Mr. Ioannis Panagopoulos - Emergency General Surgery


Duties of the post

The main duties of the post will be to assist in clinics and elective theatres. It is intended to offer appointees,
where possible, equivalent opportunities for personal development as a SpR, i.e. a study leave entitlement
and allocated study leave budget.

Locums are only employed for unexpected leave, where a post is vacant and/or when additional demand is

All leave (annual and/or study), must be booked at least six weeks in advance. This means that leave must be
coordinated, and may have to be refused if the leave does not meet the department requirements, i.e. too
many clinicians already on leave during the requested leave period. It is only possible to carry over 5 days of
leave not taken, to the next year.

The timetable is arranged on a weekly basis by the current Senior SpR. You will be allocated to a number of
Theatre and Outpatient sessions that will vary each week. Careful attention is made that all middle grades
have equal opportunities in these areas.

When on-call you are not committed to any elective duties and will be involved with the emergency team

Senior Clinical Fellow - Surgery/Planned Care - June 2021
Chelsea and Westminster Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
lead by the Consultant of the Week. If you take leave during your on-call shifts you will need to arrange your
own shift cover.

The General Surgery Department at West Middlesex University Hospital is dedicated to teaching and training
the junior medical staff including medical students from Imperial College.

Daily handover meetings are held at 8 – 8.30am, which requires all clinician who are finishing and starting
their shifts to attend.

Academic afternoons are held every Friday. Sessions include audit, mortality and morbidity, clinic
pathological conferences, and junior staff teaching, guest lectures, interdepartmental meetings etc. Clinical
activities are kept to a minimum to include emergency cover only, so that all members of each team can

In addition, each Consultant firm holds a weekly multidisciplinary team meeting to discuss cases with
appropriate fellow professionals. All doctors are expected to keep up-to-date with their clinic letter dictation.

Objectives of Post

Variation to Job Description - The job description may be subject to change according to the varying needs of
the service. Such changes will be made after discussion between the post holder and his/her manager.

All duties must be carried out under supervision or within Trust policy and procedure. You must never
undertake any duties that are outside of your area of skill or knowledge level. If you are unsure you must seek
clarification from a more senior member of staff.

Preliminary Visits

Enquiries about the functioning of the business and operational activities of the Surgical Directorate can be
made to Mr. Nikhil Pawa.


Conditions of Employment

The contract issued by the Chelsea and Westminster Hospital NHS Foundation Trust will be a Trust Grade
contract subject to the 2002 Terms and Conditions of Service for Hospital Medical and Dental Staff (England
and Wales) and General Council Conditions of Service.

The person appointed shall be a medical practitioner, registered with the General Medical Council (GMC).

You will be protected by the Trust for all NHS work undertaken as part of your contract of employment.

You are encouraged to take out adequate defence cover as appropriate to cover you for any work which does
not fall within the scope of the indemnity scheme (contract of employment).

The hours of duty shall be the standard working week of 40 hours plus full shift commitment and should not
exceed an average of 48 hours per week.

The doctor accepts that she/he will also perform duties in occasional emergencies and unforeseen
Senior Clinical Fellow - Surgery/Planned Care - June 2021
Chelsea and Westminster Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
circumstances at the request of the appropriate Consultant, in consultation, where practicable, with
colleagues both senior and junior.

The post is subject to Health Clearance and, if applicable, clarification of Hepatitis B status. Applicants for
posts in the NHS are exempt from the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974.

All applicants who are offered employment will be subject to a criminal record check from the Disclosure and
Barring Service before the appointment is confirmed. This includes details of cautions, reprimands, final
warnings, as well as convictions. Further information is available from the Disclosure websites at

Health and Safety at Work

It is the duty of every employee while at work not to intentionally or recklessly interfere with anything
provided in the interest of health and safety, including anything provided in pursuance of statutory provision.

It is the duty of everyone while at work to take reasonable care of the health and
safety of themselves and other people around, who may be affected by acts or omissions at work.

It is the duty of every employee while at work to co-operate with the employer in ensuring that all statutory
and other requirements are complied with.

Infection Prevention and Control

It is the duty of every employee to comply with The Health Act (2006): Code of Practice for the Prevention
and Control of Healthcare Associated Infections, also known as “The Hygiene

Effective prevention and control of healthcare associated infections has to be embedded into everyday
practice and applied consistently by everyone. Failure to do so may result in disciplinary action.

The hospital is a partner in the clean your hands campaign. It is the responsibility of every staff member to be
aware of and comply with the hand hygiene policy and campaign in all patient areas, and promote the ethos
of the policy and campaign to all hospital users.

Information Quality Assurance

As an employee of the Trust it is expected that you will take due diligence, care and follow Trust
requirements and instructions with regard to any information collected, recorded, processed or handled by
you during the course of your work.

All Clinical staff making entries into patient health records must follow the Trust standards of record keeping.

Intellectual Property Rights

The Trust will assume joint or outright ownership of all intellectual property arising from your work unless it
can be proven that the invention demonstrably arises outside your area of duty. The Trust operates a reward
to invention scheme, for further information please contact HR.

Senior Clinical Fellow - Surgery/Planned Care - June 2021
Chelsea and Westminster Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
Violence and Aggression

The Trust has adopted a security policy in order to:

 Help protect patients, visitors and staff
 Safeguard their property
All employees have a responsibility to ensure that people using the Trust and its services are as secure as

Confidentiality & Data Protection

The post holder has a responsibility to comply with the Data Protection Act 1998 and maintain confidentiality
of staff, patients and the trust business.

If you are required to obtain process or use information held on computer or word processor, you should do
it in a fair and lawful way, ensuring accurate data is maintained. You should hold data only for the specific
registered purpose and not use or disclose it in any way incompatible with such a purpose. You should
disclose data only to those authorised or organisations as instructed.

Breaches of confidentiality and data protection in relation to data will result in disciplinary action which may
include dismissal.

Employees are expected to comply with all Trust data management processes and procedures. For those
posts where there is management or supervision of other staff it is the responsibility of that employee to
ensure that their staff receive appropriate data training (e.g. HISS induction, organising refresher sessions for
staff when necessary).

Conflict of Interest

The Trust is responsible for ensuring that the services for patients in its care meet the highest standards.
Equally, the Trust is responsible for ensuring that staff do not abuse their official position, gain or benefit
their family or friends.

Equality and Diversity

Chelsea and Westminster Hospital NHS Foundation Trust is an equal opportunities employer. We are
committed to promoting equal opportunities in employment, and will keep our policies and procedures under
review to ensure that the job related needs of all staff working in Chelsea and Westminster Hospital NHS
Foundation Trust are recognised.

The Trust aim to ensure that all job applicants, employees or clients are treated fairly and valued equally
regardless of sex, marital status, domestic circumstances, age, race, disablement, ethnic or national origin,
social background or employment status, sexual preferences, religion, beliefs, HIV status, gender
reassignment, political affiliation or trade union membership. Selection for training and development and
promotion will be on the basis of the individual’s ability to meet the requirements of the job.

Patient and Public Involvement

The Trust has a statutory duty to involve service users, carers and the public in the work of the organisation.
We consider that Patient and public involvement is the responsibility of every individual working for our
Trust. All staff have a responsibility to listen to the views of patients and to contribute to service
improvements based on patient feedback. You will be expected to support the Trust in this aim through your
working practice.
Senior Clinical Fellow - Surgery/Planned Care - June 2021
Chelsea and Westminster Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
No Smoking Policy

The Chelsea and Westminster Hospital Foundation NHS Trust operates a non-smoking environment (including
E Cigarettes) throughout the Trust, including.

Smoking in Trust buildings, on Trust grounds & car parks, entrances and exits by staff, patients, visitors or
contractors will not be tolerated.

The policy also extends to:

 All vehicles owned by the Trust.
 Leased and private vehicles during business usage when transporting passengers
 All vehicles when on Chelsea and Westminster Hospital NHS Foundation Trust premises
 At all other times staff are reminded to cover their uniform and/or badge if they smoke in their own

Car Parking and Public Transport

There are public car parks at both hospital sites for which a payable fee is required.

All staff wishing to use the Trust staff parking facilities are required to be registered with their respective
hospital scheme by submission of an application for parking permit.

If successful, they will be issued with the appropriate permit and pay the appropriate monthly/annual fee.
When the permit is issued, it must be on clear display when parking in staff car parks at the WMUH site at all

It is the responsibility of the individual to ensure that on leaving the Trust they notify Facilities a calendar
month prior to leaving and return their parking permit on their last day of use.

Trust Policies and Procedures

Trust Policies and Procedures (such as Disciplinary, Grievance, Bullying and Harassment at Work, Sickness
Absence, Career Break, Maternity/Paternity/Adoption/Parental Leave and Flexible Working etc.) are available
on the Trust Intranet.

Doctors are also managed in accordance with the national framework for managing medical conduct,
capability and ill health “Maintaining High Professional Standards” which is also available on the Intranet.

Facilities and Benefits

The Trust offers a number of benefits to employees and details can be found on our intranet, these include an
on-site Occupational Health and Wellbeing Service which run events throughout the year, schemes for staff
to benefit from salary sacrifice, including bike purchase, car leasing, computer and phone purchase. Childcare
vouchers and access to play schemes during school holidays, an interest-free season ticket loan for public
transport, and My Trust Benefits, a fantastic benefits service which offers discounts to staff at hundreds of
retailers locally and nationwide.

Pension Scheme

For further information on the current NHS Pension Scheme visit or
contact our payroll provider SBS on 0303 123 1144 or

Senior Clinical Fellow - Surgery/Planned Care - June 2021
Chelsea and Westminster Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
Person Specification

Job Title Senior Clinical Fellow Surgery

Band SCF
Division General Surgery

Suitability for this role will be decided from a mixture of application form, testing and interview.
Essential: E
Desirable: D

Trust Values
Putting patients first E
Responsive to, and supportive of, patients and staff E
Open, welcoming and honest
Unfailingly kind, treating everyone with respect, compassion and dignity E
Determined to develop our skills and continuously improve the quality of care E

Education and Qualifications

Professional qualification
Successful completion of MRCS or equivalent at time of interview E
General Professional training
MBBS or equivalent medical qualification at the time of application E
Other specific attainments
Eligible for full registration with the GMC at the time of appointment and must hold a
current licence of practice.

Senior Clinical Fellow - Surgery/Planned Care - June 2021
Chelsea and Westminster Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
Evidence of achievement in foundation competencies from a UKFPO affiliated
foundation programme or equivalent by the time of appointment. This must be in line
with GMC standards/Good Medical Practice including:

 Make the care of your patient your first concern.

 Protect and promote the health of patients and of the public E/D
 Provide a good standard of practice and care.
 Treat patients as individuals and respect their dignity.
 Work in partnership with patients.
 Be honest and open and act with integrity.

Evidence of achievement in CT/ST1 & ST2 competencies in surgery at the time of

application and CT/ST2 competencies in surgery by the time of appointment, this all
must be supported by evidence from work-based assessments of clinical performance
(DOPS, Mini-CEX, CBD, ACAT) and Multisource Feedback or equivalent

Skills and Knowledge

Clinical Skills:
 Should have substantial full-time hospital service in the SHO or a higher
grade since first obtaining full or limited registration
 General Surgery, especially emergency surgery experience.
 Strong verbal and written skills
 Experience of audit and research E
 Teaching ability
 Demonstration of keeping up to date with knowledge
 Additional experience in breast, colorectal and vascular surgery
 Evidence of training in management skills
 Understanding of the NHS organisation
Management skills: E
Communication skills: E
Teaching skills:
Audit and research:
Fitness to Practice:
Is up to date and fit to practice E
Language Skills:
All applicants have to demonstrable skills in written and spoken English that are adequate
to enable effective communication about medical topics with patients and colleagues which
could be demonstrated by one of the following:

 Applicants that have undertaken undergraduate medical training in English; or E

have the following scores in the academic International English Language Testing
System (ILTETS) - Overall = 7, Speaking = 7, Listening = 6, Reading = 6, Writing = 6

However if applicants believe that they have adequate communications skills but do not
fit into one of the examples they need to provide evidence.

Senior Clinical Fellow - Surgery/Planned Care - June 2021
Chelsea and Westminster Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
Personal qualities
Judgement under pressure:
Capacity to operate effectively under pressure and remain objective in highly E
emotive/pressurised situations. Awareness of own limitations and when to ask for
Communication skills:
Capacity to communicate effectively & sensitively with others, able to discuss E
treatment options with patients in a way they can understand.
Problem solving:
Capacity to think beyond the obvious, with analytical and flexible mind. E
Capacity to bring a range of approaches to problem solving
Situation Awareness:
Capacity to monitor and anticipate situations that may change rapidly. E
Decision making: E
Demonstrates effective judgement and decision-making skills.
Leadership and Team Involvement:
Capacity to work effectively in a multi-disciplinary team & demonstrate E
leadership when appropriate. Capacity to establish good working relations
with others.
Organisation & Planning:
Capacities to manage time and prioritise workload, balance urgent & E
important demands, follow instructions. Understands importance & impact
of information systems.

Senior Clinical Fellow - Surgery/Planned Care - June 2021
Chelsea and Westminster Hospital NHS Foundation Trust

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